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Gilgen FD20 Installation Manual

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Swing door drive mechanism

FD 20
Mounting and operating instructions

Com. no. .............................................. Pos. ............................... Construction year ................

Operator ...............................................................................................................................................

Operating place .........................................................................................................................................

FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

1 GENERAL REMARKS..................................................................................................5
1.1 Target group........................................................................................................5
1.2 Where to keep these instructions.......................................................................5
1.3 Adresses.............................................................................................................5
1.4 Auxiliary tools and service performances...........................................................6

2 SAFETY........................................................................................................................7
2.1 Appropriate use..................................................................................................7
2.2 Safety notices.....................................................................................................7
2.3 Safety regulations...............................................................................................7
2.3.1 Principles...............................................................................................7
2.3.2 Service..................................................................................................9
2.3.3 Safety devices.......................................................................................9
2.3.4 Malfunctions..........................................................................................9
2.3.5 Accessories/Spare parts.......................................................................9

3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION.........................................................................................10
3.1 General remarks...............................................................................................10
3.2 Standard application......................................................................................... 11
3.3 Inverse application............................................................................................12
3.4 Automatic closing sequence control.................................................................12
3.5 Rating plate.......................................................................................................13
3.6 Technical data...................................................................................................13
3.7 Application limits without safety elements
according to EN 16005.....................................................................................14
3.8 Maximum wind-load capacity............................................................................15

4 MOUNTING................................................................................................................17
4.1 Preparation.......................................................................................................17
4.2 Mounting versions.............................................................................................18
4.3 General.............................................................................................................19
4.4 Normal rods pushing function / Lintel mounting................................................20
4.5 Sliding rods pulling function / Lintel mounting...................................................23
4.6 Sliding rods pushing function / Lintel mounting................................................25
4.7 Sliding rods pushing function / Leaf mounting..................................................27
4.8 Adjusting the pre-stressing of the closing spring..............................................29
4.9 Setting the accelerating function (forceful closing)...........................................31
4.9.1 Accelerating force................................................................................31
4.9.2 Forceful closing range.........................................................................32

5 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS..................................................................................33
5.1 Power supply....................................................................................................33
5.2 Cable layout......................................................................................................35
5.2.1 Lintel mounting....................................................................................35
5.2.2 Leaf mounting......................................................................................35
5.2.3 Strain relief..........................................................................................36
5.3 External elements.............................................................................................36

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6 COMMISSIONING......................................................................................................37
6.1 Inverse application............................................................................................39
6.2 Closing sequence control.................................................................................40
6.3 Interlock operation............................................................................................43
6.4 Adhesive labels.................................................................................................44
6.4.1 Service sticker.....................................................................................44
6.4.2 Arrow sticker........................................................................................44
6.4.3 Glass sticker........................................................................................44
6.5 Mount the drive unit covering............................................................................45

7 CONTROL..................................................................................................................46
7.1 Main switch.......................................................................................................46
7.2 Program selector..............................................................................................46
7.3 Operating modes..............................................................................................46
7.4 Adjustings.........................................................................................................47
7.4.1 Motional parameters (PARAMETER)..................................................47
7.4.2 Configuration (CONFIG)......................................................................48
7.4.3 Installations with multiple door leaves (DOUBLE DOOR)...................49
7.4.4 Menu navigation..................................................................................50

8 SERVICE....................................................................................................................54
8.1 Service for pedestrian doors.............................................................................55
8.2 Fundamental checking......................................................................................56

9 TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................................57
9.1 Malfunction with error-no..................................................................................57
9.1.1 Drive mechanism.................................................................................57
9.1.2 Operating.............................................................................................58
9.1.3 Safety elements...................................................................................58
9.1.4 Feeding...............................................................................................58
9.1.5 System................................................................................................59
9.1.6 Options................................................................................................59
9.1.7 Closing sequence / Interlock function..................................................59
9.2 Malfunction without error-no.............................................................................60
9.3 Software update via USB..................................................................................61
9.3.1 Preparation..........................................................................................61
9.3.2 Procedure............................................................................................62
9.3.3. LED display on the control..................................................................62
9.3.4 Possible errors....................................................................................62

10 SHUT-DOWN..............................................................................................................63

11 DISPOSAL OF THE INSTALLATION..........................................................................64

12 SPARE PARTS...........................................................................................................65

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13 OPTIONS....................................................................................................................66
13.1 D-BEDIX...........................................................................................................66
13.1.1 Keys....................................................................................................66
13.1.2 Symbols...............................................................................................66
13.1.3 Operating modes.................................................................................67
13.1.4 Display of the door position.................................................................67
13.1.5 Menu level...........................................................................................68
13.1.6 Setting examples.................................................................................69
13.1.7 Error display........................................................................................70
13.2 KOMBI-D-BEDIX..............................................................................................71
13.3 Open position stop piece integrated in the drive unit........................................72
13.4 Connection plate for wooden door leaf (normal rods)..........................................72
13.5 Mounting plate..................................................................................................73
13.6 Mounting plate FD 20 Mod...............................................................................73
13.7 Continuous covering.........................................................................................74
13.8 Optional PCBs..................................................................................................75
13.8.1 Relay PCB...........................................................................................75
13.8.2 Radio PCB...........................................................................................76

14 APPENDIX..................................................................................................................77
Wiring diagram........................................................................................... E4-0141-713
Wiring diagram Relay PCB........................................................................ E4-0141-715

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

The present instructions contains all instructions for mounting, commissioning, operation,
service (maintenance/checking) as well as troubleshooting. It is the basis guaranteeing
a faultless and safe operation of the installation and must be completely read and under-
stood before starting the work.

The following basic documents are associated with this installation:

• Mounting and operating instructions 0548-990/02 onto the installation
• Operator manual 0548-991/02 by the operator
• Control booklet 0548-991/12 onto the installation

1.1 Target group

All the work described in the present instructions must only be carried out by experts!

Experts are persons who, based on their professional training and experience, have suf-
ficient knowledge in the field of powered windows, doors and gates. They are sufficiently
familiar with the relevant federal regulations for work protection and accident prevention,
with the guidelines and generally recognized rules applicable for this field of technolo-
gy which enables them to evaluate if powered windows, doors and gates can be safely

Only the trained experts of the manufacturer or the supplier are counted among these

1.2 Where to keep these instructions

The present instructions have to be kept close to the installation, together with the control

1.3 Adresses
Distribution agent/
After-sales service

Manufacturer Gilgen Door Systems AG

Freiburgstrasse 34
CH-3150 Schwarzenburg
Phone +41 31 734 41 11
Fax +41 31 734 43 79

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

1.4 Auxiliary tools and service performances

The auxiliary tools and service performances listed hereafter are available, depending on
the respective situation and authorization (please ask your distribution agent):

• Company portrait
• Homepage
• E-shop (authorization)
• Solution Designer (the company's own product configuration system)
· Project administration
· Print out quotation and order confirmation for project
· Configuration of installations
· 3D-Visualization
· Calculate prices for normalized and standard doors
· Visualization of lists of parts
· Draw up work drawings
• News
• Info-News via E-mail
• Product brochures
• Product presentation (PowerPoint)
• Submission texts
• Reference list
• Test/homologation certificates
• CAD data
• Application sheets
• Plans of installations and cutouts
• Training courses
• Spare parts
• Maintenance contracts
• Around-the-clock service (not available in all the countries)

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

2.1 Appropriate use
The swing door drive mechanism FD 20 has been exclusively designed for operating
swing doors. Any other use beyond these application limits is deemed inappropriate and
inadmissible! In the event of an inappropriate use of this system, the safety of the user
may be jeopar­dized and/or the installation be damaged. The manufacturer declines all
responsibility for these injuries/damages!

2.2 Safety notices

The present instructions uses the following symbols and notes in order to point out certain
residual dangers:

Involving danger to life and limb.

A situation where material could be damaged or the function impaired.

Hints which facilitate the work.

2.3 Safety regulations

2.3.1 Principles
• According to standard EN 16005/DIN 18650 describing the safety-related requirements
for automatic door systems, a risk evaluation is to be carried out (in consideration of
the groups of door users and the local situation). This is the basis for the choice of the
different protecting measures. The risk evaluation has to be carried out already during
the planning stage to guarantee that the automatic door system can be safely installed
and operated (see Risk evaluation for automatic swing door P 01.02.20  DIN 18650).

• When configuring the installation, it is essen-

tial to make sure that the locally applicable
regulations with regard to the closing edges
are complied with, in order to avoid crushing
and shearing points. It is particularly impor-
tant to make sure that the door leaves do not
have any sharp edges. The secondary closing
edges must be designed by customers in
such a fashion as to eliminate any dangerous
crushing and shearing points.

NSK Secondary closing edge

HSK Main closing edge
GSK Opposing closing edge

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

• In order not to create any dangerous squeezing and shearing points, no structural mo-
dification must be made within the door surroundings, without prior authorization from
Gilgen Door Systems. Furthermore, it is important that no objects (such as furniture,
pallets, etc.) be placed in the vicinity of the door.

• The door leaves and their fillings must be manufactured according to the applicable
standards (e.g. EN 16005). For the door leaf fillings, brake-proof material respectively
safety glass shall be used. Transparents door leaves (or their surfaces) must be clearly
recognizable, e.g. by means of a permanent marking or dyed materials.

• The application limits must be observed.

• The choice of fastening elements depends on the construction base.

• Door sills or other protruding elements of the door system are to be identified by war-
ning stickers or another appropriate marking means.

• In its assembled state, the installation must answer all the safety requirements specified
by the machinery directive.

• The swing door drive mechanism FD 20 may only be installed and operated in dry
rooms. If this condition cannot be fulfilled, the customer must provide sufficient protec-
tion from moisture.

• The swing door drive mechanism FD 20 must not be mounted within locations pre-
senting explosion hazards. The presence of flammable gases or smoke represents a
considerable safety hazard.

• All further interventions on and modifications of the installation that are not described in
the present instructions are forbidden!

• Wrapping materials (such as plastic foil, polystyrene foam, strings, ....) represent a
source of danger for children and must therefore be kept out of reach of the latter.

• The installation has been calculated, designed and manufactured on the basis of the
latest state-of-the-art technology and the generally recognized safety-relevant rules and
regulations. It may only be operated if it is in perfect condition, taking into account the
specifications of the present instructions. Any use beyond the defined application limits
is inadmissible!

• The installation is to be operated and maintained in such condition that the safety is
guaranteed at all times. An integral part of this condition is the appropriate use, the
compliance with the operating conditions prescribed by the manufacturer, as well as the
regular service (maintenance/checking).

• The installation’s conformity with the machinery directive must be confirmed.

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2.3.2 Service

In order to guarantee the safety of the users at all times, the installation must be checked
with regard to its safe condition before the first commissioning and during normal operati-
on, at least once a year, by a expert. The correct maintenance/checking must be confir-
med by entering the date and signature into the control booklet.

2.3.3 Safety devices

It is inadmissible to bypass, shunt or disable the safety devices. Any defective safety devi-
ces may not be disconnected in order to be able to continue the operation of the installa-

2.3.4 Malfunctions

If any malfunctions occur which might be detrimental to the safety of the users, the instal-
lation must be immediately taken out of operation. It may only be taken back into operati-
on after the malfunction has been repaired and all danger eliminated.

2.3.5 Accessories/Spare parts

A safe and reliable function of the installation can only be guaranteed if it is operated with
the original Gilgen Door Systems accessories/spare parts. Gilgen Door Systems declines
all responsibility for damages resulting from unauthorized modifications of the installation
or from the use of foreign accessories/spare parts.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

3.1 General remarks
The swing door drive mechanism FD 20 opens and closes the door leaf via a rod assem-
bly (is not shown in the illustration).




