Shifting patterns of social relations among millennials due to the use of social media in network... more Shifting patterns of social relations among millennials due to the use of social media in networks without a theological basis for social cohesion is a challenge for Christianity now and in the future. The nature and work of the Triune God as stated in the Bible should always be relevant in various challenges of the times. Research on the theological foundations that form the basis of social cohesion among millennials is still very limited. Social cohesion among millennials tends to be limited to the use of social media in cyberspace as is characteristic of millennials in Indonesia. An important question that must be answered by the Christian faith is what the theological basis for social cohesion is, especially among youth so that Christian millennials can maintain their faith properly in social cohesion among them. This article aims to demonstrate the relational Nature of the Trinity and His work as the basis for the solidarity of believers. The first part of this article will exa...
Solidarity as a social cohesion is critical to unite the diversity contextually and globally. Par... more Solidarity as a social cohesion is critical to unite the diversity contextually and globally. Particularly for Indonesia which admits 6 religions officially and consists of more than 1.300 ethnicity and 17.000 islands, solidarity is prominent to fostering the foundation of Indonesia, Bhineka Tunggal Ika. The current research conducted from October to December 2021 on Indonesian Social Solidarity Among Generation Z Christians in the City of Kupang and Bandung showed the challenge for three significant institutions, education, family, and religious in fostering the social bond in the context of fostering Bhineka Tunggal Ika. The aim of this article is to propose an integrated solidarity approach to fostering Bhineka Tunggal Ika, the foundation of the Indonesian State. The article will employ the qualitative-descriptive approach. The integrated solidarity will analyze three institutions: education, family, and religious. The pandemic Covid-19 revealed the significant of family when the...
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat
Christlikeness is the essence of the Christian life. Efforts to build spirituality in the era of ... more Christlikeness is the essence of the Christian life. Efforts to build spirituality in the era of technological progress have been widely analyzed, including for the millennial generation but are more at the level of phenomena. In general, the millennial generation is understood as those who were born in the range of 1987-2001. The contemporary lie in the world today is full of massive technological influence that changes human social life and even human spiritual life, especially creating the millennial generation. A fundamental question to be answered is how to build a spirituality that is relevant for the millennial generation in Indonesia. This article aims to demonstrate that attempts to build spirituality for the millennial generation in accordance with their characteristic must be based on and simultaneously aimed at being in the Christlikeness. This article will employ the literature method from books and journal articles. Specifically, most of the journal articles will cover...
The motto "Unity in Diversity" is still a goal that continues to be strived for. In Ind... more The motto "Unity in Diversity" is still a goal that continues to be strived for. In Indonesia there are still many social conflicts that are motivated by ethnic and religious fervor. It is undeniable that on the other hand religion has been a very important factor for generating a sense of solidarity in Indonesian history. This means that social solidarity within certain limits has become social capital which is very useful for the rise of the spirit of nationalism, but if social solidarity is developed in an atmosphere that is closed only to social groups then it will become a threat to national unity. Generation Z Christians who are educated in Christian families, develop their religious activities in the church, and most of them attend Christian schools tend to be trapped in narrow social solidarity. This research aims for Developing Indonesian Social Solidarity among Generation Z Christians in the City of Kupang and Bandung through teaching modules and teaching media i...
Rumah baca Tiara Veritas merupakan rumah baca yang yang menyediakan buku-buku cerita bagi masyaka... more Rumah baca Tiara Veritas merupakan rumah baca yang yang menyediakan buku-buku cerita bagi masyakarat sekitar, khususnya anak- anak usia sekolah. Rumah baca ini memiliki kepedulian dalam mengembangkan minat baca anak-anak usia sekolah. Hampir setiap hari ada sekitar 20-30 anak-anak usia sekolah datang untuk membaca buku baik secara mandiri maupun dipandu oleh pengajar. Rumah baca Tiara Veritas bersinergi dengan kampus Universitas Pelita Harapan untuk mengembangkan rumah baca tersebut yang berlokasi di daerah Kecamatan Cikande, Kabupaten Serang sekitar 40 KM dari kampus UPH Karawaci. Rumah baca yang ideal seharusnya memiliki tempat yang nyaman untuk anak-anak membaca dan beranekaragam buku cerita. Namun kenyataan yang dihadapi Rumah baca Tiara Veritas adalah kurangnya buku-buku bacaan anak-anak yang beranekaragam, dan tempat rumah baca yang kurang memadai untuk anak-anak usia belajar melakukan kegiatan membaca. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat yang merupakan bagian dari p...
