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Apunte Ingles

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Edición y compilación Daniela Moyetta

Lectocomprensión del Ingles

Manual para Psicología

Autoras María Natalia Cardini

Ana María Granata
Daniela Moyetta

-@oitoria[ Brujas
Cardinl, Maria Nalalia
Lectocomprenslón del Inglés : manual de pslcologla / Maria Natalla
Cardini ; Ana Maria Gran ata ; Danlela Silvia Moyetta. - 1a ad. - Córdoba :
Brujas, 2012.
174 p.; 29x21 cm.

ISBN 978-987-591-293-9

1. Enseñanza de Inglés. 2. Lectocomprenslón. l. Granate, Ana Maria 11.

Moyetta, Danlela Silvia 111. Titulo
C □ D420.7

© 2012 Editorial Brujas

1 ~ Edición.
Impreso en Argentina
ISBN: ISBN 978-987-591-293-9

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Guía Introductoria ................................................................................... 1

Guía 1.._
..................................................................................................... 13
Guía 11 ... :................................ :-~ ...............................................~ ................ 24
Guía 111 .................................................................................................... 33
Guía IV ....................................................................................................... 45
Guía V .........................................................................................~ ............ 58
Autoevaluación l .................................................................. i ...-............... 69
·Guía VI ........................................·............................................. ;............... 70
Guía Vll .................................................................................................... 81
Guía VIII .......................•....................•.•.•.......•.......•.................~ ...............·. 89
Guía IX ••.................•...........................................•...••..........-........•...........•. 98
Guía X ................... ,." •e !'!!!!l!!!!!!!l!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l:O!! !1!1::1!1!!;:;;!!!l!I;;;;;;;;¡¡¡¡¡¡;,¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ■ iiiiil ■ I .............................. 106
Autoevaluación ll ................................................................................... 127
Guía XI ................................................................................................... 12·3
Guía XII .................................................................................................. 139
Guía XIII ................................................................................................. 146
Guía XIV (Consolidación) .................................................................._...153
Autoevaluación 111 ...........................................................................................ª 171
Referencias .................................................................................................. 172


Estrat_egias de Lectura - Secuencias Textuales· 1
- Uso del Diccionario - Uso del Glosario
1 11 Afijación 13
11 .
11 Afijación 24
■ Caso Posesivo
11 Conectores que indican ADICIÓN de ideas

111 ■ Estructura de la frase sustantiva 33

IV ■ Conectores que indican CONDICIÓN 45
■ Conectores que indican CAUSA
■ Referentes
V ■ Verbos modales (can - may) 58
■ Conectores que indican éontraste de ideas.

VI ■ Tiempo verbal: Simple Past 70

■ Referencia Textual
VII ■ Verbos con partículas 81
■ Referencia Textual
VIII ■ Voz Pasiva (presente y pasado). 89
■ Conectores que indican consecuencia.

IX ■ Tiempo verbal: Past Perfect 98

X ■ Tiempo verbal "Present Perfect". 106
■ Diferentes funciones de la terminación -ing.
11 Repaso de conectores.

XI ■ Grado comparativo y grado superlativo de los 128

adjetivos en inglés. ·
■ Conectores que indican contraste.
■ Conectores que indican causa.

XII ■ Estructura retórica de un "abstract" en inglés. 139

XIII ■ Niveles macro y microestructurales de un 146
' abstract.
XIV ■ Consolidación:Revisión de frases sustantivas,
conectores y referentes. 153
Guía Introductoria

✓ En esta guia introduciremos, en forma sucinta, los principales aspectos teóricos y prácticos que
sustentan nuestra aproximación a la lectura en lengua extranjera en el nivel superior.

Existen diferentes tipos y propósitos de lectura y para ello hay una serie de. estrategias que se
adecuan a las necesidades de comprensión textual y a la forma de afrontar dicho proceso. De
acuerdo con los diferentes propósitos podemos identificar las siguientes formas de lectura:

Lectun{global (skimming) . .
Éste tipo de lectura consiste en leer ~épld·a~ente con el objeto de tener una idea general y amplia
del tema. ·

Lectura de indagación o analítica (scanning)

Esta lectura es minuciosa y detallada. Nos ayudará a responder aquellas preguntas que se
formulen o que se hayan formulado durante la lectura global.

Existen algunos procedimientos que nos ayudarán a desarrollar la comprensión-;~ través de la

aplicación de técnicas y estrategias de lectura.

Estrategias a poner en práctica en la primera etapa de la lectura

-~ Activar el conocimiento previo de un tema.

~ Leer títulos y predecir de qué tratará el texto.
~ Leer subtítulos.
~ Leer las palabras destacadas en negrita o bastardilla.
~ Leer el primer párrafo.
~ Buscar en cada párrafo la frase clave.
~ Buscar las ideas principales leyendo la primera oración de cada párrafo.
~ Observar imágenes y relacionarlas con el tema sobre el que se leerá.
~ Extraer información de gráficos y dibujos.
~- Identificar nombres o frases relacionas con un dibujo.
~ Interpretar las diferentes fuentes de información textual.
~ Reconocer la estructura del texto.

Estrategias a poner en práctica en- la segunda etapa de la lectura

~ Leer detalladamente.
~ Subrayar las ideas que creamos importantes.
~ Interactuar con el texto.
~ Deducir por el contexto. .
~ Ordenar y reordenar ideas en un texto.
~ Hacer esquemas y resúmenes.
~ Utilizar el diccionario.
~ Indagar en el vocabulario, estructuras gramaticales y puntuación.
~ Poner en los márgenes palabras clave.

1. Ud. se encuentra por primera vez con el siguiente artículo y necesita saber de qué trata
antes de empezar a leerlo con detenimiento. Lea el primer párrafo para tener una idea
global sobre el tema que se trata en el mismo {skimming). ¿Qué palabras le fueron de

Se suele definir el psicoanálisis desde cuatro niveles: Un método de investigación de los

significados mentales inconscientes.
■ Un método de psicoterapia basado en la interpretación de las relaciones
transferenciales, resistencia y deseos inconscientes.
■ Uri conjunto de teorías psicológicas sobre el funcionamiento de la mente (meta
psicología) y teoría clínica sobre los trastornos mentales y su tratamiento.
■ Un- enfoque filosófico o general para entender los procesos de las culturas y la
actividad social.
Los conceptos fundamentales del psicoanálisis se formulan a través de los cinco
modelos que Freud desarrolló sobre la actividad psíquica: el modelo dinámico, el
modelo económico, e_l modelo estructural, el modelo genético y el modelo topográfico.

2. Ahora, necesita saber qué aspectos o ideas se desarrollan en cada párrafo. Lea el resto
del texto y determine sobre qué modelo mencionado en el ejercicio anterior trata cada
párrafo. Subraye palabras clave que ayuden a determinar el modelo descrito.

: - ----. - . - ----- ---: El lncorJséiente, gobe-rna.do do~ procesos primarios (ilógicos e intemporales) por

: lº Párrafo: : ·:¿cinfien·eflbs"re~~rdos;_ ímógenesj sentimientos y- deseos: no ácc;ésibles a la

: : .· ·conciencia:: ~(Pré-cé:>risdente qué· interme.dia eptre· el inconsciente •y el consciente,
: : donde püeden ac~éde~· ciertos contenidos, .·y el Consciente, gobe~nado por los
I . proéesos ~é¿Ünciarios (l,óglcos'y racló~al~sfrque'.se kientífica en'gran'pc:trte con el

: J >,: :, · ·:- '> :.. ' , ···<.


y y Cciri el prfnclplÓ-~e Tealiqad (ajuste c;sh~ntoí'nci).:. .

2° Párrafo: :. El. conflicto: surge ·de" Üna opos,ición en;~iic:1~ ,;~e;zas instintivas, o deseos sexuales
:_-·, y ·agresivos".-ii1c'orísci;nJes;Jastdefenst1s{'e~ ;··gran·,:parte:·_inconscientes, derivadas

: ·. de( Yo, y, los/ princ,ipiosi ~ormativos ·. ó~ ·morales. del ,}ndividuo conscientes e
' . inéonscieiites:_.· El- síntoma'. ·es una; "so_lución 'de ·. compromiso" ·para_ • resolver ese
'9?flldo, y • .;·~1 \1'1'?'º e,,á '?~~~/d? !'!'i'.I l~\Yr1 f>'~'."~'·.
,-- · ______ "------------~, Es~s p~~~;s~s:, so~ ;~_j:" p~i~cipioj, dei pla¿er ·•(s<ltisfa~ción)·· y · el.. de realidad


:1 3° Párrafo: :... . {adaptació11 q(éritorrio).'Léi libido'es: lciJoeni-~ en~r-gética· guiada p'c>r. el principio
e . · -);.··. :-~ ;· - '--- ·:· . •-;- _, -·~· •·.,;;-r -·; i •• • •· '. ,-. - •:•· ~-. •• , - • ~-- :--.,· , . • . --. . .• • , , • . __ ; ••

: : : . de" plac~(qu~;~ohl!eyci· elprqce~o '¡:,rimario 'df? .1.ibre circulaci{m y descorga de la

: : eriergíá: El ~p~indpic/cié'·r'ealidad hci'éé' qui·1~ energíá libidinal quede ligada a

L- I~,-;,; ~ ~ ----:----~ ~
·. . - , : _.,
-:7.~ ~-1.~ t:~~bj~t~~{r~lt~~~~:~tt1t!f;i:~r~:t~:;~_~::g~s~~r?"ª_.· '.;_~:~e~isJ8c~!í-:-'L. : : ' .'. / •-
- .._ •· A : este · procese>,'; evolutivo;; se . le;: dénorr,iiria·.~ desarrollo . psic<:>sexual · que va
-----------1 ::· pf¿g(e~§_n,c!<f;~ry~:,~1~-~;:..fk_s~s¡'qú,~?'p~J~~,<a.l!~?~sf?i>~f ·:'.exc,esJ § ,d~fécto de
:,,/gr_atifJcació_ri _._(nqciories:~d~'._fijcici91·üo iregresiónxa;una: .fqse)JJ:d. fas~c in,ic;ial,. que

5° Párrafo:

3: Ahora, lea el texto detenidamente (scanning). Al finalizar la lectura, indique si las
·. siguientes ideas o conceptos se encuentran en el texto o no. En caso afirmativo, indique en

qué párrafo encontró la información.

¡ftJBí.j ~
Análisis de los fenómenos de Transferencia y

Contratransf erencia

□ Estructuras mentales

□ Fuerzas que entran en pugna

Maniobras conscientes e inconscientes para manejar ansiedades y


□ Regla de la A tendón Flotante

□ Procesos inconscientes del desarrollo evolutivo

□ Procesos que rigen a los niveles de conciencia

□ Regla básica de la Asociación Libre

□ Regla de Abstinencia

□ Procesos energéticos que regulan la actividad mental

4. Lea el siguiente fragmento y trate de responder las preguntas que le siguen:

(. .. ) Mamá se esforzaba por mantenerme dist~aída, y yo fingía pasarla. bien.

- Pero no era así.
- No. Yo sabía que algo pasaba, aunque no puedo decir qué, pero era algo malo. Todo en
la casa era diferente. Los sonidos, los olores ... todo. De pronto mamá me llevaba a mi
cuarto. "Vamos a jugar", me decía. Pero, en realidad, mi cuarto no se conv~rtía en una
sala de juegos, sino en una fortaleza. Como esas habitaciones en las que la gente se
encierra cuando se siente insegura. ·Lo vi en una película. Creo que les dicen ...
- La habitación del pánico.
- Eso -asiente-. Mi cuarto era la habitación del pánico. Afuera estaba la amenaza.
- Y adentro la angustia.
Lo mira.
- Sí.
Camila ha hecho una gran catarsis, una descarga de tanto dolor contenido. Es el
momentd de volver al punto.de partida de la crisis e intentar ponerle palabras.
- ¿Y tus hermanos, de qué lado de la puerta estaban?
Se toma un tiempo antes de responder. Sus ojos vuelven a llenarse de !~grimas y su voz
suena entíecortada.
- Me viene la imagen borrosa. de Javier bamboleándose en un rincón del cuarto, sin decir
nada y con la mirada perdida, como si tuviera la mente en blanco. Eso también me daba
- lVer a Javier en ese estado?
- Sí. Porque era como estar con un desconocido, cono si no fuera mi hermano... en
realidad ...
- lQué?
- Ni siquiera parecía una persona.
Pablo sabe a lo que se refiere, conoce esos momentos en los que algunos
pacientes pierden contacto con la realidad. Los ha visto muchas veces y ha tenido :que
enfrentar la angustia que, en esos casos, también impacta al analista.
Y si no es fácil, ni aun para los psicólogos, sostener la tensión que implica ~star
frente a alguien que perdió su contacto con la realidad y se refugió en un universo pr'opio
. \ :'.
e inexpugnable, imagina lo que debe haber sido para una nena tan chiquita est'ar
encerrada en la habitación del pánico con una madre desesperada y un hermano perdido
en una existencia alucinada.
Pero, lqué podía ser tan malo afuera como para que Victoria hiciera pasar a sus
hijos por ese horror? Lo sospecha. Pero eso importa poco. Lo realmente importante es lo
que Camila pueda decir.
- ¿y Paula?
Niega con la cabeza.

-· No, Paula no estaba. Ella era más grande. Supongo que le era más cómodo ir a lo de
una amiga o a la casa de Francisca que quedarse con nosotros. Francisca la protegió
mucho. Paula siempre fue su preferida.
- Es decir que entre tu mamá y Francisca_ se dividían el cuidado de ustedes.
- Sí.
- Y en este punto supongo que de quien había que cuidarlos era de tu papá.
- Sí.
- lPor qué?
- Yo nunca hablé de esto. Ni siquiera conmigo misma. lEntendés lo que quiero decir?
- Sí.
La habitación del pánico va entreabriendo sus puertas y Camila empieza a recordar
aquellas cosas que sabía pero en las que ni siquiera le había sido posible pensar.
En algunas circunstancias, el olvido no es más que el resultado del intento por
reprimir una situación tan dolorosa que su solo recuerdo generaría una angustia capaz de
desestructurar la psiquis. Por lo general, estas circunstancias tienen que ver con
vivencias infantiles, traumáticas ... y sexuales.
Cuando esto ocurre, el esfuerzo por expulsar de la conciencia el recuerdo de esas
vivencias, deja capturada una angustia Imposible de ser simbolizada, un dolor que esc~pa
a las palabras y que, al no poder ser dich_o, busca alguna vía de canalización, por lo
general, patológica.
Pero hay, sin embargo, un mecanismo que permite viabilizar de un modo
constructivo esa energía contenida: La Sublimación.
En los chicos, el juego suele cumplir ese rol sublimatorio, por eso la técnica del
psicqªnálisis con n·iños se basa en el juego, porque en él ponen a trabajar todo su mundo
interno, e interpretando y operando sobre esos · juegos, se puede intentar solucionar
conflictos que los angustian. En la adultez, el estudio, el trabajo o el arte cumplen esa
En el caso de Camila, es evidente que la música ha sido el escenario de su
mecanismo sublimatorio. Y lo ha hecho muy bien pese a todo, aunque obviamente ha
tenido un costo.
Esa. madurez anticipada, la perfección de su lenguaje y el excesivo ejercicio de la
voluntad, son los síntomas observables de su intento obsesivo por mantener todo bajo
control. Y no es extraño.
Su madre no había logrado poner orden en el caos y apenas si se limitaba a
encerrarlos e intentar tapar los gritos del horror. Pero el horror, cuando se instala, resulta
. Hay un concepto teórico que utiliza el psicoanálisis: Lo Siniestro.
Este término alude a situaciones muy particulares en las que aquello que es
famjliar se vuelve amenazante. Sucede, por ejemplo, cuando las personas encargadas de
cuidar y velar por la seguridad de alguien se convierten en la causa misma del peligro que
los acecha.
Hay un juego que los chicos disfrutan mucho. Es ése que consiste en que la madre, ·
el padre o alguna figura amistosa esconde su cara detrás de una toalla o una almohada
para aparecer luego de manera sonriente. El chico manifiesta un sentimiento gratificante
y pide que se repita una y otra vez el mismo juego. Ahora bien, si en el momento en el que
el rostro querido debe apare~er, el adulto lo hiciera, por ejemplo, con una máscara, en
lugar de la risa y la diversión generaría una angustia traumática, porque allí donde el chico
esperaba encontrar un rostro protector encuentra, en cambio, algo ~esconocido y
A esta altura ya no tiene dudas de que Roberto Vanussi ha sometido a sus hijos a
sucesivas experiencias siniestras. Él, el padre, el que debía dar seguridad a su familia ha
sido la mayor amenaza que han debido enfrentar. (. .. )

Los Padecientes

a. En el fragmento que acaba de leer, ¿qué predomina?

D El relato o narración de acontecimientos

D La explicación de un tema

D La descripción de un objeto

b. ¿Qué elementos del texto le permitieron responder la pregunta anterior?

c. ¿Qué otra/s secuencia/s encuentra en el fragmento leído?

D Dialogal

□ Descriptiva

D Argumentativa

d. En el fragmento leído también se encuentran [~ó!YmlfliDPa.Ji~fi.

Según Marín y Hall (2005), la explicación es el desarrollo de un saber que responde a un
interrogante, y ese desarrollo puede adoptar dos formas:
Explicaciones de modo (responden a "¿cómo es?", "¿en qué eonsiste?")
Explicaciones de causa (responden a "¿por qué?", "¿a qué se debe?")
Cuando se reconoce la estructura de las explicaciones se puede reconstruir su hilo
conductor para hacer más fácil la comprensión del texto. Una forma de reconstruirlo es
poder reconocer dentro de ellas algunos procedimientos habituales: -definir, -dar ejemplos,
-reformular, -citar o mencionar a otros autores/textos.

En el pasaje que acaba de leer, a través de diferentes procedimientos, se explican
conceptos. ¿Cuáles· de éstos son? Marque en el texto los elementos que le permitieron

~ . La represión

~ El olvido

~ La sublimación

~ La angustia

~ Lo siniestro

~ Los mecanismos de defensa

e. ¿Cuál de estas oraciones mejor resume la situación que presenta el fragmento leído?
Justifique su elección.

a) La conversación entre dos miembros de una familia, una persona mayor y una niña, que
ha sufrido una experiencia traumática.
b) La conversación entre un psicoanalista y su paciente, una niña con una historia familiar
cargada de violencia y zonas oscuras.
c) La conversación entre un médico y su paciente, una niña que ha sufrido un accidente.

Para que la consulta del diccionario sea realmente útil es importante buscar el
que sea más adecuado, ya que existen distintas clases de diccionarios que
cubren diferentes necesidades, dependiendo de los lectores a quienes estén dirigidos.
Si un estudiante que cursa estudios superiores recurre a un diccionario que no está destinado
para_ ese nivel, puede ocurrir que no figure la palabra que busca, o que figure con una acepción
que no corresponda al sentido con que está usada. De ese modo, la búsqueda resultará muy
poco eficaz. En efecto, cuando el término o la palabra desconocida no figura en un diccionario
general, o el significado que está en el diccionario no corresponde al significado con que está
usado en el texto, es 'muy probable que se trate de un término específico de una disciplina. Es
preciso, entonces, recurrir a los diccionarios especializados o incluso a algún manual dentro de la

(Extraído y adaptado de Marín, M. y Hall, B. (2005). Prácticas de lectura con textos de estudio. Buenos
Aires: Eudeba.)

En el fragmento de la novela que acaba de leer, aparece la palabra "siniestro". Si esta palabra no
estuviera definida y explicada en el mismo texto y Ud. la buscara en un diccionario general,
encontraría estas definiciones:

1. adj. Dicho de una parte o de un sitio: Que está a la mano izquierda.
2. adj. Avieso y malintencionado.
3. adj. Infeliz, funesto o aciago.
4. m. Daño de cualquier importancia que puede ser indemnizado por una compañía aseguradora.
5. m. Propensión o inclinación a lo malo; resabio; vicio o dañada costumbre que tiene el hombre .
o la bestia. U. m. en pi.
6. m. Der. En el contrato de seguro, concreción del riesgo cubierto en dicho contrato y que ·
determina el nacimiento de la prestación del asegurador.

Ud., como lector especialista en una disciplina, deberá advertir que las definiciones dadas el
diccionario general del término "siniestro" no resultan adecuadas al sentido del fragmento.

En cambio, en un diccionario especializado puede encontrar la sigui"ente definición:

Sentimiento de malestar· y de extrañeza ante un ser o un objeto sin embargo antes familiar.
Subtendida por una muy fuerte ansiedad y una espera de la relacióñ con Jo real, esta a~teración
de la resonancia afectiva habitual con el medio (o consigo mismo, en este caso, acompañada de
un sentimiento de despersonalización) puede encontrarse en la esquizofrenia, en ciertos estados ,
crepusculares epilépticos y en la psicastenia (P. Janet). El psicoanálisis reconoce ·
el papel particular de este sen(imiento de extrañeza en la vivencia psicótica, especialmente en los .
llamados «fenómenos elementales>>, que pueden preceder al desencadenamientq, de una crisis.
Pero, después de S. Freud, los psicoanalistas extienden mucho más
allá ese c~~po ·de Jo que
llaman «Jo siniestro», que sería provocado por la aparición en Jo real de algo que recordaría
demasiado directamente Jo más íntimo, Jo más reprimido.

Con este ejemplo, se hace evidente que los diccionarios comunes no suelen satisfacer todas las
necesidades de lectura de textos de estudio de nivel superior. Para satisfacer sus necesidades de
lectura en este curso, Ud. diseñará un glosario de vocabulario de la especialidad.

El glqsario se elaborará individualmente. El propósito de esta herramienta de aprendizaje es

facilitar el reconocimiento de palabras o términos de la especialidad c1,1ando lea textos de su
área disciplinar.

Se recomienda:
► Seleccionar vocabulario de la especialidad luego de leer los textos de las guías de
► Ordenar las palabras y los términos alfabéticamente.
► Identificar la categoría gramatical de la palabra o término seleccionado (verbo, sustantivo,
adjetivo, adverbio).
► Contextualizar esa palabra o término transcribiendo un ejemplo.
► Dar el equivalente en español de esa palabra o término.

Los conectores (tales como "but", "although", "because") y las preposiciones (por ejemplo: "of', "at", "with")
no pertenecen al vocabulario específico de la disciplina, por lo tanto, no deben incluirse en el glosario.

5. Lea el siguiente fragmento prestando atención a las palabras resaltadas. ¿Podría tratar
de explicar su significado sin consultar el diccionario?

6. Ahora, lea los equivalentes de "drive" en la página a continuación y responda.

Diccionario Espasa Concise © 2000 Espasa Calpe:

drive [drarv] vtr (ps drove; pp driven)

1 (un vehículo) conducir, LAm manejar
2 (a una persona) llevar, forzar, obligar: his ambition drove him to his death, su ambición lo
llevó a la muerte
3 (energía) impulsar: it is driven by steam, funciona a vapor
4 Dep lanzar
5 (un palo) hincar
(un clavo) clavar
6 llevar en coche: Would you drive me to the supermarket?, ¿me llevas en coche al

vi Auto conducir, LAm manejar: Do you know how to drive?, ¿sabes conducir?

1 (excursión) paseo en coche
to go for a drive, dar una vuelta en coche
2 (delante de una casa) camino de entrada
3 Mee transmisión
' Auto tracción
front-wheel drive, tracción delantera
4 Golf golpe inicial
5 {de ventas, etc) campaña
6- empuje, vigor

7 instinto
sex drive, instinto sexual
8 lnform disquetera

♦ LOC: to drive sb mad, volver loco,-a a alguien

a. ¿Qué significan las abreviaturas.

1) vtr?
2) vi?
3) ps?

b. ¿Qué categorías gramaticales (adjetivo/sustantivo o nombre/ verbo/ adverbio) puede

tener la palabra "drive"?

c. ¿A ql;lé disciplina corresponden el equivalente 4 de la primera entrada y el equivalente

:~- 3 de la segunda entrada? ¿Cómo lo sabe?

d. ¿Qué equivalente en español, acorde con el fragmento que leyó, elegiría-?

7. ¿Cuál de todos los equivalentes dados por el_ diccionario es el correspondiente para la
palabra resaltada? ¿Qué elementos tuvo en cuenta para su elección?

Diccionario Espasa Concisa © 2000 Espasa Calpe:

1 camino: he is on his way, está en camino
his house is rather out of the way, su casa está algo apartadao su casa queda bastante a trasmano
1know the way, conozco el camino
is this the way to the beach?, ¿es éste el camino a la playa?
to lead the way, ir delante, mostrar el camino
to lose one's way, perderse
to make one's way, encaminarse, abrirse camino
to stop on on the way, parar en el camino
the way back, el camino de regreso
way down, bajada
way in, entrada·
way out, salida
way up, subida
2 paso: it's on my way, me pilla de paso

to give way, ceder el paso
to make way, dejar paso [for, a]
Auto right of way, prioridad
3 camino, vía
by way of Bangkok, vía Bangkok
over the way, enfrente
4 to be in the way, estorbar o bloquear el camino: get out of the wayl, ¡quítate de en medio!
to keep out of sb's way, evitar o esquivar a alguien
5 let's get this out of the way, quitemos esto de en medio
she has a baby on the way, está esperando un niño
figurado to go out of one's way to do sthg, desvivirse por hacer algo
to pave the way for sthg, preparar el terreno para algo
by the way,'B propósito, por cierto
6 distancia: it's a long way from here, está lejos de aquí
to go sorne/a long way towards sthg, contribuir en cierta/gran medida a algo
figurado to go a long way (comida, etc) cundir
(persona) ir muy lejos
to go all the way, ir hasta el final
7 (dirección) is this the right way?, ¿es por aquí?
come this way, ven por aquí
which way?, ¿por dónde?
the wrong way up/round, al revés
''this way up", "este lado hacia arriba"
figurado to look the other way, hacer la vista gorda
8 manera, modo, forma: 1 did it my way, lo hice a mi manera
you can't have it all ways, no se puede estar en misa y repicando
the way he speaks, su forma de hablar
the way we were, tal como éramos
to get one's way, salirse con la suya
to learn the hard way, aprender a fuerza de escarmentar
a good way to clean leather, una buena manera de limpiar el cuero
a way of lite, una forma de vida
in a way, en cierto modo
. (in) one way or another, de un modo o de otro
in rio way, de ninguna manera
no wayl, ¡ni hablar!
9 estado: he's in a bad way, está muy mal
that's the way it is, así es
10 don: he has a way with words, tiene facilidad de palabra
11 progreso, movimiento
under way, en marcha
12 costumbre (usu pi): she has sorne strange ways, tiene algunos hábitos raros
l'm rather set in my ways, tengo unas costumbres bastante arraigadas

Propósitos de Lectura:
t1 Reconocer transparencias léxicas.
t1 Deducir significados.
ii Completar un esquema que sintetice visualmente la
información del texto.

Al finalizar la Gufa, Ud. habrá puesto en práctica los siguientes contenidos

i:i Afijación

1. Observe las siguientes imágenes. ¿Qué puede anticipar sobre el tema acerca del
cual leerá en esta guía?
(ª�•,' ·�;;-,

�.'i·,.��i��>�.. -�,�

�·é' ,'i-tfh�t

2. Lea la siguiente definición yrésponda la siguiente pregunta: ¿puede decir qué

concepto se define?
1 It the __ and _______ by _____ (__ -__) . on the
2 ___ _ ofthe _____ _____ between _______ as (i) a
3 ___ for ____________________, (ii) a ___ for _ __
4 and (iii) a _ of____ about the _____________
5 by the _______ of and ___ _. The
6 on its is _________ since it can to _____ as a _____
7 or to ____ as a ____, or to __

3. Lea la siguiente definición y responda las preguntas a-c.

1 _ is _ theory _ practice initiated _ Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) founded ___

2 discovery ___ unconscious. Freud dist_inguishes ____ psychoanalysis _ (i) _ method
3 _ investigating unconscious mental processes, (ii) _ method _ treating neurotic
4 disorders, _ (iii) .- set _ theories ___ mental processes revealed ___
S psychoanalytic method _ investigation _ treatment. _ word 'psychoanalysis' ___ c::iwn
6 is __ _ ambiguous, _____ refer _ psychoanalysis __ practice, __ to
7 psychoanalysis __ theory, __ both.

From: Evans, D. (1996). An introductory dictlonary of Lacanian psychoanalysis. London: Routledge.

a. ¿En cuál de los dos textos logró mayor comprensión?
b. ¿Por qué es imposible saber de qué trata el primer texto?
c. ¿Tienen el mismo valor informativo las palabras ausentes en los dos textos?

lil Las palabras presentes en el primer texto son llamadas palabras estructurales. Estas

estructuran el texto.
Las palabras presentes en el segundo texto son llamadas palabras conceptuales. Estas
llevan la carga de significado, tienen un gran valor informativo.

4. Ahora lea la definición completa y responda las preguntas a-b,

1 It is the theory and practice initiated by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) founded on th~
2 discovery of the unconscious. Freud distinguishes between psychoanalysis as (i) a
3 method for investigating unconscious mental processes, (ii) a method for treating
4 neurotic disorders, and (iii) a set of theories about the mental processes revealed by
5 the psychoanalytic method of investigation and treatment. The word 'psychoanalysis'
6 on its own is therefore ambiguous, since it can refer to psychoanalysis as a practice, or
7 to psychoanalysis as a theory, orto both.

From: Evans, D. (1996). An introductory dictionary of Lacanian psychoana/ysis. London:


a. ¿Qué concepto se define en el segundo texto: PSICOLOGIA' PSICOTERAPIA o PSICOANÁLISIS?

b. ¿Qué palabra/s lo ayudaron a responder la pregunta a?

5. Relea la definición para identificar palabras transparentes. Señálelas con un color.

6. A partir de lo señalado, complete la siguiente definición:

lil Existen palabras que comparten s_ _ _ _ _o, o_ _ _ _ _a y p_ _ _ _ _n

similares en dos idiomas diferentes. Estas palabras son conocidas como palabras
transparentes o cognados y por lo tanto son un puente evidente para entender la lengua

extranjera .

7. Ahora lea el siguiente texto y determine en qué párrafo se repite la información de la
definición que leyó en el ejercicio 4.

1 Basics of Psychoanalytic Theory

. .
Psychoanalysis is a. branch of psychology particularly concerned with subjective experience. It
has three aspects. First it is a body of knowledge about the niind, which has been discovered
partly through the sort of work described in the last chapter and partly through studying
5 ordinary humaf! phenomena such as dreams, slips (like slips of the tangue) and jokes.
Second the word 'psychoanalysis' refers to a method far investigating the mind, and third it
refers to a form of psychotherapeutic treatment.

