CIETUS CevallosTrujillo
CIETUS CevallosTrujillo
CIETUS CevallosTrujillo
“Epidemiología y diagnóstico de la
amphimeriosis en Ecuador”.
Prof. Dr. Antonio Muro Álvarez, Catedrático de Parasitología y Prof. Dr. Pedro
Fernández Soto, Profesor Contratado Doctor del Departamento de Biología
Animal, Parasitología, Ecología, Edafología y Química Agrícola de la Universidad
de Salamanca, y Prof. Dr. Manuel Calvopiña Hinojosa, Docente-Investigador,
Universidad de las Américas (UDLA), Quito-Ecuador
Que la Tesis Doctoral titulada “Epidemiología y Diagnóstico de la
Amphimeriosis en Ecuador”, que se presenta para optar al grado de Doctor por
la Universidad de Salamanca en la modalidad de Tesis por compendio de
publicaciones, ha sido realizada por William Fernando Cevallos Trujillo, con CC.
No. 170989629-2, Médico por la Universidad Central del Ecuador y Magister en
Medicina Tropical por la Fundación Oswaldo Cruz de Rio de Janeiro-Brasil, bajo
nuestra dirección en el Centro de Biomedicina de la Universidad Central del
Ecuador y en el Centro de Investigación de Enfermedades Tropicales de la
Universidad de Salamanca, dentro del Programa de Doctorado Salud y Desarrollo
en los Trópicos. Consideramos que reúne, a nuestro juicio, originalidad y
contenidos suficientes, por lo que autorizamos su presentación para ser evaluada.
Fdo. Dr. Antonio Muro Álvarez Fdo. Dr. Pedro Fernández Soto
Dedico no esta tesis, sino el camino que recorrí hasta llegar a ella,
a todos aquellos que me acompañaron a recorrer caminos,
y muy especialmente:
A mi esposa, amiga y compañera de eternas jornadas: Nancy Pepita,
mi ejemplo de sencillez y perseverancia.
A mis adorados hijos: Samy Abigail y Andrés Paúl,
mi luz al final del camino.
A mi querida hermana Irene Elsie,
por su calidez y apoyo incondicional.
A mi familia.
Los pobladores de las comunidades Chachis por recibirme siempre con los brazos
abiertos y en medio de la carestía supieron entregarme lo mejor que se alberga en este
pueblo sencillo y trabajador: su amistad y afecto.
Al profesor Antonio Muro Álvarez, por la confianza depositada desde los primeros
días del programa de doctorado, por la atención amiga durante la estancia en su
laboratorio y en la fase de escritura de los textos inacabados de esta tesis.
A la profesora Belén Vicente Santiago por su inmensa y generosa ayuda con los
primeros ensayos en la técnica inmunológica, gracias por tu alegría y palabras de
A los colegas del programa de doctorado: Juan Hernández y Javier Gandasegui por la
atención amiga durante el trabajo de laboratorio.
A la Universidad Central del Ecuador, en la persona del Señor Rector Dr. Fernando
Sempértegui PhD., por su apoyo decidido para el perfeccionamiento de la planta
docente. A todas las personas que conforman la Dirección General de Investigación y
Posgrado por el apoyo logístico y financiero para la realización de este trabajo y la
Unidad de Gestión por su asesoría en los trámites administrativos.
Índice de figuras
Índice de tablas
1. INTRODUCCIÓN .................................................................................................................................. i
1.1 Introducción .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Enfermedades Emergentes y Re-emergentes ............................................................... 1
1.3 Enfermedades Tropicales Desatendidas. ....................................................................... 3
1.4 Trematodosis transmitidas por alimentos .................................................................... 6
1.5 Amphimerus spp. y amphimeriosis ................................................................................ 12
1.5.1 Definición .......................................................................................................................... 12
1.5.2 Breve reseña histórica ................................................................................................. 12
1.5.3 Taxonomía ........................................................................................................................ 12
1.5.4 Morfología ........................................................................................................................ 14
1.5.5 Ciclo biológico ................................................................................................................. 16
1.5.6 Epidemiología ................................................................................................................. 19
1.5.7 Mecanismos patogénicos ............................................................................................ 22
1.5.8 Manifestaciones clínicas ............................................................................................. 24
1.5.9 Diagnóstico....................................................................................................................... 26 Métodos parasitológicos .................................................................................... 26 Técnicas inmunológicas ..................................................................................... 27 Diagnóstico molecular ........................................................................................ 27
1.5.10 Tratamiento ..................................................................................................................... 30
1.5.11 Prevención y control. ................................................................................................... 30
1.6 Zona geográfica del estudio. ............................................................................................. 31
1.7 Bibliografía .............................................................................................................................. 35
2. HIPÓTESIS Y OBJETIVOS ............................................................................................................. 46
2.1 Hipótesis................................................................................................................................... 47
2.2 Objetivo general .................................................................................................................... 47
2.2.1 Objetivos específicos .................................................................................................... 47
3. ARTÍCULOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN.............................................................................................. 48
3.1 ARTÍCULO 1: High prevalence of human liver infection by Amphimerus spp.
Flukes, Ecuador. ................................................................................................................................... 49
3.2 ARTÍCULO 2: High prevalence of the liver fluke Amphimerus spp. in domestic
cats and dogs in an area for human amphimeriasis in Ecuador. ...................................... 54
3.3 ARTÍCULO 3: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for diagnosis of
Amphimerus spp. liver fluke infection in humans................................................................... 64
3.4 ARTÍCULO 4: LAMPhimerus: a novel lamp assay for detecting Amphimerus
spp. DNA in human stool samples. ............................................................................................... 71
3.5 ARTÍCULO 5: Diagnosis of amphimeriasis by LAMPhimerus assay in human
stool samples long term storage onto filter paper. ................................................................ 88
4. CONCLUSIONES ............................................................................................................................100
5. OTROS ARTÍCULOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN ............................................................................102
5.1 Sensibilidad de la técnica de Kato-Katz para la detección de huevos de
Amphimerus en muestras de heces, y prevalencia de infección en Amerindios Chachis.
6. ANEXOS ............................................................................................................................................116
Anexo 1. Metodología ......................................................................................................................117
1. Obtención del parásito adulto. ...........................................................................................117
2. Preparación de antígeno somático de vermes adultos de Amphimerus spp.....118
3. Desarrollo de la técnica de ELISA. .....................................................................................118
4. Desarrollo de la TD-PCR. ......................................................................................................119
5. Desarrollo de la técnica LAMPhimerus. ..........................................................................121
5.1 Obtención de ADN de Amphimerus spp. ..................................................................121
5.2 Obtención de ADN de otros parásitos. .....................................................................121
5.4 Diseño del LAMP ...............................................................................................................121
6. Método LAMP para la amplificación de ADN de Amphimerus spp. ......................123
7. Detección de los productos de amplificación. ..............................................................123
7.1 TD-PCR. ................................................................................................................................123
7.2 LAMP. ....................................................................................................................................123
8. Análisis estadísticos................................................................................................................124
Anexo 2. Otras publicaciones con índice de impacto ..........................................................125
Anexo 3. Contribuciones en Congresos ....................................................................................130
1.1 Introducción
Las regiones tropicales y subtropicales de países pobres, son las más propicias para
el desarrollo de ciertas parasitosis humanas, ya que cuentan con un ambiente natural y
social que les son favorables para su cadena reproductiva.
Infecciones Emergentes”, se ha expandido por todo el mundo (CDC, 2014 a; CDC 2014b;
Breiman et al., 2013).
Los Institutos Nacionales de Salud de los Estados Unidos (NIH; del inglés, National
Institutes of Health), clasifican la aparición de nuevas enfermedades y el resurgimiento
de otras, en tres grupos: el grupo 1 corresponde a enfermedades emergentes
reconocidas como nuevas en los últimos 20 años, el grupo 2 son las enfermedades re-
emergentes propiamente dichas, y, el grupo 3 son las enfermedades producidas por
agentes que pueden ser utilizados en acciones bioterroristas (NIAID, 2017).
presentan alta morbimortalidad (Molyneux et al., 2010; WHO, 2013; Baker et al., 2010;
Conteh et al., 2010).
En América Latina, las NTDs no sólo afectan a la población más pobre, sino que
también se concentran en poblaciones vulnerables, especialmente comunidades
indígenas y con descendencia africana (Hotez et al., 2008). En esta región del mundo,
se estima que el 7% del total de la población y el 40% de la población rural pertenecen
a un solo grupo étnico (PAHO, 2007). La extrema pobreza afecta a poblaciones
indígenas, particularmente en Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Guatemala y México,
donde reside aproximadamente el 80% de esta población (Holveck et al., 2007).
De acuerdo a la clasificación del Banco Mundial, los países que tienen bajos ingresos
económicos y que además están ubicados en la línea ecuatorial, aumentan el riesgo para
la transmisión y dispersión de las enfermedades zoonóticas (Hotez et al., 2010). Los
factores ecológicos y el desarrollo económico, juegan un papel importante en la
dinámica de transmisión (McMichael, 2004; Sachs et al., 2001). Así, las regiones
alrededor de la línea ecuatorial reciben mayor influencia de los rayos solares, lo que
permite una mayor capacidad de supervivencia de las plantas (Thornthwaite, 1948),
dando como resultado regiones tropicales con mayor biodiversidad del planeta (Waide
et al., 1999). Esto tiene como resultado la presencia de nichos ecológicos propicios para
la transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas entre diversos animales (Keesing et al.,
El control de la rabia canina continúa siendo un desafío en zonas rurales del país
donde además se han documentado casos transmitidos por murciélagos (Cartelle
Gestal et al., 2015). Uno de los mayores éxitos del Ecuador, ha sido el control y posterior
A pesar de que han sido descritos hace cientos de años (Mas-Coma et al., 2005), aún
existen dudas respecto a su taxonomía, ya que nuevas especies continúan siendo
identificadas y descritas (Chai, 2007; Blair et al., 2007).
Las especies de mayor importancia para la salud humana son las ictiozoonosis que
afectan al hígado, producidas por parásitos de la familia Opisthorchiidae, los cuales
parasitan los conductos biliares pequeños del hospedador humano o animal. Tienen
una amplia distribución a nivel mundial, presentando alta prevalencia especialmente
en países asiáticos, causando elevada morbilidad (Chai et al., 2005; Keiser & Utzinger,
2009; dos Santos et al., 2011; Mas-Coma & Bergues, 1997). Por ejemplo, en Taiwán, C.
sinensis tiene tasas de prevalencia de hasta un 57%. Se estima que una región con una
prevalencia mayor al 20% debe ser considerada como área hiperendémica y donde el
tratamiento masivo con praziquantel estaría justificado (Chen, 1991; Rim, 1986). Estas
infecciones son reconocidas por causar enfermedad grave en ciertas zonas geográficas
del mundo. Colangitis, coledocolitiasis, pancreatitis y colangiocarcinoma se asocian a
un patrón de infección crónica (Chai et al., 2009; Mas-Coma & Bergues, 1997).
Localización intestinal
Otros determinantes sociales de la salud son por ejemplo, el papel social asignado a
las mujeres y niños como agentes de recolección de agua y juego dentro de ríos, lo cual
les expone más a enfermedades vectoriales y consumo de alimentos poco o mal
preparados. Esto representa una dinámica de trasmisión de la enfermedad específica
que requiere intervenciones focalizadas como acceso a agua segura, educación y mejora
en el saneamiento (Guernier et al., 2004; Rathgeber et al., 1993). Las condiciones de
trabajo dedicados a agricultura y pesca de subsistencia determinan un mayor riesgo de
contraer las NTDs (Coutinho et al., 1997). También el bajo nivel de escolarización les
impide conocer las formas de evitar o disminuir el riesgo de exposición, comparado con
poblaciones con mayores niveles de educación (Conteh et al., 2010, Vecchiato, 1997;
Ho, 2004; Boelaert et al., 2010).
1.5.1 Definición
Dentro del género Amphimerus, el primer trematodo de vías biliares estudiado fue
Amphimerus pseudofelineus, descrito originalmente por Ward en 1901 en un gato de
Nebraska, Estados Unidos de América. Posteriormente, Barker en 1911 lo clasificó
dentro del género Amphimerus diferenciándolo de aquellos pertenecientes a la familia
Opisthorchiidae como Clonorchis sinensis y Opisthorchis viverrini. A partir de entonces,
A. pseuodofelineus ha sido descrito ampliamente en las Américas infectando también a
gatos en los estados de Illinois y Michigan. Además, se ha estudiado el parásito a través
de infecciones experimentales en Manitoba, Canadá.
1.5.3 Taxonomía
1.5.4 Morfología
Conocemos muy poco acerca del ciclo biológico de Amphimerus spp. Sin embargo,
nuestras primeras investigaciones evidencian que este parásito produce infección en
humanos y animales domésticos a través de la ingestión de peces crudos o
insuficientemente cocinados. Al igual que en otros trematodos de la familia
Opisthorchiidae, los peces son portadores de metacercarias activas, las cuales una vez
ingeridas se separan de la carne del pescado en el estómago por la acción del jugo
gástrico, avanzando hasta el duodeno, donde son liberadas por acción combinada de
proteasas como tripsina y cisteína. Posteriormente, los trematodos liberados
atraviesan la ampolla de Vater y alcanzan las vías biliares intrahepáticas, sitio en el cual
se desarrolla el parásito adulto, pudiendo vivir hasta 30 años y produciendo
aproximadamente 4.000 huevos por día. (Attwood, 1978; Kim et al., 2009). La
maduración a parásito adulto se produciría aproximadamente en dos meses, como en
el caso de O. viverrini y C. sinensis. Los humanos, reptiles y ciertos mamíferos como
perros y gatos que ingieren peces de río pueden servir como hospedadores definitivos
(Taylor et al., 2001).
en las orillas de los ríos o lagunas. Los huevos son ingeridos por un caracol, que sirve
de primer hospedador intermediario. Cada huevo libera un miracidio, el cual atraviesa
varias etapas de desarrollo intramolusco (esporoquistes, redias y cercarias). Las
cercarias liberadas por el caracol tras un breve período de tiempo en el agua, penetran
en la carne de un pez de agua dulce que actúa como su segundo hospedador
intermediario (Figura 5).
(Adaptado de
1.5.6 Epidemiología
Mecanismos de agresión
Se pueden agrupar en tres acciones principales: (i) daño mecánico, (ii) efecto tóxico,
y (iii) proceso inflamatorio.
Para sobrevivir largos períodos en entornos hostiles como el fluido biliar, los
trematodos hepáticos liberan activamente productos de excreción/secreción (ES) a
través del tegumento y del poro excretor, algunos de los cuales son altamente
inmunogénicos (Sripa et al., 2000; Mulvenna et al., 2010). Además, pueden ser tóxicos
o interactuar con el epitelio biliar para estimular la inflamación, promover la
proliferación y suprimir la apoptosis (Kim et al., 2008; 2009). Varios estudios
demuestran que los productos de ES del parásito adulto C. sinensis provocan cambios
en el perfil de expresión del transcriptoma, proteoma y micro ARN en células humanas
(HuCCT1) con CCA y en hígados de ratones (Pak et al., 2009; 2014). Además, estos
productos pueden producir hiperplasia de células biliares normales a células
adenomatosas con posterior transformación a CCA, debido a la alteración
transcripcional de genes diana carcinogénicos, tales como el gen Mcm7, a través de
modificaciones de histonas (Sripa et al., 2010). Con los recientes avances en la
caracterización del transcriptoma (Laha et al., 2007; Young et al., 2010) y del proteoma
de productos de ES de O. viverrini y C. sinensis (Mulvenna et al., 2010; Pak et al., 2009),
se han identificado varias moléculas del parásito con actividad carcinogénica
(Daorueang et al., 2012; Smout et al., 2009). Entre ellas destaca una proteína con gran
similitud al factor de crecimiento en mamíferos, denominada granulina (Ov-GNR-1).
