Mayo General
Mayo General
Mayo General
General Ledger
For the Period From 1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017
Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by ID. Report is printed with shortened descriptions and in Detail Format.
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General Ledger
For the Period From 1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017
Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by ID. Report is printed with shortened descriptions and in Detail Format.
Account ID Account Description Date Reference Jrnl Trans Description Debit Amt Credit Amt Balance
31/5/17 Ending Balance 200,000.00
I Beginning Balance
1110 DEP.ACUM.CATEGORIA II Current Period Change 1,666.67 -1,666.67
31/5/17 Ending Balance -1,666.67
1301-01 DEPOSITOS DE ALQUIL1/5/17 Beginning Balance
1301-01 DEPOSITOS DE ALQUIL28/5/17 4 CDJ JUANA MARTE - deposi 30,000.00
1301-01 DEPOSITOS DE ALQUILER Current Period Chang 30,000.00 30,000.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 30,000.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 1/5/17 A0100100101PJ SEGUROS EL HURACAN SEGURO 23,423.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 2/5/17 A0100100101PJ GRISBEL AMELIA COMPUTER,SRL 407,100.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 2/5/17 1 CDJ GRISBEL AMELIA COM 407,100.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 3/5/17 A0100100101PJ GRISBEL AMELIA COMPUTER,SRL 542,800.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 8/5/17 A0100100101PJ PALERERIA BORRRADOR, SRL 2,926.40
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 8/5/17 A0100100101PJ ROSENDO SIME 36,000.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 15/5/17 A0100100101PJ PABLO CABRAL MARMOLEJOS 12,825.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 15/5/17 2 CDJ PABLO CABRAL MARM 12,825.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 18/5/17 A0100100101PJ VASQUEZ MEREJO & ASOCS.SRL 14,075.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 18/5/17 3 CDJ VASQUEZ MEREJO & A 14,075.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 19/5/17 A0100100101PJ TELE-GALLARETA 3,380.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 28/5/17 A0100100101PJ JUANA MARTE 13,500.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 28/5/17 A0100100101PJ JESUSA FINANCE AND TAXES 13,500.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 28/5/17 5 CDJ JUANA MARTE - Invo 13,500.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 29/5/17 A0100100101PJ EDE-APAGON 3,000.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 31/5/17 A0100100101PJ BANCO TIREO 860.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 31/5/17 CARGOS CDJ BANCO TIREO - Invo 860.00
20102-01 CUENTAS POR PAGAR SUPLIDORESRD Current Period Chang 448,360.00 1,073,389.40 -625,029.40
31/5/17 Ending Balance -625,029.40
20103-01-01 RETENCIONES ISR ASA 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
20103-01-01 RETENCIONES ISR ASA 28/5/17 6 CDJ JOSE DAVID SIME REYES 45,170.54
20103-01-01 RETENCIONES ISR ASALARIADOS Current Period Change 45,170.54 -45,170.54
31/5/17 Ending Balance -45,170.54
20103-02-01 RETENCION ISR ALQUI 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
20103-02-01 RETENCION ISR ALQUI 28/5/17 A0100100101PJ JUANA MARTE - RETENCION IRL 1,500.00
20103-02-01 RETENCION ISR ALQUILERES Current Period Change 1,500.00 -1,500.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance -1,500.00
20103-02-02 RETENCION ISR HONOR1/5/17 Beginning Balance
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General Ledger
For the Period From 1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017
Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by ID. Report is printed with shortened descriptions and in Detail Format.
