Postharvest changes in fruit and vegetable quality involve numerous, complex, and often interlink... more Postharvest changes in fruit and vegetable quality involve numerous, complex, and often interlinked metabolic pathways and physiological events. Because metabolic activity remains high after harvest, the control of these events is challenging. For this reason, fruits and vegetables are highly perishable commodities, and the deterioration of their quality is the cause of important economic losses, particularly when shipped to faraway destination markets. The main goal of postharvest research is to delay senescence and spoilage during shelf life and storage, while preserving and even favoring desirable quality traits. However, fruit and vegetables are also remarkably diverse in their structure, physiology, and tolerance to environmental conditions. In addition, the use of agrochemicals is becoming ever more restricted by local and international regulations and unacceptable to the final consumers of the produce. Therefore, postharvest handling and storage procedures need to be tailored to each specific commodity. To achieve these goals, a deeper and more comprehensive knowledge of the physiological, biochemical, and molecular basis of fruit and vegetable quality is required, and the application of advanced analysis techniques will be paramount to aid the in-depth understanding of postharvest changes. The Special Issue “Biochemical and Molecular Approaches to Postharvest Research” was launched with the aim of offering an overview of recent research work in this area.
El texto aborda la importancia del románico del Valle
de Arán. Debido a su ubicación geográfica, ... more El texto aborda la importancia del románico del Valle de Arán. Debido a su ubicación geográfica, el Valle de Arán estuvo relativamente aislado, lo que contribuyó a conservar estructuras organizativas antiguas y a la renovación de edificios eclesiásticos entre los siglos XI y XIII. El estudio se enfoca en la clasificación y datación de las iglesias románicas de Arán, y se destacan métodos arqueológicos como el análisis estratigráfico para establecer una cronología relativa y absoluta de las iglesias. El texto concluye con la discusión sobre la cronología de las iglesias del Valle de Arán, agrupándolas según sus características arquitectónicas y técnicas de construcción. Estas agrupaciones se comparan con estudios documentales y se relacionan con periodos específicos, proporcionando una visión detallada de la evolución del románico en esta región.
Passen més de 300 anys entre la conquesta carolíngia de Barcelona i l’ocupació definitiva de
Tarr... more Passen més de 300 anys entre la conquesta carolíngia de Barcelona i l’ocupació definitiva de Tarragona, dues poblacions separades per uns 90 km, un període de temps prou llarg com per entendre que l’evolució del poblament en el territori situat entre aquestes dues ciutats ha de ser complex i molt dinàmic. En aquest article s’estudia l’origen del poble de Bonastre (Baix Penedès) que entenem que pot ser il·lustratiu d’aquesta complexitat. L’estudi es fa a partir de la documentació escrita, l’estudi de la microtoponímia, les dades arqueològiques i l’anàlisi de la paleoxarxa viària. Es pretén que, a partir de l’anàlisi d’un cas local, es pugui ajudar a entendre un fenomen geogràficament molt més extens; l’ocupació comtal dels territoris del Camp de Tarragona-Penedès.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city, Feb 1, 2023
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of history that allows us to understand the appearance of today's city as the result of an involuntary process of urban planning determinism. That is to say, we can identify and understand the medieval, modern or contemporary city by identifying the Circus’ substratum.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city, Feb 1, 2023
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of history that allows us to understand the appearance of today's city as the result of an involuntary process of urban planning determinism. That is to say, we can identify and understand the medieval, modern or contemporary city by identifying the Circus’ substratum.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of h...
En la última década se ha asistido a una revolución en la documentación gráfica, la aparición de ... more En la última década se ha asistido a una revolución en la documentación gráfica, la aparición de los SCMD (fotogrametría digital y escáner láser). Estos sistemas superan la limitación de representar en un soporte bidimensional una realidad que es tridimensional, ofreciendo un nuevo abanico de posibilidades narrativas y semánticas hasta ahora irrealizables. Pero todo este potencial viene limitado por su complejidad técnica. No en vano los SMCD se desarrollaron y fueron pensados por y para ingenieros. Esto ha ocasionado que los trabajos de documentación con SMCD en arqueología los hayan protagonizado, mayoritariamente, empresas y profesionales del mundo de la ingeniería, generando no pocas distorsiones. Esta situación se ha ido superando, entre otras vías, con la profesionalización del arqueólogo especializado en Documentación Gráfica, que es capaz de conjugar los conocimientos técnicos esenciales de los SMCD con el conocimiento de la realidad arqueológica y de sus servidumbres. En es...
El poble de la Mussara, tot i estar en ruïnes, té el poder de no deixar indiferent cap visitant q... more El poble de la Mussara, tot i estar en ruïnes, té el poder de no deixar indiferent cap visitant que s’hi atansa per primera vegada. Els nouvinguts es queden impactats per un munt de condicionants que els sorprenen i, a més, generen una estranya complicitat amb qui el descobreix. Els treballs d’excavació arqueològica efectuats per l’Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica l’any 2018 per encàrrec de l’Ajuntament de Vilaplana i sota els auspicis de la Diputació de Tarragona han aclarit com era la primitiva església medieval, avantpassada de l’actual. De fet, en el transcurs de l’excavació i la posterior recerca documental han aparegut dades i evidències materials que remeten a l’edifici d’època medieval, barroca i contemporània. L’església es va anar adaptant al pas del temps, a les necessitats de la seva població en augment i als serveis litúrgics que havia de donar a la seva parròquia. Les restes arqueològiques i documentals que aquí s’avaluen actuen com a relatores de les fortaleses ...
