Giovanna Patti is Director of the Archaeological Museum of Ventotene (LT), Freelance archaeologist for Mibact (Soprintendenza Archeologica del Lazio) and Technical Director for preventive archaeology. She is also a tourist guide at Rome, post-graduate of Specialization School in Archaeological Heritage at the University "La Sapienza" and currently post-graduate student at PHD School in Christian Archeology at the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology. She has collaborate with the Chair of Urbanism and Topography of the Archaeological Department of the “La Sapienza” University, She has worked under the supervision of the Chair of Design, History, Project of department of Architecture at the University of Florence she has also collaborated with the Archaeological Museum of Sezze (LT) and with the National Archaeological Museum of Formia (LT). Her research interests focus on the ancient Roman Archaeology, Roman and Christian Architecture, Underwater Archaeology, Museography and the management of the heritage. She has published seven papers in international journals. Inside the “COST Action : WG4 Social engagement in HBS” she was invited to speak about the general perspective of Italian heritage.
This paper discusses a development project that has been running for about one
year and inclu... more This paper discusses a development project that has been running for about one year and includes touristic, naturalistic and archaeological aspects. After just one year, the project is still "work in progress", but we hope that it will expand to provide good results in the near future. It is presented here because, in our opin- ion, it is a good compromise between tourism and scientific research that could serve as an example or that may inspire similar projects to be established along the Albanian coasts.
The roman emperor villas hide special, spectacular – and now almost lost – spaces dedicated to ... more The roman emperor villas hide special, spectacular – and now almost lost – spaces dedicated to the presentation of epical and legendary events. The whole research is based on accurate digital survey of the architectures and of the statuary groups, it proposes an approach path that starts from an analysis of the naturals forms of the Tiberius’s antrum in Sperlonga, this solution will become completely artificial in its forms in the Serapeo-Canopo of Hadrian’s Villa. The Antra Cyclopis change their appearance over time, but they always retain the same function and especially the theme of the sculptural decoration. The statues that once adorned the Antra Cyclopis today have a different location than the original. Their location in museums has misrepresented the original appearance of Antra Cyclopis. The digital survey, and the successive production of three-dimensional digital models, allows, for first, to replace virtually the sculptures in their old setting recreating the original scenography of the coenatio of Sperlonga and this has proved the effective presence of the statues in the place assumed by archaeologists. Secondly, the dimensional analysis leads to rule out the assumption that many scholars argue, about the presence of a Cyclops, equal in size to the one from Sperlonga, in the Serapeo of the Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli. With laser scanner even those areas that are placed in hardly reachable positions can be easily analyzed without the use of any scaffolding. In the case of Sperlonga a full analysis of the intrados of the cave was made, and through the production of contour lines we identified a collapsed zone, this is an important find, while the archaeologists had not yet located it, for this reason it has attracted a particular interest, opening the road to a possible debate on the historical vicissitudes of the events occurred there.
Il presente lavoro nasce dal desiderio di sottolineare ancora una volta come una qual-
siasi e... more Il presente lavoro nasce dal desiderio di sottolineare ancora una volta come una qual- siasi evidenza archeologica, priva del contesto ambientale, storico, economico, politi- co e culturale che l’ha prodotta, sia destinata a rimanere un oggetto muto, incapace di far comprendere le dinamiche che ne hanno condizionato origine, vita, fine. A questo proposito, ovviamente, anche per lo studio dei relitti non si può fare a meno di esaminare contestualmente i fattori terra e mare che hanno portato una imbarcazione a diventare relitto. E’ necessario recuperare dati fondamentali, quali il porto di partenza, quello di arrivo, la rotta seguita e la posizione del relitto rispetto alla rotta stessa, il tipo di imbarcazione (se nave da guerra, oneraria o per il piccolo cabotaggio), il carico trasportato ecc. Inoltre, anche nell’ambito degli studi di archeo- logia subacquea, è oggigiorno basilare la collaborazione tra competenze scientifiche diverse che permettano di intrecciare l’archeologia con la geologia, la morfologia, la meteorologia, la biologia, l’oceanografia. Un relitto spiaggiato, ritrovato in disarmo in pochi metri d’acqua, ha senza dubbio un significato diverso da un relitto trovato poche centinaia di metri più a largo ancora con il suo carico integro.
This paper discusses a development project that has been running for about one
year and inclu... more This paper discusses a development project that has been running for about one year and includes touristic, naturalistic and archaeological aspects. After just one year, the project is still "work in progress", but we hope that it will expand to provide good results in the near future. It is presented here because, in our opin- ion, it is a good compromise between tourism and scientific research that could serve as an example or that may inspire similar projects to be established along the Albanian coasts.
