Book Chapter by Laura Di Fabio
La strategia della tensione tra piazza Fontana e l'Italicus. Fenomenologia, rappresentazioni, memoria a cura di Marco Cuzzi, Mirco Dondi e Domenico Guzzo, 2022
Maurizio CAU e Christoph CORNELISSEN - Sulla ... more INDICE
Maurizio CAU e Christoph CORNELISSEN - Sulla mediatizzazione delle elezioni politiche: prospettive storiche
Simone DERIX - Elezioni e media: approcci per l’esplorazione di un rapporto complesso
Fernanda ALFIERI - «Electio» fra singolo e collettività
Katia OCCHI - «Erwählungen in die Ämter»: cittadini e rappresentanza a Merano agli inizi dell’età moderna
Claudio FERLAN e Alessandro PARIS - Notizie sotto chiave: il conclave del 1559
Giovanni FLORIO - «Ai piedi di Sua Serenità». Media e elezioni ducali nella Venezia di fi ne Seicento
Matteo LARGAIOLLI - Processo decisionale e media nello scisma dell’Accademia d’Arcadia (1711)
Frank BÖSCH - Parlamenti e media. Germania e Gran Bretagna dal tardo XIX secolo
Elena TONEZZER - Il ruolo della stampa in Trentino nelle elezioni del 1907
Thomas MERGEL - Lo spartiacque di metà anni Ottanta e la ritardata americanizzazione in Germania
Cecilia NUBOLA - Donne, politica, media. Votare ed essere votate nell’Italia repubblicana
Claudia C. GATZKA - La democrazia degli elettori in Italia e nella Repubblica Federale Tedesca (1944-1979)
Laura DI FABIO - Media, terrorismo e sicurezza in campagna elettorale. Il caso tedesco federale del 1980
Maurizio CAU - Le elezioni sui muri. Manifesti e comunicazione politica nella prima età repubblicana
Federico RUOZZI - Effetti ecclesiologici di un ‘media event’: il conclave del 1958
Riccardo BRIZZI - Le elezioni presidenziali francesi del 1969 e i media
Patrizia Dogliani, Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci (a cura di)
Democrazia insicura
Violenze, repression... more Patrizia Dogliani, Marie-Anne Matard-Bonucci (a cura di)
Democrazia insicura
Violenze, repressioni e Stato di diritto nella storia della Repubblica (1945-1995)
Saggi. Storia e scienze sociali, 2017
"Confini. Testo – Arti – Metodologia – Ricerca", 2013
Journal Articles by Laura Di Fabio
Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2022
This essay investigates the organisation and plans for cross-border police surveillance during th... more This essay investigates the organisation and plans for cross-border police surveillance during the 1960s and 1970s in the key border area of South Tyrol, in Northern Italy. At a time when political and ethno-nationalist terrorism appeared, the threats it posed took on an international character. This study seeks to understand the re-organisation of police surveillance and the militar- isation of borders in peacetime, investigating continuities and ruptures in the history of policing in Republican Italy; it focuses on the exchange of knowledge between security experts and the transformation of organisation and practices of police officers with the task of monitoring borders. This leads on to propose conceptual reflections on the formats, effects and boundary-setting in transna- tional police actions, as well as on the spaces of interaction between transna- tional actors in the recent past. Which of these are devices of police border surveillance? How were areas of competence assigned to different Public Security bodies? What did they represent for the history of the police of Republican Italy? How was cross-border surveillance negotiated and how was it organised? How did the exchange of knowledge develop police cooperation and how did this influence diplomatic relations between Italy and Austria during the cold War? Cross-border surveillance took on an important role in the relations between states in negotiating areas of surveillance and legitimate competencies. This study is based on unpublished documents created by the Ufficio Affari Riservati (U.A.R.) of the Italian Ministry of the Interior, which make it possible to reconstruct an organisation chart of the civilian and military corps engaged at the border and to investigate the cross-border Italian–Austrian police cooperation in its theoretical and technical-scientific aspects.
Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, 2021
This piece of research aims to present a historiographical and methodological review of the hist... more This piece of research aims to present a historiographical and methodological review of the history of the Jesuits, the civilian population and the military troops during the German military occupation in Italy between 1943 and 1945. The analysis of hitherto unexplored sources, accessible since 2 March 2020, allows historians to explore the archival heritage that was produced by the different religious communi ties of the Society of Jesus present in rural and urban territories, which carried out functions of education, pastoral care and assistance in the communities of reference. The analysis of the role and function of the religious orders as observers of "Great History" to tell the story of the life of the civilian population in the years of the Second World War and under military occupation represents a privileged point of view that still awaits investigation.
in "Contro il terrorismo. La trasmissione dei saperi nell'Europa degli anni '70", Memoria e Ricerca , 2019
The «Club de Berne» and the Interchange of Knowledge Between the Intelligence Services.
This co... more The «Club de Berne» and the Interchange of Knowledge Between the Intelligence Services.
This contribution examines some of the topics which came up during the meetings of the «Club de Berne» between different European security services during the last part of the 1960s and ‘70s. The transnational intelligence formation and collaboration are part of a gradual process, which began during the post-war time in some border regions, continuing for the entire Cold War. The essay explores the Secret Services’ debates regarding the threat of communism in Europe and the expectations of the intelligence services in view of the Olympic Games of Munich in 1972 and, after the attack, the consequences in the context of European counterterrorism cooperation. The last section of the article presents the interchange of knowledges concerning the secret fight against political terrorism, thanks to regular updates. The available unprecedented documentation shows us the political, confidential and still mysterious dialectic of the cooperation between the different Intelligence Services in Europe at the end of the 1960s and the critical beginning of the 70s
With this article, we aim at drawing attention to a hitherto less studied perspective in the hist... more With this article, we aim at drawing attention to a hitherto less studied perspective in the history of Italian counterterrorism: the international cooperation in order to tackle the transnational threat of terrorism. Departing from the observation of several similar phenomena of political violence in the second half of the 20th century, we understand the Italian “storia della lotta al terrorismo” as embedded in its global context. However, this does not mean neglecting national particularities. Firstly, we explain which are the most important aspects of a transnational history of the fight against terrorism. Secondly, we argue that the investigation of these aspects can enrich the Italian history of counterterrorism in manifold ways. Thirdly, we propose manners and methods to open up Italian contemporary historiography on the topic towards a broader field of historical analysis, intertwined with the histories of international relations and European Integration.
Concluding, we claim that the histories of Italian and of European antiterrorism efforts complement each other and that the links between both of them can help to better understand a complex history of diplomatic duties, legal frameworks, and institutional structures
The article analyzes the recent trends of German historiography in internal security and countert... more The article analyzes the recent trends of German historiography in internal security and counterterrorism during 1970s and 1980s. This essay introduces some of the most influencial studies emerged over the last fifteen years on three main spheres. Firtsly, it focuses on the reaction of the States against political extremism
and terrorism in Italy and in the Federal Republic of Germany; secondly, on possible institutional responses to international terrorism – prevention, punishment, and cooperative action –; and finally, on the trasformation of judicial power and the journalistic approach, along with the impact of those two elements on the public opinion. The comparison between the Italian and the German situations is conveyed by a comparative and transnational perspective.
Books by Laura Di Fabio
Per comprendere le strategie e le criticità dell’antiterrorismo di oggi è necessario rivolgere lo... more Per comprendere le strategie e le criticità dell’antiterrorismo di oggi è necessario rivolgere lo sguardo al passato, quando in Italia e nella Repubblica Federale Tedesca la risposta istituzionale di fronte alla violenza politica armata assunse forme e modalità peculiari. Questo volume, grazie a numerose fonti inedite, riesce a raccontare come le istituzioni decisero di gestire la prima emergenza terroristica. Come cooperarono i governi e gli apparati di sicurezza italo-tedeschi, in uno scambio di informazioni che ha reso internazionale la sorveglianza. Come affrontarono temi ancora attualissimi: il rapporto tra la società e le istituzioni che detengono il monopolio legittimo della violenza, il disciplinamento sociale per controllare le minacce all’ordine costituito, l’equilibrio tra bisogno di sicurezza dello Stato e salvaguardia dei diritti e delle libertà dei cittadini. La storicizzazione di uno Zeitgeist securitario, che ci parla del mondo in cui viviamo.
