Log Rules - En.es
Log Rules - En.es
Log Rules - En.es
Introducción 1
simbología 3
Bibliografía 56
Una colección de reglas LOG
Servicio Forestal
Departamento de Agricultura de EE.UU.
Una regla de registro puede ser definido como una tabla o fórmula que nombres. Además, existen numerosas variaciones locales en la aplicación de
muestra el rendimiento neto estimado para los registros de un diámetro y una cualquier regla dada.
longitud dada. Por lo general el rendimiento se expresa en términos de pies Básicamente, hay tres métodos para el desarrollo de una nueva regla de
tablares de madera acabada, aunque algunas reglas dan el volumen cúbico registro. La más obvia es para registrar el volumen de la madera de
del registro o alguna fracción de ella. Construyen en cada regla de registro construcción producida a partir de los registros de rectas, libres de defectos
son los subsidios por pérdidas debidas a cosas tales como losas, vio corte, de diámetros y longitudes dadas y acumular dichos datos hasta que todos los
bordes, y la contracción. tamaños de los registros han sido cubiertos. Estos “cascarilla de laminación”
o reglas “molino de recuento” tienen la virtud de que no requiere suposiciones
A primera vista, parecería ser una cuestión relativamente sencilla para y de estar perfectamente adaptados a todas las condiciones que prevalecen
idear una norma de este tipo y de haber hecho lo que debería ser el final del cuando se obtuvieron los datos. Su desventaja, aparte de la cantidad de
problema. Pero parecería tan sólo a aquellos que no están familiarizados con mantenimiento de registros requeridos, es que pueden haber sido producidos
las grandes variaciones en las dimensiones de la madera que se pueden en un conjunto restringido de tales condiciones que los valores no son
producir a partir de un tronco, con las variaciones en los equipos utilizados en aplicables en cualquier otro lugar.
la producción de esta madera y las habilidades de los distintos operadores, y
por último, con el variaciones en los registros. Todos estos tienen un efecto
sobre la porción del volumen total de registro que termina como madera
utilizable y la parte que se convierte en el fresado de residuo. El segundo método es prescribir todas las condiciones pertinentes, por
ejemplo, ajuste por corte de la sierra y la contracción, espesor y anchura
mínima y la longitud de las juntas, los supuestos de la forma cónica, etc., y
luego a dibujar diagramas en los círculos de diferentes tamaños, lo que
Históricamente la industria maderera ha consistido en una serie de áreas representa el aserrado patrón en el extremo pequeño de un registro. Estas
de marketing independientes o incluso de compañías separadas. Puesto que “reglas” diagrama, de los cuales el Scribner es un ejemplo, será bueno o
ninguna organización o agencia gubernamental industrial tuvo control sobre malo, dependiendo de qué tan bien la situación de aserrado se ajusta a los
la medición de los registros, cada distrito o incluso los compradores supuestos utilizados en la producción de los diagramas.
individuales podrían idear una regla para adaptarse a un conjunto particular
de condiciones de funcionamiento. El resultado es que en los Estados Unidos
y Canadá hay más de 95 normas reconocidas que llevaban El tercer procedimiento básico es comenzar con la fórmula para algunos
aproximadamente 185 supone sólidos geométricos y luego realizar los ajustes para tener en cuenta
las pérdidas en la sierra
Se mantiene al hijo Madi, Wi s. , en rati Coope el estilo autoservicio que Un i ve rsityof scons Wi en.
ranura de corte, losas, bordes, y así sucesivamente. Estos se conocen como curso de responder a las preguntas acerca de las diversas normas. La mayor
“reglas de fórmula” y como es el caso para cualquier tipo de regla, su parte de la información se obtuvo de más de 200 referencias que figuran en
aplicabilidad dependerá de lo bien que los hechos encajan todos los el apéndice, con la mayor parte de ella atribuible a los escritos de HC Belyea,
supuestos. Austin Cary, HH Chapman, SA de Graves,
El desarrollo de una regla puede suponer más de uno de estos HE McKenzie, y JM Robinson. Aunque las reglas de registro ya no son un
procedimientos. Por lo tanto, la progresión escalonada de los valores en un problema tan grande como en el pasado, son un elemento importante en la
molino de recuento o regla diagrama puede ser alisada a cabo por el ajuste historia de la silvicultura y la industria maderera y ha parecido conveniente
de una ecuación de regresión. O la asignación que se utilizará para losas y reunir en un solo volumen, todo el material que había acumulado.
ribetes en una regla fórmula se puede estimar a partir de datos de conteo de
Finalmente, existen las reglas “de combinación”, tales como el Los datos existentes sobre las reglas de registro se encuentra dispersa,
Doyle-Scribner que utiliza valores de la Regla Doyle para troncos pequeños y incompleta, y, a menudo contradictorios, por lo tanto, no son, sin duda
de la Regla Scribner para grandes troncos. El objetivo, por supuesto, es para numerosos errores y omisiones en esta obra. El autor agradecería mucho
aprovechar el mejor o el peor de características de las diferentes normas. recibir correcciones o adiciones de los lectores. Particularmente necesarios
son tablas completas de valores para las diversas normas cascarilla de
laminación y el diagrama.
Este listas de publicaciones y describe todas las reglas de registro que el
autor ha encontrado en el
En esta sección las reglas de registro utilizados en Estados Unidos y fin. El volumen de cualquier registro sería entonces,
Canadá se enumeran y describen en orden alfabético. Para un número de
reglas, se hace referencia a la fórmula dada por McKenzie. Los tres tipos “Normas de Adirondack”
generales de fórmula que HE McKenzie utiliza para aproximar los valores de
muchas reglas se discuten en detalle en la”Regla McKenzie” (página 26) y se El volumen de la Norma de Adirondack (haciendo caso omiso de forma
sugiere que el lector repasar esta sección antes de examinar las otras reglas. cónica) es de 25,6 pies cúbicos o más o menos un tercio de una cuerda. Se
suele considerar que equivale a 200 pies tablares aunque Defebaugh la
dice que
Asociación Boom río Hudson permitió a 186 pies tablares por norma.
La segunda sección que comienza en la página 41 se describen algunas de El estándar de Adirondack también fue llamado el
las medidas de madera que a veces se confunden con las reglas de registro, Mercado de Adirondack , Dimick Estándar , Glens Falls Estándar y Diecinueve
algunas fórmulas de volumen de registro general y algunas de las reglas de pulgadas Estándar . Cary ( 44 ) Se hace referencia a ella como la Nueva York
registro utilizadas fuera de América del Norte. Estándar pero había otras dos reglas estándar (veinte y dos pulgadas
estándar y veinticuatro pulgadas estándar) que lleva este nombre.
Mercado de Adirondack --ver Adirondack estándar, El estándar de Adirondack fue uno de una serie de reglas “estándar”. En
1863, Maxfield Sheppard publicó sus “Tablas de las trozas de” ( 179 ) En el
que se muestran los volúmenes de registros de varias dimensiones en
Adirondack Estándar (y otra términos de los registros de “estándar” 12 pies de largo con diámetros de
reglas basadas en las “Normas”) gama pequeña de 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, y 22 pulgadas más uno para un
estándar de 13 pies de largo y 19 pulgadas de diámetro. En Canadá, el
En un número de reglas tempranas, el volumen de un registro o grupo de Reglamento madera de la Corona LF, 1866, aplicable a “superior” e “inferior”
loge dado se expresó en términos de la cantidad de logs “estándar” de Canadá evaluaron las cuotas sobre la base de una troza de sierra estándar
volumen cúbico equivalente. Por lo tanto, si se definió el estándar para ser un de 13-1 / 2 pies de largo y 20 pulgadas de diámetro mínimo ( 162 ). Roy ( 169 )
registro re pulgadas de diámetro y la longitud, a continuación, para un registro Afirma que entre las unidades de medida utilizados en Quebec entre 1865 y
dado re pulgadas de diámetro y L pies de largo el volumen en número depies
en los 1890 era un “estándar” Log 17 pulgadas de diámetro y 16 pies de largo que
normas, sería posteriormente se consideran el equivalente de 200 pies de tabla.
RLI unde nidas numbe SR-FNA pa r en t heses refertoliteraturecit ed a t es que terminó de Este reporte .
se supone que es equivalente a 1.000 pies tablares. Esta regla se atribuye a Regla pero a menudo se llama la regla de Alberta, ya que se hizo la norma
Norman Fox (autor de la Norma de Adirondack) que se trasladó a Canadá en oficial de esa provincia en 1957 (por la Orden en Consejo 263/57).
algún momento después de 1821. Cabe señalar que el término “estándar
Quebec” también se utiliza para describir una cantidad de madera (véase la Como en todas las versiones de la norma internacional, la fórmula básica
Sección II). es para secciones de 4 pies.
Regla Ake
Referencia - 162.