The appearance of Tarragona s monumental complex of the Roman amphitheatre changed significantly ... more The appearance of Tarragona s monumental complex of the Roman amphitheatre changed significantly between 1967 and 1973. Alejandro Ferrant, architect of the Brigadas del PatrimonioArtístico Nacional (Brigades of National Artistic Heritage) of the Spanish government, directed the reconstruction works of an important part of the grandstands, using materials that, over time, have been mimicked/confused with the original structures. The intention seemed to be to restore the original grandeur of the building, although the works focused on the middle sector of the grandstands (media cavea), and only a short section of the upper sector (summa cavea) was reproduced, causing the amphitheatre to be perceived small compared to its original volume. More than 40 years have passed since the works were carried out; the image resulting from Ferrant's intervention is part of city s urban landscape: there are photographs of officialtourist promotion in which almost only the reconstructed parts of ...
Información del artículo La proporció en l´arquitectura ibèrica: la torre YZ de la ciutadella ibè... more Información del artículo La proporció en l´arquitectura ibèrica: la torre YZ de la ciutadella ibèrica d´Alorda Park (Calafell, Baix Penedès).
Estudio arquitectónico de los edificios paleocristianos conservados en la antigua Tarraco (actual... more Estudio arquitectónico de los edificios paleocristianos conservados en la antigua Tarraco (actual Tarragona) y en su entorno más inmediato
Postharvest changes in fruit and vegetable quality involve numerous, complex, and often interlink... more Postharvest changes in fruit and vegetable quality involve numerous, complex, and often interlinked metabolic pathways and physiological events. Because metabolic activity remains high after harvest, the control of these events is challenging. For this reason, fruits and vegetables are highly perishable commodities, and the deterioration of their quality is the cause of important economic losses, particularly when shipped to faraway destination markets. The main goal of postharvest research is to delay senescence and spoilage during shelf life and storage, while preserving and even favoring desirable quality traits. However, fruit and vegetables are also remarkably diverse in their structure, physiology, and tolerance to environmental conditions. In addition, the use of agrochemicals is becoming ever more restricted by local and international regulations and unacceptable to the final consumers of the produce. Therefore, postharvest handling and storage procedures need to be tailored to each specific commodity. To achieve these goals, a deeper and more comprehensive knowledge of the physiological, biochemical, and molecular basis of fruit and vegetable quality is required, and the application of advanced analysis techniques will be paramount to aid the in-depth understanding of postharvest changes. The Special Issue “Biochemical and Molecular Approaches to Postharvest Research” was launched with the aim of offering an overview of recent research work in this area.
El texto aborda la importancia del románico del Valle
de Arán. Debido a su ubicación geográfica, ... more El texto aborda la importancia del románico del Valle de Arán. Debido a su ubicación geográfica, el Valle de Arán estuvo relativamente aislado, lo que contribuyó a conservar estructuras organizativas antiguas y a la renovación de edificios eclesiásticos entre los siglos XI y XIII. El estudio se enfoca en la clasificación y datación de las iglesias románicas de Arán, y se destacan métodos arqueológicos como el análisis estratigráfico para establecer una cronología relativa y absoluta de las iglesias. El texto concluye con la discusión sobre la cronología de las iglesias del Valle de Arán, agrupándolas según sus características arquitectónicas y técnicas de construcción. Estas agrupaciones se comparan con estudios documentales y se relacionan con periodos específicos, proporcionando una visión detallada de la evolución del románico en esta región.
Passen més de 300 anys entre la conquesta carolíngia de Barcelona i l’ocupació definitiva de
Tarr... more Passen més de 300 anys entre la conquesta carolíngia de Barcelona i l’ocupació definitiva de Tarragona, dues poblacions separades per uns 90 km, un període de temps prou llarg com per entendre que l’evolució del poblament en el territori situat entre aquestes dues ciutats ha de ser complex i molt dinàmic. En aquest article s’estudia l’origen del poble de Bonastre (Baix Penedès) que entenem que pot ser il·lustratiu d’aquesta complexitat. L’estudi es fa a partir de la documentació escrita, l’estudi de la microtoponímia, les dades arqueològiques i l’anàlisi de la paleoxarxa viària. Es pretén que, a partir de l’anàlisi d’un cas local, es pugui ajudar a entendre un fenomen geogràficament molt més extens; l’ocupació comtal dels territoris del Camp de Tarragona-Penedès.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city, Feb 1, 2023
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of history that allows us to understand the appearance of today's city as the result of an involuntary process of urban planning determinism. That is to say, we can identify and understand the medieval, modern or contemporary city by identifying the Circus’ substratum.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city, Feb 1, 2023
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of history that allows us to understand the appearance of today's city as the result of an involuntary process of urban planning determinism. That is to say, we can identify and understand the medieval, modern or contemporary city by identifying the Circus’ substratum.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of h...
