Hello = hola I'm = I am (yo soy, soy) My name's = my name is (mi nombre es) What's = What is (cul es)
En ingls, para decir 'yo' se escribe siempre 'I' (con mayscula), independientemente del lugar que ocupe en la frase. My name's Craig and I am a teacher Me llamo Craig y soy profesor.
Fjate tambin en el ejemplo anterior que en ingls el pronombre personal ( I) se utiliza siempre, a diferencia del espaol, en que el pronombre personal ( yo) no siempre es necesario. I'm Luis. I'm Spanish (yo) Soy Luis. (yo) Soy espaol.
Has observado que en ocasiones se utiliza un apstrofo (') para abreviar palabras? I am I'm My name is My name's
Esta forma gramatical se denomina contraccin y es una caracterstica del idioma ingls. Aprenders su uso progresivamente, aunque como norma general podemos avanzarte que se utilizan habitualmente en el lenguaje hablado y en la forma escrita informal. En escritos formales es ms adecuado utilizar las formas no contraidas.
Meeting Luis
Conoce a Luis
Lee y escucha
Manoli: Craig, this is Luis. Luis, this is Craig Luis: Hi Craig Craig: Hello Luis
Escucha y repite varias veces con nombres diferentes (practica con gente de tu familia o con amigos si es posible)
Lee y escucha
Fine thanks = bien, gracias Very well = muy bien Thank you = gracias
Escucha y repite
Te has dado cuenta de que en ingls las palabras no se pronuncian como se escriben? A continuacin hay una lista de palabras y cada una tiene el mismo sonido vocal:
I'm - fine - Hi
Escucha y repite
En ingls, el sonido de algunas palabras se une y no se oyen como dos palabras separadas, sino como una.
Escucha y repite
Luis. your name? Manoli. you? fine thanks. Comprueba tus respuestas
1. Hello Hello
2. Hello, I'm Craig. What's name's Manoli. Hello Manoli. 3. Hi, Manoli. Fine, thanks. Very , thank you. you?
'Yo' se dice en ingls 'I' 'T' se dice en ingls 'You' 'l' se dice en ingls 'He' 'Ella' se dice en ingls 'She'
Yo soy Juan / I am Juan T eres Mara / You are Mara l es Victor / He is Victor Ella es Laura / She is Laura Es una mesa / It is a table. Ustedes son profesores / You are Ellos son espaoles / They are Nosotros somos americanos / We are American
Para indicar objetos o animales usamos 'It' 'Nosotros' se dice en ingls 'We' teachers 'Ellos' (y tambin 'ellas') se dice en ingls 'They' Spanish 'Vosotros' o 'ustedes' se dice en ingls 'You'
SINGULAR PLURAL I (yo) we (nosotros, nosotras) you (t, usted) you (vosotros -as, ustedes) he (l) / she (ella) / it (ello) they (ellos, ellas)
'You' equivale a los pronombres espaoles 't', 'usted', 'vosotros', 'vosotras', 'ustedes' (debemos determinar a qu forma pertenece por el contexto de la frase). En la tercera persona singular encontramos las formas 'He' (se utiliza esencialmente para referirse a personas del gnero masculino),'She' (se emplea esencialmente para referirse a personas del gnero femenino) e 'It' para el gnero neutro (objetos, cosas, animales, etc.). Existen algunas excepciones. As, en el caso de los animales, cuando queremos personificarlos y dotarlos de sexo masculino o femenino podramos emplear 'he' o 'she'.
I am = I'm He is = He's She is = She's It is = It's We are = We're You are = You're They are = They're
Escucha y repite
Las siguientes palabras no estn en el orden correcto. Cambia el orden de las palabras para hacer frases y preguntas apropiadas.
1. is your name what 2. is Ruben this 3. you are how 4. well you thank very 5. is name Manoli my Esccha para comprobar
My name's Manoli.
your name?
Pon las siguientes frases en el orden correcto: - Hi Angeles! - Hello. I'm Craig. What's your name? - My name's Angeles. Escucha para comprobar 1. 2. 3. - Fine, thanks. How are you? - Very well, thank you - Hi Angeles. How are you? Escucha para comprobar 1. 2. 3.
What's this?
Qu es esto?
Elige la palabra correcta para cada imagen. a computer / a hamburger / a football / a car / a dog a camera / a sandwich / a phone / a television / a book
a a a a a a a a a a
computer = un ordenador (amer. computadora) hamburger = una hamburguesa football = un baln (de ftbol) car = un coche, un automvil dog = un perro camera = una cmara sandwich = un emparedado, un sndwich phone = un telfono television = un televisor, una televisin book = un libro
Escucha y repite
10 7 4 6
5 2 3
9 1 8
Existen palabras en ingls con una sola slaba. Ejemplo: Spain, book, car... Hay palabras con dos slabas o ms: football (2 slabas) foot-ball sandwich (2 slabas) sand-wich television (4 slabas) te-le-vi-sion Algunas slabas se pronuncian ms fuerte que las dems.
Ahora escucha los pases ms veces y escrbelos en el grupo correcto segn su nmero de slabas y donde est la slaba ms fuerte. Usa la pausa de tu reproductor si necesitas ms tiempo para escribir. Sigue el ejemplo. (Cada cuadrado simboliza una slaba. El cuadrado ms grande representa la slaba ms fuerte)
Her names Maria. / Su nombre es Maria. Shes from Argentina. / Ella es de Argentina
His names Juan ' Escucha y repite En ingls existen tambin algunas palabras que pueden escribirse igual o de forma muy parecida al espaol, como has visto por ejemplo en el ejercicio anterior ('Chile', 'Venezuela', etc.) aunque su pronunciacin puede variar. A diferencia del espaol, en ingls no existen los acentos ortogrficos (Per 'Peru') from Venezuela
He's = he is (l es) She's = she is (ella es)
Vamos a practicar el sonido /h/. En ingls es un sonido muy suave, no viene de la garganta.
Her Whats her name? Hello Her names Helen. Hello. How are you? His He Whats his name? Wheres he from? His names Harry Hes from Helsinki. Hamburger This is a hamburger.
