argue that the definition of predatory publications defame the open access journals putting the s... more argue that the definition of predatory publications defame the open access journals putting the sustainability of these type of publications at risk which mushroomed in the age of internet and electronic freedom in disseminating academic and non-academic information. This note comments on their paper by arguing that (a) predatory practices are ubiquitous in the academic world, not only in publications; (b) charging a fee does not make an academic practice predatory; and (c) in the long-term no publication or an academic practice can survive if it does not offer some sort of "satisfaction" to users (readers and authors). The argument of peer review or not is irrelevant because a publication, once it becomes available, is constantly reviewed by its readers who are the ultimate judges of its quality. At the end of the day, what counts are the number of readers and the number of citations of a published work. Thanks to the internet these are now easily measurable.
Το παρόν κείμενο εργασίας περιλαμβάνει έξι θέσεις ανάλυσης του σύγχρονου περιβάλλοντος εξωτερικής... more Το παρόν κείμενο εργασίας περιλαμβάνει έξι θέσεις ανάλυσης του σύγχρονου περιβάλλοντος εξωτερικής πολιτικής, χρησιμοποιώντας ως παραδείγματα το ρωσικό-ουκρανικό ζήτημα και την ελληνική εξωτερική πολιτική. Οι θέσεις αυτές προτάσσονται εδώ και ως επιστημονικές υποθέσεις που μπορούν να υποστούν το βάσανο της εμπειρικής διερεύνησης. Η βασική υπόθεση εργασίας είναι ότι οι ΗΠΑ είναι οικονομικά, πολιτικά, στρατιωτικά και τεχνολογικά κυρίαρχες. Καμία χώρα δεν μπορεί να τις αντιμετωπίσει. Πόσο μάλλον όταν έχει τόσες άλλες μεγάλες χώρες που στέκονται στο πλευρό τους. Για το οικονομικό τους συμφέρον, οι ΗΠΑ μπορεί να τα βάλουν και με τη μικρότερη χώρα του κόσμου. Μέσα σε αυτό το πλαίσιο, γεννάται το εξής ερώτημα: ποια πρέπει να είναι η θέση της Ελλάδος όσον αφορά την εξωτερική της πολιτική; Προτείνεται, λοιπόν, η πλήρης ταύτιση και ενίσχυση της πολιτικής των ΗΠΑ αρκεί η ανταμοιβή να αξίζει. Για παράδειγμα, μία τέτοια ανταμοιβή θα ήταν: (α) τα νησιά Ίμβρος και Τένεδος να περάσουν στην ελληνική επικράτεια ή να αυτονομηθούν όπως προέβλεπε η Συνθήκη της Λωζάνης, ή/και (β) η ενοποίηση της Κύπρου, ή/και (γ) η Αγία του Θεού Σοφία να γίνει κάτι σαν το Βατικανό, ή/και (δ) η Βόρειος Ήπειρος να επανέλθει στην Ελλάδα αν ήταν ποτέ δική της, ή/και (ε) η προσάρτηση της Βόρειας Μακεδονίας για να ενωθεί με τα άλλα τρία «αδέρφια» της που βρίσκονται στην Ελλάδα, ή/και (στ) η επιστροφή των Μαρμάρων του Παρθενώνα κ.ά. Πρέπει να πείσει η ελληνική εξωτερική πολιτική ότι είναι προς το συμφέρον των ΗΠΑ η πραγματοποίηση όλων αυτών. Απλή σύμπτωση είναι ότι ενδιαφέρεται και η Ελλάδα.
This study applies a conspiracy theory approach to explain what is happening in the world today a... more This study applies a conspiracy theory approach to explain what is happening in the world today as a result of the Russian-Belarus invasion of Ukraine. As is with all conspiracy theories, it is assumed that there are some great powers, or the greatest power, which envelops the whole story. The only way that this approach can be verified is from its effects. All that is needed for this story here is a great power, preferably the greatest of all (e.g., USA), a perpetrator (e.g., Russia) and a victim (e.g., Ukraine). Then what follows can be analyzed in terms of the interests of the greatest power. In this article, I assume that the USA is such a power. As such, it can enforce, God permitting, its wishes, and so I think it has done in the Russian-Belarus invasion of Ukraine. Of course, many objectives can be put forward to explain what the USA wants to achieve, but in this article, I have identified two such objectives: (a) force Europe to spend more on defense, primarily by buying very good, well-tested and technologically advanced military equipment made in the USA (e.g., Air Force F-35 fighters) and (b) reducing its energy dependency on Russia primarily by buying good quality LNG (at a price of course) from the USA.
