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I (we) _______________________________________________________________________________ of legal age
Yo (nosotros), ___________________________________________________________________, mayor(es) de

Neighbor(s) of __________________________________________________________________________________,
Vecino(s) y residente(s) de ________________________________________________________________________,

Declare that I (we) am (are) owner(s) of the following property situated at:
Declaro(amos) que soy (somos) dueño(s) de la siguiente propiedad localizada en:
____________________________________________________________________________________, Puerto Rico.

I (we) hereby grant to ____________________________________ and _____________________________________:

Por la presente le concedo(emos) a: _______________________________ y ______________________________

of legal age, neighbors and residents of __________________________________________ an option for the

mayores de edad, vecinos y residentes de ________________________________________ una opción para la

of the property described subject to the following:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

de la propiedad descrita bajo las siguientes condiciones:----------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. The purchase price will be $___________________.----------------------------------------------------------------------

El precio de venta será de $___________________.-----------------------------------------------------------------------

2. The option for the purchase will be valid until _____________________.--------------------------------------

La opción de compra será valida hasta __________________________.---------------------------------------

3. During the validity period of this contract, I bind myself not to sell or encumber this property in any manner.---
Durante la vigencia de esta opción, me comprometo a no vender, hipotecar o gravar la propiedad en forma
alguna. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. I agree to pay the mortgage discount in the amount of ________________________ of the mortgage given.----
Me comprometo a pagar el descuento hipotecario en la cantidad de ______________________de la hipoteca.--

5. I acknowledge receipt of the amount of $____________________as an option payment which will be applied.-
Acuso recibo de la cantidad de $_____________________ como pago opcional el cual cubrirá gastos de--------

To closing costs and down payment, if any, at the time of the closing.--------------------------------------------------
Cierre y el pronto pago, si alguna, a la fecha de cierre.--------------------------------------------------------------------

6. There will be no secondary or other financing in relation to this transaction.------------------------------------------

No habrá financiamiento secundario en relación a esta transacción.-----------------------------------------------------

7. That this option is subject to approval of a Mortgage Loan in the--------------------------------------------------------

Que esta opción esta sujeta a una aprobación de un préstamo hipotecario por la--------------------------------------
amount of $________________________ (FHA, VA, CONVENTIONAL).------------------------------------------
cantidad de $________________________ (FHA, VA, CONVENTIONAL).-----------------------------------------

8. __________________________ agrees to pay for the repairs required on subject property.------------------------

__________________________ acepta pagar por las mejoras requeridas de la propiedad.--------------------------

9. Equipment included in the subject property: _____________________________________________________

Equipo incluido en la propiedad: ______________________________________________________________

10. Seller agrees to pay the sum of _______________ to buyer for closing costs.-------------------------------
Vendedor acuerda pagar la suma de ______________ al comprador para gastos de cierre.--------

11. There is ______________ no ___X___ family relations between buyers and sellers.------------------------
Hay _______________ no hay _____________ relación familiar entre compradores y vendedores.---------------

12. Signed on this ______________________________.

Firmado el día ______________________________.

Vendedor(a)/Seguro Social Comprador(a)/Seguro Social

Seller/Social Security Buyer/Social Security

Vendedor(a)/Seguro Social Comprador(a)/Seguro Social

Seller/Social Security Buyer/Social Security

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