L'evalation conjointe de l'efficacite et du cout des traitements par pompes externes (PE)... more L'evalation conjointe de l'efficacite et du cout des traitements par pompes externes (PE) et implantees (PI) a insuline est une necessite, maintenant que leur faisabilite a ete etablie. Nous avons compare leur efficacite metabolique et leurs couts directs a court terme a ceux de l'insulinotherapie conventionnelle intensifiee (ICI). PE comparee a ICI, notamment dans notre etude (WHO-CSII), ameliore modestement le controle glycemique et le nombre d'hypoglycemies severes, mais aggrave le risque de ceto-acidoses et le cout du traitement. PI comparee a ICI, notamment dans notre etude (CEDIT), ameliore modestement le controle glycemique et nettement le nombre d'hypoglycemies moderees et severes, sans augmenter le risque de ceto-acidose, mais en doublant le cout du traitement
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
The assessment of early life socioeconomic position (SEP) is essential to the tackling of social ... more The assessment of early life socioeconomic position (SEP) is essential to the tackling of social inequalities in health. Although different indicators capture different SEP dimensions, maternal education is often used as the only indicator in birth cohort research, especially in multi-cohort analyses. Household income, as a direct measure of material resources, is one of the most important indicators, but one that is underused because it is difficult to measure through questionnaires. We propose a method to construct a standardized, cross-cohort comparable income indicator, the “Equivalized Household Income Indicator (EHII)”, which measures the equivalized disposable household income, using external data from the pan-European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EUSILC) surveys, and data from the cohorts. We apply this method to four studies, Piccolipiù and NINFEA from Italy and ELFE and EDEN from France, comparing the distribution of EHII with other SEP-related variabl...
Since feasibility is now proven, cost-efficacy of external sub-cutaneous (EXT) and implantable pr... more Since feasibility is now proven, cost-efficacy of external sub-cutaneous (EXT) and implantable programmable (IMP) insulin pumps needs to be compared to those of intensified conventional insulin therapy (CONV). Only metabolic efficacy and short-term direct costs are easily evaluable. We (WHO-CSII Study) and others have shown that glycemic control and severe hypoglycemia risk are slightly improved, while ketoacidosis risk and costs are aggravated with EXT vs CONV. We (CEDIT Study) and others have shown that glycemic control, mild and severe hypoglycemic risks are improved, with no increase in ketoacidosis rates although a doubling in costs with IMP vs CONV. Rigid interpretation of the above data would limit indications of insulin pumps to patients experiencing frequent hypoglycemias while on intensified conventional insulin therapy.
Mental retardation is sometimes due to chromosomal abnormalities. Most frequent illnesses are Dow... more Mental retardation is sometimes due to chromosomal abnormalities. Most frequent illnesses are Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome. Using a cost analysis, we try to see what diagnosis method is the most relevant to find chromosomic causes for mental retardation in an institutionalized male population. Two techniques are compared: cytogenetic technique and molecular biology technique. Four diagnostic strategies are identified. They all have the same effectiveness, but, costs vary. Results depend on prevalence rates in the epidemiologic literature on Fragile X syndrome and other chromosomic abnormalities. The least-cost diagnostic strategy is molecular biology then constitutional karyotype in case of a negative result. This strategy costs about 600 FF1991 less compared with Fragile X karyotype and about 120 FF1991 less than when molecular biology is done in second, for fixed prevalence rates (i.e. Fragile X prevalence rate between 4.5 and 10% and other abnormalities between 2.2 and 25...
