Quality Quantity International Journal of Methodology, 2010
Although consumers' fluid milk consumption behavior related to skim milk, low fat milk and whole ... more Although consumers' fluid milk consumption behavior related to skim milk, low fat milk and whole milk have attracted a lot of attention in the last decade, relatively a few studies have examined the consumers' unprocessed and processed fluid milk consumption. The objective of this study was to analyze consumers' fluid milk consumption and preference in Turkey by using cross-sectional national survey data. The Chi-square test of independence and multinomial logit procedure were used to investigate the selected socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of consumers that determine households' fluid milk consumption choices between unprocessed fluid milk, processed fluid milk and non-consumption choices. Empirical results indicate that unprocessed fluid milk preference is related positively to household size, number of children in family, household income, and age of housewife; and negatively to education level and employment status of housewife. On the other hand, processed fluid milk preferences are related positively to household income, number of children in households and education level of housewife and negatively to household size and age of housewife.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 00036840600949256, Apr 11, 2011
People in developing countries are increasing their consumption from the very low levels of the p... more People in developing countries are increasing their consumption from the very low levels of the past, and they have a long way to go before coming near developed country averages. In this study, households' animal products consumption patterns are analysed by using ...
The objective of this study is to investigate unpacked and packed fluid milk consumption patterns... more The objective of this study is to investigate unpacked and packed fluid milk consumption patterns and preferences among Turkish households by using cross-sectional survey data from 18,278 households. Based on the data, 47.8% of the households consume unpacked milk, 29.3% consume sterilized milk, and 7.9% consume pasteurized fluid milk at least once a month. Results of the multinomial logit model for fluid milk consumption behavior suggest that unpacked fluid milk preference is related positively to household size, income and age of the household head, and negatively to education level of the household head and status of the household wife. Similarly, pasteurized and sterilized fluid milk preferences are related positively to income and the education level of the household head, and negatively to household size and age of the household head. Results from these analyses are used to suggest techniques for marketing fluid milk products to specific segments of the consumer population.
... series data. The nature of data available for this study renders the examination of the effec... more ... series data. The nature of data available for this study renders the examination of the effects of various economic and demographic characteristics not available in most aggregate time series (Abdel-Ghany and Silver 1998). The ...
In this paper, the demand elasticities and the size of price cost margin (PCM) ratios were invest... more In this paper, the demand elasticities and the size of price cost margin (PCM) ratios were investigated for private and national branded products using scanner data from a large supermarket chain in Ohio, USA. Demand elasticities and PCM ratios were measured for 32 national branded and 14 private label products for 9 food categories by using Almost Ideal Demand System. According to the results, lower-income shoppers were more prices sensitive than higher-income shoppers and the average price elasticities were ranged between -1.96 (Snacks) and -3.33 (ice-cream). According to the results, non-collusive case gave smaller PCM than the Bertrand case and the average PCM ratios ranged from 27% for ice cream to 54% for chips.