Drive mechanism
A Drive mechanism covering
B Side cover
C Spring unit for spring-powered closing respectively opening
D Direct current motor
E Gear
F Output shaft with eight-pointed star for the connection of the rod assembly
G Control
H Main switch
I Program selector keys

Control PCB J K L M N O P
J Connection program selector
K Connection terminals Q

L Serial interface X112 X104 X102 X116 X106


X115 X117 5V
N Processor
O Options connection S

P Fire protection (option) 30 V

Q Connection of the reference switch

R Potentiometer for slam cushioning SOK T

S Rotary shaft encoder OE

T Connector for power supply unit SE


U Buzzer X110 X108

V USB Control PCB

W Joystick
X LC-Display K X W V U

5 V green = i.O.
30 V green = i.O.
SOK System green flashing = i.O.
OE Opening element blue = activ
SE Safety element yellow = activ

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

Normal rods



Sliding rods



A Clamping piece
B Rotating arm
C Joint
D Rod arms
E Door connection angle
F Glider
G Sliding rail

3.2 Standard application

During normal operation, the opening and closing movements of the door leaf are moto-
rized. The automatically opening is performed via opening elements. The automatically
closing starts as soon as the programmed hold-open time has expired.

Function in the event of a mains failure

The door leaf is closed from any position by means of spring power. The motor attenuati-
on ensures a controlled closing.

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3.3 Inverse application

The swing door drive unit FD 20 is also appropriate for inversed operation. This particular
function can be separately programmed for each drive unit. The inverse application is
suitable for smoke extraction from buildings (RWA = smoke and heat exhaust vent soluti-
on) as well as for escape and rescue ways. In the event of a power failure or a RWA, this
functionality ensures that the door leaf is reliably opened.

During normal operation, the opening and closing movements of the door leaf are moto-
rized. The automatically opening is performed via opening elements. The automatically
closing starts as soon as the programmed hold-open time has expired.

Function in the event of a mains failure or emergency open SHEV

The door leaf is opened from any position by means of spring power (unless it has not
been locked). The motor attenuation ensures a controlled opening. An emergency power
supply system is therefore not necessary.

For the Inverse application we advise to use an electric lock which maintains
the door leaf in the closed position. Without this electric lock, the drive unit
needs to apply a continuous closing pressure and push the leaf against the
spring power (at the cost of increased power consumption). An initial load is
acting on the electric load (spring power of the drive unit). For this reason (in
contrast to the fire protection application), the electric lock to be used must
be suitable for escape way applications (opening without mains power). The
starting delay TDelay must be > 0 s and the relieving force during unlocking
FDelay must be adjusted in accordance.

If nothing but an impulse command is used for triggering the Inverse func-
tion, a maintained command is required (e.g. fire protection PCB FD 20-F).

3.4 Automatic closing sequence control

For bi-parting installations, two separate FD 20 swing door drive mechanisms are used,
which are connected via the CAN bus system.

Drive mechanism 1
Drive mechanism 2

Earlier door leaf

the first one to open
Delayed door leaf
the second one to close
the second one to open
the first one to close

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3.5 Rating plate

The rating plate (including TÜV and EC
identification) can be found on the direct cur-
rent motor (below the drive unit covering).

Rating plate

3.6 Technical data

Drive mechanism Standard
Power transmission Normal rods
Sliding rods
Dimensions drive mechanism Height 95 mm
Width 690 mm
Depth 120 mm
Weight drive mechanism 10,5 kg
Ambient temperature -15...+50 °C
May only be used in dry rooms max. relative humidity 85 %
Protection type IP 40 (IP 42*)
Operating voltage 230 VAC (+10/-15 %), 50 Hz, 10/13 A
Power consumption drive mechanism max. 560 W
Motor power rating 100 W
Power supply external comsumer 24 VDC (±10 %), 2 A
Torque output shaft max. 80 Nm
Distance door hinge - Output shaft mounting against lintel 280 mm
leaf mounting 380 mm
Lintel depth normal rods max. 250 mm
sliding rods +150/-30 mm
Door opening angle max. 105°
Weight of door leaf max. 250 kg
Width of door leaf EN 3...7 (851...1'600 mm)
see chapter "Application limits"
Opening speed max. 40°/s
Closing speed max. 40°/s
Range of the accelerating function (foreceful
closing) (without mains power) 5...15° stepless adjustable (mechanical)
Motor damping (without mains power) within the range of the
accelerationg function (forceful closing) stepless adjustable (adjusting trimmer)
Hold-open time 0...60 s
Hold-open time Night 0...180 s
* For obtaining
the protection Sealing compound
type IP 42, the e.g. 6450-105
drive mechanism
covering must
be sealed all

Adhesive tape

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3.7 Application limits without safety elements

according to EN 16005
In the event of swing doors installed in a non publicly accessible areas, wit-
hout installation of safety elements that monitor the door leaf movement, the
setting values specified hereafter for the opening speed Vo and the closing
speed Vc must not be exceeded.

Normal rods pushing function (lintel mounting)

Leaf weight
0...50 51...90 91...130 131...170 171...210 211...250
Leaf width kg kg kg kg kg kg
EN 3 851...950 mm 6 5 3 2 2 1
EN 4 951...1'100 mm 5 4 4 3 3 2
EN 5 1'101...1'250 mm 5 5 4 3 3 2
EN 6 1'251...1'400 mm 5 4 3 3 3 2
EN 7 1'401...1'600 mm 2 2 2 2 1 1

Sliding rods pushing function (lintel mounting)

Leaf weight
0...50 51...90 91...130 131...170 171...210 211...250
Leaf width kg kg kg kg kg kg
EN 3 851...950 mm 4 4 3 1 1 -
EN 4 951...1'100 mm 4 2 2 1 1 1
EN 5 1'101...1'250 mm 3 3 2 1 1 1
EN 6 1'251...1'400 mm 3 3 3 1 1 1
EN 7 1'401...1'600 mm 2 2 2 1 1 -

Sliding rods pulling function (lintel mounting)

Leaf weight
0...50 51...90 91...130 131...170 171...210 211...250
Leaf width kg kg kg kg kg kg
EN 3 851...950 mm 5 4 4 2 1 1
EN 4 951...1'100 mm 4 3 3 2 1 1
EN 5 1'101...1'250 mm 4 3 2 1 1 1
EN 6 1'251...1'400 mm 3 3 2 1 1 -
EN 7 1'401...1'600 mm 3 2 2 1 1 -

Sliding rods pushing function (leaf mounting)

Leaf weight
0...50 51...90 91...130 131...170 171...210 211...250
Leaf width kg kg kg kg kg kg
EN 3 851...950 mm 4 3 2 2 1 1
EN 4 951...1'100 mm 4 3 1 1 1 -
EN 5 1'101...1'250 mm 3 2 1 1 1 -
EN 6 1'251...1'400 mm 2 2 1 1 - -
EN 7 1'401...1'600 mm 2 1 1 1 - -

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

3.8 Maximum wind-load capacity

Normal rods pushing function (lintel mounting)

Clearance height in mm

























800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Clearance width in mm

Sliding rods pushing function (lintel mounting)

Clearance height in mm






/h (




60 0Pa)











800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Clearance width in mm

Sliding rods pulling function (lintel mounting)

Clearance height in mm
























800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Clearance width in mm

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Sliding rods pushing function (leaf mounting)

Clearance height in mm










/h (







55 50 Pa


km )




800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Clearance width in mm

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

4.1 Preparation
Standard application
It is recommended that a door leaf stop piece be mounted by the customer.
Inverse application
It is imperative for the customer to install a door leaf stop piece!
This stop piece prevents the door leaf from being damaged in the manual
operating mode. As an option, an open position stop piece can be integrated
into the drive unit itself.

1. Check the free running movement of the door leaf.

Should it fail to move smoothly and silently, or if it is out of balance (i. e. it opens or
closes by itself), these problems must be eliminated first!

The motor connector plug must be re-connected in the control unit, accor-
ding to the respective mounting version (Y = standard  see chapter 4.2
Mounting versions). This in order to ensure the cushioning function.

2. Loosen the two screws (A).

3. Pull the control (B) out from under the

gearbox housing (C).

4. Re-connect the motor connector

plug (D). X  Y standard

5. Remount the control unit (B).


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4.2 Mounting versions

DIN left DIN right

Normal rods 0548-104 pushing function Normal rods 0548-104 pushing function
0548-104/01 KTL push. funct. 0548-104/01 KTL push. funct.
Lintel mounting see chapter 4.4 Lintel mounting see chapter 4.4
Lintel depth 0...250 mm Lintel depth 0...250 mm
Drive mechanism 0548-010 alu / 0548-011 inox Drive mechanism 0548-010 alu / 0548-011 inox
Motor connector plug Standard Y, Inverse X Motor connector plug Standard Y, Inverse X
see chapter 4.1 see chapter 4.1

Sliding rods 0548-105 pulling function Sliding rods 0548-105 pulling function
0548-105/01 KTL pull. function 0548-105/01 KTL pull. function
Lintel mounting see chapter 4.5 Lintel mounting see chapter 4.5
Lintel depth +150/-30 mm Lintel depth +150/-30 mm
Drive mechanism 0548-010 alu / 0548-011 inox Drive mechanism 0548-010 alu / 0548-011 inox
Motor connector plug Standard X, Inverse Y Motor connector plug Standard X, Inverse Y
see chapter 4.1 see chapter 4.1

Sliding rods 0548-105 pushing function Sliding rods 0548-105 pushing function
0548-105/01 KTL push. funct. 0548-105/01 KTL push. funct.
Lintel mounting see chapter 4.6 Lintel mounting see chapter 4.6
Lintel depth +150/-30 mm Lintel depth +150/-30 mm
Drive mechanism 0548-010 alu / 0548-011 inox Drive mechanism 0548-010 alu / 0548-011 inox
Motor connector plug Standard Y, Inverse X Motor connector plug Standard Y, Inverse X
see chapter 4.1 see chapter 4.1

Sliding rods 0548-105/02 pushing function Sliding rods 0548-105/02 pushing function
incl. sliding rail 830 mm incl. sliding rail 830 mm
Leaf mounting see chapter 4.7 Leaf mounting see chapter 4.7
Lintel depth +150/-30 mm Lintel depth +150/-30 mm
Drive mechanism 0548-010 alu / 0548-011 inox Drive mechanism 0548-010 alu / 0548-011 inox
Motor connector plug Standard Y, Inverse X Motor connector plug Standard Y, Inverse X
see chapter 4.1 see chapter 4.1

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4.3 General
The fastening bases must provide sufficient solidity. If necessary they have
to be reinforced by the appropriate means.

The maximum admissible undulation of the fastening base is 1 mm. The
drive unit must be fastened without torsion and perpendicularly, using all the
six fixing holes!

Tighten all the six M6 fixing screws (A) with a torque of 10 Nm!



Depending on the assembly situation of the drive unit, it may be advisable
to install the program selector on the opposite side (in order to guarantee an
optimal operating facility). Should this be required, the work must be carried
out according to chapter "Electrical connections".

In cases where it is planned to integrate an open position stop piece into the
drive unit (option), this stop piece must be mounted prior to the rod assembly
(see instructions for option).

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

4.4 Normal rods pushing function / Lintel mounting


1 Drive mechanism 0548-010 Covering aluminium

Drive mechanism 0548-011 Covering inox
incl. fixing set 0548-107
1 Normal rods 0548-104
Normal rods KTL 0548-104/01


1. Mark out and drill the fastening holes on the lintel and the door leaf.

Fixing holes DIN right = as shown

DIN left = mirror-inverted

Chassis profile
Lower edge door frame
With clamping piece standard


* variable 10...22 mm
** adjust the dimensions accordin-

358 45

Lintel depth
689 0...250 ~398


60 Clamping piece

280 100


0548-124 clamping piece -13 mm
0548-125 clamping piece +20 mm
0548-126 clamping piece +50 mm
 adjust the dimensions accordingly

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

Drive mechanism standard Inverse application

2. Mount the drive mechanism. 2. If existing:

Sub-assemble the drive-internal open position
3. Close the door leaf. stop piece, integrated in the drive mechanism
(see Option instructions 0548-992/02).
4. Separate the rotating arm (D) from the rod arm
3. Mount the drive mechanism.
(B) by dismounting the ball and socket joint (E).
4. Separate the rotating arm (D) from the rod
5. Fasten the rod arm (B) by means of the door arm (B) by dismounting the ball and socket
connection angle (A) onto the door leaf. joint (E).

