Experimental physicist as initial training and as first years of scientific research, he first applied himself to general pedagogy and to the methodology of research in the human and social sciences, then to social and professional pedagogy and to the profession of pedagogist, a profession that he practices as an essential part of his research since the 90s.
A proactive reflection on the role of scientific culture and technical culture in Italian schools... more A proactive reflection on the role of scientific culture and technical culture in Italian schools in the 80s and 90s, starting from Childhood and Primary School
Scientific Education and the Teaching of Physics in the Continuity of School Education
This is th... more Scientific Education and the Teaching of Physics in the Continuity of School Education This is the text of a lecture given in December 1990 in front of an audience of physics teachers in the high school (14-19 years old) at a time when a reform that would give scientific culture the necessary role and resources was long overdue
Scritti di Pedagogia sociale e professionale degli anni ‘20, 2024
In this collection, there are some significant unpublished essays on Social Pedagogy and the prof... more In this collection, there are some significant unpublished essays on Social Pedagogy and the profession of Pedagogist, expressed in the '20s, that is, in the most mature segment of scientific production. It is preceded by a brief bio-bibliographical note, which allows these writings to be framed.
The author, now and since 2001 full professor on pedagogy and professional pedagogist, began his ... more The author, now and since 2001 full professor on pedagogy and professional pedagogist, began his academic and research career with the biophysics of the human semicircular canals, with initial reference to problems of space medicine, in the early 1970s as a student of the degree course in physics (at that time, four years after high school) and as an experimental thesis. The results were approved by the competent committee of the Council of Europe, and the thesis was also approved with distinction. The research was rapidly and encouragingly developed both as a mathematical and physical modelling and as a study of situations of vestibological interest, but it had to be abandoned on both sides for reasons not intrinsic to the project and despite the results already achieved. That discourse is resumed, in continuity and for coherent lines, in particular on the evolution of the physical-mathematical models to be used, with regard to concerning the anisotropy of perceptual space, about the possible new ways of experimenting on young volunteers and their innovative equipment, and about the enormous expansion and considerable differentiation of application domains in which abnormal, and even non-physiological, excitations occur, of this small but important human organ of sense.
Autogenic Training (das Autogenes Training) is a procedure that has been proposed by J. H. Schult... more Autogenic Training (das Autogenes Training) is a procedure that has been proposed by J. H. Schultz in 1932, originally with the purpose of relaxation, but which over the decades extended its role and its applications for the most varied of enhancing human personal resources. His teaching is practiced by different professionals. In this paper we discuss the contribution of social and professional pedagogy in this context and the corresponding practice, considering the methodology, didactics, the conception of the helping and assistance relationship to the person and the contribution non therapeutic to health. Even the linguistic problems in the translation from German to Italian language require attention. In the AT the professional pedagogist, apical professional in educational problems find its field of scope and exercise which has many original and very interesting features.
The Italian Parliament approved (20–27 December 2017) the law establishing the figure of the prof... more The Italian Parliament approved (20–27 December 2017) the law establishing the figure of the professional Pedagogist (law 205/2017, art. 1 594–601) with university’s enablement, thus recovering the serious Gap compared to the many more advanced countries. In this paper we summarize who is the professional Pedagogist and what is his professional profile, what are his conceptual and operative tools and what exemplary problems apply. Pedagogy is a social science, a science strictly speaking, and by its own nature a social profession, whose origins refer to classical Greece and to Latinity. “Pedagogist” is called, properly, the apical professional. We take in a synthetic examination some important examples of the rich and diversified “toolbox” the Pedagogist can use in its professional practice, in the context of a composite culture for a plurality of Inputs of various disciplinary origins, regarding the professional practising. Several social and psychological sciences give their contributions, like “educational sciences”.