Lee, escucha y repite las siguientes preguntas y sus respuestas. What's her name? Her name's Ana
Escucha ms veces y repite. Completa las palabras que faltan. What's his ? name's Juan
Where's he
she from?
from Mexico
Escucha lee y repite. El posesivo espaol 'su' en ingls es distinto dependiendo del gnero (masculino o femenino) Se emplea 'Her' como posesivo 'su' (de ella) y 'His' como posesivo 'su' (de l) Su nombre es Ana Su nombre es Juan Fjate en la diferencia Su nombre es Ana. Ella es de Per Su nombre es Juan. l es de Venezuela Traduce al espaol. 1. Wheres he from? 2. Whats your name? 3. My names Luis 4. His names Alejandro 5. Shes from Brazil. 6. His names Rubn. 7. Her names Ana. 8. Wheres she from? 9. How are you? 10. Where are you from? Her name's Ana. She's from Peru His name's Juan. He's from Venezuela Her name's Ana His name's Juan
Escucha, lee y repite las preguntas y frases anteriores Ahora relaciona las respuestas con las preguntas, siguiendo el ejemplo. Ej). Where's he from? What's your name? How are you? Where are you from? What's her name? Where's she from?
He's from Peru
Escucha y repite Completa las frases con his, her, he's, she's. Ej.) His names Craig. from London. 1. Her names Manoli. 2. His names Rubn. 3.
names Jos. Hes from Chile. names Ana. Shes from Peru. from Helsinki. from Spain
Lee y escucha. This is Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas. Melanie is from the United States and Antonio is from Mlaga in Spain. In this photograph they are in Hollywood. They are married. Antonio is an actor and Melanie is an actress. Their houses are in Los Angeles, Aspen and Marbella, Spain
Photograph = foto, fotografa They = ellos Married = casados Actress = actriz Their = su(s) / de ellos Houses = casas
Escucha la pronunciacin de houses y reptelo. Escribe 'is' o 'are' en las siguientes frases.
1. Melanie United States. 2. They 3. Melanie and Antonio 4. Their houses Angeles, Aspen and Marbella, Spain. 5. Antonio Mlaga in Spain.
Observa lo que ocurre con el orden de las palabras cuando hacemos preguntas en ingls.
Ahora cambia el orden de las siguientes palabras para hacer preguntas sobre Melanie y Antonio. 1. Melanie where is from? 2. married they are? 3. are houses their where? 4. From Antonio is where? Escucha y repite. Where from? married? their houses? from?
En ingls, los signos de interrogacin '?' y exclamacin '!' solamente se colocan al final de la frase (a diferencia del espaol, en que se ubican al comienzo y al final de la frase). Cmo te llamas? What's your name? Vaya da! What a day!
Di los nmeros del 1 al 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
a b c d e
f g h i j
Escucha otras veces y repite Escribe los siguientes nmeros. Sigue el ejemplo. Ej.) 18
a b c d e
2 17 5 10 15
f g h i j
9 13 1 6 20
Escucha y repite
Escucha y repite
Escucha y repite .
En ingls, las profesiones se preceden de los artculos 'a' o 'an' ('un', 'una' indistintamente), dependiendo de que el sustantivo (nombre de la profesin) comience por el sonido de una consonante o vocal. My sister is a nurse Mi hermana es enfermera. I'm an engineer Soy ingeniero. Your brother is a student Tu hermano es estudiante.
Lee la siguiente informacin sobre Wayne Brown. Name Address Wayne Brown 21 Coronation Street Detroit Michigan Country USA Phone number 715 238 5146 Age 32 Profession Teacher Married No
Address = Direccin Country = Pas Phone number = Nmero de telfono Age = Edad
Completa los espacios en las siguientes preguntas y respustas. 1. s his name? ? address? ? Wayne Brown USA 21 Coronation Street, Detroit, Michigan 715 238 5146 Hes job? married? No, he isnt. a
Escucha y repite .
Isn't = is not (no es) Married = Casado/a (marriage = matrimonio) How old is he? = Cuntos aos tiene? / Qu edad tiene?
Escucha y completa los espacios en blanco. Utiliza la pausa de tu reproductor para tener tiempo suficiente para escribir. Name Address Country Phone number Age Profession Married Sonia Torres 68 Plaza Libre La Paz
escucha y repite.
Sonia isnt a nurse / Sonia no es enfermera. She isnt married / Ella no est casada. She isnt from Argentina. / Ella no es de Argentina Is Sonia a nurse? - No, she isnt. / Sonia es enfermera? - No, no lo es. Is she married? - No, she isnt. / Est casada? - No, no lo est. Is she from Argentina? - No, she isnt. / Es de Argentina? - No, no lo es.
Escucha a Manoli contestando preguntas personales. Is your name Manoli? Where are you from? Are you from Madrid? Whats your address? How old are you? Whats your job? Are you married? Yes, it is. Im from Spain. No, Im not. Im from Valencia. 14 Calle del Mar 42 Im a housewife. Yes, I am. Negativo I'm not = I am not (No soy)
Escucha y repite
En ingls, no es normal contestar a una pregunta con un escueto 'S' o 'No' ( yes / no). Sonara poco amable. Lo mejor es ampliar la respuesta incluyendo el pronombre personal y el verbo principal de la pregunta. Are you from Madrid? Is he an engineer? Yes, I am / No. I'm not No, he's not / Yes, he is
your name?
My name's Manoli. you from? married? I'm from Spain Yes, I am I'm 42 I'm a housewife 96 4683529
How old
husband = marido
Luis Blanco
Lee la trascripcin, escucha y repite. Hello Luis Hello Craig Where are you from? Im from Spain Are you from Barcelona? No, Im not. Im from Valencia. How old are you, Luis? Im 42 Whats your phone number? Its 96 4683529 Whats your job? Im a computer technician. Really! Are you married? Yes, I am.
Angeles Leandro
I'm from... para indicar de dnde eres. I'm from Venezuela I'm from Caracas Soy de Venezuela Soy de Caracas
Lee informacin sobre Luis. Luis is from Valencia, Spain. Hes a computer technician. Hes 42. His phone number is 96 4683529. Luis is married. Ahora escribe informacin sobre Angeles.
Lee informacin sobre ngeles y Craig. This is Angeles and Craig. Angeles is from Valencia, Spain. Craig is from London, England. Craig is a teacher and he is 40. Angeles is a dentist. Shes 46.
we're = we are (somos / estamos) we're not = we are not (no somos / no estamos) now = ahora famous = famoso/a we are famous = somos famosos
Las siguientes frases son similares, pero solamente una de cada pareja es correcta. Elige la frase adecuada. Angeles and Craig are not married. Angeles and Craig is not married. Craig isnt from London. Craig is from London.
Were not are on La Mansion del Ingls. Were on La Mansion del Ingls.
Escucha y repite.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Angeles and Craig Angeles and Craig Craig a Craig Angeles a Angeles ? ? ?
Madrid? ?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Intenta recordar y decir en voz alta los nmeros del 1 al 20.
