... Abdul Karim, Ahmad Tarmizi and Othman, Norzila and Hamdan, Rafidah (2011) Characterization of... more ... Abdul Karim, Ahmad Tarmizi and Othman, Norzila and Hamdan, Rafidah (2011) Characterization of municipal wastewater sludge using oxygen utilization reactor technique. Project Report. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. ... Deposited By: Cik Normajihan Abd. Rahman. ...
Lambolemo Village is geomorphologically dominated by hilly slopes morphology. Lithology in the fo... more Lambolemo Village is geomorphologically dominated by hilly slopes morphology. Lithology in the form of metamorphic rocks are mica schists and chlorite schists. The present research aimed to determine the facies and metamorphism types of metamorphic rocks in Lambolemo Village. The research methods engaged were field observation and laboratory observation utilizing petrographic analysis. Observations stage generated texture data and set of mineral both macroscopically and microscopically. The minerals were discovered within metamorphic rock of the research area, namely: muscovite, quartz, biotite, and chlorite. These findings then classified into two zones, there were chlorite zone and biotite zone. These zones were embodied into greenschist facies with chlorite mineral index. The greenschist facies was characterized with chlorite, albit, epidote, and actinolite minerals appearance. The metamorphic rock had a foliation structure. The structure was commonly generated by a regional metamorphic process, which was particularly a feature of the clear alignment, translucent minerals from flat minerals, such as : mica, chlorite and minerals that obtained fibers or scents.
Treatment and disposal of domestic sludge have been problematic due to the presence of heavy meta... more Treatment and disposal of domestic sludge have been problematic due to the presence of heavy metals. The application of sludge to agriculture land is considered as a feasible method of disposal. Several factors that attributed to the feasibility of this method include the nutrient content of domestic sludge necessary for plant growth, low handling costs and promotion of recycling. The objectives of this research are to determine the heavy metals content in domestic sludge from various treatment processes and the effect of the sludge application to soil. This sludge were then applied to soil by surface spraying to application cells of 0.091 m2 at different application rates of 0 C/m2, 2 €/m2, 4 i/m , 6 i/m2, 8 £/m2 and 10 Vm2. These cells were then planted with two different types of plants, brassica juncea and ipomoea aquatica, and were placed in the open with a transparent roof to simulate the natural environment while allowing control of soil moisture at 60 %. Samples taken from roots, stems and leaves were separately analyzed for heavy metal absorption by the plants. Analyses were conducted using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results showed that the metal content of treated sludge is still below the permitted level for application to agricultural land as indicated by USEPA, Part 503 regulations. Higher concentrations of metals were found in the roots compared to the other parts of plants. The study of uptake of metals by the plants at various rates of sludge application shows that the relationships between the parameters studied are polynomial. In general, the use of plants has helped in reducing metal content both in the sludge and agricultural land under study.
The cement industry contributes about 5% to global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. CO2 is emitted fr... more The cement industry contributes about 5% to global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. CO2 is emitted from the calcination process of limestone, from combustion of fuels in the kiln, as well as from power generation. A model of CO2 uptake by biomass silica foamed ...
The soil-contaminated areas can be cleaned-up by the emerging science and technology of bioremedi... more The soil-contaminated areas can be cleaned-up by the emerging science and technology of bioremediation. This study aims to investigate the survival of Pseudomonas putida (P. putida) as biodegradable agent in soil contaminated with biodiesel/diesel blends (B5). The spillage simulation of B5 was conducted at laboratory scale for 24 days of treatment. The results show that contamination of biodiesel/diesel blends in soil induced a reduction growth of P. putida. The growth of P. putida was measured high in control compared to B5 sample proved the inhibitory effect has occurred. Nevertheless, the P. putida colonies counts for sample B5 were persisted high until the end of treatment period at 5.0 x106 CFU/ml. P. putida is very sensitive to any ecosystem perturbation therefore this study notably serves as necessary information and potentially exploits as a useful oil-soil biodegradable agent in soil bioremediation.
Solidification/Stabilization is an effective, yet economic remediation technology to immobilize h... more Solidification/Stabilization is an effective, yet economic remediation technology to immobilize heavy metals in contaminated soils, sediments and sludges. The main objective of this research was to study the effect of replacing cement with rice husk ash (RHA) on compressive strength and leachability of Pb from the stabilised sediments. Cement and Rice husk ash were used as stabilizing agents to immobilise lead contaminated sediment. In this study, artificially contaminated sediment was prepared by spiking Pb(NO3)2 to achieve an average of 1000 ppm target concentration to bracket a worst case scenario. The Pb- impacted sediment was stabilized with 10% cement and 5, 10, 15 and 20% rice husk ash (RHA) by total dry weight of the mixture and was cured for 7, 14 and 28 days. The unconfined compressive strength test (UCS) and the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the S/S treatments at 7, 14 and 28 days. The result of the Toxicity ch...
