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Edit Rózsavölgyi

  • Edit Rózsavölgyi has been working as a Hungarian as a foreign language teacher at the University of Padova since 1986... moreedit
In questo studio si affronta la questione del mutamento linguistico che tocca, oltre ai dati sistemici della lingua, anche la sfera esterna ad essa, e in particolare le modalità in cui l’uomo fa funzionare la lingua. L’intento non è... more
In questo studio si affronta la questione del mutamento linguistico che tocca, oltre ai dati sistemici della lingua, anche la sfera esterna ad essa, e in particolare le modalità in cui l’uomo fa funzionare la lingua. L’intento non è quello di produrre e analizzare cambiamenti linguistici concreti, bensì di riflettere sulla questione del cambiamento linguistico dal punto di vista teorico, con il supporto della casistica ungherese. La registrazione dei cambiamenti nell’ambito linguistico hanno portato in Ungheria al riconoscimento, da parte di molti studiosi, di una norma linguistica „dilatata”, che comprende, oltre alla lingua standard, anche l’ungherese vernacolare, e, in base ai primi due, la varietà parlata, tre costituenti della realtà linguistica poliedrica e complessa, rafforzando l’idea che la lingua non è un codice unitario bensì un repertorio di codici
The present paper analyses an eTandem language environment where four couples of students, each composed by an Italian and a Hungarian partner, interact following two different working modalities. In the first case the two couples work... more
The present paper analyses an eTandem language environment where four couples of students, each composed by an Italian and a Hungarian partner, interact following two different working modalities. In the first case the two couples work with a high degree of self management and autonomy: the peer tutoring takes place not only within the couple (student to student) but also couple-to-couple. In the second case, the interaction of the two couples is based on specific tasks assigned by their Italian and Hungarian language teachers acting as external counselors. The paper aims to compare two different tutoring systems (peer tutoring vs. external tutoring), investigating their reflections on error correction, on the development of L1 and L2 metalinguistic competence, and on the self perception of motivation and autonomy of the eTandem partners
La creazione e l’organizzazione di un sistema di concetti riguardanti lo spazio sono inevitabili per qualsiasi specie avente una base fissa e capace di muoversi. Inoltre, non vi è alcun dubbio che nella cognitività umana le... more
La creazione e l’organizzazione di un sistema di concetti riguardanti lo spazio sono inevitabili per qualsiasi specie avente una base fissa e capace di muoversi. Inoltre, non vi è alcun dubbio che nella cognitività umana le rappresentazioni spaziali hanno un ruolo centrale in quanto sono alla base di diversi impieghi specifici del linguaggio. Solo negli ultimi anni è stato dedicato interesse al linguaggio spaziale e soprattutto nell’ambito della teoria cognitiva. Ogni lingua pone il sistema cognitivo in una prospettiva particolare. È di fondamentale importanza capire come lo spazio viene codificato linguisticamente. La variabilità empirica delle lingue illustra le diversità culturali e suggerisce che ci siano differenze interlinguistiche significative anche a livello concettuale. Il presente contributo è parte di una ricerca più ampia volta al confronto, su basi tipologiche, della codifica linguistica dello spazio in ungherese e in italiano. In questa sede il nostro argomento sarà p...
Il destino di ogni lingua è strettamente collegato a quello della comunità che la usa come lingua madre. Di conseguenza una comunità linguistica di successo ha una lingua di successo. L’aumento dei processi di globalizzazione rappresenta... more
Il destino di ogni lingua è strettamente collegato a quello della comunità che la usa come lingua madre. Di conseguenza una comunità linguistica di successo ha una lingua di successo. L’aumento dei processi di globalizzazione rappresenta un dato di fatto, le conseguenze dei cambiamenti culturali accelerati sono facilmente osservabili ovunque. Le lingue si diversificano tra di loro non per quanto riguarda la loro qualità strutturale, bensì per quanto concerne le loro possibilità, dipendenti dalla loro situazione geopolitica. I cambiamenti che avvengono nella vita di una certa comunità linguistica portano a cambiamenti nella situazione geopolitica della lingua parlata da quella comunità e questi cambiamenti influenzano poi l’uso linguistico, la competenza linguistica dei parlanti, l’immagine che hanno e il valore che danno i parlanti della propria lingua e in definitiva influenzano la lingua stessa. Le lingue vengono mantenute e sostenute dai loro parlanti. Al mercato generale “global...
