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110 results sorted by ID

Possible spell-corrected query: matrix code
2025/274 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-21
Post-Quantum Blind Signatures from Matrix Code Equivalence
Veronika Kuchta, Jason T. LeGrow, Edoardo Persichetti
Cryptographic protocols

We construct a novel code-based blind signature scheme, us- ing the Matrix Equivalence Digital Signature (MEDS) group action. The scheme is built using similar ideas to the Schnorr blind signature scheme and CSI-Otter, but uses additional public key and commitment informa- tion to overcome the difficulties that the MEDS group action faces: lack of module structure (present in Schnorr), lack of a quadratic twist (present in CSI-Otter), and non-commutativity of the acting group. We address...

2024/2008 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-12
PrivCirNet: Efficient Private Inference via Block Circulant Transformation
Tianshi Xu, Lemeng Wu, Runsheng Wang, Meng Li

Homomorphic encryption (HE)-based deep neural network (DNN) inference protects data and model privacy but suffers from significant computation overhead. We observe transforming the DNN weights into circulant matrices converts general matrix-vector multiplications into HE-friendly 1-dimensional convolutions, drastically reducing the HE computation cost. Hence, in this paper, we propose PrivCirNet, a protocol/network co-optimization framework based on block circulant transformation. At the...

2024/1825 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-07
BrakingBase - a linear prover, poly-logarithmic verifier, field agnostic polynomial commitment scheme
Vineet Nair, Ashish Sharma, Bhargav Thankey
Cryptographic protocols

We propose a Polynomial Commitment Scheme (PCS), called BrakingBase, which allows a prover to commit to multilinear (or univariate) polynomials with $n$ coefficients in $O(n)$ time. The evaluation protocol of BrakingBase operates with an $O(n)$ time-complexity for the prover, while the verifier time-complexity and proof-complexity are $O(\lambda \log^2 n)$, where $λ$ is the security parameter. Notably, BrakingBase is field-agnostic, meaning it can be instantiated over any field of...

2024/1759 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-28
A Forgery Attack on a Code-based Signature Scheme
Ali Babaei, Taraneh Eghlidos
Attacks and cryptanalysis

With the advent of quantum computers, the security of cryptographic primitives, including digital signature schemes, has been compromised. To deal with this issue, some signature schemes have been introduced to resist against these computers. These schemes are known as post-quantum signature schemes. One group of these schemes is based on the hard problems of coding theory, called code-based cryptographic schemes. Several code-based signature schemes are inspired by the McEliece encryption...

2024/1668 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-15
Modelings for generic PoK and Applications: Shorter SD and PKP based Signatures
Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Philippe Gaborit, Mukul Kulkarni
Public-key cryptography

The Multi-Party Computation in the Head (MPCitH) paradigm has proven to be a versatile tool to design proofs of knowledge (PoK) based on variety of computationally hard problems. For instance, many post-quantum signatures have been designed from MPC based proofs combined with the Fiat-Shamir transformation. Over the years, MPCitH has evolved significantly with developments based on techniques such as threshold computing and other optimizations. Recently, Vector Oblivious Linear Evaluation...

2024/1624 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-14
Double-Matrix: Complete Diffusion in a Single Round with (small) MDS Matrices
Jorge Nakahara Jr
Secret-key cryptography

This paper describes a simple idea to improve (text) diffusion in block ciphers that use MDS codes but that take more than a single round to achieve full (text) diffusion. The Rijndael cipher family is used as an example since it comprises ciphers with different state sizes. A drawback of the new approach is the additional computational cost, but it is competitive compared to large MDS matrices used in the Khazad and Kuznyechik ciphers.

2024/1595 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-01-30
DeepFold: Efficient Multilinear Polynomial Commitment from Reed-Solomon Code and Its Application to Zero-knowledge Proofs
Yanpei Guo, Xuanming Liu, Kexi Huang, Wenjie Qu, Tianyang Tao, Jiaheng Zhang
Cryptographic protocols

This work presents Deepfold, a novel multilinear polynomial commitment scheme (PCS) based on Reed-Solomon code that offers optimal prover time and a more concise proof size. For the first time, Deepfold adapts the FRI-based multilinear PCS to the list decoding radius setting, requiring significantly fewer query repetitions and thereby achieving a 3$\times$ reduction in proof size compared to Basefold (Crypto'24), while preserving its advantages in prover time. Compared with PolyFRIM (USENIX...

2024/1396 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-05
Rare structures in tensor graphs - Bermuda triangles for cryptosystems based on the Tensor Isomorphism problem
Lars Ran, Simona Samardjiska
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Recently, there has been a lot of interest in improving the understanding of the practical hardness of the 3-Tensor Isomorphism (3-TI) problem, which, given two 3-tensors, asks for an isometry between the two. The current state-of-the-art for solving this problem is the algebraic algorithm of Ran et al. '23 and the graph-theoretic algorithm of Narayanan et al. '24 that have both slightly reduced the security of the signature schemes MEDS and ALTEQ, based on variants of the 3-TI problem...

2024/907 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-10
Reducing the Number of Qubits in Quantum Information Set Decoding
Clémence Chevignard, Pierre-Alain Fouque, André Schrottenloher
Attacks and cryptanalysis

This paper presents an optimization of the memory cost of the quantum Information Set Decoding (ISD) algorithm proposed by Bernstein (PQCrypto 2010), obtained by combining Prange's ISD with Grover's quantum search. When the code has constant rate and length $n$, this algorithm essentially performs a quantum search which, at each iteration, solves a linear system of dimension $\mathcal{O}(n)$. The typical code lengths used in post-quantum public-key cryptosystems range from $10^3$ to...

2024/732 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-11
Compact Encryption based on Module-NTRU problems
Shi Bai, Hansraj Jangir, Hao Lin, Tran Ngo, Weiqiang Wen, Jinwei Zheng
Public-key cryptography

The Module-NTRU problem, introduced by Cheon, Kim, Kim, Son (IACR ePrint 2019/1468), and Chuengsatiansup, Prest, Stehlé, Wallet, Xagawa (ASIACCS ’20), generalizes the versatile NTRU assump- tion. One of its main advantages lies in its ability to offer greater flexibil- ity on parameters, such as the underlying ring dimension. In this work, we present several lattice-based encryption schemes, which are IND-CPA (or OW-CPA) secure in the standard model based on the Module-NTRU and...

2024/495 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-03
Reducing Signature Size of Matrix-code-based Signature Schemes
Tung Chou, Ruben Niederhagen, Lars Ran, Simona Samardjiska
Cryptographic protocols

This paper shows novel techniques to reduce the signature size of the code-based signature schemes MEDS and ALTEQ, by a large factor. For both schemes, the signature size is dominated by the responses for rounds with nonzero challenges, and we reduce the signature size by reducing the size of these responses. For MEDS, each of the responses consists of $m^2 + n^2$ field elements,while in our new protocol each response consists of only $2k$ ($k$ is usually chosen to be close to $m$ and $n$)...

2024/368 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-28
Algorithms for Matrix Code and Alternating Trilinear Form Equivalences via New Isomorphism Invariants
Anand Kumar Narayanan, Youming Qiao, Gang Tang
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We devise algorithms for finding equivalences of trilinear forms over finite fields modulo linear group actions. Our focus is on two problems under this umbrella, Matrix Code Equivalence (MCE) and Alternating Trilinear Form Equivalence (ATFE), since their hardness is the foundation of the NIST round-$1$ signature candidates MEDS and ALTEQ respectively. We present new algorithms for MCE and ATFE, which are further developments of the algorithms for polynomial isomorphism and alternating...