Mecanismos de defensa
Aunque se han realizado trabajos para dilucidar el papel de las repuestas Th17 en
estas infecciones, se ha visto un incremento de estas poblaciones celulares en ratones
infectados con C. sinensis. Sin embargo, aún hacen falta más estudios para conocer con
exactitud la función específica de estas poblaciones linfocitarias en la defensa contra
estos trematodos (Yan et al., 2015).
Mecanismos de evasión
1.5.9 Diagnóstico
(Wongratanacheewin et al., 2002; Muller et al., 2007; Lovis et al., 2009; Kaewkong et
al., 2013). Aunque estos estudios han demostrado que los métodos basados en la PCR
son muy sensibles y específicos, aún no se utilizan de manera rutinaria en países de baja
renta ya que se necesita personal capacitado y equipos costosos, lo que los hace
inviables para su aplicación en condiciones de campo.
Por otro lado, hay que tener en cuenta que la sensibilidad obtenida mediante la
técnica PCR depende en la mayoría de los casos de la calidad del proceso de extracción
de los ácidos nucleicos, ya que se conocen diversos inhibidores de la Taq polimerasa
presentes en las heces. Además, algunos compuestos y derivados de los alimentos (p.e.
polifenoles, taninos, terpenos, polisacáridos y resinas) pueden limitar la extracción de
ADN (Arimatsu et al., 2012). Así, al realizar la PCR usando ADN extraído de parásitos
adultos, donde la contaminación es menor a la de otros compuestos, la reacción se
produce con una sensibilidad más elevada, mientras que si la reacción se lleva a cabo
con ADN obtenido a partir de heces, la sensibilidad se reduce considerablemente. Por
tanto, sería extremadamente difícil aplicar una técnica de PCR en condiciones de campo
ya que no se dispone de las condiciones necesarias para la realización de esta técnica
en sitios remotos.
1.5.10 Tratamiento
Las intervenciones en Salud Pública para prevenir las infecciones por trematodos
transmitidos por alimentos deben incluir disponibilidad y acceso a la quimioterapia,
adecuado saneamiento e higiene, cambio de prácticas de uso y consumo de alimentos y
campañas de información, comunicación y educación. La implementación de un control
integrado que incluya todas estas medidas comparado con la utilización exclusiva de
tratamiento ha sido más eficaz en el control de O. viverrini en Tailandia, valorada
mediante la tasa de reinfección (Sornmani et al., 1984). En China, la prevalencia de
Paragonimus spp. fue reducida significativamente sobre todo con la implementación de
educación en salud (Blair et al., 2007). Adicionalmente, está bien documentado que la
mejora en el saneamiento e higiene influye en la prevalencia de estas enfermedades. Un
estudio realizado en Laos mostró una significativa asociación entre opistorquiosis y
escaso saneamiento e higiene en poblaciones de bajos recursos económicos (Sayasone
et al., 2007).
proteína animal en la dieta, siendo una acción necesaria que debe ser considerada por
los gobiernos locales y nacionales.
El estudio se realizó en tres comunidades indígenas Chachis a lo largo del río Cayapas
(Figura 11). Esta área forma parte del bosque lluvioso tropical llamado “Chocó
biogeográfico del Pacífico” que cubre parte de las costas de Ecuador, Colombia y
Panamá. Esta área ha sido catalogada como un “biological hotspot” (Myers et al., 2000),
es decir, una zona considerada de alta biodiversidad pero en peligro de extinción por la
rápida pérdida de sus recursos naturales. El clima es cálido y húmedo, con una
temperatura promedio de entre 24°C y 28°C y una humedad relativa promedio del 85%
(Sierra, 1999).
Figura 11. Mapa del área donde se muestran en círculos rojos las 3 comunidades estudiadas
a lo largo del Río Cayapas y su afluente Río San Miguel.
Los indígenas Chachis viven en comunidades remotas donde la única forma de llegar
es por canoa a lo largo del río (Figura 12). Mantienen una infraestructura poco
desarrollada con aguas residuales no tratadas que son eliminadas detrás de las casas,
rudimentarios sistemas de eliminación de residuos sólidos. Una de las principales
fuentes alimenticias es el pescado y crustáceos recolectados en los ríos principales y
sus afluentes.
Figura 12. Vista panorámica del acceso a las comunidades del Río Cayapas.
Las personas son cazadoras y comen pescado poco cocinado y capturado en los ríos
vecinos casi todos los días y la comida se acompaña con arroz cocido y plátano (Figura
13). Mayor información de la zona de estudio y sus habitantes se encuentra muy bien
detallada en la literatura (Whitten, 1965; 1974; Sierra, 1998; 1999).
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Hipótesis y Objetivos
Hipótesis y Objetivos
2.1 Hipótesis
Por lo tanto, la hipótesis de esta tesis doctoral es probar que la amphimeriosis es una
zoonosis prevalente en comunidades con hábitos alimentarios de consumo de peces de
agua dulce crudos o insuficientemente cocinados. Para ello es necesario disponer de
nuevas herramientas más útiles para su diagnóstico.
Artículos de Investigación
Artículos de Investigación
High Prevalence high prevalence of human infection with a trematode of the
genus Amphimerus in Ecuador.
of Human Liver
Infection by
The Study
In June 2009, during a routine fecal examination
Amphimerus spp.
for the parent study, 4 samples tested positive for eggs
of the Opisthorchiidae family in 3 indigenous Chachi
Flukes, Ecuador
communities along the Cayapas River in the northern
coastal rainforest of Ecuador. In January 2010, a follow-
up survey was conducted in the same 3 communities (total
Manuel Calvopiña, William Cevallos, population 589); all villagers, whether symptomatic or
Hideo Kumazawa, and Joseph Eisenberg not, were asked to provide a fecal sample. Specifically,
a community meeting was held in each village, study
Amphimerus spp. flukes are known to infect mammals,
objectives were explained, and villagers were asked for
but human infections have not been confirmed. Microscopy
of fecal samples from 297 persons from Ecuador revealed
their voluntary participation. Flasks were distributed to
Opisthorchiidae eggs in 71 (24%) persons. Light microscopy all villagers and collected the next day in the school and
of adult worms and scanning electron microscopy of eggs by going house to house. The Chachis, the predominant
were compatible with descriptions of Amphimerus spp. This group in these 3 communities, represent 13% of the 24,000
pathogen was only observed in communities that consumed inhabitants in the region. Afro-Ecuadorians and mestizos
undercooked fish. also reside in this region (10,11).
A total of 297 (50.4%) community members 3–77
years of age provided samples. To each person providing a
T he genus Amphimerus Barker 1911 infects mammals
from the Americas, including Canada, the United
States, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Brazil, and Peru.
sample, a questionnaire was administered regarding types of
food eaten and cooking practices. Samples were preserved
in 10% formalin, transported to a laboratory in Quito, and
Eleven species are reported (1–7). In Ecuador, a trematode
stored at 4°C until examination by light microscopy. Eggs
resembling Amphimerus spp. but identified as Opisthorchis
were concentrated by using the formalin-ether technique.
guayaquilensis has been reported (8,9).
In addition, 120 fecal samples from Afro-Ecuadorian
Amphimerus spp. are parasitic liver flukes in the bile
and mestizo persons were examined. The villagers were
ducts of mammals, birds, and reptiles (1). Although these
informed of the study in their local Chapalache language
digenetic trematodes of the Opisthorchiidae family are
by community health community workers. The ethical
closely related to the genera Clonorchis and Opisthorchis,
committee of the Central University approved this study.
there are morphologic differences. The vitellaria in adult
Duodendoscopy was performed in 4 patients by a
Amphimerus spp. trematodes are distributed in 4 groups, 2
gastroenterology specialist to examine the biliary liquid;
anterior and 2 posterior; the latter groups extend beyond the
the microscopy of this liquid showed eggs identical to those
posterior testis; the ventral sucker is larger than the oral, and
found in their feces. These patients received praziquantel
the testes are rounded or slightly lobulated. In contrast, the
(75 mg/kg in 3 doses/3 d), and were purged with 10 mg
vitellaria in Clonorchis and Opisthorchis spp. trematodes
of bisacodilo. Fecal samples were collected and examined
exist only in front of the testes. Additionally, Clonorchis
for worms as previously described (12). Recovered
spp. trematodes have 2 large highly branched testes; testes
worms were fixed with 10% formalin, stained with Diff-
in Opisthorchis spp. worms are always lobulated (1,2). The
Quik fixative (Sysmex, Kobe, Japan), and identified by
eggs of the flukes from these genera can be differentiated
comparing their morphologic features to known adult
only by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Clonorchis and Opisthorchis spp. worms. Community
Definitive diagnosis using light microscopy of flukes
health workers collected and examined the livers of 3
of the Opisthorchiidae family, therefore, is not possible
cats and 3 dogs from 1 of the 3 communities. All 6 livers
unless the adult worm is collected and identified. Through
had eggs and high numbers of adult parasites in the bile
isolation of adult worms and SEM of eggs, we found a
ducts. Adult parasites were stained, and microscopic
studies showed them to be identical to those in the human
Author affiliations: Universidad Central del Ecuador Centro de
Biomedicina, Quito, Ecuador (M. Calvopina, W. Cevallos); Kochi
A total of 71 (24%) of the 297 fecal samples from
University School of Medicine, Kochi, Japan (H. Kumazawa); and
the indigenous Chachi were positive for Opisthorchiidae
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA (J. Eisenberg)
eggs (Table). In contrast all 120 samples from Afro-
DOI: Ecuadorian and mestizo persons were negative. Eggs
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 17, No. 12, December 2011 2331
were yellow-brown and measured 28–33 μm ×12–15 μm Table. Prevalence of Amphimerus eggs in feces in 3 villages,
(n = 20). The operculum and the shoulders, however, were Ecuador
not prominent as they are in Clonorchis and Opisthorchis No.
eggs. Occasionally, a small knob, but most frequently a Total samples No. (%) Distance to the
Village population examined positive coast, km
curved spine, was seen on the abopercular end. Although, 1 116 82 28 (34.1) 120
by light microscopy, the shape and size of the eggs 2 248 86 23 (26.7) 91
resembled that of the other liver flukes, the patterns of 3 253 129 20 (15.5) 85
the eggshell surface were distinct when viewed with Total 617 297 71 (23.9)
SEM (Figure 1). This observation is corroborated with
published photographs (3). spp. trematodes are believed to be transmitted, as are
After participants were treated with praziquantel, a the other members of the Opisthorchiidae family, by
total of 8 worms were recovered from 4 human participants ingestion of raw or undercooked fish (2). In our survey,
and dozens from cat and dog livers; all were placed in most Chachis reported eating smoked fish caught in the
saline. The worms were delicate, leaf-shaped, elongated, rivers. Food sharing is more common among Chachi than
and red-pink and measured 8–13.6 mm long (average 10.2 Afro-Ecuadorians and mestizo families (13). Notably, the
mm) × 0.5–1.1 mm wide (n = 15). After a few minutes, most remote village (120 km inland from the coast) had the
the worms coiled in an S shape and became transparent highest prevalence. Our results suggest that Amphimerus
or whitish. Once stained, the following features were spp. flukes are zoonotic pathogens of domestic animals
observed: 1) the vitellaria divided into an anterior and living with humans.
posterior group with the posterior group extending the level Amphimeriasis should be considered an endemic liver
of the posterior testis; 2) a ventral sucker larger than oral fluke infection among residents of this Chachi population
sucker; and 3) 2 rounded testes (Figure 2). On the basis in Ecuador. Further studies are needed to determine the
of these morphologic characteristics of the adults and complete epidemiology and geographic distribution of
the SEM findings of the eggs, the parasite was identified infection in this region, as well as in other provinces of
as Amphimerus spp. Ecuador where freshwater fish is eaten undercooked or
where the same tropical ecology is found. For example,
Conclusions the Amazonian region has indigenous groups where other
Our study demonstrates that the liver fluke of the foodborne trematodiasis-like paragonimiasis are endemic
genus Amphimerus can infect humans. We found a high (14). Amphimerus spp. flukes infecting domestic and wild
prevalence (15.5%–34.1%) of infection with Amphimerus animals have been reported from Ecuador’s neighboring
spp. trematodes in the surveyed communities (Table). countries as well as from Central and North America.
Samples from the Afro-Ecuadorian and mestizo population The existence of undiscovered foci of human infections is
were all negative for Opisthorchiidae eggs. Amphimerus possible.
Figure 1. Scanning electron
microscopy images of A)
an egg of the Ecuadorian
Amphimerus spp. trema-
tode (original magnification
×3) obtained from a
human and B) an egg
of the Asian Clonorchis
sinensis trematode (original
magnification ×4). Although
the size is similar, the
pattern of the surface is
different, thus differentiating
the 2 genera.
2332 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 17, No. 12, December 2011
Human Liver Infection by Amphimerus spp.
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 17, No. 12, December 2011 2333
15. Park GM. Genetic comparison of liver flukes, Clonorchis sinensis Address for correspondence: Manuel Calvopiña, Department of Molecular
and Opisthorchis viverrini, based on rDNA and mtDNA gene se- Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, Centro de Biomedicina, Universidad
quences. Parasitol Res. 2007;100:351–7. doi:10.1007/s00436-006-
Central del Ecuador, Sodiro N14-121 e Iquique, Quito, Ecuador; email:
2334 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 17, No. 12, December 2011
Artículos de Investigación
Los datos muestran una alta tasa de infección por Amphimerus spp. en gatos
domésticos y perros que residen en las comunidades Chachis. Se puede concluir que
estos animales actúan como hospedadores definitivos y reservorios del parásito y por
tanto que la amphimeriosis es una enfermedad zoonótica. Estos hallazgos proporcionan
importantes datos epidemiológicos que ayudarán en el desarrollo e implementación de
estrategias de control contra la transmisión de Amphimerus.
Amphimerus Barker, 1911 is a genus of parasitic liver fluke which are flat helminths (Platyhel-
minthes) of the Trematoda class and belong to the Opisthorchiidae family. The adult flukes re-
side within the bile ducts of a definitive host [1]. Infection by liver flukes of this family, which
include Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis spp. can occur through the consumption of raw or
undercooked, metacercariae infected freshwater fish [1–5]. Liver fluke infection is one of the
more important food-borne diseases worldwide and is considered by the World Health Orga-
nization as a neglected tropical disease [6]. Affected individuals with liver flukes of the
Opisthorchiidae family can suffer from suppurative cholangitis, cholelithiasis and cholangio-
carcinoma [3,5,6].
