IEEE Open Journal of Instrumentation and Measurement
With the growing emphasis on mitigating climate change, the power industry is moving toward renew... more With the growing emphasis on mitigating climate change, the power industry is moving toward renewable energy sources as an alternative to fossil fuel-based power plants. The transition to renewable energy has created numerous challenges, one of which is the low levels of inertia that impact the stability of power systems. Therefore, inertia monitoring has become an integral part of power system operation to dispatch renewable energy sources while maintaining frequency stability. This article presents an online method to continuously estimate the inertia of a power system. The inertia is computed from data provided by Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) using small variations in frequency and power under ambient conditions. The method uses electrical and kinetic energy variations to compute inertia. In addition, a Q-learning-based method is presented to identify mechanical power changes to discard invalid inertia estimates. The method is demonstrated using the IEEE-39 bus system to monitor the regional inertia of the test system. INDEX TERMS Ambient data, coefficient of variation (CV), grid inertia, inertia estimation, phasor measurement unit (PMU), Q-learning.
2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS)
The reliability and security of microgrid vastly depends on the fast control actions. Synchronous... more The reliability and security of microgrid vastly depends on the fast control actions. Synchronous generator based Distributed Energy Resources (DER) are mostly commissioned in microgrid because of low cost and easy to control. When the microgrid toggle from grid connected mode to islanded mode, the control of DER is crucial to support the critical loads without compromising on reliability. A robust dynamic state estimator (DSE) can be employed to get an access to internal states of the generator for control. With the advent of //PMU into the distribution system made DSE possible. Due to the uncertainty of renewable energy resources and loads, DSE plays a vital role in monitoring and control applications. The real time monitoring of internal states of synchronous generator based DER is achieved by using kalman filter variants have been implemented in DSE. In this paper linearized variant and non-linear variants of kalman filter such as extended kalman filter (EKF), Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF), Square-root Unscented Kalman filter (SRUKF) and Robust Unscented kalman filter (RUKF) respectively have been implemented and tested for DSE. SRUKF and RUKF gives best estimates to the states with less absolute error when compared to other techniques. Computation time of RUKF is way less than SRUKF, hence RUKF is better alternative to SRUKF for real time DSE in microgrids.
2020 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)
In competitive power markets, the reliable and continuous supply required for maintaining the pow... more In competitive power markets, the reliable and continuous supply required for maintaining the power market’s economic sustainability and the same is also useful for receiving a correct economic signal by the various market players. Some ancillary services are required to decrease the fluctuations created by wind power plants and maintain continuity reliability of supply to the end-use customers in the power market. This paper presents an optimal bidding strategy for effective coordination of wind power plant (WPP) and pumped storage plant (PSP) in day-ahead energy and ancillary services like spinning reserve (SR) and fast responsive reserve (FRR) in the power market. The coordinated operation of PSP with WPP has been considered to decrease the intermittency of available wind power supplied to the grid. The obtained revenue in both cases (SR and FRR) are compared. The results demonstrate that the coordination of PSP and WPP reduces the imbalances in bids, penalties in the day-ahead ancillary service, and energy markets (AS & EMs) with simultaneous maximum revenue achieved by both PSP and WPP.
2021 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS)
IEC 61850 has become the de-facto standard to follow for communication in a substation. The use o... more IEC 61850 has become the de-facto standard to follow for communication in a substation. The use of IEC 61850 based Client-Server communication service and Publish-Subscribe communication-service, which include Generic Object Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE) and Sampled Values (SV) have aided in the deployment of a more communication-intensive architecture in substation when compared to a non-IEC 61850 based substation. Performance of Protection and Control Systems (PACS) is now additionally influenced by the communication system in a substation. The fault-clearance time in an IEC 61850 based substation now includes the operating time of the protection Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) relay and the communication delay between protection IED and a Switchgear Control Unit (SCU). This paper proposes a method to calculate communication latency in a complex IEC 61850 based substation. It is vital to determine communication latency for understanding the overall performance of PACS. Latency calculation is also essential to optimize PACS design to achieve the requirements of various applications. The communication latency calculation method proposed in this paper uses the Substation Configuration Description (SCD) file to accurately determine the communication path and data flow between a publisher and subscriber. The method also calculates the coincident messages or traffic in the communication path between publisher and subscriber, which aids in determining the latency accurately.
