In the international world, the protection of human rights and the internet has become one of the... more In the international world, the protection of human rights and the internet has become one of the important discussions at the United Nations. In 2012, the United Nations issued a Resolution on the Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the internet, one of which acknowledged that expressions delivered online received the same protection in offline expression activities. But in Indonesia the government has blocked internet and data services due to demonstrations in several regions such as Jayapura, Manokwari, Sorong, and Fakfak. Blocking actions on a number of platforms or internet sites, has drawn a number of polemics in the public. These actions are often judged disproportionately. This research is in accordance with the grouping of the concepts of the fifth law, namely the law is a manifestation of the symbolic meanings of social actors as seen in their interactions. This type of research is sociological (non-doctrinal) legal research. Research Approach is a socio...
Domestic violence perpetrated by members of the military or the Indonesian National Armed Forces.... more Domestic violence perpetrated by members of the military or the Indonesian National Armed Forces. Cases of criminal acts of domestic violence allegedly committed by unscrupulous TNI-AD soldiers at Denpom IV/5 Diponegoro Semarang are cases with a priority scale. Military Police Investigators are obliged to immediately conduct investigations into criminal cases of crimes of domestic violence since knowing or receiving reports of the occurrence of the case, this happens because, in addition to criminal acts of domestic violence are cases that are easy to prove, it is also intended that the case be completed quickly. so that it is hoped that the perpetrator can immediately serve his sentence and return to his family immediately as one of the objectives of the birth of the Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence as stated in Article 4 letter d of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence, namely maintaining the integrity of...
The advancement of internet technology and the rapid sales of smartphones in Indonesia become the... more The advancement of internet technology and the rapid sales of smartphones in Indonesia become the third highest in the Pacific after China and India also have an impact on increasing mobile banking usage by 80% of bank customers in Indonesia. Kenya which is a poor and corrupt country in the world has made changes to the banking system, namely using an electronic platform called M-Pesa. M Pesa provides mobile-based payment and transfer services that can reduce corruption in the public sector. In Africa, Mobile phone signals and reach determine the success of corruption prevention using mobile banking. This study aims to obtain a corruption prevention model using mobile banking. This research is descriptive qualitative. The approach of this research is sociolegal study which is a study of law by using a legal science approach and social sciences. Data collection techniques using virtually research and library research The validity technique of the data used is data triangulation. Data...
Anak memerlukan perlindungan dalam rangka menjamin pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik, mental, so... more Anak memerlukan perlindungan dalam rangka menjamin pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik, mental, sosial secara utuh, serasi, selaras dan seimbang. Sembilan dari sepuluh anak ini akhirnya dijebloskan ke penjara atau rumah tahanan. Yang memprihatinkan, mereka seringkali disatukan dengan orang dewasa karena kurangnya alternatif terhadap hukuman penjara.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana batasan umur anak menurut UU No. 11 Tahun 2012, dan bagaimana kedudukan anak yang belum berumur 18 tahun tetapi sudah kawin, yang melakukan tindak pidana, menurut Pasal 1 ayat 3 UU No. 11 Tahun 2012. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam tipe penelitian hukum normatif. Fokus kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai asas hukum.Anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum adalah anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum, anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana, dan anak yang menjadi saksi tindak pidana. Menurut Pasal 1 ayat 3 UU No. 11 Tahun 2012, “Anak yang Berkonflik dengan Hukum yang selanjutnya disebut Anak ...