6. Position the lever arm (D) including the clamping 5. Fasten the rod arm (B) by means of the door
piece (C) perpendicularly with regard to the door connection angle (A) onto the door leaf.
leaf and screw the lever arm (D) down in this
position. 6. Completely open the door leaf (max. 110°).

7. Position the lever arm (D) including the clamping

7. Slightly loosen the screw (F) of the rod arm (B)
piece (C) perpendicularly with regard to the door
and snap in the ball and socket joint (E) which
lintel (direction open position) and screw the lever
connects the rotating arm with the rod arm.
arm (D) down in this position.
8. Prestress the rotating arm (D) until the rod arm 8. Slightly loosen the screw (F) of the rod arm (B)
(B) forms a right angle with the door leaf. Fasten and snap in the ball and socket joint (E) which
the rod arm (B) by means of the screw (F). connects the rotating arm with the rod arm.

9. Tighten all the screws. 9. Close the door leaf.

 forward to chapter 4.8 10. Position the rod arm (B) perpendicularly with
regard to the door leaf. Fasten the rod arm (B) by
means of the screw (F).

11. Tighten all the screws.

 forward to page 22

Check the motional sequence of the door leaf: The rods must not touch. If
the rod arm (B) juts out too much, it can be shortened if necessary.





29 22 F


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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

Inverse application

1. Let the door leaf be opened by spring power.

2. Using a screwdriver, carefully prize the service

cover (C) out of the gearbox housing.

3. By means of a socket wrench 1,5 mm, slightly

loosen the locking screw (B) and leave the socket
wrench inserted in the locking screw (B).

4. Close the door leaf.

5. Carefully turn the cam disk (A) to the left or to

the right until the locking screw (B) is located at
the highest point and the socket wrench is in a
vertical/perpendicular position.
Tighten the locking screw (B).

6. Snap the service cover (C) into the gearbox hou-


7. Mount the open position stop piece approx. 5°

before the door leaf reaches the maximum open
If existing:
Setting of the open-position stop piece, integrated
in the drive mechanism (see Option instructions

 forward to chapter 4.8


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4.5 Sliding rods pulling function / Lintel mounting

1 Drive mechanism 0548-010 Covering aluminium
Drive mechanism 0548-011 Covering inox
incl. fixing set 0548-107
1 Sliding rods 0548-105 incl. sliding bolts 14 mm + 38 mm
Sliding rods KTL 0548-105/01 incl. sliding bolts 14 mm + 38 mm

1. Mark out and drill the fastening holes on the lintel and the door leaf.
The illustration shows a 38 mm sliding bolt. Depending on the situation, this
bolt can be replaced by the version 14 mm. This will change the respective
dimensions by minus 24 mm.

Fixing holes DIN left = as shown

DIN right = mirror-inverted

424 Chassis profile
217 Upper edge door leaf

With clamping piece

86 76

* variable 51...73 mm

** adjust the dimensions


Lintel depth
689 +150/-30
Clamping piece

Sliding bolt

38 mm


110 620



0548-124 clamping piece -13 mm

0548-125 clamping piece +20 mm
0548-126 clamping piece +50 mm
 adjust the dimensions accordingly

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

Drive mechanism standard Inverse application

2. Close the door leaf. 2. If existing:

Sub-assemble the drive-internal open position
3. Install the mounting profile (E) on the door leaf. stop piece, integrated in the drive mechanism
(see Option instructions 0548-992/02).
4. Prior to the installation of the drive unit: screw
down the lever arm (B) on the drive unit (with a 3. Mount the drive mechanism.
15° offset = 1 grid increment of the output shaft).
4. Install the mounting profile (E) on the door leaf.
To facilitate the installation, the closing spring (H) 5. Hook the guide profile (G) into the mounting pro-
can be completely released by means of the file (E), on both sides insert and screw down the
setting screw (I). expansion element (F) with 1,5 Nm.

5. While mounting the drive unit, push the lever 6. Completely open the door leaf (max. 115°).
arm (B) back by the pre-stressing angle of 15°.
7. Insert glider (C) into guide profile (G) and screw
6. Push the guide profile (G) over the glider (C) and down the lever arm (B) on the drive unit.
hook it into the mounting profile (E).
8. Snap in the covering caps (D) on both sides.
7. On both sides insert and screw down the expansi-
on element (F) with 1,5 Nm.  back to page 22

8. Snap in the covering caps (D) on both sides.

 forward to chapter 4.8

Check the motional sequence of the door leaf:
The rods must not touch. If the glider (C) makes screeching noises, it needs
to be lubricated wih a little WD40.

1,5 Nm



76,5 / 52,5
89,5 / 65,5


1,5 620 1,5

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

4.6 Sliding rods pushing function / Lintel mounting


1 Drive mechanism 0548-010 Covering aluminium

Drive mechanism 0548-011 Covering inox
incl. fixing set 0548-107
1 Sliding rods 0548-105 incl. sliding bolts 14 mm + 38 mm
Sliding rods KTL 0548-105/01 incl. sliding bolts 14 mm + 38 mm


1. Mark out and drill the fastening holes on the lintel and the door leaf.

The illustration shows the 14 mm sliding bolt. Depending on the situation,
this bolt can be replaced by the version 38 mm. This will change the respec-
tive dimensions by plus 24 mm.

Fixing holes DIN right = as shown

DIN left = mirror-inverted

424 Chassis profile
217 Lower edge door frame

With clamping piece


M6 standard
* variable 10...18 mm

140 ** adjust the dimensions

420 accordingly


Lintel depth
Clamping piece
689 +150/-30
Sliding bolt

14 mm


110 620



0548-124 clamping piece -13 mm
0548-125 clamping piece +20 mm
0548-126 clamping piece +50 mm
 adjust the dimensions accordingly

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

Drive mechanism standard Inverse application

2. Mount the drive mechanism. 2. If existing:

Sub-assemble the drive-internal open position
3. Close the door leaf. stop piece, integrated in the drive mechanism
(see Option instructions 0548-992/02).
4. Install the mounting profile (E) on the door leaf.
3. Mount the drive mechanism.
5. Screw down the lever arm (B) parallel to the drive
unit. 4. Install the mounting profile (E) on the door leaf.

6. Push the guide profile (G) over the glider (C) and 5. Hook the guide profile (G) into the mounting pro-
hook it into the mounting profile (E). file (E), on both sides insert and screw down (with
1,5 Nm) the expansion element (F).
7. On both sides insert and screw down (with
1,5 Nm) the expansion element (F). 6. Completely open the door leaf (max. 115°).

8. Snap in the covering caps (D) on both sides. 7. Insert glider (C) into guide profile (G) and screw
down the lever arm (B) on the drive unit.
 forward to chapter 4.8
8. Snap in the covering caps (D) on both sides.

 back to page 22

Check the motional sequence of the door leaf:
The rods must not touch. If the glider (C) makes screeching noises, it needs
to be lubricated wih a little WD40.

1,5 Nm


52,5 / 76,5

65,5 / 89,5


1,5 620 1,5

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

4.7 Sliding rods pushing function / Leaf mounting


1 Drive mechanism 0548-010 Covering aluminium

Drive mechanism 0548-011 Covering inox
incl. fixing set 0548-107
1 Sliding rods 0548-105/02 incl. sliding bolts 14 mm + 38 mm
and sliding rail 830 mm


1. Mark out and drill the fastening holes on the lintel and the door leaf.

The illustration shows the 14 mm sliding bolt. Depending on the situation,
this bolt can be replaced by the version 38 mm. This will change the respec-
tive dimensions by plus 24 mm.

Fixing holes DIN left = as shown

DIN right = mirror-inverted

900 Upper edge door leaf

130 With clamping piece

* variable 10...18 mm

** adjust the dimensions
317 accordingly
524 Chassis profile

Lintel depth
Sliding bolt +150/-30
14 mm
100 830
Clamping piece






380 Options
0548-124 clamping piece -13 mm
0548-125 clamping piece +20 mm
0548-126 clamping piece +50 mm
 adjust the dimensions accordingly

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

2. Mount the drive mechanism.

3. Close the door leaf.

4. Install the mounting profile (E) on the lintel.

5. Screw down the lever arm (B) parallel to the drive unit.

6. Push the guide profile (G) over the glider (C) and hook it into the mounting profile (E).

7. On both sides insert and screw down (with 1,5 Nm) the expansion element (F).

8. Snap in the covering caps (D) on both sides.

Check the motional sequence of the door leaf:
The rods must not touch. If the glider (C) makes screeching noises, it needs
to be lubricated wih a little WD40.

1,5 Nm


52,5 / 76,5

65,5 / 89,5


1,5 830 1,5

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

4.8 Adjusting the pre-stressing of the closing spring

Upon delivery, the closing spring is pre-stressed for a measure X* = 26 mm. To ensure a
safe and optimal operation of the swing door drive unit, the correct pre-stressing must be
adjusted for the closing spring (by means of the setting screw).

The correct pre-stressing of the closing spring must imperatively be adjusted
before carrying out the automatic setting-up procedure! The setting values are
only mandatory for fire-protection and/or escape way doors. As a general rule,
the closing spring force can be reduced when setting the standard drive unit.
A possibly existing door lock must be correctly engaged to lock the leaf.
Otherwise: adapt the pre-stressing of the closing spring accordingly.

The setting screw needs to be shortened by 10 mm if it butts against the side
cover's protection against accidental contact (with program selector key).


1. Close the door leaf.

2. Using the setting screw, adjust the measure X* in function of the respective situation.

3. Open the door leaf by at least 60° and then let it be closed.

Program selector
further away from the door hinges
Closing spring

Adjusting screw Protection against contact

Adjusting screw


Drive mechanism standard

EN class EN 3 EN 4 EN 5 EN 6 EN 7
Width of door leaf 950 mm 1'100 mm 1'250 mm 1'400 mm 1'600 mm
Closing torque 0...4° 18 Nm 26 Nm 37 Nm 54 Nm 87 Nm
Normal rods
Measure X * 37 mm 34 mm 29 mm 23 mm 20 mm
Sliding rods pulling function
Measure X * 34 mm 30 mm 23 mm 15 mm 12 mm
Sliding rods pushing function
Measure X * 32 mm 29 mm 22 mm 14 mm 12 mm

* Measure X is an approximated value for a lintel depth of 0 mm. The force necessary for manually opening a
door must not exceed 150 N. This effort shall be measured as a static force on the main closing edge (per-
pendicularly to the door leaf), at a height of 1'000 mm ±10 mm.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

Inverse application
EN class EN 3 EN 4 EN 5 EN 6 EN 7
Width of door leaf 950 mm 1'100 mm 1'250 mm 1'400 mm 1'600 mm
Normal rods
Measure X * 40 mm 36 mm 31 mm 27 mm 23 mm
Sliding rods pulling function
Measure X * 38 mm 34 mm 29 mm 23 mm 20 mm
Sliding rods pushing function
Measure X * 36 mm 33 mm 27 mm 20 mm 17 mm

* Measure X is an approximated value for a lintel depth of 0 mm.

Increase the spring tension only as little as necessary.
The drive mechanism must be able to open the door leaf safely from any position.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

4.9 Setting the accelerating function (forceful closing)

The accelerating function (forceful closing) is only activated for the standard
drive unit.

4.9.1 Accelerating force

While an installation is in the state “without mains power” or in the operating mode MAN-
UAL, the motor acts as an attenuator, thus guaranteeing a constant closing speed until
the Closed position is reached.

To make sure that, when switched to the de-energized state or in the operating mode
MANUAL, the door leaf is reliably engaged by the door lock, the drive unit is equipped
with a door slam function (acceleration causing a forceful closing). By means of the
potentiometer, the motor attenuation (shortly before the door leaf reaches the closed posi-
tion) can be adjusted so that the pressure spring will have sufficient power for pushing the
door leaf safely into the door lock.


