Pro4-9 GGTL 7
Pro4-9 GGTL 7
Pro4-9 GGTL 7
gamma - GT
L-γ-glutamil-3-carboxi-p-nitroanilida + glicil-glicina → L-γ-glutamil-glicil-glicina + 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoato
Una única prueba de laboratorio no permite establecer un diagnóstico. Los resultados se Muestra 0,1 mL
han de evaluar en el contexto de todos los datos clínicos y de laboratorio obtenidos.
Técnica birreactiva 25ºC/30ºC/37ºC
REACTIVOS Disol. enzimas (A) 1,0 mL
Kit 1 x 50 mL. Ref. 99 35 61. Contiene:
A. 1 x 40 mL Disolución tampón Ref. 99 92 48 Muestra 0,1 mL
B. 1 x 10 mL Sustrato líquido Ref. 99 38 43 Mezclar e incubar aprox. 1 min.
Adaptaciones a distintos analizadores automáticos están disponibles bajo demanda. Sueros hemolizados interfieren en el ensayo. No pueden utilizarse anticoagulantes tipo
EDTA, oxalato o fluoruro, porque inhiben la actividad enzimática.
Szasz, G., (1969) Clin. Chem., 15, 124 - 136.
Tietz, NW., Textbook of Clinical Chemistry 6th Edition, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia (2018).
Serum γ-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) transfer the glutamiy group to cosubstrate glycyl-glycyne producing 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoate. In optimum conditions enzymatc activity is directly
related to amino-2-nitrobenzoate produced that is measured by spectrophotometry.
gamma - GT
L-γ-glutamyl-3-carboxy-p-nitroanilide + glycyl-glycine → L-γ-glutamyl-glycyl-glycine + 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoate
Kit 1 x 250 mL. Ref. 99 10 54. Contents: Mix, read the absorbance after 1 min. and start the stopwatch. Read again the absorbance
A. 2 x 100 mL Buffer solution. Ref. 99 10 68 after 1, 2 and 3 min.
B. 1 x 50 mL Liquid substrate Ref. 99 10 82
Determine the mean of Abs/min of different lectures.
Reagents A and B are ready-to-use. If a monoreagent procedure is preferred, then Reading
the reagents must be mixed in the ratio: 4 parts of A (Buffer solution) + 1 part of B (Liquid Wavelength: 405 nm
substrate). Blank: Water
Cuvette: Thermostatized 1 cm light path
The concentrations in the reagent solution are: CALCULATIONS
Tris buffer pH 8.4 90 mM The formula indicated is used to obtain the factor to calculate the U/L
L-gamma-glutamyl-3-carboxy-p-nitroanilide 6 mM Vt x 106
ΔAbs/min x = U/L
Glycyl-glycine 100 mM Є x l x Vs
Stabilizers and preservatives Vt: Total reaction volume
Vs: Sample volume
l: Cuvette light path
The components of the kit, stored at 2-8ºC, will remain stable until the expiration date
Є: Extinction coefficient of 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoate at 405 nm: 9500
stated on the label.
The monoreagent is stable 5 weeks at 2-8ºC and 3 weeks at room temperature (≤ 25ºC),
For the calculation of the U/L determine the average Abs/min and multiply by the factor:
when protected from the sunlight.
Monoreagent method U/L = (ΔAbs405 nm / min.) x 1158
Signs of reagent deterioration:
Bireagent method U/L = (ΔAbs405 nm / min.) x 1420
Presence of particles or turbidity in the reagent. Working reagent blank ≥ 1.75.
General laboratory equipment. Assay temp. Men Women
Spectrophotometer or photometer thermostatable at 37ºC. Cuvette: 1 cm light-path. 25 ºC 6-28 U/L 4-18 U/L
30 ºC 8-38 U/L 5-25 U/L
37 ºC 11-50 U/L 7-32 U/L
The reagents contain sodium azide at 0.09%. Handle with care. The stated values are for guidance. Each particular laboratory should establish its own
The safety statements are on the label. It is advisable to look at the SDS before using normal range, using its own instrumentation, blood collection methods and test procedures.
the reagent. The calibrator must be considered as a human sample, and, thus, potentially
infectious. Use adequate protection. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS
The disposal of the residues has to be made according to local regulations. The performance characteristics depend on the method used. It is recommended to
calculate these data for each particular test protocol. These results have been obtained
SAMPLE using a manual method.
Serum or plasma. Samples free from hemolysis should be used. The gamma-GT-asic
activity will remain stable for 10 days if the sample is stored at 2-8ºC. Sensitivity, as detection limit: 4 U/mL
Linearity: Up to 600 U/L. For higher values, it is recommended to dilute the sample 1/10 in
QUALITY CONTROL saline (NaCl 0.9%) and assay once again. Multiply the final result by 10.
Control serum, Seriscann Normal (Ref. 99 41 48) and Seriscann Anormal (Ref. 99 46 85) Accuracy: 98.4%
should be included in each test series. Each particular laboratory should establish its own Repetitivity, as Coefficient of Variation: 1.77%
control program. Reproducibility, as Coefficient of Variation: 2.29%
Trueness: Results obtained with this reagent did not show systematic differences when
compared with reference reagent.
Adaptations to different autoanalyzers are available on request.
Details of the performance studies are available on request.
Hemolyzed samples will give false results. Fluoride, EDTA, citrate and oxalate inhibit the
enzyme activity.
Szasz, G., (1969) Clin. Chem., 15, 124 - 136.
Tietz, NW., Textbook of Clinical Chemistry 6th Edition, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia (2018).
La gamma-glutayltransferase sérique transfère le groupe glutamyl au co-substrat glycyl-glycine et le 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoate est libérée dans le processus.
Dans de conditions optimales de réaction l’activité enzymatique est directement proportionnelle à la quantité de 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoate libéré, qui est déterminé par spectrophotométrie.
gamma - GT
L-γ-glutamyl-3-carboxy-p-nitroanilide + glycyl-glycine → L-γ-glutamyl-glycyl-glycine + 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoate
Szasz, G., (1969) Clin. Chem., 15, 124 - 136.
Tietz, NW., Textbook of Clinical Chemistry 6th Edition, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia (2018).