This paper reviews the climate change impact on rainfall as well as extreme events occurrences. T... more This paper reviews the climate change impact on rainfall as well as extreme events occurrences. The global extreme weather contributes to the uncertainties of the climate trend and water scarcity problems to the whole world. Thus, numerical models such as General Circulation Models (GCMs) have been developed to simulate the response of the global climate system to the expected increment of the greenhouse gases concentrations. However, the GCM cannot be directly applied to climate change impact studies, hence downscaling is needed. A large number of downscaling methods are available but there is no universal method exists at present that performs best for all conditions, depending on the application and this remains a subject of investigation. Therefore, this paper compares the performances among statistical and dynamical downscaling models that have been applied by different researchers in various purposes. It can be concluded that the statistical downscaling has been widely used and able to provide reliable climate projected results especially for Malaysia's climate variables. This review is very significant especially to the policy maker in deciding the reliable climatic methods for the long term planning and management of water resources. Besides, the reliable projected rainfall will be very beneficial in estimating water availability and water resource policy.
Kendari is the capital of the Indonesian province of Southeast Sulawesi. It is located on mainly ... more Kendari is the capital of the Indonesian province of Southeast Sulawesi. It is located on mainly the karst hills region with high rainfall and there were numerous human activities on the karst hills. Many landslides have occurred in these areas. Natural and human factors may contribute to the landslide. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the present GIS map of landslide-prone areas was in agreement or compatible when compared to the actual site conditions in Kendari City. This research is mainly a regional survey. Data was collected through direct interview and observation at the sites. Data were analyzed quantitatively with percentages. The results showed that 87.4% of the area in Kendari City as shown in the map of landslide-prone distribution using GIS was included in the low risk or slightly vulnerable category. The category of landslide-prone areas was divided into; Very low risk, Low, Medium, High risk and Very high risk which represents the less vulnerable are...
Lambolemo Village is geomorphologically dominated by hilly slopes morphology. Lithology in the fo... more Lambolemo Village is geomorphologically dominated by hilly slopes morphology. Lithology in the form of metamorphic rocks are mica schists and chlorite schists. The present research aimed to determine the facies and metamorphism types of metamorphic rocks in Lambolemo Village. The research methods engaged were field observation and laboratory observation utilizing petrographic analysis. Observations stage generated texture data and set of mineral both macroscopically and microscopically. The minerals were discovered within metamorphic rock of the research area, namely: muscovite, quartz, biotite, and chlorite. These findings then classified into two zones, there were chlorite zone and biotite zone. These zones were embodied into greenschist facies with chlorite mineral index. The greenschist facies was characterized with chlorite, albit, epidote, and actinolite minerals appearance. The metamorphic rock had a foliation structure. The structure was commonly generated by a regional met...
Construction resources are fundamental requirement for any construction project for achieving pro... more Construction resources are fundamental requirement for any construction project for achieving project completion within estimated budget. Construction resources comprise of material, manpower, machinery and money or finance resources. These resources have significant effect to construction cost performance and if not well managed will lead to cost overrun. Hence, this study assessed the effect of resources to cost overrun. A structured questionnaire survey was conducted amongst client, consultant and contractors which are handling construction projects in southern and central regions of Malaysia. A total of 234 completed questionnaires were received of which 128 were from southern part and 106 from central regions of Malaysia. The gathered data were modeled and analyzed using SmartPLS v2.0 software which applied advanced multivariate technique. The developed structural relationship models of the resources with cost overrun indicated that all the resources have significant effect on cost overrun. The results from southern model indicated that approximately 40% of variance extraction was achieved which means that in southern region 40% of cost overrun is subjected to construction resource performance. While for central model, variance extraction was achieved at 59%. This showed that in central region the effect of resources on construction cost overrun in more significant as compared to southern region. Further, material resource was found as common and most significant resource in southern and central region contributing to cost overrun. Global Fit Index values of both southern and central models are 0.529 and 0.566 respectively. This confirmed that the developed path models had substantial power in explaining the relationship between construction resources and cost.