Solidarity is a terminology in the field of sociology that is also used in other fields such as p... more Solidarity is a terminology in the field of sociology that is also used in other fields such as psychology and bioethics. It is an important concept in Christian thought as well. For Emile Durkheim, solidarity both mechanical and organic, is social cohesion based on the same elements such as religion, ethnicity, family, agreement, and common interests. bhineka tunggal ika (Unity in Diversity) as the motto of the Indonesian state must be strived for every citizen including Christians. Without strong solidarity, bhineka tunggal ika will be lost, thus the identity of the Indonesian nation is also in danger of being lost. Indonesia's diversity of religions is manifested in Pancasila with the first precepts Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. Though Indonesia is a country that recognizes six official religions, the idea of solidarity related to the first precepts is still far from adequate. This article aims to contribute Christian thought on solidarity to foster bhineka tunggal ika by analyzin...
Indonesia is a country in the path of the most active earthquake in the world. The disaster prone... more Indonesia is a country in the path of the most active earthquake in the world. The disaster prone condition is caused because Indonesia is in the Pacific ring of fire and is on top of three continental plates colliding. Disaster management training should be a priority for disaster-prone areas. With a wide area coverage, training to prepare trainers to be able to handle disasters is very important. The Happy Heart Foundation's efforts in collaboration with Pelita Harapan University hold community service activities in West Nusa Tenggara with the Training of Trainer (TOT) Disaster Mitigation Planning program is very important to assist disaster mitigation planning. This activity was held at Arrahman Elementary School, Kecinan Hamlet, Malaka Village, Pamenang Sub District, District North. Lombok, Nusa Tenggara which suffered severe damage from the earthquake on August 15, 2018. The school building damaged by the impact of the earthquake was completed by the Happy Heart Foundation ...
Disaster Preparedness School (SSB) is an effort to build school preparedness against disasters in... more Disaster Preparedness School (SSB) is an effort to build school preparedness against disasters in order to raise awareness of all elements in the education sector both individually and collectively in schools and the school environment before, during, and after a disaster occurs. The training was conducted at Widuri PAUD located in Kubang Welut Village, Ciwandan Sub-District, Cilegon City. Method of training is simulations. Simulations in disaster management can measure and improve one's readiness in facing of disasters. In this training needed the support of principals, teachers, staff, and all parties in the school and active participation of all students. There are two stages in this exercise and simulations. First , to learn about the threat of danger, to find out whether schools are safe from the threat of earthquake disasters. According to the circumstances and location of each school, students must learn, pay attention to the situation and location of the school guide by ...
Pengembangan kegiatan yang dilakukan pada rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande merupakan k... more Pengembangan kegiatan yang dilakukan pada rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande merupakan kelanjutan dari pengembangan rumah baca yang sudah mengalami renovasi baik dari segi bangunan dan buku-buku bacaan yang tersedia. Pengembangan kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan minat baca anak-anak usia belajar; membudayakan literasi membaca di lingkungan sekitar rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande; dan memperoleh dukungan orang tua dalam perkembangan membaca anak-anak usia belajar. Metode yang dilakukan antara lain: pelatihan membaca terbimbing dan mandiri kepada anak-anak usia belajar, pelatihan kepada orang tua cara membacakan cerita yang benar kepada anak-anak; dan pelatihan kepada warga sekitar yang masih mengalami buta aksara. Objek pada pengembangan kegiatan rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande adalah anak-anak usia belajar (PAUD dan SD) sekitar 30-40 anak, orang tua dari anak-anak usia belajar, dan warga sekitar. Tempat pelaksanaan adalah Rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande. Hasil ...
Disaster Preparedness School (SSB) is an effort to build school preparedness against disasters in... more Disaster Preparedness School (SSB) is an effort to build school preparedness against disasters in order to raise awareness of all elements in the education sector both individually and collectively in schools and the school environment before, during, and after a disaster occurs. The training was conducted at Widuri PAUD located in Kubang Welut Village, Ciwandan Sub-District, Cilegon City. Method of training is simulations. Simulations in disaster management can measure and improve one's readiness in facing of disasters. In this training needed the support of principals, teachers, staff, and all parties in the school and active participation of all students. There are two stages in this exercise and simulations. First , to learn about the threat of danger, to find out whether schools are safe from the threat of earthquake disasters. According to the circumstances and location of each school, students must learn, pay attention to the situation and location of the school guide by ...
