Ocp - Jorf Lasfar: Etudes de Flexibilité Des Lignes SVR Projet PAT 1500
Ocp - Jorf Lasfar: Etudes de Flexibilité Des Lignes SVR Projet PAT 1500
Ocp - Jorf Lasfar: Etudes de Flexibilité Des Lignes SVR Projet PAT 1500
C 23/08/2022 AM F.H
B 28/05/2022 AM F.H
A 09/05/2022 AM F.H
Angle Boulevard Hassan II et rue Abderrahman Serghini Résidence Walid
Entrée C N° 9 & 10 B.P. 590 28800 Mohammedia Gare - Maroc
(00) 212 523 30 17 16 – 523 31 70 47 - (00) 212 5 23 31 70 48
Email : atlasol@atlasol.ma – atlasol@hotmail.fr - www.atlasol.ma
Etudes de flexibilité des lignes SVR
Ingénierie & Réalisations Industrielles
Calcul de flexibilité
PAGES DE REVISION..........................................................................................................................................2
1. Objet........................................................................................................................................................4
2. Normes et données de calcul...................................................................................................................4
2.1. Normes................................................................................................................................................4
2.2. Caractériqtiques du matériau:.............................................................................................................4
2.3. Conditions de calcul :...........................................................................................................................5
2.4. Documents de references....................................................................................................................5
2.5. Charges................................................................................................................................................5
3. CALCUL.....................................................................................................................................................8
3.1. Description des lignes..........................................................................................................................8
3.2. Modélisation........................................................................................................................................8
3.3. Contraintes maximales........................................................................................................................9
3.4. Réactions & moments aux limites de batteries :................................................................................23
3.5. Déplacements :..................................................................................................................................24
3.6. Flange Check......................................................................................................................................28
3.7. Charges sur appuis.............................................................................................................................29
4. CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................................54
Etudes de flexibilité des lignes SVR
Ingénierie & Réalisations Industrielles
Calcul de flexibilité
1. Objet
L’objet de la présente étude est le calcul de flexibilité des tuyauteries en FRP DN200,
transportant l’acide phosphorique depuis les pompes 14T2-2-AP/KP02 vers le bac 14T2-1-R02
et 14T2-2-R03.
Les isométriques concernées sont :
2.1. Normes
Pipe DN 200
Wall thickness 6.9
Pipe density 1800 kg/m3
Elasticity modulus, Ea 12000 MPa
Elasticity modulus, Eh 24500 MPa
Shear modulus, G 11500 MPa
Poisson ratio, Vhoop/axial 0.322
Thremal expansion coeff 20
Eh/Ea 1.816
al(0:1) 44 MPa
al(2:1) 60 MPa
hl(2:1) 121 MPa
Qualified Stress for joints, Qs 121 MPa
Bi - Axial stress ratio for joints (r) 0.434
Qualified Stress for bends, Qs 121 MPa
Bi - Axial stress ratio for bends (r) 0.434
Qualified Stress for Tees, Qs 121 MPa
Thermal factor, K 0.85
0.67(SUS), 0.83(OPE),
System design factor, f2
System design factor, f3 1
Etudes de flexibilité des lignes SVR
Ingénierie & Réalisations Industrielles
Calcul de flexibilité
2.5. Charges
Charges permanentes : W
Sont les poids propres des tuyauteries et du fluide.
Pression : P1 et P2
Charges dues aux pressions de calcul et de service, respectivement 9.38 bars et 4.02 bars.
Material of EJ : Rubber EJ
Type of EJ : UnTied EJ
Axial stifness : 184 N/mm
Trans stifness : 138 N /mm
Tor stifness : 14 N.m/deg
Vannes : le poids des vannes sont prises conformément au datasheets communiquées par
Etudes de flexibilité des lignes SVR
Ingénierie & Réalisations Industrielles
Calcul de flexibilité
La tuyauterie a été modélisée telle que prévue dans les plans du projet.
Nous avons positionné et défini les types de supports à installer sur cette ligne.
