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Aron Albahari

The book is a voluminous study (330 pages) that follows the history of the presence and life of Jews and Jewish tribes in pre-Islamic Arabia in the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries, the appearance and teachings of Hazreti Muhammad, and his... more
The book is a voluminous study (330 pages) that follows the history of the presence and life of Jews and Jewish tribes in pre-Islamic Arabia in the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries, the appearance and teachings of Hazreti Muhammad, and his religious, ideological, political and military contacts and relations with the Jews of Medina (Yathrib), Kaibar, Fadak, Kamusa, Wadi al-Qura, Tema. A part of the book is dedicated to the complete content of the Qur'an text, citing and quoting all parts of the text in the Qur'an which refer to the Jews. And that is 29 per cent of the total content and text of the Qur’an. Through the chapters in the book that talk about the Arabs, Muhammad, the Qur'an, Islam, etc... the book introduces us to mutual historical contacts, relations, influences, interconnections, but also the opposites of Jews and Arabs, as well as their religious teachings expressed in Judaism (and Christianity) and Islam. A particularly interesting part is an introduction with characters of common prophets and angels in Judaism (and Christianity) and Islam. Very interesting, and certainly less known, are the fact that out of a total of 25 prophets in Islam mentioned in the Qur'an, 22 of them are taken from the Jewish and Christian Bible and biblical history, and 15 of them are Jews! Each of them, as well as the angels mentioned in the Qur'an, is given a special description and explanation. An important fact, certainly is, that most of the authors and data sources used in the content of this book are Arabic, Persian, Indian, Pakistani, Turkish ... so primarily Muslim-Islamic authors, historians, writers, and theologians. The foreword to the book was written by Muharem Bazdulj.
Jubilej proslave stogodišnjice Saveza jevrejskih (izraelitskih) veroispovednih opština u Kraljevstvu Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca koji je osnovan 1. jula 1919. godine u Osijeku, bio je povod za predstavljanje jedne značajne inicijative i... more
Jubilej proslave stogodišnjice Saveza jevrejskih (izraelitskih) veroispovednih opština u Kraljevstvu Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca koji je osnovan 1. jula 1919. godine u Osijeku, bio je povod za predstavljanje jedne značajne inicijative i manifestacija. Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije (danas Srbije) pre 65 godina pokrenuo je Nagradni konkurs za radove sa jevrejskom tematikom koji je postao jedan od tradicionalnih, značajnih kulturnih događaja i jedan od najdužih projekata koje organizuje i vodi Savez.The jubilee of the celebration of the centenary of the Federation of Jewish (Israeli) religious communities in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, which was founded on July 1, 1919, in Osijek, was the occasion for the presentation of a significant initiative and manifestation. 65 years ago, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia (today Serbia) launched a prize competition for works with Jewish themes, which became one of the traditional, important cultural events and ...
Povodom proslave posvećene 700-toj godišnjici nastanka Otomanske imperije, objavljena je i knjiga turskog istoričara i pisca Ali Kemala Merama "Majke sultana" ("Padišah Analari"). Knjiga je posvećena manje poznatim... more
Povodom proslave posvećene 700-toj godišnjici nastanka Otomanske imperije, objavljena je i knjiga turskog istoričara i pisca Ali Kemala Merama "Majke sultana" ("Padišah Analari"). Knjiga je posvećena manje poznatim detaljima i istorijskim zbivanjima iz epohe vladavine svih turskih sultana, počev od prvog - Osmana I po kome je Imperija i dobila ime, do poslednjeg - Vahdetin sultana (Mehmed VI). U knjizi je posebno istaknuta činjenica da ni jedna od majki turskih sultana nije bila Turkinja, niti rođena kao muslimanka. U ovom radu se govori o njih pet koje su poreklom bile Jevrejke.On the occasion of the celebration dedicated to the 700th anniversary of the Ottoman Empire, a book by the Turkish historian and writer Ali Kemal Meram "Mother of the Sultan" ("Padishah Analari") was published. The book is dedicated to lesser-known details and historical events from the era of the rule of all Turkish sultans, starting from the first - Osman I, after wh...