In the Americas, ten species of Amphimerus which infect mammals have been described:
A. pseudofelineus, A. pseudofelineus minutus, A. caudalitestis, A. price, A. lancea, A. parciovatus,
A. bragai, A. minimus, A. neotropicalis and A. ruparupa [7,8]. In Ecuador, flukes found in the
bile ducts of dogs were previously described as Opisthorchis guayaquilensis [9] but later, this
species, without any further comparative studies was named as being Amphimerus guayaqui-
lensis. However, Artigas and Perez (1964) considered to A. guayaquilensis to be synonym of
A. pseudofelineus. A few years later, A. guayaquilensis was considered to be distinct from
A. pseudofelineus and was instead regarded as a synonym of A. parciovatus [7]. Furthermore,
Thatcher (1970) did not agree with this synonymy and contemplated A. guayaquilensis distinct
from A. pseudofelineus because of the extent of the vitellaria. The validity of some species in
this genus is controversial, since speciation is based only on morphological and morphometric
features present in the adult flukes and the assignment of species names must be regarded
as speculative.
Amphimerus spp. have been demonstrated to infect birds, reptiles and certain mammals in-
cluding cats, dogs, ducks, the double-crested cormorant, Amazonian dolphins, opossums
(Didelphis marsupialis, Philander opossum) and the rodent Nectomys squamipes [1,9–16]. For
other members of the Opisthorchiidae family known to infect humans e.g. C. sinensis and
Opisthorchis spp., cats and dogs are the most important animal reservoirs for human infection
[2,3,17,18]. However, it is currently unknown whether domestic animals may act as a definitive
and/or reservoir host for human transmission in the recently reported focus of infection in
Ecuador [10]. Given the similarities between C. sinensis, Opisthorchis spp. and Amphimerus
spp., it was hypothesized that these mammals may also act as reservoirs for Amphimerus sp. in-
fection in Ecuador.
The indigenous group, Chachi, who live along the Rio Cayapas and its tributaries in the
north-western coastal rainforest of Ecuador, have been shown to have a high prevalence of in-
fection (15.5% to 34.1%) with Amphimerus sp. [10]. Afro-Ecuadorian and mestizo populations
living in separate communities but along the same rivers were not found to be infected [10].
The solo infection of the Chachi population was postulated to be related to their cultural tradi-
tion of eating smoked fish and food sharing [10,11].
In a previous pilot study, conducted by the authors, in the same endemic communities for
human infection, both cats and dogs were found to be positive for Amphimerus eggs. There
was no evidence of infection in any other animals investigated (e.g. pigs and chickens). The ob-
jective of this study was, therefore, to investigate the prevalence of infection of Amphimerus sp.
in domestic cats and dogs and to determine their role in the transmission in the Ecuadorian vil-
lages endemic for human infection.
This study was based on a previous census conducted in January 2012 where each household
was given an identification number and a total of 109 households were recorded in the three
communities. In July 2012, all house owners were asked to participate in the study by providing
a stool sample from any cats and/or dogs residing in the respective household, simultaneously
a census of dogs and cats residing in the participating communities was conducted. A team of
community health workers informed the villagers of the study in their local Chapalache lan-
guage and residents were free to refuse entry to their household or access to their domestic ani-
mals at any point during data collection.
Sample processing
Stool samples were collected by their owners from each animal directly after the deposit was
made. Plastic flasks containing stool samples were labelled with type of animal, house code and
Fig 1. Map of the study area. It showed the geographical location of the study area in the Canton Eloy
Alfaro, province of Esmeraldas, 320 km from the capital Quito. In red circles are the 3 communities studied
along the Rio Cayapas and its tributary Rio San Miguel.
date. The samples were preserved in 10% formalin and transported to the parasitology labora-
tory at Centro de Biomedicina in Quito where they were stored at 4°C until they were exam-
ined. Samples were concentrated using the formalin-ether technique as previously described
[10] and were examined under light microscopy by at least two laboratory technicians for the
presence of Amphimerus eggs. Samples were then verified by an expert in animal stool exami-
nation who was not involved in the data collection. The primary outcome variable was Amphi-
merus infection, defined as positive if eggs of the parasite were visualized by light microscopy.
The yellow-brown eggs measured 20 to 32 um in length and 14 to 16 um in width; they are pyr-
iform with a visible operculum at the narrower anterior end. In the centre of the posterior end
there is a small bud (Fig. 2).
The adult parasites were obtained from the livers of two cats and one dog. Animals were
presented by their owners as sick and showed severe emaciation. They were euthanized with
ether and necropsied. The livers were collected in saline solution, squeezed and sliced in small
Fig 2. An egg of Amphimerus sp. observed in stools from a cat. It is seen to be morphologically similar, using light microscopy, to eggs of Clonorchis
sinensis and Opisthorchis spp. (dimensions 31 μm × 15 μm).
pieces and maintained for 30 minutes. Flukes were then removed from the saline and were
fixed in both 70% ethanol and 10% formalin.
Molecular characterization
For molecular analysis, genomic DNA samples were extracted from each of the Amphimerus
adult specimens from the cats and dogs using a DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (QIAGEN K. K.,
Tokyo, Japan). The ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA was then amplified by PCR using Ex
Taq DNA polymerase (Takara Bio, Shiga, Japan). The primers used were 3S (forward, 50 -
TAGTTTCTTTTCCTCCGC-30 ) [24]. DNA sequencing of amplicons was performed with a
3100-Advant Genetic Analyzer (Life Technologies, Foster City, CA, USA).
Statistical analysis
Data was analysed using SPSS version 19 (Statistical Product and Service Solutions, Chicago, IL,
USA). The data was stratified by village and animal species, and prevalence of Amphimerus in-
fection in the animals calculated for each village. A chi squared test was used to detect any sig-
nificant differences in the prevalence of infection between animal species and between villages.
Ethical approval of the study was given by ethic committee of the Universidad Central del Ec-
uador (licence number LEC IORG 0001932, FWA 2482, IRB 2483.COBI-AMPHI-0064–11).
All villagers were asked for their verbal consent to access their domestic animals and collect
stool samples. Infected animals with any parasite were treated with specific drugs free of charge
in the following months. The study was conducted according to the above institution’s guide-
lines for animal welfare.
Of the 109 houses recorded in the communities, 89 (81.6%) agreed to take part in the survey
(Table 1). From these 89 houses, a total of 27 cats and 43 dogs were counted at the time of data
collection. Stool samples from 45/70 animals (64.2%), 14 from cats and 31 from dogs were col-
lected and examined microscopically for the presence of Amphimerus eggs (Table 1). Samples
of the remaining 25 animals were not able to be collected because they either did not defecate
on the collection day or were not present in the home at the time. In cats the prevalence of
Amphimerus infection was 71.4% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 47.7–95.1), and in dogs,
38.7% (95% CI = 21.6–55.8) (Table 1). The overall prevalence of Amphimerus sp. in the two an-
imal species investigated was 48.9% (95% CI = 34.3–63.5). Cats were approximately four
times more likely to be infected with Amphimerus sp. than dogs, OR = 3.95 (95% CI 1.01–15.6,
p = 0.042). There was no statistically significant difference between the communities with re-
gard to prevalence of Amphimerus infection in the animals studied.
The eggs found in the stools of cats and dogs demonstrated the morphological characteris-
tics consistent with other members of the Opisthorchiidae family (Fig. 2). In order to confirm
that the eggs were from Amphimerus sp., two positive cats and one positive dog were eutha-
nized and adult flukes were obtained from the bile ducts and subjected to morphological and
molecular characterization. The recovered flukes just after extraction from the bile ducts were
flat, leaf-like, reddish, flexible and elongated with active movements in saline, with a thinner
anterior than posterior extremity, measuring from 15 to 28 mm in length by 2 to 4 mm in
width. When fixed in formalin 10%, the flukes became whitish and shorter measuring around
10 to 18 mm long. Flukes were stained with borax carmine and photographed (Fig. 3). Adults
of Amphimerus sp. can be differentiated from Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis spp. by cer-
tain morphological features e.g.: 1) The presence of two rounded testes, which lie one behind
the other in the posterior portion, 2) The vitellaria occupy both lateral sides of the fluke,
Table 1. Demographics of three villages in northwest Ecuador and the prevalence of Amphimerus sp. infection in domestic cats and dogs of
these villages.
Total Surveyed (%) Total Examined (%) Positive (%) Total Examined (%) Positive (%)
1 22 17 (77.2) 10 8 (80) 3 (37.5) 8 4 (50) 3 (75)
2 44 32 (72.7) 19 13 (69) 6 (46.1) 10 5 (50) 3 (60)
3 43 40 (93) 14 10 (72) 3 (30) 9 5 (56) 4 (80)
Total 109 89 (81.6) 43 31 (72) 12 (38.7) 27 14 (52) 10 (71.4)
List of accession numbers/ID numbers for the sequences of the ribosomal DNA ITS2 region of the flukes obtained from humans, cats and dog
Accession numbers, deposited in the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ nucleotide database are: AB678442 for Amphimerus sp. from humans
AB926429 for Amphimerus sp. from cats
AB926430 for Amphimerus sp. from a dog.
Fig 3. Adult fluke obtained from the biliary ducts of a cat. The major difference of Amphimerus flukes from the others Opisthorchiidae is that the vitelline
glands situated along both lateral sides of the body are divided into anterior and posterior clusters at the level of the ovary, distributed in four groups, 2
anterior and 2 posterior extending nearly to the excretory pore.
outside of the intestinal branches and are conspicuously distributed in four groups, 2 anterior
and 2 posterior extending backwards nearly to the excretory pore, and 3) the ventral sucker is
larger than the oral [1,10]. Furthermore, sequences of the ribosomal DNA ITS2 region of the
flukes obtained from the cats and dog were identical to that obtained from humans in the pre-
vious study [10]. Accession numbers, deposited in the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ nucleotide data-
base, are AB678442, AB926429 and AB926430 for Amphimerus sp. from humans, cats and
dogs, respectively.
The current study is the first to identify Amphimerus sp. infection in the domestic animals
from Chachi communities in which high rates of infection have been demonstrated [10]. The
overall prevalence of Amphimerus sp. infection in cats and dogs was relatively high and it can
be concluded that these species act as definitive hosts for Amphimerus sp. in the study region.
As the eggs and adult flukes were demonstrated to be morphologically similar and molecularly
identical to those obtained from humans it can be further assumed that they act as reservoir
hosts for human infection. This confirms that amphimeriasis is a zoonosis from domestic ani-
mals living together with humans. Importantly, the prevalence of infection in the cats and dogs
recorded in this study was significantly higher than in the humans of the same communities
(48.9% in animals compared to 24% in humans) [10]. These findings suggest that these animals
play a role in the transmission of Amphimerus to humans. It is of interest to note that the ani-
mals studied have contact with villages inhabited by Afro-Ecuadorians and mestizo groups and
defecate in and contaminate the community streams, thus represent a risk to these populations
which were not found to be infected in the previous human study [10].
The prevalence reported here for Amphimerus sp. infection in cats and dogs is similar to
that of other members of the Opisthorchiidae family. In China and Korea, the average preva-
lence of C. sinensis infection in cats and dogs ranged from 64.1% to 73.2% and from 56.4% to
69.4%, respectively [2]. Furthermore, in a study of O. viverrini infection in four districts of
Thailand, cats had a much higher prevalence (35.5%) than dogs (0.37%) [18].
Amphimerus spp. flukes are thought to be transmitted by ingestion of raw or undercooked
freshwater fish [1–5]. This was previously shown in 2011, when most of the Chachi included in
the study, admitted eating smoked fish caught in nearby rivers [10]. There are two possibilities
how these domestic animals can become infected. Firstly, cats and dogs could ingest the left-
overs of smoked fish containing the metacercariae of Amphimerus sp. Secondly, the animals
themselves may swim in the river and feed, thus acquiring infection directly from live fish. The
prevalence of Amphimerus sp. in cats was significantly higher than in dogs. This is probably be-
cause of a cat’s preference for fish and increased capability to catch them in streams. Both cats
and dogs have been observed fishing and eating leftovers of human food. Overall 230 freshwa-
ter fish from the Cayapas River are currently being examined for metacercariae. A number of
trematode metacercariae have been identified but none were Amphimerus. It is presumed the
intermediate host is only found in the rainy season or the natural infection is very low.
Though the study was successful in identifying a zoonotic link between domestic animals
and humans, there are some important limitations that indicate the need for further research
in order to validate the findings. Firstly, a total sample size of 45 is small and although this did
account for over 64% of all cats and dogs living in the three communities, a larger sample is re-
quired to obtain a more accurate estimate of Amphimerus infection and more reliable conclu-
sions regarding its transmission dynamics. Furthermore, only one sample was obtained from
each animal on one occasion. Although the samples in this study were concentrated to improve
sensitivity, future study could involve taking multiple samples on different occasions with du-
plicate analyses to further improve diagnostic accuracy. On the other hand, surveyed animals
were not examined for clinical symptoms, though some were presented sick and emaciated,
with others looking healthy. Future research will examine infected animals in more depth and
record any visible signs of ill-health.
This study is of importance in showing that the liver fluke Amphimerus sp. can infect and is
common in cats and dogs living in Chachi communities of Ecuador, where human amphimer-
iasis is prevalent. The key finding of the study is that cats and dogs serve as definitive hosts and
represent reservoirs for human infection. It can therefore be concluded that amphimeriasis is a
zoonotic disease. These results provide relevant data that could be used for policy makers for
conducting effective control strategies and measures against Amphimerus infection. As this
study found a high prevalence of infection in cats and dogs, the recommended public health
measure to control transmission would be to treat these domestic animals, as well as humans,
with a specific drug for flukes such as praziquantel.
We thank the residents of El Progreso, Loma Linda and Guadual for their kindness in partici-
pating in this study. We are grateful to Margoth Barrionuevo for her assistance with the micro-
scopical examination of animal parasites. The authors gratefully acknowledge Ronald
Guderian for reviewing this manuscript.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: MC WC. Performed the experiments: MC WC RA
MS AS HK HS. Analyzed the data: MC WC MS RA. Wrote the paper: MC WC MS RA.
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sis endemic area of Thailand. Parasitol Int 61: 60–4. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2011.08.004 PMID: 21843654
19. INEC Instituto Nacional Ecuatoriano de Censos (2001) VI Censo de población y de vivienda [Sixth cen-
sus of population and housing]. Quito, Ecuador; Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos.
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Hemos desarrollado la primera técnica ELISA que detecta IgG anti-Amphimerus spp.
en sueros humanos con buena sensibilidad, repetitividad y reproducibilidad. Sin
embargo, se necesitan antígenos más específicos para mejorar el rendimiento de este
ensayo. Esta prueba ELISA podría ser útil para el diagnóstico precoz y el tratamiento
oportuno de infecciones por Amphimerus spp.
364 Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 112(5): 364-369, May 2017
BACKGROUND Amphimerus spp. is a liver fluke that infects humans and domestic animals. It is highly prevalent in some
Ecuadorian communities. Currently, diagnosis is based on the microscopic observation of eggs in faeces, but this has variable
sensitivity. More sensitive methods are needed for diagnostic testing.
