Grammar and Vocabulary Reference Spanish
Grammar and Vocabulary Reference Spanish
Grammar and Vocabulary Reference Spanish
be ill (v) /bi ˌɪl/ estar enfermo (v.)
buy souvenirs (v) /ˌbaɪ suːvəˈnɪəz/ comprar recuerdos (v.)
explore new places (v) /ɪkˌsplɔːr ə ˌnjuː ˈpleɪsɪz/ explorar lugares nuevos (v.)
forget your passport (v) /fəˈɡet jə(r) ˈpɑːspɔːt/ olvidar el pasaporte (v.)
get sunburnt (v) /ˌɡet ˈsʌnbɜːnt/ quemarse con el sol (v.)
go abroad (v) /ˌɡəʊ əˈbrɔːd / viajar al extranjero (v.)
have an accident (v) /ˌhæv ən ˈæksɪdənt/ sufrir un accidente (v.)
hire a bicycle (v) /ˌhaɪər ə ˈbaɪsɪkl/ alquilar una bicicleta (v.)
lose your suitcase (v) /ˌluːz jɔː ˈsuːtkeɪs/ perder la maleta (v.)
meet new people (v) /ˌmiːt ˌnjuː ˈpiːpl/ conocer a gente nueva (v.)
miss a flight (v) /ˌmɪs ə ˈflaɪt/ perder un vuelo (v.)
send a postcard (v) /ˌsend ə ˈpəʊstkɑːd/ enviar una postal (v.)
stay in a hotel (v) /ˌsteɪ ɪn ə həʊˈtel/ alojarse en un hotel (v.)
Etapas de la vida
buy a house (v) /baɪ ə haʊs / comprar una casa (v.)
get a job (v) /ɡet ə dʒɒb/ conseguir trabajo (v.)
get married (v) /ɡet ˈmærid/ casarse (v.)
get a degree (v) /ɡet ə dɪˈɡriː/ graduarse en la universidad (v.)
go to university (v) /ɡəʊ tə ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti/ ir a la universidad (v.)
have children (v) /hæv ˈtʃɪldrən/ tener hijos (v.)
learn to drive (v) /lɜːn tə draɪv/ aprender a conducir (v.)
leave home (v) /liːv həʊm/ independizarse (v.)
move house (v) /muːv haʊs/ mudarse (v.)
retire from work (v) /rɪˈtaɪə(r) frəm wɜːk/ jubilarse (v.)
Vocabulary practice
1 Choose the correct option in the photo descriptions 1–5.
Then match the descriptions 1–5 to photos A–E.
A holiday disaster!
1 ac t we lost / had an So Dad hired / booked We go
t to the airport too
cident on the way – 2 a car and we drove to 3 late, so
oops! We had to fly we lost / missed
home. France. our flight to France!
1 Unit 1
Grammar reference
Vocabulary reference
Vocabulary practice 2 Complete the crossword with the well-being nouns.
1 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with 2
the adjectives.
enjoyable helpful hurtful unfair valuable
2 Unit 2
Grammar reference
Grammar practice
Vocabulary reference
Vocabulary practice
1 Use an adjective to describe each scene. There is one extra adjective.
dramatic dull entertaining hilarious informative terrifying
1 entertaining 2 3
4 5 6
3 Unit 3
Grammar reference
Grammar practice
Vocabulary reference
Vocabulary practice
1 Complete the crossword.
1 Gareth’s jacket cost £100, but it isn’t worth it!
1 2 4 You need to the amount of money you spend
every month and save some.
5 I always wear the same of sports clothes.
3 4 6 Mum prefers these jeans because they don’t
5 much money.
7 We live on a small each month because we haven’t
got much money.
7 8 What an amazing ! 20% off everything in the shop!
8 2 When we get paid, we always buy lots of things
and . Afterwards, we feel really stupid.
3 It was a – half-price!
2 Complete the second sentence so that it has the 3 Translate the sentences.
same meaning as the first. Use a phrasal verb from 1 The slacklining course wasn’t worth the money.
the box to replace the words in bold.
come along join in miss out take on take up
2 Amy has worked in the department store for six
work out
1 Dad and his friends do exercise at the gym three times
a week.