The influence of the initial upper GI tract exploration upon the accuracy and cost of diagnosis w... more The influence of the initial upper GI tract exploration upon the accuracy and cost of diagnosis was evaluated in 103 in- and out-patients of a hepato-gastroenterology unit. The patients were divided at random into two groups of comparable number, age, sex and clinical findings. One group was first examined by fiberoptic gastroscopy and the other by barium meal. In patients whose first examination was by endoscopy a second examination was less frequently needed (3/53 versus 14/50; p less than 0.01), significant lesions (e.g. oesophagitis, oesophageal varices, gastroduodenal losses of substance or tumours) were more often diagnosed (22/53 versus 11/50; p less than 0.05) and the time required for a diagnosis to be made was shorter (mean 7 +/- 6 days versus 14 +/- 16 days; p less than 0.01), even when only one examination was performed (7 +/- 6 days versus 12 +/- 15 days; p less than 0.05), than in patients first examined by barium meal. It is concluded that fiberoptic gastroscopy shoul...
The article presents a cost-benefit analysis of amniocentesis for detection of chromosomal anomal... more The article presents a cost-benefit analysis of amniocentesis for detection of chromosomal anomalies based on data (1985/87) collected in the Marseille area. In this geographic area, it is possible to confront, in an exhaustive manner, pregnant women's access to amniocentesis and incidence of fetal anomalies due to chromosomal aberrations. Results show that prenatal diagnosis is highly cost-beneficial, the average cost of one "avoided" case of Down's syndrome being lower than the lifelong costs of care for such a child. However, the study emphasizes that the cost-benefit ratio is highly sensitive to the implicit value society affects to the loss of "normal" fetuses through spontaneous abortions provoked by amniocentesis and because of terminations of pregnancy following diagnosis of minor fetal anomalies. The study also shows that lowering maternal age limit for access to free-of-charge amniocentesis from the current 38 years of age to 35 would have been ...
This paper examines trends in obesity rates and education-related absolute and relative inequalit... more This paper examines trends in obesity rates and education-related absolute and relative inequalities in obesity over the last 40 years in France. Data are drawn from the French Decennial Health Surveys of 1970, 1980, 1991 and 2003. The difference in obesity rates between the least- and most-educated, the Slope Index of Inequality, is used to estimate absolute inequalities in obesity. The ratio of the corresponding rates, the Relative Index of Inequality, reveals the relative inequalities in obesity. Obesity rates were similar in men and women, but educational inequalities were greater in women. Obesity rates were similar over the first three surveys but increased for all in the 2003 survey. This increase was accompanied by increases in absolute inequalities in men (P = 0.04) from a Slope Index of Inequality of 4.80% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.27, 7.32) to 8.64% (95% CI = 5.97, 11.32) and women (P = 0.004) from 8.90% (95% CI = 6.18, 11.63) to 14.57% (95% CI = 11.83, 17.32). Relative inequalities in obesity remained stable over the 40 years. Recent increase in obesity rates in France is accompanied by increases in absolute education-related inequalities, while relative inequalities have remained stable; this suggests that obesity rates have increased at a much faster rate in the low-education groups.
Recently introduced immunosuppressants, which have been shown to be more effective but apparently... more Recently introduced immunosuppressants, which have been shown to be more effective but apparently more costly than conventional regimens, have renewed interest in the economic evaluation of national policies regarding the management of end-stage renal disease. The present paper addresses these questions, together with the different methods of expressing the costs involved, with reference to a sequential protocol using anti-lymphocyte serum (ALS), followed by cyclosporine from the third post-graft month onwards. The analysis is based on the results of a randomized trial carried out at the University Hospital, Nantes (France), from 1982 to 1984, in which the above protocol was compared to conventional treatment with ALS alone. Despite the considerable cost of long-term cyclosporine treatment, analysis reveals collective financial and social benefits from the reduced rate of graft failure and subsequent return to dialysis.