Regla Ballon
Referencias - 47, 86, 88, 164. En el manual del operador de un aserradero publicado por Jackson
Lumber Harvester, Inc. ( 6 ) Hay una tabla denominada “Registro de Escala
de Rotary”, que es en realidad la regla sierra giratoria de Baughman. Debido
Regla Bangor a esto la regla veces se ha llamado ya sea el Regla rotativa o Regla de
Jackson . Referencias - 6, 47, 86, 134.
Esta es una regla diagrama que se dice para dar valores que son
ligeramente más alto y más consistente que el Estado de Maine. Belyea ( 13 )
Y también Graves y Ziegler ( 88 ) Afirman que el Maine y Bangor son una y la
misma. Joven ( 202 ) Señala que en la parte oriental del estado de Maine la
regla se llama la regla de Bangor, sino que también existe una regla de Regla Baxter
Daniels ( sesenta y cinco ) Da la siguiente fórmula para para hacer asignación insuficiente para losas y AN-asignación encima para
aproximar el volumen de troncos de 12 pies por la regla de Bangor: serrín, equivalente a un corte de la sierra de aproximadamente 1/2 pulgada.
Debido a esto la regla debe pequeños troncos sobre-escala y las grandes
underscale. Esto es sólo el reverso de la Regla Doyle que tiene un gran
margen para losas y permite muy poco de serrín, por lo tanto underscaling
troncos de diámetro pequeño y overscaling los grandes.
En realidad, aunque la regla Baxter da valores que son más bajos que los
La regla de Bangor es también llamado el Regla Miller indicados por la mayoría de las normas para los registros de más de 18
y el Regla penobscot . pulgadas de diámetro, los valores dados para troncos más pequeños no son
Referencias - 13, 47, 65, 88, 134, 202. muy por encima de las dadas por la Regla de Scribner o la Regla Quebec y
son considerablemente inferiores a las propuesta por el Maine, Nuevo
Brunswick, e Internacional Reglas de 1/4 pulgadas.
Regla de Baughman
McKenzie ( 134 ) Aproximar estas reglas por las Regla Beaumont --ver Regla Herring.
las fórmulas:
Regla Big Sandy Cubo los resultados de los estudios de cascarilla de laminación en el pino de incienso en
1915 (ver Regla Ashe). A pesar de todos estos podría calificarse de norma de registro
El Big Sandy Cubo Regla, que se utilizó a lo largo del río Ohio, es en de las escamas de laminación, no hay evidencia de que cualquiera de ellos fueron
realidad una regla “estándar”. Se basa en el supuesto de que se requiere un utilizados nunca como tal.
registro de 18 pulgadas de diámetro en el extremo pequeño para producir Referencias - 8, 9, 24.
una madera 1 pie cuadrado y cada pie de longitud da 1 pie cúbico de
volumen. Según Graves y Ziegler ( 88 ), La fraseología local, “un registro de 18
pulgadas será cubo de una vez.” La fórmula para el volumen de pies cúbicos Regla brereton
por esta regla es:
Esta regla fue ideado por Bernard Brereton para su uso en las regiones
de abeto Douglas y Redwood. También se utiliza ampliamente en el
comercio de exportación e importación. Se trata básicamente de una regla
volumen cúbico con la multiplicación por 12 para la conversión a bordo de los
pies. Así,
Regla Boynton
En la Isla Norte de Nueva Zelanda volúmenes de troncos se determinan a
veces midiendo el diámetro del punto medio y el uso de la Tabla Adams
Esta una regla local ideó acerca 1899 por DJ
Boynton, de Springfield, Vermont. Se dice que se han formado por valores
que tiene valores idénticos a los de la Regla Brereton.
tomados de las Reglas de Scribner y Vermont y verificados por recuentos de
Referencias - 27, 29, 33, 76, 132, 194.
McKenzie ( 134 ) Fórmula para aproximar la
Los valores de esta regla es,
Chapman dice que las pulgadas de ancho mínimo). La fórmula fue 3 averageend diámetro o diámetro punto medio en el cálculo de volumen
que define esta regla es, cúbico en lugar de la zona averageend según lo prescrito por la fórmula de
Dobie ( 72 ) Se refiere a esto como el Columbia Británica Madera Escala
cúbico y señala que ha sido sustituido como norma oficial por la Escala
cúbico Columbia Británica Firmwood se describe a continuación.
Dos fórmulas simplificadas dadas por Ker ( 113 ) Pro-
vide muy cerca aproximaciones:
Referencias - 72, 113, 145, 146, 162.
La regla básica se utiliza para los registros de hasta 40 pies de largo. Columbia Británica Firmwood, que ahora es la única escala de registro de
Registros 42 a 80 pies de largo se escalan como dos registros, cada uno de uso oficial en la provincia.
D + 2 para los registros 52 a 60 pies de largo, etc. (es decir, un aumento de 1 deducciones de escala
pulgada de diámetro de extremo pequeño por cada 10 pies de longitud sobre solamente por defectos patológicos, madera carbonizada, y el gato cara. La
40. Registros de más de 80 pies se escalan en secciones de 40 pies, además deducción de los defectos patológicos incluye madera que no es firme, por
de resto, con un margen de conicidad de 1 pulgada por cada 10 pies). ejemplo, la madera que se cae cuando se raspa con el gancho de un palo
escala. Además, las deducciones permisibles son más pequeños bajo la
La regla ha estado en uso en la costa de Columbia Británica desde Escala Firmwood. Deducciones no permitidas por la nueva norma son barrido,
alrededor de 1895. En 1902 se convirtió en la norma oficial en la provincia al ladrón, agitar, cheque, y dividida. Según Dobie ( 72 ), Otra diferencia es que en
oeste de las cascadas y esto se extendió al resto de la provincia (excepto el Firmwood, los registros se escalan para el pie inferior más cercano de
río Paz Bloque) en 1915. En 1972 fue reemplazado como la norma oficial por longitud en lugar de a pie inferior incluso como se hizo en la aplicación de la
la Escala cúbico Columbia británica Firmwood ( 72 ). Referencias - 3, 13, 44, escala de Cubic BC.
47, 72, 86, 113, 132, 134,
Regla Brubaker
Esto es, por supuesto, idéntica a la regla del pie cúbico Alberta. Esta regla, una vez utilizado en Louisiana, fue publicado originalmente
por Irvine e Irvine, 725 Ryan Street, Lake Charles, La. Es una fórmula
Robinson ( 162 ) indica que los estatutos (1921) anterior que se volumen cúbico multiplicado por una constante para la conversión a bordo
los pies. Chicago). Los valores están dados por la ecuación,
47, 87.
Regla Champlain
Regla Carey
Graves ( 86 ) Dice que Daniels ideó dos reglas
Esta regla se utiliza en Massachusetts y da valores sobre los mismos que los de oro que dan casi el mismo resultado que la regla de Champlain.
Para aproximar la Regla Carey, McKenzie ( 134 ) Dio la siguiente fórmula: El volumen de pies cúbicos de un registro perfecto (cilindro) con un
diámetro superior dentro de la corteza de D sería,
Chapman ( 47 ) Afirma que esta es una regla pinza Si se asume que 1 pie cúbico es igual a 12 pies de tabla, la fórmula se
(Es decir, el diámetro se mide en el centro del tronco) pero ni Daniels ni convierte,
McKenzie indica si sus valores eran para diámetros medidos en el medio o al
final del registro.
Regla de Clemente
Chapman ( 47 ) Informa que Daniels, dándose cuenta longitud del registro y cortó la figura de la derecha. ”En forma fórmula,
Regla Chapin
con la parte decimal caído.
La fórmula que McKenzie ( 134 ) Utilizado para AP-
Esta es una regla de cascarilla de laminación desarrollado sobre 1883,
Regla proximidad de Click es,
que se dice que es el más irregular de todas las reglas. Chapman ( 47 ) Dice
que se compone seleccionando valores de las reglas existentes para
adaptarse al autor.
Referencias - 47, 86, 88.
La regla se supone que debe dar el volumen de aserrado tableros de 1 pulgada
Regla Clearfield --ver Regla Ake. Regla río Columbia --ver Regla Spaulding.
Regla de la forma cónica del río Columbia Regla de una quinta parte cubana
Rapraeger ( 152 ) Indica que el Columbia En esta regla, la circunferencia se mide en el punto medio del registro y
Río Regla Taper fue ideado por la IE Karr mientras era gerente de la Escala una relación de pie placa de pies cúbicos de poco más de 6 se supone.
Referencias - l52,203. cionales pulgadas de circunferencia quinto se dejan caer de la siguiente manera:
Regla Constantino
Graves ( 86 ) Dice que una regla de registro “práctico” es La regla se utiliza principalmente en el comercio de madera importada.
a veces a partir de la regla de Constantino deduciendo una tercera o cuarta
parte del volumen indicado para permitir el corte de la sierra y otros residuos. Referencia - 47.
Chapman ( 47 ) Dice que la regla se utiliza para medi- Regla cubo --ver Big Sandy Regla Cubo.
Ure el volumen de troncos para chapa.