“Relazione”, come da participio passato del verbo referre, designa un rapporto o legane reciproco... more “Relazione”, come da participio passato del verbo referre, designa un rapporto o legane reciproco tra persone, gruppi od entità e, per un testo, l’atto di trasmetterlo sia in forma che in contenuto. “Comunicazione” indica tutto quanto rende comune un dato d’informazione, ed anche il costruire (munio) assieme (cum). Si tratta, quindi, di concettualità a spettro molto ampio, suscettibili d’approcci multidiscipinari e riferimenti a sedi e a modalità molto diverse; si potrebbe, ad esempio, partire dalla fondamentale opera di Shannon e Weaver, modello base per ogni studio successivo (fonte – codifica – canale – decodifica – destinazione, con considerazione del rumore e con il ruolo della ridondanza, ma non del Feedback) 1 ; ripercorrere la scansione delle sei funzioni della comunicazione di Jakobson (emotiva, fàtica, conativa, poetica, metalinguistica, referenziale; da riferirsi rispettivamente al contesto, al mittente, al destinatario, al contatto, al messaggio e al codice) 2 ; oppure le tre funzioni fondamentali del linguaggio dell’adulto di Halliday (ideativa, interpersonale e testuale) 3 ; od ancora i sei assiomi della comunicazione della scuola di Palo Alto 4 . E via elencando: i referenti non mancano per uno studio specialistico.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2014
Sunto Lo scopo di questo breve contributo è presentare sinteticamente il problema della decisione... more Sunto Lo scopo di questo breve contributo è presentare sinteticamente il problema della decisione nell'ambito dell'esercizio della professione di pedagogista, e il ruolo in esso dell'abduzione, o'απαγωγή, o retroduzione, come anche nelle altre professioni sociali che hanno la pedagogia come loro componente organico. Forma paradigmatica dell'esercizio professionale pedagogico è la cosiddetta "interlocuzione pedagogica", erede legittima del dialogo socratico. La decisione nell'esercizio professionale pedagogico, propriamente, si colloca nell'interlocutore (o negli interlocutori), che viene da questi presa, discussa e fatta evolvere con l'aiuto del pedagogista professionale. Questa decisione è sempre ipotetica, interlocutoria, provvisoria; d'altra parte, essa è fallibile e falsificabile, imperfetta e perfettibile, con evidenti limiti e controindicazioni.. L'aiuto del pedagogista professionale, a questo specifico riguardo come in tutto l'esercizio professionale, comporta il ricorso all'abduzione, l'antica 'απαγωγή appunto. Essa, come del resto l'induzione, non contiene in sé la sua validità logica e deve essere sottoposta al controllo empirico, all'esperienza futura secondo un principio fondamentale del Pragmatismo classico. L'approccio professionale del pedagogista, dal punto di vista metodologico, è casistico e situazionale come forma di aiuto rivolta alla persona, alternativo alla metodologia statistico-operazionale che si rivolge piuttosto a popolazioni composte da individui.
The pedagogist is a social professional with an ancient history that re-emerged in the 20th centu... more The pedagogist is a social professional with an ancient history that re-emerged in the 20th century after the Sozialpädagogik and other contemporary developments, like other professions that had their scientific foundation in the 19th century and settled socially in the following century. Among the fields in which the pedagogist is called to practice professionally, there are the health and the psyche, in which he can effectively lend his active cooperation at the highest level with medical surgeons, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and other psychotherapists and with other professionals in the domain. In this paper, the specificity of the pedagogy and the pedagogist is rigorously outlined in order to prevent possible confusion and overlap in professional practice. Some of the physical and mental health problems that can effectively exemplify such professional cooperation are also examined. A brief reflection on health prevention, and medical pedagogy, completes the essay.
The law that, among other things, also establishes the figure of the professional pedagogist in I... more The law that, among other things, also establishes the figure of the professional pedagogist in Italy (law 205/2017, art. 1 594-601) has finally been approved by the Italian Parliament (20-27 December 2017): it provides for a qualification university. This has made up for a serious gap compared to the many more advanced countries in this regard. In this paper we summarize who the professional pedagogist is and what his professional profile is, what his professional practice techniques and procedures are and how he applies to his problems. Pedagogy is a social science, a science in the strict sense, and by its nature it is, at the same time, a social profession, whose origins refer to classical Greece and Latinity. The pedagogist is, appropriately, the top and top professional of the educational field. In this chapter we briefly examine some important examples of the rich and diversified "toolbox" that the pedagogist can use in his professional practice, in the context of a composite culture for a plurality of inputs of various disciplinary origins, concerning professional practice. Different social and psychological sciences make their contribution, understood and treated as "sciences of education /sciences de l’education".