Questo lavoro si propone di comparare italiano e ungherese riguardo alla definizione linguistica dello spazio. Si tratta di un ambito della grammatica in cui le due lingue mostrano differenze molto accentuate e profonde, e quindi... more
Questo lavoro si propone di comparare italiano e ungherese riguardo alla definizione linguistica dello spazio. Si tratta di un ambito della grammatica in cui le due lingue mostrano differenze molto accentuate e profonde, e quindi interessante per la linguistica generale, e non secondariamente per mirare in maniera più efficace la riflessione grammaticale in attività didattiche. Dal punto di vista teorico il mio obiettivo era quello di investigare su come e fino a che punto i confini della tipologia linguistica dal carattere fondamentalmente strutturale possano essere allargati con l’atteggiamento funzionale del cognitivismo nell’ambito di una disciplina nuova, la tipologia semantica (semantic typology), sviluppatasi essenzialmente negli ultimi vent’anni. Dal punto di vista pratico, il confronto dei linguaggi spaziali ungherese e italiano nell’ambito della tipologia semantica rende possibile avanzare delle proposte concernenti le strategie applicabili nel campo della glottodidattica ...
This cross-linguistic survey of spatial reference is about the way Hungarian and Italian languages structure the spatial domain. My chief concern is theoretical and methodological: how and to what extent the traditionally... more
This cross-linguistic survey of spatial reference is about the way Hungarian and Italian languages structure the spatial domain. My chief concern is theoretical and methodological: how and to what extent the traditionally structure-centeredness of linguistic typology (LT) can be broadened? Pursuing new ways of investigation taking into account an interdisciplinary approach LT may complement and learn from linguistics of other persuasions which in turn may enhance theoretical well groundedness of LT and expand its research scope. Opening up to cognitive linguistics, which has experienced a shift towards more empirically-based inquiry recently, may provide a potential for methodological cross-fertilization in the framework of semantic typology, a new kind of work in linguistics. Semantic typology is the comparative study of linguistic categorization. Its central issue is how linguistic representations structure a given cognitive domain across languages unraveling the functioning of th...
This study aims to address the question of how Web 2.0 can be shaped along educational lines. Our analysis specifically focuses on what the educational potential of Web 2.0 can be as far as the improvement of L2 students’ communication... more
This study aims to address the question of how Web 2.0 can be shaped along educational lines. Our analysis specifically focuses on what the educational potential of Web 2.0 can be as far as the improvement of L2 students’ communication skills are concerned, and on how education can be reimagined in the light of the new technologies. The outcomes of a semester-long telecollaborative partnership between Italian university students studying Hungarian and Hungarian learners of Italian are considered. The operational protocol of the initiative called Danubadria was based on the reciprocal dependence and mutual support and was characterized by a task-based approach and a wiki counseling platform, in which the eTandem partners and their foreign language teachers collaborated. Web 2.0 tools appear to strengthen fundamental aspects of L2 acquisition and of intercultural communicative competence that may be difficult to stimulate in students in traditional classroom environments. They may off...
Il presente contributo mira ad indagare su che cosa di positivo l’uso delle nuove tecnologie in ambiente Web 2.0 può aggiungere alle nostre metodologie nell’ambito dell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere e come esso può essere adottato... more
Il presente contributo mira ad indagare su che cosa di positivo l’uso delle nuove tecnologie in ambiente Web 2.0 può aggiungere alle nostre metodologie nell’ambito dell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere e come esso può essere adottato nel curriculum. In base alle nostre esperienze di una sperimentazione pilota eTandem italo-ungherese consideriamo la questione dal punto di vista della motivazione che può portare gli studenti ad applicarsi nello studio di una L2, in particolare di una lingua “minore”, l’ungherese, nella fase iniziale, progettuale di un corso (scelte, ragioni, obiettivi, decisioni). Il quadro teorico adottato per l’analisi qualitativa è rappresentato dal L2 Motivational Self System (Dörnyei 2005, Ushioda and Dörnyei 2012) e dal Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura 2006). Riconoscendo l’importanza dell’autonomia dello studente, intesa in questa sede come il controllo sul proprio apprendimento, ribadiamo che le nuove tecnologie cambiano alcuni ruoli tradizionali dei docent...
