2019 SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC)
We propose a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) architecture for an elastic opti... more We propose a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) architecture for an elastic optical networks (EON) that allows the traffic of all optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) signals. This new ROADM setup is validated by a point-to-point simulation of a 100 Gb/s 4-subcarrier O-OFDM signal traveling through the light paths of an 8-node mesh network performing one add/drop operation at each node along the traveled distances.
2018 SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC), 2018
Two spectral conversion techniques, configured for providing all-optical clock recovery and synch... more Two spectral conversion techniques, configured for providing all-optical clock recovery and synchronization of subcarriers, are compared in an all-optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) system. For that, the performance of the optical inverse fast Fourier transform (O-IFFT) and optical fast Fourier transform (O-FFT) operations were evaluated in a simulated setup. These operations are required for all-optical multiplexing and demultiplexing of O-OFDM subcarriers, respectively. Both clock recovery techniques perform a spectral conversion but one is based on the nonlinear effect of four wave mixing and the other, on linear optical filtering. As far as we know, only the first method has already been reported for O-OFDM applications. We demonstrate that both methods presented similar performances and therefore, considering aspects of compactness, simplicity and energy consumption, we are lead to conclude that the linear technique is more suitable for an O-OFDM system built up by an integrated photonics design.
2017 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), 2017
This paper presents an experimental and simulated demonstration of an all optical fast Fourier tr... more This paper presents an experimental and simulated demonstration of an all optical fast Fourier transform (FFT), based on optical interferometry, applied for the dropping of an optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) carrier. The OFDM signal, comprising an aggregate rate of 75 Gb/s quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation, was generated from an optical comb, with 12.5 GHz channel spacing, provided by the gain-switching of a semiconductor laser. The experimental results were then used to calibrate a system simulator where an all-optical Inverse FFT was included for the adding of an optical OFDM carrier. A synchronism mechanism was also configured in the simulation setup. The obtained bit error rate (BER) performance below the forward error corrector (FEC) limit for both, experimental and simulated, implementations, demonstrate the node architecture feasability for the optical processing of a superchannel with carrier spectral overlapping.
2018 SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC), 2018
We investigate the effect of adjusting the excess in bandwidth (roll-off factor) of a pulse-shapi... more We investigate the effect of adjusting the excess in bandwidth (roll-off factor) of a pulse-shaping filter on the performance of a long haul (N-WDM) 21 x 256 Gb/s PM-16QAM coherent system. After calibrating a simulator with the results obtained experimentally, taken with a roll-off set to 0.1, we varied the roll-off value from 0.1 to 1.0 in the simulation setup and verified its impact on the transmission in a linear regime. The simulated results were, then, combined with data obtained from the literature relating the number of taps of a FIR filter to its energy consumption. Within a given transmitted reach and as long as the system operates within the FEC limit, it is demonstrated that a less stringent specification for the roll-off can lead to a reduction on energy consumption without compromising the system performance. Such a geometric pulse-shaping technique allowed us to establish a 3-D figure of merit based on the resolution of the filter, given by the number of taps, the correspondent roll-off factor and the energy consumption.
We present a review of concepts and challenges to implement the OFDM technique in the all-optical... more We present a review of concepts and challenges to implement the OFDM technique in the all-optical domain so that it may emerge, in a near future, as a technically and economically feasible option to meet, with spectral efficiency and energy saving, the ever-increasing demand of capacity in data transmission systems.
This paper describes an e-gov service that provides a mean to require urban or rural retirement b... more This paper describes an e-gov service that provides a mean to require urban or rural retirement benefits. It also discusses its usability and accessibility in order to assist disabled and illiterate people. The conception of such service has been motivated by the identification of the major needs among the portion of Brazilian people who is digitally excluded and whose functional or plain illiteracy levels are significantly high. Furthermore, the percentage of people with visual or hearing impairments at retirement age is higher than overall population average. Such characteristics should be taken into account when designing interfaces which can be easily used by people with low literacy levels or visual or hearing impairment. This paper also describes the mechanisms for user identification and the assistive technologies employed in the design for providing autonomy to its target public.
One of the biggest challenge of the transition process from analogue to digital television is the... more One of the biggest challenge of the transition process from analogue to digital television is the adoption of the new technology. This article shows, through the application of prospective scenarios methodology, the importance of the interactive applications and the users influence in the adoption of digital television by Brazilian society. Resumo. Um grande desafio para o processo de transição da televisão analógica para a digital é a adoção da nova tecnologia. Este artigo mostra, por meio da aplicação da metodologia de cenários prospectivos, a importância das aplicações interativas e a influência do usuário na adoção do sistema de televisão digital pela sociedade brasileira.
