The purpose of this study is to develop a scale in order to determine family competence in the fo... more The purpose of this study is to develop a scale in order to determine family competence in the formation of reading culture and to reveal the validity-reliability of the scale. The study group consisted of 681 parents, including 418 Explanatory Factor Analysis, 134 Confirmatory Factor Analysis and 129 applications. As a result of the AFA applied in testing the construct validity of the scale, a scale form consisting of 4 factors and 19 items was reached. The factors that make up the scale explain 57.54% of the total variance. The cronbach alpha value of the entire scale is .86. As a result of the CFA conducted to test the factorial structure, it was determined that the fit indexes were acceptable and all factors were positively and significantly related to each other. As a result of the application made on parents, it was seen that the participation of one of the mother or father did not make a significant difference in creating a reading culture, and the mothers whose education was at the undergraduate level differed significantly from other groups. It was determined that fathers graduate fathers, whose father's education level had a significant effect in creating reading culture, were more than high school and middle school graduates. It was determined that the family income level made a significant difference in creating a reading culture, and the families in the upper income group differed significantly from the lower income group. As a result, a scale form with valid structure and the ability to make reliable measurements has been reached. In future researches, it is recommended to apply on parents who have younger students to determine the reading activities of the family in preschool period. Bu çalışmanın amacı okuma kültürü oluşumunda aile yeterliliğini belirlemek amacıyla bir ölçek geliştirmek ve ölçeğin geçerlik-güvenirliğini ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma grubu 418 Açıklayıcı Faktör Analizi, 134 Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi ve 129 uygulama olmak üzere toplam 681 veliden oluşmuştur. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliğinin test edilmesinde uygulanan AFA sonucunda 4 faktör ve 19 maddeden oluşan bir ölçek formuna ulaşılmıştır. Ölçeği oluşturan faktörler toplam varyansın %57.54'ünü açıklamaktadır. Ölçeğin tamamının cronbach alpha değeri .86' dır. Faktörel yapıyı test etmek amacıyla yapılan DFA sonucunda, uyum indekslerinin kabul edilebilir düzeyde olduğu ve tüm faktörlerin birbiriyle olumlu ve anlamlı düzeyde ilişkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Veliler üzerinde yapılan uygulama sonucunda okuma kültürü oluşturmada anneden veya babadan birinin katılımının anlamlı fark oluşturmadığı, eğitimi lisans düzeyinde olan annelerin diğer gruplardan anlamlı düzeyde farklılaştığı görülmüştür. Baba eğitim düzeyinin okuma kültürü oluşturmada anlamlı etkisinin olduğu lisans mezunu babaların lise ve ortaokul mezunu babalardan daha yeterli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Aile gelir düzeyinin okuma kültürü oluşturmada anlamlı fark oluşturduğu, üst gelir grubunda yer alan ailelerin, alt gelir grubundan anlamlı şekilde farklılaştığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuçta geçerli yapıya ve güvenilir ölçümler yapma özelliğine sahip bir ölçek formuna ulaşılmıştır. Gelecek araştırmalarda okul öncesi dönemde ailenin okuma etkinliklerinin belirlenmesine yönelik küçük yaş grubu öğrenciye sahip veliler üzerinde uygulanması tavsiye edilmektedir.
lnternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education
The study examines the effects of collaborative learning techniques on written expression, self-r... more The study examines the effects of collaborative learning techniques on written expression, self-regulation and writing motivation. It was designed according to the pre-test-post-test control group experimental model. The research was conducted during the 2017-2018 academic year with a total of 88 students in in one control and two experimental groups. The first experimental group performed writing exercises according to Co-Op Co-Op and the second experimental group utilized the STAD technique. The control group, on the other hand, carried out writing studies according to the Turkish Lesson Teaching Program (MEB, 2018). Data were collected via a Personal Information Form, 6+1 Analytical Writing and Evaluation Scale, Writing Oriented Self-Regulation Scale and Writing Motivation Scale and were analyzed with the SPSS program. When the findings are examined, a significant difference was seen between the experimental groups and the control group's post-test score average for self-regu...
