My name is Gunay. I am a Ph.D. student in the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and an academic researcher in the Institute of Caucasus Studies of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. According to my profile ( international relations) I am interested in political affairs of countries that I investigate. Supervisors: prof. Musa Qasimli (doctor of historical sciences, corresponding member of ANAS)
International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research
Ensuring Europe’s energy security and supply with energy resources primarily means providing natu... more Ensuring Europe’s energy security and supply with energy resources primarily means providing natural gas. As is known, natural gas is one of the main resources that Europe imports. The continental countries’ need for natural gas is quite large. According to experts’ calculations, gas demand in Europe will double in the next decade. Although the total consumption of renewable energy is expected to reach 32 percent by 2030, natural gas will still be of great importance to Europe. Continental nations are trying to diversify gas supplies to Europe to reduce coal use and high greenhouse gas emissions. In this case, the competition for gas supply to the continent increases even more. In energy diversification, the main focus is on intensifying relations with the countries of the Caspian Sea region, that is, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Geographically located in the southeast of Russia, the region has a double advantage in terms of laying pipelines that will ensure the transpor...
Relations between states in the Caucasus:100 years ago and contemporary period. May 23-24, 2018, Baku. Scientific papers, 2019
Over the past 25 years, Azerbaijan has been able to develop its national interests, economic and ... more Over the past 25 years, Azerbaijan has been able to develop its national interests, economic and strategic goals as an independent state. The geopolitical significance and influence of our rapidly developing republic is growing. Azerbaijan has become a regional leader and an important partner of the international community. Our country has increased its national wealth through state participation in the hydrocarbon industry and the rewards of oil revenues to social services, as well as reducing geopolitical tensions. Azerbaijan, which has achieved complete energy independence, is already a major exporting country.
“Beynəlxalq münasibətlərin aktual problemləri” adlı Respublika elmi konfransı: məruzələrin tezisləri. (Bakı) – (Azərbaycan), 2019
Cənubi Qafqaz karbohirdogen ehtiyatları ilə zəngin Xəzər regionuna əsas giriş qapısı hesab olunur... more Cənubi Qafqaz karbohirdogen ehtiyatları ilə zəngin Xəzər regionuna əsas giriş qapısı hesab olunur və Avropa İttifaqının, eləcə də digər qərb dövlətlərinin enerji təhlükəsizliyində mühüm rol oynayır. Aİ Rusiyadan enerji asılılığını azaltmaq üçün enerji təminatının şaxələndirilməsini əsas prioritetləri sırasına daxil etmişdir. Bu baxımdan Xəzərin enerji ehtiyatlarının Avropa bazarlarına daşınmasında Cənubi Qafqaz strateji tranzit xətti kimi əhəmiyyətə malikdir. Cənubi Qafqazın hər üç respublikasının milli enerji təhlükəsizliyi strategiyası regional, eləcə də qlobal dövlətlərlə əməkdaşlığa yönəlməklə, ümumilikdə regionun təhlükəsizliyinin müəyyənləşdirilməsinə təsir göstərir. Cənubi Qafqaz ölkələri təbii və bərpa olunan enerji ehtiyatlarını ixrac etmək üçün daha geniş enerji dəhlizlərinin inkişaf etdirilməsi üzərində çalışırlar.
Пятые Всероссийские (с международным участием) историко-этнографические чтения, посвященные памяти профессора Магомедова Расула Магомедовича. Сб. статей. (Махачкала) –(Rusiya), 2018
In 1847, it was in Azerbaijan, for the first time in the world, oil was extracted by an industria... more In 1847, it was in Azerbaijan, for the first time in the world, oil was extracted by an industrial method. In the following decades, the oil fields of Azerbaijan attracted the attention of the world's largest companies, and at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, Baku became the region of the planet with the largest oil production. One of the most important events in the history of the oil industry of Azerbaijan is the signing of the first oil contract on September 20, 1994, in the Gulustan Palace in Baku. This contract is known as the "Contract of the Century". The signing of an agreement on the exploration and development of the Caspian fields of Azeri, Chirag, and the deepwater part of Guneshli in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea laid the foundation of a new era in the development of the oil industry of Azerbaijan and economy as well.