OBJECTIVE The main objective of this work was to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using crude
antigens from Amphimerus spp. adult worms to detect anti-Amphimerus IgG in human sera.
METHODS Crude somatic antigens were obtained from adult Amphimerus spp. worms. Human sera from 119 patients were
tested: 48 from individuals with a confirmed Amphimerus spp. infection, 78 from non-infected Ecuadorians living in the endemic
region, 60 from persons living in non-endemic areas (20 Ecuadorians, 20 Europeans, and 20 Africans), and 33 who had other
parasitic and non-parasitic infections.
PRINCIPAL FINDINGS Results were analysed using the receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis with an area under
curve (AUC) value of 0.967. The accuracy of the ELISA was high. The sensitivity was 85.0% [95% confidence interval (CI): 80.3-
89.7%] and the specificity was 71.0% (95% CI: 65.2-76.8%). Some cross reactivity was detected against Paragonimus mexicanus,
Fasciola hepatica, Schistosomiasis, Taenia solium, Strongyloides stercoralis, Mansonella spp., and Vampirolepis nana.
MAIN CONCLUSIONS We have developed the first ELISA technique that detects anti-Amphimerus IgG in human sera with good
sensitivity, repeatability and reproducibility. However, more specific antigens are needed to further enhance performance of this
assay. Regardless, this ELISA test could be useful for early diagnosis and prompt treatment of human Amphimerus spp. infections.
Amphimeriasis is a zoonotic disease caused by in- ter fish, an estimated 20,000 people are at risk of acquir-
fection with the liver fluke Amphimerus spp., a member ing this disease (Calvopiña et al. 2011). Furthermore, a
of the Opisthorchiidae family that includes Clonorchis recent study reported a very high prevalence of infection
sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini and O. felineus. The in domestic cats and dogs living in Chachi communities
genus Amphimerus (Barker, 1911) infects several wild (Calvopiña et al. 2015). Further studies by the authors
and domestic mammals in the Americas, and it has been (MC & WC) found infected people in several other prov-
reported in cats, dogs, marsupials, and rodents from inces of Ecuador (unpublished observations).
Canada, the United States, Costa Rica, Panama, Colom- Adult parasites of the genus Amphimerus spp. grow
bia, Ecuador, Brazil and Peru (Artigas & Perez 1962, and parasitise the host’s intra- and extra-hepatic bile ducts
Thatcher 1970, Miyazaki et al. 1978, de Moraes Neto et (Calvopiña et al. 2015). It is well documented that other
al. 1998, Bowman 2002). These flukes infect humans members of the Opisthorchiidae are responsible for heavy
after ingestion of raw or undercooked freshwater fish and long-lasting infections that lead to hepatobiliary dis-
parasitised with viable metacercariae. Recently, Amphi- eases including hepatomegaly, cholangitis, cholecystitis,
merus spp. infections were found in 34% of an indige- and cholangiocarcinoma (Sripa et al. 2011). Amphimerus
nous Chachi population living in the tropical rain forest spp. infection may also occur in humans. However, it is
of Northwestern Ecuador. Since the Chachi community mostly an asymptomatic disease, occasionally causing
habitually consumes smoked or lightly cooked freshwa- non-specific, generalised symptoms. To date, there are
no comprehensive descriptions of this disease. However,
histopathological studies in cats and a double-crested cor-
morant infected with Amphimerus spp. showed the pres-
ence of liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis (Rothenbacher &
doi: 10.1590/0074-02760160426 Lindquist 1963, Pense & Childs 1972).
Financial support: DGIP-Universidad Central del Ecuador (CUP At present, the diagnosis of Amphimerus spp. infec-
91750000.0000.37 4072). It was also funded in part by IBSAL-CIETUS, tions in humans is achieved by direct microscopic obser-
Spain (DTS16/00207, PI16/01784).
vation of eggs in the patient’s faeces. Observation of eggs
+ Corresponding author:
Received 20 September 2016 after formalin-ether concentration has also been utilised.
Accepted 24 January 2017 The formalin-ether method is used on samples from cats
online |
ELISA for Amphimerus spp. human infection • William Cevallos et al. 365
and dogs, but this technique is not routinely conducted thal dose of ketamine. The adult worms were washed
in local laboratories in Ecuador (Calvopiña et al. 2015). with sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) until the
The sensitivity of direct microscopic observation is up to host’s blood was completely removed. Afterwards, clean
ten times lower than the formalin-ether method (Calvo- liver flukes were suspended in sterile PBS at a concen-
piña et al. 2011). Likewise, it has been demonstrated that tration of 30 worms/mL and homogenised in a buffer [10
the fluke eggs of other Opisthorchiidae parasites can mM Tris base, 1 mM EDTA, 500 µL of a protease inhib-
be detected in the stools. This represents the best way itor cocktail (UltraCruz® Protease Inhibitor Cocktail
to obtain a definitive diagnosis, although this approach Tablet, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, catalogue number sc
becomes increasingly unreliable in cases of low-worm - 29130)]. The suspension was frozen and thawed three
burden (Johansen et al. 2010). Moreover, human amphi- times and sonicated three times at 70 kHz for one min-
meriasis is asymptomatic in most cases and does not ute each cycle using a sonicator (Vibra-Cell, Sonics and
show pathognomonic signs and symptoms. Therefore, Materials Inc., Danbury, CT, USA). The samples were
physicians can easily miss Amphimerus spp. infections then centrifuged at 16000 g for 30 min at 4ºC. The crude
or have difficulties making a differential diagnosis in antigen was lyophilised and stored at 4ºC until used.
endemic areas and, even more so, in non-endemic are- The protein concentration of the antigen was determined
as where infected migrant people may require medical using the commercial micro-BCA™ Protein Assay Kit
attention. A reliable diagnosis test is needed to ensure (Thermo Scientific Pierce, Waltham, MA, USA).
appropriate treatment and prevent chronicity to reduce
Human sera - A total of 219 human serum samples
the risk of developing liver damage.
were used to test the diagnostic value of the crude an-
Immunological techniques, such as antibody-based
tigen by ELISA. Of these, 48 sera samples were from
methods using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
patients who had received a definitive diagnosis, which
(ELISA), have shown high sensitivity and specificity
was demonstrated microscopically by the presence of
for diagnosing various parasitic infections (Elkins et
Amphimerus spp. eggs in their stools [true positive (TP)].
al. 1991, Guevara et al. 1995). Of particular note, ELI-
Additionally, 60 sera samples were from people living
SA was used to detect parasites of the Opisthorchiidae
family, and this technique performed the best among all in non-endemic areas, including 20 Ecuadorians, 20 Eu-
serological tests evaluated (Meniavtseva et al. 1996). ropeans, and 20 Africans, who were free of trematode
Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis spp. induce robust infections [true negative (TN)]. A group of 78 serum
immune responses and significantly increase the levels samples were obtained from people living in endemic
of IgG in experimental animals, which is similar to ob- areas, all of whom tested negative for a Amphimerus spp.
servations in humans (Elkins et al. 1991, Gómez-Mo- infection based upon a coprologic test. Finally, 33 serum
rales et al. 2013). The detection of specific antibodies has samples were derived from patients infected by other
been considered a complementary tool to establish a de- parasites or viruses including Paragonimus mexicanus
finitive diagnosis for liver fluke infections (Upatham & (2), Fasciola hepatica (3), Schistosoma mansoni (2),
Viyanant 2003). Antigen-based techniques using crude Schistosoma haematobium (2), Echinococcus granulo-
adult extracts have been used for immunodiagnosis of sus (2), Mansonella spp. (2), hookworms (2), Vampirole-
O. viverrini and C. sinensis infections, albeit with var- pis nana (2), Strongyloides stercoralis (2), Taenia solium
ying levels of sensitivity and specificity (Wongratana- (1), Ascaris lumbricoides (2), Onchocerca volvulus (1),
cheewin et al. 1988, 2003, Poopyruchpong et al. 1990, Leishmania spp. (1), Giardia intestinalis (2), Chilomas-
Sawangsoda et al. 2012). tix mesnili (1), Blastocystis hominis (1), Microsporidium
For Amphimerus infections, there are no immunologi- parvum (1), Plasmodium falciparum (1), Dientamoeba
cal diagnostic methods currently available. In the present fragilis (1), and hepatitis B virus (2). Of all the serum
study, we developed an immunological assay using total samples used in this study, 81% were from adults (14-98
crude somatic extract antigens to detect anti-Amphimerus years old), and approximately 45% were from females.
IgG antibodies in sera from infected people in Ecuador. Serum samples from Europeans and Africans, as
well as individuals with other parasitic and viral infec-
MATERIALS AND METHODS tions, were provided by IBSAL-CIETUS. The diagno-
Ethics statement - The present study was approved by ses of parasitic infections were based on parasitological
the Ethics Committee of the Universidad Central del Ec- and/or serological tests. Sera from Ecuadorians were
uador (License number LEC IORG 0001932, FWA 2482, obtained by venipuncture using disposable needles and
IRB 2483, COBI-AMPHI-0064-11). Oral informed con- 10 mL vacuum tubes (VACUETTE® Bio-one GmbH,
sent was obtained from all individuals participating in Austria). These samples were obtained between January
the study prior to the collection of biological samples for and May 2015. Blood was allowed to clot, and was sub-
parasitological and immunological evaluation. Further- sequently centrifuged for 15 min at 1000 g. Serum was
more, written consent from animal owners was obtained then aliquoted in cryovials and stored at -20ºC until use.
prior to the euthanisation of cats that had been naturally All participants provided oral informed consent before
infected with Amphimerus spp. to obtain adult parasites. blood samples were collected.
Crude somatic extract of Amphimerus spp. and anti- ELISA - A standard ELISA protocol was developed to
gen preparation - Adult Amphimerus spp. were obtained test all human serum samples. Briefly, 96-well microtiter
from cat livers following euthanasia by injection of a le- plates (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) were coated with 100
366 Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 112(5), May 2017
µL/well of 4 µg/mL Amphimerus spp. crude extract anti- significant differences between values for group 1 and
gens from adults. The crude extract had been reconstituted those for the remaining groups (p < 0.0001). The area un-
in carbonate buffer (pH 9.6). The plates were incubated der curve was 0.967 for the mean OD value of the dupli-
overnight at 4ºC. Next, the plates were washed three times cates and 0.970 for the SI, indicating that the two param-
with PBS (pH 7.3) containing 0.05% Tween-20 (PBS-T20) eters provided equally accurate results (Fig. 2). The ROC
(Sigma). Plates were then blocked in 200 µL/well of PBS optimised cut-off was 18% for SI and 0.624 for the OD
with 0.5% BSA and 1% Tween-20 at 37ºC for 1 h. After ad- values; on the basis of these cut-off values, the sensitivity
ditional washing steps, 100 µL of sera diluted 1:50 in PBS- reached 85% (95% CI 78.3% to 91.7%) and the specificity
T-20 was added to each well in duplicate, and plates were was assessed as 94% (95% CI: 89.5% to 98.5%).
incubated at 37ºC for 1 h. After another wash step, 100 µL/
well of 1:1000 diluted goat anti-human IgG peroxidase-la-
belled antibody (Sigma) was added and incubated at 37ºC
for 1 h. Finally, another wash was performed and 100 µL/
well of 5.3 µg/mL O-phenylene-diamine (OPD) and 8 µL of
hydrogen peroxide in citric acid buffer were added. Plates
were incubated at room temperature for 15 min, and the re-
action was stopped by adding 50 µL/well of 1N H2SO4 solu-
tion. Optical density (OD) values were obtained by reading
the plates at 492 nm using an ELISA plate microtitre reader
(Ear400FT ELISA reader Lab. Instruments). All samples
were tested in duplicate, and the OD mean was calculated.
Statistical analysis - A serological index (SI) was
calculated for each OD, and this was used to establish a
cut-off value for the ELISA using the following formula:
SI = [(PS-NC) / (PC-NC)] X 100, where NC and PC are
the negative and positive controls, respectively, and PS is
the problem sample (Hernández-González et al. 2008). Fig. 1: values of optical density determined for the Amphimerus spp.
Receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curve anal- crude antigen determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ysis was used to determine the diagnostic value. The (ELISA) using sera from patients. We included sera from patients di-
ROC curve is a graphical plot of the sensitivity versus agnosed with amphimeriasis based upon the detection of eggs (group
“1 - specificity” for a binary classifier system. Using 1), sera from healthy people living in amphimeriasis-affected areas
various cut-off values, this allows the selection of the (group 2), sera from healthy people living in areas unaffected by am-
phimeriasis (group 3), and sera from patients suffering from unrelated
cut-off value that gives the best balance of sensitivity helminthic, protozoan, or viral infections (group 4). The horizontal
and specificity for the test under consideration (Gómez- line represents the mean values. The asterisk represents significant
Morales et al. 2013). In order to determine which cut-off differences in the mean between group 1 and the other groups.
provided the most accurate result, we used the mean OD
of the duplicates and the SI to calculate the area under
the ROC curve for each cut-off. The specificity and sen-
sitivity were interpreted according to the ROC analysis.
The SI and OD in the different groups were expressed as
the mean and standard error of the mean (SEM). Posi-
tive and negative predictive values were calculated, as
described elsewhere (Fernández & Días 2003).
All statistical calculations were performed using
SPSS (version 22.0), which is available from: https://
ROC curves were built with data from two defined true
positive and true negative reference populations. The ODs
of the 219 sera analysed are presented in Fig. 1. The mean
OD ± standard deviation (SD) for the group of patients
with confirmed amphimeriasis was the highest (0.938
± 0.304) of those calculated. The remaining groups pre-
sented low means: ODs: 0.627 ± 0.144 for healthy patients
Fig. 2: the receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curve. The ROC curve
from zones endemic for amphimeriasis, 0.412 ± 0.120 for was generated using data from 48 sera samples from people infected with
healthy people from non-endemic areas, and 0.566 ± 0.206 Amphimerus spp. and 60 sera samples from healthy people residing in
for patients with other helminths, protozoan, and viral in- non-endemic areas. The area under the curve (accuracy) for the serologic
fections. Comparative analysis of the mean ODs detected index (SI) was 0.970. For the optical density (OD) was 0.962.
ELISA for Amphimerus spp. human infection • William Cevallos et al. 367
To Jeff Guderian, for reviewing this paper, and Juan Hernández-González A, Muro A, Barrera I, Ramos G, Orduña A,
Hernández, for his help with the benchwork. We also thank Siles-Lucas M. Usefulness of four different Echinococcus granu-
the Chachi communities in Borbón-Esmeraldas and Jipijapa- losus recombinant antigens for serodiagnosis of unilocular hyda-
tid disease (UHD) and postsurgical follow-up of patients treated
Manabi, for participating in this study.
for UHD. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2008; 15(1): 147-53.
ELISA for Amphimerus spp. human infection • William Cevallos et al. 369
Hong S. Changes of anti Clonorchis sinensis IgG antibody in serum Sawangsoda P, Sithithaworn J, Tesana S, Pinlaor S, Boonmars T,
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Parasitol. 1988; 26(1): 1-8. detections in saliva and urine in comparison with serum in opis-
Johansen M, Sithithaworn P, Bergquist R, Utzinger J. Towards im- thorchiasis. Parasitol Int. 2012; 61(1): 196-202.
proved diagnosis of zoonotic trematode infections in Southeast Sirisinha S, Sahassananda D, Bunnag D, Rim H. Immunological
Asia. Adv Parasitol. 2010; 73(10): 171-95. analysis of Opisthorchis and Clonorchis antigens. J Helminthol.
