International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS) proposes and fosters ... more International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS) proposes and fosters discussion on and dissemination of issues related to research and applications of computer science and security is an interdisciplinary field including many fields such as wireless networks and communications, protocols, distributed algorithms, signal processing, embedded systems, and information management etc. Other field coverage includes: security infrastructures, network security: Internet security, content protection, cryptography, steganography and formal methods in information security; multimedia systems, software, information systems, intelligent systems, web services, data mining, wireless communication, networking and technologies, innovation technology and management. (See monthly Call for Papers) IJCSIS is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers will be able to freely access the journal online without the need for a subscription. The journal has a distinguished editorial board with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that the journal maintains high scientific standards and has a broad international coverage.
A modification of the sequential probability ratio test is proposed in which Wald's parallel... more A modification of the sequential probability ratio test is proposed in which Wald's parallel boundaries are broken at some preassigned point of the sample number axis and Anderson's converging bound-aries are used prior to that. Read's partial sequential probability ratio test can be ...
International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematical Archive
The formula available in the literature to find the sum of two discrete fuzzy numbers needs a maj... more The formula available in the literature to find the sum of two discrete fuzzy numbers needs a major change. We have shown in this article with the help of numerical examples as to why the existing formula does not quite look logical. We are going to put forward a different formula to find the sum using the weighted average of the levels of presence of the discrete fuzzy numbers concerned. With numerical examples we have shown that our proposed formula does return expected results.
International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, 2021
The main objective of this paper is to implement the classifications algorithms in Neo4j graph da... more The main objective of this paper is to implement the classifications algorithms in Neo4j graph database using cypher query language. For implementing the classification algorithm, we have used Indian Premier League (IPL) dataset to predict the winner of the matches using some different features. The IPL is the most popular T20 cricket league in the world. The prediction models are based on the city where the matches were played, winner of the toss and decision of the toss. In this paper we have implemented Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classification algorithms using cypher query language. Different classifiers are used to predict the outcome of different games like football, volleyball, cricket etc, using python and R. In this paper we shall use cypher query language. We shall also compare and analysis the results which are given by Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbors algorithms to predict the winner of the matches.
In Russia, COVID-19 has currently been growing hyper-exponentially. This type of a spread pattern... more In Russia, COVID-19 has currently been growing hyper-exponentially. This type of a spread pattern was not seen during the first wave of the pandemic the world over. Indeed when the disease had first appeared, in the accelerating stage the spread pattern was observed to have followed a highly nonlinear pattern that could be said to be approximately exponential or sub-exponential. As to why in the resurgence the growth has become hyper-exponential is another matter. But this has been happening in Europe and how long this would continue cannot be predicted. It may so happen that in the countries in which retardation has already been taking place, there may be resurgence of the disease. It was observed that in the World as a whole, retardation was on the threshold during the second half of September. But if the resurgence happens to follow the hyper-exponential growth pattern in different countries, there may be resurgence in the World as a whole.
There are standard techniques of forecasting the spread of pandemics. Uncertainty however is alwa... more There are standard techniques of forecasting the spread of pandemics. Uncertainty however is always associated with such forecasts. In this article, we are going to discuss the uncertain situation currently prevailing in the COVID-19 spread in India. For statistical analysis, we have considered the total number of cases for 60 consecutive days, from June 23 to August 21. We have seen that instead of taking data of all 60 days together, a better picture of uncertainty can be observed if we consider the data separately in three equal parts from June 23 to July 12, from July 13 to August 1, and from August 2 to August 21. For that we would first need to ascertain that the current spread pattern in India is almost exponential. Thereafter we shall show that the data regarding the total number of cases in India are not really behaving in an expected way, making forecasting the time to peak very difficult. We have found that the pandemic would perhaps change its pattern of growth from near...
In the analysis of real numbers, the level of presence of an element in an interval is either 0 o... more In the analysis of real numbers, the level of presence of an element in an interval is either 0 or 1. In the mathematics of fuzziness, partial presence of elements with level of presence lying between 0 and 1 is studied. We are going to discuss regarding fractional presence of real numbers, the word fractional has been used here to mean that the level of presence can numerically be equal to any real number. It would be shown that the properties to define structures such as group and field are followed by real numbers with fractional presence. In this article, we are going to introduce the concept of negative partial presence that we shall use to define the operation of addition of fuzzy numbers A and (‫ܣ−‬) from our standpoint.
