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We study the 3D distribution of matter at z ∼ 2 using high-resolution spectra of quasistellar object (QSO) pairs and simulated spectra drawn from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. We present a sample of 15 QSOs, corresponding to 21... more
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      Intergalactic MediumCross CorrelationHigh Resolutionlarge scale structure of the Universe
We investigate the 3-D matter distribution at z ∼ 2 with high resolution (R ∼ 40000) spectra of QSO pairs and groups obtained with the UVES spectrograph at ESO VLT. Our sample is unique for the number density of objects and the variety of... more
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    • Line of sight
We use ultra-deep ultraviolet VLT/VIMOS intermediate-band and VLT/FORS1 narrow-band imaging in the GOODS Southern field to derive limits on the distribution of the escape fraction (f esc) of ionizing radiation for L ≥ L * z=3
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaMonte Carlo SimulationActive Galactic Nuclei
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      Observational CosmologyGalaxy Formation and EvolutionElliptical galaxiesSteel Structure Formation
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      Epoch of ReionizationCross SectionHigh SensitivityElliptical galaxies
It has recently been shown that galaxy formation models within the ΛCDM cosmology predict that, compared to the observed population, small galaxies (with stellar masses < 10 11 M ⊙) form too early, are too passive since z ∼ 3 and host too... more
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      Dark MatterGalaxy Formation and EvolutionCosmologyUncertainty
The cosmic evolution of the metal content of the intergalactic medium puts stringent constraints on the properties of galactic outflows and on the nature of UV background. In this paper, we present a new measure of the redshift evolution... more
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X-shooter, with its characteristics of resolution, spectral coverage and efficiency, provides a unique opportunity to obtain spectra of the highest-redshift quasars (z ∼ 6) that will allow us to carry out successful investigations on key... more
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We explore new observationally-constrained sub-resolution models of galactic outflows and investigate their impact on the circumgalactic medium (CGM) in the redshift range z = 2 − 4. We perform cosmological hydrodynamic simulations,... more
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We use the LUQAS sample of 27 high resolution, high signal-to-noise QSO absorption spectra (Kim et al. 2004) and the results from Croft et al. (2002) together with a suite of highresolution hydro-dynamical simulations run with the... more
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      Dark MatterAstrophysicsDynamic SimulationHigh Resolution
We present results from high resolution (R≃ 28000) spectra of six highredshift QSOs taken at the ESO NTT telescope that allow the detailed study of the Lyman-α population in the redshift interval z = 2.8 − 4.1. The typical Doppler... more
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      Organic ChemistryHigh Redshift UniverseMaximum LikelihoodPower Law
We present a sample of 17 high-redshift (3.5 ∼ < z ∼ < 5.2) QSO candidates in the 320 arcmin 2 area of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey, selected in the magnitude range 22.45 < z 850 < 25.25 using deep imaging with the Advanced... more
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    • Luminosity function
Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. (will be inserted by hand later) ... High matter density peaks from UVES observations of QSO ... V. D&#x27;Odorico1, P. Petitjean1,2, and S. Cristiani3,4 ... 1 Institut d&#x27;Astrophysique de... more
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    • Spectrum
We determined C, N and α-element relative abundances in the gas surrounding six quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) at an average redshift of 〈z〉≃ 2.4, by studying six narrow associated absorption systems in Ultraviolet Visual Echelle... more
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      Intergalactic MediumHigh Redshift UniverseHigh ResolutionActive Galaxies
The Absorption Spectrum of the QSO PKS 2126-158 (zem= 3.27) and the Clustering Properties of Metal Systems Valentina D&#x27;Odorico International School for Advanced Studies, SISSA, via Beirut 2-4, 1-34014 Trieste, Italy Abstract. We... more
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    • Spectrum
We report on our serendipitous discovery that the objects Q 01323-4037 and Q 0132-4037, listed in the Véron-Cetty & Véron catalog (2006) as two different quasars, are actually a quasar and a star. We briefly discuss the origin of the... more
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      PhysicsDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)
The evolution of QSO clustering is investigated with a new sample of 388 QSOs with 0.3 < z ≤ 2.2, B ≤ 20.5 and MB < −23. Evidence is found for an increase of the clustering amplitude with increasing redshift. These measurements allow to... more
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    • Population Model
Abstract. We present the results of the detailed surface photometry of a sample of elliptical galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. In the &lt; µe &gt;–re plane the elliptical galaxies of the HDF turn out to follow a &#x27;rest frame&#x27;... more
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      PhysicsAstrophysicsFundamental plane
This is the second paper of a series describing the Asiago-ESO/RASS QSO survey, a project aimed at the construction of an all-sky statistically well-defined sample of very bright QSOs (B J ≤ 15). Such a survey is required to remove the... more
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      PhysicsActive Galactic NucleiSurveysSuccess Rate
The evolution of galaxy clustering from z = 0 to z 4.5 is analyzed using the angular correlation function and the photometric redshift distribution of galaxies brighter than I AB ≤ 28.5 in the Hubble Deep Field North. The reliability of... more
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      PhysicsObservational CosmologyDark MatterGalaxy Formation and Evolution