R~sura6 L¢ retard mental avec chromosome X fragile est la cause la plus frf~quente de retard ment... more R~sura6 L¢ retard mental avec chromosome X fragile est la cause la plus frf~quente de retard mental h~r6ditaire. L'identification de la mutation instable responsable a pennis la raise au point d'un test mol6culaire enli~rement fiabl¢ rant pour le diagnostic de la maladie clue pour son conscil g~f~qu¢ (d~cctioa des po~urs saius et diagnos~ antenatal). Nous avous mis en ~uv~ d~ juillet 1991, la recherche sys~matiqu¢ de cett¢ mutation chcz des pmposa~ avcc l~Lard a~a~ sans cause idenfifd~ ~m. ~ pc6scntons its n~:sultats de notre exp6fiencc sur 42 mois. Polmla~n ft m~des.-Mille cent quarantc-ncuf pmposants om ~ mmlys~s inifialemenL En cas de diagnostic posRif, uric extension de I'~tude moI&-ulair¢ aux appam~ J dsqu¢ 6tait ~, Los ADN ont ~!6 6tudi6s par southern blot, avec digesdor par EcoRI ou ~ + Eagl. Les donn(~ cliniques ont 6t~ mcueillies i pmlir d'une grille de mnseigneraeats ~mplie par I~ ,-liaicieos demaadmus. Rtsalug,.-Soixan'ze-treize patients porte,]rs d'une mutation X fragile ont ~ idemifi6s, appartenant 52 familles~ L'Sge woyen des pmposants X fragile (~tait de 16 _+ 14 am, c¢ qui ¢st beaucoup trop hxrdif pour un¢ maladi¢ dora les effcts sore sensiblcs d~s l'ag¢ de 2/t 3 arts, et tradait uae nMcommissaace de ce diagnos~ en France. La majofit~ des demandes de test pmvenait d'un g6n6ficien. Ce diagnostic a an im6r~ capital pour le conseil gt;n~ique, comme l'illustm l'analyse ult~ricure de 108 f~ i risque dam ces families. CNchuions.-L'i~ d'un diagnostic pr6coce suivi d'une t~ude familiale pouss~e, pour le d~istag¢ des fcmraes vectfices ¢t la l~ventioa des r~cur~aces de celte maladic tr~s haadicapan~ juslifie qa'un test mol&ulaitc soit Wopo~ pour tout enfant ayant un retard mental ou un retard im[xm,~ de [angage, de cause non idendfi~¢, en i'abscnc¢ de sights cliniques excluant formelle. _~-e~' , ., ,. , ce diagnostic. X rrag~e i Molo~ ~re l retanl ~ Summary-The fragile X syndrome is still underd~m,~h eflkacy of molecular testing in mentally retarded probanch. Baekg~ue~l,-The fragile X mental retardation syndrome is the most common cause of inherited mental retardation. Identification of the unstable mutation responsible for the disease has allowed the design of a "Correspondance et tirds ~ part: JL Mandel, m~me adresse. M Coss~ et C Moutou ont contribu6 de mani/~re 6gale h ce travail et doivent ~trc consid~r6es comnm premier coauteur.
This paper examines trends in obesity rates and education-related absolute and relative inequalit... more This paper examines trends in obesity rates and education-related absolute and relative inequalities in obesity over the last 40 years in France. Data are drawn from the French Decennial Health Surveys of 1970, 1980, 1991 and 2003. The difference in obesity rates between the least- and most-educated, the Slope Index of Inequality, is used to estimate absolute inequalities in obesity. The ratio of the corresponding rates, the Relative Index of Inequality, reveals the relative inequalities in obesity. Obesity rates were similar in men and women, but educational inequalities were greater in women. Obesity rates were similar over the first three surveys but increased for all in the 2003 survey. This increase was accompanied by increases in absolute inequalities in men (P = 0.04) from a Slope Index of Inequality of 4.80% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.27, 7.32) to 8.64% (95% CI = 5.97, 11.32) and women (P = 0.004) from 8.90% (95% CI = 6.18, 11.63) to 14.57% (95% CI = 11.83, 17.32). Relative inequalities in obesity remained stable over the 40 years. Recent increase in obesity rates in France is accompanied by increases in absolute education-related inequalities, while relative inequalities have remained stable; this suggests that obesity rates have increased at a much faster rate in the low-education groups.
