Aramatic Plants Morocco
Aramatic Plants Morocco
Aramatic Plants Morocco
eISSN 2458-7176
Abstract. Morocco, as many countries in the world, has an old tradition and important know-how in traditional pharmacopia. Among its
natural flora, about a thousand species are currently used for this purpose in various degrees. The renewed worldwide interest for aromatic
and medicinal plants (AMP), encouraged by the development of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, has greatly increased the pressure
on these resources. Today, some thirty native species are widely marketed in the country and abroad, and are subject to an excessive, abusive
and anarchic exploitation. In general, plant harvesting practices misunderstand or ignore important taxonomic, biological and chorological
considerations, thus jeopardizing species. The problem is particularly serious in the case of national endemic species plants and especially
those rare or endangered. There even is, more than ever, an urgent need to develop information on aromatic and medicinal plants in Morocco
and adopt a national charter, with a guide of good behaviour for their exploitation in compliance with the spirit of sustainable development.
Keywords : aromatic plants, medicinal plants, traditional pharmacopia, Morocco.
Résumé. A l'instar de plusieurs pays au monde, le Maroc jouit d'une vieille tradition et d'un savoir faire important en matière de
pharmacopée traditionnelle. Parmi son cortège floristique naturel, environ un millier d'espèces sont utilisées actuellement à des degrés divers.
Le regain d'intérêt mondial pour les plantes aromatiques et médicinales (PAM), encouragé par le développement de l'industrie
pharmaceutique et cosmétique, a très fortement accentué la pression sur ces ressources. Aujourd'hui, une trentaine d'espèces indigènes sont
largement commercialisées à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du pays, et font l'objet d'une exploitation démesurée, abusive et anarchique. En
général, les pratiques de récolte du matériel végétal méconnaissent ou ignorent des considérations importantes d'ordres taxonomique,
chorologique et biologique, mettant ainsi en péril la survie des espèces. Le problème est particulièrement grave dans le cas des plantes
endémiques nationales et plus spécialement celles rares ou menacées. Plus que jamais, il y a nécessité, voire urgence, de développer les
connaissances sur les PAM du Maroc et d'élaborer / adopter une charte nationale, avec un guide de bonne conduite, pour leur exploitation
dans le respect de l'esprit du développement durable.
Mots-clés : plantes aromatiques, plantes médicinales, pharmacopée traditionnelle, Maroc.
a b c
Figure 1. Aizoon canariense (a), A. hispanicum (b) and Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum (c), commonly named ghassoul or taghassoult.
Photos (a) and (b): Msanda, (c): Douzet [website :]
aromatic and medicinal plants in Morocco used at variant
Confusion and difficulties of common names degrees and to different means, approximately 12 % of the
Confusion and difficulties related to plant common total flora of the country (Fennane & Ibn Tattou 2011).
names are on two levels. On the one hand, there are common 97 families and 295 genera are concerned, representing
or vernacular names that are most often imprecise and respectively 62 % and almost 30 % of nationwide figures.
referring under the same name to several species or even
As important families, Asteraceae (Compositae),
different genera.
Lamiaceae (Labiatae), Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) and
On the other hand, there is a connection between these Fabaceae (Leguminosae) are in the lead with respectively
commonly used names and scientific names. Cases 36, 30, 28 and 20 species.
illustrating these difficulties are numerous, here are some
The Moroccan aromatic and medicinal plants show all
life forms, but within variable proportions approximately
- Oum lbeina or hulaiba designate different species of the 40 % of therophytes and hemicryptophytes (annual, biennal
genus Euphorbia or perennial herbaceous), 25 % of phanerophytes (trees and
- Hlenj, bou heddad, herrag are used for at least 4 species of shrubs), 20 % of chamaephytes (shrubs) and 15 % geophytes
heather, genus Erica (bulb, rhizome or tuber plants).