Contrariamente a lo anterior, Brereton ( 27 ) Dice que
es un sistema de medición utilizado en el mercado de Nueva York para las Regla río Cumberland
maderas extranjeras cuadrados-labradas, principalmente caoba y cedro. “A
partir de madera labradas primera clase no se deduce de 2 pulgadas de Esta es una regla pie cúbico que se utilizó para troncos de madera dura
ancho a partir de una cara y 1 pulgada de anchura de la otra cara en ángulo en el valle de Mississippi y afluentes y en cierta medida en otras áreas (por
recto con ella. Esta deducción se hizo para enderezar el registro y quitar ejemplo, Massachusetts y Michigan). La norma da una generosa más de
marcas de hacha. Las mediciones de la cara se utilizan entonces para plazo para el comprador. Esto se consideró justificada por el hecho de que
calcular el contenido cúbicos del registro. Si el registro es defectuoso, los en la ampliación de los registros riverdriven la mayoría de los defectos
contenidos se reducen a la mitad” estaban ocultos en el agua y madereros fueron incluso se sabe que los
registros de pico para asegurarse de que los defectos estarían bajo el agua.
Para el volumen cúbico la fórmula sería Regla Derby
Regla Daniels --ver regla universal. Los otros nombres por los que se conoce a esta regla,
Regla Holden , Regla Robison y Regla Holden y Robinson sugieren que
probablemente fue utilizado por una empresa de ese nombre.
Regla universal Daniels --ver regla universal.
Referencias - 16, 47, 86, 134.
Como su nombre indica, esta es otra de las pocas reglas de registro que George Thomson, de la Universidad Estatal de Iowa informa que una
especifica la medición en el medio del registro en lugar de en el extremo mesa escala logarítmica con este nombre se utiliza en el sureste de Iowa por
pequeño. La forma más común de la regla es para los registros de 12 pies. un operador de aserradero llamado Dovicio. Los valores son idénticos a los
de la Regla Doyle-Scribner.
Regla Doyle
La regla se utiliza con frecuencia en Maryland y Delaware. A veces se todas las otras áreas es probable que haya más volumen de madera
usa como una regla de oro para liquidámbar y troncos de pino taeda y muy a aserrada medida por Doyle que por todas las demás reglas combinadas. Su
menudo, el diámetro de extremo pequeño se utiliza en lugar del diámetro de característica principal y la principal razón de su popularidad, al menos con
punto medio previsto. los compradores, es que se da una gran cantidad más de gestión de
pequeños troncos.
La fórmula utilizada por McKenzie ( 134 ) En su aná- Calculadora. A continuación, en 1876 Fisher publicó “Scribner libro
Ysis de la regla es, madereras y forestales”, que era casi idéntica a la publicación original
Scribner incluso hasta el punto de la inclusión de Scribner como el autor,
pero, en lugar de la regla de Scribner hubo una tabla de valores idénticos a
los Doyle regla que habían estado fuera de impresión durante más de 20
años. Debido a esta publicación, la Regla Doyle se refiere a menudo como el Nueva
Diámetro debe medirse dentro de la corteza en el pequeño extremo del
regla de Scribner o, más simplemente, la Nueva regla . En 1879, cuando la
tronco, pero hay numerosas modificaciones locales. Algunos medida
provincia de Ontario adoptó una norma para la medición de los registros
escaladores en la parte media del registro, algunos incluyen una corteza,
tomados de tierras de la Corona y para compras de registro en tierras
algunas cortezas ambos, y alguna medida en el interior de la corteza “más un
privadas la ley de autorización de leer, “seguir los valores de la tabla de la
pulgar.” Barrer ocasionalmente se tiene en cuenta y una práctica bastante
nueva regla que se publica en la madera de construcción de Scribner y libro
común es dar registros de 7 pulgadas de diámetro una escala igual a su
de registro. ”Por lo tanto, la Regla Doyle también ha sido conocido como el Regla
longitud. La mayoría de estas variantes parecen ser intentos ásperos para
Ontario aunque desde entonces ha sido reemplazada por otra norma del
compensar la underscaling notorio de los pequeños troncos.
mismo nombre.
Regla Doyle-Baxter
Después de la Regla Scribner fue introducida en 1846, es suplantado en
gran parte el Doyle menos fiables. Sin embargo, como Belyea ha
Doyle underscales troncos pequeños y Baxter underscales los grandes;
demostrado, una vez más impar de eventos resucitado que “pecador manida
poner los dos juntos y se explican los beneficios! En esta combinación
de una regla de registro.” En algún momento hacia 1872 a 1875, JM Scribner
descartar los valores para los registros de arriba a través de 20 pulgadas de
vendió los derechos de autor y de derechos de autor para su trabajo original
diámetro son las de los valores de normas Doyle y Baxter se utilizan para
a la editorial George W . Fisher. Antes de esto Fisher también habían
todos los registros más grandes que esto. Belyea ( dieciséis ) Informa que la
adquirido las placas de derechos de autor y el estereotipo de Ready de Doyle
ru le llegó a tener desventajas i derab le utilizan en
Pensilvania. Se utiliza ampliamente en las aguas de Allegheny de Pennsylvania.
Esta es otra regla de combinación, utilizando valores Doyle para los entalladura que underscales Scribner en un 15 a 20 por ciento.
como el Escala de registro estándar universal ( 5 ). La justificación dada a Referencias - 47, 86, 134.
menudo para esta regla es que el gran más de plazo compensado por las
pérdidas en la madera defectuosa.
Regla Eastern Shore --ver Regla Diámetro Medio de Delaware.
Regla de drew
Esta regla fue ideado en 1896 por Fred a Drew de Port Gamble, Regla Excelsior --ver Finch y la Regla de Apgar.
Quinto-Circunferencia Método
Para los registros de 12 pies, AL Daniels' ( sesenta y cinco ) fórmula del registro de lugar de al final.
Regla Dusenberry
Regla Finch --ver Finch y la Regla de Apgar.
Regla Finch y Apgar Glens Falls Estándar --ver Adirondack estándar.
Chapman ( 47 ) Informa que se utilizó esta regla 1. Ancho de corte de la sierra. La contracción durante el secado. Cepillado de
alrededor de Los Ángeles y da la siguiente fórmula para aproximar los 2. asignación. Provisión para serrar variación. El espesor de cualquiera de la
valores: 3. madera de construcción acabada o verde seco.
7. dimensiones de la madera aceptables mínimo. Regla arenque
mayor anchura a causa de conicidad. Los métodos de aserrado que en la longitud de más de 20 pies se le da una pulgada adicional de diámetro y
actualidad se pueden examinar son, escalado como un registro separado. En la solicitud de esta regla a veces se
cambia de manera que para los registros de más de 20 pies y hasta 40 pies el
1. aserrado Vivo con troza centrada. diámetro de escala se incrementa por 1 pulgada, y para los registros de más
2. aserrado Vivo con sawline centrada. de 40 pies y hasta 60 pies el diámetro se incrementa por 2 pulgadas.
Chapman ( 47 ) Informa que esta regla fue desa- Another extension covered logs over 60 and up to 70 feet in length. This
OpEd por John S. Hanna de Lock Haven, Pa., en 1885. La regla cubre appeared in a table of the Herring Rule published by the Kirby Lumber
diámetros de 8 a 50 pulgadas y sigue valores Scribner muy de cerca. Company and is credited to W. A. Cushman of Beaumont.
Comparando las dos normas, la Hanna parece frijol intento de suavizar
algunas de las irregularidades de la regla más.
McKenzie ( 134 ) expressed the Herring Rule by
two formulae:
Para aproximar el volumen de troncos de 12 pies,
AL Daniels da la fórmula, L, for logs
up to 30 inches in diameter:
L, for logs
McKenzie ( 134 ) Fórmula de esta regla es,
30 to 42 inches in diameter.
The Herring Rule is used mostly on Texas pine and is said to give a large
Esta fórmula se aplica aproximadamente a los registros 12 a 42 pulgadas over-run. It is similar to or the same as the Beaumont Rule.
de diámetro. Aunque Chapman informó que la Regla Hanna fue un intento de
suavizar los valores de la Regla Scribner, McKenzie señaló que los valores References--4, 25, 47, 86, 104, 134, 164.
originales “Hannah” fueron muy erráticos, lo que parece apoyar la afirmación
de que el Hanna es una regla diagrama.
Holden Rule --See the Derby Rule.
La regla se utiliza localmente en Pennsylvania, T ennessee, V irginia, Ne Holden and Robinson Rule --See the Derby Rule.
w Y ork, y Massachusetts.
Referencias - 44, 47, 86, 95, 134. Holland Rule --See the Maine Rule,
Hoyt Rule This formula, which is similar in concept to the Seventeen Inch Rule
(discussed later), gives 63.4
No information. Possibly a “standard” rule ex- percent of the cubic content of a cylinder 1 foot
pressed in board feet (like the New Hampshire long and proportionately less of an entire log de-
Rule). pending on taper, length, and diameter.