Misdemeanor is still processed using conventional trial in Indonesia, despite a very small loss g... more Misdemeanor is still processed using conventional trial in Indonesia, despite a very small loss generated. Supreme Court takes a stance to the slow process of amending KUHP (Penal Code) by publishing Supreme Court’s Regulation (Perma) No.02 of 2012 about the Adjustment of Misdemeanor limit and Fine Size in Penal code. Perma No.02 of 2012 is the legal product issued by Supreme Court intended to the Judge. The position of Polri (Republic of Indonesia’s Police) and Attorney as public prosecutor cannot be subjected automatically to Perma No.02 of 2012. The Judge assessed the presence of Perma No.02 of 2012 as a non-binding regulation so that its implementation can be overridden. Kinship culture to settle has not developed yet within society, as indeed there has been no legal foundation governing it. This research recommended the reconstruction of Penal Code by giving an opportunity of schikking between the accused or the defendant and the victim of misdemeanor. This schikking use is the...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kaitan Pasal 45 Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 1999... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kaitan Pasal 45 Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 1999 jo. Undang-Undang No. 3 Tahun 2004 dengan upaya mewujudkan good corporate governance di Bank Indonesia dan mengapa pasal ini dipakai sebagai alasan pembenar oleh Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian hukum normatif, dimana hukum sebagai asas-asas kebenaran dan keadilan yang bersifat kodrati dan berlaku universal, yang mengkaji mengenai sistematik hukum. Pasal 45 ini mengandung suatu kekebalan yang dimiliki oleh Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia, dimana kalau di analisis dengan model elit menunjukkan bahwa proses perumusannya terdapat golongan elit, yaitu pemerintah dalam hal ini Bank Indonesia khususnya Dewan Gubernur, yang berperan sebagai kelompok penekan. Dimasukkannya unsur kekebalan ini, dimaksudkan agar kelompok penekan, dalam hal ini Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia, dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan dilindungi rasa aman. Artinya, segala kebijakan yang...
Proses industri ternyata telah menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif yang merugikan kehidupan masya... more Proses industri ternyata telah menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif yang merugikan kehidupan masyarakat. Dampak negatif terhadap komponen lingkungan dapat berupa gangguan terhadap kualitas air, udara, tanah, Kenyamanan lingkungan dan sebagainya. Kasus serupa terjadi antara PT. Indo Acidatama Chemical Industry yang berada di wilayah Desa Kemiri, Kecamatan Kebakkramat, Kabupaten Karanganyar dengan petani setempat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penyebab terjadinya sengketa dan bagaimanakah bentuk penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan yang diterapkan dalam menyelesaikan sengketa lingkungan hidup antara PT. Indo Acidatama Chemical Industry dengan petani Desa Kemiri, Kecamatan Kebakkramat, Kabupaten Karanganyar. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam tipe penelitian hukum empiris.Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya sengekta antara PT. IACI dengan petani Desa Kemiri adalah pencemaran udara (limbah gas) dari PT. IACI yang menyebabkan tanaman padi menjadi kemerah-merahan,...
The effect of time development is, among others, the prevalent crime committed by children. Socia... more The effect of time development is, among others, the prevalent crime committed by children. Social change encourages the change of behavior within society, and the change of law, particularly about juvenile court. There is a shift of condemnation values from repressive to restitutive. Public should acquire this knowledge adequately to prevent misconception from occurring. This community service activity is expected to improve the people�s knowledge on the change of legislation governing the child dealing with criminal case. The elucidation of law or legal counseling is conducted using lecturing and discussion approaches. The public should acquire this knowledge adequately, to prevent misconception from occurring. Child in conflict with law, thereafter called the Child is the one aged more than 12 (twelve) years, but less than 18 (eighteen) years suspected to perpetrate crime. The fundamental change occurs in the condemnation system against the child, that is, the diversion process t...
International Conference Law Economy Technology, 2018
Terrorism in Indonesia has belonged to extraordinary crime, meaning that it has endangered people... more Terrorism in Indonesia has belonged to extraordinary crime, meaning that it has endangered people, nation, and state lives. Terrorism should have been viewed from two different points of view: firstly, terrorism as a crime putting police officer and law enforcers to be the leading sectors in dealing with terroristic action, helped by other related institutions including TNI (Indonesian Army). Secondly, terrorism should be viewed as the threat against national security that can endanger Republic of Indonesia Unitary State (thereafter called NKRI)'s integrity and sovereignty. Thus, it is a mutual responsibility for both military and nonmilitary defense components to cope with terroristic action. TNI's aid in coping with terrorism is a certainty because it has been consistent with the mandate of Law No.34 of 2004 about TNI, as included in Article 7 clause (2) about TNI's main duty in implementing Military Operations other than war (MOOTW).