1. Open the door leaf by 90° and then let it be closed.

2. Should the door leaf fail to engage in the lock, adjust the door slam cushioning by
means of the potentiometer (provided on the control unit).

In de-energized state or in the operating mode MANUAL, the closing pro-
cedure must last at least 3 seconds (from the open position 90° up to the
closed position 0°).

Adjusting trimmer
Forceful closing

max. min.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

4.9.2 Forceful closing range

Upon delivery from the factory, the activation of the accelerating function (forceful closing)
is pre-set (i.e. it intervenes approx. 5° before reaching the closed position). Under normal
conditions, it will not be necessary to change the default setting! However, in cases where
in the de-energized state or in the operating mode MANUAL the door leaf fails to be
reliably engaged in the door lock, the activation point of the accelerating function (forceful
closing) can be shifted (by means of a continuously adjustable cam disk).

The setting range is between 5 and 15° of the door opening angle.


1. Using a screwdriver, carefully prize the service cover (C) out of the gearbox housing.

2. By means of a socket wrench 1,5 mm, slightly loosen the locking screw (B), then
carefully turn the cam disk (A) to the left or to the right.

3. Tighten the locking screw (B).

4. Open the door leaf by about 45° and then let it be closed. Check whether the door
leaf is correctly pushed into the door lock.

5. Snap the service cover (C) into the gearbox housing.



 Sliding rods pulling function / Lintel mounting Angle smaller

Normal rods pushing function / Lintel mounting Angle bigger
Sliding rods pushing function / Lintel mounting Angle bigger
Sliding rods pushing function / Leaf mounting Angle bigger

 Sliding rods pulling function / Lintel mounting Angle bigger

Normal rods pushing function / Lintel mounting Angle smaller
Sliding rods pushing function / Lintel mounting Angle smaller
Sliding rods pushing function / Leaf mounting Angle smaller

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

5.1 Power supply
Before working on the drive unit, make sure that the mains cable is voltage-
free! The mains supply line including mains plug (with respective protection)
has to be provided by customers.
The mains supply cable 230 VAC must imperatively be routed below the
chassis profile, whereas the cables of the control and safety elements can
be routed within the drive unit.


1. If required: break out the pre-perforated flap on the side cover.

Depending on the assembly situation, it may be advisable to install the program
selector on the opposite side.

2. Connect the mains supply cable as illustrated (see also wiring diagram E4-0141-713
in the appendix).

3. Mount the side cover.

Program selector
closer to the door hinges.


Strain relief

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

Cable layout

PE L' N'

Mains cable
Chassis profile 3 x 1,5 mm2

Program selector
further away from the door hinges

L' L'


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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

5.2 Cable layout

5.2.1 Lintel mounting

28 (614) 28


5.2.2 Leaf mounting

Socket by customers

Flexible power supply system

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

5.2.3 Strain relief

For flexibly conducted cables, the drive-internal strain relief feature 0548-128
and a bushing socket must be installed in the side cover cutout!


M4 x 6


Cable clamp

5.3 External elements

1. Mount all the required control and safety elements at their respective place.

2. Lead the cables of the elements up to the drive unit (by customers).

3. Connect the cables according to the diagram E4-0141-713 (in the appendix).

If an electric lock is provided, its connection rating is 24 VDC and max. 0,8 A
(or 24 VAC/1,5 A by customers). It should be designed for a duty cycle of
100 %. The electric lock locks the door leaf in the desired operating modes
and is configurable.

For the Inverse application we advise to use an electric lock which maintains
the door leaf in the closed position. Without this electric lock, the drive unit
needs to apply a continuous closing pressure and push the leaf against the
spring power (at the cost of increased power consumption). An initial load is
acting on the electric load (spring power of the drive unit). For this reason (in
contrast to the fire protection application), the electric lock to be used must
be suitable for escape way applications (opening without mains power). The
starting delay TDelay must be > 0 s and the relieving force during unlocking
FDelay must be adjusted in accordance.

If nothing but an impulse command is used for triggering the Inverse func-
tion, a maintained command is required (e.g. fire protection PCB FD 20-F).

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During the setting-up procedure (which must only be carried out by experts),
the safety devices (radar, sensors, ...) are switched off!
Before initiating the setting-up procedure, it is important to make sure that
neither persons nor objects remain within the danger area of the moving
door leaf, in order to avoid injuries or damages!

Make sure that the motor connector plug has been correctly plugged into the
control unit (see chapter 4.1 and 4.2).



1. Switch on the mains supply switch on the side cover Display 


2. Using the joystick, adjust the display direction: Move the joy-
stick downward once  the display direction is switched to a
readable position. Down
3. Programming the type of rod assembly Rod:
Move the joystick to the left/to the right (see parameter chapter Rod
7.4). STD-PH
Validate the correct type of rod assembly by means of OK: In
the rest position, shortly push in the joystick.

4. Adjust the distance dAxis (distance in cm between the rotation

axis of the door hinges and the mounting level of the drive unit
 see illustration below). 5cm
dAxis is an approximate value. Depending on the ins-
tallation situation, dAxis may have to be adapted.

5. Adjust the opening angle Ao and validate by means of OK.

Attention: 95°
The steps 4 and 5 are influenced by the installation
measures/distance between the door hinges.

Mounting plate (option)

dAxis dAxis
+ – + –

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6. Adjust the opening speed Vo and validate by means of OK.

7. Adjust the closing speed Vc and validate by means of OK.
8. If desired:
Program the inverse application (spring-powered opening) and
validate it by pressing OK. OFF
9. Adjust the setting-up procedure (Teach) and validate by means
of OK. Teach

10. Start the setting-up procedure (Teach): validate by means of

OK. Teach
11. Upon expiry of 10 seconds the setting-up procedure (Teach) is
automatically initiated (or immediately by means of moving the
joystick  without OK). During the setting-up procedure x E10
the drive unit continues to beep. The following learning run is
carried out: Teach2
• Inverse: First the system searches for the closed position by
moving at super-slow speed. x E10
• Super-slow speed opening direction
• Super-slow speed closing direction.

12. Upon completion of the learning run the following message is

displayed: Done !
x E11
13. The display should now supply the following information:
E11 indicates that the setting-up procedure (Teach) is not yet >##<
completed. E11
14. By giving an opening command, open the door leaf and let it
be closed again. The door leaf will open and close at normal >##<
speed (without obstacle detection feature).
The door leaf must not be obstructed!
Now the display should provide the following information:
The setting-up procedure (Teach) is now completed.

A renewed setting-up procedure (Teach) is required if:
• the spring tension has been changed
• the leaf weight has been changed
• the type of rod assembly has been changed
• the opening angle Ao has been changed
• the Teach has been obstructed before reaching an opening angle of 20°
• the distance between axles (dAxis) has been changed
• the parameter Invers has been changed.

Additional parameter and menu navigation  see chapter 7.4.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

6.1 Inverse application

For the Inverse application we advise to use an electric lock which maintains
the door leaf in the closed position. Without this electric lock, the drive unit
needs to apply a continuous closing pressure and push the leaf against the
spring power (at the cost of increased power consumption). An initial load is
acting on the electric load (spring power of the drive unit). For this reason (in
contrast to the fire protection application), the electric lock to be used must
be suitable for escape way applications (opening without mains power). The
starting delay TDelay must be > 0 s and the relieving force during unlocking
FDelay must be adjusted in accordance.

If nothing but an impulse command is used for triggering the Inverse func-
tion, a maintained command is required (e.g. fire protection PCB FD 20-F).

Software configuration:
• Activate the parameter Inverse.
Attention: the motor connector must not be plugged in the same manner as for the stan-
dard drive unit.
• The electric lock must be unlocked without mains power or powered by an external
• For installations without an electric lock, the interlocking force Fch must be program-
• If there is no electric lock and the interlocking force Fch is not adjusted, error 14/02 will
be displayed as a warning after the teach-in procedure. This means that the door leaf
will endlessly re-open.

Starting-up and teaching:

• The door leaf is closed at super-slow speed. The safety sensory system is active (ex-
cept during the teach-in procedure).
• Start the teach-in from the open position: This ensures the teach-in of the necessary
current for the possible angle between the mechanical open stop piece and the pro-
grammed open position Ao.
• Closing sequence control: During start-up and teach-in the door leaves are synchro-
nized (in order to avoid a possible collision). The installation is only ready for operation
as soon as both door leaves are closed respectively after the teach-in procedure has
been completed.

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6.2 Closing sequence control

For bi-parting installations, the closing sequence control determines the order in which
the door leaves are opened and closed. For the opening procedure, the earlier door leaf
(Master leaf) is the first one to be opened, whereas for the closing procedure the delayed
door leaf (Slave leaf) is the first one to be closed. This sequence ensures a correct over-
lapping of the door leaves.

Drive mechanism 1
Drive mechanism 2

Earlier door leaf

the first one to open
the second one to close Delayed door leaf
the second one to open
the first one to close


Opening elements (KE, OEO and OEI) connected to Master only act upon the Master
(single leaf operation). Opening elements connected to Slave act upon the Master as well
as on the Slave (bi-parting operation).

The safety elements SER and SES are connected to the respective drive unit.

An active EMCY element connected to the Master carries out the EMY-IN action configu-
red on the Master (for both door leaves). An active EMCY element connected to the Slave
switches the latter to the spring-powered operation.

An electric lock, which locks the Master leaf, is connected to the Master. Accordingly, an
electric lock, which locks the Slave leaf, is connected on the Slave.

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The first door leaf to be put in motion for the opening procedure is the Master; by means
of DubleD, this leaf is configured as MastrA. Its partner is the Slave, which is configured
as SlaveA by means of DubleD.

In the event of an existing CAN connection, the Master is identified by a small black (m)
and the Slave by a small black (s). If however there is no connection, this is indicated by
a small white (m) respectively a small white (s).

The parameter settings for the Master and the Slaves are entirely independent from each
other. It is thus possible to select a Vo = 4 for the Master and a Vo = 5 for the Slave.

In order to guarantee a collision-free opening of both door leaves, the Slave leaf lets the
Master leaf go ahead and initiate the opening. This time lag can be defined on the Slave
by means of AoSeq. The default value of AoSeq is 20°, which is sufficient for most of the
bi-parting installations. This means that the Slave only starts to open after the Master has
exceeded an opening angle of 20°.
From then on, it is admissible for the Slave to catch up with and pass the Master if this
should be required. This is done by configuring a higher Vo value for the Slave than the
one for the Master.
In cases where (due to an electric lock connected to the Master) TDelay of the Master is
configured with a higher value than 0,0 s, then the angle between the Slave and the Mas-
ter is accordingly increased. To compensate this, AoSeq can be reduced in accordance.
An AoSeq value of 0° means that both door leaves will be simultaneously opened, i.e.
that no opening delay is active.

The default value of AcSeq is 20° and thus sufficient for the majority of bi-parting installa-
tions. In cases where a mechanical closing sequence regulator is used with a mechanical
closing delay of e.g. 90°, AcSeq must be programmed with a value of 90° or more.
AcSeq 20° means: The Master only starts closing as soon as the Slave has gained a lead
of 20°. This advance guarantees that the Master will be closed in one go (without intermit-
tence), which results in an optically pleasing closing motion.
The Master is allowed to overtake the Slave. 20° (value AcSeq) before reaching the
closed position, the Master checks whether the Slave is already closed. If not, the Master
will perform an intermediate stop in order to prevent a collision.

An active SES signal on a door leaf causes a safety stop of both door leaves. The same
applies for the SER signal. An active SER signal causes both door leaves to reverse their

A bi-parting installation can be operated in the single-leaf mode. An active EMCY signal
on the Slave programs the closing sequence as a single-leaf configuration.
If only the EMCY signal on the Master is active, then this EMCY signal is applicable for
both door leaves. In accordance with the action configured on the Master by means of
EMY-IN, both door leaves carry out a CL-SPR (Close Spring), STOP, OPEN or CL-MOT
(Close Motor).
If only the EMCY signal on the Slave is active, then the Slave carries out a CL-SPR,
regardless of the action configured on the Slave by means of EMY-IN.
If both EMCY signals are active, then the Master performs its configured EMY-IN action
and the Slave performs a CL-SPR. One exception of this rule is the Master in the EMY-IN
configuration OPEN. In this case, both door leaves will be opened.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions


1. Connect both control units by means of the CAN cable 0383-194/07 (by plugging it
into the socket X117).

The respective control and safety elements are connected to the corre-
sponding drive unit.