Reference--l 92. References--47, 86, 88.
Humboldt Rule --See the Spaulding Rule. International 1/8-Inch Kerf Rule
This rule was developed by Judson F. Clark in 1900 while working for the
Humphrey Rule Province of Ontario and was published ( 53 ) in 1906. It is based on a very
carefully reasoned analysis of the losses occurring during the conversion of
This is a caliper rule (diameter measured at the middle of the log) used in sawlogs to lumber and is one of the few rules incorporating a basis for dealing
central New England for estimating the portion of a cord in bolts or logs. with log taper. The basic formula was developed for 4-foot logs.
According to David M. Smith of Yale University the primary application of the
rule was in the measurement of old-field white pine logs purchased for the box
industry. Because roundedged boards were acceptable, utilization was very
close and it was assumed that the maximum yield of a standard cord (4 by 4
by 8 feet) was about 100 cubic feet of solid wood. Therefore, the Humphrey
Rule measures logs in cubic feet and divides by 100 to give the volume in
“Humphrey Decimal Cords.” Smith notes that there was a variant of the rule in Based on studies of a number of northeastern tree species, Clark made a
which division was by 128 rather than conservative taper assumption of 1/2 inch in 4 feet. The volumes for longer
lengths are then obtained by calculating and accumulating the volumes of
successive 4-foot sections. Alternatively, the basic formula could be expanded
to cover the desired lengths. Thus,
The Vermont Rule (a board foot rule) is also called the Humphrey Rule.
Hyslop Rule
Clark specified that lengths over 20 feet were to be scaled as 2 or more logs.
feet and averages 1-1/2 inches but is found in 99 percent of all logs
and should be accounted for by increasing the allowance for slabbing
and edging. Any crook over 4 inches must be taken into account by
the scaler. Clark found that the necessary allowance for slabs,
edgings, crook, etc., amounts to 2.12D for 12-foot logs or 0.71D for
6. 4-foot logs. The result then, to this point, is
In his original publication, Clark ( 53 ) presented 8. Taper can be standardized for purposes of a log rule by assuming an
a table of the rule in which all formula values had been rounded to the nearest average of 1/2 inch every 4 feet and scaling each 4-foot section as a
multiple of 5 board feet (a suggestion made by Overton W. Price of the U.S. cylinder. This method of dealing with taper was the principal
Forest Service). Chapman ( 48 ) has pointed out that it is not the formula but improvement by Clark over Daniels Universal Rule. To handle saw
this table which is the real International 1/8-Inch Kerf Rule. kerfs other than 1/8 inch, Clark ( 53 ) gives the following factors:
kerf which can be derived mathematically, the loss in slabs and 53, 81, 86, 90, 91, 124, 131, 134, 180, 205.
edgings must be obtained from diagrams and subjected to mill tests.
4. The waste in slabs and edgings depends on the minimum width of which Clark based his estimates of waste allowance should be able to equal
board allowed. In developing his rule, Clark specified that the the recoveries indicated by the International 1/8-Inch Kerf Rule, many mills
minimum board be 3 inches in width, containing not less than 2 board obviously did not meet these requirements and the rule received little support
feet. A 3-inch board then must be at least 8 feet long; a 5-inch board, from buyers. For this reason, Clark in 1917 modified the rule to allow for a
5 feet long and a 6-inch board, 4 feet long. saw kerf of 1/4 inch (Chapman and Meyer ( 50 ) say that this was done i n
1920 at the sugges t i on o f
H. H. Chapman). The change was made as follows: Grosenbaugh ( 90 ) also developed an integrated
formula to be used for the “International 1/4-Inch Rule” when the taper is
assumed to be T inches per foot of length rather than the standard taper of
1/2 inch in 4 feet.
As in the rule for 1/8-inch saw kerf, a taper of 1/2 inch in 4 feet is assumed
in calculating the volume of longer logs and all values are rounded to the
nearest multiple of 5 board feet.
inside bark at the middle of the log. Division of Mensuration with the publication of a table showing ‘International
1/4-inch values calculated to the nearest board foot rather than the nearest
multiple of 5 board feet. This appeared in the 1927 and 1930 editions of
Grosenbaugh and Arend ( 91 ) modified the rule Farmers Bulletin 1210 but was corrected in 1939 in Vocational Division
for use on small eastern red cedar logs. For this species, boards as small as Bulletin 196 and in the 1940 edition of Farmers Bulletin 1210.
1 inch by 2 inches by 2 feet are considered merchantable and this close
utilization results in sizable over-runs. The formulae for the modified rule are:
The International 1/4-Inch Kerf Rule is the statute rule in Connecticut, Lumberman’s Favorite Rule
Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York (1930), and Vermont.
This diagram rule was devised by W. B. Judson in 1877. It has been used
in Virginia, West Virginia, Michigan, New York, Texas, Tennessee, Indiana,
References--See International 1/8-Inch Kerf Rule. North Carolina, Pennsylvania,
Missouri. It was published in the Lumberman’s Handbook in 1880.
Knouf’s Rule
On small logs, this rule runs about 15 percent under the Scribner Rule.
This rule was devised in 1895 by Clyde E. Knouf and Elmer Lancaster as
a rule-of-thumb approximation to the Scribner Rule ( 132 ). The rule is also known as the Favorite Rule and the Lumberman’s Rule .
Taper is ignored, except that 32-foot lengths are scaled as two or more
logs with the scaler measuring the diameter of the first log and estimating the
Lumberman’s Rule --See Lumberman’s Favorite Rule.
diameter of the remaining logs. The rule was actually devised for short logs
and performs poorly when applied to long ones. Young ( 202 ) recom-
mended that logs over 16 feet long be scaled as two or more logs with an the Massachusetts Rule. For 12-foot logs with diameter measured at the
increase in scaling diameter of 1 inch for every 16 feet of length. middle of the log outside bark, Cook gives the following values:
There are several different tables for the Maine Rule in circulation. Cary ( 44
) and Watson ( 196 ) published tables of the original diagram values. Because
these values are somewhat erratic as are all diagram and mill-tally rules,
several authors have attempted to smooth them out. The values published by Reference--58.
Graves ( 86 ) were “made regular by interpolation by H. D. Tiemann.” The
formula given by Tiemann ( 192 ) for approximating the “corrected” Maine Rule
is, Massachusetts Rule
This rule is based on yield studies made in 1905 at 12 New England mills
by R. C. Hawley. Tallies were made of 1,200 white pine logs, down to 4
inches small-end diameter, cut with a 1/4-inch saw kerf. The rule is
constructed for round- and square-edged boards as sawed from small logs for
close utilization of second growth. Some 1-1/4inch and 2-1/8-inch lumber was
included, so the values are slightly high for 1-inch boards. Belyea ( 13 ) states
Young ( 202 ) presents a table with values calcu-
that the boards were measured on their average face, thus most fully utilizing
lated from a regression equation fitted to the Maine Rule. The equation for
the factor of taper and at the same time reducing the factor of slab to a
16-foot logs is,
minimum. For 4- to 10-inch logs the rule runs 20 to 50 percent higher than
those given by the International 1/8-Inch Kerf Rule.
This rule is presented in two forms: (1) Smallend diameter inside bark, and
McKenzie ( 134 ) used two equations to approxi-
(2) middle diameter outside bark. In the second form, Cook ( 58 ) gives the
mate the Maine Rule.
following values for 12-foot logs.
6 to 15 inches in diameter
to 48 inches in diameter
McKenzie Rule
in some areas, but Young ( 202 ) points out that there is a distinct but seldom Clark (in 1906), and Tiemann (in 1910), made a detailed analysis of the board
used Bangor Rule. foot yield of logs and concluded that the factors to consider in calculating the
References--13, 44, 47, 60, 77, 86, 88, 105, 134, volume in boards that may be sawed from a log are the slabs and edgings,
162, 188, 192, 195, 196, 202. normal crook, saw kerf, shrinkage, the dimensions of the sawed lumber, log
taper, and excessive taper in small logs. Specifically
Margolin Rule
area and varies directly with it. The allowance for sawdust is a
3. function of the saw kerf and the average dimension of the lumber
being sawed. Similarly, shrinkage is a function of the average lumber
dimension. For any given saw kerf and shrinkage, and any specified Ignoring the losses in shrinkage and dressing, the formula for 16-foot logs
average lumber dimension the loss allowance should vary directly as would be,
the volume after deduction for slabs. Taper is allowed for by figuring
an average taper of “e” inches in “f” feet of length and accumulating
the cylinder volumes of sections.