- Ghassoul and taghassoult covers 2 genera and at least 3 Endemism and rarity
species (Fig. 1): Aizoon canariense L., Aizon hispanicum
L. and Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum L. At least, 15 Moroccan endemic species are exploited as
aromatic and/or medicinal plants: Acacia gummifera Willd.,
Overview on moroccan aromatic and medicinal plants Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels, Artemisia mesatlantica Maire,
Cladanthus scariosus (Ball) Oberpr. & Vogt, Cupressus
For the current paper we have stripped the work of atlantica Gaussen, Digitalis purpurea L., Euphorbia
Bellakhar (1997), Hmamouchi (1999) and Sijelmassi (1990) resinifera Berg. Kleinia anteuphorbium (L.) Haw.,
that give us a list of 446 species (Tab. 1). But, it should be Lavandula mairei Humbert, Origanum elongatum (Bonnet)
reminded that maybe a tens others are not listed ; we had not Emb. & Maire, Pyrus mamorensis Trabut, Selaginella
had the possibility to use some unpublished words like balansae (A. Braun) Hieron., Thymus broussonetii Boiss.,
reports and thesis. They belong to 31 different genera whose Thymus riatarum Humbert & Maire and Verbascum
names appear in the table followed by the abbreviation sinuatum L. This figure increases significantly when
« spp » meaning more species. considering the lower taxonomic ranks that are subspecies,
Quantitatively, our inventory does not stray much from varieties and forms.
that of Lamrani-Alaoui et al. (work under study) which
Concerning scarcity, we identified 41 species,
provide a total of 498 species.
distributed, according to Fennane & Ibn Tattou (1998) as
Richness and diversity follows: 16 very rare, 4 suspected very rare, 13 rare and 7
suspected rare (Tab. 1).
Currently available data, compiled in Table 1, allow to
estimate that there are at least 500 species of natural
Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco 29
Table 1. Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco : Life form and distribution (after Fennane et al. 1999-2014) ; rarity (after Fennane &
Ibn Tattou 1998). Ch: chamaephyte, G: geophyte (bulb, rhizome, tuber), G-p: geophyte parasite, Hem: hemicryptophyte, NPh:
nanophanerophyte, Ph: phanerophyte, Th: therophyte, Th-b: bisannual, R: rare, RR: very rare, V: vulnerable, ● endemic.
Scientific name Vernacular name Life form Rarity Distribution (see Fig. 2)
Geranium robertianum L. Th AA HA MA R
Ms As AA HA MA Mam Man Op Om
Globularia alypum L. (Globulariaceae) taselgha, âïn larneb Ch
Ribes uva-crispa L. (Grossulariaceae) adil n-wussen, fadijji NPh AA HA MA LM? R
Iridaceae Hypericaceae
Figure 2. Geographic divisions of Morocco. Ms (Saharan Morocco), As (Saharan Atlas), AA (Anti Atlas), HA (High Atlas),
MA (Middle Atlas), Mam (Middle atlantic Morocco), Man (Northern atlantic Morocco), Op (Eastern Plateaux),
Om (Oriental mountains), LM (Mediterranean coast), R (Rif).
It is fundamental to know precisely the plant to be
exploited in order to avoid harvesting the rare or very rare
taxa. But as seen above, there is great confusion and
inaccuracies in terms of vernacular names and their
corresponding scientific names. So, endemic species can be
eliminated forever without anything in return if the species
are very rare. Examples are numerous. Consider the case of
oregano where Origanum grosii Pau & Font Quer and
Origanum elongatum (Bonnet) Emb. & Maire are confused
while the first is an endemic localized in the Rif. The
example of sagebrush, Artemisia herba-alba (sensu lato) is
also significant. This plant, commonly known as "chihh", is
widely exploited in Morocco without particular precautions,
while, in fact, there are five species whose taxonomic
Figure 3. Regional richeness in aromatic and medicinal plants
statuses, degrees of presence and distribution areas remain to
be unclear (Ouyahya 2014).
