El estudio utiliza el método bibliométrico y comprende el
análisis cuantitativo de las publicacio... more El estudio utiliza el método bibliométrico y comprende el análisis cuantitativo de las publicaciones de autores de instituciones argentinas localizados en buscadores web como Google y Google Scholar, repositorios digitales especializados como E-LIS (E-Prints in Library and Information Science), bibliotecas digitales como SciELO (poner además in extenso) y RedALyC (poner además in extenso) y en la base de datos SCOPUS, de Elsevier, por ser la fuente de datos multidisciplinar e internacional más comprensiva del mundo. Los términos empleados para realizar las búsquedas en estas fuentes han sido “bibliometría”, “análisis bibliométrico” y términos equivalentes en inglés “bibliometric” y “scientometric”, a los que se agregó el nombre de Argentina para identificar y reunir los trabajos en los que al menos uno de los autores incluyera la mención de una institución argentina en los datos de afiliación institucional. No se realizó una delimitación temporal, sino que se rastrearon todos los estudios realizados con independencia del año, encontrándose el primero de ellos publicado en 1984. Cabe señalar que una importante cantidad de las publicaciones estudiadas viene siendo compilada desde hace años por uno de los autores teniendo esta tarea un enorme valor en la generación de una fuente de datos de estudios bibliométricos realizados por investigadores argentinos, que de otro modo estarían dispersos.
El trabajo tiene dos ejes. La primer parte se centra en el estudio comparativo de las colecciones... more El trabajo tiene dos ejes. La primer parte se centra en el estudio comparativo de las colecciones hemerográficas de las bibliotecas del Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública y el Ministerio de Economía de la Nación Argentina. La segunda pretende determinar y presentar la evolución temporal de los temas relativos a la Administración Pública mas tratados en los últimos doce años
RESUMEN: Trabajo que tiene por objetivo observar la conducta manifiesta de los autores que public... more RESUMEN: Trabajo que tiene por objetivo observar la conducta manifiesta de los autores que publican en Biblios - revista electrónica editada en el Perú dedicada a la Biblioteconomía, Museología y Archivología, que lleva publicados 15 números desde 1999 - e interpretar, con técnicas bibliométricas, las formas que revisten los ítem –temas puntos estudiados, mediante la elaboración de tablas e itnerpretaciones estadísticas y de este modo comprender el rol biunívoco de productores/consumidores de información documental. Concluye en que los autores tienen un índice de coautoría bajo, utilizan el idioma inglés como primera lengua de consulta extranjera. El uso del portugués es muy bajo, lo mismo que las citaciones sacadas de Internet que alcanzan el 11.92% del total. Pertencen primordialmente al ámbito universitario, son, en su mayoría, profesionales de la biblioteconomía. La mayoría de los autores pertenecen al género masculino, paradoja dentro de una profesión con alta presencia femenina. España aparece como el país donde se editó la mayor parte de las citaciones y ocupa el segundo lugar de residencia de los autores. Los países de América Latina, representados, son los que más han publicado pero en cuanto a la producción de las citaciones, en conjunto ocupan el 31.93% del total.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Bibliometría, Publicaciones periódicas, Ciencias de la Información
ABSTRACT: Paper which aims to observe the manifest behavior of authors who
publish in the Boletín... more ABSTRACT: Paper which aims to observe the manifest behavior of authors who publish in the Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica - edited by the homonymous society, and is dedicated to all branches of plant biology. It studies the numbers 40 to 46, published from 2005 to 2011. Interprets, the forms of the items studied, by preparing tables and statistical interpretations. Concludes that the authors have a collaboration index of 2.68 per work, use English as their first language of consultation, that the primary source of consultation is the periodical, and belong primarily to the university environment. KEY WORDS: Institute of Investigation, Bibliometry, Periodicals, Botany, Plant Systematics, Argentina
Work that has by objective to study Literature on Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., with the... more Work that has by objective to study Literature on Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., with the purpose of to be able to unravel that the ways uses the authors on this taxa, the languages in which were especially written and to be able to observe the languages Portuguese and Castilian (used in the countries in which east tree dwells) like vehicles of the scientific research. Paralelally it interprets, the studied forms that have the item, by means of the elaboration of tables and statistical interpretations, investigating for it the following indices: Responsability, Type of document, Main authors, Year of edition of documents in order to be able to establish the growth of this one LiteratureThe productivity of 1238 authors who between 1913 and 2008 produced 760 publications on Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze. was analyzed. Keywords: Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., Portuguese, Spanish
The present work includes articles concerning bibliometry, done at least, by one of the authors b... more The present work includes articles concerning bibliometry, done at least, by one of the authors being argentine. To compile it we use Google http://google.com.ar and Scholar Google with the following formulas: Bibliometric analysis * Argentina and Bibliometry * Argentina. Besides, it was visited E-Lis, http://eprints.rclis.org/repository in which it was used the descriptor Bibliometric Methods. Last, we extracted some of the articles from the bibliography quoted by the authors made in each work. In order to make an instrument as explicit as possible, we include the abstracts done by the authors, which are suitably quoted. There are only a few works which we did not have in our hands and thus lack the abstracts. As for descriptors, the vast majority are those assigned by the authors, and when they were not present, we assigned them trying to respect the spirit stated in the titles.