First International Forum of the Caucasus Studies Scholars. Scientific Papers. 2nd book. - Baku: MTM Innovation, 448 p., 2017
Eastward enlargement within European Neighbourhood Policy brought the South Caucasus geographical... more Eastward enlargement within European Neighbourhood Policy brought the South Caucasus geographically closer to the EU, especially when Romania and Bulgaria acceded in 2007. The states of the South Caucasus, especially the energy-rich country Azerbaijan Republic play an important role in providing energy security and diversification of transports in the European Union. Azerbaijan, with its vast gas resources, has taken on a key role in EU efforts to diversify routes and sources of natural gas. The development of the Southern Gas Corridor, which will bring gas from Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz II field in the Caspian, across Turkey and Southeast Europe to Italy, is one element of an EU strategy aimed at reducing dependence on Russian gas, strengthening the internal energy market, and breaking the Kremlin’s hold on the East-West gas route.
“Heydər Əliyev ideyaları müasir Azərbaycanın uğurlu inkişaf siyasətinin təməlidir” mövzusunda doktorant və dissertantların elmi-praktiki konfransının materialları, Bakı - (Azərbaycan), 2016
Heydar Aliyev’s foreign policy was based on peace, Respect of international legal norms, integrit... more Heydar Aliyev’s foreign policy was based on peace, Respect of international legal norms, integrity and inviolability of borders, territorial integrity of states, and principles of mutually beneficial cooperation. In accordance with the national interests of the national leader held fruitful work on the preparation and implementation of major international economic projects on utilization of natural resources and a favorable geostrategic position of Azerbaijan. Due to the enormous political will and wise foresight of Heydar Aliyev, very important international agreements have been signed and launched.
Ensuring energy security as part of national security is one of the key priorities of the Republi... more Ensuring energy security as part of national security is one of the key priorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The signing of an agreement on September 20, 1994, with the major oil companies of the West is the most important step taken in this direction. The new oil strategy laid down by national leader Heydar Aliyev in that year is being successfully implemented by President Ilham Aliyev today. Implementation of the important international energy projects in the region, achievements in the energy sector, as well as in the non-oil sector, are a clear example of ensuring energy security in Azerbaijan.
International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research
Ensuring Europe’s energy security and supply with energy resources primarily means providing natu... more Ensuring Europe’s energy security and supply with energy resources primarily means providing natural gas. As is known, natural gas is one of the main resources that Europe imports. The continental countries’ need for natural gas is quite large. According to experts’ calculations, gas demand in Europe will double in the next decade. Although the total consumption of renewable energy is expected to reach 32 percent by 2030, natural gas will still be of great importance to Europe. Continental nations are trying to diversify gas supplies to Europe to reduce coal use and high greenhouse gas emissions. In this case, the competition for gas supply to the continent increases even more. In energy diversification, the main focus is on intensifying relations with the countries of the Caspian Sea region, that is, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Geographically located in the southeast of Russia, the region has a double advantage in terms of laying pipelines that will ensure the transpor...
Relations between states in the Caucasus:100 years ago and contemporary period. May 23-24, 2018, Baku. Scientific papers, 2019
Over the past 25 years, Azerbaijan has been able to develop its national interests, economic and ... more Over the past 25 years, Azerbaijan has been able to develop its national interests, economic and strategic goals as an independent state. The geopolitical significance and influence of our rapidly developing republic is growing. Azerbaijan has become a regional leader and an important partner of the international community. Our country has increased its national wealth through state participation in the hydrocarbon industry and the rewards of oil revenues to social services, as well as reducing geopolitical tensions. Azerbaijan, which has achieved complete energy independence, is already a major exporting country.
“Beynəlxalq münasibətlərin aktual problemləri” adlı Respublika elmi konfransı: məruzələrin tezisləri. (Bakı) – (Azərbaycan), 2019
Cənubi Qafqaz karbohirdogen ehtiyatları ilə zəngin Xəzər regionuna əsas giriş qapısı hesab olunur... more Cənubi Qafqaz karbohirdogen ehtiyatları ilə zəngin Xəzər regionuna əsas giriş qapısı hesab olunur və Avropa İttifaqının, eləcə də digər qərb dövlətlərinin enerji təhlükəsizliyində mühüm rol oynayır. Aİ Rusiyadan enerji asılılığını azaltmaq üçün enerji təminatının şaxələndirilməsini əsas prioritetləri sırasına daxil etmişdir. Bu baxımdan Xəzərin enerji ehtiyatlarının Avropa bazarlarına daşınmasında Cənubi Qafqaz strateji tranzit xətti kimi əhəmiyyətə malikdir. Cənubi Qafqazın hər üç respublikasının milli enerji təhlükəsizliyi strategiyası regional, eləcə də qlobal dövlətlərlə əməkdaşlığa yönəlməklə, ümumilikdə regionun təhlükəsizliyinin müəyyənləşdirilməsinə təsir göstərir. Cənubi Qafqaz ölkələri təbii və bərpa olunan enerji ehtiyatlarını ixrac etmək üçün daha geniş enerji dəhlizlərinin inkişaf etdirilməsi üzərində çalışırlar.