Dad and his friends 3 Adam still hasn’t tried out archery.
2 Mum has decided to begin drawing for pleasure. Her
first class is next week. 4 How long has Ellie been your customer?
Mum has decided to
3 There will be lots of bargains in the sales tomorrow. We 5 Meena has done athletics since she was twelve.
don’t want to not have the chance to find any, so let’s
go early!
There will be lots of bargains in the sales tomorrow. 6 Have you picked up a lot of French since you moved to
We don’t want to France?
4 Josie didn’t enjoy her first day at school. She didn’t take
part in any games and she didn’t make any new friends. 7 Have you found any good deals yet?
Josie didn’t enjoy her first day at school. She didn’t
. 8 We’ve already spent a lot of money at the sales.
5 I’m ready to say yes to the challenge of a 10 km run.
I’m ready to
6 I can’t get to Tania’s party at 7 p.m. I’m going to arrive
I can’t get to Tania’s party at 7 p.m. I’m going to
4 Unit 4
Grammar reference
Grammar practice
Vocabulary reference
Vocabulary practice
1 Look at the map and the activities that Danny and James did at the weekend.
Complete the messages Danny and James sent home to their friends with the
adjectives in the box. Then match the messages to pictures A–D on the map.
annoying confusing fascinating relaxing 3 Just finished our
trip round
the Eden Project. We saw
1 We’ve arrived in Cornwall A so many beautiful, tropical
OK, but some of the plants.
road signs here are so Picture
! We’re a
bit lost right now!
2 We’ve already
had a swim at the 4 ARGH!!! How !
beach at St Agnes We’ve missed the train
and now we’re home! Sorry, Mum, I’m going
sunbathing! It’s very to be late.
! Picture
5 Unit 5
Grammar reference
Grammar practice
Past perfect 4 Complete the text with the relative pronouns who,
which, where and whose.
1 Complete the sentences and questions with the
verbs in brackets. Use the past perfect.
The victim had known (know) the murderer.
1 The burglar (not leave)
any evidence.
2 We (see) the crime scene.
3 You (not meet) the
police officer.
4 (they / do) any drug-
dealing before?
5 How long (he / be) there?
2 Complete the sentences so that they have the same Police are looking for a man
meaning as the first sentences. Use the past perfect. has escaped from the police station. He is
(2) is
I left my glasses at home. I didn’t have them with me. tall with dark brown hair
ation abou t
I didn’t have my glasses with me because I had left very long. Do you have any inform
them at home. this man? If so, please contact Police Offic
Adrian Marlowe, 3
( ) telephone
1 We visited the zoo. Then we went to a restaurant.
number is at the botto m of this poste r. Please
After , we went to
give PC Marlowe the address of the place
a restaurant.
(4) you saw the man. Do not go
2 The woman saw a murder. She went to the police. (5) is
The woman went to the police because she near him – this is a man
. very dangerous.
3 There weren’t any crimes in the town. Then the
kidnapping happened. Police Officer A. Marlowe 07609 543 228
Before the kidnapping happened, there
4 The police didn’t find any evidence. They closed the case.
The police closed the case because
Modals of deduction
5 Joe didn’t finish his work, so we couldn’t go out. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb
We couldn’t go out because of deduction from the brackets.
. There must be a motive. In my opinion, murders rarely
happen without them. (must / can’t)
Relative pronouns 1 This knife be the weapon. It doesn’t
match the injuries. (can’t / might)
3 Choose the correct option. 2 There be some witnesses. There were a
This is the crime story which / who / where is about lot of people in the area that evening. (can’t / may)
an imposter. 3 The police have a suspect. They have
1 That’s the police station whose / where / who the spoken to a man who matches a description of the
police interviewed me yesterday. mugger. (can’t / might)
2 She’s the woman where / whose / which husband 4 I think you should go to hospital. You say you feel fine,
committed credit-card fraud. but your injuries be serious. (could /
3 Jack is the burglar who / which / whose stole my must)
mum’s jewellery.