The roman emperor villas hide special, spectacular – and now almost lost – spaces dedicated to ... more The roman emperor villas hide special, spectacular – and now almost lost – spaces dedicated to the presentation of epical and legendary events. The whole research is based on accurate digital survey of the architectures and of the statuary groups, it proposes an approach path that starts from an analysis of the naturals forms of the Tiberius’s antrum in Sperlonga, this solution will become completely artificial in its forms in the Serapeo-Canopo of Hadrian’s Villa. The Antra Cyclopis change their appearance over time, but they always retain the same function and especially the theme of the sculptural decoration. The statues that once adorned the Antra Cyclopis today have a different location than the original. Their location in museums has misrepresented the original appearance of Antra Cyclopis. The digital survey, and the successive production of three-dimensional digital models, allows, for first, to replace virtually the sculptures in their old setting recreating the original scenography of the coenatio of Sperlonga and this has proved the effective presence of the statues in the place assumed by archaeologists. Secondly, the dimensional analysis leads to rule out the assumption that many scholars argue, about the presence of a Cyclops, equal in size to the one from Sperlonga, in the Serapeo of the Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli. With laser scanner even those areas that are placed in hardly reachable positions can be easily analyzed without the use of any scaffolding. In the case of Sperlonga a full analysis of the intrados of the cave was made, and through the production of contour lines we identified a collapsed zone, this is an important find, while the archaeologists had not yet located it, for this reason it has attracted a particular interest, opening the road to a possible debate on the historical vicissitudes of the events occurred there.
Il presente lavoro nasce dal desiderio di sottolineare ancora una volta come una qual-
siasi e... more Il presente lavoro nasce dal desiderio di sottolineare ancora una volta come una qual- siasi evidenza archeologica, priva del contesto ambientale, storico, economico, politi- co e culturale che l’ha prodotta, sia destinata a rimanere un oggetto muto, incapace di far comprendere le dinamiche che ne hanno condizionato origine, vita, fine. A questo proposito, ovviamente, anche per lo studio dei relitti non si può fare a meno di esaminare contestualmente i fattori terra e mare che hanno portato una imbarcazione a diventare relitto. E’ necessario recuperare dati fondamentali, quali il porto di partenza, quello di arrivo, la rotta seguita e la posizione del relitto rispetto alla rotta stessa, il tipo di imbarcazione (se nave da guerra, oneraria o per il piccolo cabotaggio), il carico trasportato ecc. Inoltre, anche nell’ambito degli studi di archeo- logia subacquea, è oggigiorno basilare la collaborazione tra competenze scientifiche diverse che permettano di intrecciare l’archeologia con la geologia, la morfologia, la meteorologia, la biologia, l’oceanografia. Un relitto spiaggiato, ritrovato in disarmo in pochi metri d’acqua, ha senza dubbio un significato diverso da un relitto trovato poche centinaia di metri più a largo ancora con il suo carico integro.
Papers by Giovanna Patti
year and includes touristic, naturalistic and archaeological aspects. After just one
year, the project is still "work in progress", but we hope that it will expand to
provide good results in the near future. It is presented here because, in our opin-
ion, it is a good compromise between tourism and scientific research that could
serve as an example or that may inspire similar projects to be established along
the Albanian coasts.
the presentation of epical and legendary events.
The whole research is based on accurate digital survey of the architectures and of the statuary groups, it
proposes an approach path that starts from an analysis of the naturals forms of the Tiberius’s antrum in
Sperlonga, this solution will become completely artificial in its forms in the Serapeo-Canopo of Hadrian’s
Villa. The Antra Cyclopis change their appearance over time, but they always retain the same function and
especially the theme of the sculptural decoration.
The statues that once adorned the Antra Cyclopis today have a different location than the original. Their
location in museums has misrepresented the original appearance of Antra Cyclopis. The digital survey, and
the successive production of three-dimensional digital models, allows, for first, to replace virtually the
sculptures in their old setting recreating the original scenography of the coenatio of Sperlonga and this has
proved the effective presence of the statues in the place assumed by archaeologists. Secondly, the
dimensional analysis leads to rule out the assumption that many scholars argue, about the presence of a
Cyclops, equal in size to the one from Sperlonga, in the Serapeo of the Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli.