En la última década se ha asistido a una revolución en la documentación gráfica, la aparición de ... more En la última década se ha asistido a una revolución en la documentación gráfica, la aparición de los SCMD (fotogrametría digital y escáner láser). Estos sistemas superan la limitación de representar en un soporte bidimensional una realidad que es tridimensional, ofreciendo un nuevo abanico de posibilidades narrativas y semánticas hasta ahora irrealizables. Pero todo este potencial viene limitado por su complejidad técnica. No en vano los SMCD se desarrollaron y fueron pensados por y para ingenieros. Esto ha ocasionado que los trabajos de documentación con SMCD en arqueología los hayan protagonizado, mayoritariamente, empresas y profesionales del mundo de la ingeniería, generando no pocas distorsiones. Esta situación se ha ido superando, entre otras vías, con la profesionalización del arqueólogo especializado en Documentación Gráfica, que es capaz de conjugar los conocimientos técnicos esenciales de los SMCD con el conocimiento de la realidad arqueológica y de sus servidumbres. En es...
El poble de la Mussara, tot i estar en ruïnes, té el poder de no deixar indiferent cap visitant q... more El poble de la Mussara, tot i estar en ruïnes, té el poder de no deixar indiferent cap visitant que s’hi atansa per primera vegada. Els nouvinguts es queden impactats per un munt de condicionants que els sorprenen i, a més, generen una estranya complicitat amb qui el descobreix. Els treballs d’excavació arqueològica efectuats per l’Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica l’any 2018 per encàrrec de l’Ajuntament de Vilaplana i sota els auspicis de la Diputació de Tarragona han aclarit com era la primitiva església medieval, avantpassada de l’actual. De fet, en el transcurs de l’excavació i la posterior recerca documental han aparegut dades i evidències materials que remeten a l’edifici d’època medieval, barroca i contemporània. L’església es va anar adaptant al pas del temps, a les necessitats de la seva població en augment i als serveis litúrgics que havia de donar a la seva parròquia. Les restes arqueològiques i documentals que aquí s’avaluen actuen com a relatores de les fortaleses ...
The appearance of Tarragona s monumental complex of the Roman amphitheatre changed significantly ... more The appearance of Tarragona s monumental complex of the Roman amphitheatre changed significantly between 1967 and 1973. Alejandro Ferrant, architect of the Brigadas del PatrimonioArtístico Nacional (Brigades of National Artistic Heritage) of the Spanish government, directed the reconstruction works of an important part of the grandstands, using materials that, over time, have been mimicked/confused with the original structures. The intention seemed to be to restore the original grandeur of the building, although the works focused on the middle sector of the grandstands (media cavea), and only a short section of the upper sector (summa cavea) was reproduced, causing the amphitheatre to be perceived small compared to its original volume. More than 40 years have passed since the works were carried out; the image resulting from Ferrant's intervention is part of city s urban landscape: there are photographs of officialtourist promotion in which almost only the reconstructed parts of ...
Información del artículo La proporció en l´arquitectura ibèrica: la torre YZ de la ciutadella ibè... more Información del artículo La proporció en l´arquitectura ibèrica: la torre YZ de la ciutadella ibèrica d´Alorda Park (Calafell, Baix Penedès).
Estudio arquitectónico de los edificios paleocristianos conservados en la antigua Tarraco (actual... more Estudio arquitectónico de los edificios paleocristianos conservados en la antigua Tarraco (actual Tarragona) y en su entorno más inmediato
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city, 2023
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of history that allows us to understand the appearance of today's city as the result of an involuntary process of urban planning determinism. That is to say, we can identify and understand the medieval, modern or contemporary city by identifying the Circus’ substratum.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city, 2023
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of history that allows us to understand the appearance of today's city as the result of an involuntary process of urban planning determinism. That is to say, we can identify and understand the medieval, modern or contemporary city by identifying the Circus’ substratum.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city, 2023
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of history that allows us to understand the appearance of today's city as the result of an involuntary process of urban planning determinism. That is to say, we can identify and understand the medieval, modern or contemporary city by identifying the Circus’ substratum.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city, 2023
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of history that allows us to understand the appearance of today's city as the result of an involuntary process of urban planning determinism. That is to say, we can identify and understand the medieval, modern or contemporary city by identifying the Circus’ substratum.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city, 2023
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of history that allows us to understand the appearance of today's city as the result of an involuntary process of urban planning determinism. That is to say, we can identify and understand the medieval, modern or contemporary city by identifying the Circus’ substratum.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city, 2023
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of history that allows us to understand the appearance of today's city as the result of an involuntary process of urban planning determinism. That is to say, we can identify and understand the medieval, modern or contemporary city by identifying the Circus’ substratum.
El circ romà de Tarragona, monument i ciutat = El Circo romano de Tarragona. Monumento y ciudad = The Roman Circus of Tarragona. Monument and city, 2023
This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan ... more This book is the result of a teaching and research project carried out by members of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Technical School of Architecture (ETSA) of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Both institutions have joined forces to set up an interdisciplinary working space that provides university teaching and research with their own unique personality. Students and teachers alike have participated in the documentation and analysis of the Roman Circus of Tarragona. With a surface area of four hectares, its omnipresence makes it a heritage reality immanent in a significant part of the contemporary historical centre. Since the 5th century, the Circus has undergone a process of transformation which, from an urbanistic point of view, ended in the 14th century with the city's expansión. Tarraco's Roman Circus is an excellent case study for developing this learning and methodological experimentation strategy. It is the result of 1900 years of history that allows us to understand the appearance of today's city as the result of an involuntary process of urban planning determinism. That is to say, we can identify and understand the medieval, modern or contemporary city by identifying the Circus’ substratum.