Keywords: Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, USA, war, conspiracy theory, energy, defense, military spending
This paper examines Europe’s stance on the current developments of the Russian invasion of Ukrain... more This paper examines Europe’s stance on the current developments of the Russian invasion of Ukraine from the perspective of what would have been a European reaction if it was ruled by the principles of an ideal-utopian-unpragmatic politeia. The paper states the mission of such an ideal society and discuses four means to accomplish it. These means include military, economic, political and technological instruments. Europe is strong, actually very strong, relative to Russia, but lacks political leadership. Keywords: Europe, Ukraine, Russia, military, economic, politics, technology.
Επιχειρώ στο παρόν σημείωμα κάποιες εκτιμήσεις για το ποιος θα εκλεγεί πρόεδρος του ΠΑΣΟΚ. Οι παρ... more Επιχειρώ στο παρόν σημείωμα κάποιες εκτιμήσεις για το ποιος θα εκλεγεί πρόεδρος του ΠΑΣΟΚ. Οι παρακάτω εκτιμήσεις δεν μπορούν να θεωρηθούν επιστημονικές, διότι δεν στηρίζονται σε μία πρωτογενή ή δευτερογενή έρευνα αξιόπιστης (επιστημονικής) αντιπροσωπευτικής δειγματοληψίας. Όλες αυτές οι έρευνες αντιμετωπίζουν την ανυπέρβλητη δυσκολία του προσδιορισμού του στατιστικού πληθυσμού της δειγματοληψίας. Φυσικά το πρόβλημα θα λυνόταν αν η δειγματοληψία ήταν πανελλαδική και προέκυπτε η διχοτόμηση του δείγματος σε αυτούς που πρόκειται να ψηφίσουν και σε αυτούς που δεν πρόκειται να ψηφίσουν στις εκλογές για πρόεδρο του ΠΑΣΟΚ. Θα ήταν, όμως, πολύ δαπανηρό, διότι είναι χαμηλό το ποσοστό που ψηφίζει ΠΑΣΟΚ σήμερα αν και περισσότεροι θα πάνε να ψηφίσουν, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και εκείνων που αισθάνονται ότι εξυπηρετούν κάποια σκοπιμότητα, θεμιτή ή αθέμιτη λίγη σημασία έχει. Αν πραγματικά ήθελε το ΠΑΣΟΚ να συμβάλλει σε μία αξιόπιστη διενέργεια των δημοσκοπήσεων, θα μπορούσε να τις «επιβλέψει» και να καταδικάσει εκείνες που εξυπηρετούν άλλες σκοπιμότητες ακόμη και των ίδιων των υποψηφίων. Είναι εύκολο να γίνει και σε αυτό μπορούν να συμβάλλουν όλοι οι υποψήφιοι. Καλό στο χώρο θα κάνει. Οι εκτιμήσεις εδώ στηρίζονται μόνο σε προσωπικές «παραστάσεις» και σε αναλυτικά επεξεργασμένες-αξιολογημένες «μαρτυρίες», κυρίως για τους μηχανισμούς στήριξης που συνυπάρχουν χρόνια --από την εποχή του ΠΑΚ ακόμη—μέσα στο χώρο της κεντροαριστεράς, ο οποίος εκτείνεται και πέρα από το χώρο του ΠΑΣΟΚ, ο οποίος συμπεριλαμβάνει τους περίεργους και αυτόκλητους «διανοητές» και «καθοδηγητές» της αριστεράς που με αυτό τον τρόπο συγκάλυπταν τα πραγματικά κίνητρά τους που δεν ήταν άλλα από αυτά των θεσιθηριών και των κρατικών ενισχύσεων. Έχω στο μυαλό μου να αξιολογήσω αυτή την πορεία από την εποχή του ΠΑΚ και ακόμη πιο πίσω σε μία μελλοντική μελέτη. Αλλά, όπως έχω ήδη αναλύσει αλλού, το ΠΑΣΟΚ πρόσφερε πολλά και αυτά θα έπρεπε να είχαν γίνει η βάση για το κτίσιμο ενός υγιούς πολιτικού κόμματος.
