The Coast Salish and Okanagon natives of the Pacific Northwest refer to power animals as their li... more The Coast Salish and Okanagon natives of the Pacific Northwest refer to power animals as their life-giving spirits. These animals have friendships with humans and spiritual powers stemming from the inner understanding, knowledge and wisdom they share. All animals have a power because they are a part of nature and a figure in the order of creation. Shamans believe that every animal spirit seeks a human with whom it can be a friend. This is because there is a mutual necessity between them. Both of them are able to offer each other their support and assistance in their journey processes in more than one realm of existence. In order to enter a realm of spiritual reality, it is necessary to reestablish at least some kind of relationship with an animal, making friendship with an animal spirit an important prerequisite for the shamanistic journey. In Turkish Shamanism, there is information that shamans are power animals. Having the power of the power animal during rituals, the Shaman succeeds in fighting evil spirits or can heal a sick person thanks to his animal's qualities. Shaman, who makes various melodies with his drum while integrating with the power animal, begins to dance with figures resembling the movements of his animal. There are also similarities related to this issue in yoga practices, which take up a lot of space in today's popularity. It is possible to reach yoga practices, which include some physical and mental exercises, from many internet sources, especially with the spread of online education that developed after the pandemic. The concept of support animal is encountered in various practices carried out at the Yogakioo Institute under the tutelage of Çetin Çetintaş, one of the famous yogis. When we look at the practices of meditation and integration with the support animal, it is seen that there are some similarities with shamanism. For example, the yogi who leads the meditation starts a dance that imitates the figures of the animal with which he will integrate various melodies with a drum. Again, similar to shamanism, it is essential to be in friendship with animal spirits and to integrate with their virtues. Although it is not in the form of defeating an evil spirit or healing a person, as in shamanism, it is used in today's life in areas such as being successful in business and increasing personal energy. In this article, based on the concept and application of power animals in shamanism, the concept and application of support animals in yoga practices, various books and articles written on shamanism, and Çetin Çetintaş's book The Mysterious Art of Getting Support from Animals in the field of yoga, Burcu Sevgi Genç's live on Instagram It is aimed to reveal the similarities and differences based on how these archetypes can be used in daily life in the Youtube series called the meditation to bond with the support animal, Ceyda Saltalal's yoga practice to wake up the support animal on her Youtube channel, and the mysterious art of getting support from animals by Serra Sağra.
The concepts of road and journey have been conceived in various ways by different branches of art... more The concepts of road and journey have been conceived in various ways by different branches of art. Despite this diversity, there are common motifs in many narratives about the journey. In this study, the concepts of the eternal journey of the hero, which developed within the framework of the monomyth theory put forward by the mysticism doctrine and Campbell, were chosen to be examined. By evaluating the similarities on the journey conceptions of these two concepts, Âşık Daimî's poem “I Belt on a Truth” is examined. The emergence of the Islamic faith has transformed the Sufi culture into a culture that directs the way of life, moral rules and personality of Muslims. In this process, sects began to emerge and however, Sufi rituals that differed from sect to sect were seen. The purpose of Sufism is to reach the truth by suffocating. Being a sulûk, under the leadership of a person called a murshid-i kamil, is expressed with the concept of seyr ü süluk, which is the set of rules that the Sufi volunteer, who is a Sufi volunteer, should apply on the way he aims to reach God. One of the other concepts that we come across when traveling is called Monomite theory. Campbell; Starting from the structure he called Monomite, he formulated the paths followed by the heroes and resolved the partnerships with this method. It is seen that the monomyth theory can be applied especially in the majority of works that adhere to the classical narrative. The aim of this study is to examine Âşık Dâimî's work I Believe in a Truth from two different perspectives, as a view of a devotee who navigates in Sufi culture and as a view of the hero's journey stages in Campbell's Monomyth theory. The first part of the study covers the examination of Âşık Dâimî's “I Belt on a Truth”, with the view of the devotee who watches in Sufi culture. According to this approach, the mixing of the drop with the river, finding the universe in the drop and returning to itself again shows the understanding of unity of existence. The next part covers the analysis of Âşık Dâimî's “I Belt on a Truth” from the perspective of the hero's endless journey in Campbell's Monomyth theory. According to this approach, it was considered as a devotee hero whose journey is described in the work and examined under the headings of departure-initiation-return. While preparing this study, the concepts of patrol type, understanding of Sufism and navigation in Sufism were examined. These concepts have been analyzed with the work studied. In the next stage, Campbell's Monomyth theory and its adaptation to various works were examined and combined with the work in question. As a result, there are common universal traces in the journey of initiation, whether it is a literary text hero or a dervish.
