Ada 1 2022
Ada 1 2022
Ada 1 2022
Figura 1. Sistema
2. A model for a batch reactor in which penicillin is produced by fermentation has been derived
as follows (Constantantinides et al. 1970) for cell production and penicillin synthesis,
y1 = dimensionless concentration of cell mass
y2 = dimensionless concentration of penicillin
t = dimensionless time, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1
Experiments have determined that: b1=13.1, b2= 0.94, b3=1.71
In all cases, experiment with the time step to assure an accurate solution. Also, graph y1 and y2 versus time
with appropriate annotations.
a) Solve this ODE-IVP using the Euler, Heun and RK method and determine the % error of the results
obtain for both methods
b) In all cases, experiment with the time step to assure an accurate solution. Also, graph y1 and y2
versus time with appropriate annotations.
3. Suponga que la siguiente reacción química se lleva a cabo en un reactor agitado continuo
where k1, and k2, are the rate constants and B and C are the intermediate and final products,
respectively. The rate equations are
where CA, CB, and CC, are the concentration of materials A, B, and C, respectively. The values of the
rate constants are: k1= 3 s-1 and k2= 1 s-1
a) At time t =1 s and t = 10 s, what are the concentrations of A, B, and C. Compare the result apply
Euler and Runge Kutta method.
b) Sketch the concentration profiles for A, B, and C.
s = Growth limiting substrate concentration (ML−3)
x = Biomass concentration (ML−3)
k = Maximum specific uptake rate of the substrate (T−1) = 5
ks = Half saturation constant for growth (ML−3) = 20
y = Yield coefficient (MM−1) = 0.05
b = Decay coefficient (T−1) = 0.01
a) Solve this ODE-IVP using the Euler method and RK method and determine the % error of
the results obtain for both methods
Note. An appropriate maximum time over which to integrate these equations must be determined
by experimentation. Also, experiment with the time step to guarantee good results. Graph s and x
versus time with appropriate annotations (do this with data for only an appropriate time step).
6. Método de newton para sistemas no lineales. Considere que las siguientes reacciones:
A + B →C
que se llevan a cabo en un reactor CSTR, con las siguientes condiciones(Tabla 2.4). Las leyes de
velocidad para las reacciones son:
Las ecuaciones derivadas de los balances por componentes, para el reactor CSTR, en el estado
estacionario son:
con condiciones de frontera u(0) = 10 y u(2) = 1. Grafique los resultados de u versus x. Utilice Δx =
Obtenga una solución para las condiciones de frontera: T(0) = 200 y T(0.5) = 100. Y el método de
diferencias finitas con dx=1
Obtain a solution for a 10-m rod with T (0) = 240 and T (10) = 150 (a) analytically, (b) with the
shooting method, and (c) using the finite-difference approach with Δ x = 1.
11. An insulated heated rod with a uniform heat source can be modeled with the Poisson equation:
Given a heat source f (x) = 25 °C/m2 and the boundary conditions T (x = 0) = 40 °C and T (x = 10) =
200 °C, solve for the temperature distribution with (a) the shooting method and (b) the finite-
difference method (Δ x = 2).
12. Con el método de Crank-Nicholson calcule la distribución de temperatura en una barra larga y
delgada que tiene una longitud de 10 cm y los siguientes valores: k′ = 0.49 cal/(s * cm * °C), Δx
= 2 cm y Δt = 0.1 s. En t = 0, la temperatura de la barra es cero, y las condiciones de frontera se
fijan para todos los tiempos en T(0)= 100°C y T(10) = 50°C. Considere que la barra es de aluminio
con C = 0.2174 cal/(g * °C) y r = 2.7 g/cm3. Por lo tanto, k = 0.49/(2.7 * 0.2174) = 0.835 cm2/s y
λ = 0.835(0.1)/(2)2 = 0.020875
Resuelva en un rango de t= [0,12] y grafique los puntos específicos para los tiempos de t=[3, 6, 9,
13. Use el método de Liebmann para resolver cuál sería la temperatura de la placa cuadrada
calentada que se ilustra en la figura 1, pero con la condición de frontera superior incrementada a
120º y la frontera izquierda disminuida a 60ºC. Utilice un factor de relajamiento de 1.2 para iterar a
es = 1%.
b. Repita nuevamente el ejercicio, pero emplee 49 nodos interiores (es decir, dx = dy = 5
c. Replique lo realizado en el b) pero considerando que el extremo inferior está aislado.