Psychology and psychotherapy: research study, Aug 20, 2020
Pedagogy is a social science and a higher intellectual profession. In both respects, it has a his... more Pedagogy is a social science and a higher intellectual profession. In both respects, it has a history of over 2500 years (Dewey 1916), such as medicine and surgery or jurisprudence, dating back to the Sophists and Socrates. It is important to remember it because important components of its hinterland, and many of its conceptual and operational tools, date back to those origins, as we will mention. It cannot be limited to a theoretical (or "theoretical") study of education, it is not a "logy". There has been an attempt to found a "pedology" (paedology/ paidology/paedology) by Oskar Chrisman (1855-1920) in the book Paidologie. Design to a child's science (Druck von Bernhard Vopelius, Jena 1896), but in this sense it has proved sterile. Someone, with little epistemological knowledge and even less scientific culture, speaks about a "practical science", but it is a gross error. Science is pure knowledge, whose products are formulas, laws, theories and the like. If anything, there is technique, the reflection on which it is called "technology", but thereby are other things. In this case too, Durkheim's importance as a pedagogist is clear to us. It goes not without essential meanings that pedagogy is the only science and the only profession that has the suffix "agogy", which recalls a direct relationship with the reality of education, sociability and being educated peoples, and implies taking care of it as shown in Martin Luther King's well-known statement "I care!". There are also andragogy and geragogy, but they indicate branches of pedagogy having the name with the same suffix propagated, and in addition to everything in western languages, the comprehensive term "pedagogy" prevails, even for ages after the development ones. Pedagogy, in summary, is a field of engagement to education by reflection and application whose profession practice on an intermediate dimension between theory and practice, the applicative plan, in German possible application and, with certain authors, Empirie. It is one among the professions by the word. The role of the professional pedagogist is defined by practicing a specific form of helping relationship/ counseling, upon request, in the presence of problematic situations of educational, social, and relational nature. This professional practice is a special form of let's talk/alone, parlons!/ Come on, let's talk!/Su, parliamo. It's named "pedagogical interlocution". In the context of this
The profound changes that have occurred over the last few decades to the social, cultural and rel... more The profound changes that have occurred over the last few decades to the social, cultural and relational reality have added a new emphasis on pedagogy even though the emerging need for the profession of "pedagogist," a new intellectual and social profession in common consideration, but which boasts over 2500 years of history and tradition as its reference science. This profession is at the top of pedagogical and education professions. Its conceptual and operational framework, its methodologies and procedures, its technical vocabulary and everything constituting an advanced professional knowledge were born and developed in the ancient times, beginning with its origins in classical Greece. The recent re-foundations can be found in the Sozialpädagogik, in the same Mittleuropean cultural environment where other social professions of recent birth have their ground. Re-founders of this science and profession were Mager, Diesterweg, Natorp and Durkheim Pedagogist. In this paper, we summarized the essential features of this profession, its methodology, its principles, its practical procedures, with special attention to the problems of couple and family, and those belonging to its initial education and its recognition by law which in Italy have been solved only at the end of the year 2017. The branch of General Pedagogy that includes this subject is called Professional Pedagogy.