2. Take the Master drive unit into operation (see chapter 6).

3. For the Master drive unit: Select the operating mode OPEN.

4. Take the Slave drive unit into operation (see chapter 6).

5. Configuration of the Master drive unit:

• DubleD = MastA
• AcSeq = desired time lag of the closing angle.

In cases where a mechanical closing sequence regulator is used, start with a
AcSeq of 90°; afterwards AcSeq can be reduced.

6. Configuration of the Slave drive unit:

• DubleD = SlaveA
• AoSeq = desired time lag of the opening angle.


1. Check the display of the Master control unit to see if a small black (m) is visible on
the first level (connection existing). On the display of the Slave control unit, a small
black (s) must be visible.

A small white (m) resp. (s) indicates: missing connection.

2. Transmit a Key command to the Slave drive unit:

• The Master-drive unit is the first one to open, followed by the Slave drive unit
(which is delayed by the value of the opening angle).
• In the open position the hold-open time expires on the display of the Slave control
• The Slave drive unit is the first one to close, followed by the Master drive unit which
is delayed by the value of the closing angle).

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

6.3 Interlock operation


Both installations must be Exterior side
plugged into resp. out of the
same power supply. Side A

1. Connect both control units by means of

the CAN cable (by plugging it into the
socket X117).
Side B
2. Normal commissioning of both drive
units. Interior side

3. Configuration of the drive unit for the

exterior door (A):
• InterL = SideA

4. Configuration of the drive unit for the

interior door (B):
• InterL = SideB


1. Check the display of the Master control unit to see if a small black (w) is visible on
the first level (connection existing).

A small white (w) indicates: Missing connection.

2. Transmit a Key command to the exterior door (A):

• On the display a big black (W) appears (door is not closed).
• While the exterior door (A) is open, transmit a Key command to the interior door (B)
(the latter must not be opened).

3. Transmit a Key command to the interior door (B):

• On the display a big black (W) appears (door is not closed).
• While the interior door (B) is in the open position, transmit a Key command to the
exterior (A) (the latter must not be opened).

The parameters ILAuto, ILExit and ILNigt enable you to configure the opera-
ting modes in which the interlock system shall be active.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

6.4 Adhesive labels

from set 0548-997/10
6.4.1 Service sticker
1. Attach the service sticker (outside) onto 0460-816
the degreased surface of the drive unit
covering, at a place that is easily visible 12 1
for the customer. 11

2 3 4
9 10

2. Stick the monthly sticker onto the ser- Monthly

vice sticker, turning the monthly sticker

sticker 6 7
until the checking date matches the 0632-453
arrow. nŠchster Service 0632-453a
next Service

3. Using a water-proof felt tip pen, enter prochain service
Zulässige Längenmass (mm)
prossimo Winkel
Koordinaten- Kanten-
the year of the next checkup on the
Toleranzen nicht Kürzerer Schenkel masse bruch
0,5 >6 >30 >120 >400 >1000 >2000
–2000 proximo servicio klassifizierung
tolerierten Masse
–6,0 –30 –120 –400 –1000 ≤50 >50 45°

monthly sticker.
mittel ±0,1 ±0,2 ±0,3 ±0,5 ±0,8 ±1,2 ±2 ±1° ±30' ±0,15 0,3±0,2
(k) = kritisch
grob ±0,3 ±0,5 ±0,8 ±1 ±1,5 ±2 ±3 ±1°30' ±1° ±0,25 entgratet
Sondertol. (w) = wichtig

Zulässige Längenmass (mm) Winkel Koordinaten- Kanten-

Toleranzen nicht Kürzerer Schenkel masse bruch Merkmals-
0,5 >6 >30 >120 >400 >1000129
tolerierten Masse klassifizierun
6.4.2 Arrow sticker

–6,0 –30 –120 –400 –1000 –2000 ≤50 >50 45°

mittel ±0,1 ±0,2 ±0,3 ±0,5 ±0,8 ±1,2 ±2 ±1° ±30' ±0,15 0,3±0,2
(k) = kritisc
grob ±0,3 ±0,5 ±0,8 ±1 ±1,5 ±2 ±3 ±1°30' ±1° ±0,25 entgratet
(w) = wichti
1. For transparent door leaves or door leaf
Material: PVC-Folie Sondertol.

surfaces: Haftgrund: PVC-Folie

Material: PVC-Foliematt

Attach arrow sticker onto the

Klebstoff: degreased permanent
surface of the doorOberfläche:
leaves (inside, at Aluminium
Klebstoff: matt permanent
eye level).
Farbe Untergrund:
Oberfläche: hellgelb
matt, beschriftbar
4436-337 d

Farbe Schrift:
Farbe Untergrund: schwarz
Farbe Schrift: einzeln
80 mm
Lieferform: gestanzt,
einzeln geschlitzt
6.4.3 Glass sticker Besonderes:
Träger/Abziehbarkeit: Haftgrund:
gestanzt, geschlitzt
Klebstoff: permanent
Oberfläche: glänzend
Farbe Untergrund: Pantone 115 C
1. Attach the glass sticker onto the degre- Farbe Schrift: weiss (Standard)
Farbe Pfeile: Pantone 425 C
ased surface of the
1 door 1 leaves (outside Lieferform: einzeln
Träger/Abziehbarkeit: gestanzt, geschlitzt 34 mm
at the bottom, near the closing edge).
Pos. Menge1 Einh. Sachnummer
1 Besonderes: beidseitig bedruckt
Steinhof PrintMedia AG, Burgdorf (SPM)
© Gilgen Door Systems AG, Schwarzenburg

I Änd.-Nr.
Pos. Mengegeprüft F I
Einh. Sachnummer Änd.-Nr. geprüft
Benennung F Ursprung:
Erstellt: Ursprun
© Gilgen Door Systems AG, Schwarzenburg

Erstellt: Massstab
24.08.95 PG
I Änd.-Nr. Geändert F I Änd.-Nr. Geändert F
05.05.11 SPM
a 11783
I Änd.-Nr. geprüft kcdb
a 5624
F 14.12.04
I mmcÄnd.-Nr.
geprüft Geprüft: FErsatz für:Erstellt: 1:1 Urspru
Anz. Geprüft:
c 9881 14.08.08 hdg g
05.05.11 kcd B4-4436-337 c
18.04.13 PG Ersatz f
b a f e Freigegeben: Blatt: Blatt-Nr.
d 11777 19.04.11 kcd
Ohne sep. Stückliste Nr. 1
05.05.11 kea 1
kcd Ersatz
c b g f
Sep. Stückliste gleicher Nr. 2
1 U
Sep. Stückliste anderer Nr. 3 Freigegeben: 29.04.13 tj Anz. Bl
Benennung Zeichnungs-Nr.

d c h g
Glaskleber mit Pfeilen Freigegeben:
B4-4436-337 d
17.06.11 kea Anz.1 B
d sep. Stückliste 1 © Gilgen Door Systems h
129 x 54
SLP - Redundant 1
29.04.13 kea Auftrag

AG, CH-3150 Schwarzenburg

Stückliste gleicher Nr. 2 1
sep. Stückliste Anlage Auftrag
Stückliste anderer
Stückliste Nr.Nr.32
Sep. Stückliste anderer Nr. 3 Benennung
1 Zeichnu
material: pVC-Folie
Benennung Zeichn
Haftgrund: Glas
Klebstoff: Monats-Kleber
permanent B4-0
Oberfläche: glänzend Service-Kleber B4-0
Farbe Untergrund: transparent
Farbe schrift: weiss
Lieferform: einzeln
Träger/Abziehbarkeit: gestanzt, geschlitzt
Besonderes: steinhof printmedia AG, Burgdorf (spm)

I Änd.-Nr. Geändert F I Änd.-Nr. Geändert F Erstellt: Ursprung: Mass

26.04.11 spm
a 9485 25.04.07 db e
Geprüft: Ersatz für:
b 11777 19.04.11 kcd f
27.04.11 kcd B4-0460-787 a
c g Freigegeben: Anz. Blatt: Blatt-Nr.
0548-990-01---10e_2014.12.indd d 0548-990/02e h 27.04.11 kea 1 1

Page 44 of 77
Ohne sep. Stückliste Nr. 1 Anlage Auftrags-Nr. B-Kl.
Sep. Stückliste gleicher Nr. 2
Sep. Stückliste anderer Nr. 3
1 U
Benennung Zeichnungs-Nr.
FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

6.5 Mount the drive unit covering


1 Covering 0548-356 Aluminium

1 Covering accessories 0548-112 Aluminium
1 Diagram sticker 0548-510 from documentation set 0548-997/02
1 Covering 0548-303 Stainless steel
1 Covering accessories 0548-115 Stainless steel
1 Diagram sticker 0548-510 from documentation set 0548-997/02


1. After cleaning and degreasing the gluing surface, attach the diagram sticker (in the
respective language) to the inside of the covering.

2. Mount the covering and the accessories as shown in the illustration.

0548-364 Alu
0548-374 Inox
0548-366 Alu
0548-119 Alu
0548-120 Inox

0548-365 Alu
0548-375 Inox

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

7.1 Main switch
The drive mechanism is supplied with a built-in A
main switch (A). This main installation switch
enables you to disconnect the power supply
from the drive unit. The door leaf then is closed
from any position by means of spring power
(Invers = spring opening, unless the door leaf
has not been locked). The motor attenuation B
ensures a controlled closing (Invers = opening).

7.2 Program selector

The drive mechanism is supplied with a built-in program selector (B), which allows enab-
ling the operating modes AUTOMATIC, NIGHT, OPEN, MANUAL and EXIT. The presently
enabled operating mode is identified by the illuminated key.

In the event of a pending fatal error, alle the keys shortly flash up.

7.3 Operating modes

The following operating modes can be enabled by means of the program selector:

Automatic opening via the opening elements inside/outside + Key.
Automatic closing upon expiration of the adjustable hold-open time.

The door leaf can only be opened via the opening element Key (key-operated
siwtch outside).

The door leaf is automatically opened and remains in the OPEN position.

The drive mechanism and the control elements are switched off.
The door leaf can be manually opened.
The door leaf is closed by spring power from any position (Invers = spring ope-
ning, unless the door leaf has not been locked).

The door leaf can only be opened via the opening elements inside and Key.

Setting-up procedure (Teach)

+ Completely close the door leaf (Invers = open). Hold the keys MANU-
AL and EXIT simultaneously depressed (during at least 5 seconds). All
the pending errors will be deleted and a setting-up procedure (Teach)
is carried out.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

7.4 Adjustings
The parameters can be changed on the Display
control unit by means of the display and  scroll
the joystick. 
The movements of the joystick have the change
following effects:
• Vertical joystick movement (upward/downward)  Scroll through the displayed information.
• Horizontal joystick movement (to the left/to the right)  Change the settings.
• Shortly press in the joystick in the rest position  Validation OK.