Ahora comprueba con el sonido y repite los nmeros. Relaciona los nmeros del 21 al 30
tw enty-eight
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
Escucha y repite los nmeros 21 al 30. Escucha y escribe los nmeros que oyes.
20 23 13 9 24
Escucha y repite.
tw enty
12 28 30 26 14
Manoli's family
Mira la foto de la familia de Manoli. Lee el texto y escucha. This is Manolis family. They are from Valencia, Spain. Manoli has a husband and his names Luis. Their house is in Valencia. Luis and Manoli have a son. His names Rubn and hes 18. Rubn is a student at university. Rubns university is in Valencia. Manolis mother is Emilia . Shes 77. Manolis father is Felipe. Hes 78. Emilia and Felipe are Manolis parents. They have a house in Valencia.
's posesiva
family = familia husband = marido son = hijo student = estudiante mother = madre father = padre parents = padres have = tienen has = tiene house = casa
Contesta las preguntas sobre el texto anterior. 1. Is Luis Manolis husband? 2. Is Rubn a teacher? 3. Where is Manolis house? 4. Where is Rubns university? 5. Whats Manolis fathers name? 6. Whats her mothers name? 7. How old is Manolis father? 8. How old is her mother?
where? = dnde?
Yes, he is
Escucha y repite.
Craig's family
Lee el texto y escucha.
This is Craigs family. They are from London, England. Craig has a sister. Her names Stephanie and shes 49. Craigs mother is 73. Her names Frances. His fathers 72. His names Harry. They have a big house in Spain.
big = grande
Completa la siguiente tabla con la informacin del texto anterior sobre la familia de Craig.
Has observado que el adjetivo (big) precede al nombre? En ingls suele ser habitualmente as, mientras que en espaol es generalmente al revs. Big house Red car Casa grande. Coche rojo
Escucha a Stephanie y lee el texto. My names Stephanie. Im from London. Im 49 and Im a housewife. My fathers names Harry. Hes 72. My mothers names Frances, and shes 73. Frances is Harrys wife. They have a big house in Spain. Frances and Harry are my parents and I am their daughter. They have two children. I have a brother. His name is Craig and hes a teacher in Valencia. Hes 41. Im Craigs sister. Im married. My husbands name is Terry and he has a good job.
wife = mujer, esposa parents = padres sister = hermana daughter = hija children = nios brother = hermano husband = marido, esposo good job= buen trabajo
Elige la palabra correcta para cada frase. parents / children / brother / daughter / father / sister mother / son / husband / wife
1. Frances is Harrys 2. Craig is Stephanies 3. Terry is Stephanies 4. Frances is Stephanies 5. Craig is Harrys 6. Stephanie is Craigs 7. Stephanie and Craig are Frances and Harrys 8. Frances and Harry are Craig and Stephanies 9. Stephanie is Frances and Harrys 10. Harry is Craigs
Escucha para comprobar tus respuestas Escucha de nuevo y comprueba tus respuestas
Escucha y escribe las siguientes frases. Sigue el ejemplo y utiliza el botn de pausa en tu reproductor multimedia si necesitas tiempo para escribir. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
I have a television
Escucha las frases otra vez y repitelas. Elige 'has' o 'have' en las siguientes frases siguiendo el ejemplo. Manoli 1. My wife 2. I 3. We 4. They 5. My sister 6. Craig 7. Our house 8. They 9. Her daughter 10. We
a son. His name's Rubn a good job. a computer. a house in the city. an American car. two dogs. a sister. five rooms. a book. three children. a new phone.
the city = la ciudad our = nuestro/a rooms = habitaciones new = nuevo
Ahora repite las letras otra vez pero en grupos del mismo sonido vocal.
Escucha y repite.
'Spell' tiene principalmente el sentido de 'deletrear'. Como habrs visto, a diferencia del espaol, en ingls las palabras tienen generalmente una pronunciacin diferente a su forma escrita. Por ello suele emplearse el recurso de deletrear las palabras (sobre todo apellidos, lugares geogrficos y trminos que puedan resultar desconocidos) para identificarlas con certeza.
Escucha algunas palabras en ingls y escrbelas. Di las letras mientras escribes las palabras. Usa la opcin de pausa de tu reproductor si necesitas ms tiempo para escribir. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Escucha de nuevo y repite con ellos. Escribe el trmino equivalente en ingls de la siguiente relacin de palabras. La primera letra ya est escrita para ayudarte. 1. esposa, mujer 2. hermano 3. esposo, marido 4. madre 5. hijo 6. hermana 7. hijos 8. padres 9. hija 10. padre Escucha y repite las palabras.
w b
h m
s s c p d f
El plural en ingls generalmente se forma aadiendo una 's' al final de la palabra brother daughter brothers (hermano / hermanos) daughters (hija / hijas)
Pero no siempre es as. En ingls, algunas palabras tienen un plural irregular. wife son wives (esposa / esposas) children (hijo / hijos)
Escucha a Craig preguntando a Manoli sobre distintos idiomas. Manoli, do you speak Portuguese? No, I dont. Do you speak French? A little. Do you speak German? No, I dont. Do you speak Spanish? Yes, I do. Do you speak English? Yes, a little.
To speak = hablar Do you speak... ? = hablas...? A little = un poco Don't = do not (negativo)
Escucha a Manoli preguntando a Craig sobre distintos idiomas y escribe los nombres de las distintas lenguas en los espacios en blanco. - Craig, do you speak - No, I dont. - Do you speak - Yes, I do. - Do you speak - No, I dont. - Do you speak - No, I dont. - Do you speak - Yes, I do. ? ? ? ? ?
Ahora intenta recordar el dilogo. Mira las siluetas de los distintos pases para ayudarte. - Craig, do you speak ___________? - No, I dont. - Do ___ ____ ___________? - Yes, I do. - __ ____ ____ ___________? - No, I dont. - __ ____ ____ ___________? - No, I dont. - __ ____ ____ ___________? - Yes, I do.
A diferencia del espaol, en ingls, los gentilicios (nombres que expresan el origen geogrfico) se escriben siempre con mayscula. Spain Spanish Italy Italian Espaa I'm from Spain / Soy de Espaa espaol I'm Spanish / Soy espaol Italia You are from Italy / Eres de Italia italiano You speak Italian / Hablas italiano
Relaciona cada palabra con su imagen. paella / tea / wine / beer / ice cream / swimming dogs / rap music / chocolate (choklet) / football
Escucha y marca las cosas que oyes en la siguiente conversacin con Manoli.
paella swimming
tea dogs
beer chocolate
Escribe las siguientes palabras en el grupo correcto siguiendo el ejemplo. chips / classical / pizza / rap / chocolate / pop / ice cream / swimming / beer rock / tea / football / water / fruit / pasta / coffee / skiing / tango / rugby / coke
w ine
chips = patatas fritas ice cream = helado wine = vino beer = cerveza water = agua swimming = natacin
Escucha las palabras y repitelas. Escribe cinco frases con las cosas que te gustan y las que no te gustan. Ej.) I like pizza, but I don't like pasta 1- I like 2- I 3- I 45, but I don't like , but I , , ,
(*) but = pero
I speak Spanish. I like football
I don't speak French I don't like swimming
don't = do not
Do you speak Spanish?