2024/364 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-07
Algebraic Algorithm for the Alternating Trilinear Form Equivalence Problem
Lars Ran, Simona Samardjiska, Monika Trimoska
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Alternating Trilinear Form Equivalence (ATFE) problem was recently used by Tang et al. as a hardness assumption in the design of a Fiat-Shamir digital signature scheme ALTEQ. The scheme was submitted to the additional round for digital signatures of the NIST standardization process for post-quantum cryptography. ATFE is a hard equivalence problem known to be in the class of equivalence problems that includes, for instance, the Tensor Isomorphism (TI), Quadratic Maps Linear...

2024/337 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-14
Solving the Tensor Isomorphism Problem for special orbits with low rank points: Cryptanalysis and repair of an Asiacrypt 2023 commitment scheme
Valerie Gilchrist, Laurane Marco, Christophe Petit, Gang Tang
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Tensor Isomorphism Problem (TIP) has been shown to be equivalent to the matrix code equivalence problem, making it an interesting candidate on which to build post-quantum cryptographic primitives. These hard problems have already been used in protocol development. One of these, MEDS, is currently in Round 1 of NIST's call for additional post-quantum digital signatures. In this work, we consider the TIP for a special class of tensors. The hardness of the decisional version of this...

2024/244 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-26
Don’t Use It Twice! Solving Relaxed Linear Code Equivalence Problems
Alessandro Budroni, Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez, Giuseppe D'Alconzo, Antonio J. Di Scala, Mukul Kulkarni
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Linear Code Equivalence (LCE) Problem has received increased attention in recent years due to its applicability in constructing efficient digital signatures. Notably, the LESS signature scheme based on LCE is under consideration for the NIST post-quantum standardization process, along with the MEDS signature scheme that relies on an extension of LCE to the rank metric, namely the Matrix Code Equivalence (MCE) Problem. Building upon these developments, a family of signatures with...

2024/175 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-01-06
Lossy Cryptography from Code-Based Assumptions
Quang Dao, Aayush Jain
Public-key cryptography

Over the past few decades, we have seen a proliferation of advanced cryptographic primitives with lossy or homomorphic properties built from various assumptions such as Quadratic Residuosity, Decisional Diffie-Hellman, and Learning with Errors. These primitives imply hard problems in the complexity class $\mathcal{SZK}$ (statistical zero-knowledge); as a consequence, they can only be based on assumptions that are broken in $\mathcal{BPP}^{\mathcal{SZK}}$. This poses a barrier for building...

2024/095 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-22
ConvKyber: Unleashing the Power of AI Accelerators for Faster Kyber with Novel Iteration-based Approaches
Tian Zhou, Fangyu Zheng, Guang Fan, Lipeng Wan, Wenxu Tang, Yixuan Song, Yi Bian, Jingqiang Lin

The remarkable performance capabilities of AI accelerators offer promising opportunities for accelerating cryptographic algorithms, particularly in the context of lattice-based cryptography. However, current approaches to leveraging AI accelerators often remain at a rudimentary level of implementation, overlooking the intricate internal mechanisms of these devices. Consequently, a significant number of computational resources is underutilized. In this paper, we present a comprehensive...

2023/1729 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-08
CompactTag: Minimizing Computation Overheads in Actively-Secure MPC for Deep Neural Networks
Yongqin Wang, Pratik Sarkar, Nishat Koti, Arpita Patra, Murali Annavaram
Cryptographic protocols

Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) protocols enable secure evaluation of a circuit by several parties, even in the presence of an adversary who maliciously corrupts all but one of the parties. These MPC protocols are constructed using the well-known secret-sharing-based paradigm (SPDZ and SPD$\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$), where the protocols ensure security against a malicious adversary by computing Message Authentication Code (MAC) tags on the input shares and then evaluating the circuit with these...

2023/1657 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-26
PQCMC: Post-Quantum Cryptography McEliece-Chen Implicit Certificate Scheme
Abel C. H. Chen
Public-key cryptography

In recent years, the elliptic curve Qu-Vanstone (ECQV) implicit certificate scheme has found application in security credential management systems (SCMS) and secure vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication to issue pseudonymous certificates. However, the vulnerability of elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) to polynomial-time attacks posed by quantum computing raises concerns. In order to enhance resistance against quantum computing threats, various post-quantum cryptography methods have been...

2023/1536 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-11
Leaky McEliece: Secret Key Recovery From Highly Erroneous Side-Channel Information
Marcus Brinkmann, Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Alexander May, Julian Nowakowski, Yuval Yarom
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The McEliece cryptosystem is a strong contender for post-quantum schemes, including key encapsulation for confidentiality of key exchanges in network protocols. A McEliece secret key is a structured parity check matrix that is transformed via Gaussian elimination into an unstructured public key. We show that this transformation is highly critical with respect to side-channel leakage. We assume leakage of the elementary row operations during Gaussian elimination, motivated by McEliece...

2023/1521 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-11
A reduced set of submatrices for a faster evaluation of the MDS property of a circulant matrix with entries that are powers of two
Dragan Lambić

In this paper a reduced set of submatrices for a faster evaluation of the MDS property of a circulant matrix, with entries that are powers of two, is proposed. A proposition is made that under the condition that all entries of a t × t circulant matrix are powers of 2, it is sufficient to check only its 2x2 submatrices in order to evaluate the MDS property in a prime field. Although there is no theoretical proof to support this proposition at this point, the experimental results conducted on...

2023/1263 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-30
Quantum security analysis of Wave
Johanna Loyer

Wave is a code-based digital signature scheme. Its hardness relies on the unforgeability of signature and the indistinguishability of its public key, a parity check matrix of a ternary $(U, U+V)$-code. The best known attacks involve solving the Decoding Problem using the Information Set Decoding algorithm (ISD) to defeat these two problems. Our main contribution is the description of a quantum smoothed Wagner's algorithm within the ISD, which improves the forgery attack on Wave in the...

2023/997 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-26
An extension of Overbeck's attack with an application to cryptanalysis of Twisted Gabidulin-based schemes.
Alain Couvreur, Ilaria Zappatore
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this article, we discuss the decoding of Gabidulin and related codes from a cryptographic point of view, and we observe that these codes can be decoded solely from the knowledge of a generator matrix. We then extend and revisit Gibson and Overbeck attacks on the generalized GPT encryption scheme (instantiated with the Gabidulin code) for different ranks of the distortion matrix. We apply our attack to the case of an instantiation with twisted Gabidulin codes.

2023/950 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-24
A new approach based on quadratic forms to attack the McEliece cryptosystem
Alain Couvreur, Rocco Mora, Jean-Pierre Tillich
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We introduce a novel algebraic approach for attacking the McEliece cryptosystem which is currently at the $4$-th round of the NIST competition. The contributions of the article are twofold. (1) We present a new distinguisher on alternant and Goppa codes working in a much broader range of parameters than \cite{FGOPT11}. (2) With this approach we also provide a polynomial--time key recovery attack on alternant codes which are distinguishable with the distinguisher \cite{FGOPT11}. ...