Excavaciones en el baptisterio del conjunto eclesiástico de Son Peretó (Manacor, Mallorca, islas Baleares): Siglos V-VIII d. C., 2021
Toda construcción, y más si tiene cierta entidad o forma parte de un imaginario colectivo, presen... more Toda construcción, y más si tiene cierta entidad o forma parte de un imaginario colectivo, presenta un determinado orden en sus dimensiones y en sus proporciones. Esto se debe, en gran parte, a la necesidad, tanto del proyectista como del constructor, de crear un edificio armónico y simplificar su construcción. En este apartado analizamos y estudiamos tanto la métrica como la forma del baptisterio de Son Peretó (Manacor, Mallorca) y su relación con la basílica antiestante. De ahí se deducen conclusiones tanto a nivel cronológico como constructivo que permiten un mayor conocimiento y comprensión de este edificio.
Prologo del manual " Dibujo Arqueológico de Materiales. Aproximación a sus técnicas" de Pilar Mas... more Prologo del manual " Dibujo Arqueológico de Materiales. Aproximación a sus técnicas" de Pilar Mas Ortuña, libro dedicado a explicar las diferentes técnicas de dibujo de materiales arqueológicos.
Prólogo .................................................................................... more Índice
Prólogo ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Introducción ................................................................................................................................ 9
Su descubrimiento y las excavaciones ...................................................................................... 14
El levantamiento escáner-láser .................................................................................................. 22
La decoración escultórica .......................................................................................................... 27
Estudio y propuesta de reconstrucción .................................................................................... 36
Teodomiro de Riba-roja del Túria (y de Oriola) ...................................................................... 42
A partir de l'estudi de les restes arqueològiques de la basílica del Francolí s'ha pogut fer un e... more A partir de l'estudi de les restes arqueològiques de la basílica del Francolí s'ha pogut fer un estudi mètric i de les modulacions que ha permés descriure el projecte constructiu original i comprovar com aquest responia a un ús semàntic de l'arquitectura on determinat pels canons filosófics i litúrgics paleocristians.
Estudio arquitectónico de los edificios paleocristianos conservados en la antigua Tarraco (actual... more Estudio arquitectónico de los edificios paleocristianos conservados en la antigua Tarraco (actual Tarragona) y en su entorno más inmediato
Study and reconstruction of a palace from the end of the Late Antiquity located near Valencia. It... more Study and reconstruction of a palace from the end of the Late Antiquity located near Valencia. It was excavated 25 years ago
Homenatge a Miquel Tarradell, ed. Curial, Barcelona, pp. 527-534 (annex in pp. 535-536), 1993
Study of a child burial dated to the Iron Age in Catalonia (Spain). Appears accompanied by a stud... more Study of a child burial dated to the Iron Age in Catalonia (Spain). Appears accompanied by a study in Appendix of D. Campillo (pp. 535-536) showing a rar example of osteoporosis (cribum orbitalis) in newborn.
Congrés Internacional d'Arqueologia i Món Antic VII Reunió d'Arqueologia Cristiana Hispànica, 2019
La Vall d’Aran és una zona on l’evolució històrica
està fortament vinculada a la climatologia i
a... more La Vall d’Aran és una zona on l’evolució històrica està fortament vinculada a la climatologia i a la topografia. Aquesta es localitza a la cara nord dels Pirineus, limita pel nord amb el departament d’Haute-Garone de França i pel sud-oest amb la regió de la Ribagorça (província d’Osca) i al sud i l’est amb la zona de l’Alta Ribagorça i el Pallars Sobirà. La topografia fa que l’eix principal de comunicació sigui la que estableix el riu Garona, cap a Sant Bertrand de Commenges, essent aquesta, i de llarg, l’entrada natural a la vall. La comunicació cap al sud és difícil i fins i tot de vegades impossible, sobretot en el període hivernal. Malgrat aquest condicionant geogràfic, històricament ha depès de les estructures polítiques i administratives del vessants sud del Pirineu i, de fet, en l’àmbit religiós és un territori que pertany al bisbat de la Seu d’Urgell. Aquest fet geopolític crea una singularitat que es manifesta de diverses maneres. En el cas que ens ocupa la seva arquitectura romànica presenta uns trets diferencials i singulars que la diferencien del romànic de la resta del Pirineu. Aquest article es fa de forma pluridisciplinari, entenent que la problemàtica s’ha de estudiar des d’un enfocament arqueològic, paleoambiental i arquitectònic
Experimental Archaeology: from Research to Society. Proceedings of the Vth International Congress of Experimental Archaeology, 2018
En el marco del proyecto ARREL se ha experimentado con diversos sistemas de captura masiva de dat... more En el marco del proyecto ARREL se ha experimentado con diversos sistemas de captura masiva de datos con el objetivo de documentar el circo romano y su actual entorno urbano. Ello ha permitido construir el escenario de un serious game pero, al mismo tiempo ha representado una oportunidad para crear un portal público de consulta y visualización de la realidad ar¬quitectónica de este recinto histórico. Con ello se avanza en el desarrollo y experimentación de “plataformas a la carta” donde el usuario puede avanzar en el conocimiento técnico de una realidad patrimonial diacrónica y entender el espacio urbano como la etapa final de un dilatado proceso histórico.