3.2. Modélisation
La vérification des brides des pompes est faite avec le cas operating avec majoration de 20%.
3.5. Déplacements :
Ci-après les déplacements obtenus au niveau des nœuds de calcul dans le cas de design.
La vérification de la fuite des brides est faite conformément à la méthode de pression équivalente Peq.
5 TYPE=Rigid ANC;
1(SUS) 0 -227 3 -83 0 0
2(SUS) 0 -113 1 -38 0 0
3(HYD) -12 -140 4165 -48 5 0
4(SUS) -7 -199 2778 -72 3 0
5(SUS) 0 -249 2779 -92 0 -1
6(SUS) 3 -226 3 -83 -1 0
7(SUS) 3 -226 3 -83 -1 0
8(OPE) 137 -195 3113 -70 -55 0
9(OPE) 208 -254 3114 -94 -84 -1
10(OPE) 23 -226 3 -83 -9 0
11(OPE) 107 -227 3 -83 -43 0
12(OPE) 80 -210 1454 -76 -32 0
13(OPE) 17 -224 3 -82 -7 0
14(OPE) 138 -195 3096 -70 -56 0
15(OPE) 136 -195 3130 -70 -55 0
16(OPE) 137 -195 3113 -70 -55 0
17(OPE) 137 -195 3113 -70 -55 0
18(OPE) 199 -195 3113 -70 -79 0
19(OPE) 75 -195 3113 -70 -32 0
20(OPE) 283 -195 3113 -70 -113 0
21(OPE) -9 -194 3113 -70 2 0
22(OPE) 136 -196 3113 -71 -55 0
23(OPE) 139 -194 3113 -70 -56 0
24(OCC) 1 0 -17 0 0 0
25(OCC) -1 0 17 0 0 0
26(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
27(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
28(OCC) 62 0 0 0 -23 0
29(OCC) -62 0 0 0 23 0
30(OCC) 146 0 0 0 -57 0
31(OCC) -146 0 0 0 57 0
32(OCC) -1 -1 0 0 1 0
33(OCC) 2 1 0 0 -1 0
34(OCC) -6 -199 2761 -72 2 0
35(OCC) -8 -199 2796 -72 3 0
36(OCC) -7 -199 2778 -72 3 0
37(OCC) -7 -199 2778 -72 3 0
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Calcul de flexibilité
25(OCC) -1 0 17 0 0 0
26(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
27(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
28(OCC) 62 0 0 0 -5 0
29(OCC) -62 0 0 0 5 0
30(OCC) 146 0 0 0 -14 0
31(OCC) -146 0 0 0 14 0
32(OCC) -1 -1 0 0 0 0
33(OCC) 2 1 0 0 0 0
34(OCC) -6 -199 2761 -12 1 0
35(OCC) -8 -199 2796 -12 1 0
36(OCC) -7 -199 2778 -12 1 0
37(OCC) -7 -199 2778 -12 1 0
38(OCC) 55 -200 2778 -12 -4 0
39(OCC) -68 -199 2778 -12 6 0
40(OCC) 139 -200 2778 -12 -13 0
41(OCC) -153 -199 2778 -12 14 0
42(OCC) -8 -201 2778 -12 1 0
43(OCC) -5 -198 2778 -12 1 0
44(EXP) 144 4 335 0 -15 0
45(EXP) 30 -26 -2775 -3 -3 0
46(EXP) 87 -10 -1324 -1 -9 0
47(EXP) 57 15 1659 1 -6 0
283/L2 4165/L -28/L2
MAX -254/L9 -18/L9 -1/L9
0 3 0
47 TYPE=Rigid +Y; Rigid GUI w/gap; Rigid LIM;
1(SUS) 0 -1771 67 0 0 0
2(SUS) 0 -521 29 0 0 0
3(HYD) 366 -1289 -1876 0 0 0
4(SUS) 242 -1782 -706 0 0 0
5(SUS) 174 -1210 -846 0 0 0
6(SUS) 25 -1789 870 0 0 0
7(SUS) 25 -1789 867 0 0 0