L'evalation conjointe de l'efficacite et du cout des traitements par pompes externes (PE)... more L'evalation conjointe de l'efficacite et du cout des traitements par pompes externes (PE) et implantees (PI) a insuline est une necessite, maintenant que leur faisabilite a ete etablie. Nous avons compare leur efficacite metabolique et leurs couts directs a court terme a ceux de l'insulinotherapie conventionnelle intensifiee (ICI). PE comparee a ICI, notamment dans notre etude (WHO-CSII), ameliore modestement le controle glycemique et le nombre d'hypoglycemies severes, mais aggrave le risque de ceto-acidoses et le cout du traitement. PI comparee a ICI, notamment dans notre etude (CEDIT), ameliore modestement le controle glycemique et nettement le nombre d'hypoglycemies moderees et severes, sans augmenter le risque de ceto-acidose, mais en doublant le cout du traitement
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
The assessment of early life socioeconomic position (SEP) is essential to the tackling of social ... more The assessment of early life socioeconomic position (SEP) is essential to the tackling of social inequalities in health. Although different indicators capture different SEP dimensions, maternal education is often used as the only indicator in birth cohort research, especially in multi-cohort analyses. Household income, as a direct measure of material resources, is one of the most important indicators, but one that is underused because it is difficult to measure through questionnaires. We propose a method to construct a standardized, cross-cohort comparable income indicator, the “Equivalized Household Income Indicator (EHII)”, which measures the equivalized disposable household income, using external data from the pan-European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EUSILC) surveys, and data from the cohorts. We apply this method to four studies, Piccolipiù and NINFEA from Italy and ELFE and EDEN from France, comparing the distribution of EHII with other SEP-related variabl...
Since feasibility is now proven, cost-efficacy of external sub-cutaneous (EXT) and implantable pr... more Since feasibility is now proven, cost-efficacy of external sub-cutaneous (EXT) and implantable programmable (IMP) insulin pumps needs to be compared to those of intensified conventional insulin therapy (CONV). Only metabolic efficacy and short-term direct costs are easily evaluable. We (WHO-CSII Study) and others have shown that glycemic control and severe hypoglycemia risk are slightly improved, while ketoacidosis risk and costs are aggravated with EXT vs CONV. We (CEDIT Study) and others have shown that glycemic control, mild and severe hypoglycemic risks are improved, with no increase in ketoacidosis rates although a doubling in costs with IMP vs CONV. Rigid interpretation of the above data would limit indications of insulin pumps to patients experiencing frequent hypoglycemias while on intensified conventional insulin therapy.
Mental retardation is sometimes due to chromosomal abnormalities. Most frequent illnesses are Dow... more Mental retardation is sometimes due to chromosomal abnormalities. Most frequent illnesses are Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome. Using a cost analysis, we try to see what diagnosis method is the most relevant to find chromosomic causes for mental retardation in an institutionalized male population. Two techniques are compared: cytogenetic technique and molecular biology technique. Four diagnostic strategies are identified. They all have the same effectiveness, but, costs vary. Results depend on prevalence rates in the epidemiologic literature on Fragile X syndrome and other chromosomic abnormalities. The least-cost diagnostic strategy is molecular biology then constitutional karyotype in case of a negative result. This strategy costs about 600 FF1991 less compared with Fragile X karyotype and about 120 FF1991 less than when molecular biology is done in second, for fixed prevalence rates (i.e. Fragile X prevalence rate between 4.5 and 10% and other abnormalities between 2.2 and 25...