4 That’s the house which / who / where was burgled.
5 He’s the boy whose / who / which sister is a
police officer.
Vocabulary reference
5.2 Delitos
arson (n) /ˈɑːsn/ incendio provocado
blackmail (n) /ˈblækmeɪl/ chantaje (sust.)
burglary (n) /ˈbɜːɡləri/ robo (en una casa)
credit-card fraud (n) /ˈkredɪt ˌkɑːd estafa con tarjetas
ˌfrɔːd/ de crédito (sust.)
drug-dealing (n) /ˈdrʌɡ ˌdiːlɪŋ/ tráfico de drogas
forgery (n) /ˈfɔːdʒəri/ falsificación (sust.)
identity theft (n) /aɪˈdentəti ˌθeft/ robo de identidad
kidnapping (n) /ˈkɪdnæpɪŋ/ secuestro (sust.)
mugging (n) /ˈmʌɡɪŋ/ atraco (sust.)
pickpocketing (n) /ˈpɪkpɒkɪtɪŋ/ robo (de carteras)
shoplifting (n) /ˈʃɒplɪftɪŋ/ robo en una tienda
smuggling (n) /ˈsmʌɡlɪŋ/ contrabando (sust.)
speeding (n) /ˈspiːdɪŋ/ exceso de velocidad
vandalism (n) /ˈvændəlɪzəm/ vandalismo (sust.)
Vocabulary practice 3 Translate the sentences.
1 The burglar returned to the crime scene because he
1 Find ten crime words in the wordsearch. The words had forgotten his weapon.
can be vertical (↓), horizontal (→) and diagonal ( ).
S U F O R G E R Y W E B 2 Emma is the witness who saw the mugging.
S A M P L E C L O D R R 3 These fingerprints must be the burglar’s.
E W T B L A C K M A I L 4 You may be a victim of identity theft.
T N V T C W O N B S O R 5 Shoplifting is a crime which costs shops a lot of money.
W B R D W E A P O N C A 6 That’s the room where the offenders must wait.
V A N D A L I S M C G M 7 This is the man whose injuries are very serious.
8 The jury needed more time after they had seen the
2 Match 1–8 to A–H. new evidence.
1 victim C
2 mugging
3 crime scene A
4 evidence ‘He didn’t notice when I took
5 smuggling his wallet from his jacket.’
6 pickpocketing B
7 credit-card fraud ‘The police dogs think there is
8 injuries something inside those bags.’
‘He hit me very hard and I don’t
remember anything after that.’
6 Unit 6
Grammar reference
Grammar practice
Vocabulary reference
6.1 Verbos: medio ambiente poor-quality (adj) /ˌpɔː(r) ˈkwɒləti / de baja calidad
clean up (the park) (v) /ˈkliːn ʌp/ limpiar (el (expr.)
parque) (v.) practical (adj) /ˈpræktɪkl/ práctico/a (adj.)
damage (the environment) (v) perjudicar (el reliable (adj) /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ fiable (adj.)
/ˈdæmɪdʒ/ medio ambiente) (v.) reusable (adj) /ˌriːˈjuːzəbl/ reutilizable (adj.)
get rid of (old clothes) (v) deshacerse (de unreliable (adj) /ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbl/ poco fiable (expr.)
/ɡet ˈrɪd ˈəv/ ropa vieja) (v.) useful (adj) /ˈjuːsfl/ útil (adj.)
pollute (rivers) (v) /pəˈluːt/ contaminar (ríos) (v.) useless (adj) /ˈjuːsləs/ inútil (adj.)
protect (the planet) (v) /prəˈtekt/ proteger (el
planeta) (v.) 6.4 Expresiones útiles
recycle (plastic) (v) /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ reciclar (plástico) (v.) Hablar de comida
reduce (waste) (v) /rɪˈdjuːs/ reducir (los How is it cooked? ¿Cómo está
residuos) (v.) cocinado?
reuse (bags) (v) /ˌriːˈjuːz/ reutilizar (bolsas) (v.) It’s cooked in a (frying) pan / the Está cocinado en
save (water) (v) /seɪv/ ahorrar (agua) (v.) oven / under the grill … una sartén / en el
throw away (paper) (v) /ˌθrəʊ əˈweɪ/ tirar (papel) (v.) horno / a la parrilla
use up (resources) (v) /juːz ʌp/ consumir It’s grilled / fried / baked / boiled. Está a la plancha /
(recursos) (v.) frito / al horno /
waste (food) (v) /weɪst/ malgastar cocido.