Diligentia: Journal of Theology and Christian Education
Just as magic was undermined in the Acts of the Apostles, its spread throughout the whole region ... more Just as magic was undermined in the Acts of the Apostles, its spread throughout the whole region of the Greco-Roman Region was also undermined. Although the magic episode occurred six times in the Acts of the Apostles, the demonstration of the geographical aspect of magic in the Acts of the Apostles was undermined. The prominent question regarding the presence of magic in the Greco-Roman reigns is how serious was magic during the Greco-Roman Era for Christianity so that the gospel could be proclaimed to the end of the world? This article will demonstrate the seriousness of magic to impede the spread of the gospel is obvious when analyzing the geographical spread of magic. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the magical context of each Roman city where magic was there. Moreover, this article also demonstrates the significance of the geographical aspect of magic for the spread of the Gospel. This geographical aspect will be argued within the context of the apologetic purpose of ...
Salah satu pelayanan sosial yang dilakukan rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande adalah memberikan kes... more Salah satu pelayanan sosial yang dilakukan rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande adalah memberikan kesempatan bagi anak-anak yang berlokasi di daerah Kecamatan Cikande, Kabupaten Serang sekitar 40 KM dari kampus Universitas Pelita Harapan Karawaci Tangerang dalam membaca buku cerita anak usia dini. Ada sekitar 20-30 anak-anak datang bermain di rumah baca ini setiap harinya hanya untuk melihat gambar dari buku cerita. Permasalahan utama yang dialami rumah baca adalah kurangnya tenaga pengajar dan petugas khusus rumah baca sehingga membuat anak-anak melakukan aktivitas mandiri dan tanpa arahan yang terstruktur. Kemudian, pemilik yayasan berusaha menemukan metode membaca menarik pada anak usia dini tersebut melalui kerja sama dengan mahasiswa dan dosen dari kampus Universitas Pelita Harapan. Akhirnya, melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat yang merupakan bagian dari program MBKM, maka diterapkan metode membaca menarik pada anak usia dini. Anak usia dini dibimbing guru pengajar dalam ...
Shifting patterns of social relations among millennials due to the use of social media in network... more Shifting patterns of social relations among millennials due to the use of social media in networks without a theological basis for social cohesion is a challenge for Christianity now and in the future. The nature and work of the Triune God as stated in the Bible should always be relevant in various challenges of the times. Research on the theological foundations that form the basis of social cohesion among millennials is still very limited. Social cohesion among millennials tends to be limited to the use of social media in cyberspace as is characteristic of millennials in Indonesia. An important question that must be answered by the Christian faith is what the theological basis for social cohesion is, especially among youth so that Christian millennials can maintain their faith properly in social cohesion among them. This article aims to demonstrate the relational Nature of the Trinity and His work as the basis for the solidarity of believers. The first part of this article will exa...
Solidarity as a social cohesion is critical to unite the diversity contextually and globally. Par... more Solidarity as a social cohesion is critical to unite the diversity contextually and globally. Particularly for Indonesia which admits 6 religions officially and consists of more than 1.300 ethnicity and 17.000 islands, solidarity is prominent to fostering the foundation of Indonesia, Bhineka Tunggal Ika. The current research conducted from October to December 2021 on Indonesian Social Solidarity Among Generation Z Christians in the City of Kupang and Bandung showed the challenge for three significant institutions, education, family, and religious in fostering the social bond in the context of fostering Bhineka Tunggal Ika. The aim of this article is to propose an integrated solidarity approach to fostering Bhineka Tunggal Ika, the foundation of the Indonesian State. The article will employ the qualitative-descriptive approach. The integrated solidarity will analyze three institutions: education, family, and religious. The pandemic Covid-19 revealed the significant of family when the...
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat
Christlikeness is the essence of the Christian life. Efforts to build spirituality in the era of ... more Christlikeness is the essence of the Christian life. Efforts to build spirituality in the era of technological progress have been widely analyzed, including for the millennial generation but are more at the level of phenomena. In general, the millennial generation is understood as those who were born in the range of 1987-2001. The contemporary lie in the world today is full of massive technological influence that changes human social life and even human spiritual life, especially creating the millennial generation. A fundamental question to be answered is how to build a spirituality that is relevant for the millennial generation in Indonesia. This article aims to demonstrate that attempts to build spirituality for the millennial generation in accordance with their characteristic must be based on and simultaneously aimed at being in the Christlikeness. This article will employ the literature method from books and journal articles. Specifically, most of the journal articles will cover...