It was pointed out that in this case the constant
4. a had an unusually small value (1 inch) because of the fact that slabs were cut
very thin and edgings were graded as moulding stock. Also, short lengths
were cut from logs where taper was great enough to permit it. The volume of
logs of other lengths was calculated with a taper allowance of 1 inch in 8 feet
5. The excessive taper in small logs is offset by adding a constant not to and tables were prepared for logs 8 to 32 feet in length, and 4 to 120 inches
exceed 10 board feet. in diameter. This is what is sometimes referred to as the McKenzie Rule.
dressing (inches) the proportional loss in saw kerf after allowing for the
C = a constant of less than 10 board feet loss due to slabs, edgings, and normal crook.
lumber sawed (inches) Although the idea of a universal formula which them could not easily be eliminated. This led to the classification of rules into
could be adapted to any situation has an intuitive appeal, McKenzie’s three general types.
formula has had very little use in practice. Tiemann ( 193 ), while
recognizing the great merit of McKenzie’s work, felt that a general
formula was undesirable since the resulting proliferation of local log rules
would cause even greater confusion in the already abominable log rule
References--134, 193.
To illustrate the use of his formula, McKenzie made a study of the Red
River Lumber Company mill in Lassen County, Calif. The formula was first
applied to 16-foot logs, thereby getting the effects of taper over the 16-foot Michigan Decimal C Rule --No information.
Miller Rule --See Bangor Rule.
record, having been made the statute rule for the Province of New Brunswick
on April 14, 1845. Ker ( 113 ) states that it is an uncurved diagram rule based
Miner Rule --See Square of Two-Thirds Rule. on 1-inch boards and a 5/16-inch kerf. The original table, reprinted by
Robinson ( 162 ), shows values for logs 11 to 24 inches in diameter and 12 to
50 feet in length. This table indicates that volume was made proportional to
Minnesota Rule --See Scribner Rule.
length for logs up to 24 feet. Greater lengths were apparently treated as two
nearly equal-length short logs with the scaling diameter of the second log
Minnesota Standard --See Scribner Role. being 1 inch greater than that of the first log. Thus, the value given for a
14-inch log 36 feet long is equal to the sum of values for a 14- and a 15-inch
log, each 18 feet long. The value shown for an 18inch 30-foot log is equal to
Mississippi Pine Pole Scale
the sum of values for an 18-inch log 16 feet long and a 19-inch log 14 feet
There may be several local rules known by this name or something
similar. One of these was developed by R. S. Spencer, mill manager for the
Daley Lumber Company at Oxford, Miss. The rule is based on mill tallies of
250,000 feet of southern pine logs sawed at the Daley Mill. Several checks
have been made and local loggers claim that it “gives a good scale.” For
16-foot logs over 8 inches in diameter the values are very close to those of
the formula Scribner Rule. Logs other than 16 feet long are given a volume
The official table now issued by the New Brunswick Department of Lands
proportional to their length.
and Mines (DLM) has values for logs 3 to 30 inches in diameter and 8 to 23
feet long. Ker ( 113 ) says that in application, diameter is always rounded
down to the nearest whole inch and logs longer than those covered by the
table are to be scaled in two or more lengths.
This seems rather doubtful in view of the very early publication date for the Newfoundland Rule
New Brunswick Rule. However, it is worth noting that the values for logs 11 to
16 inches in diameter can be calculated by Robinson ( 162 ) reports that this became the statute rule of
Newfoundland in 1916. The act reads in part, “The board measure shall be
determined by multiplying the diameter of the log at the top by one-half of said
diameter in inches, and multiplying the product by length of the log in feet and
dividing the resulting product by 12. The result shall be the board foot
measure of the log in feet.” This is the same as the formula often given for the
which is the current form of the Vermont Rule.
Vermont Rule.
References--12, 13, 16, 44, 47, 113, 162, 164.
This rule was, at one time, extensively used in Maine, New Hampshire,
and Vermont. It is based on a “standard” 1 foot long and 16 inches in
diameter which is taken to equal 1 cubic foot. This is referred to as a “Blodgett
Except for the point of measurement, it is also identical to the Delaware
foot” and all logs are scaled in terms of Blodgett feet. Since the actual volume
Middle Diameter Rule. Robinson ( 162 ) says that, “Compared with the
of the standard is 1.396 cubic feet, the rule is a rough attempt to allow for the
International 1/4-Inch Rule which is used in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and
waste in squaring round logs. However, an inscribed square uses 63.6
with the Roy and New Brunswick log rules, it is high for logs with small-end
percent of a circle while the “Blodgett Foot” uses 71.6 percent and would be a
diameters under 10 inches, and low for logs of 14 inches in diameter and up.”
waney square.
References--113, 162.
The diameter is measured at the middle of the log and the formula for the
volume in Blodgett Feet is:
New Scribner Rule --See the Doyle Rule.
The legal factor for conversion to board feet was set at 100 Blodgett feet =
1,000 board feet, but in practice this was thought to give a too high a board
foot scale so an arbitrary factor of 115 was adapted. When diameter is New York Twenty - Four - Inch Standard -- See Adirondack Standard.
measured at the small end of the log a factor of 106 is used, though it would
be more accurate to use a factor that varied with the diameter and length of
the log.
Nineteen-Inch Standard --See Adirondack Standard.
This became known as the New Hampshire Rule when it was adapted as
the Statute rule of that State. Previously it was more commonly known as the Blodgett
Rule . Northeastern Rule --No information.
Northwestern Rule Ontario Rule was adopted as the official rule in
1952. It applies to logs 4 to 40 inches top diameter and 8 to 18 feet long. The
This is an extremely erratic diagram or mill scale rule based on 3/8-inch accepted formula is:
saw kerf. It was used to some extent in Michigan and Illinois. For 16-foot logs,
Graves and Ziegler ( 8 8 ) give the following values:
Ochiltree Rule --See the Orange River Rule. thickness of A inches, and a length of L feet.
Ohio River Rule --See Big Sandy Cube Rule. Using lumber recovery data published by Bell ( 12 ), the appropriate values
were found to be b =
0.30 and A = 1.1. The value of A was adjusted to
Ohio River Cube Rule 1.2 to move the curve between the values given by Bell and those presented
by industry.
A standard rule--may Sandy Cube Morison and Pennock ( 141 ) have given details
be the same as the Big
Rule. on the application of the Ontario Rule. For logs of 4 to 20 inches in diameter,
Reference--4. 1/2-inch diameter classes are used and measurements are always rounded
down to the next lower 1/2-inch class. For logs over 20 inches, 1-inch classes
are used and measurements are rounded down to the next lower 1-inch class.
Ontario Cubic Foot Formula The rule applies to logs 8 to 18 feet long; other lengths must be scaled by
other methods.
where D 1 and D 2 are the diameters at the ends of Orange River Rule
— —
the logs in inches. rule were No other references to this The formula for this rule is:
References--47, 86, 134. is regarded as a seller’s rule. McKenzie ( 134 ) used two formulae for
approximating the values of the Preston Rule.
Parsons Rule
Partridge Rule
Quebec Rule
The Partridge Rule was once used in Massachusetts and is said to be
similar to or the same as the Murdoch Rule , Fairbanks Rule , or Murdoch and
This is a diagram rule devised around 1889. It was at one time the statute
Fairbanks Rule . References--16, 47, 86, 134.
rule of the Province but was replaced by a cubic foot rule in 1936 and by the
Roy Rule in 1945.
The original rule was for logs 6 to 44 inches in diameter but at a later date,
Penobscot Rule --See the Bangor Rule. arbitrary values were assigned to logs down to 3 inches in diameter. The rule
assumes a 1/4-inch saw kerf and a minimum board width of 5 inches. Values
were obtained for 1- and 3-inch-thick boards and the averages of these were
Pine Pole Scale --See the Mississippi Pine Pole Scale.
adjusted and curved after comparison with mill tallies made on a few hundred
logs. The original table was based on 12-foot logs and other lengths are given
values proportional to their length. Taper is ignored except that on logs over
18 feet long, the average of the two end diameters is used as the scaling
Portland Rule --See the Square of Three-Fourths Rule.
diameter. one peculiarity is that the 3/4-inch mark is used as the lower
Preston Rule
limit of the diameter class. McKenzie’s ( 134 ) formula is,
References--13, 44, 47, 50, 78, 162, 169.
Rapraeger Rule
Roy Rule
This rule was devised by Henri Roy ( 169 ). The
formula is,
Robinson’s Cubic Foot Rule In 1945 it was made the official rule of the Province of Quebec. Robinson
( 162 ) reports that it is applied to logs 3 to 44 inches in small-end diameter
In 1908, Halbert G. Robinson ( 161 ) of Patten, and 4 to 20 feet in length. Logs over 20 feet are to be measured by the
Maine, published a table showing the average cubic foot volume for logs of a Quebec cubic foot scale. Ker ( 113 ) says that in Quebec the Roy Rule is not
given mid-point diameter and length. The table covered logs up to 40 feet applied to logs over 18 feet long.
long and was based on taper and volume measurements of 4,398 spruce
logs. He found that for logs up to 40 feet long, taper averaged 1 inch in 7.5
feet; longer logs had a more rapid taper and hence were omitted from the The formula is identical to that of the Sammi Log Rule.
table. He also found that the calculated cubic volumes over-ran those given
by the Huber Formula by an average of 4.9 percent. To express the values in References--113, 162, 169.
the table and to aid in interpolating where the original data were insufficient,
Robinson developed a formula which is a simple modification of Huber’s Sabine River Rule --See the Orange River Rule.
