Ejercicio de Clase by Cecil B
Ejercicio de Clase by Cecil B
Ejercicio de Clase by Cecil B
Palace (1961). El profesor de París la Villette, el canadiense Jim Structural scheme with Koolhaas’ notes
Njoo, nos aporta de su tesis doctoral una semblanza del arquitecto
inglés desde su menos conocida condición de periodista.
Cátedra Blanca - E.T.S.A.Barcelona - UPC philosopher, part mathematician, part inventor.
palimpsesto@cbbarcelona.com In your opinion which is the position that science should
occupy in the scope of a designer comparatively to
Vanguard Gràfic intuition?
Depósito Legal B-5689-2011 P Cross discipline The two exist simultaneously. They engage one another,
ISSN 2014-1505
e-ISSN 2014-9751 locked in a push and pull, a tension.
How would you define yourself? A designer, an
V.O. PALIMPSESTO respeta el idioma original de los autores.
architect, an engineer, an artist…Do you think to be in a
© De los textos: sus autores. way “unclassifiable”, living in the border of disciplines, is
Las imágenes han sido cedidas por los autores de los artículos. No ha a condition for innovation?
sido posible encontrar todos los propietarios de sus derechos. Las partes P Theories
interesadas pueden ponerse en contacto con el editor.
I am reluctant to define myself as the process of
Reservados todos los derechos. Ninguna forma de reproducción, distribución,
comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra se puede hacer sin definition is, by its very nature, reductive. I like to think What is the role of your theoretical thoughts in books as
autorización expresa de los titulares. expansively, why look through a microscope when Informal or Element?
I believe that number itself is
the new materiality. Data is
organizational, systemic and
functional – like structure.
Algorithm generates structural
stability with repetitive iterations
in space. One functional move
in isolation is unstable, multiple
moves form solid structural
intent. We need to start
appreciating material in the
Which is the role of the computer in your work? Does it P Your architects
explain intuition or does it substitute it?
P University
There are many misconceptions surrounding this You worked with many architects: Stirling, Moneo,
relationship. The computer is a tool – nothing more. Let’s Koolhaas, Siza, Souto, Shigeru Ban, Toyo Ito. Has your What would you do if you were the director of a School
Otoño 2018
look at things a different way – imagine the computer type of collaboration evolved through time? At a certain of Architecture?
is a paintbrush. The brush produces very different point, you change your role from a problem solver to a
results, whether it is in the hands of a Bacon, Rothko creator of new paths to design. In general terms I would create a wider interdisciplinary
or Picasso as opposed to a total novice. It possesses curriculum, exposing students to multiple and diverse
no preprogrammed sense of aesthetics or artistic The problem is that if engineering is seen only as a spheres of inquiry and study. We would look at things
sensibility. The outcome depends on the user. The artist technical calculating effort then it has nothing to do with holistically confronting the irreducibly complex (and yet
understands the nuances and capabilities of the brush, invention or creativity. This is false. Structural engineering not complicated) nature of the world.
its weight, its range of movement, how it responds more over is so un-intimate that I prefer to use the word
to pressure and so on. With this knowledge Picasso structure. It’s more about rhythm, fluctuations or episodes I would also expose students to as many real world
Bacon or Rothko can manipulate the tool to produce the in space; this is what structures do… Structure itself is briefs and opportunities as soon as possible within their
abstract idea in their head. the driving force that makes the architecture. studies. As we all know, there is a massive difference
between the hypothetical pages of a textbook and
In summation the computer itself is only a vehicle. The I never particularly compromised these principles. I working reality.
artist or designer infuses the tool with purpose and chose to work with architects that understood this
meaning, ultimately controlling the output. perspective and embraced it. They encouraged an open