International Journal of Progressive Education, 2021
This study aims to examine in-depth the practices and the problems of primary school teachers in ... more This study aims to examine in-depth the practices and the problems of primary school teachers in identifying and eliminating reading and writing difficulties. The current study employed phenomenology method, one of the qualitative research designs and the data of the study were collected through observation and interview techniques. Criterion sampling, one of the purposeful sampling methods was utilized in determining study group. Six primary school teachers were selected in accordance with the determined criteria to collect the interview data. To collect observation data, 3 primary schools were selected and a total of 16 hours of observation was made. According to the findings, most of the teachers did not receive education about identifying students with reading and writing difficulties, conducting studies with these students, and preparing materials, activities, and etc. suitable for them. Moreover, primary school teachers expressed that although there were some disadvantages of inclusive education, students with reading and writing difficulties should continue their education in inclusive classes. However, the necessity of providing supplementary support to these students in addition to inclusive education was frequently emphasized. When the practices of primary school teachers with students having reading and writing difficulty were examined, it was observed that they generally used letter/syllable trinkets, gamification, letter cards, individual syllable work, memorization assignments, dictation work, story reading, drama and colored syllables. On the other hand, it was determined that methods, techniques or strategies that stated to be effective in the literature were either used very little or not at all in classrooms.
OZET Bu arastirmada icsel ve dissal okuma motivasyonunun okudugunu anlamayi dogrudan ve okuma ali... more OZET Bu arastirmada icsel ve dissal okuma motivasyonunun okudugunu anlamayi dogrudan ve okuma aliskanligi araciligiyla dolayli olarak etkileme durumu test edilmistir. Arastirma iliskisel tarama modeli cercevesinde yurutulmustur. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu alt, orta ve ust sosyoekonomik duzeye mensup toplam 481 ilkogretim 5. sinif ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Arastirma sonuclari, icsel motivasyonun okudugunu anlamayi olumlu yonde etkiledigini;rekabet faktoru haric dissal motivasyonun ise olumsuz yonde etkiledigini gostermistir. Ogrencilerin okulda daha cok dissal motivasyon nedeniyle okudugu, kisisel tercihlerine dayali okumalarinda ise icsel motivasyonun etkili oldugu belirlenmistir. Ogrencilerin okuma aliskanliklarinin okudugunu anlama basarisina dogrudan etkisinin olmadigi belirlenmistir. ABSTRACT This study aimed wheter or not reading comprehension was affected directly by intrinsic and extrinsic reading motivation, and indirectly by the mediation of the reading habit. The study ...
Bu calismanin amaci okuma kulturu olusumunda aile yeterliligini belirlemek amaciyla bir olcek gel... more Bu calismanin amaci okuma kulturu olusumunda aile yeterliligini belirlemek amaciyla bir olcek gelistirmek ve olcegin gecerlik-guvenirligini ortaya koymaktir. Calisma grubu 418 Aciklayici Faktor Analizi, 134 Dogrulayici Faktor Analizi ve 129 uygulama olmak uzere toplam 681 veliden olusmustur. Olcegin yapi gecerliginin test edilmesinde uygulanan AFA sonucunda 4 faktor ve 19 maddeden olusan bir olcek formuna ulasilmistir. Olcegi olusturan faktorler toplam varyansin %57.54’unu aciklamaktadir. Olcegin tamaminin cronbach alpha degeri .86’ dir. Faktorel yapiyi test etmek amaciyla yapilan DFA sonucunda, uyum indekslerinin kabul edilebilir duzeyde oldugu ve tum faktorlerin birbiriyle olumlu ve anlamli duzeyde iliskili oldugu belirlenmistir. Veliler uzerinde yapilan uygulama sonucunda okuma kulturu olusturmada anneden veya babadan birinin katiliminin anlamli fark olusturmadigi, egitimi lisans duzeyinde olan annelerin diger gruplardan anlamli duzeyde farklilastigi gorulmustur. Baba egitim duze...
Arastirmada ilkogretim besinci sinif ogrensilerinin hikaye edici metinlere iliskin tercihleri ve ... more Arastirmada ilkogretim besinci sinif ogrensilerinin hikaye edici metinlere iliskin tercihleri ve bu tercihlerin hangi degiskenlerden ne olcude etkilendiginin tespiti amaclanmistir.Bu amac dogrultusunda toplam 601 besinci sinif ogrencisi orneklem olarak alinmis ve bu ogrencilere arastirmaci tarafindan gelistirilen anket formu uygulanmistir.Uygulama sonucunda ogrencilerin hikaye unsurlarini ve hikaye konulari tercih etmeleri uzerinde cinsiyet ve ogrencinin ikamet ettigi yerlesim yeri degiskeninin oldukca fazla ; okumaya karsi gelistirilen tutum ve akademik basari duzeyinin ise orta seviyede etkisinin oldugu sonucu bulunmustur.