The aim is to offer a contribution to the problem of decision-making in the world of the higher i... more The aim is to offer a contribution to the problem of decision-making in the world of the higher intellectual professions, considering the pedagogy as a paradigmatic profession in the social, caring, and helping field. Pedagogy is an ancient science and profession, like medicine and jurisprudence, as it is known. The professional practice, in the social field as in the health and in other fields, consists in reconnecting the complex phenomenology of each singular particular case to a more limited number of general cases, theories, or disciplinary casuistries. It is a question of making a diagnosis, in a broad sense of the term. For this procedure, both the positive inductivist approach, from many facts to the generalization, and the idealistic and deductive approach, from general a priori ideas to the particular, are obsolete. We then examine the pragmatistic concept of abduction and, more generally, the contributions of the most up-to-date methodology, just as it is applied in the practice of professionals.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2017
In this paper, we delineate the technique of the so-called "pedagogical interlocution", which is ... more In this paper, we delineate the technique of the so-called "pedagogical interlocution", which is a way to exercise and practice pedagogy as a profession, and a paradigmatic form of aid's relationship in which to implement specific conceptual and operational tools of pedagogy. It constitutes the result of twenty-five years of studies and empirical research by the free-professional exercise, especially on the problems of couple, family and parenthood, and summarize the complex of principles, methods, techniques, procedures, ideas and specific vocabulary that are necessary to constitute the professionalism of the pedagogist and allows to exercise using the contributions of pedagogy. Such a contribution is becoming increasingly necessary in the current evolution of social and cultural reality.
The family that fulfils a paradigm defined "conjugal" or "nuclear" is a cultural construction res... more The family that fulfils a paradigm defined "conjugal" or "nuclear" is a cultural construction resulting in the Enlightenment, the bourgeois revolutions at the end of XVIII century and in the end of the Age historiographic ally called "Modern". In the following brief historical age, characterized by a particular Bürgergeist, the family formed the nucleus of society, along with a product and a status of the system and its integrity, as well as a homologating pattern for education. The next epochal transitions began in the second half of the twentieth century and raised the issue of new paradigms of couple and family, thus requiring a renewed aid as essential to the Pedagogy as a social science and a profession. This paper bears witness to the contribution that pedagogy as a social profession takes and must be called to make to the family problems of the difficult and interminable epochal transition.
Pedagogy is a social science whose origins refer to classical Greece, and it is also for its own ... more Pedagogy is a social science whose origins refer to classical Greece, and it is also for its own nature a social profession, with neighboring foundations in the nineteenth century Mitteleuropa, whose apical professional is called "Pedagogist", properly. Italy has given recently legal recognition to the professional Pedagogist (law 205/2017, art. 1 594-601). In this essay we take in synthetic examination the profile of this social professional and of some important examples of the rich and diversified "toolbox" that he can use in its practice, in a composite culture and relevant for its differentiated inputs and their integration, with particular regard to the professional practising for couple and family problems. We can understand also the reasons why the historical dimension is so important, necessary, to the training of the Pedagogist like to every pedagogy student
A proactive reflection on the role of scientific culture and technical culture in Italian schools... more A proactive reflection on the role of scientific culture and technical culture in Italian schools in the 80s and 90s, starting from Childhood and Primary School
Scientific Education and the Teaching of Physics in the Continuity of School Education
This is th... more Scientific Education and the Teaching of Physics in the Continuity of School Education This is the text of a lecture given in December 1990 in front of an audience of physics teachers in the high school (14-19 years old) at a time when a reform that would give scientific culture the necessary role and resources was long overdue
Scritti di Pedagogia sociale e professionale degli anni ‘20, 2024
In this collection, there are some significant unpublished essays on Social Pedagogy and the prof... more In this collection, there are some significant unpublished essays on Social Pedagogy and the profession of Pedagogist, expressed in the '20s, that is, in the most mature segment of scientific production. It is preceded by a brief bio-bibliographical note, which allows these writings to be framed.
The author, now and since 2001 full professor on pedagogy and professional pedagogist, began his ... more The author, now and since 2001 full professor on pedagogy and professional pedagogist, began his academic and research career with the biophysics of the human semicircular canals, with initial reference to problems of space medicine, in the early 1970s as a student of the degree course in physics (at that time, four years after high school) and as an experimental thesis. The results were approved by the competent committee of the Council of Europe, and the thesis was also approved with distinction. The research was rapidly and encouragingly developed both as a mathematical and physical modelling and as a study of situations of vestibological interest, but it had to be abandoned on both sides for reasons not intrinsic to the project and despite the results already achieved. That discourse is resumed, in continuity and for coherent lines, in particular on the evolution of the physical-mathematical models to be used, with regard to concerning the anisotropy of perceptual space, about the possible new ways of experimenting on young volunteers and their innovative equipment, and about the enormous expansion and considerable differentiation of application domains in which abnormal, and even non-physiological, excitations occur, of this small but important human organ of sense.