In this study I argue that linguistic and cultural awareness having a contrastive approach provides us with a perspective which helps translators to choose consciously from different target language alternatives and offers some objective... more
In this study I argue that linguistic and cultural awareness having a contrastive approach provides us with a perspective which helps translators to choose consciously from different target language alternatives and offers some objective guidelines for the justification and evaluation of translation solutions. It is not easy to define which criteria we should consider when assessing a text as the translation of another. There are no codified rules in the domain of reading, understanding and translating. The first part of the survey gives an insight into some theoretical aspects of translation such as linguistic and cultural asymmetry, the concept of equivalence in translation, translational behaviour of languages, language pair specific transcoding operations, translator competences. The final section is devoted to the analysis of some pieces of translation from Hungarian to Italian showing the practical validity of what have been said from a theoretical point of view. Translation a...
The goal of this study is to view the most important political and economic events of 1988-90, which played a crucial role in the change of regime in Hungary and outline them as if they were seen through several cameras at the same time.... more
The goal of this study is to view the most important political and economic events of 1988-90, which played a crucial role in the change of regime in Hungary and outline them as if they were seen through several cameras at the same time. One of the lenses is that of the analyzing theoretician. The other one is that of an S-VHS camera held by the Black Box, the first Hungarian video magazine, the collaborators of which undertook the factual documentation of the events throughout these years. The third is one man’s subjective camera, the reminiscences of László Pesty, a witness of history, who often risked serious danger to record the events of these years
2011-ben került kivitelezésre a Padovai Tudományegyetemen Danubadria névvel egy eTandem keretein belül szervezett, az idegen nyelv és kultúra elsajátítását célzó kísérleti projekt négy egyetem (Pécs, Novi Sad, Velence és Padova)... more
2011-ben került kivitelezésre a Padovai Tudományegyetemen Danubadria névvel egy eTandem keretein belül szervezett, az idegen nyelv és kultúra elsajátítását célzó kísérleti projekt négy egyetem (Pécs, Novi Sad, Velence és Padova) részvételével. Az eTandem olyan hatékony tanulási közeget kínál, amely a kifejezőkészségen túl fejleszti a szociális és interkulturális képességeket is. A tanulmány e projekt kivitelezéséről, eredményeiről számol be.Nel 2011 è stato espletato presso l'Università di Padova un progetto pilota eTandem chiamato Danubadria con la partecipazione di quattro università (Pécs, Novi Sad, Venezia e Padova) con l'obiettivo di agevolare l'apprendimento della lingua e cultura ungherese da parte di studenti italiani e della lingua e cultura italiana da parte di studenti ungheresi. L'eTandem offre un ambiente di apprendimento efficace che sviluppa, oltre che le capacità di espressione linguistica, anche le abilità sociali ed interculturali dei partecipanti. ...
A tanulmány egy olyan nagyobb lélegzetű kutatás részeredményeit közli, amely a téri viszonyok kódolását vizsgálja a magyar és az olasz nyelvben. E helyütt a topológiai altartomány feltérképezését célzó vizsgálataimat mutatom be, amely a... more
A tanulmány egy olyan nagyobb lélegzetű kutatás részeredményeit közli, amely a téri viszonyok kódolását vizsgálja a magyar és az olasz nyelvben. E helyütt a topológiai altartomány feltérképezését célzó vizsgálataimat mutatom be, amely a magyar–olasz téri nyelv viszonylatában az egyik legproblémásabb kérdéskör. Az eredmények a téri szemantikai mező strukturálódására vonatkozó elméleti irányultságon túl hasznosíthatók az oktatásban, a tananyagok, tankönyvek tervezésében és kivitelezésében is.Lo studio presenta i risultati parziali di una ricerca di più ampio respiro che esamina la codifica delle relazioni di spazio in ungherese e in italiano. In questa sede viene presentata l'indagine volta a mappare il sottodominio topologico, che è uno degli ambiti più problematici del linguaggio spaziale ungherese a confronto con l'italiano. I risultati del lavoro possono essere utilizzati, oltre che nell'analisi della strutturazione del campo semantico dello spazio, analisi di orientam...