8(OPE) 544 -1812 6405 0 0 0
9(OPE) 329 -1095 637 0 0 0
10(OPE) 311 -1835 2896 0 0 0
11(OPE) 539 -1797 -1183 0 0 0
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Calcul de flexibilité
217 TYPE=Rigid +Y;
1(SUS) -8 -2619 13 0 0 0
2(SUS) -4 -812 6 0 0 0
3(HYD) -30 -2240 -671 0 0 0
4(SUS) -279 -2882 -818 0 0 0
5(SUS) -323 -2445 -659 0 0 0
6(SUS) -680 -2880 -276 0 0 0
7(SUS) -644 -2888 -269 0 0 0
8(OPE) 226 -5230 -1553 0 0 0
9(OPE) -232 -1953 -538 0 0 0
10(OPE) -793 -5030 -1284 0 0 0
11(OPE) -573 -2475 -472 0 0 0
12(OPE) 219 -4376 -1295 0 0 0
13(OPE) -610 -4198 -1102 0 0 0
14(OPE) 228 -5246 -1557 0 0 0
15(OPE) 222 -5214 -1549 0 0 0
16(OPE) 226 -5230 -1553 0 0 0
17(OPE) 226 -5230 -1553 0 0 0
18(OPE) 364 -5182 -1511 0 0 0
19(OPE) 78 -5279 -1582 0 0 0
20(OPE) 338 -5143 -1505 0 0 0
21(OPE) 104 -5317 -1592 0 0 0
22(OPE) 221 -5201 -1545 0 0 0
23(OPE) 229 -5259 -1561 0 0 0
24(OCC) 2 -16 -5 0 0 0
25(OCC) -4 15 4 0 0 0
26(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
27(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
28(OCC) 138 48 41 0 0 0
29(OCC) -148 -49 -29 0 0 0
30(OCC) 113 86 47 0 0 0
31(OCC) -122 -87 -39 0 0 0
32(OCC) -5 29 8 0 0 0
33(OCC) 3 -30 -9 0 0 0
34(OCC) -277 -2898 -823 0 0 0
35(OCC) -283 -2867 -814 0 0 0
36(OCC) -279 -2882 -818 0 0 0
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Calcul de flexibilité
24(OCC) 8 -15 0 0 0 0
25(OCC) -8 15 0 0 0 0
26(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
27(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
28(OCC) 6 72 33 0 0 0
29(OCC) -10 -71 -34 0 0 0
30(OCC) 8 66 32 0 0 0
31(OCC) -12 -65 -33 0 0 0
32(OCC) -16 33 0 0 0 0
33(OCC) 15 -33 -1 0 0 0
34(OCC) 267 -2021 -543 0 0 0
35(OCC) 252 -1992 -544 0 0 0
36(OCC) 260 -2007 -543 0 0 0
37(OCC) 260 -2007 -543 0 0 0
38(OCC) 266 -1935 -511 0 0 0
39(OCC) 250 -2078 -577 0 0 0
40(OCC) 268 -1940 -511 0 0 0
41(OCC) 248 -2072 -576 0 0 0
42(OCC) 244 -1974 -543 0 0 0
43(OCC) 275 -2039 -544 0 0 0
44(EXP) 298 -1056 -187 0 0 0
45(EXP) 404 -998 -67 0 0 0
46(EXP) 240 -719 -104 0 0 0
47(EXP) 58 -337 -83 0 0 0
664/L1 -3134/L -764/L1
0 19 9
370 TYPE=Flex X; Rigid RX; Rigid Y; Flex RY; Rigid X; Flex RX; Displ. Reaction;
1(SUS) -116 -1017 3 217 -48 -5
2(SUS) -59 -526 -2 99 -22 -4
3(HYD) -940 -574 -482 166 -34 19
4(SUS) -713 -848 -290 202 -62 5
5(SUS) -734 -828 -309 179 -58 -2
6(SUS) -686 -859 -249 196 -80 0
7(SUS) -686 -859 -249 196 -80 0
8(OPE) -4599 365 -2910 271 132 198
9(OPE) 0 -1123 0 139 -45 32
10(OPE) -4469 304 -2620 218 -49 164