During 1995-2002, 109 articles and 2277 references published in 10 volumen of the
“Revista de Inv... more During 1995-2002, 109 articles and 2277 references published in 10 volumen of the “Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias” (RIA) were investigated, except 1998-1999 that RIA wasn´t edited. In order to determinate authors´s behavior patttern: use of documental source, descriptors and languages´s prevalence, coauthors, colaboration´s groups, annual obsolescence and productivy, different index and bibliometric techniques were applied. Minimum references (in absolute terms) were during 1997 and 2001 years, but it was 1997 (144 references) considering relatives amount by volume. In respect to quotations, 67 was the maximum and 3 the minimum, with an average of 20,89 quotations by article; it was an coauthor´s index of 2,37, and 3,36 considering the 2277 references and the 109 papers, respectively. Spanish is the main language in works (91,74%) followed by english (8,26%). There was a prevalence of english as more consulted language (65,17%), followed by spanish (31,18%), and in minor proportion portuguese, french, germany and italian language (3,65%). Besides, the periodical publications were the most consulted documental source (62,41%), following monographs (28,15%) and finally papers presented at Congress (9,44%). Regarding consulted literature during the last 3 years, major frecuency ocurred during the 80´ and 90´ decades. Cattle, forages, dairy cattle, insecticides and direct drilling were the main subject, fitted with INTA´s objectives, editor of RIA. Applying Bradford´s law, core will contain authors with up to 4 works: Saini (7), Paccapelo (6), Kloster and Santini (5), Benintende, Covas and Rearte (4). There was coincidence between the subject of these authors and the descriptors core. Key words: Bibliometric analysis, RIA
SUMMARY: This work includes articles on bibliometrics made by at least one author a
national of A... more SUMMARY: This work includes articles on bibliometrics made by at least one author a national of Argentina. For the compilation http://www.google.com.ar went to Google and Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com.ar/, with the following formulas: Bibliometric analysis * Bibliometrics * Argentina and Argentina. In order to make an instrument as explicit as possible, to include summaries by the authors, which are conveniently quoted. However there are some jobs whose abstracts have not been able to find and there are also some jobs that did not have descriptors (in the version we consulted) and assign us. KEY WORDS: Bibliometry, Bibliography, Argentina
ABSTRACT: Work that aims to observe the manifest behavior of the authors who deposit on the site ... more ABSTRACT: Work that aims to observe the manifest behavior of the authors who deposit on the site of ELis corresponding to Argentina - which at the time of data capture were 312 documents. Interprets the forms of the items studied by preparing tables and statistical interpretations. The first two items are devoted to study authors as depositors, while the remaining part is devoted to study authors as consumers o fdocumentary information services. Regarding the first part, it concludes that the authors have a collaboration index of 1.68 authors per paper, and that the elite consists of the top 15 in the series they account for 42.07% of the total. The second part comprises an elite authorial formed by 39 authors who accounts for 17.183% of all jobs. As for the document monographs are the first with 51,28% of the total, English as a first language in a foreign consultation with a 30.26%, but the most used language is the Spanish with 64.61%. Interestingly, the use of various South American indigenous languages. Are primarily the field of library science, both ranking as the performance information units, and the subject addressed is noted a marked proclivity to librarianship. KEYWORDS: OPEN ACCESS, THEMATIC REPOSITORIES, USER’S STUDY, INFORMATION SCIENCES, ARGENTINA
Abstract: The porpouse of the present report is to establish if the Institute’s database is suita... more Abstract: The porpouse of the present report is to establish if the Institute’s database is suitable as provider of the documentary ressources needed by the authors of the documents sponsored by Inap. To do so, it is counted how many of the papers cited by the authors were part of the fund at the moment of carrying on their studies. It is done a simulation, playing the role of each investigator looking for their references, and only in the case that the work had been incorporated previously to the writing, it is considered as belonging to the bibliographic fund. The evaluation is done with a scales ranging form 0 to 10 at the botton and the top respectively. The method followed is the one whick (Lancaster 1988) denominates “confrontation list”, which is made compilating, from , the studies done by a community of investigations from an entity, a bibliography made out of the footnotes, references at the end of the chapters, the final bibliography, etc. It was taken a random sample at 15% using aleatory numbers (the total ammount of papers at the moment of the study was 971). It was taken into account the following variables: Call number, Date of edititon, Total ammount of cites, Percentage of possesed cites, Total ammount of non possesed cites. The result was 53 works (35.09%) wint cites and 98 without quotations (64.90%). The total ammount of cites detected was 842, of which were present only 164 (19.47%).The latest were not taken into account do that with it it is impossible to measure the pertinence. KEYWORDS: BIBLIOMETRY, STUDY OF USERS, CASES, EVALUATION TECHNIQUES, PERTINENCE
RESUMEN: Analiza en forma bibliométrica las principales características de la revista
Darwiniana ... more RESUMEN: Analiza en forma bibliométrica las principales características de la revista Darwiniana con el objeto de describirlas y tratar de comprender el comportamiento documental del colectivo de autores que en ella publican de os autores que publican en ella. PALABRAS CLAVE: Instituto de Investigación, Bibliometría, Publicaciones Periódicas, Botánica, Sistemática Vegetal, Argentina
ABSTRACT: Paper which has by objective to observe the manifest behaviour of the authors who publi... more ABSTRACT: Paper which has by objective to observe the manifest behaviour of the authors who published in Yvyraretá –a review edited by the Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales dependent of the Facultad de Ciencias Forestales of the Universidad Nacional de Misiones- devoted to forestry and related subjects, which has published 12 numbers since 1990. It interprets, the ways that items adopt, by elaborating tables and statistical interpretations. It concludes in which authors has an index of collaboration of 3.10 by work, use English as the first language of consultation. It is important the use of the Portuguese language which reaches 9.54%, which besides is one of the idioms in which it is allowed to publish in the review. It is offered some emprical data about self citation and some critical observations are made about the obsolescence of certain materials suppousedly old which are among the most cited and which are of high utility. The authors belong primordially to the university sector and they mainly belong to agronomic and forestry engineering, belonging the majority to the masculine genere. KEYWORDS: Institute of Investigation, Bibliometry, Serial
Palabras clave: Bibliometría, Investigadores, Instituto de Investigación, Estudio de Usuarios de ... more Palabras clave: Bibliometría, Investigadores, Instituto de Investigación, Estudio de Usuarios de Información Abstract: Paper which has as objective to analyse the citations done through out the investigations sponsored by the Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública, in order to inquire about the gendre to what belong the authors, which is their fractionary productiviy and hence the coauthorship index, the mean life of the material mentioned, the languages in which the works were written, the kind of publication quoted, the key words of the titles as a mean of having evidences about the themes treated and its paradigms. Besides it is desired to averiguate who are the authores citated, who are the most productives, the place they belong to or come from and which kind of relationship have with the Institute. Furthermore and based on bibliographic couplins and cocitations, we try to establish thematic. Lasty it is intented to show a panorama about the instiutional investigation activity, from the perspective of non integrant of the investigators group.