Crop yield is primarily water-limited in the arid and semi-arid agricultural areas of Turkey. Amo... more Crop yield is primarily water-limited in the arid and semi-arid agricultural areas of Turkey. Amount of irrigation water could be as much as water which produces economic crop yield. Objective of this study was to analyze analytically deficit irrigation of sunflower and to determine alternative deficit irrigation water levels using water yield relationship of sunflower, cots and revenue function. Besides,
Fruit and vegetables are important agricultural products of our country. These product industries... more Fruit and vegetables are important agricultural products of our country. These product industries consist of many crops and products, each has very different marketing channels and demand and supply. Although most of these products (more than hundreds) are commercially produced and sold and bought, a few major products dominate in this industry. When we compare with other countries in the
The objectives of this study were to analyse deficit irrigation with the mathematical optimisatio... more The objectives of this study were to analyse deficit irrigation with the mathematical optimisation method using the water- yield relationship and cost functions of red pepper, and to determine alternative deficit irrigation water levels. For this purpose, the effect of 5 different irrigation levels (I1, I2, I3, I4, and I5) on dry yield (DY) was determined using a line source
Gidarnleri talep esnekliklerinin tahmini, gerek tarim ekonomisi ve gerekse uygulamali ekonomik Áa... more Gidarnleri talep esnekliklerinin tahmini, gerek tarim ekonomisi ve gerekse uygulamali ekonomik Áali"malardanemli Áali"ma alanlarindan biridir. Bu Áali"manin amaci Trkiye istatistik Kurumu (T‹#K) tarafindan derlenmi" olan kesit veriler kullanilarak Trkiye'de hanehalklari tarafindan tketilennemli gida ¸rnlerinin talep esnekliklerini tahmin etmektir. ˙ali"mada, 42 gidarnne ait talep modeli, gelir ve fiyat esnekliklerini tahmin etmek amaciyla Heckman iki a"amali tahmin yntemi kullanilmi"tir. Analiz sonuÁlarina gre,
Although consumers' fluid milk consumption behavior related to skim milk, low fat milk and whole ... more Although consumers' fluid milk consumption behavior related to skim milk, low fat milk and whole milk have attracted a lot of attention in the last decade, relatively a few studies have examined the consumers' unprocessed and processed fluid milk consumption. The objective of this study was to analyze consumers' fluid milk consumption and preference in Turkey by using cross-sectional national survey data. The Chi-square test of independence and multinomial logit procedure were used to investigate the selected socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of consumers that determine households' fluid milk consumption choices between unprocessed fluid milk, processed fluid milk and non-consumption choices. Empirical results indicate that unprocessed fluid milk preference is related positively to household size, number of children in family, household income, and age of housewife; and negatively to education level and employment status of housewife. On the other hand, processed fluid milk preferences are related positively to household income, number of children in households and education level of housewife and negatively to household size and age of housewife.
ABSTRACT A variety of censored dependent variable models are used to identify the impacts of soci... more ABSTRACT A variety of censored dependent variable models are used to identify the impacts of social and economic variables on the decision to consume and the amount of expenditure on tobacco in Turkey. Using data from the Turkish Household Expenditure Survey, the odds of smoking and spending level on tobacco products are investigated jointly. Statistical tests identify the inverse hyperbolic sine double-hurdle model as the preferred model. Socio-demographic factors are found to have differentiated effects on participation and level decisions. Findings can inform deliberations of policy measures to curtail tobacco consumption and reduce the costs of the public healthcare system.
Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 2007
One of the largest recent changes in consumer food purchasing behavior is the trend towards great... more One of the largest recent changes in consumer food purchasing behavior is the trend towards greater consumption of food eaten outside the home. Between 1994 and 2000, the share of total food expenditures spent on food away from home (FAFH) increased from 7 to 15% with an increasing share for fast-food facilities. This study focuses on whether demographic and socioeconomic factors have detectable effects on Turkish FAFH expenditures. This question is of interest because previous studies suggest that increasing household income, education, female labor participation and changing lifestyle especially in developing countries increased household FAFH consumption share but decreased food at home consumption share. However, no study to our knowledge has examined the combined effect of income, education, employment, and family status on Turkish FAFH consumption. The data for this research were obtained from personal interviews of representative sample households of the province of Adana in Turkey. The findings of this study generally indicate that restaurant facilities, employment of wife and education, composition of household, and income are statistically significant determinants of FAFH consumption.
Knowledge of a high correlation between a consumerÕs residence and his place of grocery shopping ... more Knowledge of a high correlation between a consumerÕs residence and his place of grocery shopping has allowed researchers to use scanner data to assess the relationship between income and shopping behavior. This study addresses the shopping behavior of over 100,000 consumers who patronize six supermarkets weekly. Three of these supermarkets are best characterized as stores that service primarily lower-income shoppers, and three are best characterized as stores that service primarily higher-income shoppers. A key objective of this research is to determine if purchasing patterns differ for the two income groups and, if so, to determine if these differences are consistent with economic theory. The results show that the dominant income group for a given area makes purchase decisions that are so widespread and prominent that the confounding effects of other income shoppers are completely overshadowed. Simply stated, the statistical evidence is so strong that it overcomes all possible deviating effects which may result from data outliers.