Kim Y, Lee S, Choi G, Hwang S, Kim H, Lee E, et al. Performance of 1990; 64(2): 133-8.
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Miyazaki I, Kifune T, Habe S, Uyema N. Reports of Fukuoka University Opisthorchiidae) in Colombia with the description of a new spe-
scientific expedition to Peru, 1976. Vol. I. Fukuoka: Department of cies. Proc Helminthol Soc Wash. 1970; 37: 207-11.
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Artículos de Investigación
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 Jun 19; 11(6):e0005672. doi: 10.1371.
Amphimerus spp. are digenean parasitic flatworms in the bile ducts of birds, reptiles and
mammals, and they are closely related to the genera Clonorchis and Opisthorchis within the
Opisthorchiidae family [1, 2]. As for other members of the Opisthorchiidae family, the life
cycle of Amphimerus spp. is highly complex, involving both freshwater snails and fish as inter-
mediate hosts and vertebrates, including humans, as definitive hosts [3]. Humans or fish-eat-
ing animals are infected with Amphimerus spp. through the ingestion of raw or undercooked
freshwater fish containing metacercariae [3]. Recently, Amphimerus sp. has been reported, for
the first time, as endemic in rural communities in the tropical Pacific side of Ecuador with a
high prevalence in humans and domestic cats and dogs, causing amphimeriasis [3, 4]. Several
foodborne trematodiases around the world are now considered by the World Health Organi-
zation as neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) [5] with high prevalence, especially in East Asia
[6], and they have serious consequences, such as cholangiocarcinoma [7,8]. Amphimeriasis
has been reported as a new emerging foodborne zoonotic disease [3].
Amphimerus spp. adult stages are located in the bile ducts of the definitive host, and the
eggs are shed in the feces [3]. Diagnosis of human and animal infection can be performed with
the wet mount technique for examining feces, allowing for microscopic visualization of para-
site eggs; the formalin-ether concentration method has been shown to increase the sensitivity
ten-fold [3]. Detection of the eggs in bile or duodenal fluid can also be performed. However,
microscopic examination is cumbersome and time consuming, and it could have a low sensi-
tivity in cases of light infections. In addition, the morphological similarity of the Amphimerus
spp. eggs to those of closely related species belonging to genera Clonorchis and Opisthorchis as
well as to minute intestinal flukes, makes diagnosis difficult. It would be necessary to use
scanning electron microscopy to accurately observe the differences between the coatings of the
different species [3]. Therefore, the development of a new method that can improve the sensi-
tivity and specificity for diagnosing Amphimerus spp. infection is urgently required.
To overcome these limitations, the use of molecular approaches has become a powerful tool
for the diagnosis, identification and differentiation of closely related species. In recent years,
several polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based molecular diagnostic methods have been
developed for detecting many parasitic trematodes, including those species that are closely
related to Amphimerus spp., such as C. sinensis [9–14] and O. viverrini [15–18]. Although these
studies have demonstrated that PCR-based methods are very sensitive and specific, they are
not still widely used in low-income countries because well-trained personnel and expensive
equipment are needed, making them unviable for routine application in field conditions in
endemic areas that are generally undeveloped and have a high disease prevalence. Loop-medi-
ated isothermal amplification (LAMP) could be a good alternative amplification technology
[19] because it has several salient advantages over most PCR-based methods [20, 21]. At pres-
ent, LAMP technology has all the characteristics required of a real-time assay along with sim-
ple operation for potential use in the clinical diagnosis of infectious diseases, particularly
under the field conditions in developing countries [22, 23]. Additionally, several LAMP assays
have already been successfully described for detecting trematode parasites, including a number
of species causing foodborne trematodiases, such as Fasciola spp. [24], Clonorchis sinensis [25,
26], Opisthorchis viverrini [27–29] and Paragonimus westermani [30].
With the aim of developing new, applicable and cost-effective molecular tools for the diag-
nosis of amphimeriasis, we have developed and evaluated, for the first time, a LAMP assay for
the specific detection of Amphimerus sp. liver fluke in human stool samples.
Ethics statement
The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Universidad Central del Ecuador
(License number: LEC IORG 0001932, FWA 2482, IRB 2483. COBI-AMPHI-0064-11) and the
Ethics Committee of the University of Salamanca (protocol approval number 48531). Partici-
pants were given detailed explanations about the aims, procedures and possible benefits of the
study. Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects prior to the collection of bio-
logical samples for parasitological and molecular evaluation. Parents or guardians of children
who participated in the study provided written informed consent on the child’s behalf. All
samples were coded and treated anonymously.
them is by boat along the river. Sanitation facilities are lacking, and the members are hunters
who habitually eat undercooked freshwater fish (mainly smoked fish) caught in the neighbor-
ing rivers [4]. More details on the region can be accessed elsewhere [31, 32].
retrieved from GenBank (Accession No. AB678442.1) [4] for the design of the specific primers.
The 459 bp sequence was tested using BLASTN analysis [34] for similarity in the available
online genome databases. A set of LAMP primers complementary to the nucleotide sequence
was designed using the online Primer Explorer V4 software (
0.0/; Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) according to criteria described by Notomi et al
[19]. A final complete set of four primers-including a forward outer primer (F3), a reverse
outer primer (B3), a forward inner primer (FIP) and a backward inner primer (BIP)-was
selected based on the criteria described in “A guide to LAMP primer designing” (http:// of LAMP primers; the locations and target
sequence are shown in Fig 1. All the primers were of HPLC grade (Thermo Fisher Scientific
Inc., Madrid, Spain). The lyophilized primers were resuspended in ultrapure water to a final
concentration of 100 pmol/μL and stored at -20˚C until use.
Fig 1. Design of LAMP primers for detecting DNA of Amphimerus sp. (A) Schematic representation of the 459 bp selected sequence of
Amphimerus sp. HS-2011 isolated from human host (AB678442.1). (B) Location of the LAMP primers within the selected sequence. Arrows
indicate the direction of extension. (C) Sequences of LAMP primers. F3, forward outer primer; B3, reverse outer primer; FIP, forward inner
primer (F1c and F2 sequences); and BIP, reverse inner primer (B1c and B2 sequences).
of a reaction mixture containing 2.5 μL of 10x buffer, 1.5 μL of 25 mmol/L MgCl2, 2.5 μL of 2.5
mmol/L dNTPs, 0.5 μL of 100 pmol/L F3 and B3, 2 U Taq-polymerase and 2 μL (10 ng) of
DNA template. Initial denaturation was conducted at 94˚C for 1 min, which was followed by a
touchdown program for 15 cycles with successive annealing temperature decrements of 1.0˚C
every 2 cycles. For these 2 cycles, the reaction was denatured at 94˚C for 20 s followed by
annealing at 64˚C-58˚C for 20 s and polymerization at 72˚C for 30 s. The subsequent 15 cycles
of amplification were similar, except that the annealing temperature was 57˚C. The final exten-
sion was performed at 72˚C for 10 min. All PCR reactions were performed in a Mastercycler
Gradient-96well (Eppendorf).
The specificity of PCR F3-B3 was tested using heterogeneous DNA samples from other par-
asites included in the study. The sensitivity was also assayed to establish the detection limit of
Amphimerus sp. DNA with 10-fold serial dilutions prepared as mentioned above. All PCR
assays were performed with 2 μL of the DNA template (5 ng/μL) in each case. Negative con-
trols (ultrapure water) and positive controls (genomic DNA from Amphimerus sp.) were
always included. The PCR products (3–5 μL/each) were subjected to 1.5–2% agarose gel elec-
trophoresis stained with ethidium bromide and visualized under UV light.
Statistical analysis
To estimate the accuracy of the LAMP assay method as a diagnostic test, the percentages of the
sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV)
were calculated using the MedCalc statistical program version 16.8.4 (MedCalc Software,
Ostende, Belgium) according to the software instruction manual (
PCR using outer primers F3-B3: Sensitivity and specificity
The expected 229 bp PCR product was successfully obtained with outer primers F3 and B3
from Amphimerus sp. DNA. According to sensitivity, the minimum level of Amphimerus sp.
DNA detectable by PCR was 0.001 ng (1 pg) (Fig 2A). Additionally, when DNA samples from
other parasites included in the study were subjected to this PCR assay, no amplicons were
obtained (Fig 2B).
Fig 2. PCR verification, detection limit and specificity using outer primers F3 and B3 for DNA amplification of Amphimerus sp. (A)
Detection limit of PCR F3-B3. Lane Amp, DNA of Amphimerus sp. (10 ng); lanes 10−1–10−9, 10-fold serial dilutions of Amphimerus sp. DNA.
(B) Specificity PCR F3-B3. Lanes Amp, Cs, Ovi, Sm, Sh, Sj, Si, Fh, Dd, Ov, Sv, Ts, Tt, Eg, Cp, Gd, Eh: DNA samples of Amphimerus sp.,
Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini, Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium, S. japonicum, S. intercalatum, Fasciola hepatica,
Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Onchocerca volvulus, Strongyloides venezuelensis, Trichinella spiralis, Taenia truncata, Echinococcus
granulosus, Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia duodenalis and Entamoeba histolytica, respectively. In all panels: lane M, molecular weight
marker (100 bp Plus Blue DNA Ladder) and lane N, negative controls (ultrapure water, no DNA template).
Fig 3. Establishing the LAMP assay. (A) LAMP amplification results obtained using the established LAMPhimerus assay with the addition
of SYBR Green I (up) or visualization on agarose gel (down). Lane M, molecular weight marker (100 bp Plus Blue DNA Ladder); lane Amp,
Amphimerus sp. DNA (1 ng); and lane N, negative control (ultrapure water and no DNA template). (B) Sensitivity assessment of
LAMPhimerus using serial dilutions of Amphimerus sp. genomic DNA. Lane M, molecular weight marker (100 bp Plus Blue DNA Ladder);
lane Amp, Amphimerus sp. DNA (1 ng); lanes 10−1–10−9, 10-fold serial dilutions; and lane N, negative control (ultrapure water and no DNA
template). (C) Specificity of the LAMPhimerus assay. Lane M, molecular weight marker (100 bp Plus Blue DNA Ladder); lane Amp, Cs, Ovi,
Sm, Sh, Sj, Si, Fh, Dd, Ov, Sv, Ts, Tt, Eg, Cp, Gd, and Eh: DNA samples of Amphimerus spp., Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini,
Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium, S. japonicum, S. intercalatum, Fasciola hepatica, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Onchocerca volvulus,
Strongyloides venezuelensis, Trichinella spiralis, Taenia truncata, Echinococcus granulosus, Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia duodenalis
and Entamoeba histolytica, respectively; and lane N, negative control (ultrapure water and no DNA template).
sp. genomic DNA amplification was identical to that obtained when using PCR with outer
primers, specifically 0.001 ng (1 pg) (Fig 3B). To determine the specificity of the LAMP assay
for Amphimerus sp., a panel of 16 additional DNA samples from other parasites was tested for
amplification. A positive result was only obtained when Amphimerus sp. DNA was used as
template, while DNA samples from other specimens were not amplified, demonstrating its
high specificity (Fig 3C).
In this way, the best reaction mixture, in addition to the specific primers designed, was
established as the most fitting assay for amplification of Amphimerus sp. DNA and was named
"LAMPhimerus" in all successive LAMP reactions.
Human amphimeriasis, caused by the Amphimerus spp. liver fluke, has been recently reported
as an emerging zoonotic food-borne trematodiasis [3, 4]. The conventional diagnosis of liver
fluke infections in humans is based on the demonstration of eggs in different clinical samples,
especially in feces. However, the morphological identification of eggs is troublesome in
Fig 4. LAMPhimerus analysis of human stool samples in this study. (A) Incubation time of 60 min. (B)
Incubation time of 120 min. Lane M, molecular weight marker (100 bp Plus Blue DNA Ladder); lane Amp,
Amphimerus sp. DNA (1 ng); lane N, negative controls (ultrapure water and no DNA template); and numbers 5–104,
analyzed human stool samples. The highlighted red numbers correspond to samples that were positive by one or
more applied parasitological methods.
Fig 5. Comparison of the results obtained by the LAMPhimerus assay and classical parasitological techniques applied in this
study for detecting Amphimerus sp. in human stool samples. DME, direct microscopy detection; FECT, formalin-ether concentration
technique; SST, simple sedimentation technique; KKT, Kato-Katz technique; FEC, fecal egg count; EPG, eggs per gram of feces; -,
negative for egg detection; and +, positive for egg detection. Values indicated for FEC and EPG correspond to the numbers of detected eggs
and numbers 5–104 correspond to the analyzed human stool samples.
endemic areas where co-infection with other zoonotic trematodes usually exists. Additionally,
stool examination lacks analytical sensitivity, particularly for light infections, requiring serial
fecal sampling and an intensive effort in resource-poor settings [35]. To solve these limitations,
many immunological and molecular diagnostic approaches have already been developed and
applied to detect the presence of several human zoonotic trematode infections with varying
accuracy [36, 37].
For detecting Amphimerus spp. infection, conventional coprological techniques are the
only ones available, and no immunological or molecular methods have been developed to
date. Among the possible molecular methods to be developed, LAMP tests are rapidly becom-
ing an attractive diagnostic option for use under field conditions in laboratories with basic
facilities [22, 23]. Hence, in this study, with the aim of improving the diagnostic testing for
amphimeriasis, we have developed and evaluated, for the first time, a specific LAMP assay to
detect Amphimerus sp. DNA in field samples collected from humans.
At present, nucleotide information for Amphimerus spp. DNA is very scarce, and only a few
DNA partial sequences, corresponding to five isolates from hosts (including human, dog, cat,
and two softshell turtles), are available in the Genbank database for potential LAMP primers
design. The 459 bp sequence of the ribosomal DNA ITS2 region of Amphimerus sp. HS-2011
isolated from human hosts [4] was selected as a target of amplification. This sequence matches
those later reported for isolates from a dog (dog-2012) and cat (cat-2012) residing in the same
studied endemic indigenous Chachi communities for human amphimeriasis [4]. Therefore,
the selection of the target region was appropriate because it seems to contain an identical
sequence for all geographical isolates of Amphimerus spp. circulating in the same area, and the
assay could be suitable for easily diagnosing both infected animals and humans in endemic
areas of amphimeriasis with limited resources.
First, we established the proper operation, sensitivity and specificity of both conventional
PCR (using the outer primers) and the LAMP assay (using four specific primers: LAMPhi-
merus) in the amplification of the Amphimerus sp. DNA target sequence. Both assays were
shown to be highly specific for Amphimerus sp. because no cross-reactivity could be observed
when DNA from other parasites, including those closely related such as C. sinensis and O.
viverrini, were used as a template in the reactions. Identical sensitivities (1 pg of parasite geno-
mic DNA) were obtained for both PCR and LAMPhimerus although the LAMP technique is
usually 10–100 fold more sensitive than PCR [38]. However, the sensitivity obtained was the
same as that previously reported for O. viverrini detection targeting the ITS1 region in rDNA
(ITS1-LAMP) [27, 29] or the mitochondrial nad1 sequence (mito-OvLAMP) [28]. A higher
sensitivity (10−5 pg) has been reported for detecting C. sinensis targeting the cathepsin B3 gene
[12]. Perhaps, in this study, a greater sensitivity could have been achieved for our LAMPhi-
merus assay if other DNA target sequences for designing LAMP primers had been available to
analyze in databases.