Key words: Bibliometry, Investigators, Institute of Investigation, Users of Information’s study
The present paper continues with the bibliometric analysis of Revista de Investigaciones... more Abstract The present paper continues with the bibliometric analysis of Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. For that purpose, it is analysed a total of 90 contributions, appeared in 14 numbers and their 1336 references, published in the period comprehended between 1964-1979, with an average of 14.85 cites per work , and a rank between 87 and 3 respectively. The mean productivity of the magazine is 6.43 numbers/year with a rank comprehended between 1 and 21. In order to determinate authors´s behavior patttern: use of documental source, descriptors and languages´s prevalence, coauthors, colaboration´s groups, annual obsolescence and productivy, different index and bibliometric techniques were applied. Among the papers it predominated English (the most consulted language) with 75.97%, the Spanish with a 18.64% and in less proportion French, German and others with a 5.39. Periodicals was the documentary source most used with a 74.70%, second was monographies with a 18.94%, and finally contributions to congresses with a 6.36%. With respect to citations, the highest frequency corresponds to seventies (813 citations) and the sixties (523 citations). The index of self-citations reaches 9.66 % while its mean life is . 2.32 years. The most treated subjects are: Bovines (21.47%), Feeding (8.90), Pastures (7.85%), Rodents (6.81%) and Pigs (4.71), all of which matches INTA’s goals. All this subjects sum up 49.74% of the distribution. The index of coauthorship reaches 2.76 per article. The mean life is 8.39 years, the utility 7%, and the index of Price 0.78356 (26.77%.). The core of periodicals comprises 7 titles: Journal of Animal Science, RIA, Journal of Nutrition, Journal of Dairy Science., Journal of Agricultural Science, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, and Journal of Biological Chemistry. The most productive authors are: Massoia, E. (8.75), Giraudo, C.G. (5.08), Marchi, A. (5.08), Cercos, A.P. (5), Cairnie, A.G. (3,5) y García, Pilar T. (3,08). We make some comparisons with simialr papers, to frame the study and have the majority of the information available. In order to do so, it is taken into account the nature of works analysed., some comments are made on the use of Portuguese based in comparative analysis. Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, RIA, Serials, Argentina, Latin America, Spanish, Portuguese, Comparative analysis
Abstract: This paper aims to observe and describe the bibliometric research picture in Argentina ... more Abstract: This paper aims to observe and describe the bibliometric research picture in Argentina in the period between 1984 and 2012, based on analysis of the publications of argentine authors located in web search engines, subject repositories and regional and international databases. It interprets forms lining the items studied focusing attention on the following indicators: volume and evolution of scientific production, type of literature, language, subject-matter and analysis unit. It calculates co-authorship index and rates of national and international collaboration. Also it shows the existence of some research groups and the affiliation institutions of main authors, characterizing their research topics and journals and congresses where they published more frequently. Keywords: Bibliometrics; Scientific production; Argentine authors; Argentina
Estudia la literatura sobre Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., con el fin de poder desentraña... more Estudia la literatura sobre Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., con el fin de poder desentrañar que pautas utilizan los autores sobre este taxa, en especial los idiomas en que fueron escritos y poder observar los idiomas portugués y castellano (utilizados en los países en los cuales mora este árbol) como vehículos de la investigación científica. Paralelamente interpreta, las formas que revisten los ítem estudiados, mediante la elaboración de tablas e interpretaciones estadísticas, indagando para ello los siguientes índices: Autoría, Tipo de documento, Principales autores, Año de edición de los documentos a fin de poder establecer el crecimiento de ésta literatura. Analiza la literatura de Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze. publicada desde 1819 hasta 2008. Estudo da literatura sobre Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze., A fim de desvendar padrões utilizados pelos autores neste táxon, especialmente nas línguas que foram escritos e poder observar os idiomas Português e castelhano (utilizado em países onde esta árvore mora) como veículos para a investigação científica. Paralelo interpreta que as formas de linha item estudado pela elaboração de tabelas e interpretações estatísticas, o teste para que os seguintes índices: Criação, tipo de documento, principais autores, ano da publicação do documentos a fim de determinar o crescimento da literatura. Analisa a literatura Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. publicação 1819-2008.
El estudio utiliza el método bibliométrico y comprende el
análisis cuantitativo de las publicacio... more El estudio utiliza el método bibliométrico y comprende el análisis cuantitativo de las publicaciones de autores de instituciones argentinas localizados en buscadores web como Google y Google Scholar, repositorios digitales especializados como E-LIS (E-Prints in Library and Information Science), bibliotecas digitales como SciELO (poner además in extenso) y RedALyC (poner además in extenso) y en la base de datos SCOPUS, de Elsevier, por ser la fuente de datos multidisciplinar e internacional más comprensiva del mundo. Los términos empleados para realizar las búsquedas en estas fuentes han sido “bibliometría”, “análisis bibliométrico” y términos equivalentes en inglés “bibliometric” y “scientometric”, a los que se agregó el nombre de Argentina para identificar y reunir los trabajos en los que al menos uno de los autores incluyera la mención de una institución argentina en los datos de afiliación institucional. No se realizó una delimitación temporal, sino que se rastrearon todos los estudios realizados con independencia del año, encontrándose el primero de ellos publicado en 1984. Cabe señalar que una importante cantidad de las publicaciones estudiadas viene siendo compilada desde hace años por uno de los autores teniendo esta tarea un enorme valor en la generación de una fuente de datos de estudios bibliométricos realizados por investigadores argentinos, que de otro modo estarían dispersos.
El trabajo tiene dos ejes. La primer parte se centra en el estudio comparativo de las colecciones... more El trabajo tiene dos ejes. La primer parte se centra en el estudio comparativo de las colecciones hemerográficas de las bibliotecas del Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública y el Ministerio de Economía de la Nación Argentina. La segunda pretende determinar y presentar la evolución temporal de los temas relativos a la Administración Pública mas tratados en los últimos doce años
RESUMEN: Trabajo que tiene por objetivo observar la conducta manifiesta de los autores que public... more RESUMEN: Trabajo que tiene por objetivo observar la conducta manifiesta de los autores que publican en Biblios - revista electrónica editada en el Perú dedicada a la Biblioteconomía, Museología y Archivología, que lleva publicados 15 números desde 1999 - e interpretar, con técnicas bibliométricas, las formas que revisten los ítem –temas puntos estudiados, mediante la elaboración de tablas e itnerpretaciones estadísticas y de este modo comprender el rol biunívoco de productores/consumidores de información documental. Concluye en que los autores tienen un índice de coautoría bajo, utilizan el idioma inglés como primera lengua de consulta extranjera. El uso del portugués es muy bajo, lo mismo que las citaciones sacadas de Internet que alcanzan el 11.92% del total. Pertencen primordialmente al ámbito universitario, son, en su mayoría, profesionales de la biblioteconomía. La mayoría de los autores pertenecen al género masculino, paradoja dentro de una profesión con alta presencia femenina. España aparece como el país donde se editó la mayor parte de las citaciones y ocupa el segundo lugar de residencia de los autores. Los países de América Latina, representados, son los que más han publicado pero en cuanto a la producción de las citaciones, en conjunto ocupan el 31.93% del total.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Bibliometría, Publicaciones periódicas, Ciencias de la Información
ABSTRACT: Paper which aims to observe the manifest behavior of authors who
publish in the Boletín... more ABSTRACT: Paper which aims to observe the manifest behavior of authors who publish in the Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica - edited by the homonymous society, and is dedicated to all branches of plant biology. It studies the numbers 40 to 46, published from 2005 to 2011. Interprets, the forms of the items studied, by preparing tables and statistical interpretations. Concludes that the authors have a collaboration index of 2.68 per work, use English as their first language of consultation, that the primary source of consultation is the periodical, and belong primarily to the university environment. KEY WORDS: Institute of Investigation, Bibliometry, Periodicals, Botany, Plant Systematics, Argentina
Work that has by objective to study Literature on Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., with the... more Work that has by objective to study Literature on Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., with the purpose of to be able to unravel that the ways uses the authors on this taxa, the languages in which were especially written and to be able to observe the languages Portuguese and Castilian (used in the countries in which east tree dwells) like vehicles of the scientific research. Paralelally it interprets, the studied forms that have the item, by means of the elaboration of tables and statistical interpretations, investigating for it the following indices: Responsability, Type of document, Main authors, Year of edition of documents in order to be able to establish the growth of this one LiteratureThe productivity of 1238 authors who between 1913 and 2008 produced 760 publications on Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze. was analyzed. Keywords: Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., Portuguese, Spanish
The present work includes articles concerning bibliometry, done at least, by one of the authors b... more The present work includes articles concerning bibliometry, done at least, by one of the authors being argentine. To compile it we use Google http://google.com.ar and Scholar Google with the following formulas: Bibliometric analysis * Argentina and Bibliometry * Argentina. Besides, it was visited E-Lis, http://eprints.rclis.org/repository in which it was used the descriptor Bibliometric Methods. Last, we extracted some of the articles from the bibliography quoted by the authors made in each work. In order to make an instrument as explicit as possible, we include the abstracts done by the authors, which are suitably quoted. There are only a few works which we did not have in our hands and thus lack the abstracts. As for descriptors, the vast majority are those assigned by the authors, and when they were not present, we assigned them trying to respect the spirit stated in the titles.