Talks by Laura Di Fabio
Book Reviews by Laura Di Fabio
Open-access review of "Due democrazie, una sorveglianza comune"
Book Chapter by Laura Di Fabio
Maurizio CAU e Christoph CORNELISSEN - Sulla mediatizzazione delle elezioni politiche: prospettive storiche
Simone DERIX - Elezioni e media: approcci per l’esplorazione di un rapporto complesso
Fernanda ALFIERI - «Electio» fra singolo e collettività
Katia OCCHI - «Erwählungen in die Ämter»: cittadini e rappresentanza a Merano agli inizi dell’età moderna
Claudio FERLAN e Alessandro PARIS - Notizie sotto chiave: il conclave del 1559
Giovanni FLORIO - «Ai piedi di Sua Serenità». Media e elezioni ducali nella Venezia di fi ne Seicento
Matteo LARGAIOLLI - Processo decisionale e media nello scisma dell’Accademia d’Arcadia (1711)
Frank BÖSCH - Parlamenti e media. Germania e Gran Bretagna dal tardo XIX secolo
Elena TONEZZER - Il ruolo della stampa in Trentino nelle elezioni del 1907
Thomas MERGEL - Lo spartiacque di metà anni Ottanta e la ritardata americanizzazione in Germania
Cecilia NUBOLA - Donne, politica, media. Votare ed essere votate nell’Italia repubblicana
Claudia C. GATZKA - La democrazia degli elettori in Italia e nella Repubblica Federale Tedesca (1944-1979)
Laura DI FABIO - Media, terrorismo e sicurezza in campagna elettorale. Il caso tedesco federale del 1980
Maurizio CAU - Le elezioni sui muri. Manifesti e comunicazione politica nella prima età repubblicana
Federico RUOZZI - Effetti ecclesiologici di un ‘media event’: il conclave del 1958
Riccardo BRIZZI - Le elezioni presidenziali francesi del 1969 e i media
Democrazia insicura
Violenze, repressioni e Stato di diritto nella storia della Repubblica (1945-1995)
Saggi. Storia e scienze sociali, 2017
Journal Articles by Laura Di Fabio
This contribution examines some of the topics which came up during the meetings of the «Club de Berne» between different European security services during the last part of the 1960s and ‘70s. The transnational intelligence formation and collaboration are part of a gradual process, which began during the post-war time in some border regions, continuing for the entire Cold War. The essay explores the Secret Services’ debates regarding the threat of communism in Europe and the expectations of the intelligence services in view of the Olympic Games of Munich in 1972 and, after the attack, the consequences in the context of European counterterrorism cooperation. The last section of the article presents the interchange of knowledges concerning the secret fight against political terrorism, thanks to regular updates. The available unprecedented documentation shows us the political, confidential and still mysterious dialectic of the cooperation between the different Intelligence Services in Europe at the end of the 1960s and the critical beginning of the 70s
Concluding, we claim that the histories of Italian and of European antiterrorism efforts complement each other and that the links between both of them can help to better understand a complex history of diplomatic duties, legal frameworks, and institutional structures
and terrorism in Italy and in the Federal Republic of Germany; secondly, on possible institutional responses to international terrorism – prevention, punishment, and cooperative action –; and finally, on the trasformation of judicial power and the journalistic approach, along with the impact of those two elements on the public opinion. The comparison between the Italian and the German situations is conveyed by a comparative and transnational perspective.