Psythpanalysis takes a dynamic rather than static view of the mind, seeing movement,
en~rgy, and in particular conflict, as intrinsic to mental life. For example, a person may
10 want to do something his or her conscience does not allow, or may be pulled in different
ways by lave and hate far the same person. He or she may want to know the truth but also
be frightened and reluctant to find out.

Central to psychoanalytic theory is the idea that much of. our niental life is unconscious.
Unconscious thoughts, feelings and wishes form the mental bedrock, with conscious
15 experience the tip of the iceberg. Unconscious processes cannot, by definition, be known
directly but have to be inferred from their effeets, in a way· analogous to the powerful but
invisible effect of gravity.

. Psychoanalytic theory offers a developmental perspective. Although there are a number of

20 partly overlapping and sometimes conflicting psychoanalytic theories of development, ali
emphasise the formative effeet of early relationships. Early experience is seen as interacting
with innate endowment in determining the way the mind forms. Normal development
involves acquiring an increasingly clear and stable sense of self, and an increasing capacity to
relate to others as separate and unique. The lifelong maturing process is seen by
25 psychoanalysts as involving successive mourning of earlier stages of life and former illusions,
with the gradual achievement of a more truthful and realistic picture of self and the world.

From: Milton, J., Palmear, C., & Fabricius, J. (2004). A short introduction to psychoanalysis. London:
Sage Publications Ltd. pp. 17.

8. Relea el texto y elija la opción que mejor sintetice el tema que desarrolla. Justifique
su elección subrayando en el texto las palabras que lo ayudaron en su elección.
¡¡;... Los fundamentos esenciales de la teoría psicoanalítica.
¡¡¡;... Definición y origen del psicoanálisis.
- Breve reseña de la historia del psicoanálisis.


9. Observe las siguientes frases extraídas de los textos anteriores.

Preste atención a la parte resaltada de cada palabra.

a) discovery of the unconscious (texto 1, r. 2)

b) neurotic disorder§ (texto 1, r. 4)
e) a set of theories about the mental processes (texto 1, r. 4)
d) the psychoana/ytjc method (texto 1, r. 5)
e) investigation and treatment (texto 1, r. 5)
f) subjective experience (texto 2, r. 2)
g) unconscious thought;s, feelinqs and wish§§. (texto 2, r. 14)

. ¿Con cuál de las siguientes palabras se relacionan?

1. discover 6. neurosis
2. treat 7. subject
3. investiga te 8. theory
4·_ consciousness 9. feel
5. wi§h 10. disorder·

10. Responda las siguientes preguntas:

a. ¿ Qué tienen en común?
b. ¿Cambia el significado al cambiar la terminación?
c. ¿Podría establecer alguna regla?

il Cuando encontramos pa.labras cuyo significado desconocemos podemos entenderlas si

conocemos los procedimientos de formación de palabras.

En algunos casos, es conveniente ver si la palabra se puede separar en partes (descomponer} porque
puede ocurrir que eso permita deducir su significado.



UNconsciousness 1
conscious · unconsciousNESS

1. Identifique la categoría gramatical {adjetivo o sustantivo) de la palabra subrayada en

cada frase, teniendo en cuenta su sufijo.
a. the XXXXX:ful but XXXXX:ible effe~t of XXXXw¿

b. XXXXXXive effect of XXX.Jy XXXXXXXXships

c. an XXXXXXXing XXXXX!rl

d. the XXXXX:al XXXXXXXment of a more XXXXXful and XXXXXXXic picture

e. XXXXXXXive XXXXX:ing of XXXXX~XXXXX.s of life

■ ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ • • • • • • • ■• ■ •• ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • ■ ■ •• ■ ■ ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • ■ ■ ■ • • • • • • ■• ■• ■ • • • • • • • ~ ■ ■• ■ • • • • • • • • ■ ■• ■ ••

2. Observe los siguientes ejemplos; luego, responda la pregunta a continuación.

• (. .. ) it refers to a 6rm of psychotherapeutic treatment. (texto 2, r. 7)
• Unconscious thoughts, fee/ings and wishes 6rm the mental bedrock ( .. .) (texto 2, r. 14)

En los ejemplos se repite la palabra "form", ¿qué diferencia a una de la otra?

13.. Relea el texto lisies ofPs9banaltic l'ory para encontrar el equivalente.
en inglés de las siguientes palabras/frases en español. Escriba el equivalente en
la columna correspondiente. Indique el número de renglón en donde lo encontró
Hay dos palabras/frases extra.

1. mente

2. logro paulatino

3. etapas de la vida

4. conocimiento

5. perspectiva del desarrollo


7. sentido de si mismo
8. proceso de maduración
permanente/ ue dura toda la vida
9. rama de la psicología
1O. pensamientos, sentimientos y
deseos inco'nscientes

14. A modo de cierre, complete el siguiente esquema con información del texto.

Recuerde extraer las palabras, frases y términos que considere importantes de

esta guía para, luego, incorporarlos en su glosario. Por ejemplo: IBnchof

· A continuación encontrará un texto extra que puede utilizar como práctica

complementaria de lectura.

1 Psychology

2 (psychologie) In his pre-1950 writings, Lacan sees psychoanalysis and psychology as

parallel disciplines which can cross-fertilise each other. Although he is very critica! of the
conceptual inadequacies of associationist psychology, Lacan argues that psychoanalysis

5 can help to build an 'authentic psychology' free from such errors by providing it with truly r
scientific concepts such as the !MAGO and the COMPLEX (Lacan, 1936). However, from 1
1950 on, there is a gradual but constant tendency to dissociate psychoanalysis from
psychology. ( ...) In the 1960s the distance between psychoanalysis and psychology is
emphasized further in Lacan's work. Lacan argues that psychology is essentially a tool of
10 'technocratic exploitation' (Ec, 851; see Ec, 832), and that it is dominated by the illusions
of wholeness and synthesis, NATURE and insti~ct, autonomy and self-consciousness (Ec,
832). Psychoanalysis,~ on the other hand, subverts th~se illusions cherished by psychology,
and in this sense 'the Freudian enunciation has nothing to do with psychology' (S17, 144).
For example the most cherished illusion of psychology is 'the unity of the subject' (E, 294),
15 and psychoalialysis subverts this notion by demonstrating that the subject is· irremediably
split or 'barred'.
From: Evans, D. (1996). An introductory dictionary of Lacanian psychoanalysis. London: Routledge.

ff) :É:~~;,~ G=:~~:!"grupadas en dos grandes categortas teniendo en cuenta el

contenido y la función que cumplen dentro de la oración. Se clasifican en:

PRINCIPALES: Son las palabras conceptuales que expresan una idea o concepto y dan mayor significado
o contenido a la oración y además se les puede agregar nuevas palabras. Ellas son:
Verbos comunes: require, contain
Sustantivos: design, computer
Adjetivos: small, personal
Adverbios: directly, very

MENORES: Comprende las palabras estructurales y no encierran concepto o idea en ellas. Se llaman
. "menores" porque su rol en la oración (estructurar el texto) es más importante que se significado.
Normalmente n9 se les puede agregar nuevas palabras. Ellas son:
Verbos auxiliares: can, have, must
Pronombres: she, us, that
Artículos: the, an
Preposiciones: of, on
Conjunciones: and, but
De La Vega, G. (1998). Manual de gramática inglesa. Córdoba: Editorial Atenea.

Existen palabras que comparten significado, ortografía y pronunciación similares en dos idiomas diferentes.
Estas palabras son conocidas como palabras transparentes o cognados y por lo tanto son un puente
evidente para entender la lengua extranjera. En inglés existen un sin número de palabras que son parecidas
y hasta idénticas al español.
Por ejemplo:
/1m._ lfpafJI
explore explorar
computer, computadora
analysis análisis
type tipo
photo foto
ability habilidad
design diseño/diseñar

Sin embargo, ocurren muchos errores de comprensión por palabras que comparten rasgos morfológicos
iguales o parecidos pero con significados parcial o totalmente diferentes. Estas palabras son llamadas
falsos amigos.

Por ejemplo:
large grande(~)
file archivo (fila)

Propósitos de Lectura:

tt Identificar uno de los procedimientos básicos de

explicación: la definición.
tt Deducir significados.
tt Reconocer terminología específica.

Al finalizar la Guía, Ud. habrá puesto en práctica los siguientes

contenidos gramaticales:
t1 Afijación
t1 Caso Posesivo
, i:a Conectores que indican ADICIÓN de ideas

1. Observe el siguiente gráfico. ¿Qué datos encuentra aJií? ¿Qué tendría que
saber un lector para comprender el tema que ese gráfico ilustra? i


Conscious mind

(outside awareness
but accessible)

Unconscious mind
(not accessible)

2. Lea las definiciones de la página a continuación para unirlas con el término

que definen.
• Hay una definición que no corresponde a ninguno de los términos listados.
¿Qué se está definiendo?
• , ¿Encontró, mientras leía, palabras transparentes o palabras conocidas? ¿Le
ayudaron a comprender las definiciones?

Definiciones _ , _. _j _ ~érminos
; a- In psychoanalysis, the executive funq:ion 1 of the
personality, which includes the self and makes decisions ; 1. SUPEREGO -
about actual behaviour and mediates the desires of the ;
id, the moral restrains of the superego, and the :
constraints -and opportunities of reality using rational
thought to make plans and carry them out.
, .b--In- Freud's
---- -----------------
• ,--•-,- S,' L. •-• C

psychoanalytic theory, this is the primitive, :

•• -•••• , . ,~= • •,

impulsive and pleasure seeking and needs guidance by •

the rational ego and the moral superego in order to :
function in the world. •

e- The whole individual, including all physical and mental 2. ID;

process and activities with his/her history of '
development as well as personal identity and

d- In psychoanalysis, the conscience, which consists of ·

introjected ideals and moral prescriptions from the :
parents, mostly in early childhood, and other admired '
J . ~~'.ts ~~~gh later life. lt restri~ the actions of the 1 3. EGO

Definiciones extraídas de The Cambridge dictionary of psycho/9gy

3. Explore los elementos paratextuales del texto en la página a continuación.

• ¿Si leyera ·solamente el título, podría anticipar en forma general cuál es el
contenido del texto? ¿Por qué?
• ¿Quién es el autor o autores? ¿En qué país se publicó?
• ¿Encontró otro dato? ¿Cuál? ¿Qué puede deducir de él?

4. Lea el texto en forma global para identificar definiciones. Marque las palabras
que le permitieron reconocerlas.

1 Id, Ego, and Superego

According to Freud, the id represents basic instincts that are uninhibited and focused
on libido, immediate gratification, and excitement; the id is the deepest level of a
person's unconscious. The ego represents the conscious self, and is the part of a
5 person's mind that is aware of others' needs in addition to one's own. The ego is the
part of the mind that is responsible for thinking, perception, memory, and other
cognitive processes. It is also responsive to the need for gratification and may often
be conflicted between what the person wants versus what is appropriate in reality.
r.,•:· .


Lastly, the superego is one's -conscience that leads individuals to distinguish and act
according to what is socially right versus wrong. The superego operates without
i ):

individuals being aware of it acting. The superego keeps the ego and the id in check. .··
From Freeman, A.; Felgoise, S; and Davis, D. (2008). Clínica/ psychology. Integrating science ;:
and practice. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. pp. 190. l ~-
· ..

5. ¿Qué estructura gramatical (fórmula) se usó para construir las definiciones?

• ■ ••••• ■ ■ ■ • • • • • • • • ■ ■ ¡. ••••••••• ■ ••• ■ ■• ■ ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ •• ■ •• ■ ••• ■ •• ■ ••• ■ ■• ■ ■ ••• ■ • • • • • • • • • ■ ••• ■ ••••• ■ •• ■ ■ ■ • • • • • • ■ •• ■• ■ ...... ■• ■ •• ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • ■•

'Consiste,."EiíJ ·pti;!s.er;itar:lo_. r
'lf~shB~(i~d~iPh~~i·':Jíc,:féit l
:una:defiriiclórkentoiicesf ·
•- ~efjn1~1on;·.esos rasgos, qu 0


. ·-~t~□':,~-,3½f~l1r:r~;
P,,..,,,,,,.,,""'·· ''"'"
;-:,-q, ...
· _~que;;liay1 obj~tc>s.


Li(fl ~11
6. Observe las sigüientes oraciones y responda:

■ The id I4¡!Pr~~glJ~ basic instincts ... (r. 2)

En estos ejemplos, los
■ The ego l~ the part of the mind ... (r. 5-6)
elementos subrayados son
• The superego !~;;!f;i§ individuals to distinguish and act ... (r.9) !~f!C!~~~. ¿en qué tiempo
verbal se encuentran?
■ The superego l<!:!j!P~ the ego and the id in check. (r. 11)

7. Ahora, lea el texto en forma específica para responder las siguientes
a- Según el texto, el "yo" representa el yo· consciente, ¿qué otra función cumple?
¿Qué palabra relaciona a esas dos ideas?

b- El "yo" es receptivo de la necesidad de gratificación. ¿Qué otrn iesponsabilidad

tiene el "yo"? ¿Qué palabra une a esas ideas en forma "aditiva"?

••••••••••••••••• ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■• i~ ..


e- En el renglón 9, ¿qué idea se añade a la siguiente: "el súper-yo hace que los
individuos distingan ... "? ¿Qué palabra le permitió encontrarla?

···················································. ·············· . ··· ....·........................................................................

d- ¿Qué dos componentes del aparato psíquico controla el súper-yo? ¿Qué t
palabra/frase puede ser considerada como el equivalente de "controlar''? fr
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ■ ••• ■ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -~. ■• ··~ ••••••••••• ■ ............................. ~ •••••
• • • • • • ■ ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


8. Elija la opción correcta. Luego, responda las preguntas a continuación.

a- a person's unconscious (r. 3-4)
1. una persona inconsciente
2. el inconsciente de una persona
3. una persona poco consciente

b- a person's mind (r. 4-5)

1. la mente de -una persona

2. una persona de mente

3. una persona es demente

e- others' needs (r. 5)

1. los otros necesitan
2. los otros son necesitados
3. las necesidades de los otros

9. A modo de cierre, lea el texto en la página a continuación para
completar las siguientes actividades.

a. Identifique las definiciones y marque las palabras que le permitieron

b. Escriba, en forma breve y en español, una definición de los términos "yo",

"súper-yo" y "ello".

1 Structural Model of the Psyche

Alongside the three levels of consciousness, Freud (1923/62, 1933) developed a

structural model of personality involving what he called the id, the ego, and the
superego (figure 14.3).
5 According to Freud, the id function is the
unconscious and is closely tied to instinctual and
biological processes. It is the primitive core from
which the ego and the superego develop. As the
source of energy and impulse it has two drives:
10 Eros -a drive for life, lave, growth and self-
Thanátos-a drive for aggression and death
These drives, or instincts, are represented psychologically as wishes that need to be

15 Externa! of interna! stimulation creates tension, which the id seeks to reduce
immediately. This is called the "pleasure principie" -the idea that tall needs have to
be satisfied immediately, avoiding pain and seeking pleasure, regardless of externa!
conditions. The id is directly linked to bodily experience and cannot deal effectively
with reality. As such it is limited to two forms of response -reflex responses to
20 simple stimuli (e.g. crying with pain), or primary process thinking (hallucinatory
images of desired objects), which provides a basic discharge of tension.
According to Freud, primary process thinking does not actually meet the
fundamental need of the organism, so a second structure, the ego, focuses on
ensuring the id's impulses are expressed effectively in the context of the real world.
25 The ego, as a source of rationality, conforms to the "reality principie" -delaying the
discharge of energy from the id until an appropriate object or activity can be found.
The ego engages in secondary process thinking. It takes executive action on the part
of the ego to decide which actions are appropriate, which id ímpulses will be
satisfied, how and when.
30 But the ego has no moral sense, only practica! sense. It is a third structure, the
superego, which, according to Freud, provides moral guidance, embodying parental
and societal values. The superego has two sub-systems:
• conscience, or images of what is right and what deserves punishment -this is the
basis for guilt; and
35 • ego ideal, or images of what is rewarded or approved of -this is the basis for
pride. ( ... )

From Hewstone, M.; Fincham, F. and Foster, J. (2005). Psycho/ogy. USA: BPS Backwell. pp.


·- ··fi~~l'ftc'F~
. ¿Qué términos usó en
sus definiciones? ¿Se encuentran los equivalentes en inglés de esos términos
e11 el texto? ¿Cuáles son?

d. Busque y señale en el texto las siguientes palabras/frases. Luego, escríbalas

dentro del gráfico correspondiente en la página a continuación. Finalmente, dé
un equivalente ,n español de las mismas.

1 conscience - drive for death - drive fer life - ego ideal - guilt - instilictual and biological
\ processes - moral guidance - pleasure principie - practica! sense - pride - primary process
; thinking - reality principie - reflex responses to simple stimuli - secondary process thinking-
; unconscious

Recuerde extraer las palabras, frases y términos que con.sidere
importantes de esta guía para, luego, volcarlos en su glosario. Por
ejemplo: drive for lite


Tabla de conjugación
Simple Present: Verbo BE

t:1~i!S.t~1" 1am ... / l'm... 1am not... / l'm not Am l..?

;;i~éJS~l You are .... ./ You're. .. You are not...Nou aren't... Are ou ... ?
He is .. ./He's... He is not.../He isn't... Is he .... ?
She is .. ./She's... She is not.. . ./She isn't... Is she ... ?
.- lt is ... /lt's... lt is not.../lt isn't... Is it...?
NJ~!B"li~~~ We are ... /We're ... We are not.. ./We aren't... Arewe ... ?
You are not...Nou aren't Are ou ... ?
They are not.. ./They aren't... Are they ... ?

Tabla de Conjugación
Simple Present: Verbo WORK

You·work You don't work Do ou work?

He works He doesn't work Does he work?
She works She doesn't work Does she work?
lt works lt doesn't work Does it work?
Wework We don't work Dowework?
You work Yóu don't work Do ou work?
The work The don't work Do the work?

Generalmente, cuando un autor, en inglés, quiere unir ideas similares o presentar una idea y
agregar información sobre ésta, usa los siguientes conectores:
and • also - besides - moreover - what is more - in additión - as well as - as well -
furthermore - too -
a And

"She i ~ o p e r a t i v e . "

a As well

"She i ~ p e r a t i v e as we/1."

n. As well as

"She is kind-hearted, as well as (being) cooperative."

a In addition / Also

"In addition to being kind-hearted, she is ~ v e . "

a Too
"She is kind-hearted. She is cooperative, oo."

En ~spañol
, a y - e unen ideas a un mismo nivel de importancia.
a También, asimismo unen ideas similares, pero la segunda agrega nueva información.
a Además, incluso, es más, más aún unen ideas en las cuales la segunda agrega
información a la idea en desarrollo.
De Sosa de Montyn, S. y Conti de Londero, M. (1993). Hacia una gramática del texto. Córdoba:
Comunicarte. pp.247.


! Propósito de Lectura:

t1 Leer un texto para completar un esquema con los

principales síntomas y características de una condición

Al finalizar la Gufa, Ud. habrá puesto en práctica los siguiehtes contenidos


t1 Estructura de la frase sustantiva

1. Obsf:rve la siguiente imagen y lea las palabras que la acompañan. ¿Qué relación
encúentra entre la imagen y las palabras? ¿Qué puede anticipau- sobre el tema
acerca del cual leerá en esta guía?

1 Definitions and clinical features

Depression is ene of the most common psychological conditions and is a normal part of
living in view of the losses and disappointments that we all encounter at different stages of
5 the life-cycle. Moreover, as Rippere (1994) points out, because most people who are
referred far therapy are depressed to a degree, the dividing line between a depressed and a
non-depressed client is largely hypothetical. The term 'depression' itself refers to a

·heterogeneous set of phenomena, ranging from a normal mood, which is common and
probably affects most of us at sorne point in our lives, to a more severe affective state.
10 Whereas most people may become mildly depressed in response to certain events in their
lives only a few react with a severe depressíon (Gotlib and Hammen, 1992). Diagnosable
depression may thus be related to sorne underlying vulnerability of a biological and/or
psychological nature which may be triggered by external factors.
The central features of ali depressive conditions include eniotional, motivational, cognitive
15 and psychomotor changes as follows:

Emotional manifestations
• sadness
• anhedonia (loss of pleasure from one's usual activities)
• tearfulness
· 20 • hopelessness
• feellngs of gullt
• feelings of worthlessness

Motivational manifestations
• increased dependency
25 • low energy
• fatigue
• apathy
• poor concentration
• loss
... of interest

30 Cognitive manifestations
• nega_tive expectations
• negative self-concept
• exaggerated view of proble_ms
• attribution of blame to self
35 • difficulty making decisions
• suicida! .ideation
• thoughts about death itself
• abnormal preqccüpation With bodily illness

Psychomotor manifestations
40 • disturbances in appetite and/or weight (increased or decreased)
• disturbances in sleep rhythm ( difficulty in 'getting off' to sleep, frequent waking or
.' reduced libido
• early waking
45 • diurna! variation in mood (worst in the morning)

Bodily manifestations

• irregular menstrual cycle
• amenorrhoea ( cessation of menstruation)
• constipation

50 The syndrome of depression (i.e. the cluster of symptoms associated with depression) is
defined in DSM-IV as depressed mood along with a set of additional symptoms, persisting
over time and leading to disruptions and impairments in functioning. DSM-IV' gives the
following criteria for a majar depressive episode. Five or more of the following symptoms
need to be present during-a two-week period (at least one of the symptoms is either
55 depressed mood or loss of interest or p_leasure).
• dépressed mood
• loss of interest or pleasure
• poor or increased appetite/weighf loss or gain
•. insomnia or hypersomnia .
60· • psychomotor agitation ar retardation·
• loss of energy/fatigue
• feelings of worthlessness, guilt ar self-reproach
• poor concentration/indecisiveness
• thoughts of death or suicide attempts

65 Psychotic depression is a severe manifestation of depression ct)aracterized by a peivasive

depressed mood along with depressive delusions (for example, ideas about being wicked or
having a disease or believing that one is a nothing) as well as hallucinations (usually voices
speaking in the second person in an accusatory manner). Ideas of guilt and unworthiness
are prominent. Suicida! ideas with definite plans are likely, as well ás murderous plans (for
70 example, a psychotically depressed mother who plans to kili herself and her children).
Another feature of psychotic depression is that the person may be extremely agitated and
restless (so-called 'psychomotor agitation') ar may be very slowed down (so-called
'psychomotor retardation') and speak with very long pauses.
The person is also likely to neglect themselves. Sleep disturbance is characterised by early
75 mor~ing wakening with diurna! mood variation in which the mood is typically worse at the
beginning of the day. In the middle-aged and the elderly, concentration and memory may
be. so póor that a dementia may be considered to be the cause of the marked cognitive

From: Lemma, A. (1996). Introduction to Psychopathology. London: Sage Publicátions Ltd.

--------·•---------------- -------·---------------------------- ------------------------·-··-•-·----- -··---- --·---- ------------ - - - -- -





2. Lea el texto en forma global para identificar si las ideas/conceptos del cuadro a
continuación se expresan en el mismo.

NO l&J
a. Situaciones externas disparadoras de la depresión.

b. Diferencia entre los conceptos "manía" y "depresión".

c. Principales características de las condiciones depresivas.

d. Tratamiento de la depresión. f
e. 'Otras clasificaciones de depresión. t

f. Definición de "depresión" y de "depresión psicótica". r

g. Características de la depresión psicótica.

h. Definición y síntomas de "síndrome de depresión". 1

3. Lea el texto en forma detallada para responder las siguientes preguntas en español.
Identifique el renglón / los renglones donde encuentra las respuestas.

a. ¿Cómo se define a la depresión?

Renglón/es: ..................................... .

b. ¿Qué tipos de manifestaciones pueden acompañar a la condición depresiva?

·······························•-•··························· . ····························································

Renglón/es: ..................................... .

c. ¿A qué se denomina "agitáción psicomotor_:=i" y "retardo psicomotor"?

• • • ■ - • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • ■ • ■ • • ■ • • ■ ■ • • • • • ■ . . . . . . . . . ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ • • • • • ~ • ■ • • ■ • ■ • • • ■ • • • • ■ • •, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• •• • •.::i\, ••••• ■• ■ • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • ■ ■• ■ • • • • • • • • • • ■ •••••• ■ •••••• ■ ••• ■ ■ •••• ■ ••••••••• ■ • • ■• ■ ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■• ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

~--. .

••••• ,;i<. ~ •'!' • • ••• ■ • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ ■ • • • • ■• ■ • • • ■ • • • • ■ ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Renglón/es: ..................................... .


4. ¿Qué función gramatical cumplen las palabras resaltadas en las

siguientes frases extraídas del texto: sustantivo - adjetivo - verbo - adverbio?

._.. increased dependency (r. 24)

ar-- low energy (r. 25)
¡¡;.. feelings of guilt (r. 21)

¡¡¡.... emotional, motivational, cognitive and psychomotor changes (r. 14-15)

¡¡r;... severe manifestation of depression (r. 65)

5. ¿Qué diferencia de estructura nota entre las dos primeras frases y las dos últimas?

6. Lea los equivalentes en español de las frases y responda la siguiente pregunta: ¿qué· ·
diferencia nota entre la versión en inglés y en español?

¡;.. increased dependency (r, 24) mayor dependencia

.., low energy (r. 25) energía baja ·
.,. feelings of guilt (r; 21) sentimientos de culpa
s;.. emotional, motivational, cognitive and psychomotor changes (r. 14-15) cambios
emociona/e~ motivacionale~ cognitivos y psicomotores
¡¡¡;.. severe manifestation of depression (r. 65) manifestación severa de depresión


7. En el siguiente extracto encontrará frases sustantivas subrayadas y enumeradas.

Elija el equivalente en español correcto del listado a continuación. (Aclaración: Hay un
equivalente extra. No encontrará todos los equivalentes de las frases en inglés).

a. el síndrome de depresión .......................... .

b. modo depresivo con síntomas asociados .............................. .
c. el grupo de síntomas asociados con la depresión ............................. .
d. un período de dos semanas ......................... ..
e. pérdida de interés o placer .......................... .
f. los siguientes criterios para un episodio depresivo principal .......................... .


f The syndrome of depression<1l (i.e. the cluster of symptoms associated with
~ depression)<2l is defined in DSM-IV as depressed mood along with a set of additional
symptoms(3), persisting over time and leading to disruptions and impairments in

1 functioning<4l. DSM-T.V gives the followinq criteria for a major depressive episode<5l. Five
or more of the following symptoms<6l need to be present during a two-week period<7l (at
least one of the symptoms is either depressed mood<0l or loss of interest or pleasure<9l). (r.
¡ 50-55)

8. .
Escriba el equivalente en español de las frases no utilizadas del ejercicio anterior.

~~ '
• • • • • • • • • • • • ■ . . . . . ~'~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -• • ■ ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

l f: ~
' .
~ ¡ .
••,•············•:Í:;_ ........................................................................................................... .
. .............. ·!/~:., ..........................
■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ • • • • • • ;, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

9. En la siguiente actividad haremos un repaso del vocabulario técnico presente
t en el texto de esta guía. Para cada una de las palabras subrayadas elija uno de los
equivalentes de la siguiente lista. (Hay un equivalente extra}.
tristeza .............. . deterioro ....... : ...... .
placer .............. . visión ·····••0000,,00
r. culpa .............. . falta de· valor/ inutilidad ....... .

r pérdida .............. .
pensamientos .............. .
estado de ánimo ........... .
muerte .............. .

i ,e. Emotional manifestations

concepción de si mismo ...... .

• apathy
desesperanza ........... .


r • sadness<1l

• poor concentration
• anhedonia (loss of pleasure from one's usual
• loss(5l of interest
• tearfulness Cognitive manifestations

• hopelessness<2l • negative expectations
e, • feelings of qui1t<3> • negative self-concept'6l
• feelings of worthlessness<4 l • exaggerated view< 6l of problems
• attribution of blameC7l to self
[,~: ··
Motivational manifestations • difficulty making decisions
,, • increased dependency • suicida! ideation
• low energy • thouqhts<ªl about death(9l itself
• fatigue • abnormal preoccupation with bodily illness

The syndrome of depression (i.e. the cluster of symptoms associated with depression) is defined in
DSM-T.V as depressed mood<10l along with a set of additional symptoms, persisting over time and
leading to disruptions and impairments<11l in functioning .. DSM-IV gives the following criteria for a
major depressive episode. Five or more of the following symptoms need to be present during a
two-week period (at least one of the symptoms is either depressed mood or loss of interest or
pleasure). _____ ,, ________ ,,____ .. ___________ --...-. ___________ ·-.. _________.. ___ ·-------·--·- __ .. ---· ____________ ._____ ... _
t. .
IV 110. A modo de cierre, complete el siguiente cuadro con Información del texto. ~
-- ---· ---- - ··- -- -- -- -- -·


- ·--


-- . - . -···


. - -


- . --


-- - . -- - ··- - - - -- - ·--·-·---- -··- ... --- •. ----- , -- --~--



-- --·- -- -· -- - -



. - --· --

li_ ,1
.. .
~ :·... •¡ ::
Recuer~e extraer las !"'labras, frases y térmln_os que considere Importantes de
esta guia para, luego, incorporarlos en su glosario. Por ejemplo: éeling o'fgt

A continuación encontrará un texto extra que puede utiliza~ como práctica
complementaria de lectura.

1 Organically induced depression refers to a depression which is the presenting symptom of

an organic condition, in particular when -the thyroid is underactive or when the client is on
exogenous steroids and the dose is suddenly reduced (for example, in the treatment of an
astlimatíc episode), oras a rare presentation of brain tumour or cancer in sorne other part
5 of the body. The commonest organic cause of depression is á vira/ illness followed by the
use of certain drugs including alcohol and tranquíllisers (for example, Valium).
Depression as a reaction to physical illness may be real and understandable but may also be
confused with symptoms of fatigue produced by the illness itself. In the past people spoke
of 'masked depression' wtiere one or other physical symptoms (for example, . backache,
10 headache) overlay a significant depression. Neurotic depression no longer exists as a
diagnosic entity and is now replaced by the concept of dysthymia which réfers to chronic
mild depression of two years' duration at least (DSM-IV). This is usually thought to be
reactive to events in the person's life.

15 Depression has typically been further divided into the unipolar, that is depression
experienced in the absence of manic episodes, and the bipolar types; the latter is also

known as rnanic-depressive psychosis.