argue that the definition of predatory publications defame the open access journals putting the s... more argue that the definition of predatory publications defame the open access journals putting the sustainability of these type of publications at risk which mushroomed in the age of internet and electronic freedom in disseminating academic and non-academic information. This note comments on their paper by arguing that (a) predatory practices are ubiquitous in the academic world, not only in publications; (b) charging a fee does not make an academic practice predatory; and (c) in the long-term no publication or an academic practice can survive if it does not offer some sort of "satisfaction" to users (readers and authors). The argument of peer review or not is irrelevant because a publication, once it becomes available, is constantly reviewed by its readers who are the ultimate judges of its quality. At the end of the day, what counts are the number of readers and the number of citations of a published work. Thanks to the internet these are now easily measurable.
Το παρόν κείμενο εργασίας περιλαμβάνει έξι θέσεις ανάλυσης του σύγχρονου περιβάλλοντος εξωτερικής... more Το παρόν κείμενο εργασίας περιλαμβάνει έξι θέσεις ανάλυσης του σύγχρονου περιβάλλοντος εξωτερικής πολιτικής, χρησιμοποιώντας ως παραδείγματα το ρωσικό-ουκρανικό ζήτημα και την ελληνική εξωτερική πολιτική. Οι θέσεις αυτές προτάσσονται εδώ και ως επιστημονικές υποθέσεις που μπορούν να υποστούν το βάσανο της εμπειρικής διερεύνησης. Η βασική υπόθεση εργασίας είναι ότι οι ΗΠΑ είναι οικονομικά, πολιτικά, στρατιωτικά και τεχνολογικά κυρίαρχες. Καμία χώρα δεν μπορεί να τις αντιμετωπίσει. Πόσο μάλλον όταν έχει τόσες άλλες μεγάλες χώρες που στέκονται στο πλευρό τους. Για το οικονομικό τους συμφέρον, οι ΗΠΑ μπορεί να τα βάλουν και με τη μικρότερη χώρα του κόσμου. Μέσα σε αυτό το πλαίσιο, γεννάται το εξής ερώτημα: ποια πρέπει να είναι η θέση της Ελλάδος όσον αφορά την εξωτερική της πολιτική; Προτείνεται, λοιπόν, η πλήρης ταύτιση και ενίσχυση της πολιτικής των ΗΠΑ αρκεί η ανταμοιβή να αξίζει. Για παράδειγμα, μία τέτοια ανταμοιβή θα ήταν: (α) τα νησιά Ίμβρος και Τένεδος να περάσουν στην ελληνική επικράτεια ή να αυτονομηθούν όπως προέβλεπε η Συνθήκη της Λωζάνης, ή/και (β) η ενοποίηση της Κύπρου, ή/και (γ) η Αγία του Θεού Σοφία να γίνει κάτι σαν το Βατικανό, ή/και (δ) η Βόρειος Ήπειρος να επανέλθει στην Ελλάδα αν ήταν ποτέ δική της, ή/και (ε) η προσάρτηση της Βόρειας Μακεδονίας για να ενωθεί με τα άλλα τρία «αδέρφια» της που βρίσκονται στην Ελλάδα, ή/και (στ) η επιστροφή των Μαρμάρων του Παρθενώνα κ.ά. Πρέπει να πείσει η ελληνική εξωτερική πολιτική ότι είναι προς το συμφέρον των ΗΠΑ η πραγματοποίηση όλων αυτών. Απλή σύμπτωση είναι ότι ενδιαφέρεται και η Ελλάδα.