Books by Laura Di Fabio
Talks by Laura Di Fabio
Book Reviews by Laura Di Fabio
Maurizio CAU e Christoph CORNELISSEN - Sulla mediatizzazione delle elezioni politiche: prospettive storiche
Simone DERIX - Elezioni e media: approcci per l’esplorazione di un rapporto complesso
Fernanda ALFIERI - «Electio» fra singolo e collettività
Katia OCCHI - «Erwählungen in die Ämter»: cittadini e rappresentanza a Merano agli inizi dell’età moderna
Claudio FERLAN e Alessandro PARIS - Notizie sotto chiave: il conclave del 1559
Giovanni FLORIO - «Ai piedi di Sua Serenità». Media e elezioni ducali nella Venezia di fi ne Seicento
Matteo LARGAIOLLI - Processo decisionale e media nello scisma dell’Accademia d’Arcadia (1711)
Frank BÖSCH - Parlamenti e media. Germania e Gran Bretagna dal tardo XIX secolo
Elena TONEZZER - Il ruolo della stampa in Trentino nelle elezioni del 1907
Thomas MERGEL - Lo spartiacque di metà anni Ottanta e la ritardata americanizzazione in Germania
Cecilia NUBOLA - Donne, politica, media. Votare ed essere votate nell’Italia repubblicana
Claudia C. GATZKA - La democrazia degli elettori in Italia e nella Repubblica Federale Tedesca (1944-1979)
Laura DI FABIO - Media, terrorismo e sicurezza in campagna elettorale. Il caso tedesco federale del 1980
Maurizio CAU - Le elezioni sui muri. Manifesti e comunicazione politica nella prima età repubblicana
Federico RUOZZI - Effetti ecclesiologici di un ‘media event’: il conclave del 1958
Riccardo BRIZZI - Le elezioni presidenziali francesi del 1969 e i media
Democrazia insicura
Violenze, repressioni e Stato di diritto nella storia della Repubblica (1945-1995)
Saggi. Storia e scienze sociali, 2017
This contribution examines some of the topics which came up during the meetings of the «Club de Berne» between different European security services during the last part of the 1960s and ‘70s. The transnational intelligence formation and collaboration are part of a gradual process, which began during the post-war time in some border regions, continuing for the entire Cold War. The essay explores the Secret Services’ debates regarding the threat of communism in Europe and the expectations of the intelligence services in view of the Olympic Games of Munich in 1972 and, after the attack, the consequences in the context of European counterterrorism cooperation. The last section of the article presents the interchange of knowledges concerning the secret fight against political terrorism, thanks to regular updates. The available unprecedented documentation shows us the political, confidential and still mysterious dialectic of the cooperation between the different Intelligence Services in Europe at the end of the 1960s and the critical beginning of the 70s
Concluding, we claim that the histories of Italian and of European antiterrorism efforts complement each other and that the links between both of them can help to better understand a complex history of diplomatic duties, legal frameworks, and institutional structures
and terrorism in Italy and in the Federal Republic of Germany; secondly, on possible institutional responses to international terrorism – prevention, punishment, and cooperative action –; and finally, on the trasformation of judicial power and the journalistic approach, along with the impact of those two elements on the public opinion. The comparison between the Italian and the German situations is conveyed by a comparative and transnational perspective.
Per citare questo articolo: STOPPOLONI, Alessandro, «RECENSIONE: Laura DI FABIO, Due democrazie, una sorveglianza comune. Italia e Repubblica Federale Tedesca nella lotta al terrorismo interno e internazionale (1967-1986), Firenze, Le Monnier, 2018, 223 pp.», Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea : Viaggi e turismo nell'Europa del Novecento, 36, 4/ Diritti: gli articoli di Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea sono pubblicati sotto licenza Creative Commons 3.0. Possono essere riprodotti e modificati a patto di indicare eventuali modifiche dei contenuti, di riconoscere la paternità dell'opera e di condividerla allo stesso modo. La citazione di estratti è comunque sempre autorizzata, nei limiti previsti dalla legge.