Autogenic Training (das Autogenes Training) is a procedure that has been proposed by J. H. Schult... more Autogenic Training (das Autogenes Training) is a procedure that has been proposed by J. H. Schultz in 1932, originally with the purpose of relaxation, but which over the decades extended its role and its applications for the most varied of enhancing human personal resources. His teaching is practiced by different professionals. In this paper we discuss the contribution of social and professional pedagogy in this context and the corresponding practice, considering the methodology, didactics, the conception of the helping and assistance relationship to the person and the contribution non therapeutic to health. Even the linguistic problems in the translation from German to Italian language require attention. In the AT the professional pedagogist, apical professional in educational problems find its field of scope and exercise which has many original and very interesting features.
The Italian Parliament approved (20–27 December 2017) the law establishing the figure of the prof... more The Italian Parliament approved (20–27 December 2017) the law establishing the figure of the professional Pedagogist (law 205/2017, art. 1 594–601) with university’s enablement, thus recovering the serious Gap compared to the many more advanced countries. In this paper we summarize who is the professional Pedagogist and what is his professional profile, what are his conceptual and operative tools and what exemplary problems apply. Pedagogy is a social science, a science strictly speaking, and by its own nature a social profession, whose origins refer to classical Greece and to Latinity. “Pedagogist” is called, properly, the apical professional. We take in a synthetic examination some important examples of the rich and diversified “toolbox” the Pedagogist can use in its professional practice, in the context of a composite culture for a plurality of Inputs of various disciplinary origins, regarding the professional practising. Several social and psychological sciences give their contributions, like “educational sciences”.
“Relazione”, come da participio passato del verbo referre, designa un rapporto o legane reciproco... more “Relazione”, come da participio passato del verbo referre, designa un rapporto o legane reciproco tra persone, gruppi od entità e, per un testo, l’atto di trasmetterlo sia in forma che in contenuto. “Comunicazione” indica tutto quanto rende comune un dato d’informazione, ed anche il costruire (munio) assieme (cum). Si tratta, quindi, di concettualità a spettro molto ampio, suscettibili d’approcci multidiscipinari e riferimenti a sedi e a modalità molto diverse; si potrebbe, ad esempio, partire dalla fondamentale opera di Shannon e Weaver, modello base per ogni studio successivo (fonte – codifica – canale – decodifica – destinazione, con considerazione del rumore e con il ruolo della ridondanza, ma non del Feedback) 1 ; ripercorrere la scansione delle sei funzioni della comunicazione di Jakobson (emotiva, fàtica, conativa, poetica, metalinguistica, referenziale; da riferirsi rispettivamente al contesto, al mittente, al destinatario, al contatto, al messaggio e al codice) 2 ; oppure le tre funzioni fondamentali del linguaggio dell’adulto di Halliday (ideativa, interpersonale e testuale) 3 ; od ancora i sei assiomi della comunicazione della scuola di Palo Alto 4 . E via elencando: i referenti non mancano per uno studio specialistico.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2014
Sunto Lo scopo di questo breve contributo è presentare sinteticamente il problema della decisione... more Sunto Lo scopo di questo breve contributo è presentare sinteticamente il problema della decisione nell'ambito dell'esercizio della professione di pedagogista, e il ruolo in esso dell'abduzione, o'απαγωγή, o retroduzione, come anche nelle altre professioni sociali che hanno la pedagogia come loro componente organico. Forma paradigmatica dell'esercizio professionale pedagogico è la cosiddetta "interlocuzione pedagogica", erede legittima del dialogo socratico. La decisione nell'esercizio professionale pedagogico, propriamente, si colloca nell'interlocutore (o negli interlocutori), che viene da questi presa, discussa e fatta evolvere con l'aiuto del pedagogista professionale. Questa decisione è sempre ipotetica, interlocutoria, provvisoria; d'altra parte, essa è fallibile e falsificabile, imperfetta e perfettibile, con evidenti limiti e controindicazioni.. L'aiuto del pedagogista professionale, a questo specifico riguardo come in tutto l'esercizio professionale, comporta il ricorso all'abduzione, l'antica 'απαγωγή appunto. Essa, come del resto l'induzione, non contiene in sé la sua validità logica e deve essere sottoposta al controllo empirico, all'esperienza futura secondo un principio fondamentale del Pragmatismo classico. L'approccio professionale del pedagogista, dal punto di vista metodologico, è casistico e situazionale come forma di aiuto rivolta alla persona, alternativo alla metodologia statistico-operazionale che si rivolge piuttosto a popolazioni composte da individui.
