Evidence My Favorite Movie AA3 English Dot Work Level 3
Evidence My Favorite Movie AA3 English Dot Work Level 3
Evidence My Favorite Movie AA3 English Dot Work Level 3
The story begins when several students perform an oral narrative about their
favorite heroes. But a child tells the story of his grandfather's dog which was
wandering through the streets and decide to take it home. Apparently his owner
never showed up and since then the dog stayed with this family and realized that
the dog had many skills, such as picking up a ball, since the animal accompanied
his master to the station to catch the train to go work and similarly the dog waiting
for his return from work. One day Mr. suffers a cardiac arrest that causes death in
the middle class can still waiting for the train where would Mr. Parker but never this
came. The dog wait for several days for their master arrived and so the days
passed and Hachi slept slumps down some old waiting for his arrival until one day
he closed his eyes for the last time. Hachico is a Japanese Akita dog, and was
remembered for his loyalty to his master and for this reason it was held to a statue
outside the station.
La historia comienza cuando varios estudiantes realizan una narracin oral sobre
sus hroes favoritos. Pero un nio cuenta la historia del perro de su abuelo que
vagaba por las calles y decide llevarla a casa. Al parecer su dueo nunca se
present y desde entonces el perro se qued con esta familia y se dio cuenta de
que el perro tena muchas habilidades, como recoger una pelota, ya que el animal
acompa a su maestro a la estacin para coger el tren para ir a trabajar y de la
misma manera el perro esperando su regreso del trabajo. Un da el Sr. sufre un
paro cardaco que causa la muerte en la clase media todava puede esperar el
tren donde el Sr. Parker, pero nunca lleg esto. El perro esper durante varios
das para que llegara su amo y as pasaron los das y Hachi dormido se desploma
de algn viejo esperando su llegada hasta que un da cerr los ojos por ltima vez.
Hachico es un perro japons Akita, y fue recordado por su lealtad a su maestro y
por esta razn se sostuvo a una estatua fuera de la estacin