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Fecha de publicación: enero-marzo 2021
Nombre del Articulo: Nanocompuestos poliméricos en la industria automotriz
Nanotechnology studies the manipulation and manufacture of materials on a
nanometric scale < 100 nm, and as a consequence there is a modification in the
properties of the material, for this reason over the past several decades, its
application in the automotive sector has become of great importance for the
development of lightweight components with the purpose of reduce gas emissions
and improve fuel efficiency, also in the creation of nano coatings based on
nanoparticles that provide protection and resistance to the vehicle, this from
polymeric nanocomposites due to the fact this type of materials have excellent
thermal and mechanical properties, which are conferred using agents
reinforcements within a polymeric matrix, the most used are nanoparticles, carbon
nanofibers (CNF), carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene. This bibliographic
analysis shows a general review on the impact of polymeric nanocomposites in the
automotive industry.