The pedagogist is a social professional with an ancient history that re-emerged in the 20th centu... more The pedagogist is a social professional with an ancient history that re-emerged in the 20th century after the Sozialpädagogik and other contemporary developments, like other professions that had their scientific foundation in the 19th century and settled socially in the following century. Among the fields in which the pedagogist is called to practice professionally, there are the health and the psyche, in which he can effectively lend his active cooperation at the highest level with medical surgeons, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and other psychotherapists and with other professionals in the domain. In this paper, the specificity of the pedagogy and the pedagogist is rigorously outlined in order to prevent possible confusion and overlap in professional practice. Some of the physical and mental health problems that can effectively exemplify such professional cooperation are also examined. A brief reflection on health prevention, and medical pedagogy, completes the essay.
The law that, among other things, also establishes the figure of the professional pedagogist in I... more The law that, among other things, also establishes the figure of the professional pedagogist in Italy (law 205/2017, art. 1 594-601) has finally been approved by the Italian Parliament (20-27 December 2017): it provides for a qualification university. This has made up for a serious gap compared to the many more advanced countries in this regard. In this paper we summarize who the professional pedagogist is and what his professional profile is, what his professional practice techniques and procedures are and how he applies to his problems. Pedagogy is a social science, a science in the strict sense, and by its nature it is, at the same time, a social profession, whose origins refer to classical Greece and Latinity. The pedagogist is, appropriately, the top and top professional of the educational field. In this chapter we briefly examine some important examples of the rich and diversified "toolbox" that the pedagogist can use in his professional practice, in the context of a composite culture for a plurality of inputs of various disciplinary origins, concerning professional practice. Different social and psychological sciences make their contribution, understood and treated as "sciences of education /sciences de l’education".
Psychology and psychotherapy: research study, Aug 20, 2020
Pedagogy is a social science and a higher intellectual profession. In both respects, it has a his... more Pedagogy is a social science and a higher intellectual profession. In both respects, it has a history of over 2500 years (Dewey 1916), such as medicine and surgery or jurisprudence, dating back to the Sophists and Socrates. It is important to remember it because important components of its hinterland, and many of its conceptual and operational tools, date back to those origins, as we will mention. It cannot be limited to a theoretical (or "theoretical") study of education, it is not a "logy". There has been an attempt to found a "pedology" (paedology/ paidology/paedology) by Oskar Chrisman (1855-1920) in the book Paidologie. Design to a child's science (Druck von Bernhard Vopelius, Jena 1896), but in this sense it has proved sterile. Someone, with little epistemological knowledge and even less scientific culture, speaks about a "practical science", but it is a gross error. Science is pure knowledge, whose products are formulas, laws, theories and the like. If anything, there is technique, the reflection on which it is called "technology", but thereby are other things. In this case too, Durkheim's importance as a pedagogist is clear to us. It goes not without essential meanings that pedagogy is the only science and the only profession that has the suffix "agogy", which recalls a direct relationship with the reality of education, sociability and being educated peoples, and implies taking care of it as shown in Martin Luther King's well-known statement "I care!". There are also andragogy and geragogy, but they indicate branches of pedagogy having the name with the same suffix propagated, and in addition to everything in western languages, the comprehensive term "pedagogy" prevails, even for ages after the development ones. Pedagogy, in summary, is a field of engagement to education by reflection and application whose profession practice on an intermediate dimension between theory and practice, the applicative plan, in German possible application and, with certain authors, Empirie. It is one among the professions by the word. The role of the professional pedagogist is defined by practicing a specific form of helping relationship/ counseling, upon request, in the presence of problematic situations of educational, social, and relational nature. This professional practice is a special form of let's talk/alone, parlons!/ Come on, let's talk!/Su, parliamo. It's named "pedagogical interlocution". In the context of this