Um grande desafio para o processo de transição da televisão analógica para a digital é a adoção d... more Um grande desafio para o processo de transição da televisão analógica para a digital é a adoção da nova tecnologia. Este artigo mostra, por meio da aplicação da metodologia de cenários prospectivos, a identificação de 22 possíveis cenários para a disponibilização das aplicações na implantação da televisão interativa. Esses cenários foram identificados considerando a importância das aplicações interativas e a influência do usuário na adoção do sistema de televisão digital pela sociedade brasileira. Palavras-chave: TV digital. Prospecção estratégica. Aplicações interativas. Sistemas em tempo real. Receptores de TV digital.
Anais de XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações
Resumo-Neste artigo apresenta-se a transmissão experimental por 452 km de um supercanal NGI-CO-OF... more Resumo-Neste artigo apresenta-se a transmissão experimental por 452 km de um supercanal NGI-CO-OFDM de 1,12 Tb/s, com 10 portadoras e eficiência espectral de 4 b/s/Hz. As portadoras OFDM, geradas num gerador comb RFS, foram moduladas em 112 Gb/s DP-QPSK, transmitidas por um anel de recirculação de 226 km, detectadas por um receptor óptico coerente e processadas offline. Observou-se que as taxas de erro obtidas para as portadoras testadas ficaram abaixo do limite do FEC de 3,8x10-3 para até duas voltas no anel de recirculação.
A sociedade da informação e do conhecimento é um território de preocupação constante. Constitui, ... more A sociedade da informação e do conhecimento é um território de preocupação constante. Constitui, sem dúvida, um dos campos decisivos de transformação da cultura e da educação de nossos dias. As mudanças no sistema escolar, em função da chegada das novas tecnologias do conhecimento, nos remete à necessidade de estudar a relação entre comunicação e educação de modo interdisciplinar, baseado nas reflexões teóricas dessas duas áreas, procurando resgatar a unidade intrínseca destes tratados que nem sempre se encontraram unidos.
Apresenta-se um projeto de pesquisa aplicada que fornecerá serviços educacionais para escolas, pr... more Apresenta-se um projeto de pesquisa aplicada que fornecerá serviços educacionais para escolas, professores, alunos e pais, através de uma estação experimental de TV Digital, em implantação no distrito de Barão Geraldo em Campinas, São Paulo. Estão em desenvolvimento serviços e metodologia para a produção de conteúdos educacionais para a plataforma de TV Digital Interativa. Este desenvolvimento inclui a especificação de funcionalidades, interfaces, navegação e aspectos educacionais e pedagógicos, a avaliação dos resultados dos serviços e a produção de conteúdos educacionais, na linguagem de TV Digital Interativa, voltados para a grade curricular das escolas envolvidas no projeto.
2019 SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC)
We propose a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) architecture for an elastic opti... more We propose a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) architecture for an elastic optical networks (EON) that allows the traffic of all optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) signals. This new ROADM setup is validated by a point-to-point simulation of a 100 Gb/s 4-subcarrier O-OFDM signal traveling through the light paths of an 8-node mesh network performing one add/drop operation at each node along the traveled distances.
2018 SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC), 2018
Two spectral conversion techniques, configured for providing all-optical clock recovery and synch... more Two spectral conversion techniques, configured for providing all-optical clock recovery and synchronization of subcarriers, are compared in an all-optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) system. For that, the performance of the optical inverse fast Fourier transform (O-IFFT) and optical fast Fourier transform (O-FFT) operations were evaluated in a simulated setup. These operations are required for all-optical multiplexing and demultiplexing of O-OFDM subcarriers, respectively. Both clock recovery techniques perform a spectral conversion but one is based on the nonlinear effect of four wave mixing and the other, on linear optical filtering. As far as we know, only the first method has already been reported for O-OFDM applications. We demonstrate that both methods presented similar performances and therefore, considering aspects of compactness, simplicity and energy consumption, we are lead to conclude that the linear technique is more suitable for an O-OFDM system built up by an integrated photonics design.
2017 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), 2017
This paper presents an experimental and simulated demonstration of an all optical fast Fourier tr... more This paper presents an experimental and simulated demonstration of an all optical fast Fourier transform (FFT), based on optical interferometry, applied for the dropping of an optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) carrier. The OFDM signal, comprising an aggregate rate of 75 Gb/s quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation, was generated from an optical comb, with 12.5 GHz channel spacing, provided by the gain-switching of a semiconductor laser. The experimental results were then used to calibrate a system simulator where an all-optical Inverse FFT was included for the adding of an optical OFDM carrier. A synchronism mechanism was also configured in the simulation setup. The obtained bit error rate (BER) performance below the forward error corrector (FEC) limit for both, experimental and simulated, implementations, demonstrate the node architecture feasability for the optical processing of a superchannel with carrier spectral overlapping.