İnsanlar asırlardır süregelen yaşayış öykülerinde ortaya çıkan duygularını, düşüncelerini, alenen... more İnsanlar asırlardır süregelen yaşayış öykülerinde ortaya çıkan duygularını, düşüncelerini, alenen ifade edemedikleri ancak bilinçaltlarında yer etmiş kodlamaları türküler yoluyla aktarmışlardır. Bu yönüyle türküler bir insanın duygularını aktarabildiği gibi bir toplulukça benimsenmiş motifleri, ait olduğu toplumun iktisadî, siyasî, kültürel, psikolojik ve sosyolojik durumunu anlaşılabilir kılmanın sanatsal bir yoludur. Konusu bireysel veya toplumsal olsa da asıl önemli nokta anonimleşme serüveniyle birlikte halka mâl olmuş türkünün; toplumun tamamınca benimsenmesi, aktarılması ve anlaşılması sayesinde canlılığını sürdürmesidir. Günümüzde teknolojik olanaklar türkülerin ulaştığı kitleyi arttırsa da bu benimseyişte türkülere duyulan sevgi de göz ardı edilemeyecek bir unsurdur. Bu çalışmada Türk toplumu içerisinde kendisine yer edinmiş, Arif Sağ tarafından bestelenen ve türküleşen "İnsan Olmaya Geldim" adlı eser üzerinde durulmuştur. Nimrî Dede'ye ait olduğu bilinen şiir, çeşitli sanatçılar tarafından icra edilerek yaygınlık kazanmıştır. Deyişin Nimrî Dede tarafından dile getirilen ve yazılı ortama aktarılan metni ile bestelenmiş versiyonu arasında bazı farklılıklara rastlanmaktadır. Ezgisel amaçla yapıldığı görülen söz değişikliklerinin kimi dizelerde anlam değişikliklerine yol açtığı tespit edilmiştir. Söz edilen değişiklikleri ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada öncelikle metinler arasındaki farklar belirlenmiş, ardından da metinle alakalı bulgulara yer verilmiştir. Metin, Türkçede yorum bilgisi ya da yorumsama şeklinde kullanılan, kısaca bildirme, haber verme, çeviri yapma, açıklama ve açımlama sanatı şeklinde tanımlanan "hermeneutik" yaklaşımla incelenmiştir. Metin çözümlemeyi, metindeki mevcut anlamları bulup ortaya çıkartmak değil, metinden anlamlar üretmek şeklinde değerlendiren Barthes'in bakış açısıyla metne yaklaşmak amaçlanmıştır. Metin incelemede önemli hususlardan birisi de metnin yaratıcısı hakkında bilgi sahibi olmaktır. Bu durum göz önünde bulundurularak öncelikle Nimrî Dede'nin hayatı ve kültürel çevresi üzerinde durulmuş, deyişin türküleşme sürecinde bestecinin ve döneminin konumu ele alınmış, ardından içerik çözümleme denemesi yapılmıştır.
The Coast Salish and Okanagon natives of the Pacific Northwest refer to power animals as their li... more The Coast Salish and Okanagon natives of the Pacific Northwest refer to power animals as their life-giving spirits. These animals have friendships with humans and spiritual powers stemming from the inner understanding, knowledge and wisdom they share. All animals have a power because they are a part of nature and a figure in the order of creation. Shamans believe that every animal spirit seeks a human with whom it can be a friend. This is because there is a mutual necessity between them. Both of them are able to offer each other their support and assistance in their journey processes in more than one realm of existence. In order to enter a realm of spiritual reality, it is necessary to reestablish at least some kind of relationship with an animal, making friendship with an animal spirit an important prerequisite for the shamanistic journey. In Turkish Shamanism, there is information that shamans are power animals. Having the power of the power animal during rituals, the Shaman succeeds in fighting evil spirits or can heal a sick person thanks to his animal's qualities. Shaman, who makes various melodies with his drum while integrating with the power animal, begins to dance with figures resembling the movements of his animal. There are also similarities related to this issue in yoga practices, which take up a lot of space in today's popularity. It is possible to reach yoga practices, which include some physical and mental exercises, from many internet sources, especially with the spread of online education that developed after the pandemic. The concept of support animal is encountered in various practices carried out at the Yogakioo Institute under the tutelage of Çetin Çetintaş, one of the famous yogis. When we look at the practices of meditation and integration with the support animal, it is seen that there are some similarities with shamanism. For example, the yogi who leads the meditation starts a dance that imitates the figures of the animal with which he will integrate various melodies with a drum. Again, similar to shamanism, it is essential to be in friendship with animal spirits and to integrate with their virtues. Although it is not in the form of defeating an evil spirit or healing a person, as in shamanism, it is used in today's life in areas such as being successful in business and increasing personal energy. In this article, based on the concept and application of power animals in shamanism, the concept and application of support animals in yoga practices, various books and articles written on shamanism, and Çetin Çetintaş's book The Mysterious Art of Getting Support from Animals in the field of yoga, Burcu Sevgi Genç's live on Instagram It is aimed to reveal the similarities and differences based on how these archetypes can be used in daily life in the Youtube series called the meditation to bond with the support animal, Ceyda Saltalal's yoga practice to wake up the support animal on her Youtube channel, and the mysterious art of getting support from animals by Serra Sağra.