The profound changes that have occurred over the last few decades to the social, cultural and rel... more The profound changes that have occurred over the last few decades to the social, cultural and relational reality have added a new emphasis on pedagogy even though the emerging need for the profession of "pedagogist," a new intellectual and social profession in common consideration, but which boasts over 2500 years of history and tradition as its reference science. This profession is at the top of pedagogical and education professions. Its conceptual and operational framework, its methodologies and procedures, its technical vocabulary and everything constituting an advanced professional knowledge were born and developed in the ancient times, beginning with its origins in classical Greece. The recent re-foundations can be found in the Sozialpädagogik, in the same Mittleuropean cultural environment where other social professions of recent birth have their ground. Re-founders of this science and profession were Mager, Diesterweg, Natorp and Durkheim Pedagogist. In this paper, we summarized the essential features of this profession, its methodology, its principles, its practical procedures, with special attention to the problems of couple and family, and those belonging to its initial education and its recognition by law which in Italy have been solved only at the end of the year 2017. The branch of General Pedagogy that includes this subject is called Professional Pedagogy.
The aim is to offer a contribution to the problem of decision-making in the world of the higher i... more The aim is to offer a contribution to the problem of decision-making in the world of the higher intellectual professions, considering the pedagogy as a paradigmatic profession in the social, caring, and helping field. Pedagogy is an ancient science and profession, like medicine and jurisprudence, as it is known. The professional practice, in the social field as in the health and in other fields, consists in reconnecting the complex phenomenology of each singular particular case to a more limited number of general cases, theories, or disciplinary casuistries. It is a question of making a diagnosis, in a broad sense of the term. For this procedure, both the positive inductivist approach, from many facts to the generalization, and the idealistic and deductive approach, from general a priori ideas to the particular, are obsolete. We then examine the pragmatistic concept of abduction and, more generally, the contributions of the most up-to-date methodology, just as it is applied in the practice of professionals.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2017
In this paper, we delineate the technique of the so-called "pedagogical interlocution", which is ... more In this paper, we delineate the technique of the so-called "pedagogical interlocution", which is a way to exercise and practice pedagogy as a profession, and a paradigmatic form of aid's relationship in which to implement specific conceptual and operational tools of pedagogy. It constitutes the result of twenty-five years of studies and empirical research by the free-professional exercise, especially on the problems of couple, family and parenthood, and summarize the complex of principles, methods, techniques, procedures, ideas and specific vocabulary that are necessary to constitute the professionalism of the pedagogist and allows to exercise using the contributions of pedagogy. Such a contribution is becoming increasingly necessary in the current evolution of social and cultural reality.
The family that fulfils a paradigm defined "conjugal" or "nuclear" is a cultural construction res... more The family that fulfils a paradigm defined "conjugal" or "nuclear" is a cultural construction resulting in the Enlightenment, the bourgeois revolutions at the end of XVIII century and in the end of the Age historiographic ally called "Modern". In the following brief historical age, characterized by a particular Bürgergeist, the family formed the nucleus of society, along with a product and a status of the system and its integrity, as well as a homologating pattern for education. The next epochal transitions began in the second half of the twentieth century and raised the issue of new paradigms of couple and family, thus requiring a renewed aid as essential to the Pedagogy as a social science and a profession. This paper bears witness to the contribution that pedagogy as a social profession takes and must be called to make to the family problems of the difficult and interminable epochal transition.
Pedagogy is a social science whose origins refer to classical Greece, and it is also for its own ... more Pedagogy is a social science whose origins refer to classical Greece, and it is also for its own nature a social profession, with neighboring foundations in the nineteenth century Mitteleuropa, whose apical professional is called "Pedagogist", properly. Italy has given recently legal recognition to the professional Pedagogist (law 205/2017, art. 1 594-601). In this essay we take in synthetic examination the profile of this social professional and of some important examples of the rich and diversified "toolbox" that he can use in its practice, in a composite culture and relevant for its differentiated inputs and their integration, with particular regard to the professional practising for couple and family problems. We can understand also the reasons why the historical dimension is so important, necessary, to the training of the Pedagogist like to every pedagogy student
It is an entire unpublished treatise, booked according to Italian press laws, on what social peda... more It is an entire unpublished treatise, booked according to Italian press laws, on what social pedagogy can be and what support it offers for social and helping professions.