This paper presents an experimental study on applying Electrokinetic Stabilisation (EKS) method t... more This paper presents an experimental study on applying Electrokinetic Stabilisation (EKS) method to stabilise soft soil which has low shear strength. EKS method is the combination processes of electroosmosis and chemical grouting. This technique is most effective in silty and clayey soils where the hydraulic conductivity is very low. Soil sample was dried, ground and sieved. Water was added to the sample to form slurry. The slurry was then inserted to the EKS test rig where a load was applied to it until the slurry become saturated. Once saturated, EKS treatment was carried out to it where the electrolyte used was calcium chloride (CaCl 2) and Ferrum plate was used as electrodes. After 7 days of EKS treatment, the treated soil was then investigated through their physical and chemical properties. It was found that the treated soil near the cathode has the highest shear strength value up to 18.06 kN/m 2 compared with the anode and in the middle of the soil sample. From consolidation results, the data is useful in determining the compression index C c , coefficient of consolidation c v and volume of compressibility m v. It shows that after EKS treatment the pH of the sample was increased near the cathode, while the electric conductivity value decreased near the cathode. It shows that the concentration of Ca 2+ increased near the anode and Fe 3+ increased near the cathode, obtained from atomic absorption spectrometer testing. Nevertheless, there's no new minerals presences after the EKS treatment and the three major elements in clay are silicate oxide, aluminum oxide and ferum oxide.
Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium were commonly found at industrial sites and turn out to be toxic at hig... more Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium were commonly found at industrial sites and turn out to be toxic at high concentrations. Two types of soil commonly found in Malaysia, namely meta sedimentary residual soil (RS) and soft soil (SS) were studied as an adsorbent for the removal of As, Pb and Cd. The physico-chemical properties and batch adsorption tests were conducted in order to evaluate the capability of these soils. The physico-chemical properties tested in this study include particle size distribution, Atterberg limit, pH of soils, surface area and pore size determination, soil mineralogy, soil composition and cation exchange capacity. Batch adsorption tests were performed by shaking 6g of soil in 30ml of solution. The concentration were fixed at 10mg/L while the contact time varies at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, and 168 hours. The filtrates were then tested using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) and the adsorption data have been correlated with both Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. The results showed that the RS successfully adsorbed Pb and Cd while soft soil was effective in the removal of As. Both soils fitted well to Freundlich adsorption isotherm in the adsorption of As and Cd while Langmuir was best fitted in the removal of Pb.
Processing of palm oil fruit into palm oil produced high strength wastewater which is known as pa... more Processing of palm oil fruit into palm oil produced high strength wastewater which is known as palm oil mill effluent (POME). POME contains high concentrations of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total solids (TS), and suspended solids (SS). Before POME can be discharged to the environment, it has to be treated to the level conforming to the discharge standards. Currently, most palm oil mills in Malaysia are using anaerobic ponds to treat POME. This is very conventional and often creates environmental pollution themselves. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess a more suitable treatment method to overcome the limitations and disadvantages of anaerobic ponds. In this study, three hybrid up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (HUASB) reactors, treating POME with COD of ±5000 mg/L at room temperature were operated. Coarse gravel, fine gravel and crushed glass were applied as filter media in three reactors (R1, R2 and R3). The reactors were operated at organic loading rate (OLR) of 1.83 g...
Optimal temperature was determined as 30°C. The isolated Micrococcus diversus demonstrated to be ... more Optimal temperature was determined as 30°C. The isolated Micrococcus diversus demonstrated to be a feasible strain for degradation of napthalene at a neutral pH, 30°C even up to a napthalene concentration of 100 mgL' 1 .
Construction resources are fundamental requirement for any construction project for achieving pro... more Construction resources are fundamental requirement for any construction project for achieving project completion within estimated budget. Construction resources comprise of material, manpower, machinery and money or finance resources. These resources have significant effect to construction cost performance and if not well managed will lead to cost overrun. Hence, this study assessed the effect of resources to cost overrun. A structured questionnaire survey was conducted amongst client, consultant and contractors which are handling construction projects in southern and central regions of Malaysia. A total of 234 completed questionnaires were received of which 128 were from southern part and 106 from central regions of Malaysia. The gathered data were modeled and analyzed using SmartPLS v2.0 software which applied advanced multivariate technique. The developed structural relationship models of the resources with cost overrun indicated that all the resources have significant effect on ...