Heritage 2018. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, 2018
The appearance of Tarragona’s monumental complex of the Roman amphitheatre of Tarragona changed s... more The appearance of Tarragona’s monumental complex of the Roman amphitheatre of Tarragona changed significantly between 1967 and 1973. Alejandro Ferrant, architect of the Brigadas del Patrimonio Artístico Nacional (Brigades/Gang of National Artistic H¬¬eritage) of the Spanish government, directed/was the director of the reconstruction works of an important part of the Amphitheatre's grandstands, using materials that, over time, have been mimicked/confused with the original structures. The intention seemed to be to restore the original grandeur of the building, although the works focused on the middle sector of the grandstands (media cavea), and only a short section of the upper sector (summa cavea) was reproduced, causing the amphitheatre to be perceived small compared to its original volume. More than 40 years have passed since the works were carried out; the image resulting from Ferrant's intervention is part of city’s urban landscape: there are photographs of official tourist promotion in which almost only the reconstructed parts of the amphitheatre are shown. It is usual that not even the inhabitants of Tarragona know that most of what they see, as well as the seats they use in the events that the building hosts, are a recreation less than half a century old. At a scientific level, Ferrant's interventions are known, but as time goes by it is increasingly difficult to distinguish exactly where they start and end, because constructive techniques were used that, with the patina that gives time, in some areas are visually almost identical to the originals. The examination of the documentation of the archives of the architect, stored and catalogued in the Valencian Library and the delegation of Lleida of the Architects' Association, has allowed us to establish precisely the limits of Ferrant's interventions and provide a detailed chronology of the works.
Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Profesional (4-6 abril 2017), 2018
En la última década se ha asistido a una revolución en la documemtación gráfica; la aparición de ... more En la última década se ha asistido a una revolución en la documemtación gráfica; la aparición de los SCMD (fotogrametría digital y escáner láser). Estos sistemas superan la limitación de representar en un soporte bidimensional una realidad que es tridimensional, ofreciendo un nuevo abanico de posibilidades narrativas y semánticas hasta ahora irrealizables. Pero todo este potencial viene limitado por su complejidad técnica. No en vano los SMCD se desarrollaron y fueron pensados por y para ingenieros. Esto ha acosionado que los trabajos de docuemnatción con SMCD en arqueología los hayan protagonizado, mayoritariamente, empreses y profesionales del mundo d ela ingeniería, generando no pocas distorsiones. Esta situación se ha ido superando, entre otras vías, con la profesionalización del arqueólogo especializado en Docuemnatción Gráfica, que e scapaz de conjugar los conocimientos técnicos esenciales de los SMCD con el conociemiento de la realidad arqueológica y de sus servidumbres. En esta comunicación se presentan, a nivel de ejemplo, el caso de diversos proyectos realizados en Baleares (Archipiélago de Cabrera, Son Peretó de Manacor y Cova del Molí d'en Gaspar de Sineu) en donde se ha optado por la participación de arqueólogos especialistas en SCMD mostrando los problemas y dificultades encontrados así como las ventajas conseguidas y la dondad de sus resultados.
Historic urban centers have a very specific problem, with very large demands in relation to docum... more Historic urban centers have a very specific problem, with very large demands in relation to documenting their heritage elements. Not only for its typological diversity and extent, but also by the need to determine the interactions established between the different elements, especially the dialogue between the modern city and the historic towns. We present here the experience of the Roman circus of Tarragona, which occupies four hectares of the historic center of the city, where we have used the “Backpack”, the Mobile Mapping solution installed on a backpack from Leica-Geosystems. This system allows access -and therefore the documentation- of areas which are only accessible on foot, as well as underground and inside buildings
One of the most common techniques for surveying architectural heritage today is the laser scanner... more One of the most common techniques for surveying architectural heritage today is the laser scanner. With this technology a point cloud is obtained which, after being processed by computer, results in a geometric mesh, and ultimately a three-dimensional model. But laser scanning delivers also, as a byproduct, the value of the reflectance of the documented surfaces, which is the quotient of the energy of the emitted laser beam (by the machine) divided by the energy received after being reflecting on the surface of the measured object. This value varies according to the angles of incidence and reflection of the beam, but also on the optical and surface properties of the materials on which the laser light is reflected. This latter characteristic has led to hypothesize that the different materials that compose the surveyed surface can be individualized and automatically recognized. After studying similar cases in the scientific literature (made with natural light, with flights and LIDAR, etc.) we have tried to see if this assumption could be confirmed experimentally, with promising results. In this work, we explain the evidence and the methodology of the experiments performed to test the validity of this hypothesis.