Pedagogy today is a profession too, and the social interest is increqsing speedy and evidently. H... more Pedagogy today is a profession too, and the social interest is increqsing speedy and evidently. Here the institutions and dp exemples of professional practice.
An ancient science and profession, with specific developments in the last few centuries, and the ... more An ancient science and profession, with specific developments in the last few centuries, and the need for which is becoming stronger and clearer.
What is professional Pedagogy? A new branch of this bimillenarian social and human scienc, basis ... more What is professional Pedagogy? A new branch of this bimillenarian social and human scienc, basis for the practice professional of the Pedagogist like social professional.
Blezza Franco - Scritti depositati di pedagogia professionale
It is a collection of papers and writings on the pedagogical prefession, wide-ranging and very to... more It is a collection of papers and writings on the pedagogical prefession, wide-ranging and very topical, expressed in the context of the debate in Italy on the subject and on scientific and professional recognition.
Blezza Franco - Scritti depositati di pedagogia professionale, 2023
It is a collection of writings on the pedagogical prefession, wide-ranging and very topical, expr... more It is a collection of writings on the pedagogical prefession, wide-ranging and very topical, expressed in the context of the debate in Italy on the subject and on scientific and professional recognition.
Blezza Franco - Scritti depositati di Pedagogia Professionale 1998-99, 2023
A collection of papers and writings on professional pedagogy and on the profession of pedagogist,... more A collection of papers and writings on professional pedagogy and on the profession of pedagogist, wide-ranging and highly topical, developed in the context of the academic start-up of the profession in Italy, difficult to find today and filed and booked in accordance with the Italian law of the press.
Blezza Scritti depositati di Pedagogia professionale
A collection of writings on social and professional pedagogy of limited circulation and lively to... more A collection of writings on social and professional pedagogy of limited circulation and lively topicality, which have been deposited and booked according with the Italian law on the press.
Inedito depositato ai sensi della legge italiana sulla stampa, 2000
Lo scritto è il risultato della revisione ed integrazione dell'intervento registrato con una part... more Lo scritto è il risultato della revisione ed integrazione dell'intervento registrato con una parte dell'apparato iconografico ed esemplificativo cui si è fatto ricorso. Si è fatto il possibile per mantenere lo stile espositivo orale, e a tratti discorsivo, nonché il complesso dei materiali impiegati, come durante una usuale conversazione per corsi di formazione continua degli insegnanti, seguendo le suggestioni di un'esperienza ventennale in materia, iniziatasi da quando lo scrivente era insegnante di materie scientifiche nelle scuola secondarie. Anche i ritorni su alcuni punti importanti fanno parte del gioco, Si tratta, comunque, di una sintesi di discorsi che non c'è la materiale possibilità di fare con l'ampiezza e i dettagli che sarebbero richiesti, ma che certo l'insegnante provveduto è in grado di sviluppare nel contesto della sua cultura e dell'esercizio della sua professione. Si sono riprocessati solo quei rimandi contestuali, a cose dette in dialogo o i riferimenti ad altre relazioni delle "giornate", che non sarebbero stati comprensibili nella lettura di questo solo scritto isolatamente dalle altre cose dette. Ma per il resto si sono mantenute integralmente anche quelle immagini le quali, pur non necessarie per l'economia del discorso, possono essere utili nell'esposizione orale.
Papers by Franco Blezza
This is the text of a lecture given in December 1990 in front of an audience of physics teachers in the high school (14-19 years old) at a time when a reform that would give scientific culture the necessary role and resources was long overdue
This is the text of a lecture given in December 1990 in front of an audience of physics teachers in the high school (14-19 years old) at a time when a reform that would give scientific culture the necessary role and resources was long overdue