In this expository article, we are aiming to show with an example that even short term forecasts ... more In this expository article, we are aiming to show with an example that even short term forecasts regarding the COVID-19 spread pattern may sometimes not be very reliable. We have studied data published by to get numerically an approximate formula of the spread pattern for a short period. We have observed that in the United States of America, there was a nearly exponential spread pattern for a very short period from May 3 to May 8, 2020. From May 9 to May 13, the nearly exponential character of the spread was found to be absent. Hence it can be concluded that the COVID-19 spread pattern, even after more than four months from the start of the outbreak, is not quite predictable. Therefore even short term forecasts regarding the spread may not be very reliable. We have found that forecasts using the assumption of an exponential pattern of spread may actually lead to overestimation.
We are going to show that the pattern of spread of COVID-19 outside China is not monotonic. We ha... more We are going to show that the pattern of spread of COVID-19 outside China is not monotonic. We have considered the data outside China because we are going to study the data starting from March 21, and by that time the spread had almost come to a stop in China. We have used for our analysis data on total cases outside China till April 25, 2020, and data from April 26 to April 30 for comparison of forecasts and observed values. Right from the beginning the spread pattern was nonlinear, and by the end of the third week of March the nonlinearity became nearly exponential. The exponential pattern thereafter has changed by around March 28, April 5, April 11 and April 18. Since March 21, the spread is following a nearly exponential pattern of growth changing observably at almost regular intervals of seven days. It is but natural that at some point of time the countries that had been contributing in observably large numbers to the total cases would start to show diminishing growth patterns....
"In this paper a numerical method has been developed to ... more "In this paper a numerical method has been developed to project the total population of a geographical region. The method has been applied to the Indian situation. It is found that the total population of India was expected to lie between [836 million and 850 million in 1991 and between 986 million and 1,042 million] in 2001."
In this article, we are going to show how to find out short term forecasts of the total number of... more In this article, we are going to show how to find out short term forecasts of the total number of COVID-19 cases in India in an easy way. Initially the spread of the disease was observably slow in India. Since the first week of May a highly nonlinear pattern has started to take shape. It can be observed that currently in India the spread pattern is nearly exponential. It can be seen further that the number of cases is still continuing to grow very fast. Therefore, instead of going for rigorous time series analysis, we may opt for looking at the data from a recent date downwards, and short term forecasts based on simple numerical analytical methods can be made accordingly.
In this study the sensitivity of the atmospheric dispersion model FLEXPART-WRF to the meteorologi... more In this study the sensitivity of the atmospheric dispersion model FLEXPART-WRF to the meteorological data inputs simulated by the mesoscale model ARW in the Kalpakkam coastal environment is examined. High-resolution simulations are conducted with ARW using four alternative planetary boundary layer parameterizations (YSU, MYNN, ACM2 and BL) for a typical period 14-22 Sep 2010 characterized with wide variability in atmospheric flow conditions at the coastal site. Observations generated through a field meteorological experiment are used to study the model sensitivity. Wind field, mixed layer depth, temperature and friction velocity are considered as parameters to evaluate dispersion uncertainty from FLEXPART. Results indicate that the simulated dispersion patterns are influenced by meteorological model forecasts using various boundary layer physics options. It has been found that the ensemble mean of all the meteorological members is closer to the observations than the individual cases. Of the various members the YSU and MYNN are found to give best meteorological simulations in the ensemble. The computed dispersion with various meteorological members indicate that ACM2 and BL simulate highest and least diffusivities leading to widely spread plume in the case of ACM2 and relatively narrow plume with BL, respectively. The ensemble mean of all the simulations is found to yield a better representation of the plume under various possible atmospheric conditions. The meteorological members YSU and MYNN are found to give minimum variance and fractional bias with respect to the ensemble. The minimum uncertainty in tracer concentration estimates due to meteorological uncertainty is-30 to 30 % obtained with MYNN. The results demonstrate that the dispersion model results are sensitive to the mesoscale model meteorological simulations.