The aim of this study is to offer a reflection on categorization in a crosslinguistic perspective and to investigate possible strategies in comparing the Italian and Hungarian languages. In the light of recent research on how to handle... more
The aim of this study is to offer a reflection on categorization in a crosslinguistic perspective and to investigate possible strategies in comparing the Italian and Hungarian languages. In the light of recent research on how to handle cross-linguistic variation using adequate comparative concepts (Haspelmath 2007, 2018), the existing correlation between Italian and Hungarian object marking will be highlighted in order to show how the two linguistic systems, which at first sight appear to be incompatible, are nothing more than variations on the theme. The idea of this analysis originated with regards to the Vocabulary of Hungarian suffixes compared to their Italian counterparties, which is in preparation and challenges us with significant research questions concerning categorization.
This cross-linguistic survey of spatial reference is about the way Hungarian and Italian languages structure the spatial domain. My chief concern is theoretical and methodological: how and to what extent the traditionally... more
This cross-linguistic survey of spatial reference is about the way Hungarian and Italian languages structure the spatial domain. My chief concern is theoretical and methodological: how and to what extent the traditionally structure-centeredness of linguistic typology (LT) can be broadened? Pursuing new ways of investigation taking into account an interdisciplinary approach LT may complement and learn from linguistics of other persuasions which in turn may enhance theoretical well groundedness of LT and expand its research scope. Opening up to cognitive linguistics, which has experienced a shift towards more empirically-based inquiry recently, may provide a potential for meth-odological cross-fertilization in the framework of semantic typology, a new kind of work in linguistics. Semantic typology is the comparative study of linguistic categorization. Its central issue is how linguistic representations structure a given cognitive domain across languages unraveling the functioning of t...
L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è di indagare le potenziali ricadute sul piano dell'autonomia e della consapevolezza sul proprio apprendimento e dell'agentività degli studenti partecipanti a una sperimentazione pilota eTandem,... more
L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è di indagare le potenziali ricadute sul piano dell'autonomia e della consapevolezza sul proprio apprendimento e dell'agentività degli studenti partecipanti a una sperimentazione pilota eTandem, attraverso un’analisi quantitativa e qulitativa delle interazioni, dei dialoghi collaborativi e delle dinamiche sociali, culturali e psicologiche. Per definizione l’eTandem promuove un apprendimento non formale delle lingue: gli apprendenti si autogestiscono, si correggono a vicenda e pongono l’attenzione sul ruolo comunicativo della lingua. Il loro focus non è tanto l’accuratezza formale quanto la fluidità del discorso. Tale modalità di apprendimento può essere stimolata dall’uso delle nuove tecnologie e può risultare un espediente complementare importante per il conseguimento dei traguardi prefissati nella classe di italiano L2. E’ in linea con le teorie e le tendenze più moderne che pongono un accento sempre maggiore sull’aspetto informale e ludico,...
A anulmány célja, hogy körképet adjon az Olaszországban folyó magyartanítás aktuális helyzetérõl. A témát több oldalról is igyekszünk bemutatni, hiszen a tanárok, a diákok, az intézmények, a tananyagok és az uniós lehetõségek egyaránt... more
A anulmány célja, hogy körképet adjon az Olaszországban folyó magyartanítás aktuális helyzetérõl. A témát több oldalról is igyekszünk bemutatni, hiszen a tanárok, a diákok, az intézmények, a tananyagok és az uniós lehetõségek egyaránt fontos tényezõi a problémakörnek. A magyar mint idegen nyelv oktatásának lehetõségeirõl, az oktatás szerkezetérõl, tartalmáról, a kutatók tudományos munkájának tárgyköreirõl, s nem utolsó sorban a magyar nyelvet tanuló diákok motivációiról, jövõbeni kilátásairól számolunk be röviden.L'obiettivo dello studio è quello di fornire una panoramica della situazione attuale della didattica dell'ungherese come lingua straniera in Italia. Si è cercato di presentare l'argomento da diversi punti di vista, come quello dei docenti, degli studenti, delle istituzioni coinvolte, dei curricula e delle opportunità fornite dall'UE, essendo questi tutti fattori importanti della questione. Riportiamo l'elenco delle istituzioni dove si svolge l'insegn...