2023/617 Last updated: 2024-08-17
Quantum Implementation of ASCON Linear Layer
Soham Roy, Anubhab Baksi, Anupam Chattopadhyay
Secret-key cryptography

In this paper, we show an in-place implementation of the ASCON linear layer. An in-place implementation is important in the context of quantum computing, we expect our work will be useful in quantum implementation of ASCON. In order to get the implementation, we first write the ASCON linear layer as a binary matrix; then apply two legacy algorithms (Gauss-Jordan elimination and PLU factorization) as well as our modified version of Xiang et al.'s algorithm/source-code (published in...

2023/546 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-17
Horizontal Correlation Attack on Classic McEliece
Brice Colombier, Vincent Grosso, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Vlad-Florin Drăgoi
Attacks and cryptanalysis

As the technical feasibility of a quantum computer becomes more and more likely, post-quantum cryptography algorithms are receiving particular attention in recent years. Among them, code-based cryptosystems were first considered unsuited for hardware and embedded software implementations because of their very large key sizes. However, recent work has shown that such implementations are practical, which also makes them susceptible to physical attacks. In this article, we propose a horizontal...

2023/541 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-08
Algorithmic Views of Vectorized Polynomial Multipliers for NTRU and NTRU Prime (Long Paper)
Han-Ting Chen, Yi-Hua Chung, Vincent Hwang, Chi-Ting Liu, Bo-Yin Yang

This paper explores the design space of vector-optimized polynomial multiplications in the lattice-based key-encapsulation mechanisms NTRU and NTRU Prime. Since NTRU and NTRU Prime do not support straightforward applications of number– theoretic transforms, the state-of-the-art vector code either resorted to Toom–Cook, or introduced various techniques for coefficient ring extensions. All these techniques lead to a large number of small-degree polynomial multiplications, which is the...

2023/519 Last updated: 2023-05-10
Generalized Inverse Binary Matrix Construction with PKC Application
Farshid Haidary Makoui, Thomas Aaron Guliver
Public-key cryptography

The generalized inverses of systematic non-square binary matrices have applications in mathematics, channel coding and decoding, navigation signals, machine learning, data storage, and cryptography, such as the McEliece and Niederreiter public-key cryptosystems. A systematic non-square (n−k)×n matrix H, n > k, has 2 power k×(n−k) different generalized inverse matrices. This paper presents an algorithm for generating these matrices and compares it with two well-known methods, i.e....

2023/448 Last updated: 2023-06-05
Generalized Inverse Matrix Construction for Code Based Cryptography
Farshid Haidary Makoui, T. Aaron Gulliver
Public-key cryptography

The generalized inverses of systematic non-square binary matrices have applications in mathematics, channel coding and decoding, navigation signals, machine learning, data storage and cryptography such as the McEliece and Niederreiter public-key cryptosystems. A systematic non-square $(n-k) \times n$ matrix $H$, $n > k$, has $2^{k\times(n-k)}$ different generalized inverse matrices. This paper presents an algorithm for generating these matrices and compares it with two well-known methods,...

2023/396 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-19
Monomial Isomorphism for Tensors and Applications to Code Equivalence Problems
Giuseppe D'Alconzo
Public-key cryptography

Starting from the problem of $d$-Tensor Isomorphism ($d$-TI), we study the relation between various Code Equivalence problems in different metrics. In particular, we show a reduction from the sum-rank metric (CE${}_{sr}$) to the rank metric (CE${}_{rk}$). To obtain this result, we investigate reductions between tensor problems. We define the Monomial Isomorphism problem for $d$-tensors ($d$-TI${}^*$), where, given two $d$-tensors, we ask if there are $d-1$ invertible matrices and a monomial...

2023/360 Last updated: 2023-06-05
Fast and Efficient Code-Based Digital Signature with Dual Inverse Matrix
Farshid Haidary Makoui, T. Aaron Gulliver, Mohammad Dakhilalian

Digital signatures ensure legitimate access through identity authentication. It is also used to build blocks in blockchains and to authenticate transactions. The Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier (CFS) digital signature is a well-known code-based digital signature scheme based on the Niederreiter cryptosystem. The CFS signature, however, is not widely used due to the long processing time required by its signing algorithm. Most code-based digital signature schemes are based on Niederreiter. The...

2023/358 Last updated: 2023-05-10
Efficient Code Based Cryptosystem with Dual Inverse Matrix
Farshid Haidary Makoui, T. Aaron Gulliver, Mohammad Dakhilalian
Public-key cryptography

The security of cryptographic primitives is an important issue. The Shor algorithm illustrates how quantum attacks threaten the security of these widely used primitives. Code-based cryptography is one of several approaches resistant to quantum attacks. To date, no attack has been able to break a code-based cryptosystem in polynomial time. Despite this level of security, these cryptosystems have not been considered for practical applications such as e-commerce, medical and industrial IoT,...

2023/259 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-23
A MIQCP-Based Automatic Search Algorithm for Differential-Linear Trails of ARX Ciphers(Long Paper)
Guangqiu Lv, Chenhui Jin, Ting Cui
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Differential-linear (DL) cryptanalysis has undergone remarkable advancements since it was first proposed by Langford and Hellman \cite{langford1994differential} in 1994. At CRYPTO 2022, Niu et al. studied the (rotational) DL cryptanalysis of $n$-bit modulo additions with 2 inputs, i.e., $\boxplus_2$, and presented a technique for evaluating the (rotational) DL correlation of ARX ciphers. However, the problem of how to automatically search for good DL trails on ARX with solvers was left open,...

2023/153 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-09
Almost Tight Multi-User Security under Adaptive Corruptions & Leakages in the Standard Model
Shuai Han, Shengli Liu, Dawu Gu
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we consider tight multi-user security under adaptive corruptions, where the adversary can adaptively corrupt some users and obtain their secret keys. We propose generic constructions for a bunch of primitives, and the instantiations from the matrix decision Diffie-Hellman (MDDH) assumptions yield the following schemes: (1) the first digital signature (SIG) scheme achieving almost tight strong EUF-CMA security in the multi-user setting with adaptive corruptions in the...

2022/1749 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-07
Computational Hardness of the Permuted Kernel and Subcode Equivalence Problems
Paolo Santini, Marco Baldi, Franco Chiaraluce
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Permuted Kernel Problem (PKP) asks to find a permutation which maps an input matrix into the kernel of some given vector space. The literature exhibits several works studying its hardness in the case of the input matrix being mono-dimensional (i.e., a vector), while the multi-dimensional case has received much less attention and, de facto, only the case of a binary ambient finite field has been studied. The Subcode Equivalence Problem (SEP), instead, asks to find a permutation so that a...

2022/1744 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-19
Worst and Average Case Hardness of Decoding via Smoothing Bounds
Thomas Debris-Alazard, Nicolas Resch

In this work, we consider the worst and average case hardness of the decoding problems that are the basis for code-based cryptography. By a decoding problem, we consider inputs of the form $(\mathbf{G}, \mathbf{m} \mathbf{G} + \mathbf{t})$ for a matrix $\mathbf{G}$ that generates a code and a noise vector $\mathbf{t}$, and the algorithm's goal is to recover $\mathbf{m}$. We consider a natural strategy for creating a reduction to an average-case problem: from our input we simulate a...