During 1995-2002, 109 articles and 2277 references published in 10 volumen of the
“Revista de Inv... more During 1995-2002, 109 articles and 2277 references published in 10 volumen of the “Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias” (RIA) were investigated, except 1998-1999 that RIA wasn´t edited. In order to determinate authors´s behavior patttern: use of documental source, descriptors and languages´s prevalence, coauthors, colaboration´s groups, annual obsolescence and productivy, different index and bibliometric techniques were applied. Minimum references (in absolute terms) were during 1997 and 2001 years, but it was 1997 (144 references) considering relatives amount by volume. In respect to quotations, 67 was the maximum and 3 the minimum, with an average of 20,89 quotations by article; it was an coauthor´s index of 2,37, and 3,36 considering the 2277 references and the 109 papers, respectively. Spanish is the main language in works (91,74%) followed by english (8,26%). There was a prevalence of english as more consulted language (65,17%), followed by spanish (31,18%), and in minor proportion portuguese, french, germany and italian language (3,65%). Besides, the periodical publications were the most consulted documental source (62,41%), following monographs (28,15%) and finally papers presented at Congress (9,44%). Regarding consulted literature during the last 3 years, major frecuency ocurred during the 80´ and 90´ decades. Cattle, forages, dairy cattle, insecticides and direct drilling were the main subject, fitted with INTA´s objectives, editor of RIA. Applying Bradford´s law, core will contain authors with up to 4 works: Saini (7), Paccapelo (6), Kloster and Santini (5), Benintende, Covas and Rearte (4). There was coincidence between the subject of these authors and the descriptors core. Key words: Bibliometric analysis, RIA
SUMMARY: This work includes articles on bibliometrics made by at least one author a
national of A... more SUMMARY: This work includes articles on bibliometrics made by at least one author a national of Argentina. For the compilation http://www.google.com.ar went to Google and Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com.ar/, with the following formulas: Bibliometric analysis * Bibliometrics * Argentina and Argentina. In order to make an instrument as explicit as possible, to include summaries by the authors, which are conveniently quoted. However there are some jobs whose abstracts have not been able to find and there are also some jobs that did not have descriptors (in the version we consulted) and assign us. KEY WORDS: Bibliometry, Bibliography, Argentina
ABSTRACT: Work that aims to observe the manifest behavior of the authors who deposit on the site ... more ABSTRACT: Work that aims to observe the manifest behavior of the authors who deposit on the site of ELis corresponding to Argentina - which at the time of data capture were 312 documents. Interprets the forms of the items studied by preparing tables and statistical interpretations. The first two items are devoted to study authors as depositors, while the remaining part is devoted to study authors as consumers o fdocumentary information services. Regarding the first part, it concludes that the authors have a collaboration index of 1.68 authors per paper, and that the elite consists of the top 15 in the series they account for 42.07% of the total. The second part comprises an elite authorial formed by 39 authors who accounts for 17.183% of all jobs. As for the document monographs are the first with 51,28% of the total, English as a first language in a foreign consultation with a 30.26%, but the most used language is the Spanish with 64.61%. Interestingly, the use of various South American indigenous languages. Are primarily the field of library science, both ranking as the performance information units, and the subject addressed is noted a marked proclivity to librarianship. KEYWORDS: OPEN ACCESS, THEMATIC REPOSITORIES, USER’S STUDY, INFORMATION SCIENCES, ARGENTINA
Abstract: The porpouse of the present report is to establish if the Institute’s database is suita... more Abstract: The porpouse of the present report is to establish if the Institute’s database is suitable as provider of the documentary ressources needed by the authors of the documents sponsored by Inap. To do so, it is counted how many of the papers cited by the authors were part of the fund at the moment of carrying on their studies. It is done a simulation, playing the role of each investigator looking for their references, and only in the case that the work had been incorporated previously to the writing, it is considered as belonging to the bibliographic fund. The evaluation is done with a scales ranging form 0 to 10 at the botton and the top respectively. The method followed is the one whick (Lancaster 1988) denominates “confrontation list”, which is made compilating, from , the studies done by a community of investigations from an entity, a bibliography made out of the footnotes, references at the end of the chapters, the final bibliography, etc. It was taken a random sample at 15% using aleatory numbers (the total ammount of papers at the moment of the study was 971). It was taken into account the following variables: Call number, Date of edititon, Total ammount of cites, Percentage of possesed cites, Total ammount of non possesed cites. The result was 53 works (35.09%) wint cites and 98 without quotations (64.90%). The total ammount of cites detected was 842, of which were present only 164 (19.47%).The latest were not taken into account do that with it it is impossible to measure the pertinence. KEYWORDS: BIBLIOMETRY, STUDY OF USERS, CASES, EVALUATION TECHNIQUES, PERTINENCE
RESUMEN: Analiza en forma bibliométrica las principales características de la revista
Darwiniana ... more RESUMEN: Analiza en forma bibliométrica las principales características de la revista Darwiniana con el objeto de describirlas y tratar de comprender el comportamiento documental del colectivo de autores que en ella publican de os autores que publican en ella. PALABRAS CLAVE: Instituto de Investigación, Bibliometría, Publicaciones Periódicas, Botánica, Sistemática Vegetal, Argentina
ABSTRACT: Paper which has by objective to observe the manifest behaviour of the authors who publi... more ABSTRACT: Paper which has by objective to observe the manifest behaviour of the authors who published in Yvyraretá –a review edited by the Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales dependent of the Facultad de Ciencias Forestales of the Universidad Nacional de Misiones- devoted to forestry and related subjects, which has published 12 numbers since 1990. It interprets, the ways that items adopt, by elaborating tables and statistical interpretations. It concludes in which authors has an index of collaboration of 3.10 by work, use English as the first language of consultation. It is important the use of the Portuguese language which reaches 9.54%, which besides is one of the idioms in which it is allowed to publish in the review. It is offered some emprical data about self citation and some critical observations are made about the obsolescence of certain materials suppousedly old which are among the most cited and which are of high utility. The authors belong primordially to the university sector and they mainly belong to agronomic and forestry engineering, belonging the majority to the masculine genere. KEYWORDS: Institute of Investigation, Bibliometry, Serial
Palabras clave: Bibliometría, Investigadores, Instituto de Investigación, Estudio de Usuarios de ... more Palabras clave: Bibliometría, Investigadores, Instituto de Investigación, Estudio de Usuarios de Información Abstract: Paper which has as objective to analyse the citations done through out the investigations sponsored by the Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública, in order to inquire about the gendre to what belong the authors, which is their fractionary productiviy and hence the coauthorship index, the mean life of the material mentioned, the languages in which the works were written, the kind of publication quoted, the key words of the titles as a mean of having evidences about the themes treated and its paradigms. Besides it is desired to averiguate who are the authores citated, who are the most productives, the place they belong to or come from and which kind of relationship have with the Institute. Furthermore and based on bibliographic couplins and cocitations, we try to establish thematic. Lasty it is intented to show a panorama about the instiutional investigation activity, from the perspective of non integrant of the investigators group.