In Europe the Corona Virus spread had started to retard months ago, but after some time it has st... more In Europe the Corona Virus spread had started to retard months ago, but after some time it has started to accelerate again. In this article, we are going to analyze the current COVID-19 spread patterns in Italy, the UK, Germany, Russia, Spain and France. We have found that the current spread has perhaps been underestimated as just the second wave. As per our analysis, as on 7 October the resurgence is much more vigorous than the first wave of spread of the disease. It is going to be most serious in Russia, followed by Italy, Germany and the UK, while in Spain and France the patterns are yet to take inferable shapes.
Journal of Process Management. New Technologies, 2015
In this article, based on Zadeh's extension principle we have apply the parametric programmin... more In this article, based on Zadeh's extension principle we have apply the parametric programming approach to construct the membership functions of the performance measures when the interarrival time and the service time are fuzzy numbers based on the Baruah's Randomness- Fuzziness Consistency Principle. The Randomness-Fuzziness Consistency Principle leads to defining a normal law of fuzziness using two different laws of randomness. In this article, two fuzzy queues FM/M/1 and M/FM/1 has been studied and constructed their membership functions of the system characteristics based on the aforesaid principle. The former represents a queue with fuzzy exponential arrivals and exponential service rate while the latter represents a queue with exponential arrival rate and fuzzy exponential service rate.
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is designed to monitor a protected network for the authenticatio... more Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is designed to monitor a protected network for the authentication of malicious activities by analysing the network traffic and classifying the records as either normal or abnormal. After identifying a suspicious traffic, IDS generates and logs an alert. There are various approaches being utilized in intrusion detections, but unluckily any of the systems so far is not completely perfect. Most of the alerts generated using this prediction process is false positive. The abundance of false positive alerts makes it difficult for the security analyst to find successful attacks and take remedial action. This paper proposes an intrusion detection system that applies genetic algorithm and fuzzy logic to efficiently detect various types of intrusive activities within a network. The proposed method employs a two phase automatic alert classification system to support the human analyst in identifying the false positives. In the first phase, the alerts collected f...
Kernelized Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique is an attempt to improve the performance of the con... more Kernelized Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique is an attempt to improve the performance of the conventional Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique. Recently this technique where a kernel-induced distance function is used as a similarity measure instead of a Euclidean distance which is used in the conventional Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique, has earned popularity among research community. Like the conventional Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique this technique also suffers from inconsistency in its performance due to the fact that here also the initial centroids are obtained based on the randomly initialized membership values of the objects. Our present work proposes a new method where we have applied the Subtractive clustering technique of Chiu as a preprocessor to Kernelized Fuzzy CMeans clustering technique. With this new method we have tried not only to remove the inconsistency of Kernelized Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique but also to deal with the situations where the number of...
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2013
Clustering techniques are mostly unsupervised methods that can be used to organize data into grou... more Clustering techniques are mostly unsupervised methods that can be used to organize data into groups based on similarities among the in- dividual data items. Fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering is one of well known unsupervised clustering tech- niques, which can also be used for unsupervised web document clustering. In this chapter we will intro- duce a modified method of clustering where the data to be clustered will be represented by graphs instead of vectors or other models. Specifically, we will ex- tend the classical FCM clustering algorithm to work with graphs that represent web documents (Phukon, K. K. (2012), Zadeh, L. A. (1965). Dunn, J. C.(1974)). We wish to use graphs because they can allow us to retain information which is often discard- ed in simpler models.
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS) proposes and fosters ... more International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS) proposes and fosters discussion on and dissemination of issues related to research and applications of computer science and security is an interdisciplinary field including many fields such as wireless networks and communications, protocols, distributed algorithms, signal processing, embedded systems, and information management etc. Other field coverage includes: security infrastructures, network security: Internet security, content protection, cryptography, steganography and formal methods in information security; multimedia systems, software, information systems, intelligent systems, web services, data mining, wireless communication, networking and technologies, innovation technology and management. (See monthly Call for Papers) IJCSIS is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers will be able to freely access the journal online without the need for a subscription. The journal has a distinguished editorial board with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that the journal maintains high scientific standards and has a broad international coverage.
A modification of the sequential probability ratio test is proposed in which Wald's parallel... more A modification of the sequential probability ratio test is proposed in which Wald's parallel boundaries are broken at some preassigned point of the sample number axis and Anderson's converging bound-aries are used prior to that. Read's partial sequential probability ratio test can be ...