The concepts of road and journey have been conceived in various ways by different branches of art... more The concepts of road and journey have been conceived in various ways by different branches of art. Despite this diversity, there are common motifs in many narratives about the journey. In this study, the concepts of the eternal journey of the hero, which developed within the framework of the monomyth theory put forward by the mysticism doctrine and Campbell, were chosen to be examined. By evaluating the similarities on the journey conceptions of these two concepts, Âşık Daimî's poem “I Belt on a Truth” is examined. The emergence of the Islamic faith has transformed the Sufi culture into a culture that directs the way of life, moral rules and personality of Muslims. In this process, sects began to emerge and however, Sufi rituals that differed from sect to sect were seen. The purpose of Sufism is to reach the truth by suffocating. Being a sulûk, under the leadership of a person called a murshid-i kamil, is expressed with the concept of seyr ü süluk, which is the set of rules that the Sufi volunteer, who is a Sufi volunteer, should apply on the way he aims to reach God. One of the other concepts that we come across when traveling is called Monomite theory. Campbell; Starting from the structure he called Monomite, he formulated the paths followed by the heroes and resolved the partnerships with this method. It is seen that the monomyth theory can be applied especially in the majority of works that adhere to the classical narrative. The aim of this study is to examine Âşık Dâimî's work I Believe in a Truth from two different perspectives, as a view of a devotee who navigates in Sufi culture and as a view of the hero's journey stages in Campbell's Monomyth theory. The first part of the study covers the examination of Âşık Dâimî's “I Belt on a Truth”, with the view of the devotee who watches in Sufi culture. According to this approach, the mixing of the drop with the river, finding the universe in the drop and returning to itself again shows the understanding of unity of existence. The next part covers the analysis of Âşık Dâimî's “I Belt on a Truth” from the perspective of the hero's endless journey in Campbell's Monomyth theory. According to this approach, it was considered as a devotee hero whose journey is described in the work and examined under the headings of departure-initiation-return. While preparing this study, the concepts of patrol type, understanding of Sufism and navigation in Sufism were examined. These concepts have been analyzed with the work studied. In the next stage, Campbell's Monomyth theory and its adaptation to various works were examined and combined with the work in question. As a result, there are common universal traces in the journey of initiation, whether it is a literary text hero or a dervish.
İnsanlar asırlardır süregelen yaşayış öykülerinde ortaya çıkan duygularını, düşüncelerini, alenen... more İnsanlar asırlardır süregelen yaşayış öykülerinde ortaya çıkan duygularını, düşüncelerini, alenen ifade edemedikleri ancak bilinçaltlarında yer etmiş kodlamaları türküler yoluyla aktarmışlardır. Bu yönüyle türküler bir insanın duygularını aktarabildiği gibi bir toplulukça benimsenmiş motifleri, ait olduğu toplumun iktisadî, siyasî, kültürel, psikolojik ve sosyolojik durumunu anlaşılabilir kılmanın sanatsal bir yoludur. Konusu bireysel veya toplumsal olsa da asıl önemli nokta anonimleşme serüveniyle birlikte halka mâl olmuş türkünün; toplumun tamamınca benimsenmesi, aktarılması ve anlaşılması sayesinde canlılığını sürdürmesidir. Günümüzde teknolojik olanaklar türkülerin ulaştığı kitleyi arttırsa da bu benimseyişte türkülere duyulan sevgi de göz ardı edilemeyecek bir unsurdur. Bu çalışmada Türk toplumu içerisinde kendisine yer edinmiş, Arif Sağ tarafından bestelenen ve türküleşen "İnsan Olmaya Geldim" adlı eser üzerinde durulmuştur. Nimrî Dede'ye ait olduğu bilinen şiir, çeşitli sanatçılar tarafından icra edilerek yaygınlık kazanmıştır. Deyişin Nimrî Dede tarafından dile getirilen ve yazılı ortama aktarılan metni ile bestelenmiş versiyonu arasında bazı farklılıklara rastlanmaktadır. Ezgisel amaçla yapıldığı görülen söz değişikliklerinin kimi dizelerde anlam değişikliklerine yol açtığı tespit edilmiştir. Söz edilen değişiklikleri ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada öncelikle metinler arasındaki farklar belirlenmiş, ardından da metinle alakalı bulgulara yer verilmiştir. Metin, Türkçede yorum bilgisi ya da yorumsama şeklinde kullanılan, kısaca bildirme, haber verme, çeviri yapma, açıklama ve açımlama sanatı şeklinde tanımlanan "hermeneutik" yaklaşımla incelenmiştir. Metin çözümlemeyi, metindeki mevcut anlamları bulup ortaya çıkartmak değil, metinden anlamlar üretmek şeklinde değerlendiren Barthes'in bakış açısıyla metne yaklaşmak amaçlanmıştır. Metin incelemede önemli hususlardan birisi de metnin yaratıcısı hakkında bilgi sahibi olmaktır. Bu durum göz önünde bulundurularak öncelikle Nimrî Dede'nin hayatı ve kültürel çevresi üzerinde durulmuş, deyişin türküleşme sürecinde bestecinin ve döneminin konumu ele alınmış, ardından içerik çözümleme denemesi yapılmıştır.
Papers by Gülbeyaz Aydoğan