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Aramatic Plants Morocco

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Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, Section Sciences de la Vie, 2016, n° 38, 27-42.

eISSN 2458-7176

Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco :

Richness, diversity and threats

Plantes aromatiques et médicinales du Maroc :

Richesse, diversité et menaces

Mohamed FENNANE*1 & Moh REJDALI2

1. Mohammed V University in Rabat, Institut Scientifique, B.P. 703, Av. Ibn Battouta, 10106, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco
2. Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Madinat Al Irfane, B.P. 6202, Rabat, Morocco

Abstract. Morocco, as many countries in the world, has an old tradition and important know-how in traditional pharmacopia. Among its
natural flora, about a thousand species are currently used for this purpose in various degrees. The renewed worldwide interest for aromatic
and medicinal plants (AMP), encouraged by the development of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, has greatly increased the pressure
on these resources. Today, some thirty native species are widely marketed in the country and abroad, and are subject to an excessive, abusive
and anarchic exploitation. In general, plant harvesting practices misunderstand or ignore important taxonomic, biological and chorological
considerations, thus jeopardizing species. The problem is particularly serious in the case of national endemic species plants and especially
those rare or endangered. There even is, more than ever, an urgent need to develop information on aromatic and medicinal plants in Morocco
and adopt a national charter, with a guide of good behaviour for their exploitation in compliance with the spirit of sustainable development.
Keywords : aromatic plants, medicinal plants, traditional pharmacopia, Morocco.

Résumé. A l'instar de plusieurs pays au monde, le Maroc jouit d'une vieille tradition et d'un savoir faire important en matière de
pharmacopée traditionnelle. Parmi son cortège floristique naturel, environ un millier d'espèces sont utilisées actuellement à des degrés divers.
Le regain d'intérêt mondial pour les plantes aromatiques et médicinales (PAM), encouragé par le développement de l'industrie
pharmaceutique et cosmétique, a très fortement accentué la pression sur ces ressources. Aujourd'hui, une trentaine d'espèces indigènes sont
largement commercialisées à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du pays, et font l'objet d'une exploitation démesurée, abusive et anarchique. En
général, les pratiques de récolte du matériel végétal méconnaissent ou ignorent des considérations importantes d'ordres taxonomique,
chorologique et biologique, mettant ainsi en péril la survie des espèces. Le problème est particulièrement grave dans le cas des plantes
endémiques nationales et plus spécialement celles rares ou menacées. Plus que jamais, il y a nécessité, voire urgence, de développer les
connaissances sur les PAM du Maroc et d'élaborer / adopter une charte nationale, avec un guide de bonne conduite, pour leur exploitation
dans le respect de l'esprit du développement durable.
Mots-clés : plantes aromatiques, plantes médicinales, pharmacopée traditionnelle, Maroc.

INTRODUCTION The contribution of fundamental and applied scientific

research is crucial in order to deeply know this wealth,
The Moroccan aromatic and medicinal flora is valorize, exploit and preserve it in better conditions for the
remarkable by its richness, diversity and socio-economic well-being of the present and future generations.
value (Ghanmi et al. 2009, HCEFLCD 2008). It consists of two
components: one native, and the other introduced cultivated, CONCEPT OF AROMATIC AND MEDICINAL PLANTS
turned sometimes to naturalized or subspontaneous. The
current work concerns the first component, which, by itself, Inventory difficulties
is part of the natural ecosystems of the country. Aromatic and medicinal species grow naturally in
The aromatic and medicinal plants have always been Morocco by hundreds. Their inventory is approximate and
used by man who, through time, has developed his will remain as such for three main reasons related to the very
experience and know-how of traditional cosmetics and definition of an aromatic and medicinal plant, the taxonomic
pharmacopocia. For a very long time, these needs remained delimitation of the species and to the confusion of common
fair, but recently, pressure on resources continues to grow to names of plants.
meet the strongly increasing local and international demand How to define an aromatic and medicinal plant ?
(HCEFLCD 2008, Neffati & Sghaier 2014).
There is no clear and precise answer to this question
Today, it is clear that in Morocco, overexploitation of
(Heywood 1999, World Health Organization 2000). But it
national resources of aromatic and medicinal plants is a real
should be noted that according to the comprehensive or
danger to national biodiversity, especially being practiced in
narrow adopted meaning, the aromatic and medicinal plants
an anarchic and abusive manner, and with lack of sufficient
list of a given area can vary within very large proportions.
knowledge on biology, taxonomy and chorology of
The approach is difficult, and it is certain that the needed
exploited species. Regarding aromatic and medicinal plants,
definition may include a very large sense that include even
national capacities are very important and an asset
food plants. Did not our ancestors say that in each plant
particularly for the rural socio-economic development.
there is a wisdom (kooul nebta fiha hikmah).
28 Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco

Problem of taxonomy attitude leading to the multiplication of the number of taxa.

Thus, for example, the family of cacti, would count, in the
The taxonomy problem is purely scientific and concerns
world, 30 to 50 genera and about 1000 species, or about 200
the taxonomists approach as they can be « lumpers » or
genera and over 2000 species. The differences are much
«splitters». The former has an “aggregative tendency “and
wide, and several other families experience the same
seek to combine taxa; while the latter have a contrary

a b c

Figure 1. Aizoon canariense (a), A. hispanicum (b) and Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum (c), commonly named ghassoul or taghassoult.
Photos (a) and (b): Msanda, (c): Douzet [website : http://www.teline.fr/]
aromatic and medicinal plants in Morocco used at variant
Confusion and difficulties of common names degrees and to different means, approximately 12 % of the
Confusion and difficulties related to plant common total flora of the country (Fennane & Ibn Tattou 2011).
names are on two levels. On the one hand, there are common 97 families and 295 genera are concerned, representing
or vernacular names that are most often imprecise and respectively 62 % and almost 30 % of nationwide figures.
referring under the same name to several species or even
As important families, Asteraceae (Compositae),
different genera.
Lamiaceae (Labiatae), Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) and
On the other hand, there is a connection between these Fabaceae (Leguminosae) are in the lead with respectively
commonly used names and scientific names. Cases 36, 30, 28 and 20 species.
illustrating these difficulties are numerous, here are some
The Moroccan aromatic and medicinal plants show all
life forms, but within variable proportions approximately
- Oum lbeina or hulaiba designate different species of the 40 % of therophytes and hemicryptophytes (annual, biennal
genus Euphorbia or perennial herbaceous), 25 % of phanerophytes (trees and
- Hlenj, bou heddad, herrag are used for at least 4 species of shrubs), 20 % of chamaephytes (shrubs) and 15 % geophytes
heather, genus Erica (bulb, rhizome or tuber plants).
- Ghassoul and taghassoult covers 2 genera and at least 3 Endemism and rarity
species (Fig. 1): Aizoon canariense L., Aizon hispanicum
L. and Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum L. At least, 15 Moroccan endemic species are exploited as
aromatic and/or medicinal plants: Acacia gummifera Willd.,
Overview on moroccan aromatic and medicinal plants Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels, Artemisia mesatlantica Maire,
Cladanthus scariosus (Ball) Oberpr. & Vogt, Cupressus
For the current paper we have stripped the work of atlantica Gaussen, Digitalis purpurea L., Euphorbia
Bellakhar (1997), Hmamouchi (1999) and Sijelmassi (1990) resinifera Berg. Kleinia anteuphorbium (L.) Haw.,
that give us a list of 446 species (Tab. 1). But, it should be Lavandula mairei Humbert, Origanum elongatum (Bonnet)
reminded that maybe a tens others are not listed ; we had not Emb. & Maire, Pyrus mamorensis Trabut, Selaginella
had the possibility to use some unpublished words like balansae (A. Braun) Hieron., Thymus broussonetii Boiss.,
reports and thesis. They belong to 31 different genera whose Thymus riatarum Humbert & Maire and Verbascum
names appear in the table followed by the abbreviation sinuatum L. This figure increases significantly when
« spp » meaning more species. considering the lower taxonomic ranks that are subspecies,
Quantitatively, our inventory does not stray much from varieties and forms.
that of Lamrani-Alaoui et al. (work under study) which
Concerning scarcity, we identified 41 species,
provide a total of 498 species.
distributed, according to Fennane & Ibn Tattou (1998) as
Richness and diversity follows: 16 very rare, 4 suspected very rare, 13 rare and 7
suspected rare (Tab. 1).
Currently available data, compiled in Table 1, allow to
estimate that there are at least 500 species of natural
Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco 29

