As many cities around the world provide access to raw public data along the Open Data movement, m... more As many cities around the world provide access to raw public data along the Open Data movement, many questions arise concerning the accessibility of these data. Various data formats, duplicate identifiers, heterogeneous metadata schema descriptions, and diverse means to access or query the data exist. These factors make it difficult for consumers to reuse and integrate data sources to develop innovative applications. The Semantic Web provides a global solution to these problems by providing languages and protocols for ...
As many cities around the world provide access to raw public data along the Open Data movement, m... more As many cities around the world provide access to raw public data along the Open Data movement, many questions arise concerning the accessibility of these data. Various data formats, duplicate identifiers, heterogeneous metadata schema descriptions, and diverse means to access or query the data exist. These factors make it difficult for consumers to reuse and integrate data sources to develop innovative applications. The Semantic Web provides a global solution to these problems by providing languages and protocols for ...
Papers by Ghislain Atemezing