Yes, I do / No, I don't
- El verbo es el mismo para I (yo), you (t, vosotros, usted/es), we (nosotros) y they (ellos) - I speak / you speak / we speak / they speak ... etc.
Escucha y repite.
Sports... Hmm... Well, I like dont like Food? Definitely like . . I like and I dont like food. Erm well I like coffee. and
, but I
coffee. I dont like coffee eearhh! . Mmm. I dont . . music but I dont . No
Definitely = claramente disgusting = asqueroso I really like = me gusta mucho
coffee and I dont like Disgusting, but I like like And music? And like not . and I dont like . I really like music. I like music and I dont like
Meeting Rubn
Conoce a Rubn
Escucha a Rubn otra vez y lee el texto. Hi! Im Rubn and Im Spanish. I live in Valencia, Spain. Im a student and I study communication technology in Valencia. Im 18 and Im not married. I live with my parents in live = vivo a flat. We dont have a house and I dont have any brothers I I study = estudio and sisters. communication My mothers names Manoli. Shes a housewife.
Se usa 'a' delante de una consonante /b/, /c/, /d/, /f/ etc. Ej. a pizza, a coke, a flat Se usa 'an' delante de una vocal /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/. Ej. an ice cream, an animal, an apple
Cuando a un sonido de vocal le sigue un sonido de consonante, es usual que ambos se junten.
Escucha y repite.
OJO! Tambin se usa 'an' delante de lo sonidos vocales. Ej. an hour (la /h/ no se pronuncia) Se usa 'a' delante del sonido (yoo) Ej. a university
an apple = una manzana an orange = una naranja a ship = un barco an hour = una hora an engineer = un ingeniero an accountant = un contable
'a' y 'an' se pone delante de los nombres de profesiones. a student a teacher a taxi driver an engineer an accountant etc. Elige 'a' o 'an' Ej.)
Craig is a teacher
phone hour
Escucha a y repite.
Country or Nationality?
Pas o nacionalidad?
Escucha algunos pases y nacionalidades y reptelas. Ahora mira las siguientes palabras y decide si pertenecen a pases o nacionalidades. Luego escrbelas en el grupo correcto. Italy / French / Portugal / American / Canadian / Italian Mexico / England / Spanish / Columbian
France Columbia Para preguntar de dnde eres: Where are you from? Para contestar: I'm from ... (pas) o I'm ... (nacionalidad) - Where are you from? - I'm from Spain / I'm Spanish
Portuguese Mexican
Escribe las palabras que faltan en las siguientes frases. Sigue los ejemplos. Ej.) Theyre from Theyre from
USA France
. They speak
. They speak
1. Theyre from Mxico. They speak 2. Theyre from Portugal. They speak 3. Theyre from Italy. They speak 4. Theyre from Canada. They speak 5. Theyre from Spain. They speak 6. Theyre from Brazil. They speak . . .
. .
Escucha y repite. Muchos gentilicios de nacionalidad se forman derivados del nombre de la nacin y acabando en 'an'. America Italy Cuba Russia American Italian Cuban Russian
Otros en cambio derivan del nombre de la nacin y acaban en 'ese' Portugal Japan China Portuguese Japanese Chinese
Existen tambin casos de gentilicios irregulares. France Holland Ireland French Dutch Irish
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
Ahora comprueba con el sonido y repite los nmeros. Relaciona los nmeros del 30 al 100.
30 40 50 60
70 80 90 100
Escucha y repite los nmeros del 30 al 100. Cada cuadro representa una slaba. El cuadro mayor representa el 'stress' (acento) de la palabra. Fjate como cambia el stress. Cules son los nmeros que tienen el stress en la primera slaba y cules son los que tienen el stress en la segunda?
a dollar fifty
seven ninety-nine
fifty p (pence)
sixty dollars
twenty pounds
three eighty
twenty-four dollars
one pound seventyfive
one hundred dollars
twelve forty five
Para expresar las cifras en ingls, el punto se utiliza como separador decimal y la coma indica las unidades de millar (al revs que en espaol). 103.17 (ciento tres con diecisiete) 10,215 (diez mil doscientos quince) 1,432.25 (mil cuatrocientos treinta y dos con veinticinco)
En USA, la moneda es el dlar ('dollar') que se divide en 100 centavos de dlar ('cent'). En el Reino Unido, la moneda es la libra ('pound') que se divide en 100 peniques ('penny', en plural 'pence')
Luis's Day
Un da con Luis
Luis is 43. He lives with his family in Valencia. Luis is the webmaster of La Mansin del Ingls, and he works as a computer technician.
Lee sobre un da corriente de Luis y relaciona las frases con las imgenes. Sigue los ejemplos. Utiliza el cuadro de ayuda para conocer el significado de las palabras nuevas.
He gets up at 7 o'clock
to to to to
listen to the radio = escuchar la radio to go to work = irse a trabajar to get home = llegar a casa have breakfast = desayunar to go to bed = irse a la cama have lunch = comer at 7 o'clock = a las siete en puntp have dinner = cenar
Escucha de nuevo y repite Lee las siguientes frases y escribe el verbo que falta, siguiendo el ejemplo. Ej.) I get up at 8 oclock. Luis at 7 oclock. 1. I have dinner with my husband. Luis
gets up
dinner with his family. I go to work by bus. to work by car. Cmo cambia el verbo cuando hablamos de 'he' / l (she / ella - it / ello)?
El verbo en tercera persona aade la letra final 's'. Observa la conjugacin del verbo 'To work' (trabajar).
I work You work He works She works It works We work You work They work
Cambia el verbo en las siguientes frases siguiendo el ejemplo. Ej.) We have lunch at work. Manoli
lunch at home.
Escucha y repite Escucha un dilogo con Craig y Luis hablando de un da tpico de Luis. Escucha otra vez y completa los espacios en blanco en las siguientes preguntas 1. Luis, what time 2. What 3. 4. you you you
you after?
5. What time
Lee las siguientes preguntas sobre un da de Luis y elige la respuesta correcta. Does Luis get up at 7 oclock? Does he go to work by bus?