2022/1706 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-09
Optimized Implementation of Encapsulation and Decapsulation of Classic McEliece on ARMv8
Minjoo Sim, Siwoo Eum, Hyeokdong Kwon, Hyunjun Kim, Hwajeong Seo

Recently, the results of the NIST PQC contest were announced. Classic McEliece, one of the 3rd round candidates, was selected as the fourth round candidate. Classic McEliece is the only code-based cipher in the NIST PQC finalists in third round and the algorithm is regarded as secure. However, it has low efficiency. In this paper, we propose an efficient software implementation of Classic McEliece, a code-based cipher, on 64-bit ARMv8 processors. Classic McEliece can be divided into Key...

2022/1613 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-19
Classic McEliece Key Generation on RAM constrained devices
Rainer Urian, Raphael Schermann
Public-key cryptography

Classic McEliece is a code based encryption scheme and candidate of the NIST post quantum contest. Implementing Classic McEliece on smart card chips is a challenge, because those chips have only a very limited amount of RAM. Decryption is not an issue because the cryptogram size is short and the decryption algorithm can be implemented using very few RAM. However key generation is a concern, because a large binary matrix must be inverted. In this paper, we show how key generation can be done...

2022/1596 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-15
LowMS: a new rank metric code-based KEM without ideal structure
Nicolas Aragon, Victor Dyseryn, Philippe Gaborit, Pierre Loidreau, Julian Renner, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
Public-key cryptography

We propose and analyze LowMS, a new rank-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). The acronym stands for Loidreau with Multiple Syndromes, since our work combines the cryptosystem of Loidreau (presented at PQCrypto 2017) together with the multiple syndrome approach, that allows to reduce parameters by sending several syndromes with the same error support in one ciphertext. Our scheme is designed without using ideal structures. Considering cryptosystems without such an ideal structure,...

2022/1559 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-20
Take your MEDS: Digital Signatures from Matrix Code Equivalence
Tung Chou, Ruben Niederhagen, Edoardo Persichetti, Tovohery Hajatiana Randrianarisoa, Krijn Reijnders, Simona Samardjiska, Monika Trimoska
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we show how to use the Matrix Code Equivalence (MCE) problem as a new basis to construct signature schemes. This extends previous work on using isomorphism problems for signature schemes, a trend that has recently emerged in post-quantum cryptography. Our new formulation leverages a more general problem and allows for smaller data sizes, achieving competitive performance and great flexibility. Using MCE, we construct a zero-knowledge protocol which we turn into a signature...

2022/1277 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-26
Compact GF(2) systemizer and optimized constant-time hardware sorters for Key Generation in Classic McEliece
Yihong Zhu, Wenping Zhu, Chen Chen, Min Zhu, Zhengdong Li, Shaojun Wei, Leibo Liu

Classic McEliece is a code-based quantum-resistant public-key scheme characterized with relative high encapsulation/decapsulation speed and small cipher- texts, with an in-depth analysis on its security. However, slow key generation with large public key size make it hard for wider applications. Based on this observation, a high-throughput key generator in hardware, is proposed to accelerate the key generation in Classic McEliece based on algorithm-hardware co-design. Meanwhile the storage...

2022/1166 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-07
McEliece-type encryption based on Gabidulin codes with no hidden structure
Wenshuo Guo, Fang-Wei Fu
Public-key cryptography

This paper presents a new McEliece-type encryption scheme based on Gabidulin codes, which uses linearized transformations to disguise the private key. When endowing this scheme with the partial cyclic structure, we obtain a public key of the form $GM^{-1}$, where $G$ is a partial circulant generator matrix of Gabidulin code and $M$ as well as $M^{-1}$ is a circulant matrix of large rank weight, even as large as the code length. Another difference from Loidreau's proposal at PQCrypto 2017 is...

2022/968 Last updated: 2023-01-20
Code Equivalence in the Sum-Rank Metric: Hardness and Completeness
Giuseppe D'Alconzo
Public-key cryptography

In this work, we define and study equivalence problems for sum-rank codes, giving their formulation in terms of tensors. Moreover, we introduce the concept of generating tensors of a sum-rank code, a direct generalization of the generating matrix for a linear code endowed with the Hamming metric. In this way, we embrace well-known definitions and problems for Hamming and rank metric codes. Finally, we prove the TI-completeness of code equivalence for rank and sum-rank codes, and hence, in...

2022/928 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-16
Universal Gaussian Elimination Hardware for Cryptographic Purposes
Jingwei Hu, Wen Wang, Kris Gaj, Donglong Chen, Huaxiong Wang

In this paper, we investigate the possibility of performing Gaussian elimination for arbitrary binary matrices on hardware. In particular, we presented a generic approach for hardware-based Gaussian elimination, which is able to process both non-singular and singular matrices. Previous works on hardware-based Gaussian elimination can only process non-singular ones. However, a plethora of cryptosystems, for instance, quantum-safe key encapsulation mechanisms based on rank-metric codes, ROLLO...

2022/412 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-05
Complete and Improved FPGA Implementation of Classic McEliece
Po-Jen Chen, Tung Chou, Sanjay Deshpande, Norman Lahr, Ruben Niederhagen, Jakub Szefer, Wen Wang

We present the first specification-compliant constant-time FPGA implementation of the Classic McEliece cryptosystem from the third-round of NIST's Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization process. In particular, we present the first complete implementation including encapsulation and decapsulation modules as well as key generation with seed expansion. All the hardware modules are parametrizable, at compile time, with security level and performance parameters. As the most time consuming...

2022/276 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-04
Hardness estimates of the Code Equivalence Problem in the Rank Metric
Krijn Reijnders, Simona Samardjiska, Monika Trimoska
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we analyze the hardness of the Matrix Code Equivalence (MCE) problem for matrix codes endowed with the rank metric, and provide the first algorithms for solving it. We do this by making a connection to another well-known equivalence problem from multivariate cryptography - the Isomorphism of Polynomials (IP). Under mild assumptions, we give tight reductions from MCE to the homogenous version of the Quadratic Maps Linear Equivalence (QMLE) problem, and vice versa. Furthermore,...

2022/112 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-04
Faster Kyber and Dilithium on the Cortex-M4
Amin Abdulrahman, Vincent Hwang, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Amber Sprenkels

This paper presents faster implementations of the lattice-based schemes Dilithium and Kyber on the Cortex-M4. Dilithium is one of the three signature finalists in the NIST post-quantum project (NIST PQC), while Kyber is one of the four key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM) finalists. Our optimizations affect the core polynomial arithmetic using the number-theoretic transform (NTT) of both schemes. Our main contributions are threefold: We present a faster signed Barrett reduction for Kyber,...

2022/061 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-01-19
A remark on the NIST 800-22 Binary Matrix Rank Test
Nicu Neculache, Vlad-Andrei Petcu, Emil Simion

Statistical testing is a mechanism that has been included in various domains or fields, providing a method for making quantitative decisions about a particular sample. The statistical testing plays a big role in selecting and testing random and pseudorandom generators whose output may be used in the field of cryptography, specifically for the encryption, decryption and the keys or sub-keys generation. In this paper we study one of the NIST 800-22 random number generation tests. We give an...

2022/002 Last updated: 2022-02-09
Polynomial-Time Key Recovery Attack on the Lau-Tan Cryptosystem Based on Gabidulin Codes
Wenshuo Guo, Fang-Wei Fu
Public-key cryptography

This paper presents a key recovery attack on the cryptosystem proposed by Lau and Tan in a talk at ACISP 2018. The Lau-Tan cryptosystem uses Gabidulin codes as the underlying decodable code. To hide the algebraic structure of Gabidulin codes, the authors chose a matrix of column rank $n$ to mix with a generator matrix of the secret Gabidulin code. The other part of the public key, however, reveals crucial information about the private key. Our analysis shows that the problem of recovering...