The influence of the initial upper GI tract exploration upon the accuracy and cost of diagnosis w... more The influence of the initial upper GI tract exploration upon the accuracy and cost of diagnosis was evaluated in 103 in- and out-patients of a hepato-gastroenterology unit. The patients were divided at random into two groups of comparable number, age, sex and clinical findings. One group was first examined by fiberoptic gastroscopy and the other by barium meal. In patients whose first examination was by endoscopy a second examination was less frequently needed (3/53 versus 14/50; p less than 0.01), significant lesions (e.g. oesophagitis, oesophageal varices, gastroduodenal losses of substance or tumours) were more often diagnosed (22/53 versus 11/50; p less than 0.05) and the time required for a diagnosis to be made was shorter (mean 7 +/- 6 days versus 14 +/- 16 days; p less than 0.01), even when only one examination was performed (7 +/- 6 days versus 12 +/- 15 days; p less than 0.05), than in patients first examined by barium meal. It is concluded that fiberoptic gastroscopy shoul...
The article presents a cost-benefit analysis of amniocentesis for detection of chromosomal anomal... more The article presents a cost-benefit analysis of amniocentesis for detection of chromosomal anomalies based on data (1985/87) collected in the Marseille area. In this geographic area, it is possible to confront, in an exhaustive manner, pregnant women's access to amniocentesis and incidence of fetal anomalies due to chromosomal aberrations. Results show that prenatal diagnosis is highly cost-beneficial, the average cost of one "avoided" case of Down's syndrome being lower than the lifelong costs of care for such a child. However, the study emphasizes that the cost-benefit ratio is highly sensitive to the implicit value society affects to the loss of "normal" fetuses through spontaneous abortions provoked by amniocentesis and because of terminations of pregnancy following diagnosis of minor fetal anomalies. The study also shows that lowering maternal age limit for access to free-of-charge amniocentesis from the current 38 years of age to 35 would have been ...
This paper examines trends in obesity rates and education-related absolute and relative inequalit... more This paper examines trends in obesity rates and education-related absolute and relative inequalities in obesity over the last 40 years in France. Data are drawn from the French Decennial Health Surveys of 1970, 1980, 1991 and 2003. The difference in obesity rates between the least- and most-educated, the Slope Index of Inequality, is used to estimate absolute inequalities in obesity. The ratio of the corresponding rates, the Relative Index of Inequality, reveals the relative inequalities in obesity. Obesity rates were similar in men and women, but educational inequalities were greater in women. Obesity rates were similar over the first three surveys but increased for all in the 2003 survey. This increase was accompanied by increases in absolute inequalities in men (P = 0.04) from a Slope Index of Inequality of 4.80% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.27, 7.32) to 8.64% (95% CI = 5.97, 11.32) and women (P = 0.004) from 8.90% (95% CI = 6.18, 11.63) to 14.57% (95% CI = 11.83, 17.32). Relative inequalities in obesity remained stable over the 40 years. Recent increase in obesity rates in France is accompanied by increases in absolute education-related inequalities, while relative inequalities have remained stable; this suggests that obesity rates have increased at a much faster rate in the low-education groups.
Recently introduced immunosuppressants, which have been shown to be more effective but apparently... more Recently introduced immunosuppressants, which have been shown to be more effective but apparently more costly than conventional regimens, have renewed interest in the economic evaluation of national policies regarding the management of end-stage renal disease. The present paper addresses these questions, together with the different methods of expressing the costs involved, with reference to a sequential protocol using anti-lymphocyte serum (ALS), followed by cyclosporine from the third post-graft month onwards. The analysis is based on the results of a randomized trial carried out at the University Hospital, Nantes (France), from 1982 to 1984, in which the above protocol was compared to conventional treatment with ALS alone. Despite the considerable cost of long-term cyclosporine treatment, analysis reveals collective financial and social benefits from the reduced rate of graft failure and subsequent return to dialysis.
