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A start-up's collaboration in networks for sustainable freight transport: a micro-meso-macro approach to innovation release_cxvsjopvwrgefezhhnotaighsi

by Lisa Melander, Frida Lind

Entity Metadata (schema)

abstracts[] {'sha1': '2e2a9546a87429de8d23c41c40be216f50650aff', 'content': '<jats:sec>\n<jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Purpose</jats:title>\nThe purpose of this paper is to analyse how start-ups with a clear sustainability focus collaborate with multiple actors at different levels to pursue business ideas and develop sustainable freight transport solutions.\n</jats:sec>\n<jats:sec>\n<jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Design/methodology/approach</jats:title>\nThis paper builds on a theoretical approach that includes three levels of analysis: the actor level (micro), business-network level (meso) and society and government level (macro). An embedded case study is used of a focal start-up aiming to innovate on networked platforms and electric and autonomous vehicles (EAVs).\n</jats:sec>\n<jats:sec>\n<jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Findings</jats:title>\nActivities and resources are developed at the firm (micro), network (meso) and societal levels (macro), and all three levels need to be considered for a start-up, with a clear sustainability focus. Interaction within as well as between levels affects the innovation development, integration and implementation. The many-folded collaborations at the meso level serve as a locus for the integration of EAVs. The start-up\'s networking activities with actors at meso and macro levels contribute to it gaining legitimacy in the transport system.\n</jats:sec>\n<jats:sec>\n<jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Originality/value</jats:title>\nThis paper focuses on the importance of collaboration in the context of developing innovative solutions for environmental sustainability and freight transport and provides a unique case of how a start-up company manages collaborations at the micro, meso and macro levels.\n</jats:sec>', 'mimetype': 'application/xml+jats', 'lang': None}
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release_date 2022-11-28
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release_year 2022
title A start-up's collaboration in networks for sustainable freight transport: a micro-meso-macro approach to innovation
volume 27
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Extra Metadata (raw JSON)

crossref.alternative-id ['10.1108/SCM-11-2021-0537']
crossref.subject ['General Business, Management and Accounting']
crossref.type journal-article