2021/1505 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-11-15
EVA Improved: Compiler and Extension Library for CKKS
Sangeeta Chowdhary, Wei Dai, Kim Laine, Olli Saarikivi
Public-key cryptography

Homomorphic encryption (HE), especially the CKKS scheme, can be extremely challenging to use. The EVA language and compiler (Dathathri et al., PLDI 2020) was an attempt at addressing this challenge. EVA allows a developer to express their encrypted computation in a simple form with a Python-integrated language called PyEVA. It then compiles the program into an executable form by inserting operations such as relinearization and rescaling, applying optimizations, and choosing encryption...

2021/1025 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-08-06
Efficient Information-Theoretic Multi-Party Computation over Non-Commutative Rings
Daniel Escudero, Eduardo Soria-Vazquez
Cryptographic protocols

We construct the first efficient MPC protocol that only requires black-box access to a non-commutative ring $R$. Previous results in the same setting were efficient only either for a constant number of corruptions or when computing branching programs and formulas. Our techniques are based on a generalization of Shamir's secret sharing to non-commutative rings, which we derive from the work on Reed Solomon codes by Quintin, Barbier and Chabot (IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2013)....

2021/1017 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-08-06
Improve Neural Distinguisher for Cryptanalysis
Zezhou Hou, Jiongjiong Ren, Shaozhen Chen

At CRYPTO'19, Gohr built a bridge between deep learning and cryptanalysis. Based on deep neural networks, he trained neural distinguishers of Speck32/64 using a plaintext difference and single ciphertext pair. Compared with purely differential distinguishers, neural distinguishers successfully use features of the ciphertext pairs. Besides, with the help of neural distinguishers, he attacked 11-round Speck32/64 using Bayesian optimization. At EUROCRYPTO'21, Benamira proposed a detailed...

2021/986 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-11-16
Neon NTT: Faster Dilithium, Kyber, and Saber on Cortex-A72 and Apple M1
Hanno Becker, Vincent Hwang, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Bo-Yin Yang, Shang-Yi Yang

We present new speed records on the Armv8-A architecture for the lattice-based schemes Dilithium, Kyber, and Saber. The core novelty in this paper is the combination of Montgomery multiplication and Barrett reduction resulting in “Barrett multiplication” which allows particularly efficient modular one-known-factor multiplication using the Armv8-A Neon vector instructions. These novel techniques combined with fast two-unknown-factor Montgomery multiplication, Barrett reduction sequences, and...

2021/881 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-06-29
Secure Code-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism with Short Ciphertext and Secret Key
Jayashree Dey, Ratna Dutta
Public-key cryptography

Code-based public key cryptosystems are one of the main techniques available in the area of Post-Quantum Cryptography. This work aims to propose a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) with short ciphertext and secret key. Our goal is achieved in two steps. We first present a public key encryption (PKE) scheme, basicPKE, using a parity check matrix of Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) code as the public key matrix. In our construction, we exploit the structure of a companion matrix to obtain an...

2021/440 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-04-17
Two modifications for Loidreau's code-based cryptosystem
Wenshuo Guo, Fangwei Fu
Public-key cryptography

This paper presents two modifications for Loidreau’s code-based cryptosystem. Loidreau’s cryptosystem is a rank metric code-based cryptosystem constructed by using Gabidulin codes in the McEliece setting. Recently a polynomial-time key recovery attack was proposed to break Loidreau’s cryptosystem in some cases. To prevent this attack, we propose the use of subcodes to disguise the secret codes in Modification I. In Modification II, we choose a random matrix of low column rank over F q to mix...

2021/361 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-12-20
Some New Constructions of Generalized Plateaued Functions
Jiaxin Wang, Fang-Wei Fu

Plateaued functions as an extension of bent functions play a significant role in cryptography, coding theory, sequences and combinatorics. In 2019, Hod\v{z}i\'{c} et al. designed Boolean plateaued functions in spectral domain and provided some construction methods in spectral domain. However, in their constructions, the Walsh support of Boolean $s$-plateaued functions in $n$ variables, when written as a matrix of order $2^{n-s} \times n$, contains at least $n-s$ columns corresponding to...

2020/1397 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-01-14
NTT Multiplication for NTT-unfriendly Rings
Chi-Ming Marvin Chung, Vincent Hwang, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Gregor Seiler, Cheng-Jhih Shih, Bo-Yin Yang

In this paper, we show how multiplication for polynomial rings used in the NIST PQC finalists Saber and NTRU can be efficiently implemented using the Number-theoretic transform (NTT). We obtain superior performance compared to the previous state of the art implementations using Toom–Cook multiplication on both NIST’s primary software optimization targets AVX2 and Cortex-M4. Interestingly, these two platforms require different approaches: On the Cortex-M4, we use 32-bit NTT-based polynomial...

2020/900 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-02-26
Message-recovery Laser Fault Injection Attack on the Classic McEliece Cryptosystem
Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Brice Colombier, Vlad-Florin Dragoi, Alexandre Menu, Lilian Bossuet

Code-based public-key cryptosystems are promising candidates for standardization as quantum-resistant public-key cryptographic algorithms. Their security is based on the hardness of the syndrome decoding problem. Computing the syndrome in a finite field, usually $\mathbb{F}_2$, guarantees the security of the constructions. We show in this article that the problem becomes considerably easier to solve if the syndrome is computed in $\mathbb{N}$ instead. By means of laser fault injection, we...

2020/376 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-04-02
On the privacy of a code-based single-server computational PIR scheme
Sarah Bordage, Julien Lavauzelle
Cryptographic protocols

We show that the single-server computational PIR protocol proposed by Holzbaur, Hollanti and Wachter-Zeh in 2020 is not private, in the sense that the server can recover in polynomial time the index of the desired file with very high probability. The attack relies on the following observation. Removing rows of the query matrix corresponding to the desired file yields a large decrease of the dimension over $\mathbb{F}_q$ of the vector space spanned by the rows of this punctured matrix. Such a...

2019/1388 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-04
Secure Key Encapsulation Mechanism with Compact Ciphertext and Public Key from Generalized Srivastava code
Jayashree Dey, Ratna Dutta
Public-key cryptography

Code-based public key cryptosystems have been found to be an interesting option in the area of Post-Quantum Cryptography. In this work, we present a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) using a parity check matrix of the Generalized Srivastava code as the public key matrix. Generalized Srivastava codes are privileged with the decoding technique of Alternant codes as they belong to the family of Alternant codes. We exploit the dyadic structure of the parity check matrix to reduce the storage of...

2019/1165 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-06-30
Fast verification of masking schemes in characteristic two
Nicolas Bordes, Pierre Karpman

We revisit the matrix model for non-interference (NI) probing security of masking gadgets introduced by Belaïd et al. at CRYPTO 2017. This leads to two main results. 1) We generalise the theorems on which this model is based, so as to be able to apply them to masking schemes over any finite field --- in particular GF(2)--- and to be able to analyse the strong non-interference (SNI) security notion. We also follow Faust et al. (TCHES 2018) to additionally consider a robust probing model that...