Table 1. Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco : Life form and distribution (after Fennane et al. 1999-2014) ; rarity (after Fennane &
Ibn Tattou 1998). Ch: chamaephyte, G: geophyte (bulb, rhizome, tuber), G-p: geophyte parasite, Hem: hemicryptophyte, NPh:
nanophanerophyte, Ph: phanerophyte, Th: therophyte, Th-b: bisannual, R: rare, RR: very rare, V: vulnerable, ● endemic.

Scientific name Vernacular name Life form Rarity Distribution (see Fig. 2)

Adiantum capillus-veneris L. chaâr l-ghoul, qesbiat l-bir GR R? All divisions

Pteridophyta (Fougères)

Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. fershiwan GR HA MA Man R

Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott GR R MA Man Man R
Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. oumsoukh, dalajouth GR All divisions
Polypodium cambricum L. ashtiwan GR HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Asplenium scolopendrium L. HA MA R
Selaginella balansae (A. Braun) Hieron. Hém ● AA HA MA Mam Man R
Sambucus nigra L. (Adoxaceae) bourwabez, khaman, ansal NPh HA MA Man R
Aizoon canariense L. ghassoul, taghassoult Th Ms AA HA Mam Op LM R?

Aizoon hispanicum L. ghassoul, taghassoult Th Ms AA HA Mam Man Op Om LM R

Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum L. ghassoul, taghassoult Th Ms AA HA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Allium spp. )eaecaillA) GB All divisions
Atriplex halimus L. lgetef, ârmâs, NPh Ms AA HA Mam Man Om Op LM R
Beta patellaris Moq. selg, zmamour Th Ms AA Mam Man LM R
Chenopodium album L. baremrem, blich, blitou Th All divisions
Chenopodium ambrosioides L. mkhinza Th Ms AA HA Mam Man Op LM R

Cornulaca monacantha Delile l-had, tahara NPh Ms

Fredolia aretioides (Bunge) Ulbr. choufleur bou-hmama, akennoud Ch Ms As AA HA Op
Hammada articulata (Moq.) Bolòs &
remt, assay Ch Ms As AA HA Mam Op
Salsola spp. ghassal Ch, NPh All divisions
Suaeda spp. swida, tirebar Ch All divisions
Traganum nudatum Delile demran, tashra, el-ousrouf Ch Ms Op
Pistacia atlantica Desf. btem, atnou, kwawas, tasmalt Ph All divisions

Pistacia lentiscus L. drou, imeket, tiket, fadis Ph As AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R

Rhus albida Schousboe zewwaya NPh Ms AA Mam
Rhus pentaphylla (Jacq.) F. A. Barkley tizgha NPh All divisions except As
Rhus tripartita (Ucria) Moffett jdari NPh Ms As AA HA Mam
Ammi majus L. triillan Th AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam. bechnikha, Th All divisions
Ammodaucus leucotrichus Coss. & Dur. kemmoun essufi Th R? Ms AA?
Ammoides pusilla (Brot.) Breistr. nanûkha Th MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Anethum graveolens L. shibth, kamoun el-habchi Th R? As AA Mam Man Op LM
Apium graveolens L. krafess Th-b Ms Mam Man Op Om LM R

Athaminta sicula L. shkouta del-hjar, tafrifrane Hém All divisions except As

Bupleurum fruticosum L. NPh MA LM R
Cachrys libanotis L. koullikha Hém HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Conium maculatum L. barbush, hliliba,shikran Th-b HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Daucus carota L. jâida Th-b All divisions
Daucus crinitus Desf. bouzeffour G AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Deverra denudata (viv.) Pfisterer &
gezzakh, zaâzaâ NPh Ms AA Op
30 Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco

Deverra scoparia Coss. & Durieu gezzaky, âttash Ch Ms As AA HA MA Mam Op LM R

Eryngium campestre L. Chouk lebiad Hém HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R.
Eryngium ilicifolium Lam. zerriga, sekkour, kaf sbaâ Th All divisions
Eryngium tricuspidatum L. kharzizwa, hessika, keff d-dib Hém Ms AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Eryngium triquetrum Vahl. shuka zerqa, qersaâna Hém HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Ferula communis L. El-kelkh G All divisions
Foeniculum vulgare Miller besbas, amsa, nafaâ Ch All divisions
Helosciadium nodiflorum (L.) Koch ziyyata G All divisions except As
Kundmannia sicula (L.) DC. ziyyata G AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R.
Magydaris panacifolia (Vahl) Lange frifra G HA MA Man R
Magydaris pastinacea (Lam.) Paol. Frifra G MA Man Om-1 LM R
Petroselinum crispum (Miller) Hill maâdnus, maqdunes, imzi Th HA MA Om LM R
Pimpinella tragium Vill. Hém As HA MA R
Ridolfia segetum Moris aslili, tebch, slili, besbes Th HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Sanicula europaea L. Hém MA LM R
zekaya, krafess berri, rwaba,
Smyrnium olusatrum L. G HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
hayar, abaghor
Thapsia transtagana Brot. deryas, rwaba, abagur G Ms? HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Thapsia villosa L. deryas, rwaba, rapat chkaoui G AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Nerium oleander L. )eaecanycopA( defla, âlili Nph All divisions
Ilex aquifolium L.)eaecailofiuqA( âbd-l-iser, tasaft-n-yizem NPh HA MA R
Arisarum simorrhinum Durieu yerni, ayerna, bgûgâ GT AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R

Arisarum vulgare Targ.-Tozz. yerni, ayerna, bgûgâ GT All divisions

Arum hygrophylum Boiss. yerni, ayerna, bgûgâ GT RR MA Mam Man Op
Arum italicum Mill. yerni, ayerna, bgûgâ GT HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Hedera helix L. )eaecailarA( louwaya, tanesfalt Ph-l AA HA MA Man Om LM R
Chamaerops humilis L. (Arecaeae) doum, âzef, ghaz, tigeztemt NPh AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Aristolochia baetica L. (Aristolochiaceae) barreztem, ajrarkh Ph-l Ms AA HA Mam Man Om LM R
Aristolochia paucinervis Pomel ( " ) berreztem G AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Calotropis procera (Aiton) Aiton fil. tourza NPh Ms AA Mam