When PCR was specifically tested with the 44 field-collected stool samples, only 3 very faint
PCR-positive results were obtained. Varying sensitivity of PCR detection for O. viverrinii [27]
and C. sinensis [14] has already been noted when analyzing human stool samples because Taq
DNA polymerase inhibitors are frequent in stool specimens. Substances typically present in
human feces and dietary components can also limit DNA extraction success [39]. Therefore,
improvement of DNA preparation before extraction from stool samples could be a key factor
for obtaining better PCR results in Amphimerus sp. DNA detection, as has been previously
described for other similar parasites, such as O. viverrini [40, 27]. In our study, the PCR assay
is not emphasized because of its very low performance and inconvenience of application in
poorly equipped and often short-staffed laboratories in endemic areas.
Better results were obtained when LAMPhimerus method was applied to test human stool
samples. A better performance of LAMP assays over conventional PCR methods when analyz-
ing stool samples has been widely reported in the literature because LAMP is more tolerant to
sample-derived inhibitors than PCR for diagnostic applications [41, 42]. Therefore, using the
initial established reaction time of 60 min, we obtained 14/44 (31.81%) positive results, includ-
ing 9/25 (36%) that tested positive by microscopy. It has been already suggested that a longer
incubation reaction time in the LAMP assay improves the sensitivity and that LAMP negative
samples should be incubated longer to reduce false negatives [43]. According to this, a subse-
quent increase to 120 min of the standard incubation time protocol for the LAMPhimerus
assay allowed us to increase the number of positives results up to 23/44 (52.27%), including
18/25 (72%) microscopy-confirmed Amphimerus sp. infections. It should be noted that 5 stool
samples with no parasite eggs (nos. 36, 45, 47, 68 and 99) were positive on LAMPhimerus test-
ing regardless of the reaction time used for amplification. These samples could be truly Amphi-
merus sp. infections that have been microscopically undetected because of the classically low
sensitivity of the parasitological diagnosis [35]. Moreover, up to 10 samples without egg counts
were also LAMPhimerus positive. This result confirms a greater sensitivity of the LAMPhi-
merus assay over microscopic examination.
By contrast, 7 truly microscopy Amphimerus-positive samples (nos. 34, 42, 46, 54, 62, 70
and 81) were never amplified. For these samples, values of FEC using the Kato-Katz thick
smear method were minimal (between zero and 1–2 eggs), resulting in very low EPG levels.
The absence of amplification in these samples was likely not due to the ineffectiveness of LAM-
Phimerus method because we obtained positive results in other microscopy-positive samples
with low EPG levels too. A possibility for the lack of amplification could have been the small
quantity (250–300 mg) of the field-collected stool samples finally used for DNA extraction in
the laboratory for the LAMP assay. Because eggs of parasites are not equally distributed among
the stool specimens [44], it is possible that eggs could have been easily missed in working sam-
ples, compromising the Amphimerus sp. DNA obtained and thus subsequent amplification. It
is also important to note that we established the minimum amount of Amphimerus sp. geno-
mic DNA detectable by LAMP is 0.001 ng (1 pg). It has been reported that a single egg of a
closely related trematode O. viverrini yields 3.72 ng of genomic DNA [45]. Then, theoretically,
our LAMP assay would detect Amphimerus sp. DNA corresponding to less than one single egg
in a stool sample. Another possibility could have been a mistake in the morphological identifi-
cation of parasite eggs when performing the stool microscopic examination. This observation
would further confirm the specificity of LAMPhimerus method in the amplification of Amphi-
merus sp. DNA alone.
However, as noted elsewhere, the need for a decision in case management dictates unequiv-
ocal result interpretation [22] and some of the drawbacks of LAMP assays, such as potential
DNA contamination and carry-over of amplified products when opening the tubes to use the
dye, should be considered because they may compromise the test results.
In summary, we have developed, for the first time, a LAMP assay (namely, LAMPhimerus)
for the sensitive and specific detection of Amphimerus sp. DNA in human stool samples. After
further research for validation, the method could be readily adapted for effective field diagno-
sis and disease surveillance in amphimeriasis-endemic areas. Future work will be aimed at
large-scale studies to further assess the applicability of this novel diagnostic tool.
Supporting information
S1 Fig. Examination of human stool samples by PCR F3-B3. Analysis of human stool sam-
ples included in the study by PCR using outer primers F3 and B3 to detect Amphimerus sp.
DNA. In all panels: lane Amp, DNA of Amphimerus sp. (10 ng); lane M, molecular weight
marker (100 bp Plus Blue DNA Ladder); lane N, negative control (ultrapure water, no DNA
template); and numbers 5–104, stool samples analyzed.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Angel Guevara for kindly provided Onchocerca volvulus
DNA used in specificity trials.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: WCT PFS MCH CFC HS MS JLA BVS AMA.
Funding acquisition: WCT PFS MCH CFC HS MS AMA.
Investigation: WCT PFS MCH CFC HS MS AMA.
Methodology: WCT PFS MCH AMA.
Project administration: WCT PFS MCH AMA.
Supervision: WCT PFS MCH AMA.
Validation: WCT PFS MCH CFC AMA.
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OPEN ACCESS Amphimeriasis, a fish-borne zoonotic disease caused by the liver fluke Amphimerus spp.,
Citation: Cevallos W, Fernández-Soto P, Calvopiña has recently been reported as an emerging disease affecting an indigenous Ameridian
M, Buendı́a-Sánchez M, López-Abán J, Vicente B, group, the Chachi, living in Ecuador. The only method for diagnosing amphimeriasis was
et al. (2018) Diagnosis of amphimeriasis by
the microscopic detection of eggs from the parasite in patients’ stool samples with very low
LAMPhimerus assay in human stool samples long-
term storage onto filter paper. PLoS ONE 13(2): sensitivity. Our group developed an ELISA technique for detection of anti-Amphimerus IgG
e0192637. in human sera and a molecular method based on LAMP technology (named LAMPhimerus)
pone.0192637 for specific and sensitive parasite DNA detection. The LAMPhimerus method showed to be
Editor: Ana Paula Arez, Universidade Nova de much more sensitive than classical parasitological methods for amphimeriasis diagnosis
Lisboa Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, using human stool samples for analysis. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the fea-
sibility of using dried stool samples on filter paper as source of DNA in combination with the
Received: October 13, 2017 effectiveness of our previously designed LAMPhimerus assay for successfully Amphimerus
Accepted: January 26, 2018 sp. detection in clinical stool samples. A total of 102 untreated and undiluted stool samples
Published: February 14, 2018 collected from Chachi population were spread as thin layer onto common filter paper for eas-
ily transportation to our laboratory and stored at room temperature for one year until DNA
Copyright: © 2018 Cevallos et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the extraction. When LAMPhimerus method was applied for Amphimerus sp. DNA detection,
Creative Commons Attribution License, which a higher number of positive results was detected (61/102; 59.80%) in comparison to parasi-
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and tological methods (38/102; 37.25%), including 28/61 (45.90%) microscopy-confirmed
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
Amphimerus sp. infections. The diagnostic parameters for the sensitivity and specificity wer-
author and source are credited.
ecalculated for our LAMPhimerus assay, which were 79.17% and 65.98%, respectively. We
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
demonstrate, for the first time, that common filter paper is useful for easy collection and
within the paper and its Supporting Information
files. long-term storage of human stool samples for later DNA extraction and molecular analysis
of human-parasitic trematode eggs. This simple, economic and easily handling method
Funding: This study was funded by the grants from
the Universidad Central del Ecuador (CUP combined with the specific and sensible LAMPhimerus assay has the potential to beused as
91750000.0000.374072) (to William F. Cevallos) an effective molecular large-scale screening test for amphimeriasis-endemic areas.
( and in part by the Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS
(KAKENHI: Grant No.25305011) to Manuel
previously designed LAMPhimerus assay for successfully Amphimerus sp. detection in clinical
stool samples.
way, samples were stored at room temperature until shipped to the Research Centre for Tropi-
cal Diseases at the University of Salamanca, Spain, for further DNA extraction (during Febru-
ary 2017) and molecular analysis as described below.
Fig 1. Human stool samples processing for DNA extraction. A. Batches organization. B. Smeared stool sample on filter paper. C, D. Filter paper is cut with
scissors into thin strips. E, F Thin strips of each sample are placed into a 1.5 mL tube immersed in a lysis mixture an incubated for 30 min at 65˚C in a
thermoblock G. Mixture is transfer for begining DNA extraction with the commercial kit i-genomic Stool DNA Extraction Mini Kit (iNtRON Biotechnology).
5–10 min intervals. After incubation, a volume of 500 μL approximately of the mixture was
transferred into a IR Spin Column for proper binding, washing, and elution steps. A final elu-
ate of 100 μL of genomic DNA (gDNA) was obtained from each sample and divided into two
aliquots of 50 μL each. After measuring the concentration using a Nanodrop ND-100 spectro-
photometer (Nanodrop Technologies), DNA samples were stored at -20˚C until use in molec-
ular assays.
LAMPhimerus assay
All the human stool samples were tested using the reaction mixture and specific primer set for
LAMP assay (LAMPhimerus) previously established by our group [8]. The LAMPhimerus
method amplifies a sequence of the Amphimerus sp. internal transcribed spacer 2 region (Gen-
Bank acc. no. AB678442.1). Briefly, the reaction was carried out with a total of 25 μL reaction
mixture containing 40 pmol of each FIP and BIP primers, 5 pmol of each F3 and B3 primers,
1.4 mM of each dNTP (Intron), 1x Isothermal Amplification Buffer -20 mM Tris-HCl (pH
8.8), 50 mM KCl, 10 mM (NH4)2SO4, 2 mM MgSO4, 0.1% Tween20- (New England Biolabs,
UK), 1 M betaine (Sigma, USA), supplementary 6 mM of MgSO4 (New England Biolabs, UK)
and 8 U of Bst 2.0 WarmStart DNA polymerase (New England Biolabs, UK) with 2 μL of tem-
plate DNA. Reaction tubes were placed in an economic heating block (K Dry-Bath) at a con-
stant temperature of 63˚C for 90–120 min and then heated at 80˚C for 5 min to stop the
reaction. In all LAMPhimerus trials positive controls (Amphimerus sp. gDNA) and a negative
controls (water instead DNA) were included.
The LAMP amplification results could be visually inspected by the naked eye by colour
change after adding 2 μL of 1:10 diluted 10,000X concentration SYBR1 Green I (Invitrogen)
to the reaction tubes. To avoid as much as possible, the potential risk of cross-contamination
with amplified products, all tubes were briefly centrifuged and carefully opened before adding
the fluorescent dye. Green fluorescence was clearly observed in successful LAMP reaction,
whereas it remained original orange in the negative reaction. The LAMP products (3–5 μL)
were also monitored using 1.5–2% agarose gel electrophoresis, visualized under UV light and
then photographed using an ultraviolet image system (Gel documentation system, UVItec,
Statistical analysis
To estimate the accuracy of the LAMP assay method as a diagnostic test, the percentages of the
sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV)
were calculated using the MedCalc statistical program version 16.8.4 (MedCalc Software,
Ostende, Belgium) according to the software instruction manual (
Parasitological tests
Of the total of 102 stool samples examined microscopically for the presence of Amphimerus
eggs, 38 (37.25%) resulted positive at least by one of the parasitological techniques applied,
including 27 (26.47%) positive by the simple sedimentation technique (SST), 19 (18.62%) posi-
tive by the formalin-ether concentration technique (FECT), and 27 (26.47%) positive by the
Kato-Katz technique (KKT). Up to 15 (15/102; 14.70%) stool samples resulted simultaneously
positive for the three parasitological tests; only 3 (3/102; 2.94%) stool samples resulted simulta-
neously positive for two parasitological tests, including 1 for SST and KKT and 2 for SST and
LAMPhimerus analysis
Amplification assays were performed in batches of 10–11 samples each for easy handling and
to prevent potential cross-contamination. All the samples were analyzed in duplicate with
identical result. We obtained LAMP positive results in 61/102 (59.80%) samples, including 33/
61 (54.09%) samples that were negative in all parasitological tests applied and 28/61 (45.90%)
samples that were positive at least by one of the parasitological technique applied. Of the 15
samples (nos. 6, 27, 28, 30, 31 32, 33, 42, 54, 60, 79, 84, 85, 93, 97) that were simultaneously
positive on three parasitological tests (FECT, SST and KKT), up to 13 (13/15; 86.66%) (nos. 27,
28, 30, 31 32, 33, 42, 54, 60, 79, 84, 85, 93) were also positive by LAMPhimerus assay; only 2
samples (2/15; 13.33%) (nos. 6 and 97) were negative on the LAMPhimerus assay. In all LAMP
positive amplifications, green fluorescence was clearly visualized under natural light condi-
tions and also by electrophoresis in agarose gels (Fig 2). Positive controls always worked well
and negative controls were never amplified.
In Fig 3 a total comparison of the results obtained by LAMPhimerus assay and parasitologi-
cal techniques applied for detecting Amphimerus sp. in human stool samples is showed.
Considering the microscopy findings by parasitological techniques as the reference stan-
dard, the following diagnostic parameters for the sensitivity and specificity were calculated for
our LAMPhimerus assay in this study: 79.17% sensitivity (95% CI: 65.0% -89.53%); 65.98%
specificity (95% CI: 55.66% -75.30%); 53.52% positive predicted value (95% CI: 45.72%
-61.16%) and 86.49% negative predicted value (95% CI: 78.36% -91.88%).
The indigenous Chachi communities, who live in remote villages along the Rı́o Cayapas in the
north-western coastal rainforest of Ecuador, have been shown to have a high prevalence of
infection (15.5%-34.1%) with Amphimerus sp. [6]. Infection in domestic cats and dogs residing
in this endemic area has also been reported as high (71.4% and 38.7%, respectively) and these
animals have been proposed to serve as definite hosts and reservoirs for the parasite [19]. The
prevalence data obtained in these studies were assessed according to eggs findings in both
human and animal stool samples by classical parasitological methods.
Recently, in a pilot study using 44 human stool samples preserved in 80% ethanol solution
from that area, a novel LAMP assay (LAMPhimerus) showed to be more sensitive than parasi-
tological techniques for diagnosing human amphimeriasis [8]. Therefore, LAMPhimerus was
proposed as a new molecular tool that could be readily adaptable for effective field diagnosis in
amphimeriasis-endemic areas. However, the handling, management and storage of a large
numbers of patients’ fresh or frozen stool samples for diagnosing amphimeriasis in remote
areas with poor infrastructure can be very difficult in large-scale field trials. Filter paper poten-
tially provides a useful medium to overcome a number of difficulties of fresh sample collection,
preservation and transportation. This method has been widely used as a specimen substrate
when performing diagnostic or epidemiological surveys, especially in remote areas in
resource-poor settings [9]. However, most studies have used filter papers for blood and sera
collection and studies applying this method in human faecal samples for subsequent molecular
detection of parasites are still very limited; a few reported examples are Enterocytozoon bieneusi
[10, 11], Giardia duodenalis [12] and Blastocystis spp. [13]. Thus, the aim of this work is to
demonstrate the feasibility of using filter paper for collection and preservation of human stool
samples as source of DNA in combination with the effectiveness of our previously designed
LAMPhimerus assay for successfully Amphimerus sp. detection in clinical stool samples.