(comida) (v.) You bake / boil / fry / grill it … Se prepara al horno /
cocido / frito / a la
6.1 Más vocabulario plancha
brand new (adj) /ˌbrænd ˈnjuː/ nuevo/a (adj.) It’s got … in it. Lleva...
eco-conscious (adj) /ˈiːkəʊ ˈkɒnʃəs/ ecológico/a (adj.) It’s made with … Está preparado con...
organic (adj) /ɔːˈɡænɪk/ orgánico/a (adj.) What does it come with? ¿Con qué viene?
second-hand (adj) /ˌsekənd ˈhænd/ de segunda mano What is it served with? ¿Qué lleva de
(expr.) guarnición?
sustainable (adj) /səˈsteɪnəbl/ sostenible (adj.) It comes with … Viene con...
It’s served with … De guarnición lleva...
6.2 Adjetivos: tecnología That smells / looks / sounds / tastes ... Huele / Tiene una
automatic (adj) /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk/ automático/a (adj.) pinta / Suena / Sabe
convenient (adj) /kənˈviːniənt/ conveniente (adj.) … are / is my favourite es / son mi(s)
disposable (adj) /dɪˈspəʊzəbl/ desechable (adj.) preferido/a(s).
efficient (adj) /ɪˈfɪʃnt/ eficiente (adj.) I absolutely love … Me encanta...
fragile (adj) /ˈfrædʒaɪl/ frágil (adj.) I can’t resist … No me puedo
good-quality (adj) /ˌɡʊd ˈkwɒləti/ de buena calidad resistir...
(expr.) I don’t mind … Me da igual...
hard-wearing (adj) /ˌhɑːd ˈweərɪŋ/ resistente (adj.) … isn’t my favourite, but I’ll eat it. es mi comida
heavy (adj) /ˈhevi/ pesado/a (adj.) favorita, pero me lo
impractical (adj) /ɪmˈpræktɪkl/ impráctico/a (adj.) comeré.
inconvenient (adj) /ˌɪnkənˈviːniənt/ inoportuno/a (adj.) I can’t stand / bear … No soporto /
inefficient (adj) /ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃnt/ ineficiente (adj.) aguanto...
lightweight (adj) /ˈlaɪtweɪt/ ligero/a (adj.) I’m not very keen on … No me gusta
manual (adj) /ˈmænjuəl/ manual (adj.) mucho...
Vocabulary practice
1 Match the adjectives to the speech bubbles.
convenient good-quality lightweight reliable
3 4
2 Cross out the verbs that don’t complete the 3 Translate the sentences.
sentences correctly. 1 Were the useless old computers given away after the
You shouldn’t save / use up / waste natural resources. brand-new ones arrived?
1 You can damage / recycle / reuse plastic bags at
supermarkets. 2 These second-hand clothes are recycled and made
2 The factories in the town recycle / damage / pollute into dresses!
the local environment.
3 Eco-conscious organizations try to protect / clean up / 3 Organic food is eaten by a lot of people.
throw away our oceans.
4 How am I going to reduce / use up / get rid of all 4 The new phone which she was given was unreliable.
this food?
5 I need to get rid of / waste / reuse these old clothes. 5 What’s that handbag made from?
6 The city’s parks are cleaned up by the council every day.
7 Unit 7
Grammar reference Tiempos en presente con significado futuro
Podemos emplear el present simple para hablar de
will, be going to y future continuous momentos y fechas futuras que estén sujetas a un
calendario u horario.
will The bus leaves at 11.33 a.m.