Quality Quantity International Journal of Methodology, 2010
Although consumers' fluid milk consumption behavior related to skim milk, low fat milk and whole ... more Although consumers' fluid milk consumption behavior related to skim milk, low fat milk and whole milk have attracted a lot of attention in the last decade, relatively a few studies have examined the consumers' unprocessed and processed fluid milk consumption. The objective of this study was to analyze consumers' fluid milk consumption and preference in Turkey by using cross-sectional national survey data. The Chi-square test of independence and multinomial logit procedure were used to investigate the selected socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of consumers that determine households' fluid milk consumption choices between unprocessed fluid milk, processed fluid milk and non-consumption choices. Empirical results indicate that unprocessed fluid milk preference is related positively to household size, number of children in family, household income, and age of housewife; and negatively to education level and employment status of housewife. On the other hand, processed fluid milk preferences are related positively to household income, number of children in households and education level of housewife and negatively to household size and age of housewife.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 00036840600949256, Apr 11, 2011
People in developing countries are increasing their consumption from the very low levels of the p... more People in developing countries are increasing their consumption from the very low levels of the past, and they have a long way to go before coming near developed country averages. In this study, households' animal products consumption patterns are analysed by using ...
The objective of this study is to investigate unpacked and packed fluid milk consumption patterns... more The objective of this study is to investigate unpacked and packed fluid milk consumption patterns and preferences among Turkish households by using cross-sectional survey data from 18,278 households. Based on the data, 47.8% of the households consume unpacked milk, 29.3% consume sterilized milk, and 7.9% consume pasteurized fluid milk at least once a month. Results of the multinomial logit model for fluid milk consumption behavior suggest that unpacked fluid milk preference is related positively to household size, income and age of the household head, and negatively to education level of the household head and status of the household wife. Similarly, pasteurized and sterilized fluid milk preferences are related positively to income and the education level of the household head, and negatively to household size and age of the household head. Results from these analyses are used to suggest techniques for marketing fluid milk products to specific segments of the consumer population.
... series data. The nature of data available for this study renders the examination of the effec... more ... series data. The nature of data available for this study renders the examination of the effects of various economic and demographic characteristics not available in most aggregate time series (Abdel-Ghany and Silver 1998). The ...
In this paper, the demand elasticities and the size of price cost margin (PCM) ratios were invest... more In this paper, the demand elasticities and the size of price cost margin (PCM) ratios were investigated for private and national branded products using scanner data from a large supermarket chain in Ohio, USA. Demand elasticities and PCM ratios were measured for 32 national branded and 14 private label products for 9 food categories by using Almost Ideal Demand System. According to the results, lower-income shoppers were more prices sensitive than higher-income shoppers and the average price elasticities were ranged between -1.96 (Snacks) and -3.33 (ice-cream). According to the results, non-collusive case gave smaller PCM than the Bertrand case and the average PCM ratios ranged from 27% for ice cream to 54% for chips.