Albahari Melvi (Mihailo-Miša), rođen je u Sarajevu 1935. godine, od oca Jakova (diplomiranog pravnika) i majke Jozefine - Fine (profesorke fizike i hemije). Po struci mašinski inženjer metalurškog smera, diplomirao 1958. godine na... more
Albahari Melvi (Mihailo-Miša), rođen je u Sarajevu 1935. godine, od oca Jakova (diplomiranog pravnika) i majke Jozefine - Fine (profesorke fizike i hemije). Po struci mašinski inženjer metalurškog smera, diplomirao 1958. godine na Tehnološkom fakultetu u Beogradu. Umro je 1997. godine na Novom Zelandu u gradu Vangarei (Whangarei, Northland). Bio je scenarista pozorišne drame “Bližnji svoj” koju je napisao 1958. godine u Beogradu, gde je bila postavljena i izvodena na sceni “Ateljea 212”, i u kojoj je jednu od uloga igrala i naša poznata glumica Irena Kolesar (u ulozi Lili). Predstava je učestvovala i na novosadskom dramskom i pozorišnom festivalu “Sterijino pozorje” - 3. Jugoslovenskim pozorišnim igrama, 1958. godine.Albahari Melvi (Mihailo-Miša), was born in Sarajevo in 1935. His father Jakov was a law graduate and mother Jozefina - Fina was a professor of physics and chemistry. By profession a mechanical engineer in the field of metallurgy, Melvi graduated in 1958 at the Faculty o...
Ovaj prilog govori o atmosferi povodom promocije knjige "Nisim Albahari - tragični revolucionar" autora Amira Brke, koja je promovisana 24. maja 2018. godine u Tešnju (BiH). Autor teksta nas upoznaje sa sadržajem knjige, koja... more
Ovaj prilog govori o atmosferi povodom promocije knjige "Nisim Albahari - tragični revolucionar" autora Amira Brke, koja je promovisana 24. maja 2018. godine u Tešnju (BiH). Autor teksta nas upoznaje sa sadržajem knjige, koja osim o liku i značaju ovog BiH revolucionara, govori i o istorijatu i okolnostima života Jevreja, i pre svega pojedinih jevrejskih porodica, u ovom gradu srednje Bosne. Iznoseći hronologiju ličnog kontakta sa autorom knjige, tekst je posebno posvećen akterima i atmosferi promocije ali i tome kako je ona na simboličan način "vratila" duh i prisjećanje na nekadašnji život i prisustvo Jevreja u Tešnju. Poseban osvrt dat je na širu porodicu Albahari, čiji potomak je i autor ovoga priloga.This contribution is about the atmosphere on the occasion of the promotion of the book "Nisim Albahari - a tragic revolutionary" by Amir Brka, which was promoted on May 24, 2018, in Tešanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The author of the text introduces us ...
Audio-vizuelna prezentacija na susretu Zoom Šabat, održanom u petak 24. septembra od 19:30 časova. Tema predavanja su objavljene knjige Arona Albaharija sa jevrejskim sadržajima. Autor u prezentaciji govori o izdavaštvu uopšte na... more
Audio-vizuelna prezentacija na susretu Zoom Šabat, održanom u petak 24. septembra od 19:30 časova. Tema predavanja su objavljene knjige Arona Albaharija sa jevrejskim sadržajima. Autor u prezentaciji govori o izdavaštvu uopšte na "jevrejske teme" i o njihovim autorima u poslednjih 40-ak godina. Takođe iznosi interesantne detalje vezane za nastanak i sadržaje njegove 4 knjige, sa posebnim osvrtom na knjigu "Poslanik Muhamed i Jevreji".Audio-visual presentation at the Zoom Shabbat meeting, held on Friday, September 24, at 7:30 p.m. The topic of the lecture was Aaron Albahari's books with Jewish content. In the presentation, the author talks about publishing in general on "Jewish topics" and about their authors in the last 40 years. He also presents interesting details related to the origin and contents of his 4 books, with special reference to the book "The Prophet Muhammad and the Jews".Predavanje održano 24. septembra 2021. godine preko Zo...
This work was initiated by a campaign called "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions" (BDS), which has aimed on the international isolation of Israel for the past ten years. The campaign, under the cover of criticism about Israel for... more
This work was initiated by a campaign called "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions" (BDS), which has aimed on the international isolation of Israel for the past ten years. The campaign, under the cover of criticism about Israel for the reported implementation of Apartheid against the Palestinians, calls all international entities, individuals and institutions to boycott Israel politically, culturally, sports, academically and economically. In the introductory part especially is given the list of numerous cases about a boycott of Israel by individuals, groups and institutions for their participation in Israel, but also at international gatherings in the world where individuals, groups or institutions from Israel participate. However, there are also cases of those public figures or groups who refused to participate in the boycott of Israel. The history of the political, social, public and every other position and status of the Arab-Palestinians in Israel since 1948 is especiall...