Afirmativa Negativa Schools finish on 21st July.
I / You / He / She / It / We / I / You / He / She / It / We / Podemos emplear el present continuous para hablar de
They will walk. They won’t walk. planes fijos en el futuro.
Interrogativa We’re meeting at 2 p.m.
Will I / you / he / she / it / we / they have lunch later? I’m going to the cinema on Saturday evening.
Empleamos will y won’t para predecir o dar nuestra opinión some-, any-, no-, every-
acerca del futuro.
We’ll have a good time at the weekend. Afirmativa Negativa e
una cosa: something anything
be going to There is something in the fridge. I haven’t eaten
todas las cosas: everything anything.
Afirmativa Negativa
We’ve got everything we need. Is there anything in
I’m going to run. I’m not going to run. ninguna cosa: nothing the cupboard?
You’re going to run. You aren’t going to run. Nothing was said at the meeting.
He’s / She’s / It’s going to He / She / It isn’t going to (en) un lugar: somewhere anywhere
run. run. We want to go somewhere hot. David hasn’t been
We’re / They’re going to run. We / They aren’t going to (en) todas partes: everywhere anywhere today.
run. I looked everywhere for my book. Do you want to
(en) ningún lugar: nowhere go anywhere
There’s nowhere to stay. tomorrow?
Am I going to be late?
una persona: someone, somebody anyone, anybody
Are you / we / they going to run?
Ask someone / somebody to help. Kate didn’t tell
Is he / she / it going to stop?
todo el mundo: everyone, everybody anyone / anybody.
Usos Everyone / Everybody likes her. Did anyone /
Empleamos be going to para planes futuros. nadie: no one, nobody anybody phone?
We’re going to go rock climbing at the weekend. No one / Nobody has arrived yet.
Empleamos pronombres indefinidos para referirnos a
Future continuous cosas, personas, etc. sin decir exactamente qué, quiénes,
Afirmativa Negativa etc. son.
I / You / He / She / It / We / I / You / He / She / It / We / Después de un pronombre indefinido empleamos un
They will be working. They won’t be working. verbo en singular. Sin embargo, cuando nos referimos a un
Interrogativa pronombre indefinido que se refiere a personas, debemos
Will I / you / he / she / it / we / they be working? emplear un pronombre y verbo en plural.
Everybody in the class plays sport. They are all in different
school teams.
Empleamos el future continuous para hablar de acciones
que estarán en progreso en un momento determinado del Cuando empleamos nothing y no one / nobody como
futuro. Empleamos este tiempo con las expresiones in y at. sujeto de una oración, empleamos el verbo en afirmativa.
Sin embargo, el significado de la oración es negativo.
Little Joe will be making his own bed in a few years’ time!
Nobody liked the bedroom in the House of the Future.
Grammar practice
will, be going to, future continuous and some-, any-, no-, every-
present tenses with a future meaning 4 Complete the mini-dialogues with the words in
1 Complete the sentences with the correct will or the boxes.
be going to form of the verbs in the box. anything everything nothing something
clean do make not play wash A Have you bought anything for Bella’s birthday yet?
We aren’t going to play tennis on Saturday morning B No! I’ve got (1) to give her! I’ve forgotten
because our coach is abroad on holiday. to buy a present!
1 Do you think Jack the dishes while A Well, you should buy (2) , but it’s difficult
we’re out? because she’s got (3) !
2 I spoke to Mike and Dan this morning. They
the oven after lunch. anywhere everywhere nowhere somewhere
3 I don’t think Sienna very well A We want to go (4) hot for our holiday,
in her maths test. In my opinion, she doesn’t work but we don’t want to go (5) which is full
hard enough. of tourists.
4 Phil has decided that he his bed B What about Asia? There’s (6) more
every day before he goes to school. exciting than Thailand! But then, ( 7) is
exciting in Asia – I love all of it!
2 Correct the underlined mistakes in the future
continuous sentences.