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19 11 23 3 1 3
390 TYPE=Rigid GUI w/gap; Rigid +Y;
1(SUS) 0 -1276 0 0 0 0
2(SUS) 0 -128 0 0 0 0
3(HYD) 0 -603 0 0 0 0
4(SUS) 0 -1113 0 0 0 0
5(SUS) 0 -1133 0 0 0 0
6(SUS) 0 -1110 0 0 0 0
7(SUS) 0 -1111 0 0 0 0
8(OPE) 0 0 2926 0 0 0
9(OPE) 0 -829 0 0 0 0
10(OPE) 0 0 2550 0 0 0
11(OPE) 0 -826 0 0 0 0
12(OPE) 0 -71 1522 0 0 0
13(OPE) 0 -198 1205 0 0 0
14(OPE) 0 0 2591 0 0 0
15(OPE) 0 0 3259 0 0 0
16(OPE) 0 0 2926 0 0 0
17(OPE) 0 0 2926 0 0 0
18(OPE) 0 0 3264 0 0 0
19(OPE) 0 0 2587 0 0 0
20(OPE) 0 0 3249 0 0 0
21(OPE) 0 0 2603 0 0 0
22(OPE) 0 0 3725 0 0 0
23(OPE) 0 0 2125 0 0 0
24(OCC) 0 0 -335 0 0 0
25(OCC) 0 0 333 0 0 0
26(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
27(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
28(OCC) 0 0 338 0 0 0
29(OCC) 0 0 -340 0 0 0
30(OCC) 0 0 323 0 0 0
31(OCC) 0 0 -324 0 0 0
32(OCC) 0 0 799 0 0 0
33(OCC) 0 0 -801 0 0 0
34(OCC) 0 -1113 -335 0 0 0
35(OCC) 0 -1113 333 0 0 0
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36(OCC) 0 -1113 0 0 0 0
37(OCC) 0 -1113 0 0 0 0
38(OCC) 0 -1113 338 0 0 0
39(OCC) 0 -1113 -340 0 0 0
40(OCC) 0 -1113 323 0 0 0
41(OCC) 0 -1113 -324 0 0 0
42(OCC) 0 -1113 799 0 0 0
43(OCC) 0 -1113 -801 0 0 0
44(EXP) 0 1113 2926 0 0 0
45(EXP) 0 1113 2550 0 0 0
46(EXP) 0 1042 1522 0 0 0
47(EXP) 0 71 1404 0 0 0
-1276/L 3725/L
1 22
420 TYPE=Rigid +Y;
1(SUS) 22 -1347 13 0 0 0
2(SUS) 14 -428 9 0 0 0
3(HYD) 143 -1047 279 0 0 0
4(SUS) 110 -1398 405 0 0 0
5(SUS) 91 -1386 406 0 0 0
6(SUS) 108 -1398 405 0 0 0
7(SUS) 109 -1397 405 0 0 0
8(OPE) 151 -1340 372 0 0 0
9(OPE) 335 -1643 -362 0 0 0
10(OPE) 148 -1448 408 0 0 0
11(OPE) 327 -1645 -370 0 0 0
12(OPE) 199 -1719 476 0 0 0
13(OPE) 178 -1684 473 0 0 0
14(OPE) 145 -1327 371 0 0 0
15(OPE) 157 -1352 374 0 0 0
16(OPE) 151 -1340 372 0 0 0
17(OPE) 151 -1340 372 0 0 0
18(OPE) 168 -1347 367 0 0 0
19(OPE) 131 -1332 378 0 0 0
20(OPE) 173 -1355 368 0 0 0
21(OPE) 124 -1324 377 0 0 0
22(OPE) 162 -1366 376 0 0 0
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46(EXP) -11 3 0 0 1 0
47(EXP) -3 -3 0 0 0 0
112/L4 4166/L -11/L4
MAX -239/L9 -15/L9 0/L13
5 3 5
1090 TYPE=Rigid GUI; Rigid LIM; Rigid +Y;
1(SUS) 0 -1833 -2 0 0 0
2(SUS) 0 -509 0 0 0 0
3(HYD) -580 -1346 -2666 0 0 0
4(SUS) -141 -1861 255 0 0 0
5(SUS) -131 -1874 256 0 0 0
6(SUS) -378 -1863 -1571 0 0 0
7(SUS) -339 -1851 -1589 0 0 0
8(OPE) -1414 -1888 311 0 0 0
9(OPE) -795 -1852 -409 0 0 0
10(OPE) -3373 -1928 4249 0 0 0
