Ing1-2019-U5-S19-Sesion 55
Ing1-2019-U5-S19-Sesion 55
Ing1-2019-U5-S19-Sesion 55
1. Los estudiantes responden al saludo del docente. 3’
2. El/la docente propone la dinámica “anagram scramble”. Escribe en la pizarra 6’
las siguientes palabras (están resaltadas de amarillo) Son palabras que son
similares a las que buscamos como contenido de la sesión (lugares en mi
iceman churchy banc marker schoolbag
cinema church bank market school
hospitality Liberia restauranter gamy universality
hospital library restaurant gym unviersity
3. Which of the places in exercise 1 and 2 are there in your neighborhood? Ask your
partner and tick (√ ) for yes, or ( X ) for no. Complete the chart.
7. Is there a place in your neighborhood that was not mentioned in the reading?