Natural exploitation Regression of biodiversity, in the world, is mainly due to
habitat fragmentation. Thus, it is very important to know the
All over the country, people use the aromatic and
distribution of species exploited in order to spread crop
medicinal plants for their own cosmetics or health care.
across their land. Overuse of one or more given areas can
Overall, its use is not a danger to the sustainability of these
eliminate the species concerned and thus lead to the
resources. According to usage, plants are used wholly or in
development of isolated sub-populations, fragile and
part only: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruit ...
uncompetitive to survive.
Commercial exploitation Biology
Commercial exploitation of Morocco's aromatic and The exploitation of any natural resource must respect the
medicinal plants is aimed to satisfy the continuously conditions of its survival. For aromatic and medicinal plants,
increasing demands of national and international markets. it is essential to know the biological cycles and take them
Local consumption, composed essentially of raw materials into account for assessing the quantities of material to be
(roots, leaves, fruits..) remains very modest compared to the taken and the appropriate time. Particular attention should be
quantities exported in the form of essential oils, solids, fruit kept, leaving, in the area, enough plant material required for
or other. The socio-economic impact is reflected by about the multiplication of species: roots, stems, seeds ...
500000 working days in the rural world (Ghanmi et al.
Phytomass produced
2009) and foreign exchange earnings. For example, in 2003,
exports reached a total quantity of 44000 tons worth over The general rule is that we do not take more than what
700 million dirhams (source Exchange Office 2006, quoted can nature produce in order to ensure sustainability of
in HCEFLCD 2008, p. 20). resources. To respect this rule, it is necessary to know the
amount of plant biomass produced and help save the green
Conservation issues inheritance of nature. Unfortunately, neither the productivity
of exploited aromatic and medicinal plants, nor their
The over exploitation of Moroccan aromatic and ecosystems are studied thus making it impossible to estimate
medicinal plants is part of a national context, characterized the impact of exploitation on resource exhaustion.
by a widespread ecosystem degradation (Benabid 2000). An
ongoing study (Lamrani-Alaoui et al.) showed that 204 Ecology and ecosystem functioning
species are threatened with a very high risk, medium or low,
In addition to the quantity of plant biomass produced, it
respectively 86, 26 and 92 species.
is important to know the ecology of ecosystems and roles
Overall, the current exploitation methods and practices played by the exploited plants to avoid disturbing the natural
are dangerous to the natural balance. They are abusive as balance. The interactions between various species and
they do not take into consideration the ecosystem between species and their biotope areas narrow and the
productivity and take to nature a quantity of biomass higher overexploitation of given species affects not only its own
than what it is produced. They are anarchic, insofar as they survival, but also those of many other animals and plants
are practiced without any monitoring or scientific support. besides land. For example, the elimination of certain plant
This aspect seems essential; it involves many facets, but we species has a direct impact on wildlife related to it: parasites,
will insist on five important considerations concerning breeding birds, pollinators... The negative impact, depending
species (taxonomy, chorology, biology) and ecosystems on its severity, eventually causes more or less serious
(productivity, ecology and functioning). dysfunction of the whole ecosystem.
42 Fennane & Rejdali - Aromatic and medicinal plants of Morocco
The national potential of aromatic and medicinal plants Bellakhdar J. 1997. La pharmacopée marocaine traditionnelle. Ibis
is far from being properly assessed. Their survival is Press. 764 p.
threatened by excessive and anarchic exploitation. Benabid A. 2000. Flore et écosystèmes du Maroc : Evaluation et
According to Lamrani-Alaoui et al. (ibid.), over 200 préservation de la biodiversité. Ibis Press. Paris. 359 p.
species are threatened at varied degrees. At least twenty Ghanmi M., Satrani B., Aberchane M. et al. 2009. Plantes
should be closely followed (Ghanmi et al. 2009), because aromatiques et médicinales du Maroc. Collection Maroc
Nature. Centre de Reherche Forestière. Rabat. 128 p.
they are widely used for export.