2019/1089 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-12-07
Lattice-Face Key Infrastructure (LFKI) for Quantum Resistant Computing
Josiah Johnson Umezurike
Cryptographic protocols

A new light is shown by exploring a hybrid system designed to exhibit symmetric and asymmetric properties. LFKI is code named, end-to-end cryptographic system for cloud, mobile, internet of things (IOT) and devices (ECSMID). Until now, there had not been much done on lattice faces as a hybrid cryptographic solution. Here in, we do not owe respect to only randomization reduction or deterministic reduction. We embrace a collective approach to defining the old age question of what problem is...

2019/832 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-02-07
Asymptotically-Good Arithmetic Secret Sharing over Z/(p^\ell Z) with Strong Multiplication and Its Applications to Efficient MPC
Ronald Cramer, Matthieu Rambaud, Chaoping Xing

This paper studies information-theoretically secure multiparty computation (MPC) over rings $\Z/p^{\ell}\Z$. In the work of [ACD+, TCC'19], a protocol based on the Shamir secret sharing over $\Z/p^{\ell}\Z$ was presented. As in the field case, its limitation is that the share size grows as the number of players increases. Then several MPC protocols were developed in [ACD+, Asiacrypt'20] to overcome this limitation. However, (i) their offline multiplication gate has super-linear communication...

2019/678 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-06-11
A Modified pqsigRM: RM Code-Based Signature Scheme
Yongwoo Lee, Wijik Lee, Young-Sik Kim, Jong-Seon No
Public-key cryptography

We propose a novel signature scheme based on a modified Reed--Muller (RM) code, which reduces the signing complexity and key size compared to existing code-based signature schemes. This cheme is called as the modified pqsigRM, and corresponds to an improvement of pqsigRM, the proposal submitted to NIST. Courtois, Finiasz, and Sendrier (CFS) proposed a code-based signature scheme using the Goppa codes based on a full domain hash approach. However, owing to the properties of Goppa codes, the...

2019/404 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-04-25
Efficient Message Authentication Codes with Combinatorial Group Testing
Kazuhiko Minematsu
Secret-key cryptography

Message authentication code, MAC for short, is a symmetric-key cryptographic function for authenticity. A standard MAC verification only tells whether the message is valid or invalid, and thus we can not identify which part is corrupted in case of invalid message. In this paper we study a class of MAC functions that enables to identify the part of corruption, which we call group testing MAC (GTM). This can be seen as an application of a classical (non-adaptive) combinatorial group testing to...

2019/058 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-02-27
Tightly secure hierarchical identity-based encryption
Roman Langrehr, Jiaxin Pan
Public-key cryptography

We construct the first tightly secure hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) scheme based on standard assumptions, which solves an open problem from Blazy, Kiltz, and Pan (CRYPTO 2014). At the core of our constructions is a novel randomization technique that enables us to randomize user secret keys for identities with flexible length. The security reductions of previous HIBEs lose at least a factor of Q, which is the number of user secret key queries. Different to that, the security...

2019/053 Last updated: 2019-02-26
A New Code-based Signature Scheme with Shorter Public Key
Yongcheng Song, Xinyi Huang, Yi Mu, Wei Wu
Cryptographic protocols

Code-based signature has been believed to be a useful authentication tool for post-quantum cryptography. There have been some attempts to construct efficient code-based signatures; however, existing code-based signature schemes suffer from large public-key size, which has affected their applicability. It has been a challenging research task to construct efficient code-based signatures with a shorter public-key size. In this paper, we propose an efficient code-based signature scheme, which...

2018/1133 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-11-29
A Public Key Exchange Cryptosystem Based on Ideal Secrecy
Vamshi Krishna Kammadanam, Virendra R. Sule, Yi Hong
Public-key cryptography

This paper proposes two closely related asymmetric key (or a public key) schemes for key exchange whose security is based on the notion of ideal secrecy. In the first scheme, the private key consists of two singular matrices, a polar code matrix and a random permutation matrix all over the binary field. The sender transmits addition of two messages over a public channel using the public key of the receiver. The receiver can decrypt individual messages using the private key. An adversary,...

2018/279 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-02-27
Worst-Case Hardness for LPN and Cryptographic Hashing via Code Smoothing
Zvika Brakerski, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Daniel Wichs

We present a worst case decoding problem whose hardness reduces to that of solving the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem, in some parameter regime. Prior to this work, no worst case hardness result was known for LPN (as opposed to syntactically similar problems such as Learning with Errors). The caveat is that this worst case problem is only mildly hard and in particular admits a quasi-polynomial time algorithm, whereas the LPN variant used in the reduction requires extremely high...

2018/140 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-02-07
A Reaction Attack on LEDApkc
Tomas Fabsic, Viliam Hromada, Pavol Zajac
Public-key cryptography

We propose a new reaction attack on the public-key cryptosystem LEDApkc. The adversary uses the decoding failure rate (DFR) analysis to learn information about the secret masking matrix $Q$. Provided the adversary learns information about $Q$ within $10^4\times \text{DFR}^{-1}$ decryptions (as prescribed by LEDApkc design to thwart previously known attacks), the adversary builds a small set of candidates for $Q$. Using these candidates, the adversary obtains candidates for a generator matrix...

2017/825 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-08-31
Querying for Queries: Indexes of Queries for Efficient and Expressive IT-PIR
Syed Mahbub Hafiz, Ryan Henry
Cryptographic protocols

We propose indexes of queries, a novel mechanism for supporting efficient, expressive, and information-theoretically private single-round queries over multi-server PIR databases. Our approach decouples the way that users construct their requests for data from the physical layout of the remote data store, thereby enabling users to fetch data using "contextual" queries that specify which data they seek, as opposed to "positional" queries that specify where those data happen to reside. For...

2017/733 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-08-01
Decoding Generalized Reed-Solomon Codes and Its Application to RLCE Encryption Scheme
Yongge Wang

This paper compares the efficiency of various algorithms for implementing public key encryption scheme RLCE on 64-bit CPUs. By optimizing various algorithms for polynomial and matrix operations over finite fields, we obtained several interesting (or even surprising) results. For example, it is well known (e.g., Moenck 1976) that Karatsuba's algorithm outperforms classical polynomial multiplication algorithm from the degree 15 and above (practically, Karatsuba's algorithm only outperforms...

2017/595 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-10-19
FPGA-based Key Generator for the Niederreiter Cryptosystem using Binary Goppa Codes
Wen Wang, Jakub Szefer, Ruben Niederhagen

This paper presents a post-quantum secure, efficient, and tunable FPGA implementation of the key-generation algorithm for the Niederreiter cryptosystem using binary Goppa codes. Our key-generator implementation requires as few as 896,052 cycles to produce both public and private portions of a key, and can achieve an estimated frequency Fmax of over 240 MHz when synthesized for Stratix V FPGAs. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first hardware-based implementation that works with...

2017/494 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-06-01
A Reaction Attack on the QC-LDPC McEliece Cryptosystem
Tomas Fabsic, Viliam Hromada, Paul Stankovski, Pavol Zajac, Qian Guo, Thomas Johansson
Public-key cryptography

Guo et al. recently presented a reaction attack against the QC-MDPC McEliece cryptosystem. Their attack is based on the observation that when a bit-flipping decoding algorithm is used in the QC-MDPC McEliece, then there exists a dependence between the secret matrix $H$ and the failure probability of the bit-flipping algorithm. This dependence can be exploited to reveal the matrix $H$ which constitutes the private key in the cryptosystem. It was conjectured that such dependence is present...