7.4.1 Motional parameters (PARAMETER)

Parameter Description Setting range Default
Vo Opening speed (velocity open) 0..14 (5…50°/s) 6
Vc Closing speed (velocity close) 0..14 (5…50°/s) 4
TOEx Hold-open time opening element inside/outside (time hold opening element inside/outside) 0...60 s 3s
TKey Hold-open time Key (time hold opening element Key) 0...180 s 5s
TdNigt Lag time for switching over to NIGHT (time delay night) 0...90 s 0s
TDelay Starting delay (time delay lock) 0,0...4,0 s 0,2 s
FDelay Relieving force during unlocking (force delay), only effective if TDelay is > 0 0,0...7,0 A OFF
TLock Door rectification time (time press close) 0,0...4,0 s 0,5 s
FLock Pressing force during locking (force lock), only effective if TLock is > 0 0,0...7,0 A 2,0 A
FSlam Accelerating function (force slam) 0...10 OFF
FWind Obstacle detection optimized for exterior doors (wind loads) OFF OFF
Fo Opening force (force open) 0...9 4
Fc Closing force (force close) 0...9 4
Foh Hold-open force (force open hold) 1...9 4
Fch Interlocking force (force close hold)  automatically programs FLock and FDelay if these are 0 0,0...3,5 A 0
LowEn Low-energy operation according to EN16005 (low energy) OFF OFF
Ao Opening angle of the door (angle open) 20...(190°) Rod dep. 95°
If the opening angle is changed during the operating mode OPEN, the operating mode MANUAL *
needs to be selected for closing the door.
Rod Type of rod assembly (Rod) Normal rods pushing fonction STD-PH STD-PH
Sliding rods pulling fonction SLI-PL *
Sliding rods pushing fonction SLI-PH
Wing mounting pushing fonction WIN-PH
without rods pushing fonction DIR-PH
without rods pulling fonction DIR-PL
Invers Inverse application OFF OFF
In the event of a power failure/error, the door leaf is opened by spring power from any position ON *
(unless it has not been locked). The position of the motor connector is reversed with regard to the
standard drive unit.
dAxis Distance between rotation axis of the door hinges and the mounting level of the drive unit -8...+25 cm 0/+8 cm
(distance Axis). dAxis is an approximate value. Depending on the installation situation, dAxis may Rod depending Rod dep.
have to be adapted. *

* Note:
A renewed setting-up procedure
Mounting plate (option) (Teach) is required.

dAxis dAxis
+ – + –

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

7.4.2 Configuration (CONFIG)

Parameter Description Setting range Default
APuGo Triggering angle Push&Go (angle push&go) OFF, 2...10° OFF
ASES 1) Suppression point Safety Element stop (angle safety element stop). 45°...Ao 95°
If Ao is changed, ASES is auomatically set to Ao. Ao depen-
ding (95°)
ASER 2) Suppression range of the safety element reversing (angle safety element reversing) 0...60° 0°
SESClo Safety element Stop activated/deactivated during the closing motion (safety element stop closing) Active Active
EMY-IN Configuration of the Emergency terminal (break contact) (emergency input) CL-SPR (spring) CL-SPR
CL-MOT (motor)
OExStp Step-by-step control function (opening element step) OFF OFF
RC 0.1 Parametrizable relay output 1 on optional PCB 1 CLOSED CLOSED
(only visible if relay PCB 0 is plugged in) OPENING
RC 0.2 Parametrizable relay output 2 on optional PCB 1 OPEN OPEN
(only visible if relay PCB 0 is plugged in) CLOSING
RC 0.3 Parametrizable relay output 3 on optional PCB 1 PSAUTO ERROR
(only visible if relay PCB 0 is plugged in) PSNIGHT
RC 0.4 Parametrizable relay output 4 on optional PCB 1 PSEXIT GONG
(only visible if relay PCB 0 is plugged in) PSOPEN
RC 1.1 Parametrizable relay output 1 on optional PCB 2 PSMANU OPENING
(only visible if relay PCB 1 is plugged in) GONG
RC 1.2 Parametrizable relay output 2 on optional PCB 2 CLOSING
(only visible if relay PCB 1 is plugged in)
RC 1.3 Parametrizable relay output 3 on optional PCB 2 PSAUTO
(only visible if relay PCB 1 is plugged in)
RC 1.4 Parametrizable relay output 4 on optional PCB 2 LOCKED
(only visible if relay PCB 1 is plugged in)
Unlock Impulse/Permanent unlocking (impulse unlock) IMPULS IMPULS
EL-Fb Return signal of the electric lock (electric lock feed back) OFF OFF
N.O.  Contact open if in the unlocked state (-), .closed if iin the locked state (+) N.O.
N.C.  Contact open in the locked state (+), closed in the unlocked state (-) N.C.
(+) and (-) indicate the status in the diagnostic menu.
LockAU Operating mode AUTOMATIC locked (locked automat) UNLOCK UNLOCK
(only visible if Unlock = Perman) LOCK
LockEX Operating mode EXIT locked (locked exit) UNLOCK LOCK
(only visible if Unlock = Perman) LOCK
LockMA Operating mode MANUAL locked (locked manual) UNLOCK UNLOCK
(only visible if Unlock = Perman) LOCK
LcdDir Orientation of the display (LCD direction) 0...1 0
MovCon Endurance test Open/Close (moving continuous) OFF OFF
OExMAN Acceptance of opening commands after a manual door opening (only if APuGo = OFF) OFF OFF

1) open 2) open

SER ina
closed closed

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

7.4.3 Installations with multiple door leaves (DOUBLE DOOR)

Parameter Description Setting range Default
DubleD Closing sequence role (Master/Slave) and interlock side (A/B) OFF OFF
AoSeq Current delay angle for opening sequence control (Slave) 0..110° 20°
(only visible if DubleD is active)
AcSeq Current delay angle for closing sequence control (Master) 0..110° 20°
(only visible if DubleD is active)
InterL Interlock OFF OFF
ILAuto Interlock mode Operating mode AUTOMATIC Inacti Active
(only visible if InterL is active) Active
ILExit Interlock mode Operating mode EXIT Inacti Active
(only visible if InterL is active) Active
ILNigt Interlock mode Operating mode NIGHT Inacti Active
(only visible if InterL is active) Active

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7.4.4 Menu navigation

* Password protected

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

On the 1st level, the following information is shown on the display:

1st display line:

The door position is represented by means of the arrows (><). Alternatively, the motion-
relevant opening and safety signals are displayed. The double hash signs (##) indicate
that the door is locked. In the open position the hold-open time is shown in the form of a
Display of the door position:
<REF?> Waits for reference switch >##<
< ?? > Unknown E50
>< Closed
>##< Closed and locked
<< >> Opening
< > Open
>> << Closing
== Stopping
Display of the door control:
OEO Opening element outside
OEI Opening element inside
KEY Opening element NIGHT
SES Safety element Stop
SER Safety element Reversing
SEF Safety element Force (obstacle detection)
EMY Emergency element
PUGO Push-and-Go

2nd display line:

• at the bottom, left-hand side, the presently enabled operating < 5 >
mode is displayed (a frame around the symbol indicates the m E50
overriding operating mode).
• (m) means closing sequence - Master
• (s) means closing sequence - Slave
• (w) means interlock KEY
• at the bottom, right-hand side, the presently active errors are s E52

By means of OK you can switch over from the first to the second level.

For all the menus of the following list, exiting is possible by remaining on the OK key, or
by means of the menu item ESC.

On the 2nd level, the following menus are available:

Setting the motional parameters
• A changed parameter value is shown by a flashing display.
Press OK in order to validate the change.

Setting the functionalities
• A changed parameter value is shown by a flashing display.
Press OK in order to validate the change.

Setting the closing sequence and interlock function
• A changed parameter value is indicated by a flashing display.
In order to validate the change, OK must be pressed.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

Diagnostic tools
• K-I-O-R-S-E shows the inputs KEY (K), OEI (I), OEO (O), SER (R), SES (S), EMY (E).
(+) stands for active, (-) for inactive.
• 5.1A 95° shows the motor current and the door opening angle.
• 37°C 25 65 indicates the presently measured temperature in the power electronics,
completed by the minimum and the maximum values. OK causes the minimum and the
maximum values to be reset.
• Simulate Key: OK triggers a Key command.
• E-Lock: L- shows the status of Lock (L). FB- shows the input El-Fb. OK actuates the
electric lock.
L+ resp. FB+ means locked. L- resp. FB- means unlocked.
• HW Version: Version of the Logic PCB.
• SW Version: Version of the Software.
• Cycles: Total number of openings (this value is memorized).
Optional PCBs  see chapter 13.8.

Pending active errors
• The pending active errors are displayed in a list. This list is updated at the end and the
latest additions appear during the next passage.
A0 indicates the latest error that has occurred.
• Exit the list by pressing OK.

Formerly active errors
• H0 indicates the latest error that has occurred.

Carry out a re-initialization
• PARAM Reset sets all the motional parameters back to the default values (inclusive
opening angle, rod assemblies, Invers and dAxis).
• CONFIG Reset sets all the configuration settings back to the default values.
• DOUBLE Reset sets all the closing sequence and interlock settings back to the default
• FACTOR Reset
The control unit is reset to the delivery configuration programmed by the manufacturer.
This means that all the motional parameters, configurations, closing sequence and
interlock settings are reinitialized with the default settings.
• Reset OK? is validated by means of OK and aborted by any other joystick movement.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

Lock/unlock the joystick
Lock the joystick. For a temporary unlocking, press OK for more than 1 second.
60 seconds after the last joystick actuation, the joystick is automatically relocked.
Permanent unlocking of the joystick.

Completely close the door leaf. Initiate a setting-up procedure (during the setting-up pro-
cedure the drive unit continues to beep).
• Teach OK? is validated by means of OK and aborted by any other joystick movement.
• The setting-up procedure can be canceled by means of the D-BEDIX (C-key).
Setting of the opening angle (Ao): During the first setting-up run, the drive unit moves to
the open position (Ao) or up to the recommended open position stop piece, whichever
event happens first, and the obtained result is memorized as opening angle. In the event
of an excessively big difference between the actual opening angle and the displayed
angle (in the diagnostic menu), this angle can be corrected (by means of dAxis). If the
difference persists, the installation precision should be checked.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

A regular service (maintenance/checking) is absolutely indispensable in order to gua-
rantee a safe operation and long lifetime of the installation. The service must be carried
out by a expert, at least once a year, according to the following checklist.

This checkup work basically refers to visual and functional checking destined to evalu-
ate the integrality, the condition and the efficiency of the components and safety devices
(checking of the different elements as far as these are included in the installation).

To avoid jeopardizing the safety of persons, any defective safety elements
may not be disonnected in order to continue the operation of the installation!

In order to guarantee the availability of the installation, any elements show-
ing signs of wear must be replaced as a preventive measure!

• Every service which has been carried out shall be entered into the control
• The following service description refers to the basic components. The opti-
ons are described in detail in chapter "Options".

If the fastening screw (A) of
the lever arm is released, this
screw must be secured upon
tightening by means of Locti-
te 243, or else a new original
screw needs to be inserted (see
chapter: Spare parts).

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

8.1 Service for pedestrian doors

Electrocution hazard! Before working on any live elements, pull out the
mains plug as well as any existing plug of the emergency battery respective-
ly switch off the main installation switch!


General condition x
Free door movement (manually) x x
Door guides/guideway rails x x x
Door sealing joints x x x
Side panels/protection leaves x x
Coverings/hinge-type covers x x
Check tight fitting of the screws and nuts x
Clean the installation2 x x

Drive mechanism
Drive mechanism x x x
Holding power in Closed position x
Transmission elements such as:
toothed belt, flat belt, cables, rods or chains x x x
Carrying rollers/counter-pressure rollers/running carriages x x x
Carrier rails x x x
Open/Closed position x x

Electrical connections x
Control functions x x
Program switch (BEDIS, BEDiX, etc.) check all the positions x
Emergency battery x
Emergency opening (pull out both power plugs of the ANTE's)1 x

Control elements
All the existing control elements such as:
sensor, radar, key-operated switch, contact carpet, etc. x x x

Safety elements
Reversing/stopping mechanism x x x
Door locking/manual unlocking mechanism x x x x
Mechanical emergency opening x x
Monitoring switch x x x
Light barrier/Presence detector x x
Existing additional safety elements x x x
Minimum escape way width1 x x

Stickers/rating plates x x

Only for redundant drive mechanisms.
Gilgen Door Systems cleans all the elements of the installation provided this is necessary for the function of
the installation. A general cleaning of the installation is not planned.
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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

8.2 Fundamental checking

Switch the main installation switch off on the drive unit!