International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematical Archive
The formula available in the literature to find the sum of two discrete fuzzy numbers needs a maj... more The formula available in the literature to find the sum of two discrete fuzzy numbers needs a major change. We have shown in this article with the help of numerical examples as to why the existing formula does not quite look logical. We are going to put forward a different formula to find the sum using the weighted average of the levels of presence of the discrete fuzzy numbers concerned. With numerical examples we have shown that our proposed formula does return expected results.
International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, 2021
The main objective of this paper is to implement the classifications algorithms in Neo4j graph da... more The main objective of this paper is to implement the classifications algorithms in Neo4j graph database using cypher query language. For implementing the classification algorithm, we have used Indian Premier League (IPL) dataset to predict the winner of the matches using some different features. The IPL is the most popular T20 cricket league in the world. The prediction models are based on the city where the matches were played, winner of the toss and decision of the toss. In this paper we have implemented Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classification algorithms using cypher query language. Different classifiers are used to predict the outcome of different games like football, volleyball, cricket etc, using python and R. In this paper we shall use cypher query language. We shall also compare and analysis the results which are given by Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbors algorithms to predict the winner of the matches.
In Russia, COVID-19 has currently been growing hyper-exponentially. This type of a spread pattern... more In Russia, COVID-19 has currently been growing hyper-exponentially. This type of a spread pattern was not seen during the first wave of the pandemic the world over. Indeed when the disease had first appeared, in the accelerating stage the spread pattern was observed to have followed a highly nonlinear pattern that could be said to be approximately exponential or sub-exponential. As to why in the resurgence the growth has become hyper-exponential is another matter. But this has been happening in Europe and how long this would continue cannot be predicted. It may so happen that in the countries in which retardation has already been taking place, there may be resurgence of the disease. It was observed that in the World as a whole, retardation was on the threshold during the second half of September. But if the resurgence happens to follow the hyper-exponential growth pattern in different countries, there may be resurgence in the World as a whole.
There are standard techniques of forecasting the spread of pandemics. Uncertainty however is alwa... more There are standard techniques of forecasting the spread of pandemics. Uncertainty however is always associated with such forecasts. In this article, we are going to discuss the uncertain situation currently prevailing in the COVID-19 spread in India. For statistical analysis, we have considered the total number of cases for 60 consecutive days, from June 23 to August 21. We have seen that instead of taking data of all 60 days together, a better picture of uncertainty can be observed if we consider the data separately in three equal parts from June 23 to July 12, from July 13 to August 1, and from August 2 to August 21. For that we would first need to ascertain that the current spread pattern in India is almost exponential. Thereafter we shall show that the data regarding the total number of cases in India are not really behaving in an expected way, making forecasting the time to peak very difficult. We have found that the pandemic would perhaps change its pattern of growth from near...
In the analysis of real numbers, the level of presence of an element in an interval is either 0 o... more In the analysis of real numbers, the level of presence of an element in an interval is either 0 or 1. In the mathematics of fuzziness, partial presence of elements with level of presence lying between 0 and 1 is studied. We are going to discuss regarding fractional presence of real numbers, the word fractional has been used here to mean that the level of presence can numerically be equal to any real number. It would be shown that the properties to define structures such as group and field are followed by real numbers with fractional presence. In this article, we are going to introduce the concept of negative partial presence that we shall use to define the operation of addition of fuzzy numbers A and (‫ܣ−‬) from our standpoint.
In this expository article, we are aiming to show with an example that even short term forecasts ... more In this expository article, we are aiming to show with an example that even short term forecasts regarding the COVID-19 spread pattern may sometimes not be very reliable. We have studied data published by to get numerically an approximate formula of the spread pattern for a short period. We have observed that in the United States of America, there was a nearly exponential spread pattern for a very short period from May 3 to May 8, 2020. From May 9 to May 13, the nearly exponential character of the spread was found to be absent. Hence it can be concluded that the COVID-19 spread pattern, even after more than four months from the start of the outbreak, is not quite predictable. Therefore even short term forecasts regarding the spread may not be very reliable. We have found that forecasts using the assumption of an exponential pattern of spread may actually lead to overestimation.