Sorne people present with episodes of severe depression with particular psychotic features
which alternate with periods of psychotic excitement, referred to as mania. The DSM-IV

20 criteria for a manic episode are as follows:

1. A period of persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood, lasti~g at least one week,
severe enough to disrupt work and social activities.
2. At least three of the following symptoms:

• increased activity or restlessness

25 • pressure of speech ( speech is rapid)
•. inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
• flights of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing
• distractibility
• disinhibited behaviour (e.g. unrestrained buying sprees, sexual disinhibition)
30 • decreased need far sleep ·

Mania represents approximately f O pér cent of ali depression. When this mood is not so
intense and unaccompanied by the other features of mania it is referred to as hypomania. In
mania, delusions and hallucinations are often observed and these tend to be congruent with
the person's mood. The delusional ideas are grandiose and the hallucinations may consist of
35 first-person voices telling the person that she has special powers. In a manic state the client
is characteristically hyperactive and speaks with considerable pressure ofspeech. They may
be aggressive and violent and at gross risk to themselves and other people. Their
disturbance may lead them to do reckless deeds (for example, taking ali their money out of
. the bank and giving it away to passers-by in the street). In such a state the person is in
40 urgent need of specialised.care but is very likely to lack insight into her difficulties. In such
instances, a referral far a psychiatric assessment should be seriously considered.
The unipolar-bipolar dichotomy rests on the proposition that depressions with and without
manic episodes should be viewed as distinct disorders but such diagnostic distinctions are
not always easy to make as the features of the depressive episode may be very similar far
45 sorne individuals with unipolar or bipolar disorders. In addition, the unipolar depression may
be just as severe and psychotic as the bipolar depressive mood.

Other classifications

It is confusing for those new to this subject to come to grips with the different classificatory
systems,. the simplest of which is based on the severity of the depression and the presence
50 or absence of mood ·swings (r.e. the unipolar-bipolar distinction). It is none the less helpful
to be familiar with other classificatory systems.
Primary depression is said to occur in someone with no prior history of any other psychiatric
diagnosis. Secondary depression, on the other hand, refers to depression arising subsequent
to t~e onset of, or superimposed upan, other psychiatric or medical conditions. In practice,
55 it is very difficult to clarify the timing of symptoms in relation to one another. Indeed, while
this appears to be an operationally cogent distinction within the category of unipolar
depression, there has not in fact been any convincing evidence that the subtypes differ in

phenomenological response to treatment or in any other way.
An endogenous depression is said to arise without any obvious externa! precipitating factor
60 and is therefore thought to be biological in origin, whereas a reactive depression js believed
to arise in response to externa! factors (for example, bereavernent) . There is, however, little
evidence to support this distinction. Depressions that appear to be triggered by externa!
stressors do not necessarily differ in· symptoms from those that do not. Moreover; it is rare
for any depressive episode to be totally devoid of externa! precipitating factors (Keller, 1
65 988).
There is also no convincing evidence t o support the distinction from the standpoint of the
response to treatment (Gotlib and Harnrnen, 1992), even though, it·is believed by sorne that
endogenotJs depression responds· better to somatic treatrnen~.
The postpartum period has been associated with a~· ini:reased risk of depression. Postnatal .
70 depression (PND) usually refers to the depressive state, the severity of which falls roughly
between the so-called 'babyblues' (fleeting in nature) and puerperal psychosis which affects
one or two per thousand wornen (Murray and Stein, 1 98 9). Recent epiderniological
research suggests that approximateiy 1 O per cent of women suffer from non-psychotic
depression following childbirth (O'Hara et al., 1990). While there is good ~vidence that
75 following childbirth wornen are at an increased risk for puerperal psychosis and periods of
rnild depréssion, there appears to be insufficient evidence to support the notion .that women
are at an increased risk of non-psychotic depression following childbirth. Furtherrnore, there
seems to be no convincing evidence that PND refers to a discrete clinical entity even though
the postparturn period rnay be accompanied by sorne deterioration in psychological and
,80 social adjustrnent (far example, problerns in the marital relationship). It is, however,
possible that childbirth may act as a stressful life event in cornbination with certain other
vulnerability factors in sorne individuals.
A number of psychiatric problems are frequently accornpanied by depressive symptoms ar
syndromes (for example, eating problems, personality disorders, alcoholism and
85 schizophrenia). Anxiety and depression often overlap. The association between depression
and suicide is strong (see Chapter 6). Besides suicide, depression is also associated with

1 increased mortality due to medica! conditions. In sorne cases this rnay be because

r depression irnpairs immunological functioning thereby decreasing resistance to illness.

Lemma, A. (1996). Introdudion to Psychopatho/ogy. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Modificadores del sustantivo y orden de las palabras en la frase sustantiva en

Propósitos de Lectura:

n Leer un texto para completar un cuadro sinóptico con las principales

características de un trastorno de la personalidad.

Al finalizar la Guía, Ud. habrá puesto en práctica los siguientes

contenidos gramaticales:

n Conectores que indican CONDICIÓN

n Conectores que indican CAUSA
n Referentes

1. Obs~rve las siguientes imágenes para responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿con

. quétf,1:astorno de la personalidad las relaciona?
'· .,

2. Observe el esquema de la pagina a continuación para comprender qué

síntomas nos permiten llegar al diagnóstico de un desorden de ansiedad.






3. Determine si las siguientes aseveraciones son Verdaderas o Falsas con
respecto a los cuadros que anteceden.

a- Las personas que padecen trastorno obsesivo compulsivo necesitan realizar rituales
como lavado, control y conteo. · ·

b- En la agorafobia, la persona evita situaciones por miedo a sentirse avergonzado de

las opiniones de los demás.

c- En el trastorno de estrés post traumático la ansiedad puede desarrollarse después

de un hecho traumático.

d- La fatiga, falta de concentración e irritabilidad son síntomas de desorden obsesivo


4. En el texto de la página a continuación, la palabra pe!iqro es fundamenta!.

Léalo en forma específica para completar el cuadro que le sigue teniendo en
cuenta el rol de esa palabra- en cada desorden. ·

1 Anxiety Disorders
2 Anxiety is a common and important part of human functioning. It manifests itself
3 as an emotion, a physiological state, through behaviors, and as a set of cognitions.
;'l 4 The basic idea underlying ali anxiety is that there is danger in the world (which is
5 true), but anxious individuals have the concomitant belief that they are unsuited or
6 unskilled to effectively cope with the danger.
7 The various anxiety disorders need to be viewed as an anxiety spectrun:i, so that
8 typically an individual has many pieces of the s~veral ·anxiety disord~ts.' -T-~e
9 various types of anxiety depend on where the individual believes the danger will
10 come from. In Generalized Anxiety Disorder, the danger is everywhere, and they
11 müst be ready to respond with their typical safety behavior of avoidance. In
12 Phobia, the danger comes from a discrete object or situation. In Social Anxiety,
13 the potential for danger in social situations is foremost. For Obsessive-Compulsive
14 Disorder, the danger can be kept at a safe distance by performing specific
15 behaviors. In Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, the danger is deeply set within a
16 network of associations and memories that invade both waking and sleeping
17 experience, triggering fear, avoidance, and numbing of affect.
18 In Simple Phobia or Social Phobia, the person may have panic attacks, but these

19 occur only in the presence of specific phobic stimuli. The diagnosis of Panic
20 Disorder is made only when attacks are unexpected and do not occur immediately
21 before or during exposure to a specific situation that almost always causes
22 anxiety. Individuals with Panic Disorder may believe that they are going to die
23 unless they swiftly and immediately leave whatever they are doing (e.g., driving,
24 shopping).
25 The ·distinction between Panic Disorder with and without. Agoraphobia can be
26 difficult if the agoraphobic avoidance is mild. When asked if they avoid many
27 situations, clients with panic attacks may answer no, leading one to conclude that
28 they have Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia. However, patterns of ávo.idance
29 may be subtle or may have continued for so long that the client does not
30 recognize the avoidance.
31 Social Phobia i!;i afear of exposure to the scrutiny of others, particularly the fear of
32 embarrassment or humiliation due to one's actions while others are watching.
33 Although seemingly straightforward, the diagnosis of Social Phobia can be
34 complex. Social anxiety in and of itself is not sufficient to warrant the diagnosis of
35 Social Phobia. There must be a persistent fear of one or more situations in which
36 the person is exposed to possible scrutiny by others and fears that he or she may
37 act in a way that will be humiliating or embarrassing. Social Phobias often include
38 fear that one's anxiety will be noticed by others. Thus, a social phobic may be (
39 unwilling to write in the view of others for fear that his or her hand will tremble or
40 may avoid social situations for fear of perspiring excessively because of
41 nervousness.
42 A Simple Phobia is a persistent fear of a specific object or situation and is usually
43 circumscribed. Fears of specific stimuli such as heights, insects, snakes, and so on
44 are common but would be considered to be Simple Phobias if the fear and/or
45 avoidance resulted in significant impairment ar distress. Simple phobias range
46 from the commqnplace, such as fear of flying, to the idiosyncratic, such as fear of
47 the wind.
48 Many clients who report a fear of germs or dirt have developed elaborate cleaning
49 or hand-washing rituals. Clients may be so used to their extensive strategies for
50 preventing
harm that they no longer view them as rituals and may not think to
51 mention them. Even if fears and phobias exisi:, a person who also has significant
52 obsessions or compulsions would be diagnosed as having an Obsessive-
53 Compulsive DisordeL
54 In Generalized Anxiety Disorder, the term generalized leads many to mistakenly

55 assume that the anxiety is continuous, pervasive, and "free-floating." Careful
56 assessment of individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder makes it clear that
57 there are definite variations in the presenc.e and intensity of anxiety, depending on
58 the situation and cognitions of the client at the time.
59 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has received much attention in recent years
60 -due to the high incidence of PTSD among combat veterans. However, PTSD can
61 occur following any extraordinary traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a
62 majar accident, or victimization. Clinically, it is valuable to distinguish between
63 PTSD resultirig from a single traumatic event and PTSD resulting from recurrent
64 trauma. Persons with PTSD stemming from recurrent trauma appear to be much
65 more difficult to treat effectively.
66 For,niost anxiety disorder~,y1ere is sorne combination of the following experiences
67 at varying levels of intensity:
68 • palpítations,, poundíng heart, or accelerated heart rate
69 • sweatíng
70 • tremblíng or shakíng
71 • sensatíons ofshortness of breath or smotheríng
72 • feelíng of chokíng
73 chest paín or díscomfort
74 • nausea or abdominal dístress
75 • feelíng dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faínt
76 • derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalizatíon (beíng detached from

• fear of losing control or goíng crazy
• fear of dyíng
• paresthesias(numbness or tíngling sensations)
81 • chílls or hot f/ushes
82 • difficulty concentrating
83 •hype!Vigffance
84 • exaggerated startle response
From Freeman, A. et all. (2008). Clinical psychology. New Jersey: John Wiley and- Sons Inc.




5. Lea las siguientes oraciones. Luego, elija la opción correcta.

a) " ... anxious individuals have the concomitant belief that they are unsuited
or unskilled to effectively cope with the danger." (r. 5-6)

They hace referencia a:

i- individuos ansiosos
ii- desórdenes de ansiedad
iii- comportamientos

b) "Clients may be so used to their extensive strategies for preventing harm that they
no longer view them as rituals and may not think-to mention them. "(r. 49-51)

C/ients hace referencia a:

i- personas que padecen simples fobias
ii- personas que padecen de trastorno obsesivo compulsivo
iii- p.ersonas que padecen ansiedad generalizada

c) "... these occur only in the presence of specific phobic stimuli." (r. 18-19)
These hace referencia a:
i- panic attacks
íí- recuerdos del evento traumático
__Ji!-. comportamientos específicos
6. Lea el siguiente párrafo extraído del texto para responder las preguntas a

a- ¿En qué caso resulta difícil distinguir el desorden de pánico con o sin agorafobia?
• • • • •~ ■■■■■ O ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ O 1 ■ ■ ■ ■■ I ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■ O ■■ 1 ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ I ■■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ I ■ ■■ ■ 1 1 1 ■■ ■■ ■ ■■■■■ ■ ■■ 1 ■ ■■■■■■■ o ■■■■■■■■ 1 ■■ O ■■■■■■

b- ¿En qué caso se puede deducir que el paciente tiene desorden de pánico sin

c- ¿Qué relación encuentra entre las respuestas a las preguntas anteriores? Elija una

d- ¿Qué palabra/frase de la relación indica esa relación entre ambas ideas?

'._ on 1c ,ona e , . uce

. o .

7. Continuaremos trabajando con conectores de condición. Lea el siguiente

fragmento extraído del texto para resolver la actividad propuesta.

Idea 1: Miedos a estímulos específicos como alturas, insectos, víboras son

comunes pero podc:ían ser consideradas como simples fobias.

a- Complete la idea 2:
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ■ •••• ~ ••• ■ .............. ■ ••• ■ •••••••••••••••••••••••• ■ •••••••••••••••••••••• ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • .• ■ ■ ••


b- ¿;Qué palabra/frase ayudó a ver la relación de condición en el fragmento?

8. Lea el siguiente párrafo extraído del texto para responder las preguntas a

a- ¿Cuál es el temor que presenta la persona con fobia social?

b- ¿El miedo es debido a las acciones propias o ajenas?

c- ¿Qué relación encuentra entre las respuestas a las preguntas anteriores? Elija una

............................................... -................................................................................................................................. .

d- ¿Qué palabra/frase indica esa relación entre las ideas?

9. Continuaremos trabajando con conectores. Lea el siguiente fragmento

extraído del texto para resolver la actividad propuesta.

Idea 1: El desorden de Estrés Post-Traumático ha recibido mucha atención en los

últimos años.
a- Complete la segunda idea:
Idea 2:

· 53
1O. Concéntrese en la última parte del texto y mencione algunos de los síntomas
de los desórdenes de ansiedad.

* ·······················,·····················································:................................................
* ···············································································································;········,·····
*····························································: ................................................................ .
* ················································································'···············;······························
11. Recuerde extraer las palabras, frases y términos que considere
importantes de esta guía para, luego, incorporarlos en su glosario. Por
. ejemplo: sensations ofshortness of breath or smothering

12. ¿Cuáles de los siguientes términos corresponden a fobias (F) y cuáles a

trastornos de ansiedad (TA)? (Hay un ejemplo al comienzo.) Luego de
clasificarlos, dé un equivalente en español de los mismos.

,Términos:· \ " . ; .;.'. ;. }! i.l _F~bia (:~rastorn~-~ J. Eq~i~~ª!~~t~ en , •. ,.¡
,'.. ..: ; ~:_de Ansiedad · ¡, Espanol_, _ , ; / ···
_1._ac_ro_p_h_o_b_ia_ _ _ _ ~I F I acrofobia 1
_2_._ag_o_ra_p_h_o_b_ia_ _ _ _~I I:_________,!
3. antisocial personality
__d_is_or_de_r_ _ _ _ _~
1 1
,:.4• arachnophobia
1 1- - - - - - - - ~1
_5_._a_u_to_p_.h_o_bi_a_ _ _ _ __,I ¡¡·_ _ _ _ _ _ ___,

6. avoidant personality 1 1 i
,----------~ \' 1

_7_._b_ip_o_la_r_di_so_r_d_er_ _ _ ~I ¡·_.- - - - - - ~


_a_.-cd._~_s_º_~,_, ~d,--e8..,..r1:_n_e_p_er~s_o__
na~l~ity~~J______ ______ . ---·--J:
_JJ_: ___<?~~ustrophobia J
-~-~____ _J ___ ~__________ _ _J
-~g_:__it~!~~ia _________~r .· - .---- . ----------·__J. ... . ...... ---- ____J
_1_1_._d_y_sp_h_o_ria_ _ _ _ _ J I______~
12. generalized anxiety · ¡ I
1 l
disorder · ________.__ J
.13:· Munchausen synCfrome 1 . .. - . - -- ¡· - ·1
-~~L;~~c!~sistié personality]- 1 - - ....
_ _ _ _ , _ , ___ _!

. 16. ophidiophobia _____


J· ----_--- _·----_
·r·- . __ ·_ ! J

-~~-7~ __p~-1"!~-d~~-rd~r J __________ -~r_ ·_ ·_______________ _j

1a: postparturii blues . - . 1 .-· . .. l ------- ------ ----J
19~ito~~~~aümatic stress - 1 .. - ¡ _J

21. psychosis
22. pyrophobia
23. seasonal affective
disorder i- - - - - -
·- 24di:;~~ation anxie~----~------------ j_ ______________________ _

25. social phobia J · 1 _____________,

27. xenophobia 1

A continuación encontrará un texto extra que puede utilizar como

práctica complementaria de lectura.

<:;auses of anxiety disorders and factors affecting their course

1. Genetic and biological factors. The extent of heritability varies across disorders.
For example, panic disorder shows relatively high rates of heritability, wherea~
generalized anxiety disorder shows lower rates (e.g. Hettema et al., 2001; Kendler
et al., 1992). There is also evidence that people who are prone to anxiety disorders are
born with something called behavioura/ inhibition (see Kalgan & Sandman, 1991).
Children who are behaviorally inhibited are shy, quiet, fearful, socially avoidant a_nd
have high levels of physiological arousal (i.e. they are aroused easily and are very
reactive to stimulation and · stress). These children are more likely to develop an
anxiety disorder (e.g. Hirschfield et al., 1992). Regarding biological factors, there a
number of pathways in the limbic system that are hypothesized to produce various
types of anxiety reactions (e.g. Gray, 1982). In addition, people with anxiety disorders
show low levels of the neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). This is a
central nervous system inhibitor that works to lower physiological arousal and keep us
calm and relaxed. Low levels of GABA can therefore leatj to increased
neuronal firing,
~ ~

which may in turn lead to high levels of physiological arousal and, consequently,
anxiety. Although sorne forms of biological dysfunction may be associated with anxiety
in general, each anxiety disorder may also have unique biological causes. Far example,
sorne research indicates there is a specific brain circuit that, when over-activated ( e.g.
in times of stress), results in repetitive patterns characteristic of OCD (e.g. Rapoport,
Research also suggests that vulnerability to panic disorder may be the result of a
biological sensitivity to physical sensations (e.g., Klein, 1993). Our bodies may have an
'alarm system' that is hypersensitive to certain sensations (e.g. lack of oxygen). When

- - - - - ---~-------------~-------------------------· - ------- ~ - ·----·--- - --- ---------- --- ------ --- -- - ---·-- -- ... - - - - . --

the alarm sounds, we may experienc:;e a panic attack. This is an interesting model, but
it doesn't indicate how exactly this process leads to panic disorder (i.e. how fear and
avoidance of panic attacks develop).

2. Psychosocial factors. Cognitive, behavioural and life stress factors éill affect risk
for anxiety disorders. In fact, stress is, by definition, the cause of PTSD. When fear is
generated by life experiences, be they actual experiences, things we see or even
things we are told about, this can serye as a powerful conditioning experience. But,
like depression, the way we view a frightening ·event affects whether it results in an
anxiety disorder. Anxiety is associatecl with viewing the world as dangerous and
uncontrollable and viewing the self as helpless (e.g. Beck & Emery, 1985). The
development of panic disorder is a good example of how various causal factors may
interact. Imagine you are biologically sensitive to physiological changes in your body.
Suppose one day you suddenly feel short of breath for no identifiable reason. You
assume the shortness of breath means something terrible is about to happen ('l'm
going to die!', 'I'm going to lose control of myself!'), and so you experience more
anxiety, likely resulting in a full-blown panic attack. Because this frightening event is
made even more so by your catastrophic interpretation, you develop a fear of the
panic .attack (Clark, 1986). If the panic attack occurs while you are driving, you might
also develop a fear of driving and begin to avoid it. This avoidance is reinforced,
because it reduces the likelihood of further panic attacks.

From Hewstone, M.; Finchman, F.; and Foster, J. (2005). Psycho/ogy BPS. Textbooks in
psychology. USA: Blackwell Publishing.

Referencia Textual (Pronominal)


~ John is here. He can't stay long.
♦ lf you see Jim, give him my regards.
~ Dogs should have their own kennels outside the house.
~ This is my cup. Yours is the one that is chipped.
·~ 1cut myself shaving this morning.

Propósitos de Lectura:

t1 Leer un texto para completar un cuadro con las principales

características de un trastorno de la personalidad.

Al finalizar la Guía, Ud. habrá puesto en práctica los siguientes contenidos


ti Verbos modales (CAN - MAY)

a Conectores que indican CONTRASTE de ideas.

1. Observe las siguientes imágenes para responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿con qué
trastorno de la personalidad las relaciona?

2. Teniendo en cuenta sus conocimientos acerca de ese trastorno, marque cuáles son
las características que lo definen.

□ Feeling of inadequacy and hypersensitivity to rejection

D Arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes
□ Inappropriate sexual behp.viour
□ Feelings of grandiosity
□ Patterns of irresponsible conduct and antisocial behavior
□ Recklessness, impulsivity, lack of remorse, instability, aggression and inability to sustain consistent
work behaviour.
□ Need for other's admiration
O Extre~e feelings of personal insecurity, doubt and caution.
□ Lack of empathy; unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.

3. Lea el párrafo introductorio del texto a continuación y subraye las características
que se mencionan acerca del trastorno .
Narcissistic personality

1 The narcissistic personality is widely recognised in clinical praé:tice and has received
2 particular attention from psychoanalytic theorists. The central problem for the narcissistic
3 person is one of self-esteem. The person may exhibit feeirngs of grandiosity ana appear as
4 haughty and arrogant, a presentation which usually bel!es· considerable anxíety about not
5 being 'good enough' or being unlovable. The person dernands admiration from others ánd
6 can feél very easily slighted if the devotion expected is not forthcoming. Their need for
7 admiration leads them to use others in a rather exp~jtative manner. Relationships are
8 sought which will enhance the person's self-esteem but there is little tolerance on the part of
9 the narcissistic person for the other's shortcomings.

10 James is a 38-year-old unemployed man. He appears as very tense and restrained in his
11 manner. He finds it hard to speak and, when asked what makes it so difficult, he replies
12 that he fears I shall find him boring and stupid and that I will most probably laugh at his
13 inadequacies. He describes finding it 'impossible' to find a job and, although this
14 distresses him, he is also ,relieved at not having to mix with other people at work. When
15 he was working he recalls dreading going into work as he fou_nd it very stressful. What he
16 found most stressful were his relationships with colleagues. He says he also found it
17 difficult to initiate any conversation as he feared he would make a fool of himself and that
18 others would ridicule him. He was also overly preoccupied with his appearance, feeling
19 inferior to others in ali manner of ways. He is very self-deprecating and anticipates
20 criticism and rejection from others. Although he said he feels lonely he seems unable to
21 reach out to others, feeling himself to be painfully shy. He recalled always being left out
22 at school at breaktime when h~ would sit in a comer of the playground watching his
23 peers enjoying themselves. ·He had envied their spontaneity and spoke of more recent
24 acquaintances in a similar way.


10 Annie is a 27-year-old woman who presents as very assertive. She describes her work as
11 an author in glowing terms even though she is aé:tually unemployed and has had difficulty
12 getting enough work. She feels that most authors she reads write 'rubbish' and that her
13 own work is of far superior quality. In fact, she begrudges the success of other authors,
14 feeling that her own work is far more deserving of admiration. Annie has always sought
15 relationships which she feels can in some-way advance her caréer. She speaks of her
16 relationships in a rather cold and calculated manner. As she describes her friends and
17 relatives, she reveals her difficulty in recognising the desires, feelings and subjective
18 experiences of others. However, she herself expects dedication from others and is quite
19 intolerant of people who put their needs before hers. She surrounds herself with people
20 whom she then treats as 'puppets on a string'. When they no longer let her pull the
21 strings she becomes very angry, at times even quite sadistic, such is her response to any

22 experience of rejection (real or construed as suctí) which she finds very painful to
23 tolerate.

Lemma, A. (1996). Introduction to psychopatho/ogy. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

4. Teniendo en cuenta las características del trastorno de personalidad narcisista,

determine cuál de las dos opcio11es del texto (A o B} es la que ejemplifica dicho
trastorno. Justifique su elección subrayando la evidencia en el texto.

5. ¿Con que trastorno de la personalidad relaciona la opción que descartó?

* Trastorno de personalidad obsesiva compulsiva

* Trastorno de personalidad evasiva
* Trastorno de personalidad antisocial

6. Lea el texto en forma detallada para determinar si los siguientes enunciados son
verdaderos o falsos con respecto al texto. En el caso de ser falsos, subraye el error
(en el enunciado en español} y corríjalos (en español}. En ambos casos (V o F}
indique renglones de referencia:

Enunciados V/F Renglón/es

-- - .. -- ... ... ·····
a. La forma de presentarse la persona con personalidad narcisista oculta una
ansiedad considerable sobre no ser lo suficientemente bueno o ser antipático.

b. Annie evidencia una actitud amable cuando habla sobre sus relaciones.

c. Ante cualquier situación de rechazo real o imaginaria Annie responde de

manera evasiva.

d. Las personas narcisistas explotan a las otras personas; esta actitud se

genera por su necesidad de ser admirados.

e. Annie se rodea de gente a quien ella manipula.


Espacio para la corrección de los enunciados falsos:

•••• ■ ••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

··········································································································......................... .


7. Lea la siguiente oración extraída del ·texto para responder a las preguntas a

a. ¿Cómo describe Annie a su trabajo: de manera positiva o negativa?

b. ¿Cómo es su situación laboral actual: favorable o desfavorable?

c. ¿Qué relación encuentra entre las respuestas a las preguntas anteriores? CAUSA-

d. ¿Qué palabra/frase de la relación indica esa relación entre ambas ideas?

8. Continuaremos trabajando con conectores de contraste. Lea los siguientes

fragmentos extraídos del texto y resuelva las actividades propuestas a continuación
cada uno.·

a . .Marque con una cruz la primera idea de este fragmento. Luego, escriba la segunda idea.

tlea 1

......... Mientras describe a sus amigos relativos revela su dificultad en reconocer en los otros sus
deseos, sentimientos y experiencias subjetivas.

. . . . . . . . . Mientras describe sus amigos y relativós revela su dificultad en reconocer sus deseos,
sentimientos y experiencias subjetivas en los otros.

. . . . . . . . . Mientras describe a sus amigos y parientes deja ver su dificultad en reconocer los deseos,
sentimientos y experiencias subjetivas de los otros.

llea 2 ........................................................................................................................ .

b. ¿Qué palabra/frase ayudó a ver la relación de contraste en el fragmento?

a. ¿Qué busca la persona narcisista en sus relaciones?


b. ¿En qué tienen poca tolera~cia las personas narcisistas?

···························· . ·································· ......................................................................

c. ¿Qué palabra marca la relación de contraste entre las dos ideas relacionadas en la

9. L~a los siguientes pares de oraciones para -identificar cuál es la diferencia entre
ellas. Luego, responda las preguntas a continuación.
l <D The person exhibits feelings of grandiosity and appear as haughty and arrogant, a 1
i presentation which usually belies considerable anxiety about not being 'good enough' or i
1 1
¡ being unlovable. ¡
..... ·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·
r··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-.. -··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·.·-··-1
¡ @ The person may exhibit feelings of grandiosity and appear as haughty and arrogant, a ¡·
l presentation which usually belies considerable am<iety about not being good enough' or 1
\ being unlovable. (r. 3-5)
· l
a..---··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··--,- ■■ -••-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··. ··-··-··-··-··-.a

r··-··-··-· ·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·•-. ·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-.. -··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-1

<D The person demands admiration from others and feels very easily slighted if Uie devotion
expected is not forthcoming.
@ The person demands admiration from others and can feel · very easily slighted if the
devotion expected is not forthcoming. (r. 5-6)

a. ¿Cuál fue la diferencia que encontró?

b. ¿Qué significado le dan a las oraciones los verbos can y may: POSIBILIDAD/PROBABILIDAD;

c. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, elija el equivalente correcto para el siguiente pasaje del

The person may exhibit feelings ofgrandiosity and appear as haughty and arrogant {. ..)

□ La persona puede exhibir sentimientos de grandeza y puede presentarse como orgullosa

y arrogante ( ... )

□ La persona exhibe sentimientos de grandeza y se presenta como orgullosa y arrogante

( ... )

□ La persona está exhibiendo sentimientos de grandeza y se está presentando como

orgullosa y arrogante( ... )

d. Ahora dé un equivalente de la siguiente oración.

The person demands admiration from others and can feel ve¡y easily s!ighted if the devotion
·expected is not forthcoming. (r. 5-6)

IV, 10. A modo de cierre, complete el siguiente cuadro con información del texto.

11. Las siguientes palabras pertenecen al texto de esta guía. Determine la

categoría gramatical (sustantivo, adjetivo o verbo) de las mismas. Escriba en el
recuadro S, A, V. (Si es necesario, consulte el texto para determinarla).
. . . .

D self-esteem (r. 3) D enhance (r. 8) D desires (r. 17)

D haughty (r. 4) D assertive (r. 10) D feelings (r. 17)
D slighted (r. 5) D relatives (r. 17) D angry (r, 21)
D rejection (r. 22)

12. Lea los· siguientes fragmentos para ubicar en los espacios sombreados las palabras del
ejercicio anterior. Luego, escriba el equivalente en español de las palabras que utilizó.

a. Children with the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often suffer from impaired
interpersonal relationships with family and pe~rs, academic underachievement and peor

EQUIVALENTE EN ESPAÑOL: ................................................... .

b. Contingent reinforcement is often used to a child's motivation and
involvement in therapy.
EQUIVALENTE EN ESPAÑOL: .................................................. ..

c. Children with ADHD often experience difficulties in the school setting.( ... ) As a result of such
difficulties, children with a diagnosis of ADHD often deal with social in the
school setting (Miranda,Jarque, & Tarraga, 2006).
EQUIVALENTE EN ESPAfÍIOL: ....................................................

d. Joint attention is generally defined as one's ability to use gestures or eye contact to share an
interest in or oran object or event with another person.
EQUIVALENTE EN ESPAÑOL: ............................ .-..................... ..

e. Mary had been adopted when she was four and a half. Her birth mother had herself had a very
difficult childhood and was a drµg addict. She spent six months )n · a p-sychiatric hospital shortly
befare Mary's first birthday. Di.lring this time Mary was . passed among a number of
apa. friends with no consistent.-_ cárer. This was the first of Mary's many
, disruptions. (... )
EQUIVALENTE EN ESPAfÍIOL: ....................................................

f. · Such clients (with borderline personality) often present far help as their functioning is adversely
affected by their behaviour and they are frequently in crisis. They can present as very
and pessimistic, leading to violence or recriminations against the world. The
anger may also be turned against themselves and is manifested in impulsive, self-damaging
EQUIVALENTE EN ESPAÑOL: ................................................... .

g. Consistent with common sense, sorne people with high self-esteem are quietly self-confident and
non-hostile, whereas others are arrogant, conceited and overly (Kernis,
Granneman & Barclay, 1989).
EQUIVALENTE EN ESPAfÍIOL: ................................................... .