Ropp Rule
McKenzie ( 134 ) noted that the original values
were slightly erratic and approximated them by the formula.
This rule was used in Illinois by C. Ropp and Sons of Chicago. It was
originally a diagram rule for 1-inch lumber and a 1/4-inch kerf. Later the rule
was reduced to a rule-of-thumb formula which severely underscales logs
under 13 inches in diameter.
This rule was used in Maine and was sometimes called the Saco Rule .
References--4, 16, 47, 86, 88,134, 164.
St. Croix Rule --See the Doyle Rule.
original rule by increasing the slab allowance on larger logs.
“This table has been computed from accurately drawn diagrams for each
and every diameter of logs from 12 inches to 44, and the exact width of
Sammi Log Rule
each board taken after being squared by taking off the wane edge and the
contents reckoned up for every log, so that it is mathematically certain that
This was devised by John C. Sammi of the New York State College of
the true contents are here given, and both buyer and seller of logs will
Forestry as a rule of thumb for approximating the values of the International
unhesitatingly adopt these tables as the standard for all future contracts in
1/4-Inch Rule. Noting that the Clement Rule was fairly close, he simplified the
the purchase of sawlogs where strict honesty between party and party is
Clement formula for 16-foot logs to,
taken into account. In these revised
This gives values that are quite close to those of the International 1/4-Inch “The diameter is supposed to be taken at the small end, inside the bark,
Rule for 16-foot logs, but somewhat high for shorter logs and low for longer and in sections of 15 feet, and the fractions of an inch not taken into the
logs. The formula is identical to that of the Roy Rule. measurement. This mode of measurement, which is customary, gives the
buyer the advantage of the swell of the log, the gain by sawing it into
scantling, or large timber, and the fractional part of an inch in the diameter.
Still it must be remembered that logs are never straight and that
oftentimes there are concealed defects which must be taken as an offset
for the gain above mentioned. It has been my desire to furnish those who
Santa Clara Rule --See the Scribner Rule. deal in lumber of any kind with a set of tables that can implicitly be relied
upon for correctness by both buyer and seller, and to do so I have spared
no pains nor expense to render them perfect. And it is to be hoped that
Saranac Standard --See Adirondack Standard. hereafter these will be preferred to the palpably
Scribner Rule erroneous tables which have hitherto been in use. If there is any truth in
mathematics or
This rule was published in 1846 by J.M. Scribner, a country clergyman. It dependence to be placed in the estimates given by a diagram, there
is a diagram rule for 1-inch lumber with a 1/4-inch allowance for saw kerf. The cannot remain a particle of doubt of the accuracy of the results here given.
minimum board width is unknown. The original table gave values for logs 12 ”
to 44 inches in diameter inside bark at the small end and for lengths of 10 to
24 feet. Fractional inches of diameter were dropped and log taper was An interesting discussion of J. M. Scribner and his log rule has been
ignored. At a later date the author modified the published by H. C. Belyea ( 15 , 16 ).
on logs 16 feet or less in length and under 28 inches in diameter, but that for developed an extension for logs over 44 inches in diameter. This was
larger logs the rule gives increasingly large over-runs. published in the 1910 edition of the Woodsman’s Handbook ( 88 ). The
extension was based on a comparison of the curve formed by the plotted
There have been a number of modifications and extensions to Scribner’s values of the rule with similar curves for the International and Spaulding
original tables. The simplest of these was the early Lake States practice of Rules. It was built up on a 12-foot log and applied to lengths from 8 to 16 feet.
rounding all values to the nearest 10 board feet and omitting the cipher, As a concession to logging methods in the Northwest, logs up to 32 feet were
creating the so-called decimal form of the rule. When it comes to extensions scaled without taper by this rule. Rapraeger ( 152 ) says that for logs over 40
of the rule, things get to be very confusing. In 1900 the Lufkin Rule Company feet the rule was extended by allowing a fixed taper of 1 inch in 10 feet and
tabulated the decimal values then in use for small logs under three schedules, was then called the Revised Scribner Scale for Long Logs . These revised
termed A, B, and C, as shown below: tables were used in the Douglas-fir region by some commercial scaling
bureaus, but the U.S. Forest Service uses the actual taper in scaling long
which was developed in 1895. In 1903, A.L. Daniels offered two equations:
The decimal form of the original rule along with the Decimal C extension is
the form of the rule most commonly used today.
Another set of values for logs under 12 inches was that used by the Santa
Clara Lumber Company of New York State. Values for 16-foot logs were
Evidently there was some mistake in Daniels’ calculations as all of the
published in Graves and Ziegler’s Woodsman’s Handbook in 1910 and were
values given by his formulae are below the actual Scribner values. In
adopted by the Canadian Forestry Branch in 1914 ( 4 7 ). The State of
Minnesota adopted a set of slightly different values which were published by
1939, Lemieux ( 123 ) developed a smoothed approximation which gave
Cary ( 44 ) and Belyea ( 13 ). The American Lumberman Vest Pocket Ready
results similar to those of the Bruce and Schumacher formula, and in the
Reckoner gives values calculated from the formula,
same year, Gevorkiantz and Becton each published equations for
approximating the values of Scribner Decimal C. For 16-foot logs,
Gevorkiantz ( 81 ) suggested
Some tables contain values based on the equation developed by Bruce Becton gave
and Schumacher ( 39 ).
drew an analogy between his formulae and the Doyle Rule, it is possible that Seven-Tenths Log Rule
McKenzie ( 134 ) used the following formula as an C. Smith of the University of Missouri. This rule, which he reported using in
approximation: southwest Georgia in the early 1940’s, is similar in construction to the Square
of Three-Fourths and Square of TwoThirds Rules and several others.
Seven-tenths of the small-end diameter represents the largest square timber
that can be sawed from a log. The volume of this squared timber times 12 is
The Scribner, in one form or another, is one of the most widely used rules the board foot scale of the log. Apparently in practice, the fraction obtained
in the country. For many years it was the rule prescribed by the U.S. Forest after multiplying the diameter by 0.7 was rounded down to the nearest whole
Service and the Dominion Forestry Branch of Canada. It is or has been the inch before squaring.
Minnesota Standard Rule , and the Santa Clara Rule . References--11, 13, 15,
16, 17, 37, 39, 44, 46,
47, 50, 55, 77, 81, 86, 88, 112, 113, 123, 124, 132,
134, 136, 151, 152, 175, 176.
References--47, 88.
Scribner Rule (erroneous)
When Scribner’s rights to the Ready Reckoner expired the book was
Seventeen-Inch Standard --See Adirondack Standard.
reissued by Fisher who substituted the Doyle Rule for the Scribner. Because
of this, the Doyle has been referred to as the Scribner, the New Scribner, or
the New Rule. This publication also led some people to confuse the Doyle
Rule with the Doyle-Scribner or Scribner-Doyle combination rules. Sorenson Log Rule
Scribner-Doyle Rule
Spaulding Rule Square of Mean Diameter Rule
This rule was devised by N. W. Spaulding of San Francisco in 1868. It is Brereton ( 27 ) mentions a rule by this name and
based on diagrams of logs 10 to 96 inches in small-end diameter and 12 to 24 points out that squaring the mean-end diameter (in feet) and multiplying the
feet long. Karr ( 132 ) states that it was for logs 10 to 44 inches in diameter in length gives 27.32 percent more volume than any log contains. He claims that
sections 12 feet long but, considering the size of timber for which the rule was its use became general in the export trade in 1918 as a result of losses
developed, this seems doubtful. A saw kerf of 11/32 inch and the production of suffered by Pacific Coast shippers who unwisely contracted to carry logs on
1-inch lumber is assumed. The allowance for slabs increases with the size of the Scribner, Spaulding, or British Columbia log scales “whose erroneous
the log, thus increasing the over-run on larger logs. In practice, taper is construction gave only 40 to 60 percent of the actual log contents in board
ignored on logs up to 40 feet long and their volume is made proportional to feet.”
their length. For logs over 40 feet long, Rapraeger ( 152 ) says that an
allowance for taper of 1 inch in 10 feet is made and that the rule is then called
the Columbia River Rule (see also the Columbia River Taper Rule).
This rule was once used in New England and both Knouf ( 132 ) and
McKenzie ( 134 ) approximated the values of the Graves ( 86 ) report that the rule is mentioned in a “Table for Measuring Logs”
Spaulding Rule by the formula, published in 1825 in Plymouth, Maine. To get the volume of a log by this rule,
“deduct one-fourth from the diameter at the small end and express the
squared timber volume in board feet.” In formula form,
A. W. Elam.
The Spaulding Rule was adapted as the statute rule of California in 1878
and it is sometimes known as the California Rule . It is also used in Nevada,
Square of Two-Thirds Rule
Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wairaropa, New Zealand.