2018 SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC), 2018
We investigate the effect of adjusting the excess in bandwidth (roll-off factor) of a pulse-shapi... more We investigate the effect of adjusting the excess in bandwidth (roll-off factor) of a pulse-shaping filter on the performance of a long haul (N-WDM) 21 x 256 Gb/s PM-16QAM coherent system. After calibrating a simulator with the results obtained experimentally, taken with a roll-off set to 0.1, we varied the roll-off value from 0.1 to 1.0 in the simulation setup and verified its impact on the transmission in a linear regime. The simulated results were, then, combined with data obtained from the literature relating the number of taps of a FIR filter to its energy consumption. Within a given transmitted reach and as long as the system operates within the FEC limit, it is demonstrated that a less stringent specification for the roll-off can lead to a reduction on energy consumption without compromising the system performance. Such a geometric pulse-shaping technique allowed us to establish a 3-D figure of merit based on the resolution of the filter, given by the number of taps, the correspondent roll-off factor and the energy consumption.
We present a review of concepts and challenges to implement the OFDM technique in the all-optical... more We present a review of concepts and challenges to implement the OFDM technique in the all-optical domain so that it may emerge, in a near future, as a technically and economically feasible option to meet, with spectral efficiency and energy saving, the ever-increasing demand of capacity in data transmission systems.
This paper describes an e-gov service that provides a mean to require urban or rural retirement b... more This paper describes an e-gov service that provides a mean to require urban or rural retirement benefits. It also discusses its usability and accessibility in order to assist disabled and illiterate people. The conception of such service has been motivated by the identification of the major needs among the portion of Brazilian people who is digitally excluded and whose functional or plain illiteracy levels are significantly high. Furthermore, the percentage of people with visual or hearing impairments at retirement age is higher than overall population average. Such characteristics should be taken into account when designing interfaces which can be easily used by people with low literacy levels or visual or hearing impairment. This paper also describes the mechanisms for user identification and the assistive technologies employed in the design for providing autonomy to its target public.
One of the biggest challenge of the transition process from analogue to digital television is the... more One of the biggest challenge of the transition process from analogue to digital television is the adoption of the new technology. This article shows, through the application of prospective scenarios methodology, the importance of the interactive applications and the users influence in the adoption of digital television by Brazilian society. Resumo. Um grande desafio para o processo de transição da televisão analógica para a digital é a adoção da nova tecnologia. Este artigo mostra, por meio da aplicação da metodologia de cenários prospectivos, a importância das aplicações interativas e a influência do usuário na adoção do sistema de televisão digital pela sociedade brasileira.
Um grande desafio para o processo de transição da televisão analógica para a digital é a adoção d... more Um grande desafio para o processo de transição da televisão analógica para a digital é a adoção da nova tecnologia. Este artigo mostra, por meio da aplicação da metodologia de cenários prospectivos, a identificação de 22 possíveis cenários para a disponibilização das aplicações na implantação da televisão interativa. Esses cenários foram identificados considerando a importância das aplicações interativas e a influência do usuário na adoção do sistema de televisão digital pela sociedade brasileira. Palavras-chave: TV digital. Prospecção estratégica. Aplicações interativas. Sistemas em tempo real. Receptores de TV digital.
Anais de XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações
Resumo-Neste artigo apresenta-se a transmissão experimental por 452 km de um supercanal NGI-CO-OF... more Resumo-Neste artigo apresenta-se a transmissão experimental por 452 km de um supercanal NGI-CO-OFDM de 1,12 Tb/s, com 10 portadoras e eficiência espectral de 4 b/s/Hz. As portadoras OFDM, geradas num gerador comb RFS, foram moduladas em 112 Gb/s DP-QPSK, transmitidas por um anel de recirculação de 226 km, detectadas por um receptor óptico coerente e processadas offline. Observou-se que as taxas de erro obtidas para as portadoras testadas ficaram abaixo do limite do FEC de 3,8x10-3 para até duas voltas no anel de recirculação.
A sociedade da informação e do conhecimento é um território de preocupação constante. Constitui, ... more A sociedade da informação e do conhecimento é um território de preocupação constante. Constitui, sem dúvida, um dos campos decisivos de transformação da cultura e da educação de nossos dias. As mudanças no sistema escolar, em função da chegada das novas tecnologias do conhecimento, nos remete à necessidade de estudar a relação entre comunicação e educação de modo interdisciplinar, baseado nas reflexões teóricas dessas duas áreas, procurando resgatar a unidade intrínseca destes tratados que nem sempre se encontraram unidos.
Apresenta-se um projeto de pesquisa aplicada que fornecerá serviços educacionais para escolas, pr... more Apresenta-se um projeto de pesquisa aplicada que fornecerá serviços educacionais para escolas, professores, alunos e pais, através de uma estação experimental de TV Digital, em implantação no distrito de Barão Geraldo em Campinas, São Paulo. Estão em desenvolvimento serviços e metodologia para a produção de conteúdos educacionais para a plataforma de TV Digital Interativa. Este desenvolvimento inclui a especificação de funcionalidades, interfaces, navegação e aspectos educacionais e pedagógicos, a avaliação dos resultados dos serviços e a produção de conteúdos educacionais, na linguagem de TV Digital Interativa, voltados para a grade curricular das escolas envolvidas no projeto.
Papers by Daniel Pataca