11(OPE) -1849 -1864 853 0 0 0
12(OPE) -1046 -1927 432 0 0 0
13(OPE) -2521 -1954 4267 0 0 0
14(OPE) -1427 -1878 -364 0 0 0
15(OPE) -1399 -1898 996 0 0 0
16(OPE) -1414 -1888 311 0 0 0
17(OPE) -1414 -1888 311 0 0 0
18(OPE) -1236 -1879 337 0 0 0
19(OPE) -1591 -1896 294 0 0 0
20(OPE) -875 -1878 315 0 0 0
21(OPE) -1952 -1897 315 0 0 0
22(OPE) -1392 -1921 719 0 0 0
23(OPE) -1433 -1855 -88 0 0 0
24(OCC) -13 10 -676 0 0 0
25(OCC) 15 -10 684 0 0 0
26(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
27(OCC) 0 0 0 0 0 0
28(OCC) 178 9 26 0 0 0
29(OCC) -177 -9 -17 0 0 0
30(OCC) 539 10 4 0 0 0
31(OCC) -538 -10 4 0 0 0
32(OCC) 21 -33 408 0 0 0
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Calcul de flexibilité
a- Les contraintes issues des différents cas de chargement restent inférieures aux valeurs
autorisées par le code.
b- Les déplacements maximums de la tuyauterie ont des valeurs acceptables.
c- Les supports ont été positionnés et définis afin de limiter les contraintes et/ou les
déplacements à des valeurs acceptables.
d- Les efforts aux limites de batteries sont à comparer avec les valeurs admissibles.
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Calcul de flexibilité
Inputs considered :
From 2 To 5 DX= .000 m. DZ= .300 m.
Dia= 180.400 mm Wall= 9.800 mm Mill%(+)=10.00 Mill%(-)= .00
T1= 90 C T2= 21 C T3= 75 C T4= 21 C P1= 9.3800 bar P2= .0000 bar
P3= 4.0200 bar P4= .0000 bar PHyd= 14.0700 bar Mat= (106)A106 Grade B
E= 203,408 N/mm2 EH1= 198,783 N/mm2 EH2= 203,408 N/mm2
EH3= 199,714 N/mm2 EH4= 203,408 N/mm2 EH5= 203,408 N/mm2
EH6= 203,408 N/mm2 EH7= 203,408 N/mm2 EH8= 203,408 N/mm2
EH9= 203,408 N/mm2 v = .292 Pipe Den=7833.4399414 kg/m3
Fluid Den=1670.0000000 kg/m3 Insul Thk= .000 mm
RIGID Weight= .00 N
Node 5 ANC
Vector1 in G-s X1 Dir = .00 g's Y1 Dir = .00 g's Z1 Dir = -.16 g's
Vector2 in G-s X2 Dir = .00 g's Y2 Dir = .00 g's Z2 Dir = .00 g's
Vector3 in G-s X3 Dir = .16 g's Y3 Dir = .00 g's Z3 Dir = .00 g's
Vector4 in F/L X4 Dir = .00 N/mm Y4 Dir = .00 N/mm Z4 Dir = .00 N/mm
Vector5 in F/L X5 Dir = .00 N/mm Y5 Dir = .00 N/mm Z5 Dir = .00 N/mm
Vector6 in F/L X6 Dir = .00 N/mm Y6 Dir = .00 N/mm Z6 Dir = .00 N/mm
Vector7 in F/L X7 Dir = .00 N/mm Y7 Dir = .00 N/mm Z7 Dir = .00 N/mm
Vector8 in F/L X8 Dir = .00 N/mm Y8 Dir = .00 N/mm Z8 Dir = .00 N/mm
Vector9 in F/L X9 Dir = .00 N/mm Y9 Dir = .00 N/mm Z9 Dir = .00 N/mm
Wind Shape= .700
B31.3 (2016) Cycle Max Switch = --- Sc= 121 N/mm2 Sh1= 138 N/mm2