The preverb represents the category of the Hungarian language that has the greatest impact on the argument structure and semantics of the verb. This formally reduced linguistic element is linked to the verb, in a neutral sentence in a... more
The preverb represents the category of the Hungarian language that has the greatest impact on the argument structure and semantics of the verb. This formally reduced linguistic element is linked to the verb, in a neutral sentence in a preverbal position (hence the name ‘preverb”), sometimes behaving as a participant in an operation of composition, other times as a linguistic unit involved in a morphological process of derivational type. It exhibits an ambiguous syntactic behaviour as it seems to be part of the verbal phrase when it precedes the verb, but it can also move within the sentence as an autonomous constituent. This is why the question of the classification of preverbs is one of the most debated issues in Hungarian grammars, as we will show by comparing the positions held in this regard by the two main lines of thought, the traditionalist and the structuralist ones.
A tanulmány egy olyan nagyobb lélegzetű kutatás részeredményeit közli, amely a téri viszonyok kódolását vizsgálja a magyar és az olasz nyelvben. E helyütt a topológiai altartomány feltérképezését célzó vizsgálataimat mutatom be, amely a... more
A tanulmány egy olyan nagyobb lélegzetű kutatás részeredményeit közli, amely a téri viszonyok kódolását vizsgálja a magyar és az olasz nyelvben. E helyütt a topológiai altartomány feltérképezését célzó vizsgálataimat mutatom be, amely a magyar–olasz téri nyelv viszonylatában az egyik legproblémásabb kérdéskör. Az eredmények a téri szemantikai mező strukturálódására vonatkozó elméleti irányultságon túl hasznosíthatók az oktatásban, a tananyagok, tankönyvek tervezésében és kivitelezésében is.
This study focuses on a strategic partnership with students from the University of Padua and international students coming to Padua mainly in the setting of Erasmus student mobility and exchange programs. The project is designed... more
This study focuses on a strategic partnership with students from the University of Padua and international students coming to Padua mainly in the setting of Erasmus student mobility and exchange programs. The project is designed specifically for incoming international students to facilitate their integration into the Italian higher educational learning environment. They can practice their Italian, have practical information about Padua and its university, and get to know local students with whom they can possibly have face-to-face relationships after their arrival. The online exchange-based on the principles of tandem learning-is carried out in the setting of a one-to-one and a many-to-many interaction using different technological tools which include a dedicated institutional Moodle platform, a social Facebook area restricted to the eTandem community and other networking systems such as Skype, e-mail, chat and WhatsApp. We have found that the project helps both Italian and international students develop their digital, linguistic and intercultural competencies, boosts their critical thinking and cultivates their curiosity towards others. It facilitates international students' integration into their target country/ university/culture.
In this study I argue that linguistic and cultural awareness having a contrastive approach provides us with a perspective which helps translators to choose consciously from different target language alternatives and offers some objective... more
In this study I argue that linguistic and cultural awareness having a contrastive approach provides us with a perspective which helps translators to choose consciously from different target language alternatives and offers some objective guidelines for the justification and evaluation of translation solutions. It is not easy to define which criteria we should consider when assessing a text as the translation of another. There are no codified rules in the domain of reading, understanding and translating. The first part of the survey gives an insight into some theoretical aspects of translation such as linguistic and cultural asymmetry, the concept of equivalence in translation, translational behaviour of languages, language pair specific transcoding operations, translator competences. The final section is devoted to the analysis of some pieces of translation from Hungarian to Italian showing the practical validity of what have been said from a theoretical point of view. Translation always means loosing something of the original but as French linguist and translator Georges Mounin claims „if an expression actually cannot be translated, a translator in the twentieth century is at least capable of knowing and understanding why the expression cannot be translated.”