"Terrorisme en France, en Turquie, en Italie et en Allemagne dans les années 1970"
Matthias Middell (Leipzig), Words of Welcome
Caroline Guibet Lafaye (Centre Maurice Halbwachs - CNRS, Paris), La construction de l'ennemi : usages politiques contemporains de la notion de radicalisation
Laura di Fabio (Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Paris / Universität Trier / Leipzig), Surveillance et violence armée. Italie es RFA dans les années 1970-1980
Juline Beaujouan (Paris/ London), Quand les résistants d'hier deviennent les terroristes d'aujord'hui - Une analyse de l’évolution du discours médiatique français relatif au jihad
Matthias Middell (Leipzig), Terrorisme et territorialité - une histoire compliquée
Universität Mannheim
Montag, 4. und Dienstag, 5. Juli 2016
Workshop for PhD candidates in Political History
22nd–23rd October 2015, Leiden University
Maintaining Order and Security in Transnational Europe
My doctoral thesis explores the two nations’ internal security strategies developed in the fight against political terrorism and (far-right and far-left) extremism in the 1970’s. Applying a comparative methodology in a historical perspective, with the support of German and Italian bibliography and unpublished archival documents, the research focuses on securitisation policy through the study of counter-terrorist resolutions and bilateral
government-cooperation between Italy and the Federal Republic of Germany. Therein, special emphasis has been given to issues such as social control and intelligence exchange between the two nations’ police forces and interior ministry - the control of extremist groups of the far-left and far-right, extending to all so-called sympathisers and activists of the contiguity area, believed to constitute the recruitment-grounds of armed groups; the fight
against domestic and international terrorism; the increase of preventive and repressive capability of security organs in the FRG, Italy and in the wider european context. The present research has come to understand these activities as a set of preventive and repressive strategies aimed at extending surveillance over wide sections of the general public (especially in the Federal Republic of Germany) in the name of national security and, finally, as one of
the most telling symptoms of a crisis affecting the conceptual basis of the nation state.
Sono previsti interventi di relatori italiani e tedeschi e alcuni momenti laboratoriali in cui i dottorandi avranno occasione di presentare e confrontare le loro ricerche.
Scadenza per l’invio delle candidature: giovedì 28 febbraio 2019.
Organizzazione: Fondazione Gramsci e Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico di FBK
The workshop represented a moment of disciplinary exchange focused on the historiographic and methodological evolution of History of media.
Organisation: Gramsci Foundation in Rome/Italian-German Historical Institute-FBK in Trento
Streaming 1:
Streaming 2:
IPSE addresses the main changes in International Politics & Security, thanks to an historical and integrated approach: it relies on a network of 10 European Universities, involving worldwide well-known experts that study in-depth this phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspective.
In the last decades, due to a pressing rise of terrorists attacks, the studies related to political violence have known a new wave of interest among academics, scholars, intellectuals in general.
From history to political science, from sociology to economy and international relations, IPSE offers a unique opportunity to learn the most relevant scientific developments in this area of knowledge. IPSE is open to MA and PhD students, and early postdoctoral students who have a specific interest in these topics.
The first edition (May 27-30, 2020) is dedicated to the analysis of the terrorist threat and security politics. Main topics will be: the impact of terrorism over international and national systems; mobility and security; cybersecurity; radicalization.
Given the seminar structure of the Spring School, IPSE wants to be a fertile moment of discussion among senior scholars and young researchers on the most updated research in the field.
Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Valentine Lomellini (University of Padua)
More informations:
Nell’ambito del progetto “Mediatizzazione e medialità della storia” promosso dall’Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico, la Summer School si propone di approfondire il ruolo dei media nel contesto delle trasformazioni socio-politiche e culturali che han-no caratterizzato l’epoca moderna e contemporanea.
L’intento è quello di ricostruire l’impatto dei media attraverso le categorie di medialità, intermedialità e transnazionalità da una prospettiva storica.
Sono previsti interventi di carattere metodologico da parte di relatori/relatrici italiani e tedeschi, approfondimenti sulle fonti curati dai ricercatori/ricercatrici dell’Istituto e un momento laboratoriale in cui i borsisti avranno occasione di presentare e confrontare le loro ricerche.
Coordinamento scientifico di Laura di Fabio.
Maggiori informazioni:
the Summer School will investigate through lectures and seminars the role of media in the context of the socio-political and cultural transformations that have typified the early modern and contemporary era. The aim is to reconstruct the development of the media through the categories of mediality, intermediality and transnationality from a historical perspective.
Applications must be submitted by February 28, 2019.