2017/104 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-09-23
Implementing BP-Obfuscation Using Graph-Induced Encoding
Shai Halevi, Tzipora Halevi, Victor Shoup, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz

We implemented (a simplified version of) the branching-program obfuscator due to Gentry et al. (GGH15), which is itself a variation of the first obfuscation candidate by Garg et al. (GGHRSW13). To keep within the realm of feasibility, we had to give up on some aspects of the construction, specifically the ``multiplicative bundling'' factors that protect against mixed-input attacks. Hence our implementation can only support read-once branching programs. To be able to handle anything more...

2016/1194 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-01-01
Efficient Encryption from Random Quasi-Cyclic Codes
Carlos Aguilar, Olivier Blazy, Jean-Christophe Deneuville, Philippe Gaborit, Gilles Zémor
Public-key cryptography

We propose a framework for constructing efficient code-based encryption schemes from codes that do not hide any structure in their public matrix. The framework is in the spirit of the schemes first proposed by Alekhnovich in 2003 and based on the difficulty of decoding random linear codes from random errors of low weight. We depart somewhat from Aleknovich's approach and propose an encryption scheme based on the difficulty of decoding random quasi-cyclic codes. We propose two new...

2016/1119 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-12-01
A Code-Based Group Signature Scheme
Quentin Alamélou, Olivier Blazy, Stéphane Cauchie, Philippe Gaborit
Public-key cryptography

This work is the extended version of [1] which proposed the first code-based group sig- nature. The new group signature scheme we present here has numerous advantages over all existing post-quantum constructions and even competes (in terms of properties) with pairing based constructions: it allows to add new members during the lifetime of the group (dynamic). Plus, it appears that our scheme might be extended into a traceable signature according to the definition of Kiayias, Tsiounis and...

2016/1112 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-11-25
Direct construction of quasi-involutory recursive-like MDS matrices from $2$-cyclic codes
Victor Cauchois, Pierre Loidreau, Nabil Merkiche

A good linear diffusion layer is a prerequisite in the design of block ciphers. Usually it is obtained by combining matrices with optimal diffusion property over the Sbox alphabet. These matrices are constructed either directly using some algebraic properties or by enumerating a search space, testing the optimal diffusion property for every element. For implementation purposes, two types of structures are considered: Structures where all the rows derive from the first row and recursive...

2016/842 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-03-16
Improved, Black-Box, Non-Malleable Encryption from Semantic Security
Seung Geol Choi, Dana Dachman-Soled, Tal Malkin, Hoeteck Wee
Public-key cryptography

We give a new black-box transformation from any semantically secure encryption scheme into a non-malleable one which has a better rate than the best previous work of Coretti et al. (TCC 2016-A). We achieve a better rate by departing from the “matrix encoding” methodology used by previous constructions, and working directly with a single codeword. We also use a Shamir secret-share packing technique to improve the rate of the underlying error-correcting code.

2016/302 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-03-17
A Polynomial-Time Attack on the BBCRS Scheme
Alain Couvreur, Ayoub Otmani, Jean-Pierre Tillich, Valérie Gauthier-Umana
Public-key cryptography

The BBCRS scheme is a variant of the McEliece public-key encryption scheme where the hiding phase is performed by taking the inverse of a matrix which is of the form T+R where T is a sparse matrix with average row/column weight equal to a very small quantity m, usually m<2, and R is a matrix of small rank z&#10878;1. The rationale of this new transformation is the reintroduction of families of codes, like generalized Reed-Solomon codes, that are famously known for representing insecure...

2016/218 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-03-18
Semantic Security and Key-Privacy With Random Split of St-Gen Codes
Danilo Gligoroski, Simona Samardjiska
Public-key cryptography

Recently we have defined Staircase-Generator codes (St-Gen codes) and their variant with a random split of the generator matrix of the codes. One unique property of these codes is that they work with arbitrary error sets. In this paper we give a brief overview of St-Gen codes and the list decoding algorithm for their decoding. We also analyze the semantic security against chosen plaintext attack (IND-CPA) and key-privacy i.e. indistinguishability of public keys under chosen plaintext attack...

2016/202 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-03-04
An Encryption Scheme based on Random Split of St-Gen Codes
Simona Samardjiska, Danilo Gligoroski
Public-key cryptography

Staircase-Generator codes (St-Gen codes) have recently been introduced in the design of code-based public key schemes and for the design of steganographic matrix embedding schemes. In this paper we propose a method for random splitting of St-Gen Codes and use it to design a new coding based public key encryption scheme. The scheme uses the known list decoding method for St-Gen codes, but introduces a novelty in the creation of the public and private key. We modify the classical approach for...

2015/1050 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-10-31
Comparison Between Irreducible and Separable Goppa Code in McEliece Cryptosystem
Thuraya M. Qaradaghi, Newroz N. Abdulrazaq

The McEliece cryptosystem is an asymmetric type of cryptography based on error correction code. The classical McEliece used irreducible binary Goppa code which considered unbreakable until now especially with parameter [1024, 524, and 101], but it is suffering from large public key matrix which leads to be difficult to be used practically. In this work Irreducible and Separable Goppa codes have been introduced. The Irreducible and Separable Goppa codes used are with flexible parameters and...

2015/617 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-06-30
Generalised tally-based decoders for traitor tracing and group testing
Boris Skoric, Wouter de Groot

We propose a new type of score function for Tardos traitor tracing codes. It is related to the recently introduced tally-based score function, but it utilizes more of the information available to the decoder. It does this by keeping track of sequences of symbols in the distributed codewords instead of looking at columns of the code matrix individually. We derive our new class of score functions from a Neyman-Pearson hypothesis test and illustrate its performance with simulation...

2015/229 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-06-14
Improving GGH Public Key Scheme Using Low Density Lattice Codes
Reza Hooshmand

Goldreich-Goldwasser-Halevi (GGH) public key cryptosystem is an instance of lattice-based cryptosystems whose security is based on the hardness of lattice problems. In fact, GGH cryptosystem is the lattice version of the first code-based cryptosystem, proposed by McEliece. However, it has a number of drawbacks such as; large public key length and low security level. On the other hand, Low Density Lattice Codes (LDLCs) are the practical classes of lattice codes which can achieve capacity on...

2015/002 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-12-02
Characterization of MDS mappings
S. M. Dehnavi, A. Mahmoodi Rishakani, M. R. Mirzaee Shamsabad

MDS codes and matrices are closely related to combinatorial objects like orthogonal arrays and multipermutations. Conventional MDS codes and matrices were defined on finite fields, but several generalizations of this concept has been done up to now. In this note, we give a criterion for verifying whether a map is MDS or not.

2014/566 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-07-22
Direct Construction of Recursive MDS Diffusion Layers using Shortened BCH Codes
Daniel Augot, Matthieu Finiasz
Secret-key cryptography

MDS matrices allow to build optimal linear diffusion layers in block ciphers. However, MDS matrices cannot be sparse and usually have a large description, inducing costly software/hardware implementations. Recursive MDS matrices allow to solve this problem by focusing on MDS matrices that can be computed as a power of a simple companion matrix, thus having a compact description suitable even for constrained environments. However, up to now, finding recursive MDS matrices required to perform...