Leptadenia pyrotechnica (Forssk.) Dne. âshabay, titarek NPh RR? Ms

Pergularia tomentosa L. um-jlud, el-âlqa, tazzert Ch Ms As? Op?
Periploca angustifolia Labill. hellab NPh Ms As AA HA Mam Op Om LM R
Agave americana L. sebra, sebbar Hém AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Agave sisalana Perrine Hém Mam Man R
Asparagus acutifolius L. sekkum, azzu, azzwi, tazzut NPh All divisions except Ms

Asparagus albus L. sekkoum, azou, azoui, chbarbak NPh AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R

Asparagus spp. All divisions
Drimia maritima (L.) Stearn âansal, bsal ed-dib,ikfil GB All divisions except As
Drimia noctiflora (Batt. & Trab.) Stearn âansal, têîlûm GB Ms AA HA
Ruscus aculeatus L. khizrane beldi, ass berri NPh All divisions except Ms
Asphodelus fistulosus L. berwag, ingri, tighri, bliluz Th, Hém Ms AA HA MA Mam Op Om LM R

Asphodelus ramosus L. berwag, ingri, tighri, bliluz GR All divisions

Asphodelus spp. berwag, ingri, tighri, bliluz All divisions
Asphodelus tenuifolius Cav. berwag, ingri, tighri, bliluz Th All divisions
Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco 31

Aaronsohnia pubescens (Desf.) Bremer

ghzim sghir, lguertouf, lerbyan Th Ms As AA HA MA Mam Op
& Humphries
Achillea leptophylla M. Bieb. shwihiya, qort Th HA MA Op Om
Achillea santolinoides Lag. shwihiya, qort, kaysoum Ch AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Anacyclus pyrethrum (L.) Link tagendest, tigentast, hallala Hém As AA HA MA Man Op Om R
Anacyclus radiatus Loisel. bellala, qraâ-djaja Th Ms HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Anvillea radiata Cosson & Durieu nogd, menquwus, ajri, ajig Ch Ms As AA Mam Op
Arctium atlanticum (Pomel) H. Lindb. Hém HA MA Man R
Artemisia absinthium L. shiba, chihh er-roumi Ch RR MA Op
Artemisia herba-alba (s.l.) chihh, izri, ifsi, ifssi Ch Ms AA HA MA Op Om LM R
Artemisia mesatlantica Maire ifsi Ch ● AA HA MA
Asteriscus graveolens (Forssk.) Less. karbaba Ch Ms As AA HA Mam
Atractylis cancellata L. najma, asnnan wado Th All divisions
Bellis annua L. hallala Th HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Bellis sylvestris Cyr. hellala, ribruba Hém AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Brocchia cinerea (Delile) Vis. qertufa, ribruba, tiklilt Th R? Ms
Calendula stellata Cav. Th R? AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Carlina gummifera (L.) Less. addad, aghfyoun Hém HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Carthamus lanatus L. guerguer Th All divisions except Ms
Carthamus pinnatus Desf. guern-jdi, timet Hém AA HA MA Man Om LM R
Centaurea pungens Pomel neggir Th Hém All divisions
Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All. babunj, babnuj, ghegwan Th-b MA Man LM R

Chrysanthoglossum trifurcatum (Desf.)

tayrrigt Ch RR Ms Op
B. H. Wilcox & al.
Cichorium intybus L. bu aggad, adgurru, timerzuga Hém HA MA Man Op Om LM R
Cladanthus mixtus (L.) Chevall. hellala Th HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Cladanthus scariosus (Ball) Oberpr. &
irzghi Ch ● AA HA MA
Cotula anthemoides L. l-wazwaza Th RR Ms
Cynara humilis L. kouk lakhla, tagemmut, afzan G HA MA Mam Man LM R
Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter Tirrhilane Ch AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Echinops spinosissimus Turra tasekra, asekra, timat Hém All divisions
khellala, gehwan, l-gentus,
Glebionis coronaria (L.) Spach Th All divisions except As
jeghwar, kraâ djaja
Ifloga spicata (Forssk.) Schultz Bip. d-dsayma Th Ms As AA HA Mam Op
Kleinia anteuphorbium (L.) Haw. shbartou NPh ● Ms AA HA Mam
Lactuca serriola L. assafar, n'sem Th-b AA HA MA Man R
Lactuca virosa L. l-beina, tiffaf-idan Th-b AA HA MA Man R
Launaea arborescens (Batt.) Maire mmu l-lbina, iferskil, intrim NPh All divisions
Matricaria chamomilla L. babounj Th RR Man LM R
Podospermum laciniatum (L.) DC. guiz-guiz, aguifa Th-b All divisions except Ms
Pulicaria arabica (L.) Cass. al-ghara, titjirin Th Ms AA HA MA Mam Man LM R
Pulicaria inuloides (Poiret) DC. al-âttassa Hém All divisions
Pulicaria odora (L.) Reichenb. henniwa, hannioua Hém HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Pulicaria undulata (L.) C. A. Meyer âmeyo, al-âttassa Ch R? Ms
Santolina africana Jord. & Fourr. ayrar, tayrart, idzghi Ch As HA MA Op
Santolina pectinata Cav. ayrar, tayrart, idzghi Ch As HA HA MA R
32 Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco

Scolymus hispanicus L. guernina, taghdut, zarnij Hém All divisions except As

Scolymus maculatus L. guernina, taghdut, zarnij Th HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Scorzonera undulata Vahl. igiz, talma Hém All divisions
Senecio leucanthemifolius Poiret lâchba salma, shiba salma Th Ms HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Senecio vulgaris L. lâchba salma, taanana, hiyara Th AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. tawra, bu zerwal, chouk lahmir Th Ms HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Sonchus oleraceus L. tfaf, wagerin, tadgamit Th All divisions
Sonchus spp. Th, Hém All divisions
Warionia saharae Benth. & Cosson afezdad, afessas, tirnet NPh Ms As AA HA Mam
Berberis hispanica Boiss. & Reuter
bousman, izzirki, ighris NPh As HA MA R
Borago officinalis L. horraycha, bou-assal, uzgar Th AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
ouden-taâleb, lsan-elkelb, bou-
Cynoglossum spp. Th-b All divisions
Echium horridum Batt. lharsha, lsan-lbgar, tanasat Th Ms AA HA Mam Man Op LM R

Echium plantagineum L. Th AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R

Heliotropium crispum Desf. hebbaliya, tidallin, khuniza Ch Ms AA Mam
Heliotropium erosum Lehm. hebbaliya, takhena, khuniza Ch Ms AA Mam
Heliotropium europaeum L. hebbaliya, akerir, khuniza Th AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Heliotropium supinum L. hebbaliya, tidallin, khuniza Th AA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Moltkiopsis ciliata (Forssk.) I. M.
ânshaâ, lkhenna, halma Ch R? Ms
Anastatica hierochuntica L. kmicha, tamkelt Th Ms As AA Mam? Op?
Brassica nigra (L.) Koch âshnab, khardal, kerkaz Th Ms? Man? R?
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medicus kiss er-raîi Th All divisions
l-kerkaz, l-harra, asheryad, bou- Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Diplotaxis spp.
hammou LM R