1. Dismount the covering of the drive me-


2. Check all the cable connections. 

3. Normal rods:
Separate the rod arm (B) from the rota-

ting arm (A): Pull the spherical joint (C) B

4. Check the free running movement of the

door leaf.

5. Check the bearings of the drive mecha-

nism for increased noise level.

6. Normal rods:
Connect the rod arm (B) and the rotating arm (A): Snap in the spherical joint (C).

7. Mount the covering of the drive mechanism.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

Electrocution hazard! Before working on any live elements, pull out the
mains plug respectively switch off the main installation switch!
If a malfunction occurs which might be detrimental to the safety of the users,
and which cannot be eliminated without delay, the operator must be informed
and if required the installation shall be taken out of operation. The installation
must be repaired as soon as possible.

Every troubleshooting procedure which is carried out must be entered into
the control booklet!

9.1 Malfunction with er- Jumper

ror-no. 

X112 X104 X102 X116

The error is indicated on the display of X115 X117 5V
the control unit.

Display 30 V
Definition of the column "Reaction".

A The drive unit deactivates itself during a certain

period: Manual operating mode or stopping positi- X118

F Fatal error SE

X110 X108
H Manual operating mode with re-starting attempt
W Warning

9.1.1 Drive mechanism

No. Description Cause Elimination Checking time Reaction
E1 03 Encoder Channels A + B lost Check the encoder connection. During run. H
04 Short-circuit A + B Check the motor cable.
The sense of rotation of the motor is not
05 Dysfunctions in compliance with the rod assembly.
06 Motor cable uncorrect plugged in The door is blocked. Prior to start-up. H
07 No channel A Check if a jumper has been inserted
on X106.
08 No channel B
09 No channel A + B
10 Short-circuit A + B
E2 01 Motor current Current too high Check the motor cable. Prior to start-up. H
02 Current too low Check if a jumper has been inserted
Jumper missing on X106.
E3 01 Cushioning Test failed once Switch the drive unit to the MANUAL Prior to the closing W
02 Test failed twice. operating mode and carefully check if motion, after start-up, and F
Damping defective or opening the door closes in a cushioned manner. subsequently every 24 h. Drive unit is
beyond the peak of the cardio- If not: replace the hardware. If yes: functionning.
ids curve. check/correct the friction of the door Buzzer actif.
leaf and the pre-stressing of the closing
E4 01 Reference Detected in the open position. Check the connection and the switching Open position. W
switch point of the reference switch.
02 Not detected in the closed The reference switch must be activated Prior to the first setting- A
position. in the closed position (switching contact up run.
03 Not detected in open position. open).
E5 00 Power limita- Overload of the control. the Check/correct the friction of the door Permanent. A
tion. maximum power is restricted. leaf and the pre-stressing of the closing

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

9.1.2 Operating
No. Description Cause Elimination Checking time Reaction
E10 01 Fullteach Parameter Ao, Rod, Invers or Carry out a teach. Upon changing the drive H
required dAxis changed. unit configuration.
02 Minimum opening angle has Check the locking/electric lock During Teach H
not been reached.
E11 01 Halfteach requi- Parameter Vo changed. Carry out a complete and unhindered Upon changing the motio- W
red (Opening) opening cycle. nal parameters.
02 Halfteach requi- Parameter Vc or FSlam Carry out a complete and unhindered
red (Closing) changed. closing cycle.
E14 01 Locking/electric The door leaf got caught in the Check the function of the locking/elec- When opening from a H
lock locking/electric lock. tric lock. closed position.

02 The inverted operation has no Program/increase the interlocking force At the end of the teach-in W
locking, or the interlocking force Fch. procedure.
Fch has not been programmed.
E15 01 Obstacle in ope- Too many successive obstac- Examine the installation. H, A
ning direction. les have occured. Remove the obstacle. Permanent. Restart after
Move the door leaf to the target position. 60 s.
02 Obstacle in clo-
sing direction.
E16 01 Temperature Temperature on output level Respect the applicaiton limits. A Drive unit
has reached 81 °C. Permanent. functions with
reduced power.
02 Temperature on output level A Drive unit
has reached 91 °C. has stopped.

9.1.3 Safety elements

No. Description Cause Elimination Checking time Reaction
E20 01 SER Test SER Test signal unsuccessful. SER short-circuit to the earth. Prior to closing. A
Check the cabling of the sensor or the
02 SER too slow. SER reacts too slowly.
Check the cabling of the sensor.
Check for polarity reversal/test signal.
E21 01 SES Test SES Test signal unsuccessful. SES short-circuit to the earth. Prior to opening. A
Check the cabling of the sensor or the
02 SES too slow. SES reacts too slowly.
Check the cabling of the sensor.
Check for polarity reversal/test signal.
E22 01 EMY Test EMY input on 24 V. Check the jumper EMY. Permanent. H
Check the cabling of EMY.

9.1.4 Feeding
No. Description Cause Elimination Checking time Reaction
E30 01 30 V Error 30 V too low. Mains failure, overload motor. Check Permanent. A
02 30 V too high. the feed-in. Replace the hardware.

03 Error upon switching-on.

E31 01 24 V General Error upon switching-on. Overload, short-circuit of the 24 V inputs Permanent. A
(without electric lock, safety elements). Restart after
02 Over- resp. under-vltage. 10 s.

E32 01 24 V Safety Over- resp. under-voltage. Overload, short-circuit safety Elements.

E33 01 24 V E-Lock Error: Overload, short-circuit electric lock.

Over-resp. under-voltage.
02 Premonition:
Over-resp. under-voltage.
E34 01 24 V CAN Over-resp. under-voltage. Overload, short-circuit external power
supply CAN.

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9.1.5 System
No. Description Cause Elimination Checking time Reaction
E50 01...99 System error Unexpected hardware or Switch the drive unit off/on. Permanent. W or H or F
E51 01...99 software event. Carry out a Factory Reset, carry out a
Software Update, inform the manufac-
E52 01...99 turer.

9.1.6 Options
No. Description Cause Elimination Checking time Reaction
60 00 Relay PCB 0 Option PCB has been remo- Check if the option is provided. Permanent. W
ved, its address changed or If defective: Replace or remove from the
10 Relay PCB 1 become defective. configuration. Permanent. W

20 Radio PCB Note: Permanent. W

Deleting of error 60  see chapter
30 Fire-protection 13.8.1. Permanent. A

9.1.7 Closing sequence / Interlock function

No. Description Cause Elimination Checking time Reaction
70 xx CAN bus setting CAN address xx existing twice. Correctly define the role of the closing Permanent. W
sequence or the interlock function.
E71 01 CAN connec- No CAN connection. Plug in, check or replace the CAN Permanent. W
tion. cable.
Check if all the CAN participants are
switched on.

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9.2 Malfunction without error-no.

In some cases, it will be technically impossible to display an "irregular functioning" of the
installation by a definite error number. An alleged error may by all means also be due to
"correct" causes. For this reason the list shown hereafter has been established, which
contains the probable or already encountered irregular functioning, their possible causes
as well as the corrective action (error elimination) to be taken.

Erroneous behavior Analysis Possible causes Remedy

Drive unit fails to react • The program selection keys in Power supply voltage is • Switch on the main installation
• No automatic open- the side cover are not lighted. missing. switch in the side cover.
ing. • LED 5 V (green) on the control • Measure the mains supply voltage,
• No reaction on the is not lighted. check its cabling and eliminate any
control elements detected deficiencies.
(side cover/ • Should the two above-mentioned
D-Bedix). measures not be successful, the
control unit needs to be replaced.

Drive unit fails to • LED SE (safety element, yellow) One or more safety • Remove the obstacle.
open. is lit. elements are active or • Check the cabling between the
• Determine the active safety incorrectly cabled. safety element and the control unit,
element via the diagnostic level. and eliminate any detected deficien-
• Replace the safety element.

• LED SE (safety element, yellow) Depending on the • Change the operating mode.
is not lighted. enabled operating mode, • Correct the cabling of the opening
• LED OE (opening command, the opening commands elements.
blue) reacts to the opening (inside/outside, etc.) are
element. ignored.
• Determine the opening element
via the diagnostic level.

• LED SE (safety element, yellow) The opening ocmmand is • Check the cabling between the
is not lighted. not evaluated. opening element and the control unit
• LED OE (opening command, and eliminate any detected deficien-
blue) is not lighted despite the cies.
active opening element. • Replace the opening element.

Drive unit fails to • LED SE (safety element, yellow) One or more safety • Remove the obstacle.
close. is lit. elements are active or • Check the cabling between the safety
incorrectly cabled. element and the control unit and
eliminate any detected deficiencies.
• Replace the safety element.

• LED SE (safety element, yellow) An opening command is • Check the cabling between the open-
is not lighted. pending. ing element and the control unit and
• LED OE (opening command, eliminate any detected deficiencies.
blue) is lit. • Replace the opening element.

• Check the operating mode. The operating mode • Change the operating mode.
OPEN is active.

The operating mode • The program selection keys in The ribbon cable is not • Check the ribbon cable and elimi-
cannot be changed. the side cover are not lighted. plugged in correctly, or nate any detected deficiencies.
not plugged in at all.

• The operating mode symbol on The operating mode is • Change the operating mode by means
the display is underlined. overridden via connection of the external program selector switch.
terminal X110. • Correct the cabling of the external
program selector switch.

Prior to commission- The motor connector plug • Plug the motor connector plug into
ing: During manual is not correctly connected. the correct socket, in accordance
opening, the door leaf with the application (pulling/pushing
encounters an impor- function) (see chapter 4.1; Default
tant resistance and setting = pushing function).
closes at high speed.

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9.3 Software update via USB

A software update of the FD 20 control unit can be easily and rapidly achieved by means
of an USB memory stick.

Not all the USB memory sticks can be used. We thus recommend a previous
testing of their function together with the FD 20.

9.3.1 Preparation

The USB stick must contain a folder FD20.

The file name of the application must specify FD20.
The name of the file extension must be gds.
 The stick shall only contain one single FD20 folder.
 There must be only one single file in the FD20 folder.

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9.3.2 Procedure

X112 X104 X102 X116 X106

1. Switch off the main installation

X115 X117 5V
switch on the FD 20.

30 V
2. Plug the USB stick into the con-

trol unit  socket X118. X118 SOK



3. Switch on the main installations X110 X108

switch on the FD 20.

4. The software download takes ap-

prox. 1 minute  Watch the LED
display on the ocntrol unit.

9.3.3. LED display on the control

The display of the functions is ensured via three LEDs on the control PCB:
SOK Green USB-Loader started
OE Blue Activity in progress (delete/write memory)
SOK + OE Green/Blue Download completed  remove the stick
SE Yellow Error

9.3.4 Possible errors

• Incorrectly formatted USB stick

 this stick must be FAT or FAT 32 formatted (File Allocation Table from Microsoft).

• Several drives existing on the USB stick

 only one drive is legible.

• Invalid file
 Not encrypted, damaged, FD20 missing in the file name, gds missing in the file

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No particular measures need to be taken for de-commissioning the installation.

If the swing door drive mechanism will not be used during at least 1 month, it is recom-
mended to pull out the mains plug.

For taking the installation back into operation, all you have to do is to plug in the mains
cable and select the operating mode.

If the installation is re-commissioned at low temperatures, it must be swit-
ched on 1...2 hours prior to the actual setting-up procedure (so that the
operating temperature can be reached).