2014/551 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-07-24
Diffusion Matrices from Algebraic-Geometry Codes with Efficient SIMD Implementation
Daniel Augot, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Pierre Karpman

This paper investigates large linear mappings with very good diffusion and efficient software implementations, that can be used as part of a block cipher design. The mappings are derived from linear codes over a small field (typically $F^{2^4}$) with a high dimension (typically 16) and a high minimum distance. This results in diffusion matrices with equally high dimension and a large branch number. Because we aim for parameters for which no MDS code is known to exist, we propose to use more...

2014/423 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-06-06
The Hash Function "Fugue"
Shai Halevi, William E. Hall, Charanjit S. Jutla

We describe Fugue, a hash function supporting inputs of length upto 2^{64}-1 bits and hash outputs of length upto 512 bits. Notably, Fugue is not based on a compression function. Rather, it is directly a hash function that supports variable-length inputs. The starting point for Fugue is the hash function Grindahl, but it extends that design to protect against the kind of attacks that were developed for Grindahl, as well as earlier hash functions like SHA-1. A key enhancement is the design...

2014/360 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-09-24
McEliece in the world of Escher
Danilo Gligoroski, Simona Samardjiska, Håkon Jacobsen, Sergey Bezzateev

We present a new family of linear binary codes of length n and dimension k accompanied with a fast list decoding algorithm that can correct up to n/2 errors in a bounded channel with an error density $\rho$. The decisional problem of decoding random codes using these generalized error sets is NP-complete. Next we use the properties of these codes to design both an encryption scheme and a signature scheme. Although in the open literature there have been several proposals how to produce...

2014/210 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-03-22
Structural Cryptanalysis of McEliece Schemes with Compact Keys
Jean-Charles Faugère, Ayoub Otmani, Ludovic Perret, Frédéric de Portzamparc, Jean-Pierre Tillich

A very popular trend in code-based cryptography is to decrease the public-key size by focusing on subclasses of alternant/Goppa codes which admit a very compact public matrix, typically quasi-cyclic (QC), quasi-dyadic (QD), or quasi-monoidic (QM) matrices. We show that the very same reason which allows to construct a compact public-key makes the key-recovery problem intrinsically much easier. The gain on the public-key size induces an important security drop, which is as large as the...

2013/766 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-11-25
RankSign : an efficient signature algorithm based on the rank metric
P. Gaborit, O. Ruatta, J. Schrek, G. Zémor
Public-key cryptography

In this paper we propose a new approach to code-based signatures that makes use in particular of rank metric codes. When the classical approach consists in finding the unique preimage of a syndrome through a decoding algorithm, we propose to introduce the notion of mixed decoding of erasures and errors for building signature schemes. In that case the difficult problem becomes, as is the case in lattice-based cryptography, finding a preimage of weight above the Gilbert-Varshamov bound (case...

2013/742 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-02
CODING - Stream Cipher Methods by Varying Components during Ciphering Data
Jürgen Müller

Kernel of the symmetric block ciphering methods presented here is the coupling of XOR operations and of invertible substitution tables S with all possible 256**t byte groups (with t=1, 2, 3, ... bytes, fixed at the beginning) being derived from keys: K(block) := S(S(block) $\otimes$ E$_{o}$) $\otimes$ E$_{u}$        with - E$_{o}$ upper and E$_{u}$ lower triangular (byte-group-)matrix with (byte-block-length/t)**2 values, value 1 at all non-zero positions, - $\oplus$ the byte-group-wise...

2013/682 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-01-11
Secret Key Cryptosystem based on Non-Systematic Polar Codes
Reza Hooshmand, Mohammad Reza Aref, Taraneh Eghlidos

Polar codes are a new class of error correcting linear block codes, whose generator matrix is specified by the knowledge of transmission channel parameters, code length and code dimension. Moreover, regarding computational security, it is assumed that an attacker with a restricted processing power has unlimited access to the transmission media. Therefore, the attacker can construct the generator matrix of polar codes, especially in the case of Binary Erasure Channels, on which this matrix...

2013/574 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-02-14
On the Minimum Number of Multiplications Necessary for Universal Hash Constructions
Mridul Nandi
Secret-key cryptography

Let $d \geq 1$ be an integer and $R_1$ be a finite ring whose elements are called {\bf block}. A $d$-block universal hash over $R_1$ is a vector of $d$ multivariate polynomials in message and key block such that the maximum {\em differential probability} of the hash function is ``low''. Two such single block hashes are pseudo dot-product (\tx{PDP}) hash and Bernstein-Rabin-Winograd (\tx{BRW}) hash which require $\frac{n}{2}$ multiplications for $n$ message blocks. The Toeplitz construction...

2013/463 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-08-02
Secret Key Cryptosystem based on Polar Codes over Binary Erasure Channel
Reza Hooshmand, Masoumeh Koochak Shooshtari, Mohammad Reza Aref

This paper proposes an efficient secret key cryptosystem based on polar codes over Binary Erasure Channel. We introduce a method, for the first time to our knowledge, to hide the generator matrix of the polar codes from an attacker. In fact, our main goal is to achieve secure and reliable communication using finite-length polar codes. The proposed cryptosystem has a significant security advantage against chosen plaintext attacks in comparison with the Rao-Nam cryptosystem. Also, the key...

2013/273 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-08-19
Computing the Rank of Incidence Matrix and the Algebraic Immunity of Boolean Functions
Deepak Kumar Dalai
Secret-key cryptography

The incidence matrix between a set of monomials and a set of vectors in $\F_2$ has a great importance in the study of coding theory, cryptography, linear algebra, combinatorics. The rank of these matrices are very useful while computing algebraic immunity($\ai$) of Boolean functions in cryptography literature~\cite{MPC04,DGM04}. Moreover, these matrices are very sparse and well structured. Thus, for aesthetic reason finding the rank of these matrices is also very interesting in mathematics....

2013/080 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-02-20
An efficient attack of a McEliece cryptosystem variant based on convolutional codes
Grégory Landais, Jean-Pierre Tillich

Löndahl and Johansson proposed last year a variant of the McEliece cryptosystem which replaces Goppa codes by convolutional codes. This modification is supposed to make structural attacks more difficult since the public generator matrix of this scheme contains large parts which are generated completely at random. They proposed two schemes of this kind, one of them consists in taking a Goppa code and extending it by adding a generator matrix of a time varying convolutional code. We show here...

2013/056 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-02-06
On Constructions of MDS Matrices from Companion Matrices for Lightweight Cryptography
Kishan Chand Gupta, Indranil Ghosh Ray
Secret-key cryptography

Maximum distance separable (MDS) matrices have applications not only in coding theory but also are of great importance in the design of block ciphers and hash functions. It is highly nontrivial to find MDS matrices which could be used in lightweight cryptography. In a crypto 2011 paper, Guo et. al. proposed a new MDS matrix $Serial(1,2,1,4)^4$ over $\mathbb{F}_{2^8}$. This representation has a compact hardware implementation of the AES MixColumn operation. No general study of MDS properties...

2012/168 (PDF) Last updated: 2012-03-30
A Distinguisher-Based Attack of a Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Relying on Reed-Solomon Codes
Valérie Gauthier, Ayoub Otmani, Jean-Pierre Tillich
Public-key cryptography

Bogdanov and Lee suggested a homomorphic public-key encryption scheme based on error correcting codes. The underlying public code is a modified Reed-Solomon code obtained from inserting a zero submatrix in the Vandermonde generating matrix defining it. The columns that define this submatrix are kept secret and form a set $L$. We give here a distinguisher that detects if one or several columns belong to $L$ or not. This distinguisher is obtained by considering the code generated by...

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