There are several kinds and brands of filter paper available consisting of 100% cellulose and
varying in thickness and pore size that have been used in different studies for PCR-based
Fig 2. LAMPhimerus analysis of human stool samples in this study. Lanes M, molecular weight marker (100 bp Plus
Blue DNA Ladder); lanes C, Amphimerus sp. genomic DNA (1 ng); lanes N, negative controls (ultrapure water and no
DNA template); numbers 1–107, analyzed human stool samples.
Fig 3. Comparison of the results obtained by the LAMPhimerus assay and classical parasitological techniques applied in this study. FECT, formalin-ether
concentration technique; SST, simple sedimentation technique; KKT, Kato-Katz technique; FEC, fecal egg count; EPG, eggs per gram of feces; +, positive for egg
detection. Values indicated for FEC and EPG correspond to the numbers of detected eggs. Numbers 1–107 correspond to the analyzed human stool samples.
detection of DNA from humans, plants, animals, viruses, bacteria and parasites [9, 13]. In
some cases, filter papers are impregnated with a proprietary mix of chemicals which provide
protection of DNA of samples thus avoiding degradation and subsequent successful extraction.
In addition, filter paper technology, such as FTA (Flinders Technology Associates)-treated
matrix cards, may inactivate highly pathogenic organisms for safety transporting and long-
term storage [13, 22]. However, some disadvantages of FTA paper are the use of a restricted
diluted faecal sample volume of 15 μL for detection of protozoa and the whole procedure to
get DNA template ready for PCR amplification takes approximately 3 hours [11].
In our preservation method, we used an economic common filter paper (100% cellulose
with smooth surface and normal hardness) which is used for routine laboratory procedures
such as basic filtration. Untreated and undiluted stool samples were spread as thin layer onto
the filter papers for easily transportation to our laboratory and stored at room temperature for
one year until DNA extraction. In our case, the whole procedure to get DNA template ready
for LAMPhimerus assay, including the cutting of the strips, pre-incubation with the lysis mix-
ture and DNA extraction with the commercial kit, can be performed in just 45 min. In addi-
tion, when measuring the DNA concentration of samples, the procedure yielded enough
quantity of quality DNA for molecular detection by LAMPhimerus assay. According to this,
long-term storage of dried stool samples onto common filter paper at room temperature
worked very well for subsequent DNA extraction.
Thus, when LAMPhimerus method was applied to test human stool samples for Amphi-
merus sp. DNA detection, a higher number of positive results was detected (61/102; 59.80%) in
comparison to parasitological methods (38/102; 37.25%), including 28/61 (45.90%) micros-
copy-confirmed Amphimerus sp. infection. It is important to note that up to 33/61 (54.09%)
samples that were negative in all parasitological tests applied were LAMPhimerus-positive.
These samples could be truly Amphimerus sp. infections undetected because of the known clas-
sically low sensitivity of the microscopy diagnosis in trematode infections [23]. This data rein-
forces the previous greater sensitivity of the LAMPhimerus assay over microscopic
examination when testing human stool samples preserved in 80% ethanol solution [8]. On the
other hand, only 8 truly parasitological Amphimerus-positive samples (nos. 3, 6, 11, 16, 71, 94,
97 and 107) were never amplified by LAMPhimerus assay. We think that the inoperative
amplification in these samples was not due to the ineffectiveness of LAMPhimerus method
because we obtained positive results in other microscopy-positive samples with lower EPG lev-
els. Besides, the minimum amount of Amphimerus sp. genomic DNA detectable by LAMPhi-
merus assay (1 pg) has been reported to correspond to less than one single egg of the parasite
in a stool sample [8]. An explanation for the inoperative amplification could be that the
amount of the sample onto the filter paper was not enough to obtain Amphimerus sp. DNA for
analysis. Perhaps, an inaccuracy in microscopy identification of parasite eggs occurred since
morphological similarity of the Amphimerus spp. eggs to those of closely related species
belonging to Opisthorchiidae family and to minute intestinal flukes makes diagnosis very diffi-
cult. Sometimes, it is necessary to use scanning electron microscopy to accurately observe the
differences between the coatings on the different species [6]. This observation would further
reinforce the specificity of LAMPhimerus method in the solely amplification of Amphimerus
sp. DNA.
In conclusion, to the best of our knowledge, we demonstrate for the first time that common fil-
ter paper is useful for long-term storage of human stool samples for later quality DNA extrac-
tion of human-parasitic trematode eggs. Additionally, this simple, economic and easily
handling method combined with the specific and sensible LAMPhimerus assay has the poten-
tial to be used as an effective molecular large-scale screening test for amphimeriasis-endemic
areas. The system ’air-dried stool sample on filter paper’-LAMP assay could also be very inter-
esting and useful for molecular diagnosis of other human infectious parasitic diseases in
remote areas with poor settings.
Supporting information
S1 Checklist. STARD checklist.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: William Cevallos, Pedro Fernández-Soto, Manuel Calvopiña, Julio López-
Abán, Antonio Muro.
Data curation: Pedro Fernández-Soto, Marı́a Buendı́a-Sánchez, Antonio Muro.
Formal analysis: Pedro Fernández-Soto, Antonio Muro.
Funding acquisition: William Cevallos, Pedro Fernández-Soto, Manuel Calvopiña, Antonio
Investigation: William Cevallos, Pedro Fernández-Soto, Manuel Calvopiña, Julio López-
Abán, Antonio Muro.
Methodology: Pedro Fernández-Soto, Marı́a Buendı́a-Sánchez.
Project administration: William Cevallos, Pedro Fernández-Soto, Manuel Calvopiña, Belén
Vicente, Antonio Muro.
Resources: William Cevallos, Belén Vicente.
Supervision: Pedro Fernández-Soto, Manuel Calvopiña, Julio López-Abán, Antonio Muro.
Validation: Pedro Fernández-Soto, Antonio Muro.
Writing – original draft: William Cevallos, Pedro Fernández-Soto, Manuel Calvopiña, Marı́a
Buendı́a-Sánchez, Antonio Muro.
Writing – review & editing: William Cevallos, Pedro Fernández-Soto, Manuel Calvopiña,
Antonio Muro.
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dofelineus. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1963; 143:1099–102. PMID: 14075414
2. Pense DB, Childs GE. Pathology of Amphimerus elongatus (Digenea: Opisthorchiidae) in the liver of
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3. Lun ZR, Gasser RB, Lai DH, Li AX, Zhu XQ. Clonorchiasis: a key foodborne zoonosis in China. Lancet
Infect Dis. 2005; 5:31–41. PMID: 15620559
4. Kaewpitoon N, Kaewpitoon S, Pengsaa P. Opisthorchiasis in Thailand: review and current status.
World J Gastroenterol. 2008; 14: 2297–2302. PMID: 18416453
5. World Health Organisation. 2010. “Working to overcome the global impact of neglected tropical dis-
eases: first WHO report on neglected tropical diseases”. Eds. Crompton DW David William Thomasson,
and Peters Patricia. World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser. 172 p.
6. Calvopiña M, Cevallos W, Kumazawa H, Eisenberg J. High prevalence of human liver infection by
Amphimerus spp. flukes, Ecuador. Emerg Infect Dis. 2011; 17:2331–2334.
eid1712.110373 PMID: 22172165
Otros Artículos de Investigación
Otros Artículos de Investigación
The present study compares the sensitivity of four different coproparasitological methods
for detecting eggs of Amphimerus spp. liver fluke in stools and evidenced the prevalence
of infection in indigenous Chachi residents in a tropical rain forest in the northwest coast
of Ecuador. A total of 105 samples were examined applying the Kato-Katz technique
(KK), the spontaneous sedimentation technique in tube (SSTT), the formalin-ether
concentration technique (FEC), and direct smear microscopy (DM). The sensitivity of
each method was 25.7% (95% confidence interval (CI): 17.5–34%), 21% (95% CI: 13.1–
28.7), 18% (95% CI: 10.7–25.3), and 1% (95% CI: 0.9–2.9), respectively. Combining the
four methods, 38 samples were positive with a prevalence of infection of 36.1%. Our
results indicated that KK alone performed the best, detecting 27 (71%) of the 38 positive
samples. Combining KK and SSTT, amphimeriasis were diagnosed in 35 samples
(92.1%), and in 31 samples (81.6%) by KK and FEC methods. SSTT alone detected 22
samples (57.9%) and would be recommended for field studies because of its simplicity.
The lowest sensitivity showed by the DM method raises a concern. Performing two
techniques on a single sample enhanced the detection of Amphimerus infection.
A high prevalence of human infection by the Amphimerus spp. liver fluke, was recently
reported in the indigenous population of Chachi located in the province of Esmeraldas, in
the northwest region of Ecuador. The prevalence, which varied from 15.5% to 34.1%,
was closely associated with the distance inland from the coast (Calvopina et al. 2011).
More recently, a higher prevalence of infection in cats and dogs living in the same
communities where humans are infected, was evidenced (Calvopina et al. 2015).
Amphimerus is a trematode belonging to the Opisthorchiidae family, along with the
Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis spp., which can also affect the bile ducts but are
only endemic in Asian countries. Liver fluke infection is one of the more important food-
borne diseases worldwide and is considered by the World Health Organization as a
neglected tropical disease (WHO, 2010). C. sinensis and Opisthorchis spp. are classified
by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as carcinogenic group 2A
and class 1, respectively considering the high association of their presence and the
development of cholangiocarcinoma (Keiser and Utzinger, 2009).
The genus Amphimerus Barker, 1911 (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae) had been described
mainly in the American continent including Canada, USA, Costa Rica, Panamá,
Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil and Perú (Calvopiña et al. 2011) as well as from
South Korea, India and the Philippines (Eom et al. 1984, Yamaguti 1958). There are no
known reports of its presence in other continents such as Africa, Oceania, and Europe.
Adult worms are hermaphrodites and parasitize the bile ducts and gall bladder,
eliminating their eggs via stools. Consequently, microscopy examination of stool samples
searching for eggs is the most commonly used technique for diagnosing Amphimerus
infection (Calvopina et al. 2011 & 2015). Other diagnostic immunological and molecular
methods have been developed very recently, ELISA and LAMPhimerus, showing some
sensitivities of 85% and 76.6%, and some specificities of 71% and 80.7%, respectively.
(Cevallos et al. 2017a; Cevallos et al 2017b).
In the previous studies on human and domestic animals in Ecuador, diagnosis was made
by microscopic observation of Amphimerus eggs in stools (Calvopina et al. 2011 & 2015).
The only coproparasitological technique used was the formalin-ether concentration (FEC)
because the direct smear microscopy (DM) showed low sensitivity (Calvopina et al.
2011). DM is the most commonly used method in the public and private laboratories for
parasites examination of stools in Ecuador and neighboring countries.
For the detection of human helminth parasites, where their eggs are eliminated via stools,
WHO currently recommends the use of the Kato-Katz (KK) method (WHO, 2002). Other
commonly used methods include direct smear microscopy, formalin-ether concentration,
formalin-ethyl acetate, McMaster, FLOTAC and mini-FLOTAC (WHO, 2002).
Spontaneous sedimentation technique in tube (SSTT) has been described by Tello (1988)
(This article doesn’t appear in the Reference section) being a coproparasitological
technique with high sensitivity to detect the majority of intestinal parasites, including
eggs, larvae, cysts, and trophozoites and required less costly materials and equipment
(Tello et al. 2012). Sedimentation techniques use solutions of lower specific gravity than
the parasitic organisms, thus concentrating eggs and larvae in the sediment.
For Amphimerus liver fluke there is a lack of studies comparing detection techniques to
the KK method. Hence, we conducted a study to determine the best method, or
combination of methods, to detect the eggs of Amphimerus in stools under field conditions
of individuals in a remote amphimeriasis endemic area and to determine the prevalence
of Amphimerus infection in a Chachi community-based sample.
Study design and area. This is a cross-sectional study performed in a remote village
alongside the Cayapas river, located in the northwestern coastal region of Ecuador, in the
province of Esmeraldas, canton Eloy Alfaro, latitude of 0.721283°, longitude of -
78.906783°, at an elevation of 34 meters above sea level. The only means of
transportation to reach this community is by boat and is located approximately 131 Km
inland from the coast. The ecosystem, characteristics of this region, is described
elsewhere in previous studies (Sierra 1999, Calvopina et al. 2011 & 2015; Eisenberg et
al. 2006)
Study population. The study was first socialized and discussed with the local Chachilla
in a general assembly, where they were informed of the objectives of the study. Family
leaders were asked that all family members participate in the study by providing a stool
sample taken in the next three days. People were provided with a plastic stool flask
collector. A community health worker translated the information into the local language
“cha´palaachi”. Chachi indigenous group are Amerindians and represent around 13% of
the 24,000 inhabitants in the region. Fishing and farming are their main activities.
Stool collection and parasitological examination. The study was conducted in August
2015. Within a few hours of stool collection, each stool specimen was processed as
follow: 1) for the direct smear method (DM), a wet mount was prepared with
approximately 20 mg of feces suspended in Lugol’s staining solution and observed
microscopically; 2) a single KK thick smear, 3) five grams of fecal material was
suspended in 10 mL of warm saline solution, and 4) a smear was spotted in a FTA card
filter paper, 3 x 2 cm in size and preserved at room temperature for future studies. All
samples, except for formalin-ether sedimentation (FEC), were processed, observed under
light microscopy at the magnification of 100x and 400x and results were recorded, while
in the community. The remaining amount of fecal material was preserved in 70% ethanol
and 10% formalin and transported to the parasitology laboratory at Centro de
Biomedicina in Quito, Universidad Central del Ecuador, where it was used for FEC.
The EPG was obtained by multiplying the number of eggs per slide by 24 (WHO, 2002).
Formalin-ether concentration (FEC). The procedure followed was a modified protocol
described by Ash and Orihel (1991). Briefly, 3 grams of stool was weighed, homogenized,
and diluted to 14 mL with 10% formalin in a 15 mL plastic tube. After manually shaking
the tube to mix the fecal content, the mixture was filtered throughout a double surgical
gauze into a second conical screwed 15 mL plastic tube. The supernatant was manually
decanted and the plastic tube with its content allowed to stand for 10 minutes. After the
addition of 3 mL ethyl ether (Fisher Chemical, New Jersey, USA), the tube was filled up
till 10 mL with 10% formalin, capped and vigorously agitated for 30 seconds by hand.