Eremophyton chevallieri (Barratte)

l-gelglan, awenig Th Ms AA
Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav. l-harra, l-jerjir, buhammou Th All divisions
Farsetia aegyptia Turra ûd-labiad, zaâzaâ, tissit Ch Ms As AA Op
Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv. âgerma Th Ch All divisions except As
Morettia canescens Boiss. tuzbaget, hebbaliya Th Ms As AA
Moricandia arvensis (L.) DC. Krumb-jmel, jerjir Th All divisions
Sinapis alba L. Ashnab, khardal, kerkaz Th AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Buxus balearica Lam. )eaecaxuB( baqs NPh As? AA HA MA Op Om LM R
Buxus sempervirens L. ( " ) baqs NPh V HA
Opuntia ficus-barbarica A. Berger
hendia, zaâboul NPh-s AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R

Capparis decidua (Forssk.) Edgew. eignin Ph R Ms

Capparis spinosa (s. l.) Kebbar, taylulut Ch All divisions
Maerua crassifolia Forssk. atil Ph Ms
Lonicera periclymenum L.
irifi, buzrurud, qab nigayzen NPh-l MA Man LM R

Herniaria hirsuta L. harras lehjar Th R All divisions

Saponaria glutinosa MB. tighighicht Th-b As HA MA Om LM R
Spergularia media (L.) Presl. boughlam Hém Ms As AA MA Mam Man Op LM R.
Vaccaria hispanica (Miller) Rauschert tighighest, hamrat er-ras Th All divisions
Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco 33

Cistus albidus L. bechnikh, tanaghoust NPh AA Mam Man Om LM R

Cistus crispus L. shettaba Ch MA Man LM Om R

Cistus ladanifer L. ftakh, targla, bouzegzaw, touzzal NPh MA Man Om LM R

Cistus laurifolius L. amziwet Ch HA MA Om LM? R
Cistus monspeliensis L. shettaba NPh AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Cistus populifolius L. irgel, hinikko, agullid NPh HA R
Cistus salviifolius L. chettaba, irgel, tuzzalt Ch AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Androcymbium gramineum (Cav.) Mc
sgaât lerneb, keykut, germi GB Ms Mam Man Man R
Bride (Colchicaceae)
Colchicum lusitanum Brot. ( " ) boukbouba, el bessela G HA MA Mam Man Om LM? R
louwaya, tamnayt, mesran eddib, Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Convolvulus althaeoides L. Hém
tanesfalt LM R

louwaya, tamnayt, mesran eddib, Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om

Convolvulus arvensis L. G
tanesfalt, onsofan LM R
l-ghbwira, wammas, mellikha,
Cressa cretica L. Hém Ms AA Mam Man Op LM R
hrir-eddib, akshut, sla-lkelba,
Cuscuta spp. Th AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om

Bryonia dioica Jacq. âneb-eddib, adil n-wuchen G

Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrader hdej, ilif, taferzizt, hantal G
Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Richard feggous-lehmir G Ms Mam Man Op LM R
Cupressus atlantica Gaussen sarw, azel Ph V ● HA
Juniperus hemisphaerica C. Presl. ifsar-n-taqqa, taoult NPh RR HA MA R

Juniperus oxycedrus L. taqqa, tiqqi Ph As AA HA MA Man Om LM R

As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM
Juniperus phoenicea L. ârâar-el-horr, ayfs Ph
Juniperus thurifera L. âwal, tawalt, adroumane Ph V AA HA MA
Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters ârâar, azuka, amelzi Ph AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Cynomorium coccineum L. Ms As AA HA MA? Mam Man Op LM
tertut, l-guennuya, âfdâd G-p
)eaecairomonyC ( R
Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Cyperus longus L.)eaecarepyC( ârouk essaâd, sokait, tara GR
Cyperus rotundus L. ( " ) tamouchayt, sawâd, essaâd GR Ms HA Mam Man LM R

Ephedra alata Decaisne (Ephedraceae) el-âlenda NPh Ms

Arbutus unedo L. bakhannou, sasnou Ph AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R

Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull hlenj Ch R Man R

Erica arborea L. hlenj, bou heddad, herrag NPh MA Man Op Om LM R

Erica australis L. hlenj, bou heddad, herrag NPh RR? R
Erica multiflora L. hlenj, bou heddad, herrag NPh Man Om LM R
Erica scoparia L. hlenj, bou heddad, herrag NPh Man Om LM R
Chrozophora tinctoria (L.) A. Juss. meraâs, âfarak Th HA? MA Mam Man LM R
Euphorbia balsamifera Aiton afdir, afernan NPh V Ms AA

Euphorbia calyptrata Cosson & Durieu r-remmada Th Ms As AA

Euphorbia characias L. Ch Om LM R
Euphorbia falcata L. halliba Th As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Euphorbia granulata Forssk. kbidat-ed-dobb Th Ms AA Op LM R?
Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Euphorbia helioscopia L. halliba, oum-lbina, tanougha Th
34 Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco

Euphorbia lathyris L. mahudana Th-b Mam Man

Euphorbia nicaeensis All. tezzi urturya, tanagut Ch Ms HA MA LM
Euphorbia officinarum L. daghmous, tikiut, zekkoum NPh-s Ms AA Mam
Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Euphorbia peplus L. hezaza Th
Euphorbia regis-jubae Webb & Berth. el-fernan, afdir NPh Ms AA Mam Man
Euphorbia resinifera Berg. tikiut, zekkoum NPh-s ● AA HA MA Mam
Euphorbia spp. oum-lbina, houlliba... All divisions
Mercurialis annua L. archud, hourrigua melsa Th All divisions
Ricinus communis L. kherwaâ, awriwra Ph All divisions
Acacia ehrenbergiana Hayne amrad, tamat, talh Ph Ms AA
Acacia gummifera Willd. taddut, talh Ph ● Ms AA HA Mam Man
Acacia raddiana Savi talh Ph Ms AA
Acacia spp. Ph Ms AA
kharrub-l-klab, âûfni, anaghrouss,
Anagyris foetida L. NPh AA HA MA Mam Man LM R
Anthyllis vulneraria L. akrus Hém, Th AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Astragalus akkensis Cosson kechchir Hém Ms AA HA Mam
Astragalus lusitanicus Lam. fouila GR AA HA Mam Man Om LM R
Astragalus monspessulanus L. Hém RR R
Astragalus spp. All divisions
Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) Stirton chgiriya Hém All divisions
Calicotome infesta (C. Presl) Guss. admam, joundoul NPh MA Man Om LM R
Calicotome villosa (Poiret) Link admam, joundoul NPh MA Man R
Ceratonia siliqua L. kharroub, slaghoua, tikida Ph All divisions except Ms
Crotalaria saharae Cosson l-fula, âfarfar Ch Ms
Cullen plicatum (Delile) Stirton tatrâret Hém Ms

