Separação de poderes e independência funcional ((i) viés parcialmente concreto do precedente, (ii... more Separação de poderes e independência funcional ((i) viés parcialmente concreto do precedente, (ii) vinculação restrita e (iii) papel dos juízes como intérpretes
Separação de poderes e independência funcional ((i) viés parcialmente concreto do precedente, (ii... more Separação de poderes e independência funcional ((i) viés parcialmente concreto do precedente, (ii) vinculação restrita e (iii) papel dos juízes como intérpretes
Agradeço em primeiro lugar ao Prof. Dr. Fredie Didier Jr. pelo seu empenho na orientação desta di... more Agradeço em primeiro lugar ao Prof. Dr. Fredie Didier Jr. pelo seu empenho na orientação desta dissertação, e pelas ricas aulas de Teoria do Processo e Teoria da Jurisprudência no curso do Mestrado, essenciais para que esta pesquisa fosse realizada. Gostaria de agradecer também pelos seus conselhos sobre o mundo acadêmico, pelo auxílio na delimitação do tema da pesquisa e pela confiança em minha capacidade de executá-la. Por fim, e talvez em nome de toda a comunidade acadêmica, gostaria de agradecer pela generosidade de disponibilizar para consulta de qualquer estudante a sua vasta biblioteca, sem qualquer custo. Gostaria de agradecer também aos professores
This article presents the proposal of the possible relationship between
millennialism, seen from ... more This article presents the proposal of the possible relationship between millennialism, seen from the legal promises contained in the 1939, 1973 and 2015`s Motifs of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Codes. In this context legislative changes are presented as alternatives to the crises of the justice services through hope, as mystical trampolines of the collective imagination or even religious outbursts of collective imagination. The examination of the expositions elaborated predominantly by Francisco Campos (1939), Alfredo Buzaid (1973) and Luiz Fux and the Commission of Jurists (2015), exposes a mystical faith of even religious outlines between the chaotic present of the revoked procedural law and the promised paradisiac future by the new procedural standard. This vision can be associated with the Principle of Hope, utopian thinking as a political and social promise through Civil Procedural Law that offers legal means and techniques capable of solving the obstacles of the Brazilian Justice.
This article has the purpose to analyze the issue of resolution of repetitive demands and the pos... more This article has the purpose to analyze the issue of resolution of repetitive demands and the possibility of appeal of its decision on the merits, through the legal content of art. 987 and the provision on scope of exceptional features and the possibility of legitimized not impugn the fault, with the stabilization of the thesis. With the applicability of the precedent in the processes that are affected and futures, they will be eligible for resources and the purpose of this study is to discuss the conduct of this exceptional impugnable of decision in which the legal theory is applied and the need of systematization of their impacts.
The evidence production, in our procedural system and in the courts, is well adapted to be develo... more The evidence production, in our procedural system and in the courts, is well adapted to be developed before the singular judge. However, when the theme related to the evidence gathering it's projected to the Appeal Courts, it suffers resistance. For this reason this article aims to identify the limits of the evidence gathering in the
Who should prove the existence or nonexistence of some fact in a judicial proceeding? Should the ... more Who should prove the existence or nonexistence of some fact in a judicial proceeding? Should the Claimant help the Defendant to prove asserts of truth of particular facts or vice versa? Is there a new rule within all the rules governing the presentation of facts and proof in proceedings before courts? Those are issues of a great importance studied by scholars and courts in the last years relating to the law of evidence and this essay which provides a framework for further research gives a particularly and critic point of view influenced by a vision of the process as an instrument of freedom or as a right that point to protect freedoms.
The article intends to analyse the Italian legal action to ensure the fulfilment of the obligatio... more The article intends to analyse the Italian legal action to ensure the fulfilment of the obligations of public authorities. This commitment action, regarding a remedy of specific performance actually provided in the Code of the Administrative Process (Legislative Decree No 104/2010), cannot be brought autonomously because it has to be accompanied by another main action for annulment.
Este texto aborda uma forma de interação entre os poderes denominada de diálogos institucionais, ... more Este texto aborda uma forma de interação entre os poderes denominada de diálogos institucionais, na qual o objetivo é o de fazer com que nenhum dos três poderes possua uma soberania na interpretação dos textos normativos, proporcionando mecanismos para que eles dialoguem entre si. Mais especificamente, este artigo visa proporcionar uma interação entre a teoria dos diálogos institucionais e os provimentos judiciais obrigatórios instituídos pelo CPC/2015 e de que forma o Poder Legislativo pode interferir na interpretação adotada pelo Poder Judiciário.
Traditionally, European civil procedure systems have displayed a range of structures. Currently, ... more Traditionally, European civil procedure systems have displayed a range of structures. Currently, systems are converging around the main hearing model, which international soft law initiatives on civil procedure also endorse. This text discusses the main content and principles of the main hearing model and its application in English, Finnish, German and Norwegian law. The influence of the underlying structure of civil proceedings and the legal culture, in particular the role of the judge is explored through a comparison of the four countries. Finally, the qualities of the main hearing model are discussed, as is the way to successful implementation of the main hearing model as a tool to achieve efficient proceedings leading to quality outcomes.
Civil Procedure Review by Civil Procedure Review
millennialism, seen from the legal promises contained in the 1939, 1973 and 2015`s Motifs of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Codes. In this context legislative changes are presented as alternatives to the crises of the justice services through hope, as mystical trampolines of the collective imagination or even religious outbursts of collective imagination. The examination of the expositions elaborated predominantly by
Francisco Campos (1939), Alfredo Buzaid (1973) and Luiz Fux and the Commission of Jurists (2015), exposes a mystical faith of even religious outlines between the chaotic present of the revoked procedural law and the promised paradisiac future by the new procedural standard. This vision can be associated with the Principle of Hope, utopian thinking as a political and social promise through Civil Procedural Law that offers legal means and techniques capable of solving the obstacles of the Brazilian Justice.
will be eligible for resources and the purpose of this study is to discuss the conduct of this exceptional impugnable of decision in which the legal theory is applied and the need of systematization of their impacts.
of evidence and this essay which provides a framework for further research gives a particularly and critic point of view influenced by a vision of the process as an instrument of freedom or as a right that point to protect freedoms.
This commitment action, regarding a remedy of specific performance actually provided in the Code of the Administrative Process (Legislative Decree No 104/2010), cannot be brought autonomously because it has to be accompanied by another main action for annulment.