In this rule, diameter is measured inside bark at the middle of the log and
the cubic foot volume given by the Two-Thirds Cubic Foot Rule is converted
References--13, 27, 40, 44, 47, 77, 86, 88, 132,
to board feet using a 12 to 1 conversion
134, 152, 185.
ratio. In effect, this comes down to: approximated by,
McKenzie’s ( 134 ) formula for the rule is,
the Middle Atlantic States for hardwood logs, and to some extent on pine logs
in the South Atlantic States.
Rules that are similar to, or the same as, the Square of Two-Thirds Rule
are the Two-Thirds Rule , St. Louis Hardwood Rule , Tennessee River Rule , Lehigh Chapman ( 47 ) gives the formula for this rule
Rule , Miner Rule , and Cedar Log Scale . (for a 1/4-inch saw kerf) as,
Tiemann Rule
For approximating the values of McKenzie ( 134 ) gave this rule,
the formula,
In publishing his rule in 1910, H. D. Tiemann ( 192 ) wrote, “The log scale
has been for so long a time a hackneyed subject of discussion, and has been
attacked from so many points of view, that to bring it up once more would
seem almost inexcusable without particularly good reason. Yet the very fact
that the means of reducing round logs to some tangible unit of measure is still
Other names that have been used for the are Stillwell’s Rule and Vade
rule a mooted question shows that the problem has not yet reached an altogether
Tatarian Rule “To find the cubical contents of a log is a simple matter, and to determine
how much a given log with a known ‘rise’ in taper would saw out as boards
Chapman ( 47 ) says this rule was used in Wis- under given conditions is also comparatively easy. If this were all there were
consin and describes it as a board foot rule based on a cubic foot formula. to deter-
mine, there would be no problem Nor would there be a problem if all logs Twenty-One-Inch Standard --See the Adirondack Standard.
were cylindrical. It is the taper, then, which really constitutes the main difficulty
and makes a theoretically simple matter exceedingly complex in its practical
Twenty-Two-Inch Standard --See the Adirondack Standard.
Tiemann’s solution was to measure diameter inside bark at the middle of the
log rather than at the small end.
From the results of a mill scale study in Maine, primarily on white pine, The cubic volume by this rule is obtained by reducing the middle diameter
Tiemann curved the yield of 1-inch lumber from 224 “perfect” logs slashsawed (D m ) by one-third, squaring, and multiplying by log length.
with 3/16-inch kerf. The log rule he devised to conform to this curve is
In some cases, the average of the two end diameters is used. In the
This is applied on logs up to 24 feet long. As Tiemann pointed out, the use
redcedar industry, the smallend diameter is used and the cubic volume
of mid-point diameter does not completely solve the taper problem. The rule is
multiplied by 12 for conversion to board feet.
accurate for 16-foot logs, but gives a very small over-run on shorter logs and
a slight under-run on longer ones. Logs between 24 and 48 feet long are
This rule is sometimes called the Big Sandy Cube Rule though the rule
divided and scaled as two equal length logs, using two mid-log diameter
commonly known by that name specifies diameter measurement at the small
measurements. Logs over 48 feet long require three diameter measurements.
end of the log.
— —
sometimes are measured. In this case, the values of D 2 in the formula is The Champlain Rule introduced by A. L. Daniels in 1902 was not well
obtained from, received. The complaints made against it were that it assumes all logs to be
straight, round, and free from defects. In addition, it assumes that the loss in
manufacture of the board is due only to sawdust, slabbing, and edging, and
not to crooks, knots, or other blemishes. To overcome these shortcomings,
Daniels, in October
Although the Tiemann Rule has considerable merit, it has seen very little
practical application because of the added difficulty and cost of mid-point
1903, modified the Champlain Rule to produce the Universal Rule. The only
measurement of diameter.
change is to increase surface waste allowance to the equivalent of a 2-inch
plank whose width equals the diameter of the log (the Champlain Rule has a
References--14, 47, 48, 192, 194.
surface waste allowance equivalent to a 1-inch plank). With this change the
formula becomes:
Graves ( 86 ) gave the formula as McKenzie’s ( 134 ) formula for the Vermont Rule
which is apparently a misprint. The Winder Rule may be similar to, or the same as, the Vermont Rule.
McKenzie’s ( 134 ) formula for the Universal
The Vermont Rule has also been called the Humphrey Rule , but there is also
Rule is, a cubic volume rule with this same name.
Universal Standard Log Scale --See the DoyleScribner Rule. saw kerf.
This is a rule of thumb used in Idaho for logs over 30 inches in diameter
The Vermont Rule values are simply 12 times the cubic foot volumes and 16 feet or less in length.
given by the Inscribed Square Rule.
which is not greatly different from the first formula. However, it was specified
that the revised formula was for 12-foot logs and that longer logs would be No other information is available, References--47,
scaled in 12-foot lengths starting at the small end. This leads to the simplified 86, 88.
White Rule
Mont., in 1898. For 16-foot logs, Graves ( 86 ) gives the following values: Wisconsin State Rule
References--47, 86. according to the revised Wisconsin statute of 1901 is to be used in scaling
logs. The values in the table are identical to those of the Scribner Decimal C
Wilcox Rule
This Pennsylvania rule is obscure in origin. It is labeled as a diagram rule References--62, 86.
by some, but Ross ( 164 ) says it is a mill scale rule for softwood timber. It has
a saw kerf allowance of 3/8 inch and gives low and irregular values.
Younglove Rule
McKenzie’s formula is, This rule was devised in 1840 by Tyler Younglove, a carpenter, of
Fitchburg, Mass. It is supposed to have been derived from diagrams and mill
tallies and is said to give results similar to those of the Baxter, Massachusetts,
or Margolin Rules. Cook ( 58 ) states that diameter measurements are to be
made outside bark at a point onethird of the length of the log from the small
References--47, 86, 134, 164.
end or inside bark at the middle. Colton ( 56 ) claimed that the “best” results
were obtained by measuring diameter outside bark at the small end of the log.
Wilson Rule
Adams Table If cross sectional areas (B) in square feet are used in place of diameters, the
formula is:
This is a volume table used on the North Island of New Zealand. It gives
volumes based on the Brereton Rule but the diameter is measured inside
bark at the middle of the log rather than being the average of the two end
References--47, 86.
Albany Board
Bangor Board
Most of the timber cut in Maine was marketed in Bangor where the unit of
Canterbury Tables
measure for lumber was the Bangor Board. This was a board 1 inch thick, 12
inches wide, and 12 feet long.
Most Canterbury sawmillers in New Zealand use the Goss or Canterbury
Tables for calculating log volume. The values are based on the Square of
Three-Fourths Rule.
Breyman’s Formula
one-third of the length (D 1/3 ), two-thirds of the length (D 2/3 ), and the large
An obsolete lumber measure; 120 pieces of 1-1/4 inch by 9 inch by 11
---------------------- 1 ). Then, if diameters are measured in inches,
------------------- feet. Equal to 103-1/8 cubic feet.
------------------ ---------------------
Cord In all of the above rules, diameter and length are both measured in meters.
A measure commonly used in North America, primarily for pulpwood and References--36, 107.
fuelwood. It is a pile 4 by 4 by 8 feet equal to 128 cubic feet of wood and
space. There have been some variations in the size of the pile. In the New
Brunswick Fuelwood Act of 1848 a pile 8 feet by 4 feet by 4 feet 4 inches was Cubage au cinquiéme --See Cubage au réel.
specified ( 162 ). The “French Cord” mentioned by Kellog ( 111 ) is another
local form. References--111, 162.
Cubage au quart --See Cubage au réel.
Cubage au réel
Cubic Metre Francon --See Hoppus Measurement.
Bruce ( 36 ) reports that in France the “true”
volume of a log in cubic meters is obtained by measuring either diameter (D m
) or circumference (C m ) at the mid-point of the log (usually outside bark unless Cunit
Three log rules may be used to estimate the volume of products that can
be sawn from a log. All of them are metric variations on the quartergirth
formula. Cubage au quart sans déduction References--l62, 184.
gives the volume of a squared timber cut from a log. The timber will have
waney edges above the middle of the log where diameter is measured. Customs Measurement --See Hoppus Measurement.
Cubage aux sixiéme déduit gives the volume of the squared timber with no
wane but with “sappy” edges.
Die-Square Measurement
where G is the girth in inches inside bark at the mid-point of the log.
Finally, Cubage au cinquiéme déduit gives the volume of the squared Die-square measurement is supposed to show the maximum cubic contents
timber which for most species will have neither wane nor sap. the log can yield when squared.
Drammen Standard Goss Table --See the Canterbury Table.
12. Jennings ( 107 ) implies that Haakon Dahl Measure is the same as the
Francon System which is simply Hoppus measure expressed in metric units.
A term used in Germany for a cubic meter of solid wood. A cubic meter of
stacked wood is called a Raummeter or Ster .
References--76, 107.
Holzmarkt Measure
Francon System --See Hoppus Measurement.