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An ecologically acceptable disposal of the installation is ensured if the
different materials are separated and recycled. No particular measures
are required for the protection of the environment. However, the relevant
legal prescriptions applicable for the installation site have to be complied

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

Article No. Designation Remark

0548-116 Drive module

0548-204 Switch support complete
0548-107 Fixing set
0548-358 Mounting plate Option
0548-360 Mounting plate Mod. Option
0548-106 Open stop piece integrated into the drive unit Option

0548-118 Control unit complete

0548-113 Cable and screws
0548-215 Relay PCB Option
0548-216 Radio PCB Option
0635-142 D-BEDIX Option
0548-133 Service D-BEDIX for fitter

0548-119 Drive mechanism covering (incl. 0548-112) Aluminium

0548-112 Covering accessories Aluminium
0548-120 Drive mechanism covering (incl. 0548-115) Stainless steel
0548-115 Covering accessories Stainless steel

0548-103 Side cover complete

incl. main switch and program selector
0548-121 Side cover
0548-209 Flexible cable routing Option

0548-104 Normal rods

0548-104/01 Normal rods KTL
0548-105 Sliding rods
0548-105/01 Sliding rods KTL
0548-105/02 Sliding rods for leaf mounting incl. sliding rail 830 mm
0548-114 Clamping piece standard (incl. screw)
0548-124 Clamping piece -13 mm (incl. screw) Option
0548-125 Clamping piece +20 mm (incl. screw) Option
0548-126 Clamping piece +50 mm (incl. screw) Option
4099-127 Tuflok screw -10 mm (for clamping piece -13 mm) Option
4099-282 Tuflok screw standard Option
4099-286 Tuflok screw +20 mm Option
4099-290 Tuflok screw +50 mm Option
0547-232 Connection plate for wooden door leaf normal rods Option
0548-222 Expansion element complete (2 pieces) for sliding rail
0548-223 Glider for sliding rods
0548-380 Covering caps (2 pieces) for sliding rail
0548-398 Sliding bolt 14 mm for sliding rods
0547-376 Sliding bolt 38 mm for sliding rods

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

13.1 D-BEDIX
The different operating modes can be
directly enabled by means of the D-BEDIX.
In addition, it provides easy programming of
the most important door settings.
The operating modes, menu settings as well
as possible errors are displayed in a clearly
arranged synopsis.
The D-BEDIX is connected to the control
unit FD 20 via a screened two-core connec-
tion cable (e.g. U72M or EIB-Y(St)Y, max.
length 50 m).
Only one D-BEDIX can be connected per
door installation.

13.1.1 Keys

C-key (Cancel)
• Exit the menu
• Invalidate entry.

• Confirm the selection
• Confirm the entry.

Arrow keys
• Navigate within the menus
• Short simultaneous actuation of both keys = acces to the menu level.

13.1.2 Symbols

Operating mode symbols

• Show the possible operating modes
(see chapter: Operating modes).

Selection frame (active and preselected operating mode)

• Shows what has been presently selected.

Selection frame (active operating mode)

• Shows what has been presently selected but is still inhibited. A control ele-
ment with higher priority (e.g. key-operated switch) determines the operating

Bar (preselected operating mode)

• Shows the preselected operating mode.

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

13.1.3 Operating modes

With the D-BEDIX, the following operating modes can be selected by means of the corre-
sponding symbols:

Automatic operation. The installation can be locked.

The installation is locked1. As opening commands, only the key-operated impul-
se switch is accepted.
The delayed switchover to the operating mode NIGHT can be activated by
means of parameter TdNigt. Function: If the program selector switch is changed
to the operating mode NIGHT from any random operating mode, the internal
radar will still remain active during the programmed time TdNigt (EXIT).

The installation is opened and remains in the open position.

The installation stops. The swing door leaf is released and can be manually ope-
ned and closed.

One-way traffic from inside towards the outside.
The installation is locked2 (shop closing switching mode).

Provided that the locking mechanism (optional) is installed.
Each operating mode can be locked (this is configurable).

13.1.4 Display of the door position

The following door positions are represented onthe D-BEDIX display:

<REF?> Waits for reference switch

< ?? > Unknown
>< Closed
>##< Closed and locked
<< >> Opening
< > Open
>> << Closing
== Stopping

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13.1.5 Menu level

Short and simultaneous actuation of both arrow keys (=access to the menu level).
Select the desired menu item bymeans of the arrow key.
Confirm by means of the OK key.

Display Description
PARAMETER Setting the motional parameters *
CONFIG Setting the functionalities *
DOUBLE DOOR Setting the closing sequence and interlock function *
DIAGNOSTICS Diagnostic tool
ERROR ACTIVE Active pending errors
ERROR HISTORY Formerly active errors
REINIT Carry out a re-initialization *
BLOCK/UNBLOC Lock/unlock keys
TEACH Initiate a setting-up procedure
 make sure that the door leaf is completely closed.

* password protected

The detailed settings are described in chapter 7.4.

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13.1.6 Setting examples

Changing the operating mode

Select the desired symbol by means of the arrow key (symbol starts flashing).
Confirm with the OK key (frame/bar switch over).

Preselecting the operating mode

An overriding switch is active and determines the operating mode (only the selection fra-
me is visible, the bar underlines the preselected operating mode). Now you can select the
operating mode you want to be active upon cancellation of the overriding switch:
Select the desired symbol by means of the arrow key (symbol starts flashing).
Confirm with the OK key (bar switches over).

Enabling the keylock

Short simultaneous actuation of both arrow keys (= access to the menu level).
By means of the arrow key, select BLOCK.
Confirm with the C-key and the right-hand arrow key.

Temporarily disabling the keylock (60 s)
Short simultaneous actuation of the C-key and the right-hand arrow key.

Disabling the keylock

Short simultaneous actuation of the C-key and the right-hand arrow key.
Short simultaneous actuation of the arrow keys (= access to the menu level).
By means of the arrow key, select UNBLOC.
Confirm with the C-key and the right-hand arrow key.


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Parameters (hold-open timeday)

Short simultaneous actuation of the arrow keys (= access to the menu level).
By means of the arrow key, select TOEx.
Confirm with the OK key.
By means of the arrow key, change the value.
Confirm with the OK key.

TOEx 7
Completely close the door leaf.
Short simultaneous actuation of the arrow keys (= access to the menu level).
By means of the arrow key, select Teach.
Confirm with the OK key.


13.1.7 Error display

In the event of an error, the display shows (alternating with the door position status) the
presently active error number (e.g. E20/01).
Error list: see chapter Troubleshooting.
This sequence will be repeated until the error has been eliminated.

>##< E20/01 >##<

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

In addition to the functions of the D-BEDIX,
the KOMBI-D-BEDIX contains a key-opera-
ted switch (round or profile cylinder) with the
following function:

Lockout of the KOMBI-D-BEDIX against

unauthorized use.

Free Locked

Round cylinder Profile cylinder

Cylinder: to be supplied by customers

If this lockout is enabled, all the keys are
shortly lit (as a confirmation of the lockout).

0635-148/04 0635-148/02
KABA 1514 KESO 21.214.040
SEA 1.043.0 Adjustable beard E200
DOM 2222H ix5
Driver with 8 adjus. DOM 333 ix-5
possibilities Driver with 8 adjusting
KESO 11.014.045
KESO 21.014.045
KESO 31.014.045 BKS 8900 N BL 31
Adjustable beard E201 BKS 3101 N BL 31
BKS 3301 N BL 31



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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

13.3 Open position stop piece integrated in the drive unit

It is recommended that a stop piece be mounted by the customer. This stop
piece prevents the door leaf from being damaged in the manual operating
mode. As an option, an open position stop piece can be integrated into the
drive unit itself.


13.4 Connection plate for wooden door leaf (normal rods)

The connection plate is mounted below the door connection angle of the normal rod as-
sembly and screwed down by means of countersunk chipboard screws 5 x 30.

Set 0547-232 95
1 Plate 0547-391 25 45 (25)
5 Screws 4083-359 10 15 22,5 22,5 15 (10)


cataphoretic painting


Ø10 Ø5,5

M6 Ø10,4 x 90°

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

13.5 Mounting plate

In cases where the fastening holes provided in the chassis profile of the FD 20 cannot be
used, the mounting plate 0548-358 can be used as an alternative.

The mounting measures according to chapter 4 must be verified and com-
plied with!

Ø12,4 x 90° M6 Thickness 10 mm


(90 ±0,5 )

76 ±0,3
3 28

28 3

10 20







670 ±0,5

13.6 Mounting plate FD 20 Mod

The mounting plate 0548-360 can be used in cases where an existing FDC drive unit
needs to be replaced by an FD 20 drive unit and where the existing fastening holes of the
FDC-mounting plate have to be reused.

The mounting measures according to chapter 4 must be verified and com-
plied with!

670 ±0,5


90 90 90 90
80 80
70 70 70 70
3 28 60 60 60 60 28 3
76 ±0,3

50 50 50 50
(100 )


R6 40 40 40 40 R6
30 30 30 30
20 20


10 10 10 10



Ø12,4 x 90°
Thickness 10 mm M6

80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20


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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

13.7 Continuous covering

For bi-parting installations, the two FD 20 drive units can be optically connected by inser-
ting an intermediate covering piece.

A fire alarm is displayed by the red LED in the side cover.
This LED must be visible on one of the two drive units!

Set with drive mechanism covering 1,9 m 0548-214 or

Set with drive mechanism covering 1,2 m 0548-220
1 Drive mechanism covering Aluminium natural anodised E6/EV1 0548-304/01
1 Intermediate profile Aluminium untreated 0548-414/60
1 Fixing set 0548-214/90

without mounting plate

A = ..........

690 X = .......... ±0,5 690

X = A - (2 x 690)

FD 20 FD 20


with mounting plate

A = ..........

680 Y = .......... ±0,5 680




10 Y = A - (2 x 680)
11* 11* 10


11* 11* *


* remove

without mounting plate with mounting plate

120 130

min. 4 x min. 4 x


0548-414/60 0548-304/01 0548-414/60 0548-304/01

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FD 20 Mounting and operating instructions

13.8 Optional PCBs

All the optional PCBs are plugged into the control unit via a universal connector. A maxi-
mum number of two optional PCBs can be combined.

All the four optional PCBs must only be plugged into/removed from the
control unit after the dive unit has been disconnected from the power supply

13.8.1 Relay PCB 0548-215

The relay PCB (blue) offers four outputs

to be freely used by the customer.


1. Addressing of the relay PCB by me-

ans of DIP-Switch:
DIP-Switch Addr0 or Addr1

2. Switch-on the main installation swtich on the drive unit  the relay PCB is automati-
cally identified.
The identified relay PCB is displayed as follows in the diagnostic menu:
R0 Addr0
R1 Addr1
FP Fire protection PCB R0+R1-
RP Radio PCB
+ identified and ready for operation FP-RP-
- neither identified nor registered Display 
e defective or error
x removed

3. Enabling of the desired function per relay: under Settings  Configuration RC0.1 up
to RC0.4 (for Addr 0) and RC1.1 up to RC1.4 (for Addr 1).

Remove the relay PCB:

1. Switch-off the main installation swtich on the drive unit.

2. Remove the relay PCB.

3. Switch-on the main installation swtich on the drive unit.

Display: E60/00  Addr0
E60/10  Addr1

4. Select menu: Diagnostics Joystick

R0-R1-... R0xR1-
R0xR1-... FP-RP-
Display 

5. In the rest position, press in the joystick: Reset OK?  The relay PCB is deleted from
the configuration.

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13.8.2 Radio PCB

A radio control PCB can be plugged into the control of the drive unit. Using a hand-held
radio transmitter, this PCB can be programmed with a code, upon which the drive unit can
be controlled via the hand-held radio transmitter.

In cases where several hand-held radio transmitters shall be used for controlling the
same drive unit, all the transmitters need to be programmed with the same code (which is
transmitted from the standard transmitter to all the additional transmitters).

On the other hand, several drive units can be simultaneously controlled by one single

Teaching the hand-held radio transmitter:

0548-216 B A
1. Keep the button (A) on the radio control
PCB depressed (at least during 3 se-
conds) until the red LED (B) flashes at
regular intervals.

2. Maintain the desired button of the hand-

held radio transmitter depressed until
the red LED (B) on the radio-control
PCB lights up for about 2 seconds.

3. As soon as the red LED (B) is extingu-

ished, this means that the code of the
hand-held transmitter button has been
memorized in the radio control PCB.

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The following document is added as an appendix to this instructions:

Wiring diagram.................................................................................................. E4-0141-713

Wiring diagram Relay PCB............................................................................... E4-0141-715

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