Пятые Всероссийские (с международным участием) историко-этнографические чтения, посвященные памяти профессора Магомедова Расула Магомедовича. Сб. статей. (Махачкала) –(Rusiya), 2018
In 1847, it was in Azerbaijan, for the first time in the world, oil was extracted by an industria... more In 1847, it was in Azerbaijan, for the first time in the world, oil was extracted by an industrial method. In the following decades, the oil fields of Azerbaijan attracted the attention of the world's largest companies, and at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, Baku became the region of the planet with the largest oil production. One of the most important events in the history of the oil industry of Azerbaijan is the signing of the first oil contract on September 20, 1994, in the Gulustan Palace in Baku. This contract is known as the "Contract of the Century". The signing of an agreement on the exploration and development of the Caspian fields of Azeri, Chirag, and the deepwater part of Guneshli in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea laid the foundation of a new era in the development of the oil industry of Azerbaijan and economy as well.
First International Forum of the Caucasus Studies Scholars. Scientific Papers. 2nd book. - Baku: MTM Innovation, 448 p., 2017
Eastward enlargement within European Neighbourhood Policy brought the South Caucasus geographical... more Eastward enlargement within European Neighbourhood Policy brought the South Caucasus geographically closer to the EU, especially when Romania and Bulgaria acceded in 2007. The states of the South Caucasus, especially the energy-rich country Azerbaijan Republic play an important role in providing energy security and diversification of transports in the European Union. Azerbaijan, with its vast gas resources, has taken on a key role in EU efforts to diversify routes and sources of natural gas. The development of the Southern Gas Corridor, which will bring gas from Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz II field in the Caspian, across Turkey and Southeast Europe to Italy, is one element of an EU strategy aimed at reducing dependence on Russian gas, strengthening the internal energy market, and breaking the Kremlin’s hold on the East-West gas route.
“Heydər Əliyev ideyaları müasir Azərbaycanın uğurlu inkişaf siyasətinin təməlidir” mövzusunda doktorant və dissertantların elmi-praktiki konfransının materialları, Bakı - (Azərbaycan), 2016
Heydar Aliyev’s foreign policy was based on peace, Respect of international legal norms, integrit... more Heydar Aliyev’s foreign policy was based on peace, Respect of international legal norms, integrity and inviolability of borders, territorial integrity of states, and principles of mutually beneficial cooperation. In accordance with the national interests of the national leader held fruitful work on the preparation and implementation of major international economic projects on utilization of natural resources and a favorable geostrategic position of Azerbaijan. Due to the enormous political will and wise foresight of Heydar Aliyev, very important international agreements have been signed and launched.
Ensuring energy security as part of national security is one of the key priorities of the Republi... more Ensuring energy security as part of national security is one of the key priorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The signing of an agreement on September 20, 1994, with the major oil companies of the West is the most important step taken in this direction. The new oil strategy laid down by national leader Heydar Aliyev in that year is being successfully implemented by President Ilham Aliyev today. Implementation of the important international energy projects in the region, achievements in the energy sector, as well as in the non-oil sector, are a clear example of ensuring energy security in Azerbaijan.
Papers by Gunay Feyziyeva
Cənubi Qafqazın hər üç respublikasının milli enerji təhlükəsizliyi strategiyası regional, eləcə də qlobal dövlətlərlə əməkdaşlığa yönəlməklə, ümumilikdə regionun təhlükəsizliyinin müəyyənləşdirilməsinə təsir göstərir. Cənubi Qafqaz ölkələri təbii və bərpa olunan enerji ehtiyatlarını ixrac etmək üçün daha geniş enerji dəhlizlərinin inkişaf etdirilməsi üzərində çalışırlar.
Cənubi Qafqazın hər üç respublikasının milli enerji təhlükəsizliyi strategiyası regional, eləcə də qlobal dövlətlərlə əməkdaşlığa yönəlməklə, ümumilikdə regionun təhlükəsizliyinin müəyyənləşdirilməsinə təsir göstərir. Cənubi Qafqaz ölkələri təbii və bərpa olunan enerji ehtiyatlarını ixrac etmək üçün daha geniş enerji dəhlizlərinin inkişaf etdirilməsi üzərində çalışırlar.