Recue«;1e extraer las _palabras, frases y térmln?s que ~onsldere lmportantes.::de
esta guia para, luego, incorporarlos en su glosario. Por eJemplo: se/ésteem

A continuación encontrará un texto extra que puede utilizar como práctica

complementaria de lectura.


2 They are disorders of people's basic character structure - so there is no 'normal functioning' to
3 return to. The personality disorders themselves are people's 'normal' way of functioning, and
4 appropriate treatment means learning entirely new ways ofbeing.

5 Symptoms
6 All personality disorders have a number ofthings in common. They are:
7 • longstanding - i.e. begin at a relatively early age;
8 • chronic - i.e. continue over time; and
9 • pervasive - i.e. occur across most contexts.

10 The thoughts, feelings and behaviours that characterize personality disorders are:
11 • inflexible - i.e. they are applied rigidly and resistant to change; and
12 e maladaptive - i.e. they don't result in wbat the person hopes for.
14 People with personality disorders usually don't realize they have them. They experience
15 themselves as normal and often feel that the people they interact with are the ones with the
16 problems. The primary personality disorders and their key ttaits, as described in the DSM-IV
17 (APA, 1994) are:

18 Cluster A - the odd and eccentric cluster

19 Paranoid - suspicious, distrustful, makes hostile attributions

20 Schizoid - interpersonally and emotionally cut off, unresponsive to others, a 'loner'
21 · Schizotypal - odd thoughts, behaviours, experiences; poor interpersonal functioning

22 Cluster B - the dramatic and erratic cluster

23 Histrionic - dramatic, wants attention, emotionally shallow
24 Narcissistic - inflated sense of self-importance, entitled, low empathy, hidden vulnerability
25 Antisocial - behaviours that disregard laws, norms, rights of others; lacking in empathy
26 Borderline - instability in thoughts, feelings, behaviour and sense of self

27 Cluster C - the fearful and avoidant cluster

28 Obsessive-compulsive - rigid, controlled, perfectionistic
29 Avoidant- fears negative evaluation, rejection and abandonment
30 Dependent - submissive, dependent on others for self-esteem, fears abandonment

31 As you éan see, this organization of the personality disorders puts them into clusters. These
32 clusters are thought to reflect disorders with common traits. Although the disorders within each
33 cluster do show commonalities, it is also the case the there are high levels of comorbidity among
34 disorders ·across clusters.

35 Borderline personality disorder and antisocial pe:r:sonality disorder (similar to what is often
36 called psychopathy) have received more attention than the others, as they tend to have sorne of
37 the most negative consequences, including suicide and violence.

Hewstone, M. (2005). Psychology. Oxford, UK: BPS Blackwell.

Conectores que indican CONTRASTE

El autor de un texto usa contraste cuando quiere resaltar o destacar las diferencias que existen
entre las cosas. Para interpretar correctamente un contraste se debe reconocer la base de éste;
es decir, en qué aspecto son diferentes los elementos que se contrastan (apariencia,
funcionamiento, efectos, etc.)

En inglés, los conectores que indican contraste son:

but, although, everi though, though, in spite of, despite, however, yet, while, whereas,

1::t But

"The essay was flaw/ess, but it was not the chosen one."

tt Although / Even though / Though

"Although / Even though / Though the essay was f/aw/ess, it was not the chosen one."

n In spite of / Despite

"In spite of / Despite beíng flawless, the essay was not chosen"

tt However / Nevertheless

"He was we/1-qua/ified for the job. However / Neverthe/ess, he did not get it. "

1::t While /Whereas

"Your essay is long, while / whereas mine is short."

En español estos conectores representan las oposiciones u objeciones que le hacen a la idea
:lit Pero, sino, aunque, sin embargo, no obstante unen ideas donde la segunda plantea
oposición u objeción directa a la primera.
:tt Por el contrario, al contrario, por oposición unen ideas donde la seg_L!nda.--plantea
oposición total a la primera. ·
:lit Antes que, más bien que, en vez de, mientras que unen ideas donde la segunda plantea ,S

oposición comparativa a la primera.

De Agostini de Sánchez, M. (2004). Inglés para arquitectos. Córdoba: Comunicarte. 132.

Sosa de Montyn, S. y Conti de Londero, M. (1993). Hacia una gramática del texto. Córdoba: Comunicarte. 248


He can write many patients' reports in a short Indica una capacidad o

Can 1
period of time. habilidad aprendida.

When I was young, 1could write very fast.

Indica una capacidad en
Could 1
In the late 70s, they could only work at el pasado.
departments within companies.

This theory can become the paradigm far analysis

in the future. Indica posibilidad en
Can 2 relación a un evento en el
There can be new requirements far admitting presente o futuro.
patients to hospitals.

This may be a bad idea.

Indica una acción que
May puede pasar en el
Despite of the economic crisis, this company may
presente o en el futuro.
continue working.

This project could / might be dangerous. Indica una posibilidad

Could 2 f
más remota en el
Could she be the owner? presente o el futuro.

Who can answer the next question? En preguntas, se utiliza

Can 3 "can" para solicitar
When can we 9.fil_back the results? permiso de hacer algo.

En las preguntas de sí o
Could you open your window?
no, se emplea para
Could 3
solicitar algo de forma
Could we use your office today?

¿Cuáles de las siguientes estrategias y técn~cas de lectura aplicadas hasta
el momento le resultó más útil? Coloque un tick l en la columna
Estrategia / Técnica ¿Cuán útil ha sido esta estrategia?
Muy útil Útil Poco útil
~ Activar el conocimiento previo del
~ Inferir el significado de una
palabra por la forma
~ Scanning (Lectura Detallada)
~ Skimming (Lectura Global)
~ Usar el diccionario bilingüe
~ Utilizar el paratexto para
deducir aspectos temáticos del

Lea nuevamente los contenidos de las guías 1 a 5. Tilde / en la lista de la

primer columna los objetivos que alcanzó. Luego, califique el nivel que
considera haber alcanzado en cada uno.
Contenidos Niyel

o Comprender la estructura de la frase sustantiva en inglés y dar un

equivalente en español. Identificar el caso genitivo. Comprender su
forma y función.

o Deducir el significado de las palabras por su_ forma y su posición en la


o Identificar elementos de referencia textual.

o Identificar marcadores discursivos que indican adición y contraste.

Comprender la relación lógica que éstos establecen entre las ideas.

o Identificar palabras conceptuales y estructurales.

o Identificar palabras transparentes.

o Identificar y comprender la función y los usos del tiempo presente de

los verbos en inglés.

o Identificar y comprender la función de los verbos modales CAN - MAY

Propósito de Lectura: Leer una historia de caso para
relacionarla con teorías del desarrollo.

Al finalizar la Guía, Ud. habrá puesto en práctica los

siguientes contenidos gramaticales:
a Tiempo verbal: Simple Past
u Referencia Textual

1. Responda las siguientes preguntas en forma oral:

• ¿Conoce las teorías de desarrollo de J. Piaget y G. Mead?
• Si las conoce, ¿cuáles son, en general, los postulados de cada una?

J. .Piaget
G. Mead

2. El texto de la página a continuación presenta la historia de Eric, un niño con

problemas de conducta. Léalo en forma global para identificar los lugares donde
se describe su comportamiento. Señale esas partes con un color.

1 Case History of Eric B.

Eric is a 6-year old African-American male who was raised in an impoverished inner
city neighbourhood in Chicago. Drugs and violence surrounded his daily life. With a
single-mother who involved herself i_n a series of relationships with abusive
5 boyfriends, Eric found himself beat with a belt, and may have been sexually
assaulted. His mother was not home that often, and he was forced to sit outside on
the stoop so that his grandmother, who also lived with them, could sell drugs. His
mother was uneducated and supported the family with her public assistance grant. He .
has never met his father, and his uncles are in jail. His father was convicted of
10 robbery and drug charges but Eric was told that he was shot to death in an attempted
robbery. He dreams of one day pVenging his father's death and acts it out when he

plays alone. He has a history of terrorizing animals and killed the family cat. He also
did poorly in school, being diagnosed with. attention deficit disorder. He is constantly
involved in fights and has lio companions. When at home, he mostly involves himself
15 in action movies and cartoons. Eric befriends a boy who lives next door to him. One
day he stole the boy's bicycle and when the family carne to claim it, Eric thr.eatened
the boy by saying that he was going to kili his baby brother. A few weeks later, Eric
broke into the apartment and assaulted the baby, beating him nearly to death. Eric is
now in a facility for troÚbled children. ~f he were to be returned to the same
20 environment that he was taken from, he would probably revert back after a period of
time. His surrounding is still responsible for much of his beihaviour. If he was taken
from the facility and put into a good home, he would have a good chance of
becoming a more social person and have the possibility of leading a normal, healthy
24 life.•
http ://www.wowessays.com/dbase/ae5/csk88.shtml

3. La siguiente tabla resume las etapas del desarrollo, según Piaget. Lea las
partes del texto -que señaló en el ejercicio anterior en forma detallada para
determinar en qué etapa se encontraría Eric. <


Sensorimotor 0-2 .
Reflex base
Caardinate reflexes
Preoperational 2-6 ar 7 • Self-ariented
• Eqacentric
Concrete operational 6 ar 7 - 11 or 12 • More than one paint af view
• No abstract problems
Consider outcames
Formal Operational 11 or 12 up .
Think abstractly
Reason theon~ticaUy - -- --- -

4. Ahora, lea el siguiente pasaje para corroborar su respuesta.

According to Jean Piaget, and his stages of cognitive development, kids construct their knowledge
of the World through reorganization and they move to higher levels of psychological functioning.
Piaget looked at how kids think of themselves and their environment, when moving through each
stage. In these stages, children select what they see and they interpret. In the preoperational
stage, ranging from ages 2-7, children should have a mastery of language and use words to
represent objects. In this stage, children cannot use developmental capacities systematically. They
are quite egocentric, having the tendency to interpret the world through their own position. They
· attribute their own thoughts to inanimate objects. Far example, a child may say that the sky is sad
because the sun is not shining. In the story, Eric is in the preoperational stage of Piaget's cognitive
development- stages. Eric is probably not moving to a higher leve! of psychological functioning. He
seems to have trouble socializing. He has no friends at school and is constantly getting into fights
with his peers. He is unstable, both emotionally and psychologically.


5. Observe los siguientes ejemplos prestando atención a las palabras

resaltadas. Luego, responda las preguntas en forma oral.

Eric befriends a boy who lives next door to him. One

day he stole the boy's bicycle and when the family carne En estos ejemplos los
to claim it, Eric threatened the boy by saying that he elementos subrayados son
was going to kill his baby brother. A few weeks later, Eric acciones, ¿en qué tiempo
broke into the apartment and assaulted the baby, verbal se encuentran?
b_eating him nearly to death. Eric is now in a facility for ¿Puede decir a qué se debe
troubled children. el cambio en los tiempos
verbales usados?

6. Clasifique los verbos en pasado según sean regulares o irregulares. Provea el

infinitivo de los irregulares.
. . .. .

Verbos regulares Verbos irregulares

Infinitivo Pasado


.. .. .. .

~ ¿Cuál fue el criterio de clasificación?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ •• ■ ••• ■ • • • • • • • • • • • ■ ■ ••••••••• ■ ■ ..... ■ ■ •• ■• ■■ ••••••••••• ■ •• ■ •• ■ ••••• ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • ■• ■ • • • • • • • • • ■• ■ •• ■ •••• i, • • • • • • • • ■ • • •

7. Resalte en el texto otros ejemplos de verbos regulares y de verbos irregulares.

Diferéncielos usando distintos colores.

8. Lea las siguientes oraciones. Luego, elija la opción correcta.

a) Drugs and violerice surrounded his daily life. (r.3)

"His" hace referencia a:

i. La madre de Eric
ii. Eric
iii. Los novios de la madre de Eric
iv. El barrio en la ciudad de Chicago

b) He was torced to sit outside on the stoop so that his grandmother, who also
lived with them, could sell drugs. (r. 6-7)

"Them" hace referencia a:

i. La abuela de Eric
ii. Los novios de la madre de Eric
iii. El hogar
iv. Eric y su madre

c) When the family carne to claim it, Eric threatened the boy saying he was going
to kili his baby brother. (16-17)

''lt''. hace referencia a:

i. La bicicleta
ii. El bebé .
iii. La familia del amigo-de Eric
iv. Eric

"His" hace referencia a:

i. Eric
ii. El amigo de Eric
iii. El bebé
iv. La familia del amigo de Eric

9. A modo de cierre, iea el pasaje A sobre la teoría de G. Meád para

ubicar a Eric en la etapa correspondiente. Lue·go, lea el pasaje B
para corroborar su respuesta.

According to Mead's theory of development, we learn through two stages. These two stages
are the play stage and the game stage. In the play stage, usually infancy to age four, we
imitate others' behaviour and there seem to be no rules. The game stage, commonly age
five through twelve, children play games like hide and go seek, tag, and there is a lot of
group involvement among peers. Rules and regulations are important in this stage.
According to Mead, in arder to take on the role of another you need to know the rules to
play. This leads to taking on the role of the generalized other, which means children know
general morals, values, and rules of his ot her particular culture,

In the story, Eric seems to have been left in the play stage, when according to Mead,
should, be in the game stage due to his age. He does not seem to have any rules to abide
by which is part of the description of the play stage. If Eric was in the game stage, he would
be playing games like hide and go seek, instead of torturing animals. In the play stage we
tend to imitate others' behaviour. Eric was abused and so probably this is where the violent
behaviour in school and towards animals carne from.


Recuerde extraer las palabras, frases y términos que considere
importantes de esta guía para, luego, incorporarlos en su glosario. Por
ejemplo: developmental capacities.

A continuación encontrará un texto extra que puede utilizar como

práctica complementaria de lectura.

Identity is one of ttie central concepts in the area of personality and personality disorders. As
defined by E. Erikson (1959), it refers to the sense cf continuity within oneself and in terms of
one's interactions with others. Identity reflects the awareness of one's individuality and one's
allegiance to the ideology and culture of his group (Erikson, 1959). It implies a sense of
purpose, intentionality, and mastery.

Components of Identity
Akhtar and Samuel (1996), in a review of the concept of identity, concluded that identity
originates in the earliest exchanges between the infant and her mother and develops
throughout the life cycle. Although in adolescence there is a remodeling of the components of
identity, further development does continue during young adulthood, mid-life, and later years.
Descriptively, identity relates to the following features, according to Akhtar and Samuel:
• A realistic body image. The person is anchored in her own body, recognizes herself in a
mirror, is capable of making reasonable estimates of her weight, appearance, and body size,
and displays resilience even in the face of physical changes, such as pregnancy or alterations
resulting from an accident.
• Subjective self-sameness. The person experiences himself to be the same across situations.
He can adapt to different circumstances or different age groups with flexibility and without
losing interna! constancy (self-constancy).
º Consistent attitudes,. and behaviors. The person has the capacity far a stable investment in
values and ideologies. Behavior- is congruent with what she is and how she behaves. Even
among different forms of expression in the repertoire of the integrated identity, there is
flexibility for smooth transitions between the various self-representations emerging under
diverse social circumstances.
• 1emporal continuity. There is a sense of personal continuity across time. The person has the
capacity to recognize himself as the same person from childhood to adolescence and to project
himself into the future.
• Authenticity. The pers~>n has a true capacity to recognize the positive and negative traits that
make her genuinély herself. In contrast with the concept of pseudo-self that has been described

as a premature closure and a primitive identification with others, authenticity refers to selective
identifications with important figures in one's life. _It means being fully genuine, sincere, and
• Gender. Gender identity consists of the awareness of being mate or female (core gender
identity), the awareness of one's femininity or masculinity (gender role), and one's sexual
orientation (heterosexual or homosexual). Thus a cohesive gender identity betokens ~armony
between core gender identity, gender role, and sexual orientation. In children, the distinction
between the sexes and the awareness of irreversibility of core gender are achievements of the
third and fourth year of life. Play characteristics, fantasies, dress patterns, and friendship
patterns are revealing, as in the assumption of feminine roles by boys with gender identity
disorder, or in their preference for girls as friends with whom fo identify.
• Ethnicity. Ethnicity relates to the values, child-rearing practices, culture, ·1anguage and
nonverbal modes of expression, and patterns of interpersonal behavior with which the child
grows Up. Ethnic identity is formed through language, through traditÍons, and through the
feeling of belonging to the historical community an~ national community.
• Superego or conscience. The person has the capacity to respond to rewards and
punishments; to experience remorse, guilt, and shame; to wish to atone for damage done; and
to work for ideals. Concern for others and generosity are personality traits refl~q:ing an
integrated conscience.
Akhtar and Samuel summarized the post-a_dolescent identity as incorporating a realis~ic body
image, sustained self-sameness, a certain consistency of attitudes and behavior, temporal
continuity in the self-experience, genuineness and authenticity, clarity regarding .one's gender,
an inner solidarity with an ethnic group's ideals, and internalized conscience.
In our opinion, school-aged children and adolescents can also meet these criteria; The child
with an integrated identity conveys a sense of "meness"-that is, a sense of a cohesive self in
its positive and negative aspects, of boundaries and autonomy, of continuity across time and
situations. He expresses his sense of belonging to a family and an ethnic or religious group.
He displays moral and ethical values and an ego ideal that reveals an internalized conscience-a
mature superego that monitors his thoughts and actions and rewards or punishes with guilt
feelings. Thus, the child can compare himself with an ideal that by and large is within his reach.

From Kernberg, P., Weiner, A. and Bardenstein, K. (2000). Personality disorders in ado/escents
and children. New York: Basic Books.

En Inglés, el simple past se usa para:
u Expresar acciones que ocurrieron en un momento en particular; es decir,
cuando sabemos exactamente cuándo ocurrió ese hecho.
✓ They graduated four years ago.
u /-Expresar acciones que ocurrieron con cierta frecuencia pero que ya no ocurren.
✓ He often played footba/1 with his dad when he was five.
u Expresar acciones que ocurrieron una inmediatam~nte después de la otra.
✓ . They cooked the mea/ first. Then they ate with their friends. After that, they
watched a film.
u Hablar de gente que ya murió.
✓ Princess Diana visited many countries.

En Español, el simple past puede ser traducido como pretérito imperfecto o como
pretérito perfecto simple (pretérito indefinido)
El pretérito imperfecto expresa acciones pasadas; sin referencia a su principio ni a su ·
fin. Admite matices descriptivos, durativos y reiterativos.

✓ Corría el año 1936.

✓ Los niños crecían.
✓ Juan salía al anochecer.

El pretérito perfecto simple expresa acciones pasadas independientes de cualquier

otra acckJn. Admite matices absolutos y matices temporales.
✓ Luché y fui vencido. ·
✓ El 2 de mayo estalló la sublevación.

De Evans, V. (1999). Grammarway 2. Berkshire: Express Publishing.

Enciclopedia temática Argos. (1970). Barcelona.

Afirmativo ·Negativo Interrogativo 1
1º P.S. lwas ... 1was not../wasn't Was l..?
2ºP.S. Youwere .... You were not.../weren't... Were vou ... ?
3°P.S. Hewas ... He was not.. ./wasn't Washe ....?
' Shewas ...
ltwas ...
She was not.. ./wasn't...
lt was not.../wasn't. ..
Was she ... ?
Was it...?
1° P.P. Wewere ... We were not ... /weren't Werawe ... ?
2° P.P~ You were ... You were not.../weren't... Wera you ... ?
3° P.P Theywere ... They were not.. ./weren't Were they ... ?

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

1° P.S. 1inventad 1didn't invant Did I invent
2° P.S. : You invented You didn't invent Did you invent
3° P.S . . He invented He didn't invent Did he invent
She invanted She didn't invent Did she invent
lt invented lt didn't invent Did it invent
1° P.P. We invented We didn't invent Did wa invent
2° P.P. You invanted You didn't invent Did you invent
3° P.P Thev inventad Thev didn't invent Did thev invent

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

1° P.S. 1found ... 1didn't find ... Did I find .. ?
2ºP.S. You found ... You didn't find ... Did vou find .... ?
3° P.S. He found ... He didn't find .... Did he find .... ?
Shefound ... She didn't find .... Did she find ... ? .
ltfound ... lt didn't find .... Did it find ... ?
1° P.P. Wefound ... Wa didn't find ... Did we find ... ?
2° P.P. You found ... You didn't find ... Did vou find ... ?
3° P.P Theyfound ... They didn't find ... Did they find ... ?





!1 Unir
Trasladar / Mover MOVE MOVED MOVED
-·-- - ·--·--
-- ,r -- - - ~ - • - • - - - - - - • • - ----~•• ••--- --••-•- •---•-•-•---•~-•-•----•-•~--• -•------• •••~ ••••••-• - •- •-~rw,, -• ,,-.,,-•o• ••-••- •,. - •-••••-~-•-•••-• • • • - -

Intentar / Probar TRY TRIED TRIED ·


Ser o Estar
Convertirse / Tornarse
Alimentar FEED FED FED
Obtener / Llegar GET GOT GOT
Golpear HIT . HIT HIT
·, Lastirnar / Doler HURT HURT HURT
Guardar / Mantener KEEP KEPT KEPT
Partir/ Abandonar LEAVE LEFT LEFT
-~-----------·------~----·-·-· .. -~~--------··~---------------. ~---, ----•-·-·------·--,~----------------·--·-···---------··-------·-- ·--·-- .. ---
Permitir LET LET LET
Hacer / Elaborar MAKE MADE MADE
Conocer / Reunirse MEET MET MET
. Montar/ Cabalgar RIDE RODE RIDDEN
Vender SELL ·soLD SOLD
Sentar(se) SIT SAT SAT
Tomar·/ Llevar TAKE TOOK TAKEN

Propósito de Lectura:
u Leer un texto para completar un cuadro con las principales

características de un trastorno de la personalidad.

Al finalizar la Guía, Ud. habrá puesto en práctica los siguientes

contenidos gramaticales:
u --Repaso de referentes
u Verbos con partícula/s o verbos p·reposicionales/adverbiales
1. Observe las imágenes para responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿con qué
trastorno de la personalidad las relaciona?

. .,,-::!


2._ Ahora, lea el texto en forma detallada para responder las preguntas que se
encuentran al final del mismo en español. Indique renglón/es donde encontró las

Paranoid personality

1 The paranoid personality is one that is particularly mistrustful and suspicious of others
2 leading to frequent misinterpretation of their experiences in relation to other people.

3 The person is often very preoccupied with questions of loyalty and trust. They may
4 also be heavily involved in litigation which may include taking legal action against
5 their carers. They are especially sensitive to rebuffs from others. Their anticipation of
6 other people's malevolency towards them provokes anger and hostility which is not
7 always based in reality. Their subjectiv'e experience is frequently one of persecution.

8 Frances is an articulate 35-year-old woman. As a child she was not told of the identity
9 of her mother, only far this to be disclosed to her on the day of her mother's death.
10 She had been a rather suspicious person since that time, preoccupied in her thoughts
11 with how others viewed her. She invariably ascribed to them hostile attitudes towards
12 her which appeared to have little basis in reality (even though her paranoid stance
13 towards the world was readily understandable given her early experience of having
14 critica! infarmation about her mother withheld fromher). Yet Frances would expend
15 considerable energy on her 'counterattacks', firmly believing that her perceptions
16 were accurate. This, in turn, alienated friends and family as they felt unjustly accused
17 of misdemeanours and they then tended to respond in a more hostile,rejecting
18 manner which simply served to confirm Frances' original beliefs about herself and the
19 world.

20 F'rances arrived far one of her therapy sessions in a very angry manner. I had gone to
21 collect her from the waiting room one minute late she said and this was in fact .
22 accurate. I acknowledged this fact and invited Frances to tell me more about how she
23 felt. She accused me of being irresponsible and wanted to submit a complaint to my
24 managers i-egarding this matter. Frances felt I had preferred to be on the phone to
25 one of my friends and that I was laughing at her, knowing she had been waiting
26 there far me but that I simply did not care.

Lemma, A. (1996). Introduction to Psychopatho/ogy. London: Sage Publications Ltd

a- ¿A qué son especialmente sensibles las personas con trastorno de personalidad ·

b- ¿Cómo se sintió Frances al tener el incidente con su terapeuta?

. . .
···································································· . ···················································


3. Lea las siguientes oraciones. Elija el referente correcto de las palabras en·ríegrita.

a- They may also be heavily involved in litigation which may include taking legal
action against their carers (r. 3-5)

which hace referencia a:

i- litigio
ii- cuidadores
iii- pacientes

b- She had been a rather suspicious person since that time, preoccupied in her
thoughts with how.others
. :·
viewed her. (r. 10-11)

since that tiine hace referencia a:

i- desde que era chica

ii- desde la muerte de su madre
iii- desde los treinta y cinco años

e- I acknowledged this fact and invited Frances to tell me more about how she felt.
(r. 22-23)

this facthace referencia a:

i- Haber llegado tarde a buscarla

ii- Haber sido irresponsable
iii- Haber elevado una queja

4. Ahora, observe las imágenes para responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿con qué
trastorno de la personalidad las relaciona?

5. Lea el texto a continuación para confirmar su respuesta. Luego, complete las

actividades propuestas al final del mismo.

Schizoid personality

1 The schizoid pattern was first described by Bleuler (1911) who used it to denote an
2 inwardly directed tendency, a retreat from the outside world with an accompánying
3 lack.of emotional expressivity. The schizoid personality is characterised by an overall
4 detachment which manifests itself in a withdrawal from social and interpersonal
5 contacts. Such people typically have few friends and appear more engrossed in their

6 own fantasy life. Their interactions with othérs are marked by emotional coldness and
7 unresponsiveness. AII emotions appear blunted. This affective unresponsiveness
8 renders such people rather unattractive to c:ithers and they tend to be avoided as
9 interactions with them can feel very unrewarding if not altogether rejecting. This type
10 of response from the environment merely reinforces the person's withdrawal and state
11 of detachment. The term 'schizoid' has also been used by psychoanalysts (for example,
12 l;airbairn, Winnicott and Khan) to refer to far more socially adapted personalities who
13 nevertheless are also very inwardly directed. This has created sorne confusion in the

14 literature.

15 Mark is 28. His early and middle childhood were characterised by a lack of warmth and_
16 affection. His family appeared to relate in a somewhat remate manner. He felt always
17 misunderstood by his mother in particular whom he felt cared little for him. As a young
1 18 child here called spending hours on his own with few toys even to stimulate hi~
19 interest. The parenting he had received seemed to have been carrled out in a rather
20 perfunctory way. As an adult Mark was very detached. He had _no intimate reiátionships
21 and actively avoided people. When he spoke to me in therapy about his relationships, I
22 was invariably struck by his difficulty ininterpreting other people's communications and
23 his attendant difficulty in responding meaningfully. Lacking such skills, Mark carne
24 across as unresponsive and cold. In the context of therapy, Mark frequently missed
25 sessions without giving any reason and found it quite normal not to give any
26 explanation for his absence. He had so few expectations of others that he himself
27 struggled to imagine that someone might be waiting or thinking about him. However
28 Mark appeared not to care about this, responding to my attempts at empathic
29 intervention in a very detached manner. He appeared indifferent to anything I said ¡;ind
30 I experienced him as impenetrable. Such were his difficulties in interaction that he
31 broke off the therapeutic relationship a few months later. This is not atypical in people
32 who share similar characteristics _to Mark.

Lemma, A. (1996). Introduction to Psychopathology. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

--- ►
6. Lea las siguientes oraciones extraídas del texto para subrayar las
acciones (verbos). ¿Observa algún elemento en común en algunas ellas?

He felt always misunderstood by his mother in particular whom he felt cared little
far him. (r. 16-17)

► The parenting he had received seemed to have been carried out in a rather
perfunctory way. (r. 19-20)

► Lacking such skills, Mark carne across as unresponsive and cold. (r. 23-24)

► However Mark appeared not to care about this; responding to my attempts at

empathic intervention in a very detached manner. (r. 27-29)

► Such were his difficulties in interaction that he broke off the therapeutic
relationship a few months later. (r. 30-31)

7. Ahora, con la ayuda del diccionario, dé un equivalente en español las oraciones

del ejercicio anterior para, luego, responder las siguientes preguntas.

a. ¿Por qué ratón Mark se sentía incomprendido por su madre?

b. ¿De qué manera ~e estableció el lazo parental?

c. Al no poseer aptitudes comunicativas, ¿cómo se presentaba Mark?

d. ¿Se preocupaba Mark por ésto?

e. ¿Qué sucedió con la terapia al tener dificultades en la interacción?


6. A modo de cierre, complete el siguiente cuadro con información del

texto .

~ A continuación encontrará un texto extra que puede utilizar como
~ práctica complementaria de lectura. .

1 The role of the family: Family dynamics have long been held to play a part in the aetiology of
2 schizophrenia. Such a view was crystallised in the writings of the psychoanalyst Frieda Fromm-
3 Reichmann (1948), who suggested that sorne mothers, descríbed as cold and distant, fostered
4 schizophrenia in their children. The anthropologist Bateson et al. (1956) put forward his 'double
5 bind hypothesis' which postulated that .a pathogenic parent presented paradoxical
6 communication to the child which contained contradictory messages (that is, contradiction
7 between the content of a verbal message and the tone of voice). Taking further the theme of
8 communication problems in the family, Laing and Esterson (1970) viewed schizophrenia as a
9 valid and understandable response to confusing patterns of communication. Such theories
10 became very popular and led to the widespread assumption that schizophrenia is ·somehow
11 caused by the family, but recent research does not confirm this causal hypothesis. Nevertheless,
12 abnormalities in patterns of communication have been observed in the families of people with
13 schizophrenia that are not evident in families without a schizophrenic member.

14 Family factors are now believed to play an important part in influencing relapse. Attempts to
15 measure the possible mediating factors in relapse led to the development of a semi-structured
16 interview :- the Camberwell Family Interview - which measures the emotional atmosphere in the
17 home. Frequency ratings are made from an audiotaped interview of critica( comments and
18 positive remarks; overall ratings are made of warmth, hostility and emotional over-involvement.
19 . This results in an overall rating of expressed emotion (EE) in the family. Studies using the EE
20 measure have consistently found that a measure of high EE in the family (where there is a high
21 lev~I of criticism, hostility and emotional over-involvement) predicts relapse in follow-up studies
22 (Bébbington_ and Kuipers, 1994). However, such research does not elucidate whether the
23 observed communication problems are the cause or the effect of the psychogical problems in
24 the psychotic family member. In addition, such research has been criticized on the grounds that
25 relapse is often defined in terms of the presence of psychotic symptoms, without paying
26 attention to general social functioning. It is debatable how truly representative of family
27 functioning one audiotaped session of family interaction can really be. It has also been
28 . suggested that the phenomenon of EE is largely limited to Western cultures (e.g. Leff et al.,
29 1987; Jenkins, 1991). For example, lower levels of EE have been found in families of the
30 Mexican Americans in California who tend to maintain traditional extended family ties and who
31 explicitly recognise interdependence within the fámily, by contrast to counterpart Anglo-
32 American familie~. ···

Lemma, A. (1996). Introduction to Psychopathology. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Propósitos de Lectura:

t1 Completar una tabla que resume el contenido del te>eto.

t1 Reconocer léxico especializado en L2 y dar su equivalente
en L1. ·
t1 Responder preguntas sobre el contenido del texto.