2018 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), 2018
With the advent of technological developments, a large amount of data is being created and made a... more With the advent of technological developments, a large amount of data is being created and made available at every time instance. This work tries to leverage this data for useful interpretations and derives resource investment planning strategies. Data analytics can be a useful tool to understand the optimal locations, for resource investments in the grid. The study can be helpful in reducing the search space in an optimal resource investment planning problem. As a precursor data analytics study could help in forming policies that could complement a planning problem. India is a growing economy and the electric demand of the country is also increasing. There is a need to attract more investment in the generation side to meet the future loads. It is important to statistically characterize the electricity prices to find the potential investment regions in the grid. This paper gives an overview of the restructured power industry in India, the various market segments in existence and gives a detailed statistical analysis of the Day Ahead Electricity Market prices using Minitab and Statistics toolbox of MATLAB. It also discusses the operational issues like congestion management scheme followed and their effect on the area prices, that could help in empirical resource planning and policy making.
2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2018
This paper proposes application of extended linear model predictive controller (ELMPC) in an isol... more This paper proposes application of extended linear model predictive controller (ELMPC) in an isolated micro-grid for voltage and frequency control. ELMPC can handle the non linearity in the system better than the PI controllers. ELMPC performs local linearization of the micro-grid at each sampling instant and generates the manipulated control trajectory to optimize its future behavior. It performs better than the linear controllers designed based on linearization around a single operating point. At the same time it reduces the computational complexities involved in the non linear MPC design. Performance of ELMPC is explained through simulation analysis carried out in MATLAB on an eight bus micro-grid.
2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2017
This paper proposes hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA) — Interval Linear Programming (ILP) approach to... more This paper proposes hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA) — Interval Linear Programming (ILP) approach to optimal relay coordination problem for microgrids. Relay coordination in microgrids is complex because of varied and bidirectional fault currents because of the existence of Distributed Generation (DG). Overcurrent relays are the feasible and economic choice of protection for meshed distribution systems. The coordinated relay settings must account for various possible fault scenarios in both grid connected and isolated microgrid modes of operation. Inadequate fault current levels from grid connected to the isolated mode are the major cause of protection miscoordination. This paper systematically formulates the relay coordination problem for microgrids as a linear interval optimization problem and introduces a new method of solution using hybrid GA — ILP method. The challenge in using GA to find the optimum in less number of iterations and the feasibility of ILP method to include various fault scenarios as “uncertain but bounded” intervals are combined to find the optimal overcurrent relay settings. The results show the effectiveness of proposed method. The programming is done using optimization tool box available in Matlab.
A surge of Electric Vehicles (EV) is anticipated in the market in the near future, which will pos... more A surge of Electric Vehicles (EV) is anticipated in the market in the near future, which will pose a challenge to avail charging facilities to the EV users at affordable rates. This paper presents a Locational Marginal Pricing(LMP) based multiobjective approach for optimal charging station allocation to different types of EVs in the market. With the main objectives of minimizing the charging cost and maximizing the amount of charging, the proposed approach also maximizes the profit of EV aggregator. The multiobjective optimization problem has been solved using two different methods, namely NSGA II and MOPSO and the results are compared. The efficacy of the proposed optimization approach was demonstrated by performing analysis on the 132kV Nagpur Ringmain system. The case study results show that a significant reduction in the charging cost is possible with the two optimization methods as opposed to random allocation. A comparison between the two methods suggest that NSGA II gives better results as compared to MOPSO.
2018 Clemson University Power Systems Conference (PSC), 2018
This paper proposes a novel method to calculate reliability model of distribution system using a ... more This paper proposes a novel method to calculate reliability model of distribution system using a hybrid of Monte Carlo simulation and 2m point estimate method. The proposed reliability model is used to solve Distributed Generation placement considering service regulation implementing Performance Based Rates through reward and penalty schemes. This optimization problem aims to maximize profit by placing DG at vantage points.