Fennane M. & Ibn Tattou M. 1998. Catalogue des plantes
The general context of this exploitation is marked by vasculaires, rares, menacées ou endémiques du Maroc. Bocconea
ignorance of, on the one hand, the actual productivity of 8. Palerme. 243 p.
ecosystems, on the other hand, the exact identity of species, Fennane M. et al. (eds) 1999-2014. Flore pratique du Maroc. Vol. 1
their geographical distribution and their biological and (1999). Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Rabat, Sér. Botanique
ecological characteristics. Degradation of Moroccan 36: xiv + 1-538. Vol. 2 (2007). Ibid. 38: xi + 636. Vol. 3
aromatic and medicinal plants is well stressed. And it is very (2014). Ibid. 40: xi + 1-793.
unfortunate that some rare or endemic plants collected in HCEFLCD 2008. Stratégie nationale de développement du secteur
bulk with other closely related species, face the same des plantes aromatiques et médicinales au Maroc. Rapport final.
danger, without significant added value to the user. Rabat. 70 p.
The national and foreign demand for aromatic and Heywood V. 1999. Medicinal and aromatic plants as global
medicinal plants products are still increasing and it is resources. Acta Horticulturae 500, 21-30.
absolutely urgent to work for a reasonable and rational Hmamouchi M. 1999. Les plantes médicinales et aromatiques
exploitation, consistent with the spirit of sustainable marocaines. Imprimerie Fédala. 389 p.
development. For this reason, three things seem to be very Lamrani-Alaoui M., Benabid A. & Hamimaz R. (en cours). Etude
important: relative à l’élaboration du plan d’action pour la conservation
1. Develop scientific research to: la gestion durable et la valorisation des plantes aromatiques et
médicinales spontannées du Maroc. Phase I. Identification des
- clearly identify the taxonomic, chorological, biological 20 espèces de PAM spontanées prioritaires et des espèces
and ecological aspects of species; exploitées à risque. Projet PAM. HCEFLCD, FEM et PNUD.
- evaluate the best possible productivity of exploited Rabat. 191 p. (doc. provisoire).
aromatic and medicinal plants in accordance with Neffati M. & Sghaier M., 2014. Développement et valorisation des
sustainable development. plantes aromatiques et médicinales au niveau des zones
desertiques de la région MENA (Algérie, Egypte, Jordanie,
2. Develop and adopt a national charter, with a guide of Maroc et Tunisie). Rapport interne, Observatoire du Sahara et
good use, setting rules and procedures to be followed to du Sahel. 152 p.
minimize damage on species and their environments. Ouyahya A. 2014. Artemisia L. In Fennane et al. (eds) - Flore
3. Encourage the cultivation of aromatic and medicinal pratique du Maroc, vol. 3. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique,
plants to alleviate the pressure on natural species. Série Botanique 40, 254-260. Rabat.
These measures will certainly help to win the bet of Sijelmassi A. 1990. Les plantes médicinales du Maroc. Edit. Le
labeling aromatic and medicinal plants products and Fennec. 305 p.
improve Morocco's place among the largest worldwide World Health Organization 2000. General Guidelines for
producers and exporters. Efforts are being made to this aim. Methodologies on Research and Evaluation of Traditional
Studies have been conducted (HCEFLCD 2008, Ghanmi et Medicine. WHO / EDM / TRM/2000.1. 80 p. Geneva.
al. 2009) or are ongoing (MAP Project 2012-2015), but
unfortunately the scientific research component is not taken
into account as it should really be. Manuscrit reçu le 12/05/2016
Version révisée acceptée le 30/12/2016
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Version finale reçue le 02/01/2017
Mise en ligne le 12/01/2017
We are very grateful to the journal anonymous reviewers
for their constructive comments, and to the editorial board,
especially colleagues who have taken care of this article.