Al finalizar la Guía, Ud. habrá puesto en práctica .los sigui"entes contenidos


u Voz Pasiva (presente y pasado).

u Conectores que indican consecuencia .

. 1. Lea el título del texto y observe las siguientes imágenes para· responder, en forma
oral, estas preguntas:

1 t1 ¿Qué puede anticipar respecto al tema del texto que leerá en esta guía?

t1 ¿Qué conoce acerca del caso que se ilustra en las imágenes?

n ¿Con qué materia de su plan de estudios relaciona este caso?

r·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-. ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·1
¡ The "Frontal Lobe" Patient i
■ ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·~----··

2. Lea el texto en forma global del texto para determinar cuál es la idea general que se
desarrolla en el mismo.
□ Descripción detallada del caso Phineas Gage.
; □ Síntomas/dificultades asociadas a los trastornos del lóbulo temporal y
) ejemplificación con el caso Phineas Gage.

□ Causas, consecuencias, tratamiento y. resultados de tratamiento asociados a los

trastornos del lóbulo temporal.

□ Tratamientos actuales para los trastornos del lóbulo temporal.

The "Frontal Lobe" Patient

1 Phineas Gage, an efficient and capable foreman, was injured in 1848 when a tamping iron
2 was blown through the frontal lobes of his brain. Although he physically recovered well from
3 this horrlfic accldent, he suffered a signlflcant and permanent personallty change as a result.
4 His physician, J.M. Harlow (1868), described him as follows.

5 He~is fitful, irreverant, indulging at times in the grossest profanity (which was not previously his
6 custom), nianifesting but little deference to his fellows, impatient of restraint or advice when it
7 conflicts with his desires, at times pertinaciously obstínate yet capricious and vacillating, devising
8 many plans for future operation which no sooner are arranged than they are abandoned in turn
9 for others appearing more feasible. His mind was radically changed so that his friends · and ·
10 . acquaintances said he was no longer Gage.

11 One of the personali_ty _deficits that often accompány frontal-lobe impairments is the inability
12 to inhibit inappropriate behaviors (called disinhibition). Phineas Gage demonstrated
13 disinhibited behaviors when he was "irreverent, indulging at times in the grossest profanity
14 (which was not previously his custom)." A lack of insight into one's problems and the effect
15 one is having on ·others is another common and debilitating symptom of frontal-lobe
16 dysfunction. Thus, Gage had '~but little deference to his fellows,1' and almost certainly had no
17 awareness of his problems. This lack of insíght, coupled wíth another common frontal
18 problem of being slow or unable to learn from one's místakes and errors, makes successful
19 rehabilitation extraordinaríly difficult. The lack of ínsight is probably also related to another

20 group of symptoms that includes a diminished sense of responsibility and concern for the
21 future, impulsiveness, mild euphoria, a tendency to make inappropriate and childish jokes,
22 -and an impoverished ability to initiate activities or to act spontaneously.

23 Other difficulties include an impoverished ability to plan ahead and follow through a course
24 of action and an inability to take into account the possible consequences of one's actions.
25 Again, the case of Gage provides a good illustration in that he was often "devising many
26 plans for future operation which no sooner- are arranged than they are abandoned in turn
27 for others appearing more feasible. The frontal amnesia that plagues subjects with frontal • 11

28 damage results not only . in apparent memory impairments but, perhaps because of .

29 .
disinhibition, also encourages confabulation
(the tendency to fill memory
gaps with. invented
30 stories and.iacts. with no apparent aw_areness that these stories are either incorrect or will
31 be vie;~d ~-s falsehoods by the liste~err· Another group of symptc;>ms include the tendency
32 to behave in an inflexible and rigid manner and to have difficulty changing one's opinion
33 even in the face of clear evidence that one's behaviors or opinions are no longer correct or
34 appropriate. Perseveration (the stereotypical repetition of sentences and behaviors) is aiso
35 common. Finally, concrete thinking replaces the abstract attitude in sorne frontally
36 people. A number of texts provide more detailed descriptions of the frontal lobes, their rich
37 connections with . other brain areas, and the complex executive, personality, and
38 psychosocial disturbances that typify dysfunction of them (Damasio and Anderson 2003;
39 Stuss and Knight 2002; Walsh 1994, pp 133-195).

Ogden, J. A. (2005). Fractured minds. A case study approach to clinical neuropsychology. New York:

3. Lea la primera parte del texto en forma detallada (hasta renglón 1O) para responder tas
siguientes preguntas.

a. ¿Qué acontecimiento se menciona en relación con el año 1848?

■ ■~ ■■■ ■■ 1 O ■ O I • 1 O ■ O ■■ O O O• ■ O ■■ I I ■■ I O 1 1 1 1 ■■ O I ■ O I ■■ O O ■■■■■■■■■ ■■ O o I O O ■■■■ O I a• a• O O O O O O O O O O a• O o O• O O O O ■ O O a a ■ O O t O O O O O O O O O O O O O• O• ■ O O• O 1 1 O O O O O •

Renglones: ......................................... .

b. ¿Cómo fue la recuperación de Phineas Gage?

Renglones: ........................................ ..

c. ¿Qué consecuencias evidentes dejó el accidente sufrido?

Renglones: ......................................... .

d. ¿Qué calificativos utiliza su médico para describir la personalidad de Phineas Gage luego
del accidente?

Renglones:- ........................................ ..


4. Vuelva a leer la oración que seguramente utilizó para responder la pregunta a.

Subraye el sujeto de la oración y las acciones en la misma.

Phineas Gage, an efficient and capable foreman, was injured in 1848 when a tamping iron was
blown through the frontal lobes of his brain. (r. 1-2)

5. Ahora responda las siguientes preguntas:

,a. ¿En qué tiempo verbal se encuentran esas acciones? ¿Qué elementos le ayudaron
a reconocerlo?

_b. ¿El sujeto de la oración ejecuta la acción del verbo o recibe dicha acción?

. '.· ~ ,:; .,:

a• ·~.ec-~~---~,;:ti{~}~f1ii
¡;i,,;;,,.,·· ..! : •. ~; :¡: ~

6. Subraye ejemplos de voz pasiva en las siguientes oraciones extraídas del texto.
Luego, responda: ¿en qué tiempo verbal se encuentran los ejemplos que identificó?
His mind was radically changed so that his friends and acquaintances said he was no longer Gage.
(r. 9-iO)
The lack of insight is probably also related to another group of symptoms that includes a
diminished sense of responsibility and concern for the future, impulsiveness, .mild euphoria, á
• tendency to make inappropriate and childish jokes, and an impoverished ability to initiate •
: activities orto act spontaneously. (r. 19-22) :

7. Escriba el equivalente en español de las oraciones del ejercicio anterior.

··············· . ············································································· ...................................... .

8. Lea el siguiente fragmento extraído del texto para responder las preguntas a

a. ¿Qué síntoma común del trastorno del lóbulo frontal se menciona en la primera oración?

b. ¿Cómo se manifiesta ese síntoma en Phineas Gage?

c. ¿Qué-relación encuentra entre las dos oraciones del fragmento? (Elija una opción)



d. ¿Qué palabra/frase indica esa relación entre las ideas? ¿Cuál es el equivalente en español
de esa palabra/frase?

------·-----·· - - - -------------------------
9. La siguiente oración pertenece al ffii~l:Uctgñ:a! de· esta guía. Léala y resuelva las
actividades a continuación de la misma. ·

a. Identifique qué palabra está indicando una relación de causa-consecuencia.

b. Complete las siguientes ideas con información de la oración.

CAUSA: .........................................................................................................................

CONSECUENCIA: ............................................................................................................ .

liVI· 1O. A modo de cierre, complete el siguiente cuadro con información del texto.

Incapacidad para inhibir conductas inapropiadas (denominado m Demuestra desinhibición

desinhibición) con /as siguientes conductas:
irreverencia y blasfemia.

11. Vuelva a leer el texto y haga un listado de 5 palabras/frases relacionadas al
área de Psicología que haya aprendido. Luego, dé el equivalente en
español de las mismas.

. 1
1 1 1
--------------------------------- ~---------------------------------
Lmpoverísnec;f (;! bLLLtti (r. 23) ti'f;!bLLLc;ff;!c;f/cf;!pf;!cLc;ff;!c;f empobrec~f;!

.; ,_.~ .. :

Recuerde extraer las palabras, frases y términos que considere importantes de

esta guía -para, luego, incorporarlos en su glosario. Por ejemplo: impoverished
ability. ·

·_ A continuación encontrará un texto extra que puede utilizar como práctica

complementaria de lectura.
,- . -

1 Discuss,on
2 Frontal-lobe damage and the impairments it causes can range across the entire spectrum,
.3 from behaviors that are so subtle that it is difficult to tell if they are even abnormal to the
4 extreme behaviors exhibited by Phineas Gage back in 1848 and. Phillipa today. Many of the
5 functions mediated by the frontal lobes are important for social interaction, so the
6 consequences of all degrees of frontal-lobe dysfunction can be considerably disruptive. For
7 example, _even relatively minar frontal-lóbe damage, such as that following serious alcohol
8 abuse or mod~rate closed-head injury, can result in sorne behavior disinhibition. In turn,
9 this disinhibition can render aggressive behaviors more likely and less predictable in sorne
10 individuals, especially if they had a tendency toward violence befare their brain damage
11 occurred. Because alcohol acutely affects the optimal functioning of the frontal lobes in
12 people who are not alcoholics and have no frontal damage, it comes as no surprise that the
13 consumption of alcohol by alcoholics or head-injured people can, for a short time, increase
14 to dangerous levels the disinhibition, lack of insight, and aggressive tendencies of the
15 drinker. The fear and apprehension that many families suffer as they wait for the man of
16 the house to return home after a regular drinking sessi6n are only too common.
17 Frontal-lobe damage must never be used as an excuse for violent behavior; rather, in cases

18 where violent behaviors increase following frontal-lobe damage, rehabilitation strategies

19 that lnclude clear, concrete, frequently repeated rules of _behavior, unamblguous

20 boundaries of acceptabJe behavior, arid immediate repercussions for unacceptable

21 behaviors must be put in place.

22 It is important to be aware that frontal-lobe damage per se is not invariably accompanied

23 by an increase in aggressive behaviors. In many cases, the frontally impaired person may

24 become more passive than previously; indeed, passivity was one of the primary types of
,25 behavior change sought by psychiatrists when they referred their patients far frontal
26 lobotomies.

27 After extensive bilateral frontal-lobe damage such as that ·sustained by Phillipa,

28 rehabilitation may prove impossible and institutionalization inevitable. In such tragic cases,
29 family members probably suffer much more than the patiént, given the latter's lack of
30 ínsight into her changed personality. Perhaps the best a therapist can offer is counseling to
31 support the patient's family through their grief for their loss and to assist them to
32 overcome feelings of guilt so they can move on with their lives.

Ogden, J. A. (2005). Fractured minds. A case study approach to clinica/ neuropsyclio!ogy; New York:

¡~:-.; -- ~ "'·
\~ ~\ FORMA
J -
~ i

- ----- " ------ -- -···~- --- . - . ..

. . ----- -
, ~-- ._JJ.~z_c1c!iv_a _ - . ··- J Voz:p_asiva _ .

I_ ~r.~s~l'l~ Simple - --- ___ _ ;jl:ie w,r~t~~-a_ pal?er._ j A paper is written. _ _

1 -~ ast -~in1ple_ - .. l H~ '!"/íOtE: _a_ p11p_e~. ___
1A pape~ v,¡as v,.,ritten.
JPres~nt_f»erfe_ct _ _J !""le h_as -,.¡ri~!~n a paper. ·- :I A pap_E!r has_been written.
1 F_1Jture_Sir:np~e___
.. ·- J.!""l_e will 'Nrite a paper. 1 A pap~r will be written.
:¡ A paper had been written.

1 Past Perfect 1 He had written a paper.

1 ···- ·-··
·----- - - -
_'I _He is v,¡ri!i~~ il_ l?~per. ___-
-•··•-•-· ·- - •-- - 1 A, paper is being written.
l_~a_5-t _Co_n~i11u~us _ -- . - _d.ti~ w~~_wri~i11g ~ paper. 1 A paper was bein~ written.

I_ r;::!~ _+ b,e. _+ p~~- p_as.) J-~: ~~~~;nJ~eªa::~;!;. :¡ ft:..A paper may be written.
pap~r must be written.

Propósito de Lectura: Leer una historia de caso para
hacer un diagnóstico.

Al finalizar la Guía, Ud. habrá puesto en práctica los

siguientes contenidos gramaticales:
t1 Tiempo verbal: Past Perfec1

1. Algunas de las siguientes palabras/frases resumen el contenido de cada uno

de los pérrafos que componen eltexto a continuación.
Léalo en forma global; luego, complete los espacios en blanco. con la palabra o
la frase correspondiente.

a- Development and family history of the patient

b- Formulation
e- Overview of the case
d- Presentation
e- Treatment

~ ¿Qué palabra/s fueron de ayuda para completar esta actividad?

r-· -------------------


~--------------------~ ·11
: : 12
: 13

: 14
~-------------------- 15
26 having. taken sorne .LSD_ and _sm.oked _can na bis fairly regularly over a six-
27 mbrith •- périÓd. ,·He liad. found. thé previous· three -n,onths _at coUege -
28 an'
diffiéult'arid tíad: inténsefear of exam fáilure: - -- - -

30 -Juliari preserited With ;delusions/ halluciriations arid disorganised speech.

31 He wás-réluctant to· be interviewed because he believed he h(;ld urgent
32 business to atte11q t9 in Holland.- He explained ·that' his patt) was to the
33 east'where he Was :bein~{·called. by'an ·unknown source. Héknew this
1 1
1 1 34 beca use ottt}e. sign_ he had seeri thaf mo_rning ·• when, _out jogg11ig. The _
L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ 1
35 waythe wheel 'qf. the.
qlcj: t~it c~úght,thffsúhlight'and made ctpattei-n -
36 cm the wall; he·: interpretep ¡as' a dear, sign: foí him .to.: go. "fÍ/hen he
37 questioned·th.is{id~a/·a,:_dear•authoritativé voice·said :that'.hefshou!d"
38 . le~vé;,at ◊11.ce:·. W,hen' A~k~cl
:fo~:co'ntiriµ(:{ _ ~it"s,tóry,, bloc:l<~~-and·• . h~--.h~d;
39 . lostthf tbiead;pfwhc1( he'waif:~ayiflg. tte._began·to -gigglé::He said'that'é

1 1 46
1 1
1 48
1 1
L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____ I

1 1 52
1 1
1 53
1 1

~ · - - - - - - - ., - - - - - - - - 1

2. Lea el primer párrafo del texto en forma específica para ORDENAR las
acciones a continuación, según ocurrieron:

a-Comportarse en forma extraña □

b-Desaprobar exámenes □
e-Salir a trotar y no volver a casa □
d-Ser derivado a un clínico □
e- Vivir en Londres □
f- Volver a la casa paterna □
- ~ • • • • - • - - • - - • - • ~ • - - - , - , , r - • - • • • • ••--~••rn-,,-•---•••-• ,. •~ -••••-•-~•••-••••-•~•-• ~-•-••-•-• •-----••-------• ••'- ••••.- - -••--~-•••-•--•~•,• • ••••• •~•~-••e~,-••

3. Lea el segundo párrafo del texto en forma específica para completar las
siguientes actividades:

a- Describir la personalidad del padre de Julian.

·················································. ··························································································

b- Describir la personalidad de la madre de Julian .

. .

e- Describir, en forma breve, el desarrollo del paciente y su historia familiar.

4. Lea el tercer párrafo del texto en forma específica para decidir si los
siguientes enunciados son verdaderos (V) o falsos (F). Corrija los falsos (en
español). Indique los renglones donde encontró la información.

1. Julian presentaba la siguiente sintomatología:

delirios, alucinaciones y alteraciones del sueño.


2. Julian fue reacio a ser entrevistado.


3. Julian manifestó haber percibido una voz que le

decía qué hacer.


4: Julian comparó sus sensaciones con los efectos que

produce el alcohol.



. 5. Observe los siguientes ejemplos extraídos del texto. Luego, res¡ponda las

a) Julian had failed his exams and carne home

~ ¿Qué acción ocurrió primero en la vida de Julian: desaprobar Jos exámenes o ir a

su casa?

b) Julian explained that his path was to the east ( ... ) He knew this because of the sign
he had seen that morning when out jogging.

~ ¿Qué hizo Julian primero: explicar que su camino era hacia el este o ver el signo
que le indicaba ese camino?

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre esas acciones?

¿Qué equivalente en español daría de las acciones resaltadas?

Julian hª.d. .f.ª.U~.d. his exams and f.ª.m~. home ( ...)
\.,_______ _____,)
_.Y. . .,
¡ 1 l
1................. 1


. . :v;
ii 2
,,) ______
~~P.ltln.e.d. that hls path was to the east ( ... )

He .kn~:w. this because of the sign he ~.d. .$..e.~n that morning when out jogging../

6. Identifique qué acción ocurrió en primer lugar y qué acción ocurrió en
segundo lugar.

2 1
When asked to continue his story, he had blocked and /ost the thread of what he
was saying. ( 38-39)

a) Later he said that he had tO"go soon because people would try to prevent him. He

had heard them talking about him the day befare. ( 40-42)

b) They had tried to put bad ideas into his head. He described being frightened by

this ( ...) (42-43)

7. Complete el siguiente cuadro, según la información del texto:



8. Los siguientes textos listan las características clínicas de dos
trastornos diferentes. Según la sintomatología y el comportamiento de
Julian, ¿cuál de los dos:trastornos padece? _

Clinical Features of Depression Clinical Features of Schizophrenia

1:1 Perceptual bias towards negative events u Breakdown in perceptual selectivity

1:1 Mood-congruent hallucinations u Hallucinations
t1 Negative view of self, world and füture t1 Formal thought disorder
t1 Excessive guilt u Delusions
1:1 Suicida! ideation a Impaired judgement and reality testing
1:1 Mood-congruent delusions a Confused sense of self
1:1 Cognitive distortions u Inappropriate aff~ct-
1:1 Inability to concentrate u Flattened affect and impove~ished affect
t1 Depressed mood n Postpsychotic depresion
t1 Inability to experience pleasure tt Prodromal sleep disturbance
t1 Irritable mood a Prodroma1 impulsivity
1:1 Anxiety and apprehension u Impaired goal-directed ·behaviour
t1 Psychomotor retardation or agitation a Catatonia, negativism and mutism
1:1 Fatigue a Poor school or work performance
t1 Disturbance of sleep u Withdrawal from peer relationships
t1 Aches and pains _ a Deterioration in family relationships
t1 Loss of appetite or overeatihg
t1 Diurna!" variation of mood
t1 Loss of interest in sex
1:1 Deterioration in family relationships
1:1 Withdrawal from peer relationships From Carr, A. (2001). Abnormal psychology. East Sussex:
Psychology Press. pp. 83-111

9. Finalmente, ¿está de acuerdo con el tratamiento que recibió Julian?

1O. Extraiga de la tabla del ejercicio anterior los equivalentes en inglés

de las siguientes palabras / frases.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '1.,
1) alucinaciones
2) delirios
3) estado de ánimo depresivo
4) -alteraciones del sueño
5) dolores y molestias
6) alejamiento
7) colapso/crisis
8) juicio deteriorado
9) sesgos perceptivos

-•-----•••-•••· ~·-- T~----••--•• •---•-· •••••~•~--•••-•••-•n-••- ••• • • • - - • • - • - • • • • • - • • • - - - - • - • • • • -••----•••••-•·-~-•- --•••• ••••-•-•-••• - • - ••••-•••--••••• •• • - . . •·

Recuerde extraer las palabras, frases y términos que considere
importantes de esta guía para, luego, volcarlos en su glosario. Por
ejemplo: mood-congruent hal/ucinations

A continuación encontrará un texto extra que puede utilizar

~ a

como práctica complementaria de lectura.

A •.


The term borderline has a long and confusing history. Many years ago, border/ine referred
to a condition that was thought to exist on the "border" between psychotic and neurotic
states. This meant that individuals with borderline disorders were experiencing a sort of mild
schizophrenia. Psychologists no longer use the term borderline in the same way. In fact, what
- used to be thought of as borderline is now considered to be schizotypal personality disorder.
Today, borderline personality disorder (BPD) is the most common personality disorder
encountered by clinicians. It is marked primarily by. instability of moods, self-image, and
interpersonal relationships. Someone with BPD wants clase and meaningful relationships.
Unfartunately, their unpredictable behavior can push others away. Because someone with BPD
is oft:en moody, needy, and demanding, they can be very difficult friends ar partners.


Lynne is a_ 30-year-old nurse who was brought to the hospital· after her most recent suicide
attempt. Her family has all but given up on her, and no one comes to vlsit her in the hospital
anymore. Her mother says that this is the eleventh time that Lynne has been taken to the
hospital, this time far swallowing a bottle of Tylenol®. "This wasn't far real," her mother tells
the doctor. "lf it was serious, she would have taken the prescription pain killers like she did last

Lynne has been married twice and divorced once. Her second husband left her and has not
contacted her far six months. Even though she is technically married, she has a new boyfriend,
Kevin; whom she met six weeks ago through an Internet dating site. Kevin left to go camping
with sorne friends, which may have triggered this most recent suicide attempt. Lynne has no
way ~o contact Kevin, since he doesn't have cell phone reception where he is camping. She is
angry and feels isolated and believes she has no way of conveying her loneliness. "I have
always felt alone and empty," Lynne tells her therapist. "As long as I can remember I kept
trying different things to find myself, but all I find is disappointment. I think 111 be happy once I
meet my soul mate. So far, I haven't had much luck, but I think Kevin could be the one. Well,

he could have been, if he hadn't been so selfish to just take off with his friends with no concern
far my feelings."

Lynne reports a pattern of relationship failures in which every man she has dated has
disappointed· her. Each relationship qegins as a great romance, and then is filled with
arguments that sometimes turn physical. Severa! times in each relationship, Lynne has either
started cutting herself or has attempted suicide. Every man she has dated has visited her in the
~ospital, and that's when she feels the most secure.

Because of her frequent depression and suicide attempts, it took Lynne nine years to finish
nursing school. She also dropped out of school three times to try different careers. Once she
joined a band as a singer and traveled around the southwestern United States playing in small
bars. Another time, she decided she wanted to be a teacher and began working at a preschool.
When that no longer interested her, she decided to take up painting, After she received sorne
lukewarm feedback on sorne of her work, she decided that the art teacher didn't like her and
dropped out of the class. After severa! years of floating from job to job, she became a nurse at
a local hospital. Unfortunately, it has been difficult to keep a steady job ata hospital with all of
the "mental health days" she takes. If she doesn't get out of the psychiatric hospital soon, she
will most likely lose her current job.

From Barnett Veague, H. (2007). Personalitydisorders. New York: Infobase Publishing.


Tabla de conjugación de un verbo regular

1 1 Afirm~tiyo _ . '! Negativo _ Dnterrogativo

1. :1 _Long fo~m ,,-1S-h-_o_rt
___fo_r_m___ ,~:e==~~=-~=5t=':"~=,i=:r=;:~~:=:t~=~~=i~=:-,1c=,D~•=i !Gj~~~0;:;c_;_=:t~!f:°i:z+'cI,,?,_~~"'~'~7
L~º P.S. l I had yi,élit!:ld_ _ . •I l'd waited l_l hadn't wciited I Had I waited?
l 2° f>.S. J You tiad vvc:ttted 1'(qu'c:J waited .-1Y-_o_u_h
__a-d-n-'t_w_a-ite_d____ -¡ Had I waited?
He had waited / • He'd waited / : He hadn't waited / Had he waited? / Had she
She had waited ; She'd waited / : She hadn't waited / lt waitéd? / Had it waited?
_ _ .. ___ / ltl}al:f wc1ited ___ • _1t:d waiJed hadn'twaited
L1~-~--P~ :[,we had ~i~ed _ _ 'iW~'d \Naited _. [! W_e ha~n't waited 1 Had we waited?
l 2~ P.P~ :1 )'ou ~act,_waitl:ld lYC)u'd wa_ited _ lYou hadn't waited 1 Had you waited?
1 3° P.P ¡j T_hey hcid'vVait~d HThey'd waited :¡ They_hadn't\i_vaited 1 Had they waited?
Propósitos de Lectura:

u Completar una tabla que resume el contenido del texto.

u Responder preguntas sobre el texto.

Al finalizar la Guía, Ud. habrá puesto en práctica los siguientes contenidos


o Tiempo verbal "Present Perfect".

o Diferentes funciones de la terminación -ing.
o Repaso de conectores.

1. Observe la siguiente 1magen para responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿a qué

movimiento social representa?

2. El objetivo de este ejercicio de pre-lectura es activar sus conocimientos previos

s_obre el surgimiento del feminismo en Estados Unidos. Elija la respuesta correcta
para /cada una de las preguntas/oraciones. Luego, controle sus respuestas leyendo
el texto extra que se encuentra al final de esta guía.·
l. ¿En qué año las mujeres obtuvieron el derecho al ejercicio del voto en los Estados Unidos?

O a. En 1910.
O b. En 1920.
O c. En 1930.
t-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·· .··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·t
2. La primera ola del movimiento feminista en los Estados Unidos está marcada por:

O a. el comienzo de la segunda guerra mundial.

O b. la primera convención sobre derechos de las mujeres en 1848.
O c. la publicación del libro "La Mística Femenina" en 1963.

3. ¿En qué.año se estableció oficialmente el campo de la psicología feminista?

O a. Fines de 1960 y comienzos de los 70.

O b. Fines de 1950 y comienzo de los 60.
O c. Fines de 1970 y comienzo de los 80.
L-·-··-··-··-··-··-··-•·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··----··-··-··-··-··. ··-··-··----··-··-··-··----··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·J
48 example, studies of childcare and child rearing have facused on what the changing roles of
49 women and men could mean far how children are brought up, not whether day care is good
50 or bad far children. Other lines of research examine how women's identities and relationship
51 to mothering have developed and changed in this context and how heterosexual couples
52 negotiate gender meanings in relationships. As the Nordic cóuntries experience increasing
53 levels of immigration and multiculturalism, feminist researchers are also addressing how
54 meanings of gender and ethnicity are negotiated and how "othering" and hybridization
55 operate in a society in which the majority position is often unmarked and invisible.•

56 By way of contrast, and to further demonstrate the importance of context in understanding

57 the development of psychology, feminist psychologists in India concentrate on severa! issues
58 arising out of persistent problems in Indian society. As feminist psychologist Vindhya
59 Ündurtihas noted, social science researchers in postindependence India identified "poverty
60 . and deprivation, discrimination and inequalities based on caste, r,eligion, region and gender,
61 and the periodic eruption of conflict.between the communal groups based on fundamentalist
62 ideologies" (Undurti, 2007, p. 337) as sorne of the persistent problems of Indian society that
63 social scientists must address. The development of feminist psychology was affected by the
64 colonial legacy that has colored mainstream Indian psychology until challenges to this
65 Western model began to emerge in the 1970s. This challehge to the dominant model and
66 the call far indigenous psychologies did not immediately include sensitivity to gender, and to
67 this day the more critica!, activist work concerning women is performed not in academic
68 Psychology but in women's studies. Nonetheless, Undurti has identified three major themes
69 in psychological research on gender in India: work-family linkages, women's mental health,
70 and violence against women. In the latter category, although violence againsf'women can
71 take many forms, much Indian research has facused on domestic violence and its .
72 relationship to a culture of male entitlement, wherein violence in the marital relationship is
73 largely tacitly accepted. Precipitating factors appear to be economic (e.g., demands for
74 dowry and extended dowry), as well as cultural (e.g., perceived deficiencies in carrying out
75 the responsibilities and obligations of the "good wife," sexual control of wives, and stresses
76 resulting from joint-family situations).

From: Pickren, W. E. & Rutherford, A. (2010). A History of modern psychology in context. New
Jersey: Wilev. oo. 277-279. ·


4. Lea los siguientes fragmentos para responder las preguntas a


.Lib~r~Íé .:f;~\~l~;'.º:~~~?~~e~ ~.~~it~ .

a. Preste atención al verbo has en ambos fragmentos. ¿Usaría el mismo equivalente en
español en los dos fragmentos? ¿Usaría el verbo tener o usaría el verbo haber (auxiliar)
como equivalente?

b. ¿Qué diferencia/similitud puede advertir entre los ejemplos 3 y 4? ¿Corresponden ambos

ejemplos al mismo tiempo verbal o a un tiempo verbal distinto?

c. Teniendo en cuenta los verbos resaltados del segundo fragmento, icuál de las siguientes
afirmaciones es la correcta?

□ Los verbos se encuentran en tiempo presente.

□ Los verbos denotan una acción que ocurrió en el pasado.
□ Los verbos denotan una acción que comenzó o sucedió en el pasado y sus
consecuencias pueden advertirse en el presente o esta acción continúa en el

4. Chrlstlne Ladd-Franklln (1847-1930) y Hellen Thompson Walley (1874-1947) fueron psicólogas
feministas que defendían:

□ a. los derechos de las mujeres.

D b. los derechos de las mujeres negras.
D c. los derechos de las esclavas negras.
5. El 26 de agosto de 1970 un grupo de mujeres feministas estadounidenses convocó a un¡¡ Huelga de
Mujeres por la Igualdad en Nueva York en la cual demandaban:

□ a. igualdad de oportunidades en educación y trabajo.

□ b. aborto legal y seguro.
O c. igualdad de oportunidades en educación y trabajo, aborto legal y seguro, participación equitativa
en política y costo accesibles para el cuidado de sus hijos.

3. Lea el texto en forma global para determinar en qué párrafo se

encuentran las siguientes ideas. Luego, responda la pregunta a
continuación de la tabla.

1. Psicología feminista en los países nórdicos; objetivos de esta corriente y su
relación con el estado/Qobierno.
... •
2. Enfoque de la psicología feminista en la India.