This study aims to examine whether there is a relationship between reading comprehension and flue... more This study aims to examine whether there is a relationship between reading comprehension and fluent reading skills of primary school students (2-5 graders) and their reading comprehension is predicted by their fluent reading skills. This study had a survey design and was conducted in Kulu, Konya, Turkey. The sample consisted of totally 72 students of whom 18 were selected for each grade level who vary from each other in terms of gender and academic performance. Data were collected through “The Prosodic Reading Scale” and “Comprehension Tests”. Besides, the data related to students’ reading fluency and reading rate were rated through the scales regarding video records. Correlational and multiple regression analyses were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that reading fluency, reading rate, and prosody are found to be significantly interrelated. According to the correlational results, prosodic skills and reading rate were found to be closely related. Fluent reading skills and...
In this paper, new insights are offered into ways young children’s language and literacy learning... more In this paper, new insights are offered into ways young children’s language and literacy learning can be enhanced through parental involvement. Programs that help parents ease their children’s transition from home to school are described.
This study aimed wheter or not reading comprehension was affected directly by intrinsic and extri... more This study aimed wheter or not reading comprehension was affected directly by intrinsic and extrinsic reading motivation, and indirectly by the mediation of the reading habit. The study group comprised a total of 481 fifth graders from the lower, middle and upper socioeconomic levels. Accoding to the results of the study intrinsic motivation was found to have a positive effect on reading comprehension. It was also found that extrinsic motivation affects reading comprehension negatively but that its "competition" dimension affects reading comprehension positively. The results showed that intrinsic motivation, not extrinsic, is effective when reading stems from students' personal tendencies. Students seemed to spend time on reading materials that tap their interests and curiosities outside school. However, during school-related reading hours, extrinsic motivation seemed to have a stronger effect. The results also showed that students' reading habits did not affect th...
Arastirmanin amaci Ses Bilgisi Farkindalik Programinin (SBFP), ilkokul birinci sinif ogrencilerin... more Arastirmanin amaci Ses Bilgisi Farkindalik Programinin (SBFP), ilkokul birinci sinif ogrencilerinin sesbilgisel farkindalik becerilerininin (1-uyak farkindaligi, 2-kelime farkindaligi, 3- hece farkindaligi, 4-ilk ses-son ses farkindaligi ve 5-sesbirim farkindaligi becerilerinin) gelisimine olan etkisini belirlemektir. Arastirma on test-son test kontrol gruplu yari deneysel desende olarak planlanmistir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu, Sivas il merkezinde orta sosyo-ekonomik duzeydeki bir devlet ilkokulunun iki subesinde ogrenim goren toplam 47 normal gelisim gosteren birinci sinif ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Deney grubunda 24; kontrol grubunda 23 ogrenci yer almaktadir. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak “Ses Bilgisi Farkindalik Olcegi” ve “Fonolojik Farkindalik Olcegi” kullanilmistir. Deney ve kontrol gruplarina on test uygulandiktan sonra, deney grubundaki cocuklara arastirmaci tarafindan Ses Bilgisi Farkindalik Programinda yer alan etkinlikler 40 oturumda, sekiz hafta boyunca ve h...
International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2017
The main purpose of the current study is to explain the effect of an enrichment reading program o... more The main purpose of the current study is to explain the effect of an enrichment reading program on the cognitive processes and neural structures of children experiencing reading difficulties. The current study was carried out in line with a single-subject research method and the between-subjects multiple probe design belonging to this method. This research focuses on a group of eight students with reading difficulties. Within the context of the study, memory capacities, attention spans, reading-related activation and white matter pathways of the students were determined before and after the application of the enrichment reading program. This determination process was carried out in two stages. Neuro-imaging was performed in the first stage and in the second stage the students’ cognitive processes and neural structures were investigated in terms of focusing attention and memory capacities by using the following tools: Stroop Test TBAG Form, Auditory Verbal Digit Span Test-Form B, Can...
The Reading Matrix : an International Online Journal, 2015
One of the most important aims of teaching reading is to help students acquire fluent reading ski... more One of the most important aims of teaching reading is to help students acquire fluent reading skills. With this aim in mind, this study attempted to support a student with difficulty to become a fluent reader by improving his reading skills using a fluency instruction method called repeated reading. This study was performed with an elementary school student experiencing reading difficulty in Turkey’s Kirsehir province in the spring semester of the academic year. The study continued for about 10 weeks and had positive improvements on the student’s reading comprehension, automaticity and accuracy skills. The views of the student’s parents and class teacher also supported these improvements.