What time does he go to bed? What does Luis do after lunch? Does Luis have dinner with his family? What time does Luis get home from work? Does he have a late dinner? Does Luis live in Madrid?
'Do' se emplea como auxiliar del verbo principal para hacer preguntas. La forma negativa es don't (do not). Tambin se utiliza cuando se contesta en las respuestas cortas. 'Do' puede ser tambin un verbo ('To do' = hacer). Cuidado en las respuestas. Hay que emplear 'do' y no el verbo principal. Fjate en los ejemplos siguientes. Do you speak English? / Yes, I do (yes, I speak) Hablas ingls? / S Do you go to work by bus? / No, I don't (No, I no go) Vas a trabajar en autobs? / No What time do you go to bed? A qu hora te vas a la cama? What do you do? Qu haces? (El primer 'do' es el auxiliar y el segundo el verbo hacer) Cuando nos referimos a la tercera persona ('he', 'she', 'it') se emplea 'does'. En este caso, no se aade la 's' final al verbo principal . La forma negativa esdoesn't (does not). Al igual que con 'do', tambin se utiliza la forma auxiliar en las respuestas cortas. Fjate en este ejemplo de una conversacin corta como cambia la forma del auxiliar y la del verbo principal (en este caso, 'hablar', 'speak'). - I'm Luis. I speak Spanish and English. - Do you speak French? - No, I don't - He's Paul. He speaks French but he doesn't speak Spanish. - Does he speak English? - Yes, he does
He speaks Spanish
She doesn't speak French
Does she speak Spanish? Yes, she does / No, she doesn't El 'present simple' se usa para expresar afirmaciones que son generalmente verdaderas o bien hechos o situaciones que ocurren con cierta frecuencia o habitualmente.
Escucha y repite.
Escucha y elige las frases que oyes. Sigue el ejemplo a) He speaks Spanish b) She speaks Spanish
a) Do you have lunch at work? b) Do you have dinner at work? a) My wife drinks tea. b) My son drinks tea. a) I go to work by car. b) I go to work by bus. a) We live in New York. b) They live in New York. a) What time do you get up? b) What time do they get up? a) I have breakfast with my family. b) He has breakfast with his family. a) We like football. b) She likes football. a) Do you want coffee?
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
Thank you for coffee = gracias por el caf Bye / goodbye = adios See you next week = hasta la semana prxima You're welcome = de nada You're = you are
1 2
(Buenas noches)
Escucha y repite. Relaciona las expresiones en ingls con su equivalente en espaol. Thank you for the beer. Thank you for lunch. Thank you for your time. Thank you for the wine.
Thank you for the beer. Thank you for lunch. Thank you for your time. Thank you for the wine.
Escucha y repite.
Whats your name? Is she your sister? Its your coffee. Whats your phone number?
(you are) Youre welcome. Youre Italian. Youre from Canada. Youre beautiful!
Escucha ms veces e intenta decir los das antes de orlos y sin mirar el texto.
the morning the afternoon the evening Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
En ingls, los das de la semana y los meses del ao se escriben siempre con maysculas. - Monday (lunes), Tuesday (martes), etc... - January (enero), February (febrero), etc...
Meeting Angeles
Escucha y lee el texto sobre Angeles.
This is Angeles. She's a dentist and she lives and works in Valencia, Spain. On Mondays and Wednesdays Angeles gets up at 7 oclock and goes swimming. She has breakfast in a bar and goes shopping. She never gets up late. She usually listens to the radio and sometimes she reads the newspaper. She has lunch at 2 oclock and goes to work by bus in the afternoon. She has a car but she doesnt drive to work. Angeles gets home late, usually at 9 or 10 oclock. She has dinner and she sometimes plays spider on her computer. She usually goes to bed at 12 oclock. Sometimes she reads a book in bed. Lee el texto otra vez y busca los verbos. Escrbelos en el siguiente cuadro. Sigue los ejemplos.
is lives
Escucha y lee el texto de nuevo utilizando el cuadro de ayuda para conocer el significado de las palabras difciles.
This is Angeles. She's a dentist and she lives and works in Valencia, Spain. On Mondays and Wednesdays Angeles gets up at 7 oclock and goes swimming. She has breakfast in a bar and goes shopping. She never gets up late. She usually listens to the radio and sometimes she reads the newspaper. She has lunch at 2 oclock and goes to work by bus in the afternoon. She has a car but she doesnt drive to work. Angeles gets home late, usually at 9 or 10 oclock. She has dinner and she sometimes plays spider on her computer. She usually goes to bed at 12 oclock. Sometimes she reads a book in bed.
goes swimming= va a nadar goes shopping= va a la compra never = nunca usually =normalmente but = pero sometimes = a veces late = tarde in bed = en la cama
Las siguientes frases no son correctas. Corrgelas mirando el texto anterior. Sigue los ejemplos. Ejemplos Angeles has breakfast at home. Angeles desayuna en casa. She drives to work Ella conduce para ir al trabajo. Angeles doesn't have breakfast at home. She has breakfast in a bar. Angeles no desayuna en casa. Ella desayuna en un bar. She doesn't drive to work. She goes to work by bus. Ella no conduce para ir al trabajo. Va al trabajo en autobs.
Lee otra vez las respuestas del ejercicio anterior. Escchalas y reptelas. Intenta imitar la entonacin.
Angeles doesnt work in Barcelona. She works in Valencia. She doesnt go swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She goes swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays. She doesnt listen to the television. She listens to the radio. She doesnt have lunch at 12 oclock. She has lunch at 2 oclock. She doesnt go to work by car. She goes to work by bus. She doesnt go to work in the morning. She goes to work in the afternoon. She doesnt play Tomb Raider on her computer. She plays Spider on her computer. She doesnt read a magazine in bed. She reads a book.
Positivo + Negativo I You He She We They work work works works work work don't work don't work doesn't work doesn't work don't work don't work
Preguntas con respuesta corta Does she speak English? Do we work on Saturday? Do they work on Saturday? Does he work on Saturday? No, Yes Yes Yes
Respuestas cortas Cuidado! she doesnt. / Yes, she does. Yes, I do we do. / No, we dont. NO X yes, I work X they do. / No, they dont. he does. / No, he doesnt.
Ms preguntas What time does she have lunch? Where does she live? When does she go to work? A qu hora come ella? Dnde vive ella? Cundo va al trabajo?
Escucha y repite.
Escucha y repite.