3. Influencia del contexto político y social en las corrientes psicológicas.

4. Influencia del modelo occidental en el desarrollo de la psicología feminista en la.
India y conflictos con este modelo.
5. Psicología feminista en los Estados Unidos: objetivos; crítica y respuesta de otros
grupos feministas.
6. Temas principales de investigación sobre género en la India.

7. Investigación feminista en psicología y sociología en los países nórdicos.

¿Qué tema se trata en el párrafo no mencionado?


·······••,•·················································································································· ..... . ;

,. ,,,,
···················· ............................................................................................................... t.···\


2 American feminist psychology has been heavily imbued with the values of Diberal feminism,
3 ·whose majar goal has been to ensure equality between women and men under the law.
4 Liberal feminists tend to deemphasize the differences among women along ethnic, religious,
5 and class lines in arder to prioritize gender and create a "global sisterhood." Liberal

6 feminism has been critiqued by feminists of color far adopting a false essentialism and
7 universalism. They have responded by developing other theoretical frames such as
8 multiracial feminism and U.S. Third World feminism, positioning feminists of color as
9 "outsiders within" and practicing a farm of "oppositional consciousness." However, despite
10 these important developments, much of American feminist psychology to date has facused
11 on the barriers to achieving equality far women, and the putative differen<:es between men
12 and women, and comparatively less on the differences among women or the interaction of
13 gender with other social and political formations, as we just noted.

14 As we have discussed throughout this book, the social and political contexts in which
15 psychology is developed heavily influence what kind of psychology is produced and what
16 goals it serves. The same is true far feminist psychology. Thus, we would expect that
-17 variations in dominant feminist ideologies and politkal trajectories far women, and diversity
18 in the issues facing them, would influence the contours and content of feminist psychology
19 a_s it is developed aráund the world. Although the dominant historical narrative in this
20 chapter has been the evolution of American feminist psychology, other countries have had
_21 decidedly different narratives.

22 In Britain, far example, socialist feminism has been a dominant strain of both feminist
23 theory and practice. In_ socialist feminism, to simplify considerably, women's oppression and
24 struggles are tied to the class oppression inherent in capitalism. Just as capitalism operates
25 by keeping the working class subjugated to the ruling class, so too does it operate to keep
26 women subjugated. Class struggles and women's struggles are thus seen as interconnected:
27 Building class consciousness and building women's collective consciousness are linked. Thus,
28 in Britain, feminists were often allied with leftist movements, and this has colored the
29 writings and concerns of many feminist psychologists.

30 In the Nordic _countries, socialist feminism and radical feminism have coexisted. In radical
31 feminism, women's oppression by men is seen as the root of ali oppression; that is, men's
32 domination of women is viewed as the primary and most universal form of oppression.
33 Working to dismantle patriarchy, male violence against women, and traditional gender roles
34 .are ali important goals. In the Nordic countries, feminist groups established in the late 19th
35 century have remained continuously active and have typically worked in partnership with the
36 stéite, rather than in opposition to it. At the end of World War II, the Nordic countries wére
37 overseen by Labour parties that worked to transform the daily lives of workers. Included in
38 this set of initiatives was an effort to increase the public participation of women by offering
39 them greater access· to eduéation and paid work. Several feminist social -scientists were
40 actively involved in the Labour Party and participated in the planning of social and political
41 refarms that would affect women's lives. Much feminist research in· psychology and
42 sociology thus concerned women's roles in the workplace and their roles in the family, and
43 conceptualized sex differentiation as based largely on cultural expectations and socialization
44 processes. Policies resulting from this research supported the transformation of social and
45 economic structures to allow both women and men access to the processes of both
46 economic and social production.

47 The · contours of feminist research in Nordic psychology today reflect these roots. For

5. Lea en forma detallada el primer párrafo del texto para responder las siguientes
preguntas. Indique renglones de referencia. Luego, subraye los ejemplos del tiempo
verbal Present Perfect en los fragmentos del texto que utiliza para responder.

a. ¿Con qué movimiento feminista· se· identifica la psicología feminista en Estados

Unidos y cuál es su objetivo principal?

Renglones: ..................... .

· · :·b. ¿Qué ha sucedido con el movimiento feminista liberal?

',,\' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •.• • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ ••••••••• ■ •••••••••••••••

Renglones: ..................... .

c. ¿Cómo han respondido las feministas negras?


Renglones:·.·•······• ........•....

d. ¿En qué aspecto se ha concentrado la psicología feminista en ~stados Uni9os

hasta ahora?
······················ . ················································ . ··············· .............................................
·······························••.•······ . ································ ............................................................. .

Renglones: ..................... .


6. Lea los siguientes fragmentos del texto para resolver las actividades a continuación
de los mismos .
.................................................................................................... ......................................................................................... .

r·FRÁGMENTO 1 _, - e-; .. _·,_ ..-:: ," •f' , ...·...· _,_

• ,·:,'1-· ;~":/'a.'··,•,;·~.:-,'<-.,;,,,-~_._·-.. ·,-

1·.,,¡j~:~a1.:.feminid. -iJcia1·. ~ci~h~¡~~;'~~r~:•~~i~1~~,:;~iJ1.t~;{¡i:th:·. L3b~ur;Paity ·•~rid •. J~~ici~~tiJ;'.~;(t~i:.·


Lplan11!i:1g·~f sod~Í andpoliticai t~forrjis.ttli:1~:-:w~Gíci afféct:Worperi's !Jvé~C (~;39-,41)" ·. ·•: - - ..·(:;..·,./

~.•>) '•,·~ .·.,·•.··· · ··- . ':<.,_~.:i_.·_:::~:-:.s•:l(/'·7•<-·:_: S,'./',·•:(';.::~', •·; '·· ·' ', ,· ~ ·,: --(. , ~ :

a. ¿En qué estaban involucrados varios científicos sociales feministas y en qué participaron?

b. ¿Qué equivalente en español utilizó para la palabra "planning'': planeando, planear,

planificación o planes?

~ ·' ·::'".: __ 1_ -. ! •;':. ' . : 1 -"-. ,_ -~-- ·: :._·.i'.,_;·;·-.~-'-" . ·-,(·.,;; ~>·· __ ,_¡ ,. ', ;- ¡ S· :-:\ J_ 1 JI

1 : .• . ' .·,' ·.· ' :' .. .
FiiGMENTO 2-·~J<;. i:t,,•, ./·_.~~;.:i.~.:_.f:::,.::.:
,'•-; - ~ - ~- -
_ \~·~;=} "\}/t(~--:.~': ·:-.:;·,-'_·~~~~->~ .·/_!/~~; ::~}~::,
'-i'.',.· -
:\· -~~ ,<t,,:--i<',__~,
f.-.:.:.~.t_'._~_---~--,·;·(•·~:~---;.-_;__.~_::_,_~ .

\•:r. :.\· ó::•. f:C::rf~\,~}/'.6,u,,;;.',·,1;:•¡ ~;. ;/: ,;_;,J<;:;· <Y{,::·;_'·.:..'.iJ//·,; ! :(º;·?;~:J;/,J;1>i i.:f'.,·,,;;,::, .,_: \~;'.
i· Preéipitating factqrsáppeá(hfbe écónortiic, (e.g;í:deman'dsfor dowry·árfd éxtenaed· dowry); "as ,weü·
¡:;as :cultu'ráí e:g;'; ·,percéivédi~efidericjes: in.-:~rrying:,,oÚ( the:·:respóns.ib)ÍÍtiéi;ari,ct''obÍi~iatlo~s ·oflhe
¡ (

ii~:;''goód' _wifét· • ·- o(w1ves)_~hd

.. 'ét>~trol
_-- .séxu~I '-~: . sfr~sies:resultÍiÍg,;--t{J:</~·~j~~:~~.'
fronj ja1nt-fi1mUy§itu~tioris).
"•.~:-(.·.~-'. 1
(r.· '73~76);_ :\?
.:-: r,:. •·-_/;. - .~ . l "\;_- ·-r:·• . '

:--;-" -~_-.,

a. Teniendo en cuenta el fragmento 2, complete la siguiente idea.

Los factores parecen ser (por ejemplo.

················································· ...............................................................................................................................)
así como ......................................... (por ejemplo ........................................................................... :................... .

..................................................................................................................................................................... , ........................................................................................................................................... .

b. ¿Qué equivalente eligió para la palabra "precipitating"? Compare su respuesta con un

········································ . ····································· ........................................................... .

~--.·················~.:·~---~-':'-······························••.•··~-~~---······--···· . ~- .. ••. . . . . - . ' .

·;.·_ :-:.)~·,,/.-:.:.·__ ~ -,:.-_ · :'_:·:::~, '_.-.\ >- , ·. /
E:::_:. - . --- - - - ·. . - . . . i.

r uilfve'5.alism/(i. á-7) ' . . . . .. ··• .. · ...· ·•. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..

·<> -< -•. t;::.:.·;1. :-·:,:~·:.\ .~~-;. -.··., ,__ ,::- <-~ .--~---. .··. ·_.
. ·:- . · _· _:- .· ._. _: ·:__ , .·, ·:- ·' .- ., :• . ·_:
~- ;\. -: ,-: ·:_\-~= .:.
Liberal Jerninisril: has been. critiqüedCbY. fen:iinists of color far adopting. a false essentialism and

Elija el equivalente en ~spañol correcto para el fragmento anterior.

□ El feminismo liberal ha sido criticado por las feministas negras adoptando un universalismo
y _existencialismo falso.

□ El feminismo liberal critica a las feministas negrc~s por adoptar un universalismo y

existencialismo falso.

□ El feminismo liberal ha sido criticado por las feministas negras por adoptar un universalismo
y existencialismo falso.

=: ·. ~; . '. .'.. . .· - . - . - ' . - - ' . ' - ... ' . . ' .

. ;_,f_~-'-<;r: -?,.r=~-,:-. ~ :.-:
1. ' . . ' • .
·: _.-: _ :' ·-.
: :- .-- ' --~-- ·:· ~j; :.::·_:;..~;:- .'. :·;::~ :,:...: _. -- ---..

¡; F~G~.E,w?:'tiE°)/\,u _. _:, ._·;.,:;l~;

,,, .

· ,. -· ,--"-,;.•:)•--:,:'' ·. ¡,· ' ,.::~; t-rf~·:·~ ~:: ...:.-:'':_.:·•_·, ...-- ~--•-,,~---··/.;·: --~.-:-._:·~_~:.
: =:-:~~ - ~-:-;. ::.::\r*~-f-~·~i-:·+·-: ~; ~~;-- -.. -

Responda las siguientes preguntas.

a. ¿Qué idea es verdadera también para la psicología feminista? ¿Qué consecuencia tiene

b. ¿Qué equivalente en español utilizó para la palabra "facíng''?

c. Si la desconocía, ¿cómo la buscó en el diccionario?

a. ¿Qué es lo que experimentan los países nórdicos?

····································································· .............................................................. .
.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ •••••••••• ■ •• ■ ••••••••••• ■ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ■ •• ■ •••••••••••• ■ ••••••••• ■ •• ■ ••••••••••••••••••• ■ ••••••••••••••

b. ¿,Qué acc1on están llevando a cabo las investigadoras feministas a partir de la

experiencia de los países nórdicos?

_. ................... .................................................................................................................

·································· . ··························· .................................................................... .

7. . Siguiendo la explicación anterior y lo realizado en el ejercicio 5, elija el equivalente
correcto para las palabras terminadas en -ing (resaltadas y subrayadas en cada

a. Thus, in Britain, feminists were often allied with leftist movements, and this has colored the writings and
concerns of many feminist psychologists. (r. 27-29)

1. escribiendo 2. las escrituras 3. escribir 4. escritos

· b. other lfnes of research examine how women's ·identitles and relatlonship to mothering have developed
and changed in this context and how heterosexual couples negotiate gender. meanings in relatlonships. (50-

1. maternidad 2. madre _3. materno 4. maternal

1. significar 2. significativo 3. los significados .4. significa

<;, Workinq to dismantle patriarchy, male violence against women, and traditional gender roles cJre ali
important goals. (r. 33-34)

1. trabajar 2. trabajando 3. trabajo 4. laborales

d. However, despite these important developments, much of American feminist psychology to date has
focused on the barriers to achieving equality for women ... (r. 9-11)

l 1. logro 12. lograr 13. logrando l. 4. logrado

e. As the Nordic countries experience increasing levels .of immigration and multiculturalism, feminist
researchers afe also addressing how meanings of gender and ethnicity are negotiated and how "othering"
and hybridization operate in a society in which the majority position is often unmarked and invisible. (52-55)

1. incremento 2. incrementando 3. mayores 4. incrementados

8. Escriba el equivalente en español de las frases subrayadas qe cada oración.

Policies resliltiii
:auáw b~th worti .
n-Íen 5 tould, mea·n fór hów child - ,_ .
- - -.·;, ' • _. • ' . - - ·-- ¡ . - . .- \ .':-_'. ·:\~.?f.(::i;
.<- .·, ;:·~-
9. Lea las siguientes oraciones extraídas del texto para determinar cuáles de las
siguientes afirmaciones son verdaderas.

a. En las oraciones, las palabras resaltadas terminadas en -ing están precedidas por una
preposición que indica modo o manera de realizar algo. □

b. En las oraciones, las palabras resaltadas terminadas en -ing están precedidas por una
preposición que indica lugar. □

c. En las oraciones, las palabras resaltadas terminadas en -ing funcionan carpo adjetivos.

d. En estas oraciones, la terminación -ing puede asociarse a la terminación -ando/-endo en
español. □

Just as capitalism operates by keeping the·working class subjugated to the ruling class, so too does it
: operateto keepwomen subjugated. (r. 24-26) •.
:- _;,,;:ii; ·t.~':';:_y~¿._:;.~--- ~:~·, {/(:;:_,•-i:<:::,j"'-- .-. -- ~---:.' - {~i'-'.,,;a~-:~~;(::J::~)c;;~y/:r-.,;_~~...:¿:5/::-.::;..···

a. Elija el equivalente correcto para la primera oración.

□ 1. Del mismo modo que el capitalismo funciona con el mantenimiento de la clase

trabajadora subyugada a la clase dominante lo hace también para mantener a !as mujeres

□ 2. Así como el capitalismo funciona manteniendo la clase trabajadora subyugada a la clase

dominante también lo hace para mantener a las mujeres subyugadas.

□ 3. _Sólo así el capitaiismo funciona por manteniendo la clase trabajadora subyugada a la

clase dominante entonces también ésta realiza para mantener a las mujeres subyugadas.

b. Escriba el equivalente en español de la segunda oración.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I ■ 1 1 1 I 1 1 ■ I I I ■ " 1 I ■ 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .a I 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 o ■ ■ ■ •,. ■ .~ O I ■

--- .. --
9. A modo de cierre, lea en forma detallada el texto para completar el siguiente
cuadro con información del texto.




~ ' : / ' 1





r:i:11 O. En las siguientes oraciones/fragmentos extraldos del texto encontrará
~ palabras resaltadas. Trabaje con esas palabras de la sigúiente manera:

a. intente inferir su significado de acu·erdo al contexto.

b. determine su función gramatical.

c. búsquelas en el diccionario_ y determine su significado según el contexto.

Compare esta respuesta con la que usted dio según su. inferencia.

Luego, con un compañero o en grupo _discuta sobre lo siguiente:.

• ¿Qué dificultades encontró en este proceso?

• ¿Pudo resolver esas dificultades? Si pudo, ¿cómo lo logró?

i. However, despite these important developments, much of American feminist psychology to date has
focused on the ·barriers to achievinq equality far women, and the putative differences between
men and women, and comparatively less on the differences among women or the interaction of
gender with other social and political formations, as we just noted. (9-13)

ii. As we have discussed throl.Jghout this book, the social and political contexts in which psychology is
developed heavily influence what kind of psychology is produced and what goals it serves. (14-16)

iii. Thus, we would expect that variations in dominant feminist ideologies and political trajectories far
women, and diversity in the issues facing them, would influence the contours and content _of
feminist psych~logy as it is developed around the world. (16-19)

iv. In socialist feminism, to simplify considerably, women's oppression and struqqles are tied to the
class oppression inherent in capitalism. (23-24)

v. Thus, in Britain, feminists were often allied with leftist movements, and this has colored the
writings and concerns of many feminist psychologists. (27-28)

vi. In radical feminism, women's oppression by men is seen as the root of ali oppression; that is, men's
dominatiori of women is viewed as the primary and most universal form of oppression.(30-32)

vii. Much feminist research in psychology and sociology thus concerned women's roles in the
workplace. and their roles in the family, and conceptualized sex differentiation as based largely on
cultural expectations and socialization processes. Policies resulting from this research supported
~he transformation ·ot social and economic structures to allow both women .and men access to the
processes of both economic and social production. (41-46)

viii. As the Nordic countries experience increasing levels of immigration and multiculturalism, feminist
researchers are also addressinq how meanings of gender and. ethnic:ity are negotiated and how
"otherinq" and hybridization operate in a society in which the inajority position is often unmarked
and invisible.(52-55)

, ., · ix. By way of contrast, and to furthér demonstrate the importance of context in understanding the
development of psychology, feminist psycholo·gists in India concentrate on several issues arisinq
out of persistent problems in Indian society.(56-58)

x. The development of feminist psychology was affected by the colonial ·legacy that has colored
mainstream Indian psychology untíl challenges to this Western model began to emerge in the

.¡..Ji I
Recuerde extraer las palabras, frases y términos que conslde.re importantes de esta
guía para, luego, incorporarlos en su glosario. Por ejemplo: mainstream
-_-···· ':, psycho/ogy .

11. REPASO DE CONECTORES. Lea los siguientes fragmentos para responder las
preguntas a continuación.
nLiberakJer:ninists:;t~d;::tc;u;deem¡;¡ha · .e·;differ:enc~s!famonncwc;i . '
gf~~,?~:'.:Jlf:/';<';i,~,¡¡'!1-;W;1r,i,;';',,\-íF.,%Í'l:~'1;:t•w.-,"'~1/·t _ .i:21'-~~l·-~<-~;?.-,¡B:-Hi'.0:i:"""'i'~tl:-'N'J'•
t111+~~19zP.Da~~t~2sw!~f!1!~J2f11; -... ,..,,Ji~~J9!'.l~!L'§1~~~w11ººi&iJff7~-~-_,_,
a. ¿Qué tipo de relación entre las ideas establece la palabra resaltada?
b. Escriba, en español, las dos ideas relacionadas.

Idea 1: ........................................................................................_............................... .
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ ....................................... .

Idea 2: ._ .......................................................................... , ........................................... .


lf&P9&®t!lllit. . ·
a. ¿Qué tipo de relación entre las ideas establece la palabra resaltada?
b. Escriba, en español, las dos ideas relacionadas.

Idea 1: ........................................................................................................................

Idea 2: ........................................................................................................................
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • ■ • •

a: ¿Qué tipo de relación entre las ideas establece la palabra resaltada?

b. Escriba, en español, las dos ideas relacionadas.

Idea 1: . ........................ -. .............................................................................................. .

.................................................................................................................................... . -

Idea 2: ........................................................................................................................

a. ¿Qué tipo de relación entre las ideas establece la palabra resaltada?

b. Escriba, en español; las dos ideas relacionadas.

Idea 1: .... : .................................................................................................................. .

Idea 2: .... : .................................................................................................................. .

a. ¿Qué palabra/frase indica una relación lógica de aclaración?

········· . ······················································ . ··········································-························

b. Escriba, en español, las dos ideas relacionadas.

Idea 1: ........................................................................................................................
.......................................................................................................... ............................. . ·

Idea 2: ........................................................................................................................
............................ ........................................................................................................

a. ¿Qué palabra/frase indica una relación lógica de contraste?

......... ■ ■ ••••••••••••••••• ■ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ■ •••• ■ ••••••••• : •••••••••••• " ••••••••• ■ •••• ■ •• ■ ■ ••• ■ ■ ■ ••••• ■ • •·--: ~ • ■ • ■ •••••••• 1

b. Escriba, en español, las dos ideas relacionadas.

Idea 1: ........................................................................................................................

Idea 2: ........................................................................................................................

• l'

A continuación encontrará un texto extra que puede utilizar como práctica
complementaria de lectura.

lu bein the mi19nis to bi! j:,.:irt af'lht whole b.it ulllsidt t~main bady;
-btll huab, Fr.'1irutlhtcr;. ~ro.w flkr;,:r.ro Ct.'lt-tr; HIB4

In tht wti:ahapber, ~ 19Cplared hcw tht a-iticulani11I mavemi:nts: 1md litera ti un 51:ruggles of thi:
l':ISOsdisruph,:lglaml pc,ni:r reh!llionso!n:I ~n 1Dch11ll~1he hegunany1h11tArooimn
ps~hol1>3y md a~d inti::rnatiooally 11fu:r Ylorld W11r 11. Th!! centra ¡mition af Amtri~n, or
more bn:w.ly, Wemm, a~.hu l:eg11n ta be ~tioned by ps~holagists frum countrieso cr
groops pre\i®!li'f thaught uf as at 'lhe periprerits, a margins, af institutiam1I Pvf:hclc,gy.· in thi1
period. Thi1 chnllmr- m thi: duminant 11pprouh w:is aso being e1mrted from witb.'n /uni:ric11n
psychup;ybygroups thatwi:re, rss l'cminñ'lheuristbell hoohhnp.1tit, "pártofthi: wl-r:ile, oot
aut5Y.I: 'lh~ main body" (19HII, p. ii,:).Although hocb ~spe..ificflll!i'~scritfog'lhe
nv..rginali~tian cf l!lad: women in 'lhe di:'11:lapmtnt af fr:mini51: thwy, 1heary that .n 1he time
b-gtly rdltcttd the: e:,cperitntn cf 'pn~;fegtd women ~o livt art 1h: center" (p. x), her
,:h¡¡J?r.:tui~tian a¡:dy ~scribi!s,tht pasitian af wom1m 11nd ¡:Gychologm cf tdor in '!he disdpli~
af Ps-1chokgf in lo_mi:ric11 in the nrly 1':11:.0s- ~y YP.re in tht minurity ,1100 un the margins. 1/1,
eicplare 'lh, CM11lyth: cmllenge uf ps)'lahulugists af_ calor to Ami:ric11n ~-p,clogy in the ntKI:

1 In this chapter, we óutline how American 70 In her. book, Friedan articulated the despair of
psychology, and Psychology, has been challenged many White, middle-class women, herself
and changed by feminism and the politics of gender. among them, who were trapped by rigi9
The most profaund chang,e undoubtedly occurred in social expectations in the role of perfeci:
5 tandem with the second wave of the women's housewife and mother, with no opportunities
movement, which provided the political and 75 for personal fulfillment outside the strictures
intellectual momentum far overarching changes in of these highly circumscribed roles. Her
many areas of personal and public life. Academic ·assessment of the "problem that has no
Psychology and its institutions were no exception. In name" as she characterized the yearning far
10 this period, feminists Who were also psychologists, fulfillment beyond domesticity (Friedan,
and psychologists who became feminists used this 80 1963/1997, p. 15), resonated powerfully with
momentum to move their concerns from the a select group of women, many of whom had
periphery of the discipline to its center, effectively witnessed or experienced the opening of
staking. out a new field and a new disciplinary employment and public life during wartime
15 presence. and then promptly saw women transfarmed
85 back into divas of domesticity in the 1950s.
Although the field of feminist psychology was not This despair, combined with the powerful
officially established until the late 1960s and early. model of the civil rights movement and· the
1970s, efforts by women to break dowli sexist New Left, mobilized many women into political
barriers and undermine sexist assumptions in action by the end of the 1960s.
20 Psychology had certainly been undertaken éarlier,
indeed, since the beginning of the discipline itself. 90 On August 26, 1970, on the 50th anniversary
When Psychology was established in the late 1800s, of the constitutional amendment that gave
the long trajectory of first-wave feminism was. clase American women the right to vote, Ameritan
to its midpoint. In the United States, the beginning feminists Betty Friedan, Gloria• Steinem (b.
25 of first-wave feminism is often marked by the 1934), and Bella Abzug (1920-1998)
historie Seneca Falls Convention bf 1848, the first 95 convened the Women's Strike for Equality
women's rights convention in America. At this march on Fifth Avenue in Ne~ York City. Their
meeting, Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) mandate was clear: to continue the work left
drafted and read the Declaration of Sentiments in undone by their first-wave predecessors by
30 which she demanded equal rights for women, demanding eqUal opportunities in education
, including the right to vote. 100 and the workplace; access to safe, legal
abortion; affordable childcare; and an equal
With Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906), she founded share of political power. As Friedan wrote in
the National Woman Suffrage Association. Women's the epilogue to the 10th anniversary edition of
suffrage became a defining goal of first-wave The Feminine Mystique, "By 1970 it was
35 feminism. In 1851, at a women's rights convention 105 beginning to be clear that the women's
in Akron, Ohio, Sojourner Truth (1797-1883), a movement was the fastest-growing
former slave, gave her famous speech "Ain't I. a movement far basic social and political change
Woman," in which she demanded that her of the decade" (1963/1997, p. 389).
experience as an enslaved Black woman be
40 recognized in both the suffrage and the abolitionist Many of the women who marched down Fifth
movements. 110 Avenue on August 26 would have been
familiar with Friedan's book, which drew
In the United States, women finally won the right to heavily on psychological themes and theories,
vote in 1920 with the ratification of the 19th including psychoanalysis, which she (and
constitutional amendment, or suffrage bill. Many late many other feminists) criticized, and
45 19th- and early 20th-century American women 115 humanistic-existential psychology, which she
psychologists, such as Christine Ladd-Franklin drew upan to make the case for women's self-
(1847-1930) and Helen Thompson Woolley (1874- actualization and liberation. Friedan had been
1947), were women's rights supporters and activists. a psychology majar as an · undergraduate at
As we show later in the chapter, it was not until the Smith College and had _considered pursuing ·
50 1970s that their contributions to psychology, let 120 graduate studies in the fiel d. Although shé 'did
alone their feminist convictions, were rediscovered not become a psychologist, her thinking ~nd
and written into historical accounts. The emergence her writing were heavily influenced by 'the
of a women's. history of psychology was part of the psychological theories that she had . learned
feminist challenge to the larger discipline and about and that infused popular culture in this
55 continues to this day. 125 period. Psychology both shaped popular views
about women. and spawned feminist critiques
After women won the right to vote in the United of these views. By the late 1960s, many
States, feminism as an organized political movement feminists, both within and e~ernal to the
largely dissolved. The Great Depression of the 1930s discipline, were becoming increasingly
and the onset of World War II left feminists little 130 dissatisfied with the way academic Psychology
60 time or energy. for mass, gender-based activism, had theorized and treated women. Many
with sorne exceptions. The post-World War II period female psychologists were becoming
was characterized by a particularly marked increasingly aware of, and angered by, the
retrenchment to traditional gender stereotypes and way they themselves were being treated
role-s, despite continued increases in women's 135 within the institutions of their chosen field.
65 participation in the workforce throughout the 1950s. The women's liberation movement proved a·
In 1963, Betty Friedan (1921-2006) published The tipping point to bring feminist politics to
Feminine Mystique (1963/1997), which heralded the psychology.
beginning of second-wave feminism in the United

From: Pickren, W. E. & Rutherford, A. (2010). A History of modern psychology in context. New Jersey:
Wiley. pp; 262-265.



Tabla de conjugación de un verbo regular

11 Afirmativo 11 Negativo Interrog:ativo

ll\P.S. 11 I have cleaned I haven't cleaned Have I cleaned?
2º P.S. 11 Youhave cleaned You haven't cleaned Have you cleaned?
3º P.S. 11 He / She has cleaned He/She hasn't cleaned Has he/she cleaned?
1º P.P. 11 You have cleaned You haven't cleaned Have you cleaned?
2° P.P. 11 We have cleaned We haven't cleaned Have we cleaned?
3º P.P · 11 'fbey have cleaned They haven' t cleaned Have they cleaned?

Tabla de conjugación de un verbo irregular

11 Afirmativo Ne~ativo Interrogativo

1º P.S. 11 I have written I haven't written Have I written?
2º P.S. 11 You have written You haven't written Have you written?
3º P.S. 11 He / She has written He/She hasn't written Has he/ she written?
1° P.~. 11 You have written. You.haven't written Have you written?
2ºP.P. 11 We have written 11 We haven'twritten 11 Have we written?
3º P.P 11 They have written 11 They haven't written 11 Have they written?


¿Cuáles de las siguientes estrategias y técnicas de lectura aplicadas
hasta el momento le resultó más útil? Coloque un tick / en la
columna correspondiente.

Estrategia/ Técnica ¿Cuán útil ha sido esta estrategia?

Muy útil Útil Poco útil
~ Activar el conocimiento previo del
~ Inferir el significado por la forma .
~· Scanning (Lectura Detallada)
~ Skimming (Lectura Global)
~ Usar el diccionario bilingµe
.· ~ Utilizar el paratexto ppra
deducir aspectos temáticos del

Lea nuevamente los contenidos de las g,.1-ías 6 a 10. Tilde / en la lista de la

primer columna los objetivos que alcanzó. Luego, califique el nivel que
considera haber alcanzado en cada uno.
Contenidos Nivel
MB 8 R

□ Identificar elementos que indican referencia textual.

□ Identificar y comprender la función y los usos del tiempo "present

perfect" de los verbos en inglés.

o Identificar y comprender la función y los usos del tiempo pasado de

los verbos en inglés.

□ Identificar verbos con partículas.


□ Identificar y comprender la función y los usos del tiempo "post perfect"

de los verbos en inglés.

□ Identificar y comprender la función y los usos de la voz pasiva.

□ Identificar y comprender la función y los usos de la terminación -ing.

Propósito de Lectura: Leer un texto para completar un cuadro

Al finalizar la Guía, Ud. habrá puesto en práctica los siguientes

contenidos gramaticales:
a:i Grado comparativo y grado ::;uperlativo de los adjetivos en inglés.
a:i Conectores que indican contraste
n Conectores que indican causa.

1. Observe la siguiente imagen para responder, en forma oral, estas preguntas;

* ¿Qué enUende por Cámara Gesell?

* ¿En qué casos se utiliza?

* ¿Cuál es el propósito con el que se la usa en Psicología?