The sample was centrifuged at room temperature at 2500 rpm for 5 minutes. This
procedure assured the formation of three layers within the tube. The upper 2 layers were
decanted and then 50 μl of 10% formalin was added to the sediment. Approximately 50
μl of sediment was placed on a slide and covered with a cover slip. A small drop of
Lugol´s staining solution was placed between the slide and cover slip and then examined
under the light microscope; first at 100x and confirming the observation with 400x
Spontaneous Sedimentation Technique in Tube (SSTT). The protocol used was that
described by Tello (1988) with some modifications. Briefly, five grams of fresh feces
were weighed and homogenized by strong manual agitation in a 50-mL plastic tube
containing 25 mL of 0.9% saline (Na Cl) solution. It was then filtered through a double-
layer surgical gauze and poured to another clean 50-mL plastic tube and filled up to 45
mL with warm (40oC) saline and mixed again for around 30 seconds. If the feces
consistency was hard, it was macerated by a wooden tongue depressor and left upright at
room temperature for 2 hours. The supernatant was manually decanted and a sample of
the sediment was removed with a plastic pipet. The sample was placed on a glass slide
with Lugol´s staining solution, covered with a cover slip and observed under a light
microscopy (100x and 400x).
Two laboratory technicians observed the samples for the 4 different methods and one
expert (MC) verified and made an external control of the slides. An individual was
considered positive for Amphimerus infection if one or more eggs were observed by one
or more of the methods employed.
Statistical analyses
Since a “gold” standard test is not available for the detection of an Amphimerus infection,
the operational characteristics (sensitivity and negative predictive values (NPV) were
estimated using the combined results from the four methods employed as the “gold”
standard (Joseph J. et al. 1995; Dendokuri et al. 2004; Goodman et al. 2007). Data were
analyzed using SPSS version 16 and JavaStat software. Sensitivities, NPV, and kappa
were determined for the various tests to evaluate their operational characteristics. 𝑃 values
<0.05 were considered statistically significant. The sensitivity of each method and
combinations of methods were calculated based on comparison with those results
obtained by all methods combined.
The sensitivity and negative predictive value (NPV) were assessed for each diagnostic
technique in comparison to a composite reference standard, which was defined as being
positive if any of the 4 tests were positive.
Signed consent was obtained by the leaders and school teachers of the community and
informed consent by each participant and from the guardians if children were enrolled.
Individuals were free to refuse their participation and its delivery of stool samples. Ethical
committee of the Universidad Central del Ecuador reviewed and approved this study
(license number LEC IORG 0001932, FWA 2482, IRB 2483. COBI-AMPH-0064-11).
In a second visit to the community, all participants positive for any kind of parasites, were
treated with antiparasitic medication following the guidelines of Ecuadorian Ministry of
Public Health.
The total population of the study village was 135 Chachi inhabitants. Of them, a total of
107 individual samples were collected; two were discarded due to inadequate amount of
fecal matter. Of the participating individuals 59 were females and 46 males, with a mean
age of 21.7 years, ranging from 1 to 65 years; 37% were of the 1-9 age group, 20% of 10-
19, 11% of 20-29, 12% of 30-39, and 19% of those greater than 40 years. Of the 105
samples examined for Amphimerus eggs, 27 (25.7%) (95% confidence interval (CI):
17.5–34%) were positive when examined by KK technique, 22 (21%) (95% CI: 13.1–
28.7) by the spontaneous sedimentation method, 19 (18%) (95% CI: 10.7–25.3) using the
formalin-ether concentration method, and 1 (1%) (95% CI: 0.9–2.9) based on direct smear
microscopy. The combined results of the four techniques used, showed an Amphimerus
infection prevalence rate of 36.2% with 38 of the 105 stool samples positive. There was
no significant difference in the infection rate by sex or age groups. The occurrence and
prevalence of soil transmitted helminths (STH) will be reported elsewhere.
The typical characteristics of Amphimerus eggs observed under microscopy utilizing the
four methods are showed in Figure 1. The eggs observed by light microscopic were oval
or piriform-shaped, with a thick yellow-brown shell surrounding it, operculate, measuring
26-33 µm x 13-16 µm, with a small knob seen on the abopercular end, showing the
developed miracidium takes up the interior of the eggs (Figure 1A). However, in the KK
technique, the interior miracidium disappear and the membrane became thin and
transparent, some were difficult to recognize (Figure 1B).
TABLE 1. Sensitivity of Amphimerus eggs detection by a single and combination of
methods when the combined results of four methods are considered the “gold”
Methods n (%) 95%
Confidence Interval
KK 27 (71) 57 – 85
SSTT 22 (57.9) 42.3 – 73.5
FEC 19 (50) 34.2 – 65.8
DM 01 (2.6) -2.4 – 7.6
KK + SSTT 35 (92.1) 83.6 – 100
KK + FEC 31 (81.6) 69.3 – 93.9
KK + DM 28 (73.7) 59.8 – 87.6
SSTT + FEC 27 (71) 57 – 85
SSTT + DM 27 (71) 57 – 85
FEC + DM 20 (52.7) 36.9 – 68.5
All (“gold” standard) 38 (100)
KK= Kato-Katz, SSTT= spontaneous sedimentation, FEC= formalin-ether concentration,
DM= direct smear microscopy.
The sensitivity and negative predictive values of the individual methods compared with
the combined results, which was considered our diagnostic “gold” standard, are shown in
table 2.
TABLE 2. Sensitivity and negative predictive values (NPV) of the methods used
when considering the combined results as the diagnostic “gold” standard.
Technique Sensitivity NPV
Kato Katz 71% (CI 95%: 66 – 75%) 85% (CI 95%: 79 – 91%)
Spontaneous 57.9% (CI 95%: 48.9 – 66.9%) 80% (CI 95%: 73 – 87%)
Formalin-ether 50% (CI 95%: 41 – 59%) 77% (CI 95%: 69 – 85%)
Direct Microscopy 2.6% (CI 95%: 0.4 – 5.6%) 64% (CI 95%: 55 – 73%)
TABLE 3. Kappa index and its interpretation on the methods used when considering
the combined results as the diagnostic “gold” standard.
Technique Kappa Índex– Interpretation p-value
Kato Katz 0.758 – Good concordance 0.0001
Spontaneous 0.637 - Good concordance 0.0001
Formalin-ether 0.561 - Moderate concordance 0.0001
Direct Microscopy 0.033 – Very low concordance 0.182
This is the first study to report the sensitivity on Amphimerus spp. egg detection by the
KK technique in comparison with three other coproparasitological methods. Our results
demonstrated that using a non-duplicated KK method showed the higher sensitivity,
identifying 27 (71%) of the 38 stool samples confirmed as Amphimerus positive by the
four combined methods. For the second and third ranking, the spontaneous sedimentation
technique in tube (SSTT) and the formalin-ether concentration (FEC) found 22 (58%)
and 19 (50%) of the samples to be positive, respectively. However, only 1 (2.6%) sample
was detected positive by the direct smear microscopy method (DM), this presents a great
concern particularly in Ecuador where DM is the only method provided by private and
public laboratories of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP).
At the moment, there is no “gold” standard diagnosis test for Amphimerus liver fluke,
even using a ELISA and LAMP methods where sensitivity reached only to 85% and
76.6%, and specificity to 71% and 80.7%, respectively (Cevallos et al. 2017; Cevallos et
al. 2017b). Here, we used the combined results of the 4 different methods as the diagnostic
“gold” standard for Amphimerus infection as has been used in previous studies for STH
(Santos et al. 2005, Goodman et al, 2007, Steinmann et al. 2008, Utzinger et al. 2008).
Summing together the results of the 4 methods employed, a high prevalence rate of 36.2%
for Amphimerus infection was found in the Chachi community studied. Merging KK and
SSTT results, the sensitivity raised to 92.1% (35 positive samples) and to 81.6% (31
samples) by combining KK and FEC methods. Therefore, performing two techniques on
a single sample enhanced the detection of Amphimerus infection.
In the present study, SSTT detected 9 extra positive samples that were negative with KK,
enhancing the diagnosis by 25% as compared with KK. This observation might be
explained for that with the SSTT, 5 g of fecal matter are used as compared to 41,7 mg for
KK. SSTT has the advantage of not needing expensive reagents; just warm saline and two
50-mL plastic tubes that could be recycled after careful washing. On the contrary, KK
requires 3% malachite-green glycerol or 3% methylene blue-glycerol solution, and FEC
method needs 10% buffered-formalin and centrifuge equipment. SSTT had already been
used in several studies for diagnosis of intestinal parasites in developing countries and
showed to be highly effective and inexpensive (Tello et al. 2012). For this study KK kits
were purchased for $400 USD expecting to do 400 stool examinations.
According to Tello et al (2012) the cost for SSTT is approximately $0.03 USD per sample.
Another important advantage of the SSTT method as compared to KK in field work
setting, is that eggs of Opisthorchiidae members are hard and are not easily broken.
Therefore, a stool sample can be fixed, transported, and preserved in 10% formalin,
merthiolate-iodine-formalin (MIF) or sodium acetate-acetic acid-formalin (SAF)
solutions for several days before SSTT is performed whilst with the KK method,
examination needs to be processed using fresh stool samples and observed the same day.
Hence, based on our field experience for detecting Amphimerus infection, we would
recommend SSTT because this method is easy to perform in field conditions, cost-
effective and capable for high volume screening of large populations.
Low sensitivities for DM has been reported elsewhere (WHO 2002, Goodman et al. 2007,
Keiser & Utzinger, 2009, Endris et al. 2013, Tello et al. 2012) as well as in our previous
study for Amphimerus (Calvopina et al. 2011). Unlike KK, SSTT and FEC, very small
amount of fecal material is processed for DM, approximately 2 mg, which could explain,
in part, its low sensitivity. Given the low sensitivity of DM and therefore the high
probability of missing Amphimerus infections, the utilization of this technique should be
discouraged for amphimeriasis diagnosis, especially when used alone.
The observed prevalence of Amphimerus infection based on the KK technique was higher
in comparison with the other 3 methods. However, there was no significant difference
statistically. In contrast, comparing the KK, SSTT and FEC methods against DM, a
significant difference was found. It is also corroborated by the Kappa index where both
KK and SSTT has good concordance whilst moderate and very low concordance by FEC
and DM, respectively. Examination of duplicate 41.7-mg stool sample and/or multiple
KK thick smear from one or 2 stool samples and in different days could enhance the
sensitivity of Amphimerus diagnosis, but it would increase labor, costs, and be more time
consuming (Utzinger et al. 2008, Goodman et al. 2007). Furthermore, processing multiple
samples for KK under field-work conditions, with limited resources such as power
supply, as we did in the present study, would be challenging. It is noteworthy to mention
that using the KK method, Amphimerus eggs were not detected in 11 (29%) stool
specimens that were observed using the other 3 methods, this can be explained because
the Amphimerus eggs can became transparent, thin shelled and could be easily missed as
is showed in figure 1B.
Also they can even disappear due to glycerin when long delays occur between the
preparation and the microscopic observation. A previous study showed that using
duplicate slides for KK, the sensitivity for detecting STH increased from 74 to 95% at
high infection intensity, however, dropped to 53-80% in low intensity settings (Nikolay
2014). In our study, existed a positive correlation between the intensity of infection, based
on fecal egg counts demonstrated by KK technique, with the detection of eggs observed
by SSTT and FEC methods (data not shown). A disadvantage for FEC method is that
reagents used may be hazardous or can be irritant; ether is highly flammable. The
sedimentation technique used at CDC is the formalin-ethyl acetate technique, a diphasic
sedimentation technique that avoids the problems of flammability of ether, however this
technique needs a centrifuge and is time-consuming.
not detect eggs of trematodes as is Amphimerus or Schistosoma mansoni (Assefa et al.
Additionally, our study confirms the high prevalence of human infection by Amphimerus
in the Chachi group, who reside in the tropical rain forest along the Cayapas river, in the
province of Esmeraldas, Ecuador where the first human infections were described
(Calvopina et al. 2011). The prevalence of infection in this study (36.2%) is much higher
compared to that previously reported of 24% (Calvopina et al. 2011). In the previous
study, the most remote village (120 km inland from the coast) had the highest prevalence.
In the present report the study community was 135 km inland from the coast, suggesting
that the villagers living alongside the upper tributaries of the Cayapas river, in this area,
are more infected.
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FIGURE 1. A. Four eggs of Amphimerus spp. in an Lugol´s stained wet mount of
concentrated stool (200x magnification). B. An egg of Amphimerus spp. observed in a
slide by the Kato-Katz method (400x) in comparison with a fertile Ascaris lumbricoides
Anexo 1. Metodología
1. Obtención del parásito adulto.
Los parásitos adultos de Amphimerus spp. fueron obtenidos del hígado de un gato de
la zona endémica del Río Cayapas, previo a una eutanasia del animal y al consentimiento
informado de sus dueños. El hígado fue lavado con agua destilada y posteriormente
depositado en un recipiente con NaCl al 0,9% (Figura 14). Se realizaron varios cortes
transversales al eje horizontal, se recuperaron parásitos adultos durante 2 h y a
continuación fueron colocados en tubos tipo Falcon de 15 mL conteniendo PBS estéril.
A. Hígado de gato. B. Lavado con agua estéril para posterior conservación del parásito.
Materiales y reactivos
1. Péptido sintético o extracto del parásito (antígeno).
5. Tampón Carbonato. pH 9,6: Na2CO3 (0,159 g), NaHCO3 (0,293 g), H2O (100
6. Tampón Citrato. pH 5: C6H8O7 (2,14 g), PO4HNa2 (1,4 g), H2O (400 mL).
8. Solución de Revelado: Tampón Citrato (20 mL) y OPD (0,0053 g). Para la placa
de 96 pocillos se utilizaron 0,0028 g en 10 mL H2O2 (8 µL). Éste se añade justo
antes de colocarlo en los pocillos.
4. Desarrollo de la TD-PCR.
ADN molde 2 µL 57 20 s
TOTAL 25 µL 72 30 s
72 10 min x1
Para la obtención del ADN genómico de Amphimerus spp. se utilizó un total de 100
parásitos adultos obtenidos de pacientes de las comunidades de Corriente Seca y Estero
Vicente del Río Cayapas. Los ejemplares adultos fueron recuperados tras el tratamiento
de los pacientes con praziquantel y mantenidos en alcohol hasta la extracción del ADN
en el laboratorio del CIETUS mediante el kit comercial G-spin Total DNA Extraction Kit
(Intron Biotechnology) siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante. El ADN obtenido se
cuantificó mediante espectrofotometría utilizando un Nanodrop (ND-1000) y se diluyó
en agua ultrapura a concentraciones finales de 5 ng/µL y 0.5 ng/µL; a partir de estas
concentraciones se realizaron diluciones seriadas desde 1×10-1 a 1×10-9 ng/µL. Este
ADN se utilizó como control positivo en todas las reacciones de PCR y LAMP realizadas
y también para evaluar la sensibilidad de las dos técnicas moleculares.
Large Fragment, Bst ADN polimerasa 2.0 y Bst ADN polimerasa 2.0 Warm Start) y
concentraciones variables de MgSO4 y betaína a distintas temperaturas de incubación
(61oC, 63 oC y 65 oC). Finalmente, se seleccionó la temperatura de 63 oC como más
idónea para la amplificación utilizando la mezcla de reacción que aparece en la tabla 6.
7.1 TD-PCR.
7.2 LAMP.
8. Análisis estadísticos
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