With laser scanner even those areas that are placed in hardly reachable positions can be easily analyzed
without the use of any scaffolding. In the case of Sperlonga a full analysis of the intrados of the cave was
made, and through the production of contour lines we identified a collapsed zone, this is an important find,
while the archaeologists had not yet located it, for this reason it has attracted a particular interest, opening
the road to a possible debate on the historical vicissitudes of the events occurred there.
siasi evidenza archeologica, priva del contesto ambientale, storico, economico, politi-
co e culturale che l’ha prodotta, sia destinata a rimanere un oggetto muto, incapace di
far comprendere le dinamiche che ne hanno condizionato origine, vita, fine.
A questo proposito, ovviamente, anche per lo studio dei relitti non si può fare
a meno di esaminare contestualmente i fattori terra e mare che hanno portato una
imbarcazione a diventare relitto. E’ necessario recuperare dati fondamentali, quali il
porto di partenza, quello di arrivo, la rotta seguita e la posizione del relitto rispetto
alla rotta stessa, il tipo di imbarcazione (se nave da guerra, oneraria o per il piccolo
cabotaggio), il carico trasportato ecc. Inoltre, anche nell’ambito degli studi di archeo-
logia subacquea, è oggigiorno basilare la collaborazione tra competenze scientifiche
diverse che permettano di intrecciare l’archeologia con la geologia, la morfologia, la
meteorologia, la biologia, l’oceanografia. Un relitto spiaggiato, ritrovato in disarmo in
pochi metri d’acqua, ha senza dubbio un significato diverso da un relitto trovato poche
centinaia di metri più a largo ancora con il suo carico integro.
year and includes touristic, naturalistic and archaeological aspects. After just one
year, the project is still "work in progress", but we hope that it will expand to
provide good results in the near future. It is presented here because, in our opin-
ion, it is a good compromise between tourism and scientific research that could
serve as an example or that may inspire similar projects to be established along
the Albanian coasts.
the presentation of epical and legendary events.
The whole research is based on accurate digital survey of the architectures and of the statuary groups, it
proposes an approach path that starts from an analysis of the naturals forms of the Tiberius’s antrum in
Sperlonga, this solution will become completely artificial in its forms in the Serapeo-Canopo of Hadrian’s
Villa. The Antra Cyclopis change their appearance over time, but they always retain the same function and
especially the theme of the sculptural decoration.
The statues that once adorned the Antra Cyclopis today have a different location than the original. Their
location in museums has misrepresented the original appearance of Antra Cyclopis. The digital survey, and
the successive production of three-dimensional digital models, allows, for first, to replace virtually the
sculptures in their old setting recreating the original scenography of the coenatio of Sperlonga and this has
proved the effective presence of the statues in the place assumed by archaeologists. Secondly, the
dimensional analysis leads to rule out the assumption that many scholars argue, about the presence of a
Cyclops, equal in size to the one from Sperlonga, in the Serapeo of the Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli.
With laser scanner even those areas that are placed in hardly reachable positions can be easily analyzed
without the use of any scaffolding. In the case of Sperlonga a full analysis of the intrados of the cave was
made, and through the production of contour lines we identified a collapsed zone, this is an important find,
while the archaeologists had not yet located it, for this reason it has attracted a particular interest, opening
the road to a possible debate on the historical vicissitudes of the events occurred there.
siasi evidenza archeologica, priva del contesto ambientale, storico, economico, politi-
co e culturale che l’ha prodotta, sia destinata a rimanere un oggetto muto, incapace di
far comprendere le dinamiche che ne hanno condizionato origine, vita, fine.
A questo proposito, ovviamente, anche per lo studio dei relitti non si può fare
a meno di esaminare contestualmente i fattori terra e mare che hanno portato una
imbarcazione a diventare relitto. E’ necessario recuperare dati fondamentali, quali il
porto di partenza, quello di arrivo, la rotta seguita e la posizione del relitto rispetto
alla rotta stessa, il tipo di imbarcazione (se nave da guerra, oneraria o per il piccolo
cabotaggio), il carico trasportato ecc. Inoltre, anche nell’ambito degli studi di archeo-
logia subacquea, è oggigiorno basilare la collaborazione tra competenze scientifiche
diverse che permettano di intrecciare l’archeologia con la geologia, la morfologia, la
meteorologia, la biologia, l’oceanografia. Un relitto spiaggiato, ritrovato in disarmo in
pochi metri d’acqua, ha senza dubbio un significato diverso da un relitto trovato poche
centinaia di metri più a largo ancora con il suo carico integro.