With the transformation of electricity markets from vertical integration to horizontally distribu... more With the transformation of electricity markets from vertical integration to horizontally distributed systems and because of the significant penetration of renewables into the grid, participation of renewables in the electricity trading process has become mandatory. Due to the uncertainties in the energy dispatched by renewables, central aggregators have been penalizing the nonconventional energy for the imbalances in the submitted bids. These penalties discourage the renewables from engaging as market participants. This article has proposed a two-stage stochastic joint bidding strategy for wind power plant (WPP) and pumped storage plant (PSP) in the microgrid to overcome these limitations. In the first stage, collective energy and ancillary service bids are optimized based on the day ahead energy and ancillary service prices. In the second stage, different wind power scenarios are realized based on historical patterns, and PSP reduces the deviations in the submitted joint bids in the energy and ancillary service markets. The proposed stochastic bidding strategy is demonstrated by a WPP of capacity 3 MW, and six PSP units of each capacity 1 MW. This stochastic bidding strategy hedges the risk introduced by renewables. Moreover, this bidding strategy compares the two ancillary services, spinning reserve (SR) and fast response reserve (FRR), regarding expected revenue and penalty for the imbalances in the submitted joint energy bids.
2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2017
The high penetration of renewable resources in the existing grid, increases the complexities of t... more The high penetration of renewable resources in the existing grid, increases the complexities of the grid. Nowadays, the integration of renewable resources became a big issue. These resources cannot participate in electricity markets because of their smaller size. The concept of virtual power plant (VPP) can enable the market participation of small generating units. The VPP can also provide ancillary services like frequency support, reactive power support. This paper explains the VPP concept, the structure of VPP and also the market participation. An Energy Management algorithm for VPP is also explained. A small VPP model, consists of two distributed generation (DG) sources and two controllable loads, is demonstrated in MATLAB-SIMULINK. In addition, the current situation of the VPP, and identifies and proposes the future research lines.
A novel convexified linear program (CLP) for optimal directional overcurrent relay (DOCR) coordin... more A novel convexified linear program (CLP) for optimal directional overcurrent relay (DOCR) coordination problem is proposed in this work. The DOCR coordination problem (CP) is a highly constrained nonlinear nonconvex problem which was solved using various traditional and heuristic optimization techniques in the past. In this work, the CP is formulated as a linear programming problem without fixing the current pickup settings (CPS) of DOCRs. The bilinear terms in the proposed formulation are written in the form of linear inequalities using McCormick envelopes. A sequential tightening algorithm is used to update the boundary limits of each parameter based on the solution obtained in each iteration, thus tightening the convex hulls and leading to solutions near to global optimum. The performance of the proposed method is applied to various test systems among which the results of 3 bus test system are presented.
2018 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)
Dynamic pricing and demand response programs are playing key roles in the modern smart grid envir... more Dynamic pricing and demand response programs are playing key roles in the modern smart grid environment to manage peak loads. With the current advent of communication systems, more user-friendly price driven schemes started emerging at the residential level. In the United States, heating and airconditioning loads are major contributors to total electricity consumption in residential buildings. In some areas, cooling loads during summer months are the highest of the whole year due to high outdoor air temperature and the wholesale electricity prices also increase as a consequence. In this paper, two demand response strategies i.e, active control and transactive control for a residential building are analyzed. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is considered as a responsive load and its set-point change to real-time prices and total power consumption in each method are analyzed. Modelling of singlefamily residential building and simulation are done in GridLAB-D.
2020 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)
The modern power system is evolving into a cyber-physical system with integration of information ... more The modern power system is evolving into a cyber-physical system with integration of information and communication technologies. Implementation of faster control and protection systems is now possible with the bi-direction fast flow of information in our power grids. In this paper, an optimal position of a centralized controller is found, for a Cyber-Physical System enabled smart grid to realize centralized control application. The model takes into consideration the delay associated with each communication line along with data congestion and node degree. This model is tested with IEEE 24 bus system, and a comparison is made based on different locations of the controllers. We identified node availability, and their respective power flows during communication line contingencies.
2020 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)
Cyber-attacks are a significant threat faced by even the most advanced and efficient grid systems... more Cyber-attacks are a significant threat faced by even the most advanced and efficient grid systems. This paper presents the Risk Assessment (RA) of multi-area load frequency control (MA-LFC) to data injection cyber-attacks (CA). The analysis, carried out from a power system engineers perspective, illustrates a successful stealth attack that can be implemented on the system with minimal system knowledge by injecting false data into the sensor and actuator measurements. A combination of an eavesdropping attack (EDA)and False Data Injection Attack (FDIA) is used in the attack model. An algorithm was developed to study the impact of the attack, and results are presented for a 9-bus system and 39-bus New-England test system. It was observed that the method is robust and can present the risk assessment of cyber-attack in MA-LFC.