En las frases afirmativas del presente simple normalmente no se usa el auxiliar 'do' o 'does' delante del verbo. Sin embargo, la tercera persona aade una 's'. You live in Valencia. He lives in London. en Londres T vives en Valencia. l vive
En las preguntas y negaciones se utiliza el auxiliar 'do' / 'dont' ('does' / 'doesnt' para la tercera persona). Do you live in Valencia? / Does he live in London? No, I don't. / No, he doesn't Con el verbo 'To be' (ser, estar) no se utiliza el auxiliar 'do' / 'does' Observa la diferencia: Where does she live? / She lives in Valencia Valencia Where is she from? / She is from London Dnde vive ella? / Ella vive en De dnde es ella? / Ella es de Londres
Las palabras never, usually y sometimes (nunca, normalmente, a veces) son adverbiales (adverbios de frecuencia). Normalmente van justo delante del verbo. She never gets up late. / Ella nunca se levanta tarde. I usually read the newspaper in the morning. / Normalmente leo el peridico por la maana. We sometimes listen to the radio. / A veces escuchamos la radio.
Lee las siguientes frases y escribe el adverbio en el sitio correcto (justo delante del verbo). Sigue el ejemplo. Ej. I read the newspaper (never) 1. I work on Sundays (never) 2. He goes swimming on Saturdays. (sometimes) 3. We have dinner at home. (usually) 4. I go to work by bus. (never) 5. She has lunch in a bar. (sometimes) 6. I read in bed. (never) 7. They go swimming in the morning (usually) 8. I have breakfast in a bar (sometimes) 9. I get up at 6 oclock. (never) 10. We go shopping on Saturdays. (usually) I never read the newspaper.
Escucha y repite. Traduce las siguientes frases al espaol siguiendo el ejemplo. Ej. I never work on Sundays Nunca trabajo los domingos.
1. He sometimes goes swimming on Saturdays. 2. We usually have dinner at home. 3. I never go to work by bus. 4. She sometimes has lunch in a bar. 5. I never read in bed. 6. They usually go swimming in the morning. 7. I sometimes have breakfast in a bar. 8. I never get up at 6 oclock in the morning. 9. We usually go shopping on Saturdays. Relaciona las palabras del grupo A con las del grupo B. Sigue el ejemplo.
1. have
2. drive
3. play
4. read
5. get up
6. listen
Escucha y repite
Escucha y repite Relaciona las preguntas con las respuestas. Sigue el ejemplo.
At 8 o'clock
3. Where do you live? 4. What's this in English? 5. Who's your teacher? 6. How many brothers do you have? 7. When do you go swimming?
... y se responde
... y se responde
A new car
A cheap television
It's late
It's cold
A hot drink
An expensive house
An old house
It's early
Escucha y repite. Escribe el adjetivo contrario. Sigue el ejemplo. expensive cold late old Elige el adjetivo correcto en las siguientes frases. Sigue el ejemplo. It's usually
-?- ?- ?-
man. dinner.
August = agosto very = muy people = gente, la gente country = pas to visit = visitar
- ?-
country to visit.
Escucha y repite. Elige la mejor palabra para hacer cada pregunta. Sigue el ejemplo.
is your name?
do you live? are you?. time do you do you does she does your do you do brothers do you get music do you old are my new
When...? = Cundo...? Why...? = Por qu...? What...? = Qu...? Where...? = Dnde...? How...? = Cmo...? How many...? = Cuantos...?
go to work?
read in bed?
after work?
up at 6 o'clock?
Manoli's House
La casa de Manoli
Antes de escuchar a Manoli mira los dibujos, lee y repite las palabras de las habitaciones y los muebles de la casa.
The dining room el comedor The kitchen la cocina The office el despacho The bedroom el dormitorio The balcony el balcn The living room - salon The bathroom el bao The toilet el lavabo/el wter
A bed una cama A cooker una cocina A fridge un nevera An armchair un sillon A table una mesa A chair una silla A picture un cuadro A sofa una sof A shower = una ducha A bath = un bao
Escucha y repite los muebles. Relaciona las siguientes imgenes con su correspondiente trmino.
Ahora escucha a Manoli. Est describiendo su casa. Marca las habitaciones y los muebles que oyes.
bed dining room kitchen office bedroom balcony living room bathroom toilet cooker fridge armchair table shower chair picture sofa bath
there's = there is there is / there are = hay the walls = las paredes fish tank = pecera some fish = algunos peces pet bird = pjaro domstico we don't have any = no tenemos...
Escucha una descripcin de un bao, cocina y dormitorio. Escribe las palabras que faltan en la trascripcin. Utiliza los controles de tu reproductor para darte suficiente tiempo al escribir. Our bathrooms small. Theres a in the Theres a . Theres a in the and theres a next to the , but there isnt a . Theres a . is very big. There arent next to . . and a .
because we eat in the picture on the wall in the The any the in the
Algunas palabras pueden variar en su uso habitual en ingls britnico y en el ingls que se habla en USA. nevera fridge (UK) / refrigerator (USA)
En nuestros cursos, a medida que vayas introducindote en el conocimiento del ingls, dichas diferencias se indicarn expresamente.
Theres a sofa. (singular) Hay un sof There isnt a radio in the bathroom. There are four chairs. (plural) Hay cuatro sillas There arent any chairs in the bedroom
Are there any pictures in the kitchen? Is there a shower in the bathroom?
Yes, there are. /No, there arent. Yes, there is./No, there isnt
Escucha y repite.
Elige el nmero correcto para cada frase. Sigue el ejemplo y utiliza el cuadro de ayuda para las palabras que desconozcas. 5 / 60 / 10 / 24 / 9 / 26 / 7 / 11 / 2 There are jugadores en un equipo de baloncesto) There are days in a week. There are players in a football team. There are lessons in Manolis English course. There are letters in the English alphabet. There are minutes in an hour. There are bedrooms in Manolis flat. There are planets in our solar system. There are hours in a day. Escucha para comprobar.
week = semana letters = letras alphabet = alfabeto planet = planeta solar system = sistema solar
Normalmente utilizamos any para las preguntas y frases negativas. Are there any chairs in the bedroom? Hay sillas en el dormitorio? There isn't any beer! No hay cerveza!
Where's Manoli
In a bus station
In a bar
En un bar
, how much is this T-shirt? Its $24. Okay, Ill take it. Yes, of course Madam. pay by credit card?
. Can I send an email? Certainly, erthis computer is free. is it please? Its 5 cents a minute or one hour for a dollar. . Youre welcome.
Can I one return ticket Thats thirty pounds. Thirteen pounds? No, thirty pounds. Oh. Here you
Hi. With or without ice? With ice Anything else? Yes. A Kit Kat Thats 2.50. Heres 3. And 50p change. . .
a Coke please?