... Abdul Karim, Ahmad Tarmizi and Othman, Norzila and Hamdan, Rafidah (2011) Characterization of... more ... Abdul Karim, Ahmad Tarmizi and Othman, Norzila and Hamdan, Rafidah (2011) Characterization of municipal wastewater sludge using oxygen utilization reactor technique. Project Report. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. ... Deposited By: Cik Normajihan Abd. Rahman. ...
Lambolemo Village is geomorphologically dominated by hilly slopes morphology. Lithology in the fo... more Lambolemo Village is geomorphologically dominated by hilly slopes morphology. Lithology in the form of metamorphic rocks are mica schists and chlorite schists. The present research aimed to determine the facies and metamorphism types of metamorphic rocks in Lambolemo Village. The research methods engaged were field observation and laboratory observation utilizing petrographic analysis. Observations stage generated texture data and set of mineral both macroscopically and microscopically. The minerals were discovered within metamorphic rock of the research area, namely: muscovite, quartz, biotite, and chlorite. These findings then classified into two zones, there were chlorite zone and biotite zone. These zones were embodied into greenschist facies with chlorite mineral index. The greenschist facies was characterized with chlorite, albit, epidote, and actinolite minerals appearance. The metamorphic rock had a foliation structure. The structure was commonly generated by a regional metamorphic process, which was particularly a feature of the clear alignment, translucent minerals from flat minerals, such as : mica, chlorite and minerals that obtained fibers or scents.
Treatment and disposal of domestic sludge have been problematic due to the presence of heavy meta... more Treatment and disposal of domestic sludge have been problematic due to the presence of heavy metals. The application of sludge to agriculture land is considered as a feasible method of disposal. Several factors that attributed to the feasibility of this method include the nutrient content of domestic sludge necessary for plant growth, low handling costs and promotion of recycling. The objectives of this research are to determine the heavy metals content in domestic sludge from various treatment processes and the effect of the sludge application to soil. This sludge were then applied to soil by surface spraying to application cells of 0.091 m2 at different application rates of 0 C/m2, 2 €/m2, 4 i/m , 6 i/m2, 8 £/m2 and 10 Vm2. These cells were then planted with two different types of plants, brassica juncea and ipomoea aquatica, and were placed in the open with a transparent roof to simulate the natural environment while allowing control of soil moisture at 60 %. Samples taken from roots, stems and leaves were separately analyzed for heavy metal absorption by the plants. Analyses were conducted using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results showed that the metal content of treated sludge is still below the permitted level for application to agricultural land as indicated by USEPA, Part 503 regulations. Higher concentrations of metals were found in the roots compared to the other parts of plants. The study of uptake of metals by the plants at various rates of sludge application shows that the relationships between the parameters studied are polynomial. In general, the use of plants has helped in reducing metal content both in the sludge and agricultural land under study.
The cement industry contributes about 5% to global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. CO2 is emitted fr... more The cement industry contributes about 5% to global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. CO2 is emitted from the calcination process of limestone, from combustion of fuels in the kiln, as well as from power generation. A model of CO2 uptake by biomass silica foamed ...
The soil-contaminated areas can be cleaned-up by the emerging science and technology of bioremedi... more The soil-contaminated areas can be cleaned-up by the emerging science and technology of bioremediation. This study aims to investigate the survival of Pseudomonas putida (P. putida) as biodegradable agent in soil contaminated with biodiesel/diesel blends (B5). The spillage simulation of B5 was conducted at laboratory scale for 24 days of treatment. The results show that contamination of biodiesel/diesel blends in soil induced a reduction growth of P. putida. The growth of P. putida was measured high in control compared to B5 sample proved the inhibitory effect has occurred. Nevertheless, the P. putida colonies counts for sample B5 were persisted high until the end of treatment period at 5.0 x106 CFU/ml. P. putida is very sensitive to any ecosystem perturbation therefore this study notably serves as necessary information and potentially exploits as a useful oil-soil biodegradable agent in soil bioremediation.
Solidification/Stabilization is an effective, yet economic remediation technology to immobilize h... more Solidification/Stabilization is an effective, yet economic remediation technology to immobilize heavy metals in contaminated soils, sediments and sludges. The main objective of this research was to study the effect of replacing cement with rice husk ash (RHA) on compressive strength and leachability of Pb from the stabilised sediments. Cement and Rice husk ash were used as stabilizing agents to immobilise lead contaminated sediment. In this study, artificially contaminated sediment was prepared by spiking Pb(NO3)2 to achieve an average of 1000 ppm target concentration to bracket a worst case scenario. The Pb- impacted sediment was stabilized with 10% cement and 5, 10, 15 and 20% rice husk ash (RHA) by total dry weight of the mixture and was cured for 7, 14 and 28 days. The unconfined compressive strength test (UCS) and the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the S/S treatments at 7, 14 and 28 days. The result of the Toxicity ch...