IEEE Open Journal of Instrumentation and Measurement
With the growing emphasis on mitigating climate change, the power industry is moving toward renew... more With the growing emphasis on mitigating climate change, the power industry is moving toward renewable energy sources as an alternative to fossil fuel-based power plants. The transition to renewable energy has created numerous challenges, one of which is the low levels of inertia that impact the stability of power systems. Therefore, inertia monitoring has become an integral part of power system operation to dispatch renewable energy sources while maintaining frequency stability. This article presents an online method to continuously estimate the inertia of a power system. The inertia is computed from data provided by Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) using small variations in frequency and power under ambient conditions. The method uses electrical and kinetic energy variations to compute inertia. In addition, a Q-learning-based method is presented to identify mechanical power changes to discard invalid inertia estimates. The method is demonstrated using the IEEE-39 bus system to monitor the regional inertia of the test system. INDEX TERMS Ambient data, coefficient of variation (CV), grid inertia, inertia estimation, phasor measurement unit (PMU), Q-learning.
2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS)
The reliability and security of microgrid vastly depends on the fast control actions. Synchronous... more The reliability and security of microgrid vastly depends on the fast control actions. Synchronous generator based Distributed Energy Resources (DER) are mostly commissioned in microgrid because of low cost and easy to control. When the microgrid toggle from grid connected mode to islanded mode, the control of DER is crucial to support the critical loads without compromising on reliability. A robust dynamic state estimator (DSE) can be employed to get an access to internal states of the generator for control. With the advent of //PMU into the distribution system made DSE possible. Due to the uncertainty of renewable energy resources and loads, DSE plays a vital role in monitoring and control applications. The real time monitoring of internal states of synchronous generator based DER is achieved by using kalman filter variants have been implemented in DSE. In this paper linearized variant and non-linear variants of kalman filter such as extended kalman filter (EKF), Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF), Square-root Unscented Kalman filter (SRUKF) and Robust Unscented kalman filter (RUKF) respectively have been implemented and tested for DSE. SRUKF and RUKF gives best estimates to the states with less absolute error when compared to other techniques. Computation time of RUKF is way less than SRUKF, hence RUKF is better alternative to SRUKF for real time DSE in microgrids.
2020 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)
In competitive power markets, the reliable and continuous supply required for maintaining the pow... more In competitive power markets, the reliable and continuous supply required for maintaining the power market’s economic sustainability and the same is also useful for receiving a correct economic signal by the various market players. Some ancillary services are required to decrease the fluctuations created by wind power plants and maintain continuity reliability of supply to the end-use customers in the power market. This paper presents an optimal bidding strategy for effective coordination of wind power plant (WPP) and pumped storage plant (PSP) in day-ahead energy and ancillary services like spinning reserve (SR) and fast responsive reserve (FRR) in the power market. The coordinated operation of PSP with WPP has been considered to decrease the intermittency of available wind power supplied to the grid. The obtained revenue in both cases (SR and FRR) are compared. The results demonstrate that the coordination of PSP and WPP reduces the imbalances in bids, penalties in the day-ahead ancillary service, and energy markets (AS & EMs) with simultaneous maximum revenue achieved by both PSP and WPP.
2021 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS)
IEC 61850 has become the de-facto standard to follow for communication in a substation. The use o... more IEC 61850 has become the de-facto standard to follow for communication in a substation. The use of IEC 61850 based Client-Server communication service and Publish-Subscribe communication-service, which include Generic Object Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE) and Sampled Values (SV) have aided in the deployment of a more communication-intensive architecture in substation when compared to a non-IEC 61850 based substation. Performance of Protection and Control Systems (PACS) is now additionally influenced by the communication system in a substation. The fault-clearance time in an IEC 61850 based substation now includes the operating time of the protection Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) relay and the communication delay between protection IED and a Switchgear Control Unit (SCU). This paper proposes a method to calculate communication latency in a complex IEC 61850 based substation. It is vital to determine communication latency for understanding the overall performance of PACS. Latency calculation is also essential to optimize PACS design to achieve the requirements of various applications. The communication latency calculation method proposed in this paper uses the Substation Configuration Description (SCD) file to accurately determine the communication path and data flow between a publisher and subscriber. The method also calculates the coincident messages or traffic in the communication path between publisher and subscriber, which aids in determining the latency accurately.