The purpose of this study is to develop a scale in order to determine family competence in the fo... more The purpose of this study is to develop a scale in order to determine family competence in the formation of reading culture and to reveal the validity-reliability of the scale. The study group consisted of 681 parents, including 418 Explanatory Factor Analysis, 134 Confirmatory Factor Analysis and 129 applications. As a result of the AFA applied in testing the construct validity of the scale, a scale form consisting of 4 factors and 19 items was reached. The factors that make up the scale explain 57.54% of the total variance. The cronbach alpha value of the entire scale is .86. As a result of the CFA conducted to test the factorial structure, it was determined that the fit indexes were acceptable and all factors were positively and significantly related to each other. As a result of the application made on parents, it was seen that the participation of one of the mother or father did not make a significant difference in creating a reading culture, and the mothers whose education was at the undergraduate level differed significantly from other groups. It was determined that fathers graduate fathers, whose father's education level had a significant effect in creating reading culture, were more than high school and middle school graduates. It was determined that the family income level made a significant difference in creating a reading culture, and the families in the upper income group differed significantly from the lower income group. As a result, a scale form with valid structure and the ability to make reliable measurements has been reached. In future researches, it is recommended to apply on parents who have younger students to determine the reading activities of the family in preschool period. Bu çalışmanın amacı okuma kültürü oluşumunda aile yeterliliğini belirlemek amacıyla bir ölçek geliştirmek ve ölçeğin geçerlik-güvenirliğini ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma grubu 418 Açıklayıcı Faktör Analizi, 134 Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi ve 129 uygulama olmak üzere toplam 681 veliden oluşmuştur. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliğinin test edilmesinde uygulanan AFA sonucunda 4 faktör ve 19 maddeden oluşan bir ölçek formuna ulaşılmıştır. Ölçeği oluşturan faktörler toplam varyansın %57.54'ünü açıklamaktadır. Ölçeğin tamamının cronbach alpha değeri .86' dır. Faktörel yapıyı test etmek amacıyla yapılan DFA sonucunda, uyum indekslerinin kabul edilebilir düzeyde olduğu ve tüm faktörlerin birbiriyle olumlu ve anlamlı düzeyde ilişkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Veliler üzerinde yapılan uygulama sonucunda okuma kültürü oluşturmada anneden veya babadan birinin katılımının anlamlı fark oluşturmadığı, eğitimi lisans düzeyinde olan annelerin diğer gruplardan anlamlı düzeyde farklılaştığı görülmüştür. Baba eğitim düzeyinin okuma kültürü oluşturmada anlamlı etkisinin olduğu lisans mezunu babaların lise ve ortaokul mezunu babalardan daha yeterli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Aile gelir düzeyinin okuma kültürü oluşturmada anlamlı fark oluşturduğu, üst gelir grubunda yer alan ailelerin, alt gelir grubundan anlamlı şekilde farklılaştığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuçta geçerli yapıya ve güvenilir ölçümler yapma özelliğine sahip bir ölçek formuna ulaşılmıştır. Gelecek araştırmalarda okul öncesi dönemde ailenin okuma etkinliklerinin belirlenmesine yönelik küçük yaş grubu öğrenciye sahip veliler üzerinde uygulanması tavsiye edilmektedir.
lnternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education
The study examines the effects of collaborative learning techniques on written expression, self-r... more The study examines the effects of collaborative learning techniques on written expression, self-regulation and writing motivation. It was designed according to the pre-test-post-test control group experimental model. The research was conducted during the 2017-2018 academic year with a total of 88 students in in one control and two experimental groups. The first experimental group performed writing exercises according to Co-Op Co-Op and the second experimental group utilized the STAD technique. The control group, on the other hand, carried out writing studies according to the Turkish Lesson Teaching Program (MEB, 2018). Data were collected via a Personal Information Form, 6+1 Analytical Writing and Evaluation Scale, Writing Oriented Self-Regulation Scale and Writing Motivation Scale and were analyzed with the SPSS program. When the findings are examined, a significant difference was seen between the experimental groups and the control group's post-test score average for self-regu...