Crop yield is primarily water-limited in the arid and semi-arid agricultural areas of Turkey. Amo... more Crop yield is primarily water-limited in the arid and semi-arid agricultural areas of Turkey. Amount of irrigation water could be as much as water which produces economic crop yield. Objective of this study was to analyze analytically deficit irrigation of sunflower and to determine alternative deficit irrigation water levels using water yield relationship of sunflower, cots and revenue function. Besides,
Fruit and vegetables are important agricultural products of our country. These product industries... more Fruit and vegetables are important agricultural products of our country. These product industries consist of many crops and products, each has very different marketing channels and demand and supply. Although most of these products (more than hundreds) are commercially produced and sold and bought, a few major products dominate in this industry. When we compare with other countries in the
The objectives of this study were to analyse deficit irrigation with the mathematical optimisatio... more The objectives of this study were to analyse deficit irrigation with the mathematical optimisation method using the water- yield relationship and cost functions of red pepper, and to determine alternative deficit irrigation water levels. For this purpose, the effect of 5 different irrigation levels (I1, I2, I3, I4, and I5) on dry yield (DY) was determined using a line source
Gidarnleri talep esnekliklerinin tahmini, gerek tarim ekonomisi ve gerekse uygulamali ekonomik Áa... more Gidarnleri talep esnekliklerinin tahmini, gerek tarim ekonomisi ve gerekse uygulamali ekonomik Áali"malardanemli Áali"ma alanlarindan biridir. Bu Áali"manin amaci Trkiye istatistik Kurumu (T‹#K) tarafindan derlenmi" olan kesit veriler kullanilarak Trkiye'de hanehalklari tarafindan tketilennemli gida ¸rnlerinin talep esnekliklerini tahmin etmektir. ˙ali"mada, 42 gidarnne ait talep modeli, gelir ve fiyat esnekliklerini tahmin etmek amaciyla Heckman iki a"amali tahmin yntemi kullanilmi"tir. Analiz sonuÁlarina gre,
Although consumers' fluid milk consumption behavior related to skim milk, low fat milk and whole ... more Although consumers' fluid milk consumption behavior related to skim milk, low fat milk and whole milk have attracted a lot of attention in the last decade, relatively a few studies have examined the consumers' unprocessed and processed fluid milk consumption. The objective of this study was to analyze consumers' fluid milk consumption and preference in Turkey by using cross-sectional national survey data. The Chi-square test of independence and multinomial logit procedure were used to investigate the selected socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of consumers that determine households' fluid milk consumption choices between unprocessed fluid milk, processed fluid milk and non-consumption choices. Empirical results indicate that unprocessed fluid milk preference is related positively to household size, number of children in family, household income, and age of housewife; and negatively to education level and employment status of housewife. On the other hand, processed fluid milk preferences are related positively to household income, number of children in households and education level of housewife and negatively to household size and age of housewife.
ABSTRACT A variety of censored dependent variable models are used to identify the impacts of soci... more ABSTRACT A variety of censored dependent variable models are used to identify the impacts of social and economic variables on the decision to consume and the amount of expenditure on tobacco in Turkey. Using data from the Turkish Household Expenditure Survey, the odds of smoking and spending level on tobacco products are investigated jointly. Statistical tests identify the inverse hyperbolic sine double-hurdle model as the preferred model. Socio-demographic factors are found to have differentiated effects on participation and level decisions. Findings can inform deliberations of policy measures to curtail tobacco consumption and reduce the costs of the public healthcare system.
Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 2007
One of the largest recent changes in consumer food purchasing behavior is the trend towards great... more One of the largest recent changes in consumer food purchasing behavior is the trend towards greater consumption of food eaten outside the home. Between 1994 and 2000, the share of total food expenditures spent on food away from home (FAFH) increased from 7 to 15% with an increasing share for fast-food facilities. This study focuses on whether demographic and socioeconomic factors have detectable effects on Turkish FAFH expenditures. This question is of interest because previous studies suggest that increasing household income, education, female labor participation and changing lifestyle especially in developing countries increased household FAFH consumption share but decreased food at home consumption share. However, no study to our knowledge has examined the combined effect of income, education, employment, and family status on Turkish FAFH consumption. The data for this research were obtained from personal interviews of representative sample households of the province of Adana in Turkey. The findings of this study generally indicate that restaurant facilities, employment of wife and education, composition of household, and income are statistically significant determinants of FAFH consumption.
Knowledge of a high correlation between a consumerÕs residence and his place of grocery shopping ... more Knowledge of a high correlation between a consumerÕs residence and his place of grocery shopping has allowed researchers to use scanner data to assess the relationship between income and shopping behavior. This study addresses the shopping behavior of over 100,000 consumers who patronize six supermarkets weekly. Three of these supermarkets are best characterized as stores that service primarily lower-income shoppers, and three are best characterized as stores that service primarily higher-income shoppers. A key objective of this research is to determine if purchasing patterns differ for the two income groups and, if so, to determine if these differences are consistent with economic theory. The results show that the dominant income group for a given area makes purchase decisions that are so widespread and prominent that the confounding effects of other income shoppers are completely overshadowed. Simply stated, the statistical evidence is so strong that it overcomes all possible deviating effects which may result from data outliers.
Papers by Cuma Akbay