2018 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), 2018
With the advent of technological developments, a large amount of data is being created and made a... more With the advent of technological developments, a large amount of data is being created and made available at every time instance. This work tries to leverage this data for useful interpretations and derives resource investment planning strategies. Data analytics can be a useful tool to understand the optimal locations, for resource investments in the grid. The study can be helpful in reducing the search space in an optimal resource investment planning problem. As a precursor data analytics study could help in forming policies that could complement a planning problem. India is a growing economy and the electric demand of the country is also increasing. There is a need to attract more investment in the generation side to meet the future loads. It is important to statistically characterize the electricity prices to find the potential investment regions in the grid. This paper gives an overview of the restructured power industry in India, the various market segments in existence and gives a detailed statistical analysis of the Day Ahead Electricity Market prices using Minitab and Statistics toolbox of MATLAB. It also discusses the operational issues like congestion management scheme followed and their effect on the area prices, that could help in empirical resource planning and policy making.
2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2018
This paper proposes application of extended linear model predictive controller (ELMPC) in an isol... more This paper proposes application of extended linear model predictive controller (ELMPC) in an isolated micro-grid for voltage and frequency control. ELMPC can handle the non linearity in the system better than the PI controllers. ELMPC performs local linearization of the micro-grid at each sampling instant and generates the manipulated control trajectory to optimize its future behavior. It performs better than the linear controllers designed based on linearization around a single operating point. At the same time it reduces the computational complexities involved in the non linear MPC design. Performance of ELMPC is explained through simulation analysis carried out in MATLAB on an eight bus micro-grid.
2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2017
This paper proposes hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA) — Interval Linear Programming (ILP) approach to... more This paper proposes hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA) — Interval Linear Programming (ILP) approach to optimal relay coordination problem for microgrids. Relay coordination in microgrids is complex because of varied and bidirectional fault currents because of the existence of Distributed Generation (DG). Overcurrent relays are the feasible and economic choice of protection for meshed distribution systems. The coordinated relay settings must account for various possible fault scenarios in both grid connected and isolated microgrid modes of operation. Inadequate fault current levels from grid connected to the isolated mode are the major cause of protection miscoordination. This paper systematically formulates the relay coordination problem for microgrids as a linear interval optimization problem and introduces a new method of solution using hybrid GA — ILP method. The challenge in using GA to find the optimum in less number of iterations and the feasibility of ILP method to include various fault scenarios as “uncertain but bounded” intervals are combined to find the optimal overcurrent relay settings. The results show the effectiveness of proposed method. The programming is done using optimization tool box available in Matlab.
A surge of Electric Vehicles (EV) is anticipated in the market in the near future, which will pos... more A surge of Electric Vehicles (EV) is anticipated in the market in the near future, which will pose a challenge to avail charging facilities to the EV users at affordable rates. This paper presents a Locational Marginal Pricing(LMP) based multiobjective approach for optimal charging station allocation to different types of EVs in the market. With the main objectives of minimizing the charging cost and maximizing the amount of charging, the proposed approach also maximizes the profit of EV aggregator. The multiobjective optimization problem has been solved using two different methods, namely NSGA II and MOPSO and the results are compared. The efficacy of the proposed optimization approach was demonstrated by performing analysis on the 132kV Nagpur Ringmain system. The case study results show that a significant reduction in the charging cost is possible with the two optimization methods as opposed to random allocation. A comparison between the two methods suggest that NSGA II gives better results as compared to MOPSO.
2018 Clemson University Power Systems Conference (PSC), 2018
This paper proposes a novel method to calculate reliability model of distribution system using a ... more This paper proposes a novel method to calculate reliability model of distribution system using a hybrid of Monte Carlo simulation and 2m point estimate method. The proposed reliability model is used to solve Distributed Generation placement considering service regulation implementing Performance Based Rates through reward and penalty schemes. This optimization problem aims to maximize profit by placing DG at vantage points.