Key words: Bibliometry, Investigators, Institute of Investigation, Users of Information’s study
The present paper continues with the bibliometric analysis of Revista de Investigaciones... more Abstract The present paper continues with the bibliometric analysis of Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. For that purpose, it is analysed a total of 90 contributions, appeared in 14 numbers and their 1336 references, published in the period comprehended between 1964-1979, with an average of 14.85 cites per work , and a rank between 87 and 3 respectively. The mean productivity of the magazine is 6.43 numbers/year with a rank comprehended between 1 and 21. In order to determinate authors´s behavior patttern: use of documental source, descriptors and languages´s prevalence, coauthors, colaboration´s groups, annual obsolescence and productivy, different index and bibliometric techniques were applied. Among the papers it predominated English (the most consulted language) with 75.97%, the Spanish with a 18.64% and in less proportion French, German and others with a 5.39. Periodicals was the documentary source most used with a 74.70%, second was monographies with a 18.94%, and finally contributions to congresses with a 6.36%. With respect to citations, the highest frequency corresponds to seventies (813 citations) and the sixties (523 citations). The index of self-citations reaches 9.66 % while its mean life is . 2.32 years. The most treated subjects are: Bovines (21.47%), Feeding (8.90), Pastures (7.85%), Rodents (6.81%) and Pigs (4.71), all of which matches INTA’s goals. All this subjects sum up 49.74% of the distribution. The index of coauthorship reaches 2.76 per article. The mean life is 8.39 years, the utility 7%, and the index of Price 0.78356 (26.77%.). The core of periodicals comprises 7 titles: Journal of Animal Science, RIA, Journal of Nutrition, Journal of Dairy Science., Journal of Agricultural Science, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, and Journal of Biological Chemistry. The most productive authors are: Massoia, E. (8.75), Giraudo, C.G. (5.08), Marchi, A. (5.08), Cercos, A.P. (5), Cairnie, A.G. (3,5) y García, Pilar T. (3,08). We make some comparisons with simialr papers, to frame the study and have the majority of the information available. In order to do so, it is taken into account the nature of works analysed., some comments are made on the use of Portuguese based in comparative analysis. Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, RIA, Serials, Argentina, Latin America, Spanish, Portuguese, Comparative analysis
Abstract: This paper aims to observe and describe the bibliometric research picture in Argentina ... more Abstract: This paper aims to observe and describe the bibliometric research picture in Argentina in the period between 1984 and 2012, based on analysis of the publications of argentine authors located in web search engines, subject repositories and regional and international databases. It interprets forms lining the items studied focusing attention on the following indicators: volume and evolution of scientific production, type of literature, language, subject-matter and analysis unit. It calculates co-authorship index and rates of national and international collaboration. Also it shows the existence of some research groups and the affiliation institutions of main authors, characterizing their research topics and journals and congresses where they published more frequently. Keywords: Bibliometrics; Scientific production; Argentine authors; Argentina
Estudia la literatura sobre Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., con el fin de poder desentraña... more Estudia la literatura sobre Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., con el fin de poder desentrañar que pautas utilizan los autores sobre este taxa, en especial los idiomas en que fueron escritos y poder observar los idiomas portugués y castellano (utilizados en los países en los cuales mora este árbol) como vehículos de la investigación científica. Paralelamente interpreta, las formas que revisten los ítem estudiados, mediante la elaboración de tablas e interpretaciones estadísticas, indagando para ello los siguientes índices: Autoría, Tipo de documento, Principales autores, Año de edición de los documentos a fin de poder establecer el crecimiento de ésta literatura. Analiza la literatura de Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze. publicada desde 1819 hasta 2008. Estudo da literatura sobre Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze., A fim de desvendar padrões utilizados pelos autores neste táxon, especialmente nas línguas que foram escritos e poder observar os idiomas Português e castelhano (utilizado em países onde esta árvore mora) como veículos para a investigação científica. Paralelo interpreta que as formas de linha item estudado pela elaboração de tabelas e interpretações estatísticas, o teste para que os seguintes índices: Criação, tipo de documento, principais autores, ano da publicação do documentos a fim de determinar o crescimento da literatura. Analisa a literatura Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. publicação 1819-2008.