Account ID Account Description Date Reference Jrnl Trans Description Debit Amt Credit Amt Balance
20103-02-02 RETENCION ISR HONOR15/5/17 A0100100101PJ PABLO CABRAL MARMOLEJOS - RET 1,425.00
20103-02-02 RETENCION ISR HONOR28/5/17 A0100100101PJ JESUSA FINANCE AND TAXES - RETE 1,500.00
20103-02-02 RETENCION ISR HONORATIOS Current Period Change 2,925.00 -2,925.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance -2,925.00
20103-03-01 ITBIS POR PAGAR 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
20103-03-01 ITBIS POR PAGAR 6/5/17 A0100100101SJ CASA ELVIS CUEVAS, S.A - DGII 81,900.00
20103-03-01 ITBIS POR PAGAR 6/5/17 A0100100101SJ SUNNY SLR - DGII 88,200.00
20103-03-01 ITBIS POR PAGAR 20/5/17 A0100100101SJ PAMELA, C POR A. - DGII 12,600.00
20103-03-01 ITBIS POR PAGAR Current Period Change 182,700.00 -182,700.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance -182,700.00
20103-03-15 ITBIS PAGADO COMPRA1/5/17 Beginning Balance
20103-03-15 ITBIS PAGADO COMPRA2/5/17 A0100100101PJ GRISBEL AMELIA CO 62,100.00
20103-03-15 ITBIS PAGADO COMPRA3/5/17 A0100100101PJ GRISBEL AMELIA CO 82,800.00
20103-03-15 ITBIS PAGADO COMPRA8/5/17 A0100100101PJ PALERERIA BORRRAD 446.40
20103-03-15 ITBIS PAGADO COMPRA8/5/17 A0100100101PJ ROSENDO SIME - IT 6,480.00
20103-03-15 ITBIS PAGADO COMPRAS LOCALES Current Period Chang 151,826.40 151,826.40
31/5/17 Ending Balance 151,826.40
20103-03-16 ITBIS PAGADO POR SER1/5/17 Beginning Balance
20103-03-16 ITBIS PAGADO POR SER15/5/17 A0100100101PJ PABLO CABRAL MAR 2,565.00
20103-03-16 ITBIS PAGADO POR SER18/5/17 A0100100101PJ VASQUEZ MEREJO & 2,250.00
20103-03-16 ITBIS PAGADO POR SER19/5/17 A0100100101PJ TELE-GALLARETA - 468.00
20103-03-16 ITBIS PAGADO POR SER28/5/17 A0100100101PJ JUANA MARTE - ITB 2,700.00
20103-03-16 ITBIS PAGADO POR SER28/5/17 A0100100101PJ JESUSA FINANCE AN 2,700.00
20103-03-16 ITBIS PAGADO POR SERVICIOS DED Current Period Chang 10,683.00 10,683.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 10,683.00
20103-04-01 RETENCION ITBIS PERS1/5/17 Beginning Balance
20103-04-01 RETENCION ITBIS PERS15/5/17 A0100100101PJ PABLO CABRAL MARMOLEJOS - RETE 2,565.00
20103-04-01 RETENCION ITBIS PERS28/5/17 A0100100101PJ JUANA MARTE - RETENCION ITBIS 1 2,700.00
20103-04-01 RETENCION ITBIS PERS28/5/17 A0100100101PJ JESUSA FINANCE AND TAXES - RETE 2,700.00
20103-04-01 RETENCION ITBIS PERSONAS FISIC Current Period Change 7,965.00 -7,965.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance -7,965.00
20103-04-03 RET.ITBIS SOCIEDADES1/5/17 Beginning Balance
20103-04-03 RET.ITBIS SOCIEDADES18/5/17 A0100100101PJ VASQUEZ MEREJO & ASOCS.SRL - R 675.00
20103-04-03 RET.ITBIS SOCIEDADES 30% Current Period Change 675.00 -675.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance -675.00
20103-04-04 RET.ITBIS PST 100% 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
20103-04-04 RET.ITBIS PST 100% 8/5/17 A0100100101PJ ROSENDO SIME - RETENCION ITBIS 6,480.00
20103-04-04 RET.ITBIS PST 100% Current Period Change 6,480.00 -6,480.00
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General Ledger
For the Period From 1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017
Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by ID. Report is printed with shortened descriptions and in Detail Format.