L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è di indagare le potenziali ricadute sul piano dell’autonomia e della consapevolezza sul proprio apprendimento e dell’agentività degli studenti partecipanti a una sperimentazione pilota eTandem, attraverso... more
L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è di indagare le potenziali ricadute sul piano dell’autonomia e della consapevolezza sul proprio apprendimento e dell’agentività degli studenti partecipanti a una sperimentazione pilota eTandem, attraverso un’analisi quantitativa e qulitativa delle interazioni, dei dialoghi collaborativi e delle dinamiche sociali, culturali e psicologiche.
This cross-linguistic survey of spatial reference is about the way Hungarian and Italian languages structure the spatial domain. My chief concern is theoretical and methodological: how and to what extent the traditionally... more
This cross-linguistic survey of spatial reference is about the way Hungarian and Italian languages structure the spatial domain. My chief concern is theoretical and methodological: how and to what extent the traditionally structure-centeredness of linguistic typology (LT) can be broadened? Pursuing new ways of investigation taking into account an interdisciplinary approach LT may complement and learn from linguistics of other persuasions which in turn may enhance theoretical well groundedness of LT and expand its research scope. Opening up to cognitive linguistics, which has experienced a shift towards more empirically-based inquiry recently, may provide a potential for meth-odological cross-fertilization in the framework of semantic typology, a new kind of work in linguistics. Semantic typology is the comparative study of linguistic categorization. Its central issue is how linguistic representations structure a given cognitive domain across languages unraveling the functioning of the syntax-semantics interface. It studies variation and universals in the constraints languages impose on semantic representations in specific conceptual domains, in our case that of spatial relations.
The aim of this study is to offer a reflection on categorization in a cross-linguistic perspective and to investigate possible strategies in comparing the Italian and Hungarian languages. In the light of recent research on how to handle... more
The aim of this study is to offer a reflection on categorization in a cross-linguistic perspective and to investigate possible strategies in comparing the Italian and Hungarian languages. In the light of recent research on how to handle cross-linguistic variation using adequate comparative concepts (Haspelmath 2007, 2018), the existing correlation between Italian and Hungarian object marking will be highlighted in order to show how the two linguistic systems, which at first sight appear to be incompatible, are nothing more than variations on the theme. The idea of this analysis originated with regards to the vocabulary of Hungarian suffixes compared to their Italian counterparties, which is in preparation and challenges us with significant research questions concerning categorization.
This study aims to address the question of how Web 2.0 can be shaped along educational lines. Our analysis specifically focuses on what the educational potential of Web 2.0 can be as far as the improvement of L2 students’ communication... more
This study aims to address the question of how Web 2.0 can be shaped along educational lines. Our analysis specifically focuses on what the educational potential of Web 2.0 can be as far as the improvement of L2 students’ communication skills are concerned, and on how education can be reimagined in the light of the new technologies.
The outcomes of a semester-long telecollaborative partnership between Italian university students studying Hungarian and Hungarian learners of Italian are considered. The operational protocol of the initiative called Danubadria was based on the reciprocal dependence and mutual support and was characterized by a task-based approach and a wiki counseling platform, in which the eTandem partners
and their foreign language teachers collaborated.
Web 2.0 tools appear to strengthen fundamental aspects of L2 acquisition and of intercultural communicative competence that may be difficult to stimulate in students in traditional classroom environments. They may offer scholars a more participatory practice of learning in which individuals have increased opportunities to interact.
While asserting the importance of learner autonomy, a major preoccupation in today’s educational climate, we claim that on-line collaboration allowed by the Internet cannot replace teachers’contribution. The complexity of Web 2.0 brings along significant challenges and teachers should be positioned to play a crucial role in managing this experience.
Az olasz és a magyar téri viszonyok nyelvi kódolását a szemantikai tipológia keretein belül vizsgáló nyelvészeti, nyelvpedagógiai szakkönyv az idegen nyelvet oktatók és tanulók számára.