Papers by Pedro Dimitri
análisis cuantitativo de las publicaciones de autores de instituciones argentinas localizados en buscadores web como Google y Google Scholar, repositorios digitales especializados como E-LIS (E-Prints in Library and Information Science), bibliotecas digitales como SciELO (poner además in extenso) y RedALyC (poner además in extenso) y en la base de datos SCOPUS, de Elsevier, por ser la fuente de datos multidisciplinar e internacional más comprensiva del mundo. Los términos empleados para realizar las búsquedas en estas fuentes han sido “bibliometría”, “análisis bibliométrico” y términos equivalentes en inglés “bibliometric” y “scientometric”, a los
que se agregó el nombre de Argentina para identificar y reunir los trabajos en los que al menos uno de los autores incluyera la mención de una institución argentina en los datos
de afiliación institucional. No se realizó una delimitación temporal, sino que se rastrearon todos los estudios realizados con independencia del año, encontrándose el primero de ellos publicado en 1984. Cabe señalar que una importante cantidad de las publicaciones estudiadas viene siendo compilada desde hace años por uno de los autores
teniendo esta tarea un enorme valor en la generación de una fuente de datos de estudios bibliométricos realizados por investigadores argentinos, que de otro modo estarían
Concluye en que los autores tienen un índice de coautoría bajo, utilizan el idioma inglés como primera lengua de consulta extranjera. El uso del portugués es muy bajo, lo mismo que las citaciones sacadas de Internet que alcanzan el 11.92% del total. Pertencen primordialmente al ámbito universitario, son, en su mayoría, profesionales de la biblioteconomía. La mayoría de los autores pertenecen al género masculino, paradoja dentro de una profesión con alta presencia femenina.
España aparece como el país donde se editó la mayor parte de las citaciones y ocupa el segundo lugar de residencia de los autores. Los países de América Latina, representados, son los que más han publicado pero en cuanto a la producción de las citaciones, en conjunto ocupan el 31.93% del total.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Bibliometría, Publicaciones periódicas, Ciencias de la Información
publish in the Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica - edited by the
homonymous society, and is dedicated to all branches of plant biology. It studies the
numbers 40 to 46, published from 2005 to 2011. Interprets, the forms of the items
studied, by preparing tables and statistical interpretations. Concludes that the authors
have a collaboration index of 2.68 per work, use English as their first language of
consultation, that the primary source of consultation is the periodical, and belong
primarily to the university environment.
KEY WORDS: Institute of Investigation, Bibliometry, Periodicals, Botany, Plant
Systematics, Argentina
purpose of to be able to unravel that the ways uses the authors on this taxa, the languages in which
were especially written and to be able to observe the languages Portuguese and Castilian (used in the
countries in which east tree dwells) like vehicles of the scientific research. Paralelally it interprets, the
studied forms that have the item, by means of the elaboration of tables and statistical interpretations,
investigating for it the following indices: Responsability, Type of document, Main authors, Year of
edition of documents in order to be able to establish the growth of this one LiteratureThe productivity
of 1238 authors who between 1913 and 2008 produced 760 publications on Araucaria angustifolia
(Bert.)O.Ktze. was analyzed.
Keywords: Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., Portuguese, Spanish
Bibliometry * Argentina. Besides, it was visited E-Lis, http://eprints.rclis.org/repository in which it was used the descriptor Bibliometric Methods. Last, we extracted
some of the articles from the bibliography quoted by the authors made in each work. In
order to make an instrument as explicit as possible, we include the abstracts done by the
authors, which are suitably quoted. There are only a few works which we did not have in our hands and thus lack the abstracts. As for descriptors, the vast majority are those assigned by the authors, and when they were not present, we assigned them trying to respect the spirit stated in the titles.
“Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias” (RIA) were investigated, except 1998-1999
that RIA wasn´t edited. In order to determinate authors´s behavior patttern: use of
documental source, descriptors and languages´s prevalence, coauthors, colaboration´s
groups, annual obsolescence and productivy, different index and bibliometric techniques
were applied. Minimum references (in absolute terms) were during 1997 and 2001 years,
but it was 1997 (144 references) considering relatives amount by volume. In respect to
quotations, 67 was the maximum and 3 the minimum, with an average of 20,89 quotations
by article; it was an coauthor´s index of 2,37, and 3,36 considering the 2277 references and
the 109 papers, respectively. Spanish is the main language in works (91,74%) followed by
english (8,26%). There was a prevalence of english as more consulted language (65,17%),
followed by spanish (31,18%), and in minor proportion portuguese, french, germany and
italian language (3,65%). Besides, the periodical publications were the most consulted
documental source (62,41%), following monographs (28,15%) and finally papers presented
at Congress (9,44%). Regarding consulted literature during the last 3 years, major
frecuency ocurred during the 80´ and 90´ decades. Cattle, forages, dairy cattle, insecticides
and direct drilling were the main subject, fitted with INTA´s objectives, editor of RIA.
Applying Bradford´s law, core will contain authors with up to 4 works: Saini (7), Paccapelo
(6), Kloster and Santini (5), Benintende, Covas and Rearte (4). There was coincidence
between the subject of these authors and the descriptors core.
Key words: Bibliometric analysis, RIA
national of Argentina. For the compilation http://www.google.com.ar went to Google
and Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com.ar/, with the following formulas:
Bibliometric analysis * Bibliometrics * Argentina and Argentina. In order to make an
instrument as explicit as possible, to include summaries by the authors, which are
conveniently quoted. However there are some jobs whose abstracts have not been able
to find and there are also some jobs that did not have descriptors (in the version we
consulted) and assign us.
KEY WORDS: Bibliometry, Bibliography, Argentina
corresponding to Argentina - which at the time of data capture were 312 documents. Interprets the
forms of the items studied by preparing tables and statistical interpretations. The first two items are
devoted to study authors as depositors, while the remaining part is devoted to study authors as consumers
o fdocumentary information services. Regarding the first part, it concludes that the authors have a
collaboration index of 1.68 authors per paper, and that the elite consists of the top 15 in the series they
account for 42.07% of the total. The second part comprises an elite authorial formed by 39 authors who
accounts for 17.183% of all jobs. As for the document monographs are the first with 51,28% of the total,
English as a first language in a foreign consultation with a 30.26%, but the most used language is the
Spanish with 64.61%. Interestingly, the use of various South American indigenous languages. Are
primarily the field of library science, both ranking as the performance information units, and the subject
addressed is noted a marked proclivity to librarianship.
Darwiniana con el objeto de describirlas y tratar de comprender el comportamiento
documental del colectivo de autores que en ella publican de os autores que publican
en ella.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Instituto de Investigación, Bibliometría, Publicaciones Periódicas,
Botánica, Sistemática Vegetal, Argentina
KEYWORDS: Institute of Investigation, Bibliometry, Serial
Abstract: Paper which has as objective to analyse the citations done through out the investigations sponsored by the Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública, in order to inquire about the gendre to what belong the authors, which is their fractionary productiviy and hence the coauthorship index, the mean life of the material mentioned, the languages in which the works were written, the kind of publication quoted, the key words of the titles as a mean of having evidences about the themes treated and its paradigms. Besides it is desired to averiguate who are the authores citated, who are the most productives, the place they belong to or come from and which kind of relationship have with the Institute. Furthermore and based on bibliographic couplins and cocitations, we try to establish thematic. Lasty it is intented to show a panorama about the instiutional investigation activity, from the perspective of non integrant of the investigators group.