2. A modo de introducción al tema, lea la siguiente biografía del creador de la

Cámara Gesell para responder las preguntas que se encuentran al final de la

Arnold Lucius Gesell (1880-1961) was an American

psycho/ogist and pediatrician whose pioneering research on
the process of human development from bilih through
adolescence made a !asting mark on the scientific ínvestigation
of chi/d deve!opment
Arnold Lucius Gesell was born on June 21, 1880, in Alma,
Wisconsin. His parents highly valued education, and early in

his life, Gesell decided he wanted to become a teacher. He graduated from the
University of Wisconsin in 1903 and then became a high school teacher and principal
befare entering graduate school at Clark University, where he réceived a Ph.D. degree
in 1906. Gesell believed that in arder to do research in child development, he also
needed medica! knowledge, so he studied medicine at Yale, receiving an M.D. in 1915.
Early in his career he taught psychology and child hygiene at the Los Angeles State
Normal School.
Gesell joined the faculty at Yale as assistant professor of education in .1911 and
established and directed the Yale Clinic of Child Development from 1911 to 1948. The
Yale Clinic became the focal United States center for the study, of child behavior in its
time. From 1948 until his death, Gesell served as director of the famous Gesell
Institute of Child Developmtnt in New Haven, Connectié:ut, which continued the work
begun in the Yale Clinic. ·Gesell died in New Haven on May 29, 19_61.
Gesell was one of the first to attempt a quantitative study of child development. Louise
Bates Ames, one of his co-workers, described his work 1:1s "painstaking" and
l "controlled." Developing his own methods of observation and measurement, Gesell had
l childreri, including infants, of different ages respond to differemtstimulus objects such
as cubes and pellets and bells while he observed their behavior and responses. After
1926 he used the motion picture camera as the main means of observing children,
filming about 12,000 children.
Gesell's initial work focused on retarded children, but he believed that it was necessary
to understand normal infant and child development in arder to understand
nonnormality. He also studied Down's syndrome, cretinism, and cerebral palsy.
Gesell's pioneer work on infant mental development led him to conclude . that the
mental development of children appears to follow certain regularities com.parable to
the kind of regularities in physical development. He documented patterns and
similarities in children's mental development and claimed that individuals go through
an identifiable sequence of stages. Gesell's work is often cited as supporting a belief in
predetermined natural stages of mental development in the later heated controversy
over nature versus nurture in educational readiness.
Sorne of the data Gesell obtained were integrated into schedules which could be used
to calculate the Gesell .Development Quotient, or DQ. For a while the DQ was widely
used as a measure of the intelligence_ of young children.
Later researchers raised questions about sorne of Gesell's findings. The DQ is no longer
used, and sorne say Gesell's conclusions were based on a limited number of cases and
a res.tricted sarnple of ali white, middle-class children in one New England city. Others
believe he made too little allowance for individual variations in growth and for cultural
influences on child behavior.
There is no question, however, about Gesell's pervasive influence on American
psychology and education and on child-rearing practices. Gesell sometimes spoke
·directly to parents, advocating "discerning guidance" rather than rigidity _with rules or,
on the other hand, overpermissiveness. He also considered questions such as the
psychological factors in adoption and the effect of premature birth on mental
development. His books gave norms for behavior at successive stages of development.
Three books widely read by parents in the 1940s and 1950s were: lnfant and Chi/d in
the Culture of Today (with Francis L. Ilg, 1940), The Child from Five to Ten (with
Frances L. Ilg, 1946), and Youth: The Years from Ten to Sixteen (with Frances L. Ilg
and Louise Bates Ames, 1956).

a- ¿Cómo desarrolló Geselr sus propios métodos de observación a niños?

•••••••••• ■ •••••• ■ •• ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •'• i• •• • : •• ■• ·••.• •• ■ • • • • • • • • • •.· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ •••••••• ■• ■ ••••• ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

b- ¿A qué conclusión llegó con respecto al desarrollo mental infantil?

3. Lea el siguiente artículo sobre las entrevistas a niños abusados para

completar tas actividades a continuación.


Captain Barbara Craig, MC, USN
Medica! Consultant for Child Abuse and Neglect
Department of Pediatrics
National Naval Medica! Center
Bethesda, Maryland 20889-5600
1 -(301 )-295-5648

1 Interviewing children about physical and sexual abuse is one of the most
2 critica!· steps in the evaluation process. Unfortunately, it can be the most
3 difficult and frustrating portien of the investigation as well. The number of
4 interviews should be kept to a minimum by having as many of the multi-
5 disciplinary professionals present as possible. Ideally this should be done in a
6 viewing room V>.!ith a one way mirror, so as not to overwhelm the child. The
7 ir;iterview may be conducted by a physician, nurse, nurse practitioner, social
8 worker, psychologist, or criminal investigator. No· matter who performs the
9 interview, it should be someone with experience and patience.



10 1. Infancy (0;.18 months): These children are of course unable to make any
11 disclosures of physical or sexual abuse. Cases can only be substantiated if
12 there is an eye witness, the perpetrator confesses, or the infaots are found to
13 have an STD, sperm or semen on their examination. They will probably exhibit
14 no symptoms but may ·be fearful of the offender, be fussier than normal,
15 reluctant to have diaper changed, or occasionally imitate sexual acts.
16 Interviewing is universally unsuccessful.

. .
17 2~ Toddlers (18-36 months): This is a common age group to be molested.
18 Because of their ·limited communication skills, toddlers are unlikely to report
19 the abuse. They may mimic the sexual a·cts with their own bodies, other
20 children, ar dolls. They frequentty show fear and anxlety around the
21 perpetrator. Simple phrases may be the only due that something has
22 . happened, such as, "Owie, pee-pee, Daddy" while pointing to their genital
23 area. On rare occasion, the older toddler can verbalize their account of the
24 assault. Toddlers cannot sequence time and place very well and will probably
25 not be able to tell you how often something has happened, when it happened,
26 or even where it happened. Most of the time their expressive language abilities
27 are significantly less than their receptive language. Only sorne children of this
28 age group know their body parts or understand right from wrong. They show
29 little · embarrassment about genital or sexual discussions. They may be
30 experiencing regressed behaviors, difficulty toilet training, sleep disturbances,
31 and angry outbursts. Again, to súbstantiate the abuse, a witness, a confession:
32 or sperm/semen are usually required. An interview can be attempted with 'the
33 2 and a half to 3 year old, however the questions need to be more direct and
34 specific. Avoid yes/no questions.

• 35 3. Preschool (3-5 year olds): Again, a common age for physical and sexual
36 abuse. Children have limited vocabulary and ability to be relia.ble witnesses.
37 They tend to be concrete thinkers, with an egocentríc world.they cannot
38 conceptualize or think abstractly. During an interview, they become easily
39 distrai:ted, and revert to physical activity, or phrases such as "I don't know" or
40 "I can't remember". They tend to tell small excerpts of their abuse with
41 minimal detail, disorganized thought processes, and give relevant and
42 irrelevant details. Time and space relationships are' poorly defined, however
43 they can relate things to befare and after such as birthdays, holidays, dinner,
44 bedtime, etc. They can on océ:asion be specific and give enough detail to be
45 good witnesses in court. Demonstration is a better tool than verbalization for
46 many children this age. Tt,ey may confuse he-she-me and sex specific body
47 parts. Sexual differences are usually known and of great curiosity and interest.
48 Questions that start with who, what, and where tend to be more helpful than
49 when and why. Preschoolers may exhibit sexualized play, somatic complaints
50 (headaches, abdominal pain, painful urination, genital discomfort, etc) and ·
51 may also have nightmares, regressed behavior, anger, aggression, withdrawal.
52 Although substantiation may still rely on finding acute injuries, sperm or
53 semen, their history becomes increasingly important. Ask short and specific
54 questions, but do not put words in their mouths. Asking them to draw or
55 demonstrate what happened might be easier far them than verbal
56 communication. Make the child feel at ease and safe. They may be fearful of
57 what will happen to them if they tell. Preschool children and older children can
58 lie, but they are not as sophisticated as adults in their ability to concoct details.

59 4. Elementary school aged children (6-9 years old): Far the first time,
60 the children are becoming more independent, having a life separate from their
61 families through associations with their classmates, friends, teachers, and
62 others. They are exposed ·to a wider variety of information resources .than
63 previolisly. Although still primarily concrete thinkers, as children advance
64 through the latency age years, they become better able to understand
65 concepts and symbolism. They still tend to want their emotional support to be
66 family oriented, but socialization is with their peers, usually of the same sex.
67 By the early school years, children are able to orient themselv~s in time and
68 space, especially relating to events and holidays, and draw simplistic flocir
69 plans of the place where the abuse occurred. They are capable of deceiving in
70 a more convincing way and are more capable of keeping a secret. As they
71 become more aware of the unacceptable nature of sexual touching, and since
72 thev are too vounc¡ to control their environment well, manv children of this ac¡e
73 feel they are responsible at least in part for the sexual abuse. They feel
74 conflicted and confused, guilt ridden, embarrassed and may be fearful that ·
75 they themselves will end up in jail. Behavioral symptoms may include ·
76 withdrawal, depression, emotional lability, nightmares, poor school
77 performance, aggression, lying, stealing, and other antisocial behaviors.
78 Physical symptoms may include enuresis, encopresis, dysuria, headaches,
79 abdominal pain, genital pain, and tics. Children of this age are reluctant and
80 tentative in their disclosures and will withdraw if they perceive non-reassuring
81 reactions from the interviewer. Rolé play may be an appropriate tool, as well
82 as drawing and the use of dolls and doll houses. When interviewing
83 elementary age children, building rapport is essential before the interview
84 begins because they are frequently embarrassed and uncomfortable discussing
85 the inappropriate touching. One way to ease their discomfort is to engage
86 them in a simultaneous activity like drawing, coloring, or working a simple
87 puzzle. Again nonverbal communication is helpful.

88 5. Pulberty (9-13 year olds): Preadolescents are usually more at ease with
89 an interviewer of the same sex. They not only feel uncomfortable about the
90 sexual molestation, but are feeling awkward and self conscious about their
91 bodies and discussions regarding Sexual issues. Their hormones are
92 blossoming and with that are seen moodiness, unprovoked tearful outbursts,
93 and easy frustration. Because the need to "frt: in" is so strong, being molested
94 and therefore different from their peers may increase their reluctance to
95 disclose. Now their friends may be a new source of emotional support and
96 intimacy while the pre-adolescent may cause increased family tension and
97 withdrawal. They may begin to challenge social acceptability by experimenting
98 wlth shoplifting, substance abuse, or peer sexual contact. Preteens understand
99 that the sexual behavior is wrong, but are even more likely than the younger
100 c~ildren to feel that they are responsible far the abµse. Guilt and shame can
101 be overwhelming, with frequent denial and recantation. They experience
102 similar behavioral changes and physical symptoms as the latency age children.
103 A more formal approach to the interview frequently minimizes the pre- .
104 adolescents discomfort with the discussion. Keep your questions brief and
105 clinically oriented, yet let them know that their feelings and opinions are also
106 important to the investigation. Reassure them that they are not at fault for
107 what has happened.

108 6. Adolescents (13 years to adulthood): By this age, many have had peer
109 sexual encounters. They are less emotionally dependent upan their families,
110 seeking solace with their peers. Independence is an important aspiration while
111 the need to challenge authority makes interviewing· difficult. Because
112 teenagers need to be in control, they may have great deal of difficulty in
113 accepting the fact they need help, whether it be counseling, legal, medical,
114 etc. Behavioral problems may include.defiant, aggressive acts, truancy or .
115 school failure, criminal behavior, suicida! ideation or attempts, promiscuity,
116 substance abuse, self mutilation and runaway behavior. They may present to
117 the medical clinic with chronic aches and pains, vague complaints, and
118 hysteria. To maximize the outcome of the interview, an open, direct approach
119 is usually the best. Be serious about their concerns and supportive of their ·
120 needs. Never criticize or judge their acts. By being honest with them, they will
121 be more likely to be cooperative with vou. ·
123 Disclosure of sexual abuse is a gradual process, not an isolated event. Most
124 children go through a progress1on of stages which include denial--disclosure-
125 recantation-reaffirmation. Studies have shown that 72% of sexi.Jally abused
126 children will initially deny the abuse. Once they are willing to speak about what
127 ha·s happened to them, only 7% of children will move directly to active, fulJ
128 disclosure. The most common way that children disclose their sexual abuse is
129 tentatively, with 78% of children going to this stage first. They will, mininiize
130 or distance themselves from · the event, dissociate, or discount the acts.
131 Approximately 22% of children and teenagers who disclose sexual abuse will
132 then go on to recant their stories, especially if the non-offending parent does
133 not believe them. Ultimately, of those who recanted, 92% will later reaffirm
134 that the abuse did occur. Younger children are rnore like!y to disclose the
135 abuse accidentally through inappropriate statements or actions. Older children
136 - and teenagers are more likely to disclose the abuse purposefully because they
137 are angry at the perpetrator or are influenced by their peers.

http://www.nccpeds.com/powerpoints/interview. html

4. Concéntrese en la introducción del texto para contestar las siguientes

preguntas. Indique renglones de referencia.

a- ¿Dónde debe llevarse a cabo la entrevista?

b- . ¿Quién debe realizarla?


ea 5. Observe las siguientes frases

partes resaltadas:
~ oraciones._ Preste atencñón a las

:c:--"'-::"~.A!:iking~t!iem.to.·a¡-aw o_r.demo_nstrate--Wliat l]appenec:Lmight l:>e ~asier for them

~il ~!!l~W~~li~~1.l~I*li*~'t ~l;i t~~1~~~~::6;~¡caf~

6. En estas oraciones, se establecen comparaciones entre dos cosas o
personas." Lea el apéndice gramatical que se encuentra en la página siguiente
para, luego, responder las preguntas:

Asking them to draw or. demonstrate :what happened might be easier for them ·than
verbal commuñication.- . ·. >_ ~ .. :~ ·.. - :·-;, •. -· .: i'~.,: ..
' é , .-~.. ·• • : •• : -;·,; " "

a- ¿Qué coniparación se establece en esta oración?


b- lQué información se proporciona sobre los niños más pequeños y los más grandes?

Interviewing children. about physical. and sexual abuse .is one of the most critical steps in
th·e·· eva.luat··1on .. ' ,. ·': • •L
·. . · -.·.:':
• ; • • . \ •. .
The 'ITIOSt co~rnorj \~,a\f'that ctiildren~pisdos:e. their seiual abu~é :¡s· .teíitatitely; \i.J1tll
78% of children going to this stage ~rst. . · · . . -· . . .

7. En estas oraciones se expresan ideas en grado superlativo. Lea el apéndice
gramatical para luego, contestar las siguientes preguntas.

a- ¿Cuál es uno de los pasos más críticos en la evaluación?

b- ¿Cuál es la forma más común de revelar el abuso sexual?


8. Complete el siguiente cuadro con los datos estadísticos provistos por el texto.

Porcentajes Forma de revelar el abuso

72% de los niños
Sólo el 7% de los niños

el 22% de los niños y .
adolescentes que
asumen el abuso
El 92% de aquellos
que negaron su historia

9. Lea los siguientes extractos del texto para resolver las actividades

Idea 1: A pesar de que las relaciones tempo-espaciales están pobremente


► .
A~ora, complete la segunda idea:
Idea 2:-...................................................:................................................................................ ;
b- ¿Qué palabra/frase le ayudó a ver la relación de condición?

Idea 1: Debido a qué los adolescentes necesitan estar en control ...

► Ahora, complete la segunda idea:

Idea 2: ............................................. ,...... :...............................................................................

e- ¿Qué palabra/frase le ayudó a ver la relación de condición en el fragmento?·


1O. A modo de cierre, complete el siguiente cuadro con información
del texto. · · · _
Etapas de Desarrollo y Habilidad de los Niños para Revelar el Abuso

Recuerde extraer las palabras, frases y términos que consideré

importantes de esta guía· para, luego, incorporarlos en su glosario.
Por ejemplo:
► the inappropriaté touching
► withdrawal

A continuación, encontrará un texto extra que puede utilizar como
práctica complementaria de lectura.

Recommended Guidelines for Interviewing Children in Cases of Alleged

Sexual Abuse

Jack S. Annon

The basic premise for these guidelines is that even young children may be able to
pl"ovide reliable and accurate accounts of events that they have experienced or
witnessed, provided that the interview is done appropriately, in a proper setting, and
without manipulation by the evaluator. These guidelines are based upen the clinical
and laboratory research cited in the references.

1. Conduct the interview as early as feasible after the first statement of possible
2. Insure that the evaluation is carried out by a well-trained individual who is
experienced in child development and in evaluating children and families.
3. Avoid forming preconceived impressions of the incident. A way to accomplish
this is for the evaluator to be relatively naive as to the circumstances of the abuse and
to avoid learning any information that the child does not know. Otherwise the
evaluator 111ay not be open to information which does not fit with information already
obtained. Also, if the evaluator has previous infermation, there is usually a strong
pressure placed on the child fer specific responses and contradictory infermation may
not be pursued.
4. Consider the demand characteristics of the interview setting. Avoid extremes,
such as a room full ·of toys that gives the child the impression it is a play room fer
"maké·believe," or a bare stark room with only adult furniture. Sit ata table, at the
same level as the child.
5. If a one-way mirror is used, place it higher than the seated child. A clear view
ca_n be obtainéd in this manner, ora videotape can be made shooting down through
such a small window. Too·often the one-way mirror is directly opposite the child's face
.with the result that many children get distracted and begin making faces at themselves
in the mirror, and do not pay attention to the interview.
6. Dress in comfertable casual clothes rather than in a law enforcement or medica!
7. If there are to be observers, ·or the interview is to be video- or audiotaped, tell
the child and ask the parent or legal guardian to sign an informed consent form prior
to the actual interview.

texto extraído y adaptado de: forensics.com/journal/volume6/j6_3_2.htm

Propósito de Lectura: ldenlificar la estructura retórica de
· un "abstract" en inglés. ·

n Al finalizar esta guía, Ud. habrá logrado identificar el

modo en el que se distribuye la información en un
abstract escrito en inglés.

1. Observe el siguiente texto. Luego, responda. en forma oral las siguientes

n ¿Dónde puede aparecer esta clase textual?
n ¿Qué propósito .tiene?
n ¿Qué información incluye?

Personallty and Mental Health

3: 56-67 (2009)
Published onllne in Wiley lntcrScíence
(www.lntessclence.wíley.com} DO!: 10.l002/pmh.64

Treannent response in subtypes of borderline

personality q.isorder


Divísiort of Psychology, School of Health Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia;
Spectrum, rhe Personallty Disordei Service for Victoria, Melbourne, Australia; 3Melbourne DBT
centre, Melbourne, Australia

Background and Aims Based on the frequenrly noted heterogeneity in symptom represemation imd treat-
mem resisrance amongst clients wlch borderline pe,·sonallcy dlsorder (BPD), t/1/s s111dy soug/u to lnw.sr/gare
uihetlier a sample o/ 77 people with setiere personaliry disorder, primarily BPD (n"" 74), could /,e gro11ped into
clinically meaningful subrypes. A /allow-11p ques1ion was wherher the s11btypes would respond differemly ro a
spedalist iniervention. .
Method Partidpants were public mental /1ealth clients referred ro a specialist residential rreatmen{programme
. in Victoria, Australia, Using an existing data set, cluster analysis was applied in order to identijy s11btypes
based on various demographíc, clinical and psyclwlogical variables. Post-treatmem analyses were carried 011p
ro investigate change in self-harm, suicide attempts, depression and dissociation.
Results Three subtypes were idenrified, namely: wirhdrawn-internalizing, severely disturbed-imemalizing
and ánxious-e.xremalizing. Furrhermore, che subtypes responded differend)' to the 1ream1em, wirh rhe wirh-
drawn-intemalizing subtype sliowing reduced levels of dissociarion and the anxio11s-externalizing s11brype
responding ·by large reductions in levels of depression. The severely disturbed-inremali:dng subiype e/id 1101
improve significantly on any ofthe outcome measures in tl1is study.
Díscussion These findings s11ggest rhat s11brypes can be identified amongst clients wim BPD, and tlwr clie
s11btypes may be related to rreatment outcomes. Copyright© 2009 John \ir;ley & Sons, Lrd.
Marco Teórico

Diversas son las clases textuales que circulan dentro de la. comunidad
académi_ca; entre ellas, el abstract, que es una de las más corrientes y se define como
resumen del articulo de investigación al cual remite sucinta y directamente y del que
forma parte (Swales, 1990). Las publicaciones especializadas son la fuente de
ubicación y de circulación de esta clase textual.
Aunque existe un gran número de publicaciones en inglés que ofrecen al
hablante nativo una· guía para la escritura de esta clase textual, no son muchas las
publicaciones que se dediquen específicamente a la lectura y la escritura de abstracts
por parte de hablantes de lenguas que no sean la inglesa (Swales, 1990). Sin
embargo, el conocimiento del idioma inglés es de importancia medular para leer y
escribir el abstract, que resume lo básico del artículo de investigación.
Los abstracts de casi todas las disciplinas se escriben de manera similar;
especialmente de las ciencias experimentales. La información que se incluye y el
orden de ésta son muy convencionales. De las cinco partes reconocidas, se considera
que informar sobre los resultados es obligatorio.



B= Background lnformation
P= Principal activity or purpose of the study and its scope
M,;: Sorne information about the methodology used in the study
R= The most important results of the study
C= A statement of conclusion or recommendation

De Weissberg, R. and S. Buker. (1990). Writing up research. Experimental research report writing for students
of English. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.

2. Lea el siguiente··abstract que pertenece a un estudio sobre psicología de la

niñez. Identifique las oraciones que corresponden a- los elementos B, P, M, R, y C
del cuadro anterior.

Abstract. (1) Type A behaviour, an established risk factor for coronary heart disease, is
characterized by extremes of competitive achievement striving, impatience, hostility, and
aggression. (2) As part of an effort to understand the origins Óf this behavióur pattern,
the present study assessed the impact of performance standards on the social behaviour

of Type A and Type B children. (3) Children performed a five-trial task. (4} Half were
given an explicit standard with which to compare their own perfo~mance; half were given
no standard. (5) After 5 trials, all subjects were informed that their total score
represented the middle score of the whole group and were asked to select one score for
furt:her comparison. (6) Results showed no significant differences among groups on the
frequency pf comparison. (7) In contrast, the results did show that regardless of the
presence or absence of an explicit standard, Type A children chose to evaluate their
performance against the top score, whereas Type B children chose to do so only in the
absence of an explicit standard.
(8) The implications of these results for understanding the .childhood antecedents of
Type A behaviour are discussed:

B= Oración/Oraciones
P= Oración/Oraciones
M= Oración/Oraciones
R= Oración/Oraciones
C= Oración/Oraciones

Adaptado y Traducido de Weissberg, R. and S. Buker. (1990). Writing up research.

Experimental research report writing for students of Eng/ish. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.

3. Ordene las siguientes oraciones según la información del cuadro en la página
anterior. ·

(a) As predicted, BDD participants perceived their own attractiveness as significantly

lower than did the other groups, and they rated the photographs from the category
"Attractive" as significantly more attractive than did the other groups.

(b) Furthermore, both clinical groups were characterised by more perfectionist thinking
than controls. ·

(c) Individuals with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) suffer from a preoccupation about
imagined or slight appearance flaws.

(d) These findings mostly support cognitive-behavioural models of BDD that suggest
that individua Is with BDD exhibit perfectionlst thinking and · maladaptive attractiveness

(e) We evaluated facial physical attractiveness ratings and perfectionist thinking among
individuals with BDD, individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and
mentally healthy control participants.

(f) We further examined how the participants evaluated their own physical
attractiveness, relative to independent evaluators (IEs).

(g) We presented participants with photographs displaying faces varying in facial

attractiveness (attractive, average, unattractive) and asked them to rate them in terms
of their physical attractiveness.

1._ _ . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6._ _


De Buhlman, U.; Etcoff, N. and Wilhelm, S. (2008). Facial attractiveness ratings and
perfectionism in body dysmorphic disorder and obsessive~compulsive disorder. Joumal of
Anxiety Disorders, 22, 540-547.

Tiempos Verbales

B Background Information· (present tense)

Example: One of the basic principies of comniunication is that the message should be
understood by the intended audience.

P Principal activity (past tense/ present perfect tense)

Example: In this study the readability of tax booklets from nine states was evaluated

Example: Net energy ana/yses have been carried out for eight trajectories which
convert energy source into heated domestic water.

M Methodology (past tense)

Example: O/der workers surpassed younger ones in both speed and ski// jobs.

C Conclusions (present tense/ tentative verbs /modal auxiliaries)

Example: The results suggest that the presence of unique sets of industry factors can
be used to explain variation in economic growth.

De Weissberg, R. and S. Buker. (1990). Writing up research. Experimental reséarch·report

writing for students of English. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents.

4. Lea el abstract en la página siguiente. Subraye los verbos de la siguiente

,1 manera: si se encuentran en presente. una vez; si se encuentran en pasado, dos
Responda la siguiente pregunta: ¿Están los tiempos verbales de los textos
usados como se indica en el cuadro anterior?


¡¡,,5.JELSU- • 1 4l,i,,riii'i:t.:! WWW&WI u.z.ul


Abstr.act~Females hquently pertorm betfer r,n em¡pathy, :~nter..

personal sensltMty. andl amo,tlo.nal recogn1t1on th'" •do males.
The m'lrror-neuron system llas beent propoeed to play an tmpor.
tant role In soclal cognltl:on. lt remalns to be cJal1fled\ l'ilowever..
whethe:r füe neuroanatomy ·ún,dertyfng the human mtrror, neu..
ton system exhlblts sex dlfferences.. Wlth the USB of voxel,..
basad ·morphometry analyslst a who1e.;brafn unblased tech ..
nrque to characterlze regional cerebral vol1,1me dlfferences In
stt1.1clural magnetlc resonance tmages, concurrentwlth the dls.
posJtlonar empathy tneasures, we demonstrate thatyoung adult
ramales {n=25) had s:lgnlflcantly largar gray matter volume in
the pars opercular1's and lnfeñor parfetal lobule tha.n matched
males (n=25) parUclpants. Moreovert hlgher se1r..report seores
lR the emotlonal einpaffiltc dtsposltlon was tlghtly COU'pled wlth
Jarger gray matter voluma or the para opercularls across al1
remale and male participante (P=0.002}. These resuJts lndEcate
that the ex1stenee of neuroanatomfcal sex dJffetences. 1n the
human mltror..neuron system~ They also suggest that the net..
work or the :hinnan mlrror..neurora system Is strongty Unked to
empathy competence. cmwn Copyñght © 2009 Publlshed by
Etsevrer Ltd ora behalf or EBRO¡. AU rfghts reserved~

Key wordsI. voxeE.;based! motphomet.ryj neuroanatomy, sex

-dEfferen:ces. mlrtot.,.,neuron system, emp_athy.,

-Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) is an automated technique that has grown in popularity
since its introduction largely because of the fact that it is relatively easy to use and has
provided biologically plausible results. It uses statistics to identify differences in brain anatomy
between groups of subjects.

De Cheng, Y.; Chóu, K.; Deéety, J.; Hung, C.; Tzeng, O. and Lin, C. (2009). Sex differences in the
neuroanatomy ofhuman mirror-neuron system: A voxel-based morphometric investigation.
- Neuroscience, 158, 713-720.

5. A modo de cierre, lea el abstract a continuación para completar las
siguientes actividades:

a. Identifique las partes del texto. Señale las palabras clave que le ayudaron a
b. Responda, en español, las siguientes preguntas:
l. ¿Cuál fue el objetivo de la investigación?
11. ¿Cuáles fueron los hallazgos?

Training boys with ADHD to ·work _

collaboratively: Social and learning outcon1es
Deborah Edehnan Watkins ª,*, Kathryn R; ·wentzel b
• York Col/ege of Pemisylvm,ia, Co1111try Club Road, York, PA 17405, USA
b U11iversity of Mary/muf, Col/e.ge Park. USA

Availablc online 18 April 2008


This study examined social participation and strategic problem solving behavior of boys diag-
nosed with Attcntion Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) when collaborating on a planning
task with a trained peer partner. Twenty-four 9- to 13-year-old boys with ADHD who were receiving
a medication intervention, wcre individually pre-tcsted to asscss their initial ability to plan an crrand
route task. They were then observed doing an alternate ·planning task during collaborativc sessions
with a female peer partner who had received prior training in the task and in facilitating social inter-
action. Boys with ADHD were tben individually post-tested on the original planning task. Observa-
tions of the collaborative sessions revcaled significant, positive changes acJ'OSS threc phases in the
quality of social intcractions by boys with ADHD, in their planning strategies, and planning effi-
cien~y. Findings suggest positive benefits of collaborativc Icarning structures for boys with ADHD
when they are placed in a collaborative leaming setting with a partner who has received a prior train-
ing intervcntion.
© 2008 Elscvier Inc. Ali rights reserved.

Keywordr: Attention Deficit Hypemcfivity Disorder; Colluborative learning; Peer tutoring with ADHD studcnts;
Tmirúng peer tutors to work ADHD students; School-based intervcntions for students with ADHD

Extraído de Journa/ of Contemporary Educational Psycho/ogy, 33

Propósito de Lectura: Analizar los niveles macro y
microestructurales de un abstract.

1:1 Al finalizar esta· guía, Ud. habrá logrado identificar las principales
características macro y microestructurales de un abstract escrito en

1. Lea el siguiente pasaje sobre las funciones de los abstracts en los artículos de
investigación científica (AIC) para, luego, responder, en forma oral, las
preguntas a continuación.

According to Hucking (2001 ), RA abstracts have at least four distinguishable

functions to which we have added a fifth:
1. They function as stand-alone mini-texts giving readers a short summary of a
study's tapie, methodology and main findings;
2. They function as screening devices, helping readers decide whether they wish
to réad the whole article or not;
3. They function as previews for readers intending to read the whole article,
giving them a road-map for ~heir reading; ·
4. They provide indexing he/p for professional abstract writers and editors;
5. They provide reviewers with an immediate oversight of the paper they have
,-.. been asked to review.

From Swales, J. and Feak, C. (201 O). From text to task: Putting research on abstracts to work. In
Garrido, M.; Palmer-Silveira, J. and Fortanet-Gómez, l. (Eds.), English for academic purposes (pp.
167-187). Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.

· a. ¿Cuál de las funciones enumeradas en el texto considera Ud. que es la más

importante en su disciplina y cuál la menos importante?

b. ¿Cree que en_.su disciplina existe otra función que no ha sido mencionada?

2. El siguiente abstract ya ha sido presentado en la Guía anterior. Léalo

nuevamente para, luego, responder las preguntas a continuación.

