該当件数 : 22件
To optimally organize data even when arriving data are sparse. - 特許庁
a hereditary condition characterized by sparse and brittle hair, short stature, and mental retardation. - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
At the time of the Meiji Restoration at the end of the Edo period, Okazaki consisted of only a few houses and vacant land. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The porous bronze and the resin are sparsely exposed on a contact face with a crank shaft 5. - 特許庁
The Chikuwa containing cheese is constituted so as to thinly disperse a plurality of diced solid chees pieces 3 in the interior of ground meat 2. - 特許庁
To solve inconvenience in seed sowing by an unskilled person that the seeds are not planted properly resulting in sparsely planting or dense planting, and much seeds are required or the like. - 特許庁
To facilitate arrangement of an auxiliary reinforcing member to be arranged where stirrup density is low, at an upper or lower part of a through-hole of a beam. - 特許庁
A dummy pattern is formed in a thin pattern region on a mask by utilizing phase contrast to impart the same shape as the shape of light diffracted by a dense pattern to light diffracted by the thin pattern, thereby reducing the thin-dense deflection of an element pattern formed on a wafer. - 特許庁
Since the ink density distribution is prepared based on the test pattern image data read in a low reading resolution, it is coarse, not the ink density distribution for every discharge nozzle. - 特許庁
To provide a map information display system capable of displaying passage times of sparsely dispersed positions on a screen with user's familiarity and facilitating determination of correspondence to the actual positions. - 特許庁
To provide a user-friendly mascara applicator capable of sufficiently applying mascara liquid not only to the inner and outer corners of the eye but also to the sparse, short and fine lower-eyelashes and further minutely adjusting the application after it. - 特許庁
To provide a device for measuring the characteristics of a cell, capable of measuring the physical characteristics of the cell accurately even when the cells are loaded sparsely in a conducting path. - 特許庁
Thereafter, the attaching part 6 is masked by a masking means 15, and only a part of the attaching part 6 is formed in a state attaching to the sheet member 1 partly. - 特許庁
To enable recommendation of an item which could not be recommended in a conventional information recommendation method based on a collaborative filtering algorithm because of an evaluation value sparsity problem and a recurring startup problem. - 特許庁
The brilliant coating film 3 formed on the surface of a base material 1 of the coated article consists of the coating film of a transparent clear coating material 4 of which the substrate is visible through and brilliant material groups 6 congested with brilliant materials 7 are sparsely dispersed into the coating film. - 特許庁
The method for producing the Chikuwa comprises rolling the ground meat 2 around a skewer, thinly attaching a plurality of diced solid chees pieces 3 on the surface of the ground meat 2 rolled around the skewer and further rolling ground meat 2 from above the solid cheese pieces 3 attached to the surface of the ground meat 2. - 特許庁
To provide a packaging material with fine and sparse resin coating, the coating which changes a texture of the surface of a resin label or the like by spraying a resin on a surface of a packaging material such as a printed resin sheet, in-mold label and the like. - 特許庁
This block 1 for guiding the visually handicapped person has a bottom part 10 and a projection part 11 arranged on its surface, and has a glass beads layer 13 and a light accumulating layer 14 arranged only in the bottom part 10, a protective layer 15 being a hard acrylic resin arranged on at least the light accumulating layer 14, and a non-slip layer 16 for sparsely arranging glass beads. - 特許庁
A light transmissive part 13 having no reflecting film is arranged in a part of a reflecting surface 12 for laying a reflecting film toward the surface side on the reverse of a transparent plate 11 having parallel and flat obverse-reverse both surfaces, and a particulate-like reflecting sphere 17 for recursively reflecting the incident light is arranged in a sparse state on the reverse side of the transparent plate. - 特許庁
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