Faidherbia albida (Delile) A. Cheval. âfrar, talh labiad Ph RR? Ms

Genista spp. NPh AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Glycyrrhiza foetida Desf. êrk-es-souss G Man R
Indigofera spp. nîla, ânîl, l-gâra, atteihane Ms?
Lotus jolyi Batt. um-hallus Hém Ms AA
Lupinus angustifolius L. semkala, fouila Th AA HA MA Mam Man R
Lupinus cosentini Guss. semkala, fouila Th AA HA Mam Man R
Lupinus luteus L. tegefa, semkala Th Mam Man R
Lupinus micranthus Guss. semkala, fouila Th AA MA Mam Man R
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. azrud, chnane, tazumart Th Ms
Melilotus sulcatus Desf. nefla, nilza Th All divisions
Ononis natrix L. âfezzaz, saboun laâzara Ch All divisions
Ononis spinosa L. Ch AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss. rtem, algou NPh Ms AA HA Mam Man Om LM R
Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb rtem, algou NPh Ms
Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss. talggut, algou NPh Ms As HA MA Op
Senna italica Mill. agerger, swina, znina Ch R Ms
Spartium junceum L. habbur NPh Mam Man R
Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco 35

Castanea sativa Miller qestal Ph RR MA? R

Quercus coccifera L. kermez Ph MA Om LM R

Quercus faginea Lam. (s.l.) techt Ph HA MA Man R

Quercus pyrenaica Willd techt Ph R
Quercus rotundifolia Lam. kerrouch, ballout lakhdar Ph As AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R.
Quercus suber L. ferchi, felline, lfernane Ph HA MA Man Om LM R.
Blackstonia perfoliata (L.) Hudson Th HA MA Man Om R

Centaurium erythraea Rafn qousset-l-hayya, merraret lehnech Th AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R

Centaurium pulchellum (Swartz) Druce qousset-l-hayya, merraret lehnech Th Ms AA HA MA Man LM R
Centaurium spicatum (L.) Fritsch qousset-l-hayya, merraret lehnech Th Ms AA HA Mam Man Op Om LM R

Erodium ciconium (L.) L'Her. abou machgha, aghanbou Th HA AA Mam Man Om LM R


Geranium robertianum L. Th AA HA MA R
Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Globularia alypum L. (Globulariaceae) taselgha, âïn larneb Ch
Ribes uva-crispa L. (Grossulariaceae) adil n-wussen, fadijji NPh AA HA MA LM? R
Iridaceae Hypericaceae

Hypericum montanum L. Ch MA Man R

Hypericum perforatum L. roummane-al-anhar Ch Ms AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Hypericum tetrapertum Fries Ch RR? Man? R

Iris pseudacorus L. as-susan lasfar ; sif-eddib G HA MA Mam Man Om? LM R

Iris tingitana Boiss. & Reuter G HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R

Juncus acutus L. smar, azlaf, azmay Hém Ms HA MA Mam Man Op LM R


Juncus articulatus L. smar, azlaf, azmay GR HA MA Mam Man Om LM R

Juncus bufonius L. lehyet el-âtrous Th All divisions
Ajuga iva (L.) Schreber chendgoura, tûf tolba Hém All divisions
Cleonia lusitanica (L.) L. Th HA MA Mam Man Op LM R
Clinopodium alpinum (L.) Kuntze Ch AA HA MA Man Om LM R
Clinopodium nepeta (L.) Kuntze mentha Ch HA MA Man Op Om LM R
Clinopodium spp. AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Clinopodium vulgare L. Ch HA MA Man Om LM R
Hyssopus officinalis L. ssouf el-yabes, tefrourd Ch As HA
Lavandula dentata L. taymerza, khzama, halhal Ch AA HA MA Mam Man LM Op Om R
Lavandula mairei Humbert igiz, tizrit Ch ● Ms AA HA
Lavandula multifida L. kohhayla, igiz, tizrit Ch AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R

Lavandula spp. Ch All divisions

Lavandula stoechas (s.l.) halhal Ch AA HA MA Mam Man LM Om R.
Marrubium deserti (De Noé) Cosson j-jaâda Ch Ms As AA HA Mam Op
Marrubium vulgare L. marriout, ifezzi Ch All divisions
Melissa officinalis L. trounj, titizwit Ch HA MA Man Op LM R
Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson tahindest Hém HA MA Man Op LM?
Mentha pulegium L. fliyou, afilgou Hém AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
timerchad, mchichtrou, marsita, Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Mentha suaveolens Ehrh. Hém
timijja, tifergali LM R
Nepeta apuleii Ucria qestân GR AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Origanum compactum Benth. zaâtar, azwi Ch MA Mam Man R
Origanum elongatum (Bonnet) Emb. &
zaâtar, azwi Ch V ● MA Op LM R
36 Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco

Origanum vulgare L. zaâtar Ch HA MA

Phlomis purpurea L. Nph, Ch LM R
Rosmarinus officinalis L. azir, iklil al-jabal, touzzalt NPh As HA MA Om Op R
Salvia aegyptiaca L. tazoukennit, keff-jmel Ch Ms As AA HA Mam Man Op LM R
Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl. tifessit Ch HA MA R
Salvia spp. All divisions
Salvia verbenaca (L.) Briq. khiyata, keff-jmel Hém All divisions
Satureja spp. All divisions
Sideritis hirsuta L. Ch HA MA Man? R
Teucrium chamaedrys L. jâydiya Ch Ms HA MA R
Teucrium polium L. jâydiya, jaâda, ayrar Ch AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Thymus broussonetii Boiss. zâitra, zaâtar lahmi Ch ● HA
Thymus riatarum Humbert & Maire Ch ● MA R
Thymus satureioides Cosson azoukenni Ch As AA HA MA Mam
Thymus spp. All divisions
Ziziphora hispanica L. fliyou berri Th As HA MA Op Om R
Laurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae) chajrat sidna moussa Ph R MA R
Lemna minor L. (Lemnaceae) HyN All divisions
Linum bienne L. )eaecaniL( kettan, el-feltas, el-atal Th-b AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Viscum album L. )eaecahtnaroL( lenjbar Ch-p RR R
Viscum cruciatum Boiss. ( " ) lenjbar, asemmum, âmrires Ch-p As AA HA MA Man Op R
Lythrum junceum Banks & Solander
rihan el-ma Hém All divisions
Alcea rosea L. ward zawân, tîbînshert Om

Malva parviflora L. khubbayz, âbejjir Th, Hém Ms As

Malva sylvestris L. khubbayz, âbejjir Hém AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Corrigiola litoralis L.)eaecanigulloM( serghina, tawsargine Th Ms AA HA MA Mam Man Op R
Corrigiola telephiifolia Pourret ( " ) serghina, tawsargine Hém AA HA MA Mam Man R
Myrtus communis L. (Myrtaceae) rrihane NPh Man Om LM? R
Nitraria retusa (Forssk.) Asch.
guerzim NPh Ms AA Mam
Nymphaea alba L. )eaecaeahpmyN( HyF RR Man R
Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl dardar, aseln, tuzzalt Ph HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Fraxinus dimorpha Cosson & Durieu aseln, tuzzalt Ph As AA HA MA Om Op