Sh2= 138 N/mm2 Sh3= 138 N/mm2 Sh4= 138 N/mm2 Sh5= 138 N/mm2
Sh6= 138 N/mm2 Sh7= 138 N/mm2 Sh8= 138 N/mm2 Sh9= 138 N/mm2 F1= 1.00
F2= 1.00 F3= 1.00 Eff= .6700 Sy= 241 N/mm2 Fac= 1.0000 Pvar= 1 bar
From 10 To 11 DZ= -.006 m.
Dia= 150.000 mm Wall= 9.800 mm Element Name= Flange
T1= 90 C T2= 21 C T3= 75 C T4= 21 C Mat= (20) PLASTIC PIPE(FRP)
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From 15 To 20 DZ= -.001 m.
Dia= 180.400 mm Wall= 9.800 mm
T1= 90 C T2= 21 C T3= 75 C T4= 21 C Insul Thk= .000 mm
From 20 To 30 DX= .000 m. DY= -.025 m. DZ= -.152 m.
Diam2= 224.600 mm Wall2= 6.900 mm
From 30 To 31 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.022 m.
Dia= 224.600 mm Wall= 6.900 mm
Insul Thk= .000 mm
From 31 To 32 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.127 m.
From 32 To 33 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.022 m.
From 33 To 40 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.072 m.
From 40 To 45 DZ= -.100 m.
From 45 To 47 DZ= -.771 m.
Node 47 +Y Mu = .30
Node 47 GUI Gap= 3.000 mm
Node 47 LIM
Node 47 FZ1= -1,168.00 N
From 47 To 50 DZ= -.350 m.
SIF's & TEE's
Node 50 Joint (ISO-14692)
From 50 To 60 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.001 m.
From 60 To 62 DZ= -.044 m.
Element Name= Flange
From 62 To 65 DZ= -.004 m.
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From 65 To 67 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.032 m.
From 67 To 68 DZ= -.044 m.
Element Name= Flange
From 68 To 70 DZ= -.044 m.
From 70 To 80 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.306 m.
Dia= 228.400 mm Wall= 8.800 mm
Insul Thk= .000 mm
SIF's & TEE's
Node 80 Joint (ISO-14692)
From 80 To 230 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.198 m.
Dia= 228.400 mm Wall= 8.800 mm
Insul Thk= .000 mm
From 1000 To 1010 DX= .000 m. DZ= .300 m.
Dia= 224.600 mm Wall= 6.900 mm
T1= 21 C T2= 90 C T3= 21 C T4= 75 C P1= .0000 bar P2= 9.3800 bar
P3= .0000 bar P4= 4.0200 bar Mat= (106)A106 Grade B E= 203,408 N/mm2
EH1= 203,408 N/mm2 EH2= 198,783 N/mm2 EH3= 203,408 N/mm2
EH4= 199,714 N/mm2 EH5= 203,408 N/mm2 EH6= 203,408 N/mm2
EH7= 203,408 N/mm2 EH8= 203,408 N/mm2 EH9= 203,408 N/mm2 v = .292
Pipe Den=7833.4399414 kg/m3 Insul Thk= .000 mm
RIGID Weight= .00 N
Node 1010 ANC
B31.3 (2016) Cycle Max Switch = --- Sc= 138 N/mm2 Sh1= 138 N/mm2
Sh2= 138 N/mm2 Sh3= 138 N/mm2 Sh4= 138 N/mm2 Sh5= 138 N/mm2
Sh6= 138 N/mm2 Sh7= 138 N/mm2 Sh8= 138 N/mm2 Sh9= 138 N/mm2
Sy= 241 N/mm2
From 1020 To 1021 DZ= -.036 m.