Estudio métrico y arquitectónico del edificio octogonal romano de Can Ferrerons (Premià de Mar, B... more Estudio métrico y arquitectónico del edificio octogonal romano de Can Ferrerons (Premià de Mar, Barcelona)
The palace was a monumental building with two towers on the front, a central courtyard, a ground ... more The palace was a monumental building with two towers on the front, a central courtyard, a ground floor with utilitarian function and a luxury upper floor with an aristocratic and representative character and an extraordinary architectural decoration. The building was used a short time, less than a century, because a great fire caused its collapse and destruction of the building. After a lot of historical, archaeological and architectural dimension studies, there is a new interpretation of the palatine building. For the 3-D modelling of the palace, we use a data collection with a laser-scanner, and the plans from the excavation and the architectural modulation previously elaborated. The conclusions of the multidisciplinary work from the reconstruction have been used extensively in archaeological publications and, especially in the didactic information for the new Visigoth Museum and other touristic activities. There's also a 3-D printed model of the reconstruction. Resumen: Fue un edificio monumental con dos torres en fachada, patio central, planta baja con función utilitaria, planta superior lujosa con carácter señorial y extraordinaria decoración arquitectónica. Duró poco tiempo, menos de un siglo. Se derrumbó y destruyó por un gran incendio. Tras una serie de estudios históricos, arqueológicos y de modulación arquitectónica, se ha propuesto una nueva interpretación del conjunto. Para el alzamiento infográfico se empezó por un nuevo levantamiento en escáner –laser, sobre el que se levantó la reconstrucción previamente preparada tras el estudio de la planimetría de la excavación y de la modulación arquitectónica. El resultado del trabajo multidisciplinar de la reconstrucción se ha usado profusamente en publicaciones científicas arqueológicas y, especialmente, en la información didáctica del nuevo museo visigodo y en otras actividades de difusión turística. También ha servido para realizar una maqueta con una impresora 3D. Palabras clave: arqueología virtual, patrimonio cultural, arquitectura visigoda, aplicaciones para la difusión, historia
In the monumental complex of the Amphi-theatre of Tarragona we encounter the confluence of two si... more In the monumental complex of the Amphi-theatre of Tarragona we encounter the confluence of two singularities. On one hand, over the past five centu-ries, the amphitheatre has suffered a series of profound architectural changes. On the other hand, we have been fortunate that many of these transformations have been documented by means of drawings, engravings, plan surveys and, since the early 20th century, by photo-graphs. Graphic reproduction of Tarragona’s Amphi-theatre is interesting in itself if we take into account the evolution of drawing techniques. The objectives of these graphic reproductions were the manifestation of the obsessions of different periods.
Architectural Drawing and Architectural Graphic Expression (EGA) are well defined and known disci... more Architectural Drawing and Architectural Graphic Expression (EGA) are well defined and known disciplines. But there are forms of architectural expresion (such as photography or diagrams), which are not necessarily "drawings". In the last tree decades, digital tecnology has offered architecture multiple forms of expression (digital photography, vector models,CAD) and has proposed multiple forms of structuring and organizing data (data modeling techniques, associative data models, database systems, etc). The arrival of these f¡data technologies to graphic expression requires the need to<look at architecture from the point of view of data.
The use of massive data capture systems is changing the concept of the archaeological and archite... more The use of massive data capture systems is changing the concept of the archaeological and architectural drawing. Applying it to the Roman octagonal building of Can Ferrerons, it served as a fast, accurate and good quality data Collection too!. lt has therefore facilitated the understanding of the architecture of the building. lt represents a support for the study of the missing roofs and it will help in the musealization of the Monument.
The use of the instrument and, above all, the laser-scanner software, allows a detailed digital m... more The use of the instrument and, above all, the laser-scanner software, allows a detailed digital model of the Roman amphitheater of Tarraco, which has the particularity of conserving a Visigoth and a medieval church on its arena. The acquisition of the digital model is the documental basis for he study and virtual reconstruction of a partially preserved building, and also for the stakeout of a structure built on the hill slope. Finally, it allows the quantification of the monument, in terms of its constructive components or the hypothesis about its capacity and management strategies.
The palace was a monumental building with two towers on the front, a central courtyard, a ground ... more The palace was a monumental building with two towers on the front, a central courtyard, a ground floor with utilitarian function and a luxury upper floor with an aristocratic and representative character and an extraordinary architectural decoration. The building was used a short time, less than a century, because a great fire caused its collapse and destruction of the building. After a lot of historical, archaeological and architectural dimension studies, there is a new interpretation of the palatine building. For the 3-D modelling of the palace, we use a data collection with a laser-scanner, and the plans from the excavation and the architectural modulation previously elaborated. The conclusions of the multidisciplinary work from the reconstruction have been used extensively in archaeological publications and, especially in the didactic information for the new Visigoth Museum and other touristic activities. There's also a 3-D printed model of the reconstruction. Resumen: Fue un edificio monumental con dos torres en fachada, patio central, planta baja con función utilitaria, planta superior lujosa con carácter señorial y extraordinaria decoración arquitectónica. Duró poco tiempo, menos de un siglo. Se derrumbó y destruyó por un gran incendio. Tras una serie de estudios históricos, arqueológicos y de modulación arquitectónica, se ha propuesto una nueva interpretación del conjunto. Para el alzamiento infográfico se empezó por un nuevo levantamiento en escáner –laser, sobre el que se levantó la reconstrucción previamente preparada tras el estudio de la planimetría de la excavación y de la modulación arquitectónica. El resultado del trabajo multidisciplinar de la reconstrucción se ha usado profusamente en publicaciones científicas arqueológicas y, especialmente, en la información didáctica del nuevo museo visigodo y en otras actividades de difusión turística. También ha servido para realizar una maqueta con una impresora 3D. Palabras clave: arqueología virtual, patrimonio cultural, arquitectura visigoda, aplicaciones para la difusión, historia
TarrAcropolis: a scientific journey of 2000 years of History (
This collection is the result of a dissemination project by ICAC and the Tarraconense Biblical Mu... more This collection is the result of a dissemination project by ICAC and the Tarraconense Biblical Museum, with the help of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. The diachronic evolution of the Acropolis of Tarragona is explained, focusing on the surroundings of the Biblical Museum. Three-dimensional models from the museum's epigraphic collection are included. link to see, on line, the 3D models:
In the current city of Terrassa (Catalonia) there is the ancient Episcopal See of Egara (centurie... more In the current city of Terrassa (Catalonia) there is the ancient Episcopal See of Egara (centuries V-VIII). This project has done the graphic documentation of Sant Miquel building and an analysis of its construction features. The application of photogrammetric documentation and laser scanning techniques has provided new elements for reflecting on a building that has been almost completely preserved and whose chronology leads us to question a series of stylistic apriorisms in the study of Hispanic Visigothic architecture.