Key words: Bibliometry, Investigators, Institute of Investigation, Users of Information’s study
The present paper continues with the bibliometric analysis of Revista de Investigaciones
Agropecuarias. For that purpose, it is analysed a total of 90 contributions, appeared in 14
numbers and their 1336 references, published in the period comprehended between 1964-1979,
with an average of 14.85 cites per work , and a rank between 87 and 3 respectively. The mean
productivity of the magazine is 6.43 numbers/year with a rank comprehended between 1 and 21.
In order to determinate authors´s behavior patttern: use of documental source, descriptors and
languages´s prevalence, coauthors, colaboration´s groups, annual obsolescence and productivy,
different index and bibliometric techniques were applied. Among the papers it predominated
English (the most consulted language) with 75.97%, the Spanish with a 18.64% and in less
proportion French, German and others with a 5.39. Periodicals was the documentary source
most used with a 74.70%, second was monographies with a 18.94%, and finally contributions to
congresses with a 6.36%. With respect to citations, the highest frequency corresponds to
seventies (813 citations) and the sixties (523 citations). The index of self-citations reaches 9.66
% while its mean life is . 2.32 years. The most treated subjects are: Bovines (21.47%), Feeding
(8.90), Pastures (7.85%), Rodents (6.81%) and Pigs (4.71), all of which matches INTA’s goals.
All this subjects sum up 49.74% of the distribution. The index of coauthorship reaches 2.76 per
article. The mean life is 8.39 years, the utility 7%, and the index of Price 0.78356 (26.77%.).
The core of periodicals comprises 7 titles: Journal of Animal Science, RIA, Journal of Nutrition,
Journal of Dairy Science., Journal of Agricultural Science, Australian Journal of Agricultural
Research, and Journal of Biological Chemistry. The most productive authors are: Massoia, E.
(8.75), Giraudo, C.G. (5.08), Marchi, A. (5.08), Cercos, A.P. (5), Cairnie, A.G. (3,5) y García,
Pilar T. (3,08). We make some comparisons with simialr papers, to frame the study and have the
majority of the information available. In order to do so, it is taken into account the nature of
works analysed., some comments are made on the use of Portuguese based in comparative
Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, RIA, Serials, Argentina, Latin America, Spanish, Portuguese,
Comparative analysis
Keywords: Bibliometrics; Scientific production; Argentine authors; Argentina
BIBLIOMETRÍA by Pedro Dimitri
Estudo da literatura sobre Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze., A fim de desvendar padrões utilizados pelos autores neste táxon, especialmente nas línguas que foram escritos e poder observar os idiomas Português e castelhano (utilizado em países onde esta árvore mora) como veículos para a investigação científica. Paralelo interpreta que as formas de linha item estudado pela elaboração de tabelas e interpretações estatísticas, o teste para que os seguintes índices: Criação, tipo de documento, principais autores, ano da publicação do documentos a fim de determinar o crescimento da literatura. Analisa a literatura Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. publicação 1819-2008.
análisis cuantitativo de las publicaciones de autores de instituciones argentinas localizados en buscadores web como Google y Google Scholar, repositorios digitales especializados como E-LIS (E-Prints in Library and Information Science), bibliotecas digitales como SciELO (poner además in extenso) y RedALyC (poner además in extenso) y en la base de datos SCOPUS, de Elsevier, por ser la fuente de datos multidisciplinar e internacional más comprensiva del mundo. Los términos empleados para realizar las búsquedas en estas fuentes han sido “bibliometría”, “análisis bibliométrico” y términos equivalentes en inglés “bibliometric” y “scientometric”, a los
que se agregó el nombre de Argentina para identificar y reunir los trabajos en los que al menos uno de los autores incluyera la mención de una institución argentina en los datos
de afiliación institucional. No se realizó una delimitación temporal, sino que se rastrearon todos los estudios realizados con independencia del año, encontrándose el primero de ellos publicado en 1984. Cabe señalar que una importante cantidad de las publicaciones estudiadas viene siendo compilada desde hace años por uno de los autores
teniendo esta tarea un enorme valor en la generación de una fuente de datos de estudios bibliométricos realizados por investigadores argentinos, que de otro modo estarían
Concluye en que los autores tienen un índice de coautoría bajo, utilizan el idioma inglés como primera lengua de consulta extranjera. El uso del portugués es muy bajo, lo mismo que las citaciones sacadas de Internet que alcanzan el 11.92% del total. Pertencen primordialmente al ámbito universitario, son, en su mayoría, profesionales de la biblioteconomía. La mayoría de los autores pertenecen al género masculino, paradoja dentro de una profesión con alta presencia femenina.
España aparece como el país donde se editó la mayor parte de las citaciones y ocupa el segundo lugar de residencia de los autores. Los países de América Latina, representados, son los que más han publicado pero en cuanto a la producción de las citaciones, en conjunto ocupan el 31.93% del total.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Bibliometría, Publicaciones periódicas, Ciencias de la Información
publish in the Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica - edited by the
homonymous society, and is dedicated to all branches of plant biology. It studies the
numbers 40 to 46, published from 2005 to 2011. Interprets, the forms of the items
studied, by preparing tables and statistical interpretations. Concludes that the authors
have a collaboration index of 2.68 per work, use English as their first language of
consultation, that the primary source of consultation is the periodical, and belong
primarily to the university environment.
KEY WORDS: Institute of Investigation, Bibliometry, Periodicals, Botany, Plant
Systematics, Argentina
purpose of to be able to unravel that the ways uses the authors on this taxa, the languages in which
were especially written and to be able to observe the languages Portuguese and Castilian (used in the
countries in which east tree dwells) like vehicles of the scientific research. Paralelally it interprets, the
studied forms that have the item, by means of the elaboration of tables and statistical interpretations,
investigating for it the following indices: Responsability, Type of document, Main authors, Year of
edition of documents in order to be able to establish the growth of this one LiteratureThe productivity
of 1238 authors who between 1913 and 2008 produced 760 publications on Araucaria angustifolia
(Bert.)O.Ktze. was analyzed.
Keywords: Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.)O.Ktze., Portuguese, Spanish
Bibliometry * Argentina. Besides, it was visited E-Lis, http://eprints.rclis.org/repository in which it was used the descriptor Bibliometric Methods. Last, we extracted
some of the articles from the bibliography quoted by the authors made in each work. In
order to make an instrument as explicit as possible, we include the abstracts done by the
authors, which are suitably quoted. There are only a few works which we did not have in our hands and thus lack the abstracts. As for descriptors, the vast majority are those assigned by the authors, and when they were not present, we assigned them trying to respect the spirit stated in the titles.