This study applies a conspiracy theory approach to explain what is happening in the world today a... more This study applies a conspiracy theory approach to explain what is happening in the world today as a result of the Russian-Belarus invasion of Ukraine. As is with all conspiracy theories, it is assumed that there are some great powers, or the greatest power, which envelops the whole story. The only way that this approach can be verified is from its effects. All that is needed for this story here is a great power, preferably the greatest of all (e.g., USA), a perpetrator (e.g., Russia) and a victim (e.g., Ukraine). Then what follows can be analyzed in terms of the interests of the greatest power. In this article, I assume that the USA is such a power. As such, it can enforce, God permitting, its wishes, and so I think it has done in the Russian-Belarus invasion of Ukraine. Of course, many objectives can be put forward to explain what the USA wants to achieve, but in this article, I have identified two such objectives: (a) force Europe to spend more on defense, primarily by buying very good, well-tested and technologically advanced military equipment made in the USA (e.g., Air Force F-35 fighters) and (b) reducing its energy dependency on Russia primarily by buying good quality LNG (at a price of course) from the USA.
Keywords: Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, USA, war, conspiracy theory, energy, defense, military spending
This paper examines Europe’s stance on the current developments of the Russian invasion of Ukrain... more This paper examines Europe’s stance on the current developments of the Russian invasion of Ukraine from the perspective of what would have been a European reaction if it was ruled by the principles of an ideal-utopian-unpragmatic politeia. The paper states the mission of such an ideal society and discuses four means to accomplish it. These means include military, economic, political and technological instruments. Europe is strong, actually very strong, relative to Russia, but lacks political leadership. Keywords: Europe, Ukraine, Russia, military, economic, politics, technology.
Επιχειρώ στο παρόν σημείωμα κάποιες εκτιμήσεις για το ποιος θα εκλεγεί πρόεδρος του ΠΑΣΟΚ. Οι παρ... more Επιχειρώ στο παρόν σημείωμα κάποιες εκτιμήσεις για το ποιος θα εκλεγεί πρόεδρος του ΠΑΣΟΚ. Οι παρακάτω εκτιμήσεις δεν μπορούν να θεωρηθούν επιστημονικές, διότι δεν στηρίζονται σε μία πρωτογενή ή δευτερογενή έρευνα αξιόπιστης (επιστημονικής) αντιπροσωπευτικής δειγματοληψίας. Όλες αυτές οι έρευνες αντιμετωπίζουν την ανυπέρβλητη δυσκολία του προσδιορισμού του στατιστικού πληθυσμού της δειγματοληψίας. Φυσικά το πρόβλημα θα λυνόταν αν η δειγματοληψία ήταν πανελλαδική και προέκυπτε η διχοτόμηση του δείγματος σε αυτούς που πρόκειται να ψηφίσουν και σε αυτούς που δεν πρόκειται να ψηφίσουν στις εκλογές για πρόεδρο του ΠΑΣΟΚ. Θα ήταν, όμως, πολύ δαπανηρό, διότι είναι χαμηλό το ποσοστό που ψηφίζει ΠΑΣΟΚ σήμερα αν και περισσότεροι θα πάνε να ψηφίσουν, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και εκείνων που αισθάνονται ότι εξυπηρετούν κάποια σκοπιμότητα, θεμιτή ή αθέμιτη λίγη σημασία έχει. Αν πραγματικά ήθελε το ΠΑΣΟΚ να συμβάλλει σε μία αξιόπιστη διενέργεια των δημοσκοπήσεων, θα μπορούσε να τις «επιβλέψει» και να καταδικάσει εκείνες που εξυπηρετούν άλλες σκοπιμότητες ακόμη και των ίδιων των υποψηφίων. Είναι εύκολο να γίνει και σε αυτό μπορούν να συμβάλλουν όλοι οι υποψήφιοι. Καλό στο χώρο θα κάνει. Οι εκτιμήσεις εδώ στηρίζονται μόνο σε προσωπικές «παραστάσεις» και σε αναλυτικά επεξεργασμένες-αξιολογημένες «μαρτυρίες», κυρίως για τους μηχανισμούς στήριξης που συνυπάρχουν χρόνια --από την εποχή του ΠΑΚ ακόμη—μέσα στο χώρο της κεντροαριστεράς, ο οποίος εκτείνεται και πέρα από το χώρο του ΠΑΣΟΚ, ο οποίος συμπεριλαμβάνει τους περίεργους και αυτόκλητους «διανοητές» και «καθοδηγητές» της αριστεράς που με αυτό τον τρόπο συγκάλυπταν τα πραγματικά κίνητρά τους που δεν ήταν άλλα από αυτά των θεσιθηριών και των κρατικών ενισχύσεων. Έχω στο μυαλό μου να αξιολογήσω αυτή την πορεία από την εποχή του ΠΑΚ και ακόμη πιο πίσω σε μία μελλοντική μελέτη. Αλλά, όπως έχω ήδη αναλύσει αλλού, το ΠΑΣΟΚ πρόσφερε πολλά και αυτά θα έπρεπε να είχαν γίνει η βάση για το κτίσιμο ενός υγιούς πολιτικού κόμματος.