R~sura6 L¢ retard mental avec chromosome X fragile est la cause la plus frf~quente de retard ment... more R~sura6 L¢ retard mental avec chromosome X fragile est la cause la plus frf~quente de retard mental h~r6ditaire. L'identification de la mutation instable responsable a pennis la raise au point d'un test mol6culaire enli~rement fiabl¢ rant pour le diagnostic de la maladie clue pour son conscil g~f~qu¢ (d~cctioa des po~urs saius et diagnos~ antenatal). Nous avous mis en ~uv~ d~ juillet 1991, la recherche sys~matiqu¢ de cett¢ mutation chcz des pmposa~ avcc l~Lard a~a~ sans cause idenfifd~ ~m. ~ pc6scntons its n~:sultats de notre exp6fiencc sur 42 mois. Polmla~n ft m~des.-Mille cent quarantc-ncuf pmposants om ~ mmlys~s inifialemenL En cas de diagnostic posRif, uric extension de I'~tude moI&-ulair¢ aux appam~ J dsqu¢ 6tait ~, Los ADN ont ~!6 6tudi6s par southern blot, avec digesdor par EcoRI ou ~ + Eagl. Les donn(~ cliniques ont 6t~ mcueillies i pmlir d'une grille de mnseigneraeats ~mplie par I~ ,-liaicieos demaadmus. Rtsalug,.-Soixan'ze-treize patients porte,]rs d'une mutation X fragile ont ~ idemifi6s, appartenant 52 familles~ L'Sge woyen des pmposants X fragile (~tait de 16 _+ 14 am, c¢ qui ¢st beaucoup trop hxrdif pour un¢ maladi¢ dora les effcts sore sensiblcs d~s l'ag¢ de 2/t 3 arts, et tradait uae nMcommissaace de ce diagnos~ en France. La majofit~ des demandes de test pmvenait d'un g6n6ficien. Ce diagnostic a an im6r~ capital pour le conseil gt;n~ique, comme l'illustm l'analyse ult~ricure de 108 f~ i risque dam ces families. CNchuions.-L'i~ d'un diagnostic pr6coce suivi d'une t~ude familiale pouss~e, pour le d~istag¢ des fcmraes vectfices ¢t la l~ventioa des r~cur~aces de celte maladic tr~s haadicapan~ juslifie qa'un test mol&ulaitc soit Wopo~ pour tout enfant ayant un retard mental ou un retard im[xm,~ de [angage, de cause non idendfi~¢, en i'abscnc¢ de sights cliniques excluant formelle. _~-e~' , ., ,. , ce diagnostic. X rrag~e i Molo~ ~re l retanl ~ Summary-The fragile X syndrome is still underd~m,~h eflkacy of molecular testing in mentally retarded probanch. Baekg~ue~l,-The fragile X mental retardation syndrome is the most common cause of inherited mental retardation. Identification of the unstable mutation responsible for the disease has allowed the design of a "Correspondance et tirds ~ part: JL Mandel, m~me adresse. M Coss~ et C Moutou ont contribu6 de mani/~re 6gale h ce travail et doivent ~trc consid~r6es comnm premier coauteur.
This paper examines trends in obesity rates and education-related absolute and relative inequalit... more This paper examines trends in obesity rates and education-related absolute and relative inequalities in obesity over the last 40 years in France. Data are drawn from the French Decennial Health Surveys of 1970, 1980, 1991 and 2003. The difference in obesity rates between the least- and most-educated, the Slope Index of Inequality, is used to estimate absolute inequalities in obesity. The ratio of the corresponding rates, the Relative Index of Inequality, reveals the relative inequalities in obesity. Obesity rates were similar in men and women, but educational inequalities were greater in women. Obesity rates were similar over the first three surveys but increased for all in the 2003 survey. This increase was accompanied by increases in absolute inequalities in men (P = 0.04) from a Slope Index of Inequality of 4.80% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.27, 7.32) to 8.64% (95% CI = 5.97, 11.32) and women (P = 0.004) from 8.90% (95% CI = 6.18, 11.63) to 14.57% (95% CI = 11.83, 17.32). Relative inequalities in obesity remained stable over the 40 years. Recent increase in obesity rates in France is accompanied by increases in absolute education-related inequalities, while relative inequalities have remained stable; this suggests that obesity rates have increased at a much faster rate in the low-education groups.
Papers by J. Lanoe