International Journal of Progressive Education, 2021
This study aims to examine in-depth the practices and the problems of primary school teachers in ... more This study aims to examine in-depth the practices and the problems of primary school teachers in identifying and eliminating reading and writing difficulties. The current study employed phenomenology method, one of the qualitative research designs and the data of the study were collected through observation and interview techniques. Criterion sampling, one of the purposeful sampling methods was utilized in determining study group. Six primary school teachers were selected in accordance with the determined criteria to collect the interview data. To collect observation data, 3 primary schools were selected and a total of 16 hours of observation was made. According to the findings, most of the teachers did not receive education about identifying students with reading and writing difficulties, conducting studies with these students, and preparing materials, activities, and etc. suitable for them. Moreover, primary school teachers expressed that although there were some disadvantages of inclusive education, students with reading and writing difficulties should continue their education in inclusive classes. However, the necessity of providing supplementary support to these students in addition to inclusive education was frequently emphasized. When the practices of primary school teachers with students having reading and writing difficulty were examined, it was observed that they generally used letter/syllable trinkets, gamification, letter cards, individual syllable work, memorization assignments, dictation work, story reading, drama and colored syllables. On the other hand, it was determined that methods, techniques or strategies that stated to be effective in the literature were either used very little or not at all in classrooms.
OZET Bu arastirmada icsel ve dissal okuma motivasyonunun okudugunu anlamayi dogrudan ve okuma ali... more OZET Bu arastirmada icsel ve dissal okuma motivasyonunun okudugunu anlamayi dogrudan ve okuma aliskanligi araciligiyla dolayli olarak etkileme durumu test edilmistir. Arastirma iliskisel tarama modeli cercevesinde yurutulmustur. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu alt, orta ve ust sosyoekonomik duzeye mensup toplam 481 ilkogretim 5. sinif ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Arastirma sonuclari, icsel motivasyonun okudugunu anlamayi olumlu yonde etkiledigini;rekabet faktoru haric dissal motivasyonun ise olumsuz yonde etkiledigini gostermistir. Ogrencilerin okulda daha cok dissal motivasyon nedeniyle okudugu, kisisel tercihlerine dayali okumalarinda ise icsel motivasyonun etkili oldugu belirlenmistir. Ogrencilerin okuma aliskanliklarinin okudugunu anlama basarisina dogrudan etkisinin olmadigi belirlenmistir. ABSTRACT This study aimed wheter or not reading comprehension was affected directly by intrinsic and extrinsic reading motivation, and indirectly by the mediation of the reading habit. The study ...
Bu calismanin amaci okuma kulturu olusumunda aile yeterliligini belirlemek amaciyla bir olcek gel... more Bu calismanin amaci okuma kulturu olusumunda aile yeterliligini belirlemek amaciyla bir olcek gelistirmek ve olcegin gecerlik-guvenirligini ortaya koymaktir. Calisma grubu 418 Aciklayici Faktor Analizi, 134 Dogrulayici Faktor Analizi ve 129 uygulama olmak uzere toplam 681 veliden olusmustur. Olcegin yapi gecerliginin test edilmesinde uygulanan AFA sonucunda 4 faktor ve 19 maddeden olusan bir olcek formuna ulasilmistir. Olcegi olusturan faktorler toplam varyansin %57.54’unu aciklamaktadir. Olcegin tamaminin cronbach alpha degeri .86’ dir. Faktorel yapiyi test etmek amaciyla yapilan DFA sonucunda, uyum indekslerinin kabul edilebilir duzeyde oldugu ve tum faktorlerin birbiriyle olumlu ve anlamli duzeyde iliskili oldugu belirlenmistir. Veliler uzerinde yapilan uygulama sonucunda okuma kulturu olusturmada anneden veya babadan birinin katiliminin anlamli fark olusturmadigi, egitimi lisans duzeyinde olan annelerin diger gruplardan anlamli duzeyde farklilastigi gorulmustur. Baba egitim duze...
Arastirmada ilkogretim besinci sinif ogrensilerinin hikaye edici metinlere iliskin tercihleri ve ... more Arastirmada ilkogretim besinci sinif ogrensilerinin hikaye edici metinlere iliskin tercihleri ve bu tercihlerin hangi degiskenlerden ne olcude etkilendiginin tespiti amaclanmistir.Bu amac dogrultusunda toplam 601 besinci sinif ogrencisi orneklem olarak alinmis ve bu ogrencilere arastirmaci tarafindan gelistirilen anket formu uygulanmistir.Uygulama sonucunda ogrencilerin hikaye unsurlarini ve hikaye konulari tercih etmeleri uzerinde cinsiyet ve ogrencinin ikamet ettigi yerlesim yeri degiskeninin oldukca fazla ; okumaya karsi gelistirilen tutum ve akademik basari duzeyinin ise orta seviyede etkisinin oldugu sonucu bulunmustur.