This paper reviews the climate change impact on rainfall as well as extreme events occurrences. T... more This paper reviews the climate change impact on rainfall as well as extreme events occurrences. The global extreme weather contributes to the uncertainties of the climate trend and water scarcity problems to the whole world. Thus, numerical models such as General Circulation Models (GCMs) have been developed to simulate the response of the global climate system to the expected increment of the greenhouse gases concentrations. However, the GCM cannot be directly applied to climate change impact studies, hence downscaling is needed. A large number of downscaling methods are available but there is no universal method exists at present that performs best for all conditions, depending on the application and this remains a subject of investigation. Therefore, this paper compares the performances among statistical and dynamical downscaling models that have been applied by different researchers in various purposes. It can be concluded that the statistical downscaling has been widely used and able to provide reliable climate projected results especially for Malaysia's climate variables. This review is very significant especially to the policy maker in deciding the reliable climatic methods for the long term planning and management of water resources. Besides, the reliable projected rainfall will be very beneficial in estimating water availability and water resource policy.
Kendari is the capital of the Indonesian province of Southeast Sulawesi. It is located on mainly ... more Kendari is the capital of the Indonesian province of Southeast Sulawesi. It is located on mainly the karst hills region with high rainfall and there were numerous human activities on the karst hills. Many landslides have occurred in these areas. Natural and human factors may contribute to the landslide. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the present GIS map of landslide-prone areas was in agreement or compatible when compared to the actual site conditions in Kendari City. This research is mainly a regional survey. Data was collected through direct interview and observation at the sites. Data were analyzed quantitatively with percentages. The results showed that 87.4% of the area in Kendari City as shown in the map of landslide-prone distribution using GIS was included in the low risk or slightly vulnerable category. The category of landslide-prone areas was divided into; Very low risk, Low, Medium, High risk and Very high risk which represents the less vulnerable are...
Lambolemo Village is geomorphologically dominated by hilly slopes morphology. Lithology in the fo... more Lambolemo Village is geomorphologically dominated by hilly slopes morphology. Lithology in the form of metamorphic rocks are mica schists and chlorite schists. The present research aimed to determine the facies and metamorphism types of metamorphic rocks in Lambolemo Village. The research methods engaged were field observation and laboratory observation utilizing petrographic analysis. Observations stage generated texture data and set of mineral both macroscopically and microscopically. The minerals were discovered within metamorphic rock of the research area, namely: muscovite, quartz, biotite, and chlorite. These findings then classified into two zones, there were chlorite zone and biotite zone. These zones were embodied into greenschist facies with chlorite mineral index. The greenschist facies was characterized with chlorite, albit, epidote, and actinolite minerals appearance. The metamorphic rock had a foliation structure. The structure was commonly generated by a regional met...
Construction resources are fundamental requirement for any construction project for achieving pro... more Construction resources are fundamental requirement for any construction project for achieving project completion within estimated budget. Construction resources comprise of material, manpower, machinery and money or finance resources. These resources have significant effect to construction cost performance and if not well managed will lead to cost overrun. Hence, this study assessed the effect of resources to cost overrun. A structured questionnaire survey was conducted amongst client, consultant and contractors which are handling construction projects in southern and central regions of Malaysia. A total of 234 completed questionnaires were received of which 128 were from southern part and 106 from central regions of Malaysia. The gathered data were modeled and analyzed using SmartPLS v2.0 software which applied advanced multivariate technique. The developed structural relationship models of the resources with cost overrun indicated that all the resources have significant effect on cost overrun. The results from southern model indicated that approximately 40% of variance extraction was achieved which means that in southern region 40% of cost overrun is subjected to construction resource performance. While for central model, variance extraction was achieved at 59%. This showed that in central region the effect of resources on construction cost overrun in more significant as compared to southern region. Further, material resource was found as common and most significant resource in southern and central region contributing to cost overrun. Global Fit Index values of both southern and central models are 0.529 and 0.566 respectively. This confirmed that the developed path models had substantial power in explaining the relationship between construction resources and cost.