The motto "Unity in Diversity" is still a goal that continues to be strived for. In Ind... more The motto "Unity in Diversity" is still a goal that continues to be strived for. In Indonesia there are still many social conflicts that are motivated by ethnic and religious fervor. It is undeniable that on the other hand religion has been a very important factor for generating a sense of solidarity in Indonesian history. This means that social solidarity within certain limits has become social capital which is very useful for the rise of the spirit of nationalism, but if social solidarity is developed in an atmosphere that is closed only to social groups then it will become a threat to national unity. Generation Z Christians who are educated in Christian families, develop their religious activities in the church, and most of them attend Christian schools tend to be trapped in narrow social solidarity. This research aims for Developing Indonesian Social Solidarity among Generation Z Christians in the City of Kupang and Bandung through teaching modules and teaching media i...
Rumah baca Tiara Veritas merupakan rumah baca yang yang menyediakan buku-buku cerita bagi masyaka... more Rumah baca Tiara Veritas merupakan rumah baca yang yang menyediakan buku-buku cerita bagi masyakarat sekitar, khususnya anak- anak usia sekolah. Rumah baca ini memiliki kepedulian dalam mengembangkan minat baca anak-anak usia sekolah. Hampir setiap hari ada sekitar 20-30 anak-anak usia sekolah datang untuk membaca buku baik secara mandiri maupun dipandu oleh pengajar. Rumah baca Tiara Veritas bersinergi dengan kampus Universitas Pelita Harapan untuk mengembangkan rumah baca tersebut yang berlokasi di daerah Kecamatan Cikande, Kabupaten Serang sekitar 40 KM dari kampus UPH Karawaci. Rumah baca yang ideal seharusnya memiliki tempat yang nyaman untuk anak-anak membaca dan beranekaragam buku cerita. Namun kenyataan yang dihadapi Rumah baca Tiara Veritas adalah kurangnya buku-buku bacaan anak-anak yang beranekaragam, dan tempat rumah baca yang kurang memadai untuk anak-anak usia belajar melakukan kegiatan membaca. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat yang merupakan bagian dari p...
Solidarity is a terminology in the field of sociology that is also used in other fields such as p... more Solidarity is a terminology in the field of sociology that is also used in other fields such as psychology and bioethics. It is an important concept in Christian thought as well. For Emile Durkheim, solidarity both mechanical and organic, is social cohesion based on the same elements such as religion, ethnicity, family, agreement, and common interests. bhineka tunggal ika (Unity in Diversity) as the motto of the Indonesian state must be strived for every citizen including Christians. Without strong solidarity, bhineka tunggal ika will be lost, thus the identity of the Indonesian nation is also in danger of being lost. Indonesia's diversity of religions is manifested in Pancasila with the first precepts Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. Though Indonesia is a country that recognizes six official religions, the idea of solidarity related to the first precepts is still far from adequate. This article aims to contribute Christian thought on solidarity to foster bhineka tunggal ika by analyzin...
Indonesia is a country in the path of the most active earthquake in the world. The disaster prone... more Indonesia is a country in the path of the most active earthquake in the world. The disaster prone condition is caused because Indonesia is in the Pacific ring of fire and is on top of three continental plates colliding. Disaster management training should be a priority for disaster-prone areas. With a wide area coverage, training to prepare trainers to be able to handle disasters is very important. The Happy Heart Foundation's efforts in collaboration with Pelita Harapan University hold community service activities in West Nusa Tenggara with the Training of Trainer (TOT) Disaster Mitigation Planning program is very important to assist disaster mitigation planning. This activity was held at Arrahman Elementary School, Kecinan Hamlet, Malaka Village, Pamenang Sub District, District North. Lombok, Nusa Tenggara which suffered severe damage from the earthquake on August 15, 2018. The school building damaged by the impact of the earthquake was completed by the Happy Heart Foundation ...