Dia= 180.400 mm Wall= 9.800 mm Element Name= Flange
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Calcul de flexibilité
T1= 21 C T2= 90 C T3= 21 C T4= 75 C Mat= (20) PLASTIC PIPE(FRP)
Ex= 12,001 N/mm2 Ea/Eh*Vh/a= .3220 Pipe Den=1800.0000000 kg/m3
Insul Thk= .000 mm
RIGID Weight= 88.77 N
Node 1020 ANC Cnode 1000
ISO 14692 (2005)
Location= Both Method= Peq G/C= 203.200 mm
From 1021 To 1022 DZ= -.123 m.
Dia= 180.400 mm Wall= 9.800 mm
T1= 21 C T2= 90 C T3= 21 C T4= 75 C Insul Thk= .000 mm
Axial K= 184 N/mm Trans K= 138 N/mm Tors K= 14 N.m./deg
Eff Dia= 61.000 mm
From 1022 To 1023 DZ= -.036 m.
Dia= 180.400 mm Wall= 9.800 mm
T1= 21 C T2= 90 C T3= 21 C T4= 75 C Insul Thk= .000 mm
RIGID Weight= 88.77 N
Location= Both Method= Peq G/C= 203.200 mm
From 1023 To 1025 DZ= -.006 m.
Dia= 180.400 mm Wall= 9.800 mm
T1= 21 C T2= 90 C T3= 21 C T4= 75 C Insul Thk= .000 mm
From 1025 To 1030 DZ= -.046 m.
Dia= 180.400 mm Wall= 9.800 mm
T1= 21 C T2= 90 C T3= 21 C T4= 75 C Insul Thk= .000 mm
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Calcul de flexibilité
From 1140 To 1150 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.198 m.
From 1150 To 1155 DZ= -.051 m.
Element Name= Flange
RIGID Weight= 50.00 N
Location= Both Method= Peq G/C= 279.400 mm
From 1155 To 1160 DZ= -.051 m.
RIGID Weight= 50.00 N
From 1160 To 1170 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.299 m.
RIGID Weight= 1,100.00 N
From 1170 To 1175 DZ= -.051 m.
Element Name= Flange
RIGID Weight= 50.00 N
Location= Both Method= Peq G/C= 279.400 mm
From 1175 To 1180 DZ= -.051 m.
RIGID Weight= 50.00 N
From 1180 To 1190 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.345 m.
Dia= 236.800 mm Wall= 13.000 mm
T1= 90 C T3= 75 C P1= 9.3800 bar P3= 4.0200 bar P4= 4.0200 bar
Insul Thk= .000 mm
BEND (LAMINATE #3) at "TO" end
Radius= 236.800 mm (SHORT Bend Angle= 90.000 Angle/Node @1= 45.00 1189
Angle/Node @2= .00 1188
ISO 14692 (2005)
From 1190 To 1192 DX= -.430 m.
Dia= 224.600 mm Wall= 6.900 mm
Insul Thk= .000 mm
Node 1192 +Y Mu = .30
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Calcul de flexibilité
From 1192 To 1195 DX= -.430 m.
From 1195 To 1200 DX= -.290 m.
Dia= 228.400 mm Wall= 8.800 mm
Insul Thk= .000 mm
From 1200 To 215 DX= -.290 m. DZ= .000 m.
Dia= 228.400 mm Wall= 8.800 mm
T1= 90 C T3= 75 C P1= 9.3800 bar P3= 4.0200 bar
Pipe Den=1800.0000000 kg/m3 Insul Thk= .000 mm
ISO 14692 (2005)
From 215 To 217 DX= -.437 m.