In the international world, the protection of human rights and the internet has become one of the... more In the international world, the protection of human rights and the internet has become one of the important discussions at the United Nations. In 2012, the United Nations issued a Resolution on the Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the internet, one of which acknowledged that expressions delivered online received the same protection in offline expression activities. But in Indonesia the government has blocked internet and data services due to demonstrations in several regions such as Jayapura, Manokwari, Sorong, and Fakfak. Blocking actions on a number of platforms or internet sites, has drawn a number of polemics in the public. These actions are often judged disproportionately. This research is in accordance with the grouping of the concepts of the fifth law, namely the law is a manifestation of the symbolic meanings of social actors as seen in their interactions. This type of research is sociological (non-doctrinal) legal research. Research Approach is a socio...
Domestic violence perpetrated by members of the military or the Indonesian National Armed Forces.... more Domestic violence perpetrated by members of the military or the Indonesian National Armed Forces. Cases of criminal acts of domestic violence allegedly committed by unscrupulous TNI-AD soldiers at Denpom IV/5 Diponegoro Semarang are cases with a priority scale. Military Police Investigators are obliged to immediately conduct investigations into criminal cases of crimes of domestic violence since knowing or receiving reports of the occurrence of the case, this happens because, in addition to criminal acts of domestic violence are cases that are easy to prove, it is also intended that the case be completed quickly. so that it is hoped that the perpetrator can immediately serve his sentence and return to his family immediately as one of the objectives of the birth of the Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence as stated in Article 4 letter d of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence, namely maintaining the integrity of...
The advancement of internet technology and the rapid sales of smartphones in Indonesia become the... more The advancement of internet technology and the rapid sales of smartphones in Indonesia become the third highest in the Pacific after China and India also have an impact on increasing mobile banking usage by 80% of bank customers in Indonesia. Kenya which is a poor and corrupt country in the world has made changes to the banking system, namely using an electronic platform called M-Pesa. M Pesa provides mobile-based payment and transfer services that can reduce corruption in the public sector. In Africa, Mobile phone signals and reach determine the success of corruption prevention using mobile banking. This study aims to obtain a corruption prevention model using mobile banking. This research is descriptive qualitative. The approach of this research is sociolegal study which is a study of law by using a legal science approach and social sciences. Data collection techniques using virtually research and library research The validity technique of the data used is data triangulation. Data...
Anak memerlukan perlindungan dalam rangka menjamin pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik, mental, so... more Anak memerlukan perlindungan dalam rangka menjamin pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik, mental, sosial secara utuh, serasi, selaras dan seimbang. Sembilan dari sepuluh anak ini akhirnya dijebloskan ke penjara atau rumah tahanan. Yang memprihatinkan, mereka seringkali disatukan dengan orang dewasa karena kurangnya alternatif terhadap hukuman penjara.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana batasan umur anak menurut UU No. 11 Tahun 2012, dan bagaimana kedudukan anak yang belum berumur 18 tahun tetapi sudah kawin, yang melakukan tindak pidana, menurut Pasal 1 ayat 3 UU No. 11 Tahun 2012. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam tipe penelitian hukum normatif. Fokus kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai asas hukum.Anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum adalah anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum, anak yang menjadi korban tindak pidana, dan anak yang menjadi saksi tindak pidana. Menurut Pasal 1 ayat 3 UU No. 11 Tahun 2012, “Anak yang Berkonflik dengan Hukum yang selanjutnya disebut Anak ...