Personality and Mental Health
3: 56-67 (2009)
Publlshed online. in Wiley lnterScience
(www.intersclence.wiley.com) D01: 10.1002/pmh.64

Treatlnent response in subtypes of borderline

personality disorder


Divislon of Psychology, School of Health Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne, Auscralia;
Spectrum, the Personality Disorder Service for Victoria, Melbourne, Australia; 3:Melbourne DBT
centre, Melbourne, Australia

Background and Aims Based on the frequemly noted heterogeneit)' in symptom representation and treat-
mem resistance amongst cliems with borderline personaliry disorder (BPD), thís smdy soughi w investigate
whecher a sample of 77 people with severe personality disorder, primarily BPD (n. = 74), could be grouped imo
clinically meaningful subcypes. A follow-11p question was whether the subtypes 1would respond differently to a
specialist intervemion ..
Method Participants were public mental health clients referred to a specialist residential rreatment programme
in Victoria, Ai1stralia. Using an existing data set, cluster analysis was applied in arder to identify subt)•Pes 1

based on various demograp/iic, clinical and psychological variables. Post-treatmem analyses were carried out
to investigare change in self-harm, suicide attempts, depression and dissociation.
Results Three subtypes «•ere identi'fied, nameb•: wirhdrawn-internalizing, severel)' disturbed-imemalizing
and anxious----e.,-.:tenializing. Furthemwre, the·subcypes responded differently to r/1e treatment, with tlie wirh,
drawn-imernalizing s11btype showing reduced levels of dissociation and the anxi011s-externalizing subtype
responding b)• large reductions in levels of depression. The severe!y discurbed-inremalizing s11btype did 110t
improt:e significantly on any of the outcome measures in tltis stud)•.
Discussion These findings suggest thac subtypes can be identified amongst clients with BPD, and that the
subl),pes may be related to rreatmem outcomes. Copyright© 2009 Jolm \V/ley & Sons, Ltd.

a. ¿Cuál cree Ud. que es la oración principal en este abstraen Subráyela .

• • • • • • .- • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ■ ■ ••••

- b. ¿Cuál es el principal tiempo verbal usado en este abstraen ¿Por qué cree
que ese es el tiempo verbal usado?

3. En esta sección, se revisarán los usos de los tiempos verbales en el abstract.
Observe los siguientes ejemplos. Luego, complete los espacios en blanco.

Para presentar el problema central argumentado o la hipótesis, el tiempo verbal

usado es:
* .The niain problem, however, is ...
* We examine why these models have difficulty with ...
* However, this assumption is not valid when ...
* This is complicated by ...
* However, this assessment cannot be based solely on ...
* Although it is known theoretically that. ..

Cuando se hace referencia al tema presentado· / tratado en el a~tículo de

investigación, se usan verbos en _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

* This paper presents a new methodology for ...

* In this paper we apply...
* This study reports an improved design for ...
* In this paper we extend an existing approach to ...
* We consider a novel system of...

El mé.todo generalmente se redacta usando verbos en

* Sámples were prepared for ...
* The effect of pH was investigated by means of...
* The data obtained were évaluated using ...
* Subjects were examined in arder to ...

Los resultados o. hallazgos pueden expresarse en ____________ .o,

mas comúnmente en
* We show that t~is theory also applies to ...
* The most accurate readings are obtained from ...
* We find that this does not vary ...
* The Y-type was found to produce ...
* The subjects analysed showed a marked increase in ...
* No changes were observed ...
* This was consistent with ...
* These profiles were affected by...
* This finding correlated with ...
* The results demonstrated that... ·
Ejemplos adaptados de Glasman-Peal, H. (201 O). Science research writing for non-native
speakers of English. London: World Scientific Publishing Co.

4. En esta sección se analizará el vocabulario más comúnmente usado en las
diferentes secciones del abstract.
¿En qué sección pueden generalmente aparecer los siguientes vocablos/frases?
Coloque una de las siguientes opciones en el espacio correspondiente: ·

✓ Aims / Purposes
✓ Background / lntroduction
✓ Conclusions / lmplications / Recommendations
✓ Methodology and Materi9 1s / Subjects / Procedures
✓ Results / Findings
✓ What the paper does

: t
* a number of studies
* is/are assumed to
* is/are based on
* is/are determined by
* is/are influenced by
* is/are related to
* it has recently been shown that
* it is known that
* it is widely accepted that
* recent studies/recent research

b_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.[

* in arder to
* our approach
* the aim of this study
* to compare
* to examine
* to investigate
* to study
* with the aim of

In this paper/ In this study / In this * This paper/ This study /This
investigation we investigation
address considers
analyse describes
argue. examines
compare includes
consider presents
describe reports
discuss reviews
emphasise *

[ d-·. 1
* was/were analysed
* was/were calculated
* was/were evalu~ted
* was/were examined
* was/wererformulated
* was/were measured
* was/were performed
* was/were recorded
·* was/were studied
* was/were treated
* was/were used

* resulted in
* showed
* wasidentified
* was/were achieve.d
* was/were found
* was/were identical
* was/were observed
* was/were obtained
* was/were present
* there was evidence of / for

f f-
* These results indicate that .. .
* These results suggest that .. .
* We conclude that .. .
* We suggest that .. .

Ejemplos adaptados de Glasman-Deal, H. (2010). Science research writing for non-native

· speakers of Eng/ish. London: World Scientific Publishing Co.

5. ¿Aparece alguna de estas palabras/frases en el abstract del ejercicio 2? Si su

respuesta es afirmativa, señálelas con un color en el texto. .,

6. Lea el siguiente abstract para, luego, completar las actividades a


Videogames and young people with developmental disorders.

Durkin, Kevin
Review of General Psychology, Vol 14(2), Jun 201 O, 122- i 40.

Young people with developmental disorders experience difficulties with many

cognitive and perceptual tasks, and often suffer social impairments. Yet, like typical
youth, many appear to enjoy playing videogames. This review considers the appeal of
videogames to individuals with autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder, and specific language impairment. lt examines how they
respond to the various challenges that play entails with particular reference to
sensory, cognitive, and social dimensions. lt is argued that research into how these
young people engage voluntarily with this dynamic and challenging medium offers
great potential to extend our empirical and theoretical understanding of the
disorders. Many gaps in our current knowledge are identified and severa! additional
themes for possible future research are proposed.

a. ¿Cuál es la actividad principal llevada a cabo en este. estudio? ¿Qué palabra/s le

permitió/le permitieron identificarla?

b. ¿Qué implicancias/consecuencias tiene este estudio? ¿Qué palabra/s le permitió/le

permitieron identificarla? ·

c. En el segundo renglón de este abstract se encuentra la palabra YET. Este conector
indica ................................. entre las siguientes ideas ...................................................... .

. .

d. En el quinto renglón de este abstract se encuentran las palabras IT y THEY. ¿A qué

elementos anteriormente mencionados hace referencia cada una de ellas?

Propósito de Lectura: Leer un texto para revisar y consolidar
contenidos léxico-gramaticales.

Al finalizar la Guía, Ud. habrá revisado los siguientes

contenidos gramaticales:

a Frases sustantivas
a Conectores que indican adición, contraste, causa-consecuencia
a Referentes textuales

Antes de Leer

1. Lea la siguiente definición y los datos de la tabla que le sigue para responder; en
forma oral, las preguntas· a continuación:


African American psychology is the body of knowledge that is concerned with the ~
understanding of African American life and culture. African American psychology ~1
recognizes the commonality of experiences of African people throughout the world and ~
therefore may be applied with greater or less precision to African people in Africa, .··¡
Europe, South America, Central America, the Caribbean and North America. African 1
American psychology .focuses on the mental, physical, psychological and spiritual _ ~-~-_i,'
nature of humanity. lt is the collection of works· that has been produced by African °"
psychologists in the United States (African Americans) and throughout the world. · ~
African American psychology is distinguished from White psychology by a number of ¡
idealistic dialectics or ideals in opposition. These ideals may be viewed as European 1
American centered versus those that are African centered and are values and !i!
worldviews that are fundamental to European American versus African ways of life. ~
African American psychology is presented from two perspectives: the reaction of
African American psychology to racist attacks on Black people by White social science
("deconstruction") and the more próactive work of African and African American
psychologists to better understand Black life, culture and behavior.

Ta ble 1: European American-Centered /dea/s vs. African-Centered /dea/s

Eu~~pean A~:~~=n-~Centered · ·1-: · · African-Center~d ·1d-~-al~ - ·· -•·¡

!- lndividualÍsm: The focus is on the : c°ollectivi~m: The focus ·- is· - on- -

• individual her or his interpretation óf :. collective or the~"tribe." ü_ne cannot
'. events and reaction to changing ·· understand an. iridividual's functioning '
; situations. The individual is the unit of ¡ in a way that is divorced from the
; analysis in research. ; group. The unit of analysis in research ,
: is the group.
-- . . - - ... , ..
: Materialism: An emphasis is placed :· SpiÍ-Ítuai"ism:· An- em.pha·s-is is pl~éed :
; on material reality and the acquisition on spiritual reality, and the
: of material goods. Material reallty is : development of spiritual congruence !
l that which is observed, manipulated : with the Creator. The most important ;
·; and quantified. ; aspects of human existence are
: unseen, unobservable, ahd - non-
; quantifiable.

Control of . nature: An emphasis ' is ;-Harrr1ony ~ith 11ature: An -emphasis is- .

placed on controlling nature through i placed on harmonizing with nature, !
i science and development. i through a spiritual connection with '
í ¡ the things of the world. ,
: Objective: An emphasis is placed on ! Subjective: An emphasis is placed on
! purporting to be "value free" and \ acknowledging values and biases and ¡
"unbiased" in fact finding. 1 using these to- bring about the ,
! liberation_ of African people.

From Encyclopedía of Psychology. (2000). (vols. 1-8). Oxford.

a. · ¿ Qué se define?
b. ¿Cómo se-defihe?
c. ¿Desde qué perspectivas puede presentarse?
d. ¿ Cuáles son sus ideales?
e. ¿ Qué conoce sobre el tema?

2. Lea el, texto en la pagma a continuación en forma global para completar la

actividad que le sigue.


In historical perspective, the decade of the 1960s was a critica! cultural moment for
the future of American psychology. This was when questions about identity, tbe core of
psychology's subject matter, began to crystallize as an object of inquiry and action. The
5 liberalizing of American immigration laws in 1964 opened the gates for many people from
Central and South America and- Asia to enter the United States. This eventually shattered
the old racial dichotomy of Black and White; now racial identity in America became a
mosaic of red, yellow, brown, black, and white. The influx of racial diversity led to a
struggle to make mainstream American Psychology more receptive to people of color; the
10 critica! period was from the mid-1960s to approximately 1980, alttiough the struggle
continues in different forms today. In hindsight, it was the activism by ethnic minority
psychologists that created the conditions of change within American Psychology. The
changes ultimately generated from this period of activism exténd far beyond the scope of
this chapter or this book and continue in the early 21st century..
15 The middle decades of the 20th century were marked by the collective actions of
colonized peoples around the world to throw_ off the yoke of European and American
oppression. In French Algeria, the psychiatrist-philosopher Frantz Fanon (1925-1961)
articulated the ways that the apparatus of the political establishment could imprison the
minds of citizens and derilonstrated how psychological disciplines often played a role in
20 facilitating the psychopathology of oppression. In South Amerfca, the educator-
psychologist Paulo Freire (1921-1997) wrote about the processes of psycfÍ'Ólogical and
political liberation that occurred when people experienced ·conscientization, or the
development of awareness that leads to transformation on personal and social_ levels. Both
Fanon and Freire had an enduring influence on the development of postcolonial
25 psychologies around the world, including in the United States.
In the 1960s, a new consciousness arase among younger Black students and
intellectuals. Inspired by the writings of Fanon, the legacy of Marcus Garvey (1887-1940),
and the contemporary work of Malcolm X (1925-1965), a Black Power movement emerged
that focused on the strengths and resiliency of the Black community. "Black Pride" and
30 "Black Is Beautiful" became terms to express what was happening in Black communities
across the nation and around the world. In using this language, these leaders facilitated
the emergence of an al~ernative or oppositional psychology, marked by an oppositional
In the mid- to late 1960s, psychologists of color in the United States encount~red a.
35 particularly hostile discipline. American psychological science was firmly committed to the
practice of asserting "universal" psychological truths Qased on research with White,
primarily male, undergraduates or white rats. Research and practice in psychopathology
were undertaken within a medical!y inspired framework, with an emphasis on assigning
defects or illness to interna! states while ignoring social, cultural, and class conditions.
40 Along tradition also existed of employing psychological tests, especially intelligence tests,
to maintain racial oppression and inequality. Ali of this was cloaked in the mantle of
Conditions of inequality in access to education, health care, and wealth creation
through homeownership for people of color made access to many professions and fields of
45 work especially difficult. As docu_mented by Robert V. Guthrie (1932-2005), few Blacks,
Latinos, Asians, or American Indians had been admitted to doctoral study in psychology
from the beginnings of the field (Guthrie, 1998). Fewer still had earned the doctorate. By

the 1960s, however, a small number of Black psychologists, most of whom were still early-
career professionals, were influenced by the emergent Black Nationalist movement spurred
50 by the work of Malcolm X and articulated by Kwame Toured (born Stokely Standiford
Churchill carmichael, 1941-1998), H. Rap Brown (b. 1943), Huey Newton (1942-1989),
and others. "Black Power," "Black Pride," and "Black Is Beautiful" became not only slogans
but also programs implemented ih Black conimunities. In fact, the term "Black," to refer to
those who were previously given the label "colored" or "Negro" was appropriated as the
55 preferred racial self-designatipn in this time. In this atmosphere, then, young Black
psychologists like Charles Thomas (1926-1990), Robert Green (b. 1933), Reginald Jones
(1931-2005), Ed Barnes (b. 1929; death date unknown), Robert Williams .(b. 1930),
Harold Dent (b. 1928), and Henry Tomes (b. 1932) took it upon themselves to create a
psychology predicated upon the strengths and worldview of the African American
60 community. ·
These young Black psychologists formed the Association of Black Psychologists
(ABPsi) in 1968 at the annual convention of the APA. It was not the first organization of
African American psychologists. In 1938, psychologist members of the American Teachers
Association (ATA), an all-B!ack educational group, formed Division 6, Department of
65 Psychology, to facilitate communication and strengthen their professional identity. Led by
prominent African American psychologists such as Herman Canady (1901-1970), Division
6 sent representatives to the Intersociety Constitutional Convention that led to the
reorganization of the APA during World War II. However, the ATA's Division 6 was unable
to maintain its momentum after the war.
70 After its founding, ABPsi grew into a thriving organization with its own agenda, its
own mission, and its own identity. It became the professional organization of choice for
many African American psychologists. It developed an extensive publication program that
includes the quarterly Journal of. 8/ack Psychology, the monthly newsletter Psych
Discourse, the Association of 8/ack Psychologists Pub/ication Manuat and the Sourcebook
75 on the Teaching of 8/ack Psychology.
,dn part, a Black psychology was a reaction to the mischaracterizations of Black
communities .and Black individuals by even well-meaning Whites. For example, Black
children were typically cast as culturally deprived. B.lack families were said to be
incomplete and the source of Biack pathology. ABPsi founder Joseph L. White (b. 1932)
80 commented on this in 1970 for Ebony magazine (reprinted in Jones, 1972). This was the
first appearance of the term "Black psychology" in print. The following quote gives a sense
· of the misperception of Black communities by White psychologists and at least one
response to these misperceptions by contemporary Black psychologist:

Most psychologists take the liberal point of

view which in essence states that black people
are,.culturally deprived and psychologically
maladjusted because the environment in
which they were reared as children lacks the
necessary early experiences to prepare them
for excellence in school, appropriate sex-role
b~havior, and, generally speaking, achievement
within an Anglo middle-class frame of
reference ...• Possibly, if social sciéntists, psychologists,
and educators would stop trying ·
to compensate for the so-called weaknesses of
the black child and try to develop a theory
that capitalizes on his strengths, progran,s
could be designed which from the get-go

might be more productive and successful.
The black family represents another arena
in which the use of traditional white psychological
models leads us to an essentially .
inappropriate and unsound analysis. Maybe
people who want to make the Black a case
far national action should stop talking about
making the black family into a white family
and instead devote their energies into removing
the obvious oppression of the black community
which is responsible far us catchin' so
much hell. (White, 1972, pp. 43-45)

However, Black psychology was more than are action to an oppressive White
85 psychology. As articulated by Thomas, Green, White, Willial'!ls, and many others, Black
psychology was about the strengths and resilience ofBlack people and Black communities.
In joyrnals such as the B/ack Schotar✓ the Journál of Black Psychology, the Journal of
Socia{Jssues, and several editions of Black Psychology (edited by Janes), it became clear
that .this was not a protest movement with short-term goals. It was the articulation of a
90 worldview informed by sound scholarship and a commitment to community practice. One
of the signatures of Black psychology was the emphasis on community and the sfrength
that the community gives to its members. Communalism is a hallmark of those of African,
particularly West African, descent. Black psychology, as it developed, was a psychology of
94 resiliency and strength situated in a sense of community.

Pickren, W. and Rutherford, A. (2010). A histary of madern psycho/agy in' cantext New
Jersey: Johr_, Wiley and Sons Inc. ·

3. Señale cuáles de los siguientes conceptos se desarrollan en el texto:

Conceptos Sí No.X
a. Orígenes filosóficos de la psicología negra
b. Algunos acontecimientos históricos y sociales .que dieron origen
a la psicología negra
c. Personalidades que influyeron e inspiraron los orígenes de la 1

psicología negra
d. Orígenes del racismo científico
e. Situación de la psicología como disciplina en Estados Unidos
en la década del 60
f. Aparición de organizaciones, como por ejemplo ABPsi
g. Teorías científicas basadas en tests de inteligencia
h. Características distintivas/Ideales de la psicología negra

4. Lea el texto nuevamente para completar el siguiente esquema:

. ·---~---·-·-·-·-~---·-·-·-
Una nueva forma de pensamiento
1960 1 aparece entre los jóvenes estudiantes 1

e intelectuales negros.

.- . - . - . - . - . - ..

'-·-·-1·-·-·' . 1
1 Mediados y .
• 1
1 finesdelos60 - · - - - •


:-·-·-·-·-·-·1 1 Se funda la APBsi.



.. - . - . - . - . - . -:.¡ .---■- ■---·---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-

1 •
-·-·-·-·-·-·' 1


5. Lea los siguientes pasajes extraídos de la definición de la página 153. Luego, elija
el equivalente en español correcto para cada una de las frases resaltadas: •

a. African American psychology is the body of knowledge that is concerned with

the understanding of African American life and culture.

1. la comprensión de la vida y la cultura afro-americana.

2. comprendiendo la vida y la cultura afro-americana
3. la vida y la cultura afro-americana de la comprensión

b. African American psychology recognizes the commonality of experiences of

African people throughout the world and therefore may be applied with
greater or less precision to African people in Africa, Europe, South America,
Central Americe, the CaribbE;mn and North Americe.

1. • las experiencias comunes de las personas africanas de todo el r:nundo

2. los aspectos en común de las experiencias de las personas africanas en
todo el mundo
3. la comunidad africana y sus experiencias en todo el mundo

c. African American psychology focuses on the mental, physical, psychological

and spiritual nature of humanity.

1. la humanidad de la naturaleza espiritual, psicológica, física y mental

2. la mente, el físico, la psicología y la espiritualidad de la naturaleza humana
3. la naturaleza espiritual, psicológica, física. y mental de la humanidad

d. . .. the reaction of African American psychology to racist attacks on Black
people by White social scienceª ("deconstruction") and the more proactive
work_ of African and African American psychologists to better understand
Black life, culture and behaviof.
1.a. la reacción de la psicología afro-americana a los ataques racistas a
persona·s negras hechos por la ciencia social "blanca"
2.a. la reacción de los psicólogos afro-americanos contra los ataques de los
blancos en ciencias sociales
3.a. la reacción psicológica· de· los psicólogos afro-americanos contra los
ataques racistas de los grupos blancos de ciencias sociales

1.b. el trabajo más proactivo en África y en Norteamérica de los psicólogos

para mejorar la vida, la cultura y la conducta de las personas negras
2.b. el más proactivo trabajo de los _africanos y los afroamericanos en
psicología hacia una mejor comprensión de la vida, la cultura y la conducta de
las personas negras
3.b .. el _trabajo más proactivo de los psicólogos afro-americanos y africanos
para entender mejor la vida, la cultura y la conducta de las personas negras

6. Dé un equivalente en español de las siguientes frases extraídas de la Tabla 1

. a. reactión to chang ing situations

b. material reality and the acquisition of material goods

c. .controlling na,ture through science and development

d. an individual's functioning in a way that is divorced from the group

e. the most important aspects of human existence


f. acknowledging vah..ies and biases
■ ■ ••••••••••••• ■ ••••••••••• ■ •••• ■• ■ ■ •••• ■• ■ •••••• ■• ■ • • • • • ~. ■ ••••••• ■ ••• ■ ••••••••• ■ ■• ■ ........ ■ ••••

7. Lea el siguiente fragmento para responder, por escrito, las preguntas a


a. ¿Qué tipo de relación entre las ideas establece la palabra resaltada?

b. Escriba, en español, las dos ideas relacionadas.

1. ···································································································--·····················

2. ···························································································------·························

B. El siguiente párrafo fue extraído del texto. Léalo para responder las preguntas a

a. ¿Cuál era la situación de los psicólogos de color en Estados Unidos en la

segunda parte de la década del 60?

b. ¿Qué dos hechos contradictorios y simultáneos se daban en la práctica y en
la investigación en psicopatología? ·

c. ¿Qué palabra introduce la Idea de contradlcc/6n y simultaneidad?

d. ¿Qué se añade a estos hechos?

e. ¿Qué palabra introduce la relación de adición entre las ideas?

9. Lea el siguiente extracto y, con una cruz, marque las dos ideas que relaciona "not
only... ~ut
a/so ... "

Idea 1:
......... El Movimiento Nacionalista Negro de Malcolm X
......... "Poder Negro", "Orgullo Negro" y "Lo Negro es Bello" se convirtieron en
......... Malcolm X, Rap Brown, Huey Newton y otros

Idea 2:
......... eslogans y programas
......... comunidades negras
......... programas llevados a cabo en comunidades negras

10. Lea la siguiente cita extraída del texto para responder las preguntas a

Mod: psychologid:s -1:.ake t.he liberal poin-1:. of

view which in essence s-1:.a-l:.es t.ha-1:. black people
are cul-1:.urally deprived and psychologically
maladjus-1:.ed because t.he environmen-1:. in
which t.hey. _;,,ere rea-red as children lacks t.he
necessary earl_y experiences-1:.o prepar~ t.hem
for excellence in ·school, appropria-1:.e sex-role
behavior, and, gene-rally speaking, achievemen-1:.
wi-1:.hin an Anglo middle-class frame of
reference ...

a. ¿Cuál es la razón por la que la mayoría de los psicólogos avalan el punto de

vista que sostiene esencialmente que los negros carecen de cultura y son
psicológicamente inadaptados?

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. •

b. ¿Qué palabra/frase ayudó a ver la relación de causa-consecuencia en ~I


._......................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .

c. Esa palabra, ¿introduce una causa o una consecuencia?

---------~---------~--------------- --------·---------------··----·--- . ------ -- -· ·-- --

11. ¿A qué hacen referencia las palabras resaltadas? Señale la opción correcta.

1. Perspectiva histórica
2. Momento cultural crítico para el fu~uro de la psicología norteamericana
3. Asuntos sobre la identidad

1. Leyes de inmigración
2. Gente de América del Sur y de América Central y de Asia
3. La liberación de las leyes de inmigración en 1964 que abrió las puertas para
mucha gente de América del Sur, de América Central y de Asia entrara a
Estados Unidos.

1. Estudiantes e intelectuales negros

2. Fanon, Garvey, Malcolm X
3. Comunidades negras

1. Charles Thomas, Robert Green, Reginald Janes, Ed Barnes, Robert Williams,

Harold Dent, Henry Tomes
2. Fortalezas
3. Harold Dent y Henry Tornes

1. ABPsi
2. Revista de Psicología Negra
3. Manual de Publicaciones de la Asociación de Psi~ólogos Negros

12. t,A qué hacen referencia las palabras resaltadas? Identifique y luego, escriba, en
español, el referente correspondiente. ·

Referente (en español)

13. El siguiente pas~je se extrajo de una publicación de APA sobre la
inclusión de cuestiones de diversidad en libros de texto. Léalo para
completar las actividades a continuación:

lncorporating diversity issues into textbooks

is not a matter of political correctness. lt is
; a matter of scientific and professional
· responsibility. Diversity is · important to
: psychology on a number of levels. First,
'. the scope of psychology is aimed at
understanding .affect, behavior, and
, cognition, and research and teaching are
: geared to this purpose. By exploring
¡ psychological processes across diverse
• populations and contexts, we can gain
· deeper insights into how these processes operate. For instance, through the
, realization that certain psychological concepts, such as self-e~teem, achievement, or
¡ aggression, take different forms across cultures, we may learn more about the origins
1 •
: of these processes and, subsequently, what may mfluence how they are expressed .

. Seco11d, psychology is a scientific discipline that has a strong influence over students
i and other consumers of information in today's society. Therefore, psychologists have

i a. responsibility to .provide accurate and useful information. Psychologists are

• encouraged to avoid unknowingly perpetuating harmful myths, stereotypes, and
: assumptions that may not have a valid basis. Although consumers of psychology
! may view psychology as an objective science, researchérs and professionals knów
; that no matter how objective researchers try to be, their values and assumptions are
• an ever-present feature coloring how they view and conduct research and its
•· products. Knowing this, reseatchers and teachers of psychology are encouraged to
: seek out and challenge these assumptions and conventional modes of action and
¡ th~ught. lncorporating diversity into textbooks serves this purpose; thus providing not
: only a reactive perspective, but also a perspective that encourages equality and
, fairness of representation across populations.

The American Psychological Association. (2003). ·Toward an inclusive psychology: lnfusing

the introductory textbook with diversity content. Washington, DC. American
Psychological Association Press.

14. Determine si los siguientes enunciados son verdaderos o falsos con respecto a la
información ofrecida por el texto. Corrija los falsos.

Enunciados V F
a- Incorporar cuestiones sobre diversidad en los libros de texto es
una cuestión de responsabilidad científica y profesional.
b- La diversidad es importante para la psicología en tres niveles.
c- El campo de aplicación de la psicología tiene como único ·objetivo
comprender la conducta ·de las personas.
d- Corno la psicología ejerce_ una fuerte influencia sobre los
esf(idiántes y otros consumidores de información, los psicólogos
tienen la responsabilidad de dar informac!ón precisa y útil.

15. ~ m : En pares y tomando el texto anterior como fuente, diseñe:

a. una actividad de repaso de frases sustantivas
b. una actividad de repaso de diferentes tipos de conectores
c. una actividad de repaso de referencia textual
Una vez diseñadas, intercámbielas con sus compañeros de curso.


i .
16. Lea las siguientes definiciones ·para elegir la opción correcta. Señale
palabras que ayudaron en su elección. Luego, dé el equivalente en
español de la opción seleccionada.

a. A personality disorder characterized by a pervasive disregard for the rights .. of others

and consistent violation of these rights. This pattern has also been referred ~o; as
psychopathy, sociopathy and dissocial personality disorder.




b. A syndrome characterized by persistent overactivity, impulsivity and difficulties in
sustaining attention.




EQUIVALENTE EN E S P A Ñ O L : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

c. A recurrent mood disorder involving episodes of depression and mania; The

depressive episodes are characterized by low mood, negative cognition, and sleep
and appetite disturbance, ~nd the maniac episodes are characterized· by elation,
grandiosity, flight of ideas and expansive behavior.



EQUIVALENTE EN ESPAÑOL: _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ - - - - - - - -

d. A pei:sonality disorder characterized by fear of abandonment, impulsivity and a pattern

of pervasive instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and mood.




EQUIVALENTE E~ ESPAÑOL: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

e. Having more than one diagnosed psychological disorder or problem at a time.



EQUIVALENTE EN E S P A Ñ O L : - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
f. Experiencing a sensation in the absence of an externa! stimulus.




EQUIVALENTE EN ESPAÑOL: _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,__ _ _ _ _ __

g. A personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for

admiration and a lack of empathy for others.




h. A condition characterized by distressing obsessional thoughts or_ impulses on the one
hand and compulsive rituals which reduce the anxiety associated with the obsessions
on the other.




i. Intense fear which occurs when faced with an object, event or situation from a clearly
definable class of stimuli, which is out of proportion to the danger posed by the




j. A set of seriously debilitating conditions characterized chiefly by. hallucinations,
delusions and thought disorder.





¿Cuáles de las siguientes estrategi.as y técnicas de lectura aplicadas hasta
el momento le resultó más útil?· Coloque ~n tick / en la columna

Estrategia / Técnica ¿Cuán útil ha sido esta estrategia?

Muy útil Útil Poco útil.
~- Activar el conocimiento previo del
tema -~
~ Inferir el significado por la forma
~ Scanning (Lectura Detallada)
-~ Skimming (Lectura Global) ..
~ Usar el diccionario bilingüe
~ Utilizar el paratexto p~ra •, ..
deducir asp_~C!~s, férnáticós del ·-' :

Lea nuevamente los contenidos de las guías 11 a 14. Tilde / en la lista de la

primer columna los objetivos que alcanzó. Luego, califiqu~ el nivel que
considera haber alcanzado 'en cada uno.
Contenidos Nive,1,
o Identificar el grado comparativo y el grado superlativo de los

o Identificar la estructura retórica de un abstract escrito en inglés.

□ Identificar los elementos microestructur_ales más comunes de un abstract

escrito en inglés.

o Identificar di_f.er~ntes tipos de conectores ·y ·eJememtqs que indican

referencia textual.

1 ..,


Agostini de Sánchez, M. (2004 ). Inglés para arquitectos. Córdoba: Comunicarte.

Calsamiglia Blancafort, H. y Tusón Valls, A. (2002). Las cosas del decir. Manual de
análisis del discurso. Barcelona: Editorial Ariel. ·

De La Vega, G. (1998). Manual de gramática inglesa. Córdoba: Editorial Atenea.

Dood\ey, J. & Evans, V. (1999): Gramma,way 3. Berkshire: Express Publishing.


Enciclopedia temática Argos. (1970). Barcelona.

Evans, V. (1999). Gramma,way 2. Berkshire: Express Publishing.

Evans, V. (2000). Round up. English grammar practica. England: Pearson Education

Farrell, E. & Farell, C. (1998). Lado. a lado. Gramática inglesa y española. lllinois:
Passport Books.

Fox et all. (Eds.). (2003). Longman dictionary of contemporary English. (3rd Edition).
England: Pearson Education Limited.

Glasman-Deal, H. (201 O). Science research writing for non-native speakers of English.
London: World Scientific Publishing Co.

Marín, M. y Hall, B. (2005). Prácticas de lectura con textos de estudio. Buenos Aires:

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