“Revista de Investigaciones Agropecuarias” (RIA) were investigated, except 1998-1999
that RIA wasn´t edited. In order to determinate authors´s behavior patttern: use of
documental source, descriptors and languages´s prevalence, coauthors, colaboration´s
groups, annual obsolescence and productivy, different index and bibliometric techniques
were applied. Minimum references (in absolute terms) were during 1997 and 2001 years,
but it was 1997 (144 references) considering relatives amount by volume. In respect to
quotations, 67 was the maximum and 3 the minimum, with an average of 20,89 quotations
by article; it was an coauthor´s index of 2,37, and 3,36 considering the 2277 references and
the 109 papers, respectively. Spanish is the main language in works (91,74%) followed by
english (8,26%). There was a prevalence of english as more consulted language (65,17%),
followed by spanish (31,18%), and in minor proportion portuguese, french, germany and
italian language (3,65%). Besides, the periodical publications were the most consulted
documental source (62,41%), following monographs (28,15%) and finally papers presented
at Congress (9,44%). Regarding consulted literature during the last 3 years, major
frecuency ocurred during the 80´ and 90´ decades. Cattle, forages, dairy cattle, insecticides
and direct drilling were the main subject, fitted with INTA´s objectives, editor of RIA.
Applying Bradford´s law, core will contain authors with up to 4 works: Saini (7), Paccapelo
(6), Kloster and Santini (5), Benintende, Covas and Rearte (4). There was coincidence
between the subject of these authors and the descriptors core.
Key words: Bibliometric analysis, RIA
national of Argentina. For the compilation http://www.google.com.ar went to Google
and Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com.ar/, with the following formulas:
Bibliometric analysis * Bibliometrics * Argentina and Argentina. In order to make an
instrument as explicit as possible, to include summaries by the authors, which are
conveniently quoted. However there are some jobs whose abstracts have not been able
to find and there are also some jobs that did not have descriptors (in the version we
consulted) and assign us.
KEY WORDS: Bibliometry, Bibliography, Argentina
corresponding to Argentina - which at the time of data capture were 312 documents. Interprets the
forms of the items studied by preparing tables and statistical interpretations. The first two items are
devoted to study authors as depositors, while the remaining part is devoted to study authors as consumers
o fdocumentary information services. Regarding the first part, it concludes that the authors have a
collaboration index of 1.68 authors per paper, and that the elite consists of the top 15 in the series they
account for 42.07% of the total. The second part comprises an elite authorial formed by 39 authors who
accounts for 17.183% of all jobs. As for the document monographs are the first with 51,28% of the total,
English as a first language in a foreign consultation with a 30.26%, but the most used language is the
Spanish with 64.61%. Interestingly, the use of various South American indigenous languages. Are
primarily the field of library science, both ranking as the performance information units, and the subject
addressed is noted a marked proclivity to librarianship.
Darwiniana con el objeto de describirlas y tratar de comprender el comportamiento
documental del colectivo de autores que en ella publican de os autores que publican
en ella.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Instituto de Investigación, Bibliometría, Publicaciones Periódicas,
Botánica, Sistemática Vegetal, Argentina
KEYWORDS: Institute of Investigation, Bibliometry, Serial
Abstract: Paper which has as objective to analyse the citations done through out the investigations sponsored by the Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública, in order to inquire about the gendre to what belong the authors, which is their fractionary productiviy and hence the coauthorship index, the mean life of the material mentioned, the languages in which the works were written, the kind of publication quoted, the key words of the titles as a mean of having evidences about the themes treated and its paradigms. Besides it is desired to averiguate who are the authores citated, who are the most productives, the place they belong to or come from and which kind of relationship have with the Institute. Furthermore and based on bibliographic couplins and cocitations, we try to establish thematic. Lasty it is intented to show a panorama about the instiutional investigation activity, from the perspective of non integrant of the investigators group.
Key words: Bibliometry, Investigators, Institute of Investigation, Users of Information’s study
The present paper continues with the bibliometric analysis of Revista de Investigaciones
Agropecuarias. For that purpose, it is analysed a total of 90 contributions, appeared in 14
numbers and their 1336 references, published in the period comprehended between 1964-1979,
with an average of 14.85 cites per work , and a rank between 87 and 3 respectively. The mean
productivity of the magazine is 6.43 numbers/year with a rank comprehended between 1 and 21.
In order to determinate authors´s behavior patttern: use of documental source, descriptors and
languages´s prevalence, coauthors, colaboration´s groups, annual obsolescence and productivy,
different index and bibliometric techniques were applied. Among the papers it predominated
English (the most consulted language) with 75.97%, the Spanish with a 18.64% and in less
proportion French, German and others with a 5.39. Periodicals was the documentary source
most used with a 74.70%, second was monographies with a 18.94%, and finally contributions to
congresses with a 6.36%. With respect to citations, the highest frequency corresponds to
seventies (813 citations) and the sixties (523 citations). The index of self-citations reaches 9.66
% while its mean life is . 2.32 years. The most treated subjects are: Bovines (21.47%), Feeding
(8.90), Pastures (7.85%), Rodents (6.81%) and Pigs (4.71), all of which matches INTA’s goals.
All this subjects sum up 49.74% of the distribution. The index of coauthorship reaches 2.76 per
article. The mean life is 8.39 years, the utility 7%, and the index of Price 0.78356 (26.77%.).
The core of periodicals comprises 7 titles: Journal of Animal Science, RIA, Journal of Nutrition,
Journal of Dairy Science., Journal of Agricultural Science, Australian Journal of Agricultural
Research, and Journal of Biological Chemistry. The most productive authors are: Massoia, E.
(8.75), Giraudo, C.G. (5.08), Marchi, A. (5.08), Cercos, A.P. (5), Cairnie, A.G. (3,5) y García,
Pilar T. (3,08). We make some comparisons with simialr papers, to frame the study and have the
majority of the information available. In order to do so, it is taken into account the nature of
works analysed., some comments are made on the use of Portuguese based in comparative
Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, RIA, Serials, Argentina, Latin America, Spanish, Portuguese,
Comparative analysis
Keywords: Bibliometrics; Scientific production; Argentine authors; Argentina
Estudo da literatura sobre Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze., A fim de desvendar padrões utilizados pelos autores neste táxon, especialmente nas línguas que foram escritos e poder observar os idiomas Português e castelhano (utilizado em países onde esta árvore mora) como veículos para a investigação científica. Paralelo interpreta que as formas de linha item estudado pela elaboração de tabelas e interpretações estatísticas, o teste para que os seguintes índices: Criação, tipo de documento, principais autores, ano da publicação do documentos a fim de determinar o crescimento da literatura. Analisa a literatura Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. publicação 1819-2008.