This paper presents an experimental study on applying Electrokinetic Stabilisation (EKS) method t... more This paper presents an experimental study on applying Electrokinetic Stabilisation (EKS) method to stabilise soft soil which has low shear strength. EKS method is the combination processes of electroosmosis and chemical grouting. This technique is most effective in silty and clayey soils where the hydraulic conductivity is very low. Soil sample was dried, ground and sieved. Water was added to the sample to form slurry. The slurry was then inserted to the EKS test rig where a load was applied to it until the slurry become saturated. Once saturated, EKS treatment was carried out to it where the electrolyte used was calcium chloride (CaCl 2) and Ferrum plate was used as electrodes. After 7 days of EKS treatment, the treated soil was then investigated through their physical and chemical properties. It was found that the treated soil near the cathode has the highest shear strength value up to 18.06 kN/m 2 compared with the anode and in the middle of the soil sample. From consolidation results, the data is useful in determining the compression index C c , coefficient of consolidation c v and volume of compressibility m v. It shows that after EKS treatment the pH of the sample was increased near the cathode, while the electric conductivity value decreased near the cathode. It shows that the concentration of Ca 2+ increased near the anode and Fe 3+ increased near the cathode, obtained from atomic absorption spectrometer testing. Nevertheless, there's no new minerals presences after the EKS treatment and the three major elements in clay are silicate oxide, aluminum oxide and ferum oxide.
Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium were commonly found at industrial sites and turn out to be toxic at hig... more Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium were commonly found at industrial sites and turn out to be toxic at high concentrations. Two types of soil commonly found in Malaysia, namely meta sedimentary residual soil (RS) and soft soil (SS) were studied as an adsorbent for the removal of As, Pb and Cd. The physico-chemical properties and batch adsorption tests were conducted in order to evaluate the capability of these soils. The physico-chemical properties tested in this study include particle size distribution, Atterberg limit, pH of soils, surface area and pore size determination, soil mineralogy, soil composition and cation exchange capacity. Batch adsorption tests were performed by shaking 6g of soil in 30ml of solution. The concentration were fixed at 10mg/L while the contact time varies at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, and 168 hours. The filtrates were then tested using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) and the adsorption data have been correlated with both Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. The results showed that the RS successfully adsorbed Pb and Cd while soft soil was effective in the removal of As. Both soils fitted well to Freundlich adsorption isotherm in the adsorption of As and Cd while Langmuir was best fitted in the removal of Pb.
Processing of palm oil fruit into palm oil produced high strength wastewater which is known as pa... more Processing of palm oil fruit into palm oil produced high strength wastewater which is known as palm oil mill effluent (POME). POME contains high concentrations of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total solids (TS), and suspended solids (SS). Before POME can be discharged to the environment, it has to be treated to the level conforming to the discharge standards. Currently, most palm oil mills in Malaysia are using anaerobic ponds to treat POME. This is very conventional and often creates environmental pollution themselves. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess a more suitable treatment method to overcome the limitations and disadvantages of anaerobic ponds. In this study, three hybrid up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (HUASB) reactors, treating POME with COD of ±5000 mg/L at room temperature were operated. Coarse gravel, fine gravel and crushed glass were applied as filter media in three reactors (R1, R2 and R3). The reactors were operated at organic loading rate (OLR) of 1.83 g...
Optimal temperature was determined as 30°C. The isolated Micrococcus diversus demonstrated to be ... more Optimal temperature was determined as 30°C. The isolated Micrococcus diversus demonstrated to be a feasible strain for degradation of napthalene at a neutral pH, 30°C even up to a napthalene concentration of 100 mgL' 1 .
Construction resources are fundamental requirement for any construction project for achieving pro... more Construction resources are fundamental requirement for any construction project for achieving project completion within estimated budget. Construction resources comprise of material, manpower, machinery and money or finance resources. These resources have significant effect to construction cost performance and if not well managed will lead to cost overrun. Hence, this study assessed the effect of resources to cost overrun. A structured questionnaire survey was conducted amongst client, consultant and contractors which are handling construction projects in southern and central regions of Malaysia. A total of 234 completed questionnaires were received of which 128 were from southern part and 106 from central regions of Malaysia. The gathered data were modeled and analyzed using SmartPLS v2.0 software which applied advanced multivariate technique. The developed structural relationship models of the resources with cost overrun indicated that all the resources have significant effect on ...
Papers by Ahmad Abd Karim