Disaster Preparedness School (SSB) is an effort to build school preparedness against disasters in... more Disaster Preparedness School (SSB) is an effort to build school preparedness against disasters in order to raise awareness of all elements in the education sector both individually and collectively in schools and the school environment before, during, and after a disaster occurs. The training was conducted at Widuri PAUD located in Kubang Welut Village, Ciwandan Sub-District, Cilegon City. Method of training is simulations. Simulations in disaster management can measure and improve one's readiness in facing of disasters. In this training needed the support of principals, teachers, staff, and all parties in the school and active participation of all students. There are two stages in this exercise and simulations. First , to learn about the threat of danger, to find out whether schools are safe from the threat of earthquake disasters. According to the circumstances and location of each school, students must learn, pay attention to the situation and location of the school guide by ...
Pengembangan kegiatan yang dilakukan pada rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande merupakan k... more Pengembangan kegiatan yang dilakukan pada rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande merupakan kelanjutan dari pengembangan rumah baca yang sudah mengalami renovasi baik dari segi bangunan dan buku-buku bacaan yang tersedia. Pengembangan kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan minat baca anak-anak usia belajar; membudayakan literasi membaca di lingkungan sekitar rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande; dan memperoleh dukungan orang tua dalam perkembangan membaca anak-anak usia belajar. Metode yang dilakukan antara lain: pelatihan membaca terbimbing dan mandiri kepada anak-anak usia belajar, pelatihan kepada orang tua cara membacakan cerita yang benar kepada anak-anak; dan pelatihan kepada warga sekitar yang masih mengalami buta aksara. Objek pada pengembangan kegiatan rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande adalah anak-anak usia belajar (PAUD dan SD) sekitar 30-40 anak, orang tua dari anak-anak usia belajar, dan warga sekitar. Tempat pelaksanaan adalah Rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande. Hasil ...
Disaster Preparedness School (SSB) is an effort to build school preparedness against disasters in... more Disaster Preparedness School (SSB) is an effort to build school preparedness against disasters in order to raise awareness of all elements in the education sector both individually and collectively in schools and the school environment before, during, and after a disaster occurs. The training was conducted at Widuri PAUD located in Kubang Welut Village, Ciwandan Sub-District, Cilegon City. Method of training is simulations. Simulations in disaster management can measure and improve one's readiness in facing of disasters. In this training needed the support of principals, teachers, staff, and all parties in the school and active participation of all students. There are two stages in this exercise and simulations. First , to learn about the threat of danger, to find out whether schools are safe from the threat of earthquake disasters. According to the circumstances and location of each school, students must learn, pay attention to the situation and location of the school guide by ...
Diligentia: Journal of Theology and Christian Education
Just as magic was undermined in the Acts of the Apostles, its spread throughout the whole region ... more Just as magic was undermined in the Acts of the Apostles, its spread throughout the whole region of the Greco-Roman Region was also undermined. Although the magic episode occurred six times in the Acts of the Apostles, the demonstration of the geographical aspect of magic in the Acts of the Apostles was undermined. The prominent question regarding the presence of magic in the Greco-Roman reigns is how serious was magic during the Greco-Roman Era for Christianity so that the gospel could be proclaimed to the end of the world? This article will demonstrate the seriousness of magic to impede the spread of the gospel is obvious when analyzing the geographical spread of magic. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the magical context of each Roman city where magic was there. Moreover, this article also demonstrates the significance of the geographical aspect of magic for the spread of the Gospel. This geographical aspect will be argued within the context of the apologetic purpose of ...
Salah satu pelayanan sosial yang dilakukan rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande adalah memberikan kes... more Salah satu pelayanan sosial yang dilakukan rumah baca Tiara Veritas Cikande adalah memberikan kesempatan bagi anak-anak yang berlokasi di daerah Kecamatan Cikande, Kabupaten Serang sekitar 40 KM dari kampus Universitas Pelita Harapan Karawaci Tangerang dalam membaca buku cerita anak usia dini. Ada sekitar 20-30 anak-anak datang bermain di rumah baca ini setiap harinya hanya untuk melihat gambar dari buku cerita. Permasalahan utama yang dialami rumah baca adalah kurangnya tenaga pengajar dan petugas khusus rumah baca sehingga membuat anak-anak melakukan aktivitas mandiri dan tanpa arahan yang terstruktur. Kemudian, pemilik yayasan berusaha menemukan metode membaca menarik pada anak usia dini tersebut melalui kerja sama dengan mahasiswa dan dosen dari kampus Universitas Pelita Harapan. Akhirnya, melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat yang merupakan bagian dari program MBKM, maka diterapkan metode membaca menarik pada anak usia dini. Anak usia dini dibimbing guru pengajar dalam ...
Papers by Chandra Han