1 Will Sarah be left work early this afternoon? anybody everybody nobody somebody
Vocabulary reference
Vocabulary practice 2 Choose the correct option.
like share
E F Comments
8 Unit 8
Grammar reference
Grammar practice
Vocabulary reference
sensible (adj) /ˈsensəbl/ sensato/a (adj.)
sensitive (adj) /ˈsensətɪv/ sensible (adj.)
Vocabulary practice
1 Match two adjectives from the box to the profiles of each person.
competitive generous jealous proud sensible sensitive stubborn talkative
Nick is very well behaved
Amy and always does the
right thing. He does his
Amy likes playing tennis and
homework at the right time
loves winning – she hates
and he always helps Jay
losing! Danny beat her in a
when she can’t do her
recent competition and she
schoolwork – he’s happy
was really annoyed – she
to lend her his books and
wanted to be the winner!
notes all the time. Jay thinks
She always wants what
Nick is very inspiring –
other people have! They
everything is easy for him!
aren’t talking now because
Danny thinks she’s selfish.
Jay is very sociable and
loves chatting to friends
Danny all the time. People who
Danny doesn’t ever accept meet Jay always say she’s
or listen to other people’s very friendly. Amy always
opinions. He thinks he is confides in her when she
always right and doesn’t has any problems – Jay is
ever admit he’s wrong! Jay a good listener and always
doesn’t like Danny very cares about other people’s
much, and they don’t enjoy feelings.
spending time together.
9 Unit 9
Grammar reference
Grammar practice
4 She said the shop . 5 Put the words in the correct order to make reported
commands, offers and suggestions.
5 She told us they . told / to / outside / wait / us / he
He told us to wait outside.
1 a coat / me / told / to / wear / My mum
A ‘Elderly people often feel lonely.’
B ‘We don’t have enough volunteers.’
C ‘I work in a charity shop.’
2 coffee / offered / a / make / Jayne / me / to
D ‘The charity helps elderly people.’
E ‘The shop doesn’t raise a lot of money.’
2 Choose the correct option to complete the report. 3 a campaign / Patrick / start / that / suggested / we
4 in the corridor / not / run / The head teacher / told /
to / us
Yesterday, a woman from a wildlife charity came
to talk to us at school. She (1) said / told that the
charity helped to protect endangered species. She
(2) said / told the audience that some people didn’t
5 a dress / lend / me / to / My sister / offered
donate money to animal charities. She (3) said / told
that those people often believed humans were more
6 to the cinema / suggested / we / go / Gemma / that
important. She also (4) said / told some animals
were more popular than others. She (5) said / told
the students that the charity believed all endangered
species were important. My friend Susie (6) said /
told her that she planned to start her own blog the
6 Complete the reported commands, offers and
following week to publicize the charity.
‘Would you like me to show you the way?’ she asked me.
She offered to show me the way.
1 ‘Write your names on the exam paper,’ he said to the
3 Read the report in exercise 2 again and complete the students.
direct speech. He told .
‘The charity helps to protect endangered species.’ 2 ‘I’ll open the door for you,’ he told us.
1 ‘Some people .’ He offered .
2 ‘These people .’ 3 ‘Why don’t you wear your new jeans to the party?’ she
3 ‘Some animals .’ said to me.
4 ‘The charity .’ She suggested .
5 ‘I plan .’ 4 ‘Don’t cry,’ he said to her.
He told .
Vocabulary reference
2 Match the verbs 1–8 to the actions A–H. Some verbs 3 Translate the sentences.
can go with more than one action. 1 Eva told me she couldn’t cope.
2 James suggested that we make a donation.
3 My mentor said I dealt with my problems well.
4 I’ve persuaded my parents to volunteer for the charity.
5 The busker told the people he knew a lot of tunes.
1 donate 5 sponsor
6 Anna said she wanted to go to the protest.
2 publicize 6 sign
3 volunteer 7 organize
4 raise 8 start a
7 The video which publicizes our campaign has gone viral.
A someone to run a marathon
B a petition
C protest 8 I told Adam he was a great role model for other students.
D a campaign
E clothes to a charity
F to help
G money for charity
H an event in the newspaper