. Escucha de nuevo y utiliza el cuadro 'Help' para ayudarte con las palabras ms difciles.
how much = cuanto es T-shirt = camiseta I'll take it = lo llevo to pay = pagar credit card = tarjeta de crdito
To send = enviar an email = un correo electrnico free = libre a minute = un minuto an hour = una hora you're welcome = de nada
return ticket = billete de ida y vuelta here you are = aqu lo tienes
with or without ice? = con o sin hielo? change = cambio thanks very much = muchas gracias
Escucha y repite.
Al igual que en espaol, podemos decir lo mismo usando distintas palabras o expresiones (sinnimos). Thank you / Thanks... gracias
En ocasiones es indiferente utilizar una u otra frmula, pero puede ocurrir que unos trminos sean ms formales que otros. Thank you (formal) / Thanks (informal)
Escucha y repite.
men in black
a blue sky
white clouds
James Brown
Escribe los colores correctos en los espacios en blanco. Sigue el ejemplo. red / green / blue / pink / brown / yellow / black / orange / white
A A A A A fridge = una nevera plant = una planta rug = una alfombra lamp = una lmpara cab / a taxi = un taxi
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Escucha y decide cual de las dos imgenes del saln se est describiendo.
Comprueba tu respuesta
Completa las frases con las palabras ms adecuadas. Sigue el ejemplo. there is / there isn't / is there? / there are / there aren't / are there? Ej. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Is there
a train at 6 o'clock? / (Hay un tren a las 6?) any trains to Cardiff this morning? a train at 8 o'clock. any trains to Ipswich on Sunday. a bank near here? seven days in a week. any chairs in the bedroom. a beer in the fridge? two sofas in the living room.
1. 4. 7.
2. 5. 8.
3. 6. 9.
Escucha y relaciona algunos personajes famosos con los aos en los que nacieron. Sigue los ejemplos.
Charles Darwin Oscar Wilde Jane Austen Humphrey Bogart Winston Churchill
Mother Teresa Kurt Cobain Marlene Dietrich Aaliyah Ella Fitzgerald
Escribe frases relacionando a los personajes famosos con sus profesiones. Sigue el ejemplo. Who was Humphrey Bogart? 1. Who was Charles Darwin? 2. Who was Oscar Wilde? 3. Who was Jane Austen? 4. Who was Winston Churchill? 5. Who was Mother Teresa? 6. Who was Kurt Cobain? 7. Who was Marlene Dietrich? 8. Who was Aaliah?
He w as an actor
He ...
Estudia el verbo
I He She It You We They was \ born in London / were
I He She It You We They wasn't \ / weren't born in London wasn't = was not
weren't = were not
Was I he she \ it you / we they
LAS RESPUESTAS Yes, you were No, you weren't Yes, he / she / it was No, he / she / it wasn't Yes, I was No, I wasn't Yes, we / they were No, we / they weren't
born in London?
Escribe las siguientes frases en pasado (PAST SIMPLE). Sigue los ejemplos. Ej. 1. I'm married. (I am married) Estoy casado/a. Ej.2. They are actors. Ellos/Ellas son actores.
I was married. Estaba casado/a They were actors. Ellos/Ellas eran actores.
5. How much is this T-shirt? 6. George Bush is President of the USA. 7. It's a new sofa. 8. Are there any pictures on the walls? 9. It's hot today. 10. We aren't in Buenos Aires.
En el idioma ingls la entonacin y el nfasis en la pronunciacin es muy importante. Lee y escucha las siguientes frases y preguntas. Fjate en las palabras que se oyen ms fuerte que las dems
She was born in London. 2. Whats your name? 3. Where do you live? 4. My son has a daughter. 5. Do you speak Spanish? 6. Thank you for the wine. 7. Do you go to work by car? 8. Yesterday was Monday. always = siempre 9. We always go shopping on Mondays. shopping = de compras fridge = nevera 10. Are there any beers in the fridge?
1. Escucha otra vez y repite las frases. Intenta imitar el ritmo.
Escucha y lee los siguientes adjetivos. Utiliza dibujos para recordarlos. BAD
precioso, encantador
A lovely day
A horrible day
They're married
He's single
Escucha de nuevo y repite. Escribe el adjetivo contrario. Sigue el ejemplo. horrible / single / small / bad married big lovely good
Elige el adjetivo correcto en las siguientes frases. Sigue el ejemplo. Ej. Luis and Manoli are
Escucha y repite.
El adjetivo Lovely puede ser muy til como una respuesta corta, especialmente si no entiendes bien lo que estn dicindote. Mira los siguientes ejemplos y como lovelypuede ser usado en muy diversas circunstancias. Would you like some tea? Can I take your coat? Do you like New York? I go to Spain every year on holiday. This is our new house. It's very hot today. This is my daughter. She's 2 years old. Do you want some more cake? The tomatoes are from our garden. This is a photo of my sister.
coat = abrigo every year = cada ao daughter = hija more cake = ms pastel garden = jardn
Escucha y repite.
Would you like some tea? Can I take your coat? Do you like New York? I go to Spain every year on holiday. This is our new house. It's very hot today. This is my daughter. She's 2 years old. Do you want some more cake? These tomatoes are from our garden. Look! This is a photo of my sister.
Mmm lovely! Lovely! Yes, lovely city. Oh how lovely! Its lovely! Mmmm Lovely! Shes lovely! Mmm, lovely. Thank you. Really? They are lovely! Wow. Shes
Mr. /
Mrs. /
67 El Pez Famoso, Valencia, SPAIN 46029 Home 96 23386554 197533260 Spanish Married Housewife Work: 23685942
registration form = formulario de matrcula surname = apellido first name = nombre date of birth = fecha de nacimiento postcode = cdigo postal signature = firma
21-11-2004 Ahora rellena el formulario con tus datos. Mr. / Mrs. / Ms.
bread = pan cheese = queso ham = jamn sugar = azcar biscuits = galletas the bank = el banco change money = cambiar dinero tourist office = oficina de turismo map = mapa post office = oficina de correos stamps = sellos
. Id like to change some money. - How much would you like to change, madam? - 200 Euros . - Here you are madam. .
IN THE TOURIST OFFICE - Excuse me, do you have a map of the city? - Yes, of course. - Thank you very much. - You're . .
Good . Id like three stamps for That's 1.29 please. Thank you. ... and 71 p change.
- Excuse me.
How much would you like to change? = Cunto le gustara cambiar? I'd like (I would like) = me gustara change = cambio next to = al lado
Utilizamos would like para pedir cosas. - I'd like a beer, please. favor. - We'd like two coffees.