Ligustrum vulgare L. NPh RR MA

Olea oleaster Hoffmanns. & Link berri, zebbouj Ph AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Phillyrea angustifolia L. metwâl, imtutel, qtom Ph As? HA MA Man R
Phillyrea latifolia L. metwâl, imtutel, qtom Ph As AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
l-heyya l-miyyta, hushat l-kelb,
Ophrys spp. G AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
bayd n-hal

Orchis italica Poiret G MA Mam Man LM? R

Orchis morio L. G HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
l-heyya l-miyyta, bayd n-hal,
Orchis spp. G AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
hushat l-kelb
Cistanche mauritanica (Cosson &

ddânnun, tartût, îderghis G-p RR LM

Durieu) G. Beck.
Cistanche phelypaea (L.) Coutinho ddânnun, tartût, îderghis G-p Ms AA Mam Man Op LM R

Cistanche violacea (Desf.) G. Beck ddânnun, tartût, îderghis G-p Ms AA

Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco 37

Paeonia coriacea Boiss. )eaecainoeaP( habersis GR HA MA R

Fumaria agraria Lag. bu-dzurrin, waunifs, blighed Th AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R

Fumaria officinalis L. khnunet naâja, shibâna Th AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R

Fumaria parviflora Lam. dbayba, ijujer, qlila Th Toutes les divisions
Papaver dubium L. belaâmane, taludat, tikuk Th As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM? R
Papaver rhoeas L. belaâmane, taludat, tikuk Th All divisions
Abies marocana Trabut chohh Ph R R

Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carrière larz, îddil Ph HA MA R

Pinus halepensis Miller snouber, taïda Ph As HA MA Om LM R
Pinus pinaster Aiton snouber, taïda Ph HA MA R
Plantago afra L. zentet l-khrouf Th All divisions
Plantago albicans L. lyalma Hém All divisions

Plantago coronopus L. rjel l-ghrab Th All divisions

Plantago major L. rjel l-ghrab Th HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Plantago ovata Forssk. Th All divisions, except As
zentet l-khrouf, rjel lghrab, lyalma
Plantago spp. Th, Hém All divisions

Armeria alliacea (s.l.) êrg-wadmi Hém AA HA MA R

Armeria simplex Pomel êrg-wadmi Hém Mam Man R

Limoniastrum ifniense (A. Caball.) Font

zeyyat NPh Ms AA Mam
Limonium lobatum (L. fil.) Chaz. gârsha, tigursi Th All divisions
Limonium sinuatum (L.) Miller gârsha, tigursi Hém Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op LM R
Limonium spp. Th, Hém All divisions
Plumbago europaea L. le'sham, swak erraâyan Ch, NPh AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Arundo donax L. kseb GR All divisions
Cymbopogon schoenanthus Spreng. idkhir, tadoumest, chajrat trab, Hém Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. njem, njil, tribatt, affar GR All divisions
Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski rjel leghrab, njem G HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Imperata cylindrica (L.) Rauschel silt, tibestaw, tebanawt G, Hém Ms As Mam Man Op LM? R

zwan, gesmata, saylam, el- Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om

Lolium spp. Th
medhoun, afar, tibbatt LM R
Panicum miliaceum L. tafsût, jawars Th HA Mam Man ... ?
Panicum turgidum Forssk. mou-rokba, tigusin Ch Ms Mam
Phragmites australis (Cav.) Steudel qseb, âganin GR All divisions except Op
Stipa bromoides (L.) Dörfl. l-behma, l-gumwidiya Hém HA MA Man Om LM R
Stipagrostis pungens (Desf.) De Winter drinn G Ms As Op
Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Spach Th MA Man R
Polygonum aviculare L. wadmou, betbet, gordab Th AA HA MA Man LM R
Polygonum equisetiforme Sm. wadmou, betbet, gordab Ch Ms AA HA MA Mam Man Op R

Polygonum maritimum L. ziyyata, ûd-mserser Ch AA Mam Man LM R

Rumex acetosa L. hummeida Hém AA HA MA Man LM R
Rumex bucephalophorus L. Hém All divisions
Rumex pulcher L. Hém AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
hummeida, tasamam, gurisha, Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Rumex spp.
henzab, hazzu LM R
Rumex vesicarius L. Hém Ms AA HA Mam Op Om LM R?
38 Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco

Populus alba L. sefsaf lebyad, tinmlelt, amellal Ph As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R

Populus euphratica Olivier merchich, sefsaf Ph Ms Mam Op LM R
Populus nigra L. blinz, bilem, sefsaf Ph AA HA MA Man Op LM R
Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Portulaca oleracea L. )eaecacalutroP( rjila Th
Aconitum lycoctonum L. khlik ed-diab, nabal Hém AA HA MA
belaâman sghir, dem-el-âtrous, tît- Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Adonis aestivalis L. Th
n-tacekurt LM R
belaâman sghir, dem-el-âtrous, tît-
Adonis annua L. Th Mam Man LM R
Clematis cirrhosa L. louwwaya, mouqbila Ph-l AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R

Clematis flammula L. nar l-barda, azenzou Ph-l AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R

Delphinium staphisagria L. habb r-ras Hém R R
Nigella arvensis L. sanuj, l-haydwan Th HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Nigella damascena L. sanuj, l-haydwan Th HA MA Mam Man LM Om R
Ranunculus bullatus L. ouden el-hallouf Hém AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Ranunculus ficaria L. berûna Hém HA MA Man R
Ranunculus spp. All divisions
Caylusea hexagyna (Forssk.) M.L.
demban, âzeldar, timimt Hém Ms AA HA Mam

Cleome amblyocarpa Barrate & Murb. mkhinza, takhmoujit Th Ms As AA HA Op

Reseda luteola L. al-lîrûn, zantit lakhrouf Th All divisions
Reseda villosa Cosson sbib l-khrouf, igerjdi Th Ms As? AA HA?
Frangula alnus Miller Ph R Man R

Rhamnus alaternus L. amlirès NPh AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R

Rhamnus cathartica L. l-harcha, ânerfeds Ph R MA
Rhamnus lycioides L. el-harsha, admam NPh All divisions
Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam. sedra, azuggwar, nbeg NPh All divisions
Agrimonia eupatoria L. gaiit Hém HA MA Mam Man LM R
Crataegus laciniata Ucria admam, buzorulu NPh HA MA Om LM R
Crataegus monogyna Jacq. admam, buzorulu NPh AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Prunus lusitanica L. Ph HA MA R

Prunus spp. Ph As AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R

Pyrus mamorensis Trabut ijjas, bouâouid Ph ● MA Mam Man R
Rosa canina L. ward,âisus, tihfert, nesrin NPh AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Rosa spp. AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Rubus ulmifolius Schott sermu, aseddir, tabgha, akhlij NPh AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Plocama reboudiana (Coss. & Durieu)
sedret ech-chikh Ch Ms As AA HA Mam

M. Backlund & Thulin

Rubia peregrina L. fuwa, tarubia, tigmit, lhamri Ch HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Rubia tinctorum L. fuwa, ihwri, tarrubia G R
Haplophyllum vermiculare Hand.-Maz. l-fijel, awerma, tiwrajin Ch Ms AA Op

Ruta chalepensis L. l-fijel, awerma Ch HA? Mam Man Om R

Ruta montana L. l-fijel, awerma Ch AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Salix alba L. ûd el-ma, âmmas Ph HA MA