We are going to show that the pattern of spread of COVID-19 outside China is not monotonic. We ha... more We are going to show that the pattern of spread of COVID-19 outside China is not monotonic. We have considered the data outside China because we are going to study the data starting from March 21, and by that time the spread had almost come to a stop in China. We have used for our analysis data on total cases outside China till April 25, 2020, and data from April 26 to April 30 for comparison of forecasts and observed values. Right from the beginning the spread pattern was nonlinear, and by the end of the third week of March the nonlinearity became nearly exponential. The exponential pattern thereafter has changed by around March 28, April 5, April 11 and April 18. Since March 21, the spread is following a nearly exponential pattern of growth changing observably at almost regular intervals of seven days. It is but natural that at some point of time the countries that had been contributing in observably large numbers to the total cases would start to show diminishing growth patterns....
"In this paper a numerical method has been developed to ... more "In this paper a numerical method has been developed to project the total population of a geographical region. The method has been applied to the Indian situation. It is found that the total population of India was expected to lie between [836 million and 850 million in 1991 and between 986 million and 1,042 million] in 2001."
In this article, we are going to show how to find out short term forecasts of the total number of... more In this article, we are going to show how to find out short term forecasts of the total number of COVID-19 cases in India in an easy way. Initially the spread of the disease was observably slow in India. Since the first week of May a highly nonlinear pattern has started to take shape. It can be observed that currently in India the spread pattern is nearly exponential. It can be seen further that the number of cases is still continuing to grow very fast. Therefore, instead of going for rigorous time series analysis, we may opt for looking at the data from a recent date downwards, and short term forecasts based on simple numerical analytical methods can be made accordingly.
In this study the sensitivity of the atmospheric dispersion model FLEXPART-WRF to the meteorologi... more In this study the sensitivity of the atmospheric dispersion model FLEXPART-WRF to the meteorological data inputs simulated by the mesoscale model ARW in the Kalpakkam coastal environment is examined. High-resolution simulations are conducted with ARW using four alternative planetary boundary layer parameterizations (YSU, MYNN, ACM2 and BL) for a typical period 14-22 Sep 2010 characterized with wide variability in atmospheric flow conditions at the coastal site. Observations generated through a field meteorological experiment are used to study the model sensitivity. Wind field, mixed layer depth, temperature and friction velocity are considered as parameters to evaluate dispersion uncertainty from FLEXPART. Results indicate that the simulated dispersion patterns are influenced by meteorological model forecasts using various boundary layer physics options. It has been found that the ensemble mean of all the meteorological members is closer to the observations than the individual cases. Of the various members the YSU and MYNN are found to give best meteorological simulations in the ensemble. The computed dispersion with various meteorological members indicate that ACM2 and BL simulate highest and least diffusivities leading to widely spread plume in the case of ACM2 and relatively narrow plume with BL, respectively. The ensemble mean of all the simulations is found to yield a better representation of the plume under various possible atmospheric conditions. The meteorological members YSU and MYNN are found to give minimum variance and fractional bias with respect to the ensemble. The minimum uncertainty in tracer concentration estimates due to meteorological uncertainty is-30 to 30 % obtained with MYNN. The results demonstrate that the dispersion model results are sensitive to the mesoscale model meteorological simulations.
In Europe the Corona Virus spread had started to retard months ago, but after some time it has st... more In Europe the Corona Virus spread had started to retard months ago, but after some time it has started to accelerate again. In this article, we are going to analyze the current COVID-19 spread patterns in Italy, the UK, Germany, Russia, Spain and France. We have found that the current spread has perhaps been underestimated as just the second wave. As per our analysis, as on 7 October the resurgence is much more vigorous than the first wave of spread of the disease. It is going to be most serious in Russia, followed by Italy, Germany and the UK, while in Spain and France the patterns are yet to take inferable shapes.
Journal of Process Management. New Technologies, 2015
In this article, based on Zadeh's extension principle we have apply the parametric programmin... more In this article, based on Zadeh's extension principle we have apply the parametric programming approach to construct the membership functions of the performance measures when the interarrival time and the service time are fuzzy numbers based on the Baruah's Randomness- Fuzziness Consistency Principle. The Randomness-Fuzziness Consistency Principle leads to defining a normal law of fuzziness using two different laws of randomness. In this article, two fuzzy queues FM/M/1 and M/FM/1 has been studied and constructed their membership functions of the system characteristics based on the aforesaid principle. The former represents a queue with fuzzy exponential arrivals and exponential service rate while the latter represents a queue with exponential arrival rate and fuzzy exponential service rate.