Dia= 224.600 mm Wall= 6.900 mm
T1= 90 C T3= 75 C P1= 9.3800 bar P3= 4.0200 bar
Pipe Den=1800.0000000 kg/m3 Insul Thk= .000 mm
Node 217 +Y Mu = .30
ISO 14692 (2005)
From 217 To 220 DX= -.437 m.
SIF's & TEE's
Node 220 Joint (ISO-14692)
From 230 To 232 DZ= -.051 m.
Element Name= Flange
T1= 90 C T2= 21 C T4= 21 C P2= .0000 bar P4= .0000 bar
Pipe Den=1800.0000000 kg/m3
RIGID Weight= 50.00 N
ISO 14692 (2005)
Location= Both Method= Peq G/C= 279.400 mm
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Ingénierie & Réalisations Industrielles
Calcul de flexibilité
From 232 To 235 DZ= -.051 m.
RIGID Weight= 50.00 N
From 235 To 237 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.298 m.
RIGID Weight= 1,100.00 N
From 237 To 238 DZ= -.051 m.
Element Name= Flange
RIGID Weight= 50.00 N
Location= Both Method= Peq G/C= 279.400 mm
From 238 To 240 DZ= -.051 m.
RIGID Weight= 50.00 N
From 240 To 220 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.250 m.
Dia= 228.400 mm Wall= 8.800 mm
T1= 90 C T2= 90 C T4= 75 C P2= 9.3800 bar P4= 4.0200 bar
Insul Thk= .000 mm
ISO 14692 (2005)
From 220 To 236 DZ= -.290 m.
Dia= 228.400 mm Wall= 8.800 mm
T1= 90 C T2= 90 C T4= 75 C P2= 9.3800 bar P4= 4.0200 bar
Insul Thk= .000 mm
ISO 14692 (2005)
From 236 To 250 DZ= -.135 m.
Dia= 224.600 mm Wall= 6.900 mm
Insul Thk= .000 mm
From 250 To 260 DX= -.001 m. DZ= -.142 m.
Dia= 224.600 mm Wall= 6.900 mm
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Ingénierie & Réalisations Industrielles
Calcul de flexibilité
From 470 To 480 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.145 m.
From 480 To 490 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.022 m.
From 490 To 495 DZ= -.027 m.
Element Name= Flange
RIGID Weight= 30.00 N
Location= Both Method= Peq G/C= 152.400 mm
From 495 To 500 DZ= -.027 m.
RIGID Weight= 30.00 N
From 500 To 510 DX= .000 m. DY= -.002 m. DZ= -.002 m.
RIGID Weight= .00 N
From 510 To 520 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.162 m.
RIGID Weight= 360.00 N
From 520 To 530 DX= .000 m. DY= -.002 m. DZ= -.002 m.
RIGID Weight= .00 N
From 530 To 540 DX= .000 m. DZ= -.017 m.
RIGID Weight= 75.61 N
Node 540 ANC Cnode 541
Node 541 DX3= -1.048 mm DY3= .876 mm DZ3= -.325 mm RX3= -.138
RY3= -.033 RZ3= .058
Node 541 DX5= -.040 mm DY5= .777 mm DZ5= .002 mm RX5= -.122
RY5= -.006 RZ5= .013
Node 540 FX1= 1,330.00 N FY1= 1,783.00 N FZ1= 1,838.00 N
MX1= -493.00 N.m MY1= -680.00 N.m MZ1= 209.00 N.m
From 1140 To 550 DX= .372 m.
T1= 21 C T2= 90 C T3= 21 C T4= 75 C P1= .0000 bar P2= 9.3800 bar
P3= .0000 bar P4= 4.0200 bar
BEND (LAMINATE #3) at "TO" end
Radius= 124.800 mm (SHORT Bend Angle= 90.000 Angle/Node @1= 22.50 549
Etudes de flexibilité des lignes SVR
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Ingénierie & Réalisations Industrielles
Calcul de flexibilité