Misdemeanor is still processed using conventional trial in Indonesia, despite a very small loss g... more Misdemeanor is still processed using conventional trial in Indonesia, despite a very small loss generated. Supreme Court takes a stance to the slow process of amending KUHP (Penal Code) by publishing Supreme Court’s Regulation (Perma) No.02 of 2012 about the Adjustment of Misdemeanor limit and Fine Size in Penal code. Perma No.02 of 2012 is the legal product issued by Supreme Court intended to the Judge. The position of Polri (Republic of Indonesia’s Police) and Attorney as public prosecutor cannot be subjected automatically to Perma No.02 of 2012. The Judge assessed the presence of Perma No.02 of 2012 as a non-binding regulation so that its implementation can be overridden. Kinship culture to settle has not developed yet within society, as indeed there has been no legal foundation governing it. This research recommended the reconstruction of Penal Code by giving an opportunity of schikking between the accused or the defendant and the victim of misdemeanor. This schikking use is the...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kaitan Pasal 45 Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 1999... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kaitan Pasal 45 Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 1999 jo. Undang-Undang No. 3 Tahun 2004 dengan upaya mewujudkan good corporate governance di Bank Indonesia dan mengapa pasal ini dipakai sebagai alasan pembenar oleh Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian hukum normatif, dimana hukum sebagai asas-asas kebenaran dan keadilan yang bersifat kodrati dan berlaku universal, yang mengkaji mengenai sistematik hukum. Pasal 45 ini mengandung suatu kekebalan yang dimiliki oleh Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia, dimana kalau di analisis dengan model elit menunjukkan bahwa proses perumusannya terdapat golongan elit, yaitu pemerintah dalam hal ini Bank Indonesia khususnya Dewan Gubernur, yang berperan sebagai kelompok penekan. Dimasukkannya unsur kekebalan ini, dimaksudkan agar kelompok penekan, dalam hal ini Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia, dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan dilindungi rasa aman. Artinya, segala kebijakan yang...
Proses industri ternyata telah menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif yang merugikan kehidupan masya... more Proses industri ternyata telah menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif yang merugikan kehidupan masyarakat. Dampak negatif terhadap komponen lingkungan dapat berupa gangguan terhadap kualitas air, udara, tanah, Kenyamanan lingkungan dan sebagainya. Kasus serupa terjadi antara PT. Indo Acidatama Chemical Industry yang berada di wilayah Desa Kemiri, Kecamatan Kebakkramat, Kabupaten Karanganyar dengan petani setempat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penyebab terjadinya sengketa dan bagaimanakah bentuk penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan yang diterapkan dalam menyelesaikan sengketa lingkungan hidup antara PT. Indo Acidatama Chemical Industry dengan petani Desa Kemiri, Kecamatan Kebakkramat, Kabupaten Karanganyar. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam tipe penelitian hukum empiris.Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya sengekta antara PT. IACI dengan petani Desa Kemiri adalah pencemaran udara (limbah gas) dari PT. IACI yang menyebabkan tanaman padi menjadi kemerah-merahan,...
The effect of time development is, among others, the prevalent crime committed by children. Socia... more The effect of time development is, among others, the prevalent crime committed by children. Social change encourages the change of behavior within society, and the change of law, particularly about juvenile court. There is a shift of condemnation values from repressive to restitutive. Public should acquire this knowledge adequately to prevent misconception from occurring. This community service activity is expected to improve the people�s knowledge on the change of legislation governing the child dealing with criminal case. The elucidation of law or legal counseling is conducted using lecturing and discussion approaches. The public should acquire this knowledge adequately, to prevent misconception from occurring. Child in conflict with law, thereafter called the Child is the one aged more than 12 (twelve) years, but less than 18 (eighteen) years suspected to perpetrate crime. The fundamental change occurs in the condemnation system against the child, that is, the diversion process t...
International Conference Law Economy Technology, 2018
Terrorism in Indonesia has belonged to extraordinary crime, meaning that it has endangered people... more Terrorism in Indonesia has belonged to extraordinary crime, meaning that it has endangered people, nation, and state lives. Terrorism should have been viewed from two different points of view: firstly, terrorism as a crime putting police officer and law enforcers to be the leading sectors in dealing with terroristic action, helped by other related institutions including TNI (Indonesian Army). Secondly, terrorism should be viewed as the threat against national security that can endanger Republic of Indonesia Unitary State (thereafter called NKRI)'s integrity and sovereignty. Thus, it is a mutual responsibility for both military and nonmilitary defense components to cope with terroristic action. TNI's aid in coping with terrorism is a certainty because it has been consistent with the mandate of Law No.34 of 2004 about TNI, as included in Article 7 clause (2) about TNI's main duty in implementing Military Operations other than war (MOOTW).
Papers by Andi Sutrasno