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is designed to monitor a protected network for the authenticatio... more Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is designed to monitor a protected network for the authentication of malicious activities by analysing the network traffic and classifying the records as either normal or abnormal. After identifying a suspicious traffic, IDS generates and logs an alert. There are various approaches being utilized in intrusion detections, but unluckily any of the systems so far is not completely perfect. Most of the alerts generated using this prediction process is false positive. The abundance of false positive alerts makes it difficult for the security analyst to find successful attacks and take remedial action. This paper proposes an intrusion detection system that applies genetic algorithm and fuzzy logic to efficiently detect various types of intrusive activities within a network. The proposed method employs a two phase automatic alert classification system to support the human analyst in identifying the false positives. In the first phase, the alerts collected f...
Kernelized Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique is an attempt to improve the performance of the con... more Kernelized Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique is an attempt to improve the performance of the conventional Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique. Recently this technique where a kernel-induced distance function is used as a similarity measure instead of a Euclidean distance which is used in the conventional Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique, has earned popularity among research community. Like the conventional Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique this technique also suffers from inconsistency in its performance due to the fact that here also the initial centroids are obtained based on the randomly initialized membership values of the objects. Our present work proposes a new method where we have applied the Subtractive clustering technique of Chiu as a preprocessor to Kernelized Fuzzy CMeans clustering technique. With this new method we have tried not only to remove the inconsistency of Kernelized Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique but also to deal with the situations where the number of...
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2013
Clustering techniques are mostly unsupervised methods that can be used to organize data into grou... more Clustering techniques are mostly unsupervised methods that can be used to organize data into groups based on similarities among the in- dividual data items. Fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering is one of well known unsupervised clustering tech- niques, which can also be used for unsupervised web document clustering. In this chapter we will intro- duce a modified method of clustering where the data to be clustered will be represented by graphs instead of vectors or other models. Specifically, we will ex- tend the classical FCM clustering algorithm to work with graphs that represent web documents (Phukon, K. K. (2012), Zadeh, L. A. (1965). Dunn, J. C.(1974)). We wish to use graphs because they can allow us to retain information which is often discard- ed in simpler models.
There are standard techniques of forecasting the spread of pandemics. Uncertainty however is alwa... more There are standard techniques of forecasting the spread of pandemics. Uncertainty however is always associated with such forecasts. In this article, we are going to discuss the uncertain situation currently prevailing in the COVID-19 spread in India. For statistical analysis, we have considered the total number of cases for 60 consecutive days, from June 23 to August 21. We have seen that instead of taking data of all 60 days together, a better picture of uncertainty can be observed if we consider the data separately in three equal parts from June 23 to July 12, from July 13 to August 1, and from August 2 to August 21. For that we would first need to ascertain that the current spread pattern in India is almost exponential. Thereafter we shall show that the data regarding the total number of cases in India are not really behaving in an expected way, making forecasting the time to peak very difficult. We have found that the pandemic would perhaps change its pattern of growth from nearly exponential to nearly logarithmic, which we have earlier observed in the case of Italy, in less than 78 days starting from August 2.
IJCSIS Volumes by Hemanta Baruah
Other field coverage includes: security infrastructures, network security: Internet security, content protection, cryptography, steganography and formal methods in information security; multimedia systems, software, information systems, intelligent systems, web services, data mining, wireless communication, networking and technologies, innovation technology and management. (See monthly Call for Papers)
IJCSIS is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers will be able to freely access the journal online without the need for a subscription. The journal has a distinguished editorial board with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that the journal maintains high scientific standards and has a broad international coverage.
Papers by Hemanta Baruah
Other field coverage includes: security infrastructures, network security: Internet security, content protection, cryptography, steganography and formal methods in information security; multimedia systems, software, information systems, intelligent systems, web services, data mining, wireless communication, networking and technologies, innovation technology and management. (See monthly Call for Papers)
IJCSIS is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers will be able to freely access the journal online without the need for a subscription. The journal has a distinguished editorial board with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that the journal maintains high scientific standards and has a broad international coverage.