French Cord
Reference--l Il.
This is a cubic volume formula used primarily in the United Kingdom,
India, Australia, and New Zealand. The formula is:
Gefle Standard
reckoned to consist of 100 cubic feet because such a quantity, as regards center of the log in 1/4-inch gradations. If the measurement is made outside
loading space, was considered to be equivalent to one Petrograd, or St. bark, the deduction for bark may be according to the following schedule:
An additional 1/2 inch is deducted for each increase in girth of 6 inches or This is sometimes called Calliper Measure -
fraction thereof. ment . It is said to have been used to some extent on the British Government
Jennings ( 107 ) reports that “tape over bark” dockyards but was little used in trade.
measurement is handled by making a percentage reduction in the
quarter-girth according to the “Liverpool Conventional Allowance, ” or the References--30, 47, 64, 67, 76, 86, 108, 132,
percentage deduction may be applied to the calculated volume. The size of 143, 162.
the allowance varies between England and Scotland and between species.
Hoppus feet times 12. Also called Quarter Girth Superficial Feet and in
New Zealand, Haakon Dahl Superficial Feet . References--76, 107.
Hossfeldt’s Formula
Brereton ( 30 ) claims that in practice a string is
passed around the middle of the log then doubled twice and measured, giving
the quarter-girth. Because of the method of measurement, the procedure is
sometimes called Hoppus String Measure
For conversion purposes a Hoppus foot is considered equivalent to 10 On butt logs, Hossfeldt’s Formula is said to give more accurate results than
board feet. The Hoppus formula gives 78.5 percent of the actual cubic volume either the Smalian or the Huber Formula but the measurement of diameter at
of a log. To get the “true” cubic volume a divisor of 113 is used in place of 144 the two-thirds point is somewhat of a disadvantage.
small end.
Jennings ( 107 ) gives a different version of what
he refers to as Liverpool Sales Measure. He reports that, as an allowance for
Huber’s formula looks much simpler if the midpoint cross sectional area (B
saw kerf, measurements were made in “mahogany inches” which are 1/8 inch
1/2 ) in square feet is used in place of diameter. longer than the standard English inch To facilitate the measuring, special
rules were manufactured showing “mahogany inches” on one side and
English inches on the other.
This formula, like Smalian’s, is completely accurate if the log is in the form of References--27, 107.
a truncated paraboloid. But, as Chapman ( 47 ) points out, if the log is more
convex and lies between a paraboloid and a cylinder, the volume given by
Huber’s formula will be too large. If the log falls between the frustrum of a Liverpool String Measure --See Hoppus Measurement.
paraboloid and a cone, as many logs do, the Huber volume will be too small.
The error by Huber’s formula is one-half that of Smalian’s and opposite in
A term used in shipping during the 19th century. A load was the space
In one test of this formula on spruce and fir logs up to 40 feet long it was required for 50 cubic feet of timber.
found that the true volume averaged 1.049 times as large as that given by the
formula Reference--162.
Kohlmann’s Rule The tab l es i n “Matheson ’ s Aus t ra l i an Sawmiller’s Log and Timber
Ready-Reckoner” show log volumes in quarter-girth cubic and quarter-girth
This is merely a metric form of the cubic volume determined by Huber’s superficial feet.
formula It is also referred to as Kohlmann Measure.
Mercer Tables
Liverpool Brokers Mahogany Sale Measure
These tables are used in India and Pakistan. They show the contents in
Brereton ( 27 ) reports that this was a system cubic feet of logs and sawn timbers of given dimensions and also timber price
used in Great Britain for the measurement of hewn mahogany and satinwood calculations in rupees. The volume of round timber is calculated by the
logs. Length is measured to the nearest 1/2 foot. Square or rectangle timbers Quarter-girth method (divisor of 144). The tables were compiled by
12 inches and over in width and thickness are measured to the inch, fractions
being discarded. For smaller sizes, half inches are reckoned in thickness only.
In irregularly shaped timbers the minimum side is taken as the measurement. L. Mercer and published in 1951 by the Manager of Publications, Delhi, India.
After the dimensions are taken according to the foregoing System a reduction
of 3 inches is made in both thickness and width. Tapering timbers are Reference--107.
measured at one-third of the length from the
Moore Table
board foot volumes by the Doyle Rule, was used some years ago in the Philippine Measurement
Ohakune district of New Zealand. It was also known as the Ohakune Table .
Reference--76. In the Philippine Islands logs are measured in cubic meters. For logs less
than 8 meters long, the diameter is measured at the small end of the log. On
longer logs diameter is measured at the center, or if this is impractical, the
average of the two end diameters is used. Then,
Moulmein Timber Calculator
Pressler’s Formula
Newton’s Formula
This is a cubic foot formula for tree volume, not a log rule. It is suitable for
trees whose form approximates that of a cone or a paraboloid. Two
This is the most accurate of the three common cubic volume formulae, but
measurements are required; the diameter ( D ) in inches at a point well above
it requires measurement of diameter at the small end (D O ), mid-
the influence of the butt swell, and the height ( H ) in feet at a point where the
-------------------------------- diameter is one-half of D. Then,
Newton’s formula may be used to get the volume of a log which has the
form of a frustrum of a cone, paraboloid, or a neiloid.
Quarter-Girth Formula --See Hoppus Measurement.
Petrograd Standard
Quebec Board
Quebec Deal --See Quebec Board. Shichi-ku Gake Sunken Ho Log Rule (0.79 Scale)
10. In scaling, the fractions of a sun in diameter and the fractions of a shaku
in length are disregarded and when computing contents, the onethousandth
of a koku is ignored.”
Rudorf’s Formula
This cubic volume formula requires the measurement of diameter in Sunken Ho Log Rule is based on Hoppus measure except for the use of
inches at the small end (D O ) and the large end (D 1 ) of the log. Then, small-end measurements in place of measurement at the mid-point of the log.
However, this does not agree with the procedure given above by Brereton.
---------------------------- Brereton’s procedure in formula form is,
Schiffel’s Formula
Simoney’s Formula
If instead of diameter in inches, we use the cross sectional area in square Standard Mine
feet ( B ), the formula is:
This term appears in Robinson’s ( 162 ) quotation
of an act passed in the Province of Quebec in 1843. It was applied to staves
and for “Standard” or “Measurement” staves was defined to be one thousand
pieces, five and a half feet long, five inches broad, and two inches thick For
“West India” or “Puncheon” staves the Standard Mille was defined as one
References--47, 86.
thousand two hundred pieces, three and a half feet long, four inches broad,
and three-fourths of an inch thick. For “Barrel” staves the standard was one
thousand two hundred pieces, two feet eight inches long, three and a half
Smalian’s Formula
inches broad, and three-fourths of an inch thick.
Alternatively, cubic volume is calculated as the average cross sectional
area in square feet at the ends of the log times log length. In France and other European countries a cubic meter of stacked wood is
called a stere. The German word for a stacked cubic meter is Raum -
This gives the correct volume if the log is in the form of a truncated
paraboloid. If the log is more convex and lies between a paraboloid and a meter though they also use the term Ster .
cylinder, Smalian gives too small a volume. For logs having slightly convex
sides but not the full form of a paraboloid, as is true of most logs, Smalian
gives too large a volume. In either case, the error in Smalian’s Formula is String Measure --See Hoppus Measurement.
twice as large as that in Huber’s and opposite in sign. By using short lengths,
4 feet or less, the error for a 16-foot log can be kept down to 1 percent or less
of the true volume. Toya Menka Kaisha, Ltd. Table
This table shows the Haakon Dahl or Hoppus Superficial Feet for logs of a
given small-end diameter inside bark. The tabular values were calculated by
adding different amounts to the small-end diameter in order to approximate
A common mistake in the application of Smalian’s Formula is to square midpoint diameters. The additions were as follows:
the average-end diameter rather than use the squares of the two end
diameters. Then,
0.5 inch for logs up to 13 feet long, 1 inch for loge 16 to 22 feet, 1.5 inches for
logs 25 to 30 feet long, and 2 inches for logs 39 feet and longer.
The tables are used in the Bay of Plenty area of New Zealand.
This gives slightly less volume than the correct method, but for 16-foot
logs with less than 2 inches of taper, the error is under 1 percent. Actually,
this tends to offset the positive error usually associated with the use of Tun
Smalian’s Formula.
Robinson ( 162 ) reports that the British, appar-
References--13, 39, 47, 50, 86, 89. ently more interested in the space occupied by timber than in its actual
weight, used the unit of a “tun,” which had originally been the space occu-
Square of Quarter-Girth Formula --See Hoppus pied by a large cask or “tun” of wine. Later legis-
Measurement. lation specified that the “ton,” as it became known,
was equal to 40 cubic feet. The Oxford dictionary refers to the use of the word
“tun” in 1677, stating that 1-3/4 “tun” equaled one “coard” The “ton” is still
used in England and India where it refers to 50, not 40 cubic feet of wood
References--107. 162.
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