With the transformation of electricity markets from vertical integration to horizontally distribu... more With the transformation of electricity markets from vertical integration to horizontally distributed systems and because of the significant penetration of renewables into the grid, participation of renewables in the electricity trading process has become mandatory. Due to the uncertainties in the energy dispatched by renewables, central aggregators have been penalizing the nonconventional energy for the imbalances in the submitted bids. These penalties discourage the renewables from engaging as market participants. This article has proposed a two-stage stochastic joint bidding strategy for wind power plant (WPP) and pumped storage plant (PSP) in the microgrid to overcome these limitations. In the first stage, collective energy and ancillary service bids are optimized based on the day ahead energy and ancillary service prices. In the second stage, different wind power scenarios are realized based on historical patterns, and PSP reduces the deviations in the submitted joint bids in the energy and ancillary service markets. The proposed stochastic bidding strategy is demonstrated by a WPP of capacity 3 MW, and six PSP units of each capacity 1 MW. This stochastic bidding strategy hedges the risk introduced by renewables. Moreover, this bidding strategy compares the two ancillary services, spinning reserve (SR) and fast response reserve (FRR), regarding expected revenue and penalty for the imbalances in the submitted joint energy bids.
2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2017
The high penetration of renewable resources in the existing grid, increases the complexities of t... more The high penetration of renewable resources in the existing grid, increases the complexities of the grid. Nowadays, the integration of renewable resources became a big issue. These resources cannot participate in electricity markets because of their smaller size. The concept of virtual power plant (VPP) can enable the market participation of small generating units. The VPP can also provide ancillary services like frequency support, reactive power support. This paper explains the VPP concept, the structure of VPP and also the market participation. An Energy Management algorithm for VPP is also explained. A small VPP model, consists of two distributed generation (DG) sources and two controllable loads, is demonstrated in MATLAB-SIMULINK. In addition, the current situation of the VPP, and identifies and proposes the future research lines.
A novel convexified linear program (CLP) for optimal directional overcurrent relay (DOCR) coordin... more A novel convexified linear program (CLP) for optimal directional overcurrent relay (DOCR) coordination problem is proposed in this work. The DOCR coordination problem (CP) is a highly constrained nonlinear nonconvex problem which was solved using various traditional and heuristic optimization techniques in the past. In this work, the CP is formulated as a linear programming problem without fixing the current pickup settings (CPS) of DOCRs. The bilinear terms in the proposed formulation are written in the form of linear inequalities using McCormick envelopes. A sequential tightening algorithm is used to update the boundary limits of each parameter based on the solution obtained in each iteration, thus tightening the convex hulls and leading to solutions near to global optimum. The performance of the proposed method is applied to various test systems among which the results of 3 bus test system are presented.
2018 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)
Dynamic pricing and demand response programs are playing key roles in the modern smart grid envir... more Dynamic pricing and demand response programs are playing key roles in the modern smart grid environment to manage peak loads. With the current advent of communication systems, more user-friendly price driven schemes started emerging at the residential level. In the United States, heating and airconditioning loads are major contributors to total electricity consumption in residential buildings. In some areas, cooling loads during summer months are the highest of the whole year due to high outdoor air temperature and the wholesale electricity prices also increase as a consequence. In this paper, two demand response strategies i.e, active control and transactive control for a residential building are analyzed. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is considered as a responsive load and its set-point change to real-time prices and total power consumption in each method are analyzed. Modelling of singlefamily residential building and simulation are done in GridLAB-D.
2020 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)
The modern power system is evolving into a cyber-physical system with integration of information ... more The modern power system is evolving into a cyber-physical system with integration of information and communication technologies. Implementation of faster control and protection systems is now possible with the bi-direction fast flow of information in our power grids. In this paper, an optimal position of a centralized controller is found, for a Cyber-Physical System enabled smart grid to realize centralized control application. The model takes into consideration the delay associated with each communication line along with data congestion and node degree. This model is tested with IEEE 24 bus system, and a comparison is made based on different locations of the controllers. We identified node availability, and their respective power flows during communication line contingencies.
2020 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)
Cyber-attacks are a significant threat faced by even the most advanced and efficient grid systems... more Cyber-attacks are a significant threat faced by even the most advanced and efficient grid systems. This paper presents the Risk Assessment (RA) of multi-area load frequency control (MA-LFC) to data injection cyber-attacks (CA). The analysis, carried out from a power system engineers perspective, illustrates a successful stealth attack that can be implemented on the system with minimal system knowledge by injecting false data into the sensor and actuator measurements. A combination of an eavesdropping attack (EDA)and False Data Injection Attack (FDIA) is used in the attack model. An algorithm was developed to study the impact of the attack, and results are presented for a 9-bus system and 39-bus New-England test system. It was observed that the method is robust and can present the risk assessment of cyber-attack in MA-LFC.
Papers by Shanti Swarup