Martirial Early-Christian basilica built around 400 AD with a funerary use throughout the 5th cen... more Martirial Early-Christian basilica built around 400 AD with a funerary use throughout the 5th century. This buiding had three naves and an east-facing semicircular apse. Various mausoleums were annexed to the northern nave.
Limina/Limites. Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean, 8, 2021
En este libro se presenta una síntesis de los resultados obtenidos a partir de las excavaciones a... more En este libro se presenta una síntesis de los resultados obtenidos a partir de las excavaciones arqueológicas efectuadas en la zona del baptisterio de Son Peretó, analizando tanto los hallazgos de carácter mueble como inmueble. Se revisa lo publicado durante el siglo XX y se presentan datos de los descubrimientos efectuados durante aquella centuria que habían permanecido inéditos. En cualquier caso, el núcleo de esta monografía son los trabajos desarrollados entre 2005 y 2016, gracias a los cuales se pueden aportar interesantes novedades relacionadas con la cerámica, el vidrio, los revoques, los morteros, las monedas y la fauna de los siglos V a VIII d. C. y, sobre todo, de las sepulturas, piscinas y edificios bautismales de lugar. Todo ello ha contribuido a una mejor comprensión del importante complejo eclesiástico de Son Peretó, ha permitido clarificar la evolución diacrónica del sector situado a los pies de su basílica y, también, ha proporcionado información valiosa sobre las costumbres y rituales funerarios de la población allí enterrada.
Architectural Draughtsmanship. From Analog to Digital Narratives, 2018
In the monumental complex of the Amphitheatre of Tarragona we encounter the confluence of two sin... more In the monumental complex of the Amphitheatre of Tarragona we encounter the confluence of two singularities. On one hand, over the past five centuries, the amphitheatre has suffered a series of profound architectural changes. On the other hand, we have been fortunate that many of these transformations have been documented by means of drawings, engravings, plan surveys and, since the early 20th century, by photographs. Graphic reproduction of Tarragona’s Amphitheatre is interesting in itself if we take into account the evolution of drawing techniques. The objectives of these graphic reproductions were the manifestation of the obsessions of different periods.
Papers by Josep M. Puche Fontanilles
destination markets.
The main goal of postharvest research is to delay senescence and spoilage during shelf life and storage, while preserving and even favoring desirable quality traits. However, fruit and vegetables are also remarkably diverse in their structure, physiology, and tolerance to environmental conditions. In addition, the use of agrochemicals is becoming ever more
restricted by local and international regulations and unacceptable to the final consumers of the produce. Therefore, postharvest handling and storage procedures need to be tailored to each specific commodity.
To achieve these goals, a deeper and more comprehensive knowledge of the physiological, biochemical, and molecular basis of fruit and vegetable quality is required, and the application of advanced analysis techniques will be paramount to aid the in-depth understanding of postharvest changes. The Special Issue “Biochemical and Molecular Approaches to Postharvest Research” was launched with the aim of offering an overview
of recent research work in this area.
de Arán. Debido a su ubicación geográfica, el Valle
de Arán estuvo relativamente aislado, lo que contribuyó
a conservar estructuras organizativas antiguas
y a la renovación de edificios eclesiásticos entre los
siglos XI y XIII. El estudio se enfoca en la clasificación
y datación de las iglesias románicas de Arán, y se
destacan métodos arqueológicos como el análisis
estratigráfico para establecer una cronología relativa
y absoluta de las iglesias.
El texto concluye con la discusión sobre la cronología
de las iglesias del Valle de Arán, agrupándolas
según sus características arquitectónicas y técnicas
de construcción. Estas agrupaciones se comparan
con estudios documentales y se relacionan
con periodos específicos, proporcionando una
visión detallada de la evolución del románico en
esta región.