All ATINER’s publications including its e-journals are open access without any costs (submission,... more All ATINER’s publications including its e-journals are open access without any costs (submission, processing, publishing, open access paid by authors, open access paid by readers etc.) and is independent of presentations at any of the many small events (conferences, symposiums, forums, colloquiums, courses, roundtable discussions) organized by ATINER throughout the year and entail significant costs of participating. The intellectual property rights of the submitting papers remain with the author. Before you submit, please make sure your paper meets the basic academic standards, which includes proper English. Some articles will be selected from the numerous papers that have been presented at the various annual international academic conferences organized by the different divisions and units of the Athens Institute for Education and Research. The plethora of papers presented every year will enable the editorial board of each journal to select the best, and in so doing produce a top-quality academic journal. In addition to papers presented, ATINER will encourage the independent submission of papers to be evaluated for publication. The current issue is the second of the nineth volume of the Athens Journal of Sports, published by the Sport, Exercise, & Kinesiology Unit of the ATINER under the aegis of the Panhellenic Association of Sports Economists and Managers (PASEM).
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 13th Annual Internat... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 13th Annual International Conference on Accounting & Finance, 25-28 May 2015, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 56 papers and 59 presenters, coming from 28 different countries (Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Iran, Libya, Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UAE, UK and USA). The conference was organized into twelve sessions that included areas such as Corporate Governance, Market Behavior, Auditing, Capital Structure, Non-Profit and Management Accounting as well as other related areas of Accounting and Finance. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books and/or journals of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 9th Annual Internati... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 9th Annual International Symposium on Environment, 12-15 May 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 28 papers and presenters, coming from 15 different countries (Albania, Algeria, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, India, Iraq, Libya, Mexico, Qatar, South Korea, Turkey, USA). The conference was organized into 7 sessions that included areas of Environmental Impacts, Challenges and Solutions, Air and Water Pollution, Waste Water Conveyance, Water Quality and Treatment, Climate Changes and Laws, Biomass Utilization, Solid Waste and Residues Utilization, Energy and Fuels and other related fields. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 9th Annual Internati... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 9th Annual International Conference on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications, 21-24 July 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 25 papers and 33 presenters, coming from 16 different countries (Australia, Canada, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, UK and USA). The conference was organized into VIII sessions that included areas of European Economics, International Development, Banking and other relative disciplines. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 2nd Annual Internati... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 2nd Annual International Conference on Physics, 21-24 July 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 21 papers and 24 presenters, coming from 16 different countries (Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, USA). The conference was organized into six sessions that included areas such as Wave Propagation/Optics, Nuclear Physics, Materials/Devices, Cosmology/Relativity/Astronomy and other related fields. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the Annual International... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the Annual International Conference on Earth and Environmental Sciences, 14-17 July 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 19 papers and presenters, coming from twelve different countries (Brazil, Colombia, India, Israel, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, USA). The conference was organized into six sessions that included areas such as Environmental Pollution and Climate Change, Environmental Technology and Meteorology, Environmental Awareness and Protection, Technology and Rock Mechanics, Soil and Water and other related areas. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 11th Annual Internat... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 11th Annual International Conference on Law, 14-17 July 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 52 papers and 53 presenters, coming from 25 different countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Nigeria, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Republic of South Africa, Romania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA). The conference was organized into XIII sessions that included areas such as International Law, Family Law, Legal Education, Rights e.t.c As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 10th Annual Internat... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 10th Annual International Conference on Business: Accounting, Finance, Management & Marketing, 2-5 July 2012, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 73 papers and 91 presenters, coming from 30 different countries ( Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Latvia, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, United Arab Emirates and USA). The conference was organized into 18 sessions that included areas such as Measuring and Reporting Earnings, Strategy for Sustainable Business, Auditing and Ethics, Marketing of Services, Private and Public Finance: Environment and Impact, Various Business Issues e.t.c. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 7th Annual Internati... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 7th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, 7-10 July 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 68 papers and 73 presenters, coming from 28 different countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, France, Greece, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, UK, Ukraine, USA). The conference was organized into VIII sessions that included areas such as Literary History – Comparative Literature, Literary Criticism and Reviews, Gender Issues e.t.c. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the summaries of the papers presented at the 4th Annual Internati... more This abstract book includes all the summaries of the papers presented at the 4th Annual International Conference on Architecture, 7-10 July 2014, organized by the Sciences and Engineering Research Division of the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 80 papers and 85 presenters, coming from 23 different countries (Australia, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Finland, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Korea, Lebanon, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK and USA). The conference was organized into XVII sessions that included areas of Space Making, Design, Buildings, Pedagogy, Materials and other related fields. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 12th Annual Internat... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 12th Annual International Conference on Management & Marketing, 30 June & 1-3 July 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 33 papers and 34 presenters, coming from 18 different countries (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Iran, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, USA) . The conference was organized into VIII sessions that included areas such as Controllable and Uncontrollable Marketing Communications, Organisational Behaviour, Strategy, Products and Brands, e.t.c. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 12th Annual Internat... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 12th Annual International Conference on Management & Marketing, 30 June & 1-3 July 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 33 papers and 34 presenters, coming from 18 different countries (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Iran, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, USA) . The conference was organized into VIII sessions that included areas such as Controllable and Uncontrollable Marketing Communications, Organisational Behaviour, Strategy, Products and Brands, e.t.c. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 2nd Industrial, Syst... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 2nd Industrial, Systems and Design Engineering & at the Annual International Conference on Technology and Engineering, 23-26 June 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 33 papers and over 35 presenters, coming from 11 different countries (Algeria, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Iraq, Libya, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA). The conference was organized into eight sessions that included areas of Industrial, Systems and Design Engineering, Technology and Engineering and other related fields. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 2nd Industrial, Syst... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 2nd Industrial, Systems and Design Engineering & at the Annual International Conference on Technology and Engineering, 23-26 June 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 33 papers and over 35 presenters, coming from 11 different countries (Algeria, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Iraq, Libya, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA). The conference was organized into eight sessions that included areas of Industrial, Systems and Design Engineering, Technology and Engineering and other related fields. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 12th Annual Internat... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 12th Annual International Conference on Politics & International Affairs and Annual International Forum on Policy and Decision Making, 16-19 June 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 26 papers and 29 presenters, coming from 17 different countries (Albania, Australia, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, Fyrom, Greece, Israel, Japan, Lithuania, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey and USA). The conference was organized into VIII sessions that included areas of Political Economy, Issues in Politics, Diplomacy and other related disciplines. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the summaries of the papers presented at the 10th Annual Internat... more This abstract book includes all the summaries of the papers presented at the 10th Annual International Conference on Tourism, 19-22 May 2014, Athens, Greece, organized by the Tourism Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 41 papers, coming from 18 different countries (Australia, Austria, Brazil, Chile, China, Croatia, Egypt, France, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Oman, Philippines, Qatar, Taiwan, Tanzania, Turkey, Uruguay and USA). The conference was organized into 11 sessions that included areas of Tourism and other related fields. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 1st Annual Internati... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 1st Annual International Conference on Demography and Population Studies, 16-19 June 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 21 papers and over 25 presenters, coming from 15 different countries (Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, The Netherlands, UK, USA). The conference was organized into seven sessions that included areas of Demography and Population and other related fields. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 1st Annual Internati... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 1st Annual International Conference on Physics & Chemistry, 22-25 July 2013, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 29 papers and 30 presenters, coming from 16 different countries (Algeria, Armenia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, USA). The conference was organized into VI sessions that included areas such as Theory, Biomedical Physics, Chemistry/Instrumentation e.t.c. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 4th Annual Internati... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 4th Annual International Conference on Urban Studies & Planning, 9-12 June 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 35 papers and 37 presenters, coming from 23 different countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Turkey, UK and USA). The conference was organized into IX sessions that included areas of Environment, Spatial Behaviour and other related disciplines. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 7th Annual Internati... more This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 7th Annual International Conference on Literature, 9-12 June 2014, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 40 papers and 43 presenters, coming from 18 different countries (Brazil, Cameroon, China, Croatia, Georgia, Greece, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, UAE, USA). The conference was organized into 10 sessions that included areas such as Language Learning, Formal Linguistics and Sociolonguistics, Literary History, Language Studies, Formal Linguistics e.t.c As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
It is well known that Great Leaders such as the President of the Turkish Republic are very busy p... more It is well known that Great Leaders such as the President of the Turkish Republic are very busy people. They do not have the time to write articles for all subjects. For example, you may find time to write about Libya but you do not have time to write something about Cyprus. After all whatever principles apply to Libya should be applied to Cyprus as well. It is at this point that I want to offer my help. I reproduce on the left column the Libya article and I rewrite it in order to apply to Cyprus. I sent the article in Politico back in January but I got no response. I guess I failed victim of the pandemic which followed this important article by the Great Leader of Turkey.