Account ID Account Description Date Reference Jrnl Trans Description Debit Amt Credit Amt Balance
31/5/17 Ending Balance -6,480.00
20104-02 SEGURIDAD SOCIAL P 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
20104-02 SEGURIDAD SOCIAL POR PAGAR Current Period Change 16,808.65 -16,808.65
31/5/17 Ending Balance -16,808.65
301 CAPITAL SUSCRITO Y 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
301 CAPITAL SUSCRITO Y PAGADO Current Period Change 500,000.00 -500,000.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance -500,000.00
40101-01 VENTAS CON VALOR FI 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
40101-01 VENTAS CON VALOR FI 6/5/17 A0100100101SJ CASA ELVIS CUEVAS, S.A - Item: 1 455,000.00
40101-01 VENTAS CON VALOR FI 6/5/17 A0100100101SJ SUNNY SLR - Item: 1586 - COMPUTA 490,000.00
40101-01 VENTAS CON VALOR FI 20/5/17 A0100100101SJ PAMELA, C POR A. - Item: 1586 - C 70,000.00
40101-01 VENTAS CON VALOR FISCAL Current Period Change 1,015,000.00 -1,015,000.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance -1,015,000.00
501 COSTO DE VENTAS 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
501 COSTO DE VENTAS 6/5/17 A0100100101COGSCASA ELVIS CUEVAS, 299,000.00
501 COSTO DE VENTAS 6/5/17 A0100100101COGSSUNNY SLR - Item: 322,000.00
501 COSTO DE VENTAS 20/5/17 A0100100101COGSPAMELA, C POR A. - 36,000.00
501 COSTO DE VENTAS Current Period Chang 657,000.00 657,000.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 657,000.00
60101-02 COMISIONES VENDEDO1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60101-02 COMISIONES VENDEDO28/5/17 6 CDJ JOSE DAVID SIME R 25,000.00
60101-02 COMISIONES VENDEDORES Current Period Chang 25,000.00 25,000.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 25,000.00
60201-01 SUELDOS 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60201-01 SUELDOS 28/5/17 6 CDJ JOSE DAVID SIME R 305,000.00
60201-01 SUELDOS Current Period Chang 305,000.00 305,000.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 305,000.00
60202-01-01 HONORARIOS LEGALES1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60202-01-01 HONORARIOS LEGALES15/5/17 A0100100101PJ PABLO CABRAL MAR 14,250.00
60202-01-01 HONORARIOS LEGALES PF Current Period Chang 14,250.00 14,250.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 14,250.00
60202-01-03 ASESORIA FISCAL PF 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60202-01-03 ASESORIA FISCAL PF 28/5/17 A0100100101PJ JESUSA FINANCE AN 15,000.00
60202-01-03 ASESORIA FISCAL PF Current Period Chang 15,000.00 15,000.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 15,000.00
60202-02-02 AUDICTORIA PERSONA 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
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General Ledger
For the Period From 1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017
Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by ID. Report is printed with shortened descriptions and in Detail Format.
Account ID Account Description Date Reference Jrnl Trans Description Debit Amt Credit Amt Balance
60202-02-02 AUDICTORIA PERSONA 18/5/17 A0100100101PJ VASQUEZ MEREJO & 12,500.00
60202-02-02 AUDICTORIA PERSONA JURIDICA Current Period Chang 12,500.00 12,500.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 12,500.00
60202-07-01 ENERGIA ELECTRICA 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60202-07-01 ENERGIA ELECTRICA 29/5/17 A0100100101PJ EDE-APAGON - SERV 3,000.00
60202-07-01 ENERGIA ELECTRICA Current Period Chang 3,000.00 3,000.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 3,000.00
60202-07-04 TELEFONO DE OFICINA 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60202-07-04 TELEFONO DE OFICINA 19/5/17 A0100100101PJ TELE-GALLARETA - 2,912.00
60202-07-04 TELEFONO DE OFICINA Current Period Chang 2,912.00 2,912.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 2,912.00
60202-07-06 MATERIAL GASTABLES D1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60202-07-06 MATERIAL GASTABLES D8/5/17 A0100100101PJ PALERERIA BORRRAD 2,480.00
60202-07-06 MATERIAL GASTABLES DE OFICINA Current Period Chang 2,480.00 2,480.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 2,480.00
60203-01 ARRENDAMIENTOS PERS 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60203-01 ARRENDAMIENTOS PERS 28/5/17 A0100100101PJ JUANA MARTE - AL 15,000.00
60203-01 ARRENDAMIENTOS PERSONAS FISI Current Period Chang 15,000.00 15,000.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 15,000.00
60204-02 GASTO DEP.CATEGORIA1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60204-02 GASTO DEP.CATEGORIA II Current Period Chang 1,666.67 1,666.67
31/5/17 Ending Balance 1,666.67
60206-01 GASTOS DE SEGUROS 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60206-01 GASTOS DE SEGUROS RIESGOS Current Period Chang 1,951.92 1,951.92
31/5/17 Ending Balance 1,951.92
60207-06 IMPUESTO 15% 1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60207-06 IMPUESTO 15% 31/5/17 A0100100101PJ BANCO TIREO - IMP 650.00
60207-06 IMPUESTO 15% Current Period Chang 650.00 650.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 650.00
60207-07 CARGOS Y COMISIONES1/5/17 Beginning Balance
60207-07 CARGOS Y COMISIONES31/5/17 A0100100101PJ BANCO TIREO - CA 210.00
60207-07 CARGOS Y COMISIONES BANCARIOS Current Period Chang 210.00 210.00
31/5/17 Ending Balance 210.00
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