Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Institut fuer Geschichtswissenschaften
Please contact me, if this article is not available at your library. The new approaches to global history established during the last two decades have stimulated interest in the wanderings of medieval ascetics, missionaries, and... more
This chapter deals with typologies of religious foundations and pious endowments in medieval times.
This chapter deals with the religious and profane aims of founders, donors and other grant-makers in m,edieval times.
Please contact me, if this article is not available in your library. Ordinals, in latin called libri ordinarii or similar, are medieval codices containing the liturgical rules of sacral communities. In recent years they have been found... more
Liturgische Uniformität gilt als Markenzeichen aller religiösen Orden. Wann, wo und durch wen der Anspruch in die Welt gesetzt wurde, das gottesdienstliche Handeln von im Raum verstreuten Konventen weitestmöglich zu vereinheitlichen, ist... more
This contribution offers a general typology for the taxonomy of charitable foundations that is applicable particularly (but not only) for crosscultural or epoch-spanning comparisons.
Beginning with a census of printed liturgical rites of the Middle Ages, this article discusses first the various reasons and circumstances which led to the change of media from manuscript to typescript in the case of the Libri ordinarii,... more
David Hiley, Gionata Brusa (ed.), Der Liber ordinarius der Regensburger Domkirche. Eine textkritische Edition des mittelalterlichen Regelbuchs, Purkersdorf (Verlag Brüder Hollinek) 2020, LXI–332 S. (Codices Manuscripti & Impressi.... more