Salix cinerea L. Ph HA MA Man R

Salix pedicellata Desf. Ph Toutes les divisions, sauf Op
Salix purpurea L. Ph AA HA MA Mam Man LM R
Salix spp. âmmas, wammas Ph All divisions except Op
Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco 39

Salvadora persica L. )eaecarodavlaS ( ûd al-arak, tehak Ph Ms

Osyris lanceolata Hochst. & Steud.
bû-lîla, mergata NPh Ms AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels (Sapotaceae) argan, afias, abaˆu, zekmun Ph Ms AA HA Mam Man Man Om
Digitalis obscura L. zhar el-kchatbin, kamiya Ch LM R

Digitalis purpurea L. zhar el-kchatbin, kamiya Ch ● AA MA R

Verbascum dentifolium Del. meslah l-endar, aberdud Th-b AA? HA MA Om LM R
● As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Verbascum sinuatum L. meslah l-endar, aberdud Th-b
Smilax aspera L. (Smilacaceae) luwwaya, tanesfalt, ûlliq Ph-l As AA HA MA Mam Man Om LM R
Atropa baetica Willk. zbib elyadur Hém HA MA R
Atropa belladonna L. zbib elyadur, adilwouchen Hém RR MA R
Datura innoxia Mill. chdek jmel, taburzgit,krank Th Mam
Datura stramonium L. chdek jmel, taburzgit,krank Th All divisions
Hyoscyamus albus L. shikran, gengit, bu narjuf Th AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Hyoscyamus muticus L. lebtina, falezlez, gengit Hém R Ms
Hyoscyamus niger L. shikran, gengit, bu narjuf Th HA MA Man LM? R

Lycium europaeum L. l-gerdeg, înezerki, timûma NPh Mam Man Op Om LM R

Lycium intricatum Boiss. l-gerdeg, înezerki, timûma NPh Ms AA HA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Mandragora autumnalis Bertol. bid l-ghul, taryala, yabruh G Mam Man LM R
Nicotiana glauca R.C. Graham NPh Ms Mam Man Om LM R
âneb dib, adil n-wuchen, buknina, Ms AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM
Solanum nigrum L. Th
touchanine R
lîmoun n-sara, lhdej, mathesh del-
Solanum sodomaeum L. NPh Mam Man Om LM R
Withania adpressa (Cosson) Batt. irremt, hjuju, aglim, irramt NPh Ms AA HA
Withania frutescens (L.) Pauquy irremt, tirnet, bayyad, terta NPh All divisions
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal lahw, bellahw, habb l-lahw Ch Ms Mam Man Om LM R
Tamarix spp. )eaecaciramaT( l-âtris, terfa, fersig, afersi Ph Toutes les divisions
Tamarix aphylla (L.) Krast. ( " ) l-atl, tlaya, takkawt,tabrarat Ph Ms Mam LM Om
Taxus baccata L. )eaecaxaT( eddahek, igni, adgham Ph V HA MA R
Daphne gnidium L. lezzaz, inif, methnane Ch As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R
Daphne laureola L. lili w-adrar, walidrar NPh HA MA LM? R

Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl. ftitisha NPh V As AA HA MA Mam Op Om LM? R?

Thymelaea lythroides Barrate & Murb. metnan, ftitisha NPh R Man R
Thymelaea microphylla Coss. & Dur. lezzaz, belghanbou NPh Ms As Op
Thymelaea tartonraira (L.) All. buftila, talzzazt, belganbou Ch R MA R
Typha angustifolia L. )eaecahpyhT( tabûda, âbuda HyF HA MA Mam Man Om LM? R
Typha latifolia L. ( " ) tabûda, âbuda HyF Ms HA MA Man LM R
Celtis australis L. )eaecamlU( taghzaz, ûfras, Ph HA MA Man Om LM R
Forsskalea tenacissima L. l-lessayg, lessig Th Ms As AA HA Mam
Parietaria judaica L. khawi laâchoub, hourrig lamles Hém AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om LM R

Urtica dioica L. hourriga, bent en-nar GR RR Mam Man R

Urtica spp. hourriga, tikzinin, tazelekta Th All divisions, except Ms
Urtica urens L. l-hurrayga, imezri, tismekt Th All divisions, except Ms
Fedia cornucopiae (L.) Gaertn.
bezzult el-âouda Th MA Mam Man LM R
40 Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco

Verbena officinalis L. )eaecanebreV( baymût, jâidiya Ch All divisions except As

Vitex agnus-castus L. ( " ) angarf, angrif, kherwaâ NPh All divisions
Viola arborescens L. Ch Mam Man Om LM R

Viola munbyana Boiss. & Reuter GR RR MA R

Viola odorata L. banafsej Hém HA Mam Man R
Viola riviniana Reichenb. Hém RR MA R
Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile taychet, tûgga, tmer leghrab Ph V Ms
Fagonia glutinosa Delile tlihat el-ibil Th Ms AA Op

Peganum harmala L. harmel Ch All divisions

Tribulus terrestris L. al-haska, tîmgelest, mûggayr Th Ms HA MA Mam Man Op LM R
Zygophyllum fontanesii Webb. & Berth. âggaya, tirremt Ch Ms Mam Man
Zygophyllum gaetulum Emb. & Maire âggaya, tazzlost, tirta Ch Ms

Figure 2. Geographic divisions of Morocco. Ms (Saharan Morocco), As (Saharan Atlas), AA (Anti Atlas), HA (High Atlas),
MA (Middle Atlas), Mam (Middle atlantic Morocco), Man (Northern atlantic Morocco), Op (Eastern Plateaux),
Om (Oriental mountains), LM (Mediterranean coast), R (Rif).

Geographical distribution Others informations

The Moroccan aromatic and medicinal plants geogra- Most of Morocco’s plant species witness more or less
phical distribution shows that all regions of the country important gaps of scientific knowledge as far as taxonomy,
(Fig. 2) have a satisfactory richness (Fig. 3) from a biology, chronology, ecology are concerned. For aromatic
minimum of 154 species at Saharan Atlas to a maximum of and medicinal plants, this is obviously a serious handicap for
375 at Rif. There is no sense to compare between regions their use and valorization in an economically satisfactory
since they have uneven surfaces and their ecological way and without serious environmental damage.
conditions, especially bioclimatic, are different.
Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco 41