This study aims to examine whether there is a relationship between reading comprehension and flue... more This study aims to examine whether there is a relationship between reading comprehension and fluent reading skills of primary school students (2-5 graders) and their reading comprehension is predicted by their fluent reading skills. This study had a survey design and was conducted in Kulu, Konya, Turkey. The sample consisted of totally 72 students of whom 18 were selected for each grade level who vary from each other in terms of gender and academic performance. Data were collected through “The Prosodic Reading Scale” and “Comprehension Tests”. Besides, the data related to students’ reading fluency and reading rate were rated through the scales regarding video records. Correlational and multiple regression analyses were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that reading fluency, reading rate, and prosody are found to be significantly interrelated. According to the correlational results, prosodic skills and reading rate were found to be closely related. Fluent reading skills and...
In this paper, new insights are offered into ways young children’s language and literacy learning... more In this paper, new insights are offered into ways young children’s language and literacy learning can be enhanced through parental involvement. Programs that help parents ease their children’s transition from home to school are described.
This study aimed wheter or not reading comprehension was affected directly by intrinsic and extri... more This study aimed wheter or not reading comprehension was affected directly by intrinsic and extrinsic reading motivation, and indirectly by the mediation of the reading habit. The study group comprised a total of 481 fifth graders from the lower, middle and upper socioeconomic levels. Accoding to the results of the study intrinsic motivation was found to have a positive effect on reading comprehension. It was also found that extrinsic motivation affects reading comprehension negatively but that its "competition" dimension affects reading comprehension positively. The results showed that intrinsic motivation, not extrinsic, is effective when reading stems from students' personal tendencies. Students seemed to spend time on reading materials that tap their interests and curiosities outside school. However, during school-related reading hours, extrinsic motivation seemed to have a stronger effect. The results also showed that students' reading habits did not affect th...
Arastirmanin amaci Ses Bilgisi Farkindalik Programinin (SBFP), ilkokul birinci sinif ogrencilerin... more Arastirmanin amaci Ses Bilgisi Farkindalik Programinin (SBFP), ilkokul birinci sinif ogrencilerinin sesbilgisel farkindalik becerilerininin (1-uyak farkindaligi, 2-kelime farkindaligi, 3- hece farkindaligi, 4-ilk ses-son ses farkindaligi ve 5-sesbirim farkindaligi becerilerinin) gelisimine olan etkisini belirlemektir. Arastirma on test-son test kontrol gruplu yari deneysel desende olarak planlanmistir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu, Sivas il merkezinde orta sosyo-ekonomik duzeydeki bir devlet ilkokulunun iki subesinde ogrenim goren toplam 47 normal gelisim gosteren birinci sinif ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Deney grubunda 24; kontrol grubunda 23 ogrenci yer almaktadir. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak “Ses Bilgisi Farkindalik Olcegi” ve “Fonolojik Farkindalik Olcegi” kullanilmistir. Deney ve kontrol gruplarina on test uygulandiktan sonra, deney grubundaki cocuklara arastirmaci tarafindan Ses Bilgisi Farkindalik Programinda yer alan etkinlikler 40 oturumda, sekiz hafta boyunca ve h...
International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2017
The main purpose of the current study is to explain the effect of an enrichment reading program o... more The main purpose of the current study is to explain the effect of an enrichment reading program on the cognitive processes and neural structures of children experiencing reading difficulties. The current study was carried out in line with a single-subject research method and the between-subjects multiple probe design belonging to this method. This research focuses on a group of eight students with reading difficulties. Within the context of the study, memory capacities, attention spans, reading-related activation and white matter pathways of the students were determined before and after the application of the enrichment reading program. This determination process was carried out in two stages. Neuro-imaging was performed in the first stage and in the second stage the students’ cognitive processes and neural structures were investigated in terms of focusing attention and memory capacities by using the following tools: Stroop Test TBAG Form, Auditory Verbal Digit Span Test-Form B, Can...
The Reading Matrix : an International Online Journal, 2015
One of the most important aims of teaching reading is to help students acquire fluent reading ski... more One of the most important aims of teaching reading is to help students acquire fluent reading skills. With this aim in mind, this study attempted to support a student with difficulty to become a fluent reader by improving his reading skills using a fluency instruction method called repeated reading. This study was performed with an elementary school student experiencing reading difficulty in Turkey’s Kirsehir province in the spring semester of the academic year. The study continued for about 10 weeks and had positive improvements on the student’s reading comprehension, automaticity and accuracy skills. The views of the student’s parents and class teacher also supported these improvements.
Papers by Hayati AKYOL