*('d = would)
Tambin podemos utilizar would like para ofrecer cosas. - Would you like a drink? Te apetece beber algo? - Would you like some more bread? Te apetece un poco ms de pan? Utilizamos like para hablar de las cosas que nos gustan y de las que disfrutamos. - I like beer. Me gusta la cerveza. (siempre) - I like playing tennis. Me gusta jugar al tenis. (siempre) - What do you like doing? Qu te gusta hacer? Would like es paracido a want, pero utilizamos would like con gente que no conocemos y para ser ms corts y educado. - I want some more cake! Quiero ms pastel! - I'd like some more cake, please. Me gustara un poco ms de pastel por favor.
I /aI/ I'd /aId/ like /laIk/ I'd like /aId/ /laIk/ I'd like a sandwich I'd like a beer I'd like some sugar, please. Would you like a cup of tea ? What would you like ?
2. 4. 6.
plates = platos
Lee y escucha.
lunch = comida prawn cocktail = cctel de gambas roast = al horno potatoes = patatas dessert = postre
Manoli est en un restaurante y quiere pedir comida. Escchala y elige la comida que pide de la carta.
Vegetable soup Green salad Prawn cocktail Fish and chips Roast chicken with chips Roast chicken with salad Fillet steak with roast potatoes
Craig ha enviado una postal a Manoli. Lee el texto, escucha y contesta las preguntas.
1. Where is Craig? 2. Does he like the coffee? 3. Where does Craig have breakfast? 4. What does Craig read? 5. How much is a coffee?
weather = tiempo (atmosfrico) every day = todos los das to look at the people = mirar a la gente the street = la calle to sit = sentarse buildings = edificios take photos = hacer fotos drive badly = conducir mal see you soon = hasta la vista
Manoli quiere enviar un e-mail a Craig pero tiene algunas dudas. Elige la opcin correcta entre las posibles.
Hi Craig Thank for your lovely postcard. Its hot here in Valencia and you
I go swimming every day. Im happy you like Rome. speak Italian now? Please photos of everything in Rome. Id like to see photos of the buildings, the streets and the people. fine here. I get up early and go to late. I study computer. Its wonderful. See you Manoli. ,
I'm happy = estoy feliz I'd like to see = me gustara ver buildings = edificios I study = estudio wonderful = maravilloso, estupendo
a car
go swimming
English breakfast
orange juice
a takeaway
watching TV
go jogging a bicycle
Escucha y repite. Ahora escucha a Craig sana. y a Angeles y elige quin lleva una vida ms
Craig I get up late, usually about 9 oclock. I have a big English breakfast; eggs, bacon, tomatoes, sausages, beans, bread and butter, jam and tea. I dont do any exercise and I smoke two packets of cigarettes every day. I drive to work. I have a big lunch with two or three beers, and I usually have a sandwich or some biscuits in the morning. I love coffee and I drink about eight cups every day. I finish work at 6. After work I sometimes go to the pub with friends and have four or five beers and one or two whiskeys. After the pub we usually have dinner in a Chinese or Indian restaurant. Sometimes we get a takeaway and eat it at home. We watch TV after the pub, drink more beers and eat our takeaway dinner on the sofa.
eggs = huevos sausages =salchichas, embutido beans = judas butter =mantequilla jam = mermelada love = querer, encantar finish = terminar, acabar takeaway = comida para llevar get = conseguir watch tv = ver la televisin more = ms
Angeles I sleep eight hours every night. I always get up early, about 7 oclock and I go jogging. I get up early on Sundays too, but at the weekends I dont go jogging, I go swimming. I have orange juice and cereal for breakfast. I dont drink tea or coffee. I go to work by bicycle every day. I sometimes have salad for lunch or fish with vegetables or rice. I always buy fruit and vegetables because I dont eat meat. I eat fruit every day and I dont smoke. I hate cigarettes. I never drink alcohol, but I drink a lot of water. Im very healthy!
sleep = dormir go jogging = hacer footing weekends = los fines de semana rice = arroz buy = comprar eat = comer drink = beber hate = odiar a lot of = mucho
y a Angeles
Relaciona los verbos con las palabras y frases correspondientes. Sigue el ejemplo. go smoke get up drink watch eat do
Escucha para comprobar. Comprueba tus respuestas Escucha y repite Contesta las siguientes preguntas sobre Craig y Angeles. Lee los textos de nuevo si lo necesitas. What does Craig do after the pub? Does Craig smoke? Does Angeles drink tea? How do Angeles and Craig go to work? Does Craig get up early? Who doesn't eat meat, Craig or Angeles? How many cups of coffee does Craig drink every day? Where do Craig and his friends usually have
He has dinner, w atches TV and drinks more beer.
dinner after the pub? Who buys fruit and vegetables? What does Craig usually drink with his lunch? Does Angeles go swimming or jogging at the weekends? When does Craig finish work?
He drinks beer. She sleeps eight hours. He smokes. She eats vegetables.
She goes swimming. He watches TV. He doesnt get up early. He finishes work at 6. She has a bicycle. He loves coffee. She does exercise. She buys fruit.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I smoke. /
I dont smoke. I dont drive to work./ I sometimes drive to work. I never get up early.
I drive to work. /
I never do exercise./
I sometimes do exercise.
I never go jogging./
I never drink whiskey / I dont eat healthy food. I dont like swimming.
I love fruit and vegetables. / I watch TV every day. / I sometimes drink alcohol. /
I hate fruit and vegetables. I sometimes watch TV. I drink alcohol every
Antes de escuchar la entrevista, lee las siguientes preguntas. 1. Do you smoke? 2. Do you do any exercise? What? 3. Do you drink alcohol? What? 4. What time do you get up in the morning? 5. When do you go to bed? How many hours do you sleep? 6. Do you drive? Do you have a bicycle? 7. What food do you like? Do you eat a lot of vegetables and fruit? 8. Do you drink tea and coffee? How many cups a day? 9. Do you buy healthy food? 10. Are you a healthy person?
Escucha la entrevista y elige la mejor respuesta de las dos posibles. Sigue el ejemplo.
Ej. 1. 2.
Manoli smokes./
Manoli doesn't smoke. Manoli doesn't do any exercise. She goes swimming.
3. 4. 5.
She gets up at 6 o'clock. She goes to bed at 12 o'clock. She doesn't drive but she has
6. She drives but she doesn't have a bicycle. / a bicycle. 7. 8. day. 9. 10. She likes fruit and vegetables./
She doesn't like fruit and vegetables. She drinks two cups of coffee a
She drinks twelve cups of coffee a day./ She never drinks tea./