It is fundamental to know precisely the plant to be
exploited in order to avoid harvesting the rare or very rare
taxa. But as seen above, there is great confusion and
inaccuracies in terms of vernacular names and their
corresponding scientific names. So, endemic species can be
eliminated forever without anything in return if the species
are very rare. Examples are numerous. Consider the case of
oregano where Origanum grosii Pau & Font Quer and
Origanum elongatum (Bonnet) Emb. & Maire are confused
while the first is an endemic localized in the Rif. The
example of sagebrush, Artemisia herba-alba (sensu lato) is
also significant. This plant, commonly known as "chihh", is
widely exploited in Morocco without particular precautions,
while, in fact, there are five species whose taxonomic
Figure 3. Regional richeness in aromatic and medicinal plants
statuses, degrees of presence and distribution areas remain to
be unclear (Ouyahya 2014).
Natural exploitation Regression of biodiversity, in the world, is mainly due to
habitat fragmentation. Thus, it is very important to know the
All over the country, people use the aromatic and
distribution of species exploited in order to spread crop
medicinal plants for their own cosmetics or health care.
across their land. Overuse of one or more given areas can
Overall, its use is not a danger to the sustainability of these
eliminate the species concerned and thus lead to the
resources. According to usage, plants are used wholly or in
development of isolated sub-populations, fragile and
part only: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruit ...
uncompetitive to survive.
Commercial exploitation Biology
Commercial exploitation of Morocco's aromatic and The exploitation of any natural resource must respect the
medicinal plants is aimed to satisfy the continuously conditions of its survival. For aromatic and medicinal plants,
increasing demands of national and international markets. it is essential to know the biological cycles and take them
Local consumption, composed essentially of raw materials into account for assessing the quantities of material to be
(roots, leaves, fruits..) remains very modest compared to the taken and the appropriate time. Particular attention should be
quantities exported in the form of essential oils, solids, fruit kept, leaving, in the area, enough plant material required for
or other. The socio-economic impact is reflected by about the multiplication of species: roots, stems, seeds ...
500000 working days in the rural world (Ghanmi et al.
Phytomass produced
2009) and foreign exchange earnings. For example, in 2003,
exports reached a total quantity of 44000 tons worth over The general rule is that we do not take more than what
700 million dirhams (source Exchange Office 2006, quoted can nature produce in order to ensure sustainability of
in HCEFLCD 2008, p. 20). resources. To respect this rule, it is necessary to know the
amount of plant biomass produced and help save the green
Conservation issues inheritance of nature. Unfortunately, neither the productivity
of exploited aromatic and medicinal plants, nor their
The over exploitation of Moroccan aromatic and ecosystems are studied thus making it impossible to estimate
medicinal plants is part of a national context, characterized the impact of exploitation on resource exhaustion.
by a widespread ecosystem degradation (Benabid 2000). An
ongoing study (Lamrani-Alaoui et al.) showed that 204 Ecology and ecosystem functioning
species are threatened with a very high risk, medium or low,
In addition to the quantity of plant biomass produced, it
respectively 86, 26 and 92 species.
is important to know the ecology of ecosystems and roles
Overall, the current exploitation methods and practices played by the exploited plants to avoid disturbing the natural
are dangerous to the natural balance. They are abusive as balance. The interactions between various species and
they do not take into consideration the ecosystem between species and their biotope areas narrow and the
productivity and take to nature a quantity of biomass higher overexploitation of given species affects not only its own
than what it is produced. They are anarchic, insofar as they survival, but also those of many other animals and plants
are practiced without any monitoring or scientific support. besides land. For example, the elimination of certain plant
This aspect seems essential; it involves many facets, but we species has a direct impact on wildlife related to it: parasites,
will insist on five important considerations concerning breeding birds, pollinators... The negative impact, depending
species (taxonomy, chorology, biology) and ecosystems on its severity, eventually causes more or less serious
(productivity, ecology and functioning). dysfunction of the whole ecosystem.
42 Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco

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is far from being properly assessed. Their survival is Press. 764 p.
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species are threatened at varied degrees. At least twenty Ghanmi M., Satrani B., Aberchane M. et al. 2009. Plantes
should be closely followed (Ghanmi et al. 2009), because aromatiques et médicinales du Maroc. Collection Maroc
Nature. Centre de Reherche Forestière. Rabat. 128 p.
they are widely used for export.
Fennane M. & Ibn Tattou M. 1998. Catalogue des plantes
The general context of this exploitation is marked by vasculaires, rares, menacées ou endémiques du Maroc. Bocconea
ignorance of, on the one hand, the actual productivity of 8. Palerme. 243 p.
ecosystems, on the other hand, the exact identity of species, Fennane M. et al. (eds) 1999-2014. Flore pratique du Maroc. Vol. 1
their geographical distribution and their biological and (1999). Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Rabat, Sér. Botanique
ecological characteristics. Degradation of Moroccan 36: xiv + 1-538. Vol. 2 (2007). Ibid. 38: xi + 636. Vol. 3
aromatic and medicinal plants is well stressed. And it is very (2014). Ibid. 40: xi + 1-793.
unfortunate that some rare or endemic plants collected in HCEFLCD 2008. Stratégie nationale de développement du secteur
bulk with other closely related species, face the same des plantes aromatiques et médicinales au Maroc. Rapport final.
danger, without significant added value to the user. Rabat. 70 p.
The national and foreign demand for aromatic and Heywood V. 1999. Medicinal and aromatic plants as global
medicinal plants products are still increasing and it is resources. Acta Horticulturae 500, 21-30.
absolutely urgent to work for a reasonable and rational Hmamouchi M. 1999. Les plantes médicinales et aromatiques
exploitation, consistent with the spirit of sustainable marocaines. Imprimerie Fédala. 389 p.
development. For this reason, three things seem to be very Lamrani-Alaoui M., Benabid A. & Hamimaz R. (en cours). Etude
important: relative à l’élaboration du plan d’action pour la conservation
1. Develop scientific research to: la gestion durable et la valorisation des plantes aromatiques et
médicinales spontannées du Maroc. Phase I. Identification des
- clearly identify the taxonomic, chorological, biological 20 espèces de PAM spontanées prioritaires et des espèces
and ecological aspects of species; exploitées à risque. Projet PAM. HCEFLCD, FEM et PNUD.
- evaluate the best possible productivity of exploited Rabat. 191 p. (doc. provisoire).
aromatic and medicinal plants in accordance with Neffati M. & Sghaier M., 2014. Développement et valorisation des
sustainable development. plantes aromatiques et médicinales au niveau des zones
desertiques de la région MENA (Algérie, Egypte, Jordanie,
2. Develop and adopt a national charter, with a guide of Maroc et Tunisie). Rapport interne, Observatoire du Sahara et
good use, setting rules and procedures to be followed to du Sahel. 152 p.
minimize damage on species and their environments. Ouyahya A. 2014. Artemisia L. In Fennane et al. (eds) - Flore
3. Encourage the cultivation of aromatic and medicinal pratique du Maroc, vol. 3. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique,
plants to alleviate the pressure on natural species. Série Botanique 40, 254-260. Rabat.
These measures will certainly help to win the bet of Sijelmassi A. 1990. Les plantes médicinales du Maroc. Edit. Le
labeling aromatic and medicinal plants products and Fennec. 305 p.
improve Morocco's place among the largest worldwide World Health Organization 2000. General Guidelines for
producers and exporters. Efforts are being made to this aim. Methodologies on Research and Evaluation of Traditional
Studies have been conducted (HCEFLCD 2008, Ghanmi et Medicine. WHO / EDM / TRM/2000.1. 80 p. Geneva.
al. 2009) or are ongoing (MAP Project 2012-2015), but
unfortunately the scientific research component is not taken
into account as it should really be. Manuscrit reçu le 12/05/2016
Version révisée acceptée le 30/12/2016
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Version finale reçue le 02/01/2017
Mise en ligne le 12/01/2017
We are very grateful to the journal anonymous reviewers
for their constructive comments, and to the editorial board,
especially colleagues who have taken care of this article.

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