Tarragona, dues poblacions separades per uns 90 km, un període de temps prou llarg com per
entendre que l’evolució del poblament en el territori situat entre aquestes dues ciutats ha de
ser complex i molt dinàmic. En aquest article s’estudia l’origen del poble de Bonastre (Baix
Penedès) que entenem que pot ser il·lustratiu d’aquesta complexitat. L’estudi es fa a partir de
la documentació escrita, l’estudi de la microtoponímia, les dades arqueològiques i l’anàlisi de
la paleoxarxa viària. Es pretén que, a partir de l’anàlisi d’un cas local, es pugui ajudar a entendre
un fenomen geogràficament molt més extens; l’ocupació comtal dels territoris del Camp de
destination markets.
The main goal of postharvest research is to delay senescence and spoilage during shelf life and storage, while preserving and even favoring desirable quality traits. However, fruit and vegetables are also remarkably diverse in their structure, physiology, and tolerance to environmental conditions. In addition, the use of agrochemicals is becoming ever more
restricted by local and international regulations and unacceptable to the final consumers of the produce. Therefore, postharvest handling and storage procedures need to be tailored to each specific commodity.
To achieve these goals, a deeper and more comprehensive knowledge of the physiological, biochemical, and molecular basis of fruit and vegetable quality is required, and the application of advanced analysis techniques will be paramount to aid the in-depth understanding of postharvest changes. The Special Issue “Biochemical and Molecular Approaches to Postharvest Research” was launched with the aim of offering an overview
of recent research work in this area.
de Arán. Debido a su ubicación geográfica, el Valle
de Arán estuvo relativamente aislado, lo que contribuyó
a conservar estructuras organizativas antiguas
y a la renovación de edificios eclesiásticos entre los
siglos XI y XIII. El estudio se enfoca en la clasificación
y datación de las iglesias románicas de Arán, y se
destacan métodos arqueológicos como el análisis
estratigráfico para establecer una cronología relativa
y absoluta de las iglesias.
El texto concluye con la discusión sobre la cronología
de las iglesias del Valle de Arán, agrupándolas
según sus características arquitectónicas y técnicas
de construcción. Estas agrupaciones se comparan
con estudios documentales y se relacionan
con periodos específicos, proporcionando una
visión detallada de la evolución del románico en
esta región.
Tarragona, dues poblacions separades per uns 90 km, un període de temps prou llarg com per
entendre que l’evolució del poblament en el territori situat entre aquestes dues ciutats ha de
ser complex i molt dinàmic. En aquest article s’estudia l’origen del poble de Bonastre (Baix
Penedès) que entenem que pot ser il·lustratiu d’aquesta complexitat. L’estudi es fa a partir de
la documentació escrita, l’estudi de la microtoponímia, les dades arqueològiques i l’anàlisi de
la paleoxarxa viària. Es pretén que, a partir de l’anàlisi d’un cas local, es pugui ajudar a entendre
un fenomen geogràficament molt més extens; l’ocupació comtal dels territoris del Camp de
determinado orden en sus dimensiones y en sus proporciones. Esto se debe, en gran parte, a la necesidad,
tanto del proyectista como del constructor, de crear un edificio armónico y simplificar su construcción.
En este apartado analizamos y estudiamos tanto la métrica como la forma del baptisterio de Son Peretó (Manacor, Mallorca) y su relación con la basílica antiestante. De ahí se deducen conclusiones tanto a nivel cronológico como constructivo que permiten un mayor conocimiento y comprensión de este edificio.
Prólogo ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Introducción ................................................................................................................................ 9
Su descubrimiento y las excavaciones ...................................................................................... 14
El levantamiento escáner-láser .................................................................................................. 22
La decoración escultórica .......................................................................................................... 27
Estudio y propuesta de reconstrucción .................................................................................... 36
Teodomiro de Riba-roja del Túria (y de Oriola) ...................................................................... 42
està fortament vinculada a la climatologia i
a la topografia. Aquesta es localitza a la cara nord
dels Pirineus, limita pel nord amb el departament
d’Haute-Garone de França i pel sud-oest amb la regió
de la Ribagorça (província d’Osca) i al sud i l’est
amb la zona de l’Alta Ribagorça i el Pallars Sobirà.
La topografia fa que l’eix principal de comunicació
sigui la que estableix el riu Garona, cap a Sant
Bertrand de Commenges, essent aquesta, i de llarg,
l’entrada natural a la vall. La comunicació cap al sud
és difícil i fins i tot de vegades impossible, sobretot
en el període hivernal. Malgrat aquest condicionant
geogràfic, històricament ha depès de les estructures
polítiques i administratives del vessants sud del Pirineu
i, de fet, en l’àmbit religiós és un territori que
pertany al bisbat de la Seu d’Urgell.
Aquest fet geopolític crea una singularitat que
es manifesta de diverses maneres. En el cas que ens
ocupa la seva arquitectura romànica presenta uns
trets diferencials i singulars que la diferencien del
romànic de la resta del Pirineu. Aquest article es fa
de forma pluridisciplinari, entenent que la problemàtica
s’ha de estudiar des d’un enfocament arqueològic,
paleoambiental i arquitectònic
drawing. Applying it to the Roman octagonal building of Can Ferrerons, it served as a fast, accurate and good
quality data Collection too!. lt has therefore facilitated the understanding of the architecture of the building. lt
represents a support for the study of the missing roofs and it will help in the musealization of the Monument.
of a partially preserved building, and also for the stakeout of a structure built on the hill slope. Finally, it allows
the quantification of the monument, in terms of its constructive components or the hypothesis about its capacity and management strategies.