Το 1941, Ο Ευάγγελος Λεμπέσης δημοσίευσε, στην «Ἐφημερίδα τῶν Ἑλλήνων Νομικῶν», το άρθρο του με τ... more Το 1941, Ο Ευάγγελος Λεμπέσης δημοσίευσε, στην «Ἐφημερίδα τῶν Ἑλλήνων Νομικῶν», το άρθρο του με τον πολύ χαρακτηριστικό τίτλο «Ἡ Τεράστια Κοινωνικὴ Σημασία τῶν Βλακῶν ἐν τῷ Συγχρόνῳ Βίῳ» 1. Κατά τον Λεμπέση, η βλακεία ταυτίζεται με την έλλειψη ευφυΐας, χωρίς όμως να ορίζει την έννοια της ευφυΐας. Προφανώς, εννοεί τον υψηλό δείκτη νοημοσύνης. Μάλιστα, δίνει και μία αναλογία βλακών προς ευφυείς: «δέκα βλάκες καθ᾿ ἑνὸς εὐφυοῦς». Αντίθετα, χρησιμοποιεί μόνο μία φορά τη λέξη «έξυπνος», και αυτή σαρκαστικά, για να δηλώσει τον «εξυπνάκια» Έλληνα που κοροϊδεύει τους «κουτόφραγκους». Σκοπός του δικού μου πονήματος εδώ είναι να παρουσιάσω τις θέσεις του Λεμπέση για το ρόλο των βλακών, αρχίζοντας με τον ορισμό των εννοιών. Η έννοια του έξυπνου αντιδιαστέλλεται με αυτή του ευφυούς και του μορφωμένου, δηλαδή εκείνου που έχει αποκτήσει γνώσεις, όπως πιστοποιούνται με την απόκτηση πτυχίων. Κατά πολλούς, ο πεπαιδευμένος θεωρείται και ευφυής. Οι έννοιες αυτές εξετάζονται στο αμέσως επόμενο μέρος της παρούσης ανάλυσης. Ακολουθεί, στο τρίτο μέρος της εργασίας, ο τρόπος προσέγγισης του Λεμπέση. Στο τέταρτο μέρος παρουσιάζεται η άποψη του Λεμπέση για τη χρησιμότητα των βλακών. Στο πέμπτο μέρος της εργασίας
Papers by Gregory T Papanikos
Keywords: Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, USA, war, conspiracy theory, energy, defense, military spending
Keywords: Europe, Ukraine, Russia, military, economic, politics, technology.
Keywords: Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, USA, war, conspiracy theory, energy, defense, military spending
Keywords: Europe, Ukraine, Russia, military, economic, politics, technology.
The current issue is the second of the nineth volume of the Athens Journal of Sports, published by the Sport, Exercise, & Kinesiology Unit of the ATINER under the aegis of the Panhellenic Association of Sports Economists and Managers (PASEM).
It is at this point that I want to offer my help. I reproduce on the left column the Libya article and I rewrite it in order to apply to Cyprus. I sent the article in Politico back in January but I got no response. I guess I failed victim of the pandemic which followed this important article by the Great Leader of Turkey.