To investigate alterations in whole body fat oxidation after 7 and 14 weeks of progressive endura... more To investigate alterations in whole body fat oxidation after 7 and 14 weeks of progressive endurance training in sedentary elderly subjects. Longitudinal, 14 weeks of progressive endurance training on a cycle ergometer (3 training sessions per week). Full sets of measurements were performed before, and after 7 and 14 weeks of training. 13 healthy sedentary subjects (5 men, 8 women) (age 62.8 +/- 2.3 y). 24 h indirect calorimetric measurements under standardised conditions: light-activity programme, fixed food composition, neutral daily energy balance. Body composition (by isotope dilution and skinfold thicknesses). Maximal oxygen consumption. Loss of 0.7 kg fat mass in the first 7 weeks of training and a further 2.4 kg of fat in the second 7 weeks. There was a transient increase in sleeping fat oxidation after 7 weeks of training (+26.1%), associated with transient increase in daily fat oxidation (+/- 11.9%), but fat oxidation then returned to baseline values in the second 7 weeks. There was a correlation between within-subject changes in sleeping fat oxidation after 7 weeks of training and variations in FFM (r = 0.62, P = 0.02) and maximal oxygen consumption (r = -0.56, P < 0.05). In sedentary elderly subjects, progressive endurance training was associated with a transient increase in sleeping fat oxidation and daily fat oxidation. In free-living conditions, possible changes in daily fat oxidation may have induced a negative fat balance, as judged by fat mass loss.
To investigate alterations in whole body fat oxidation after 7 and 14 weeks of progressive endura... more To investigate alterations in whole body fat oxidation after 7 and 14 weeks of progressive endurance training in sedentary elderly subjects. Longitudinal, 14 weeks of progressive endurance training on a cycle ergometer (3 training sessions per week). Full sets of measurements were performed before, and after 7 and 14 weeks of training. 13 healthy sedentary subjects (5 men, 8 women) (age 62.8 +/- 2.3 y). 24 h indirect calorimetric measurements under standardised conditions: light-activity programme, fixed food composition, neutral daily energy balance. Body composition (by isotope dilution and skinfold thicknesses). Maximal oxygen consumption. Loss of 0.7 kg fat mass in the first 7 weeks of training and a further 2.4 kg of fat in the second 7 weeks. There was a transient increase in sleeping fat oxidation after 7 weeks of training (+26.1%), associated with transient increase in daily fat oxidation (+/- 11.9%), but fat oxidation then returned to baseline values in the second 7 weeks. There was a correlation between within-subject changes in sleeping fat oxidation after 7 weeks of training and variations in FFM (r = 0.62, P = 0.02) and maximal oxygen consumption (r = -0.56, P < 0.05). In sedentary elderly subjects, progressive endurance training was associated with a transient increase in sleeping fat oxidation and daily fat oxidation. In free-living conditions, possible changes in daily fat oxidation may have induced a negative fat balance, as judged by fat mass loss.
We investigated the strength of the association between oxidative stress, hypoxia inducible facto... more We investigated the strength of the association between oxidative stress, hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1α) and acute hypoxic ventilatory response (AHVR) after hypoxic training in elite runners.Six elite runners were submitted to 18-day of “living high–training low” (LHTL) and six performed the same training in normoxia. AHVR was measured during an acute hypoxic test before and after training. Plasma levels
Effects of endurance training on the cardiovascular You might find this additional info useful...... more Effects of endurance training on the cardiovascular You might find this additional info useful... 22 articles, 13 of which can be accessed free at: This article cites /content/83/4/1300.full.html#ref-list-1 4 other HighWire hosted articles This article has been cited by [PDF] [Full Text] [Abstract] , May 1, 1999; 86 (5): 1676-1686. J Appl Physiol Aerobic training and cutaneous vasodilation in young and older men [PDF] [Full Text] [Abstract] , October 1, 1999; 277 (4): R1041-R1050. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol dehydration in older men Effect of an exercise-heat acclimation program on body fluid regulatory responses to [PDF] [Full Text] [Abstract] , November 1, 2002; 93 (5): 1630-1637. J Appl Physiol Hiroshi Nose Effects of exercise training on thermoregulatory responses and blood volume in older men [PDF] [Full Text] [Abstract] , February , 2014; 21 (2): 181-191. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Lene A Rustad, Kari Nytrøen, Brage H Amundsen, Lars Gullestad and Svend Aakhus ventricular function in stable heart transplant recipients: A randomised controlled trial One year of high-intensity interval training improves exercise capacity, but not left including high resolution figures, can be found at: Updated information and services /content/83/4/1300.full.html can be found at: Journal of Applied Physiology about Additional material and information This information is current as of June 25, 2014.
R~sum~ -La pathologic d'altitude favorisde par l'activit6 physique et sportive et le froid se man... more R~sum~ -La pathologic d'altitude favorisde par l'activit6 physique et sportive et le froid se manifeste essentiellement sous la forme de trois tableaux: 1) Le mal aigu des montagnes, avec cdphal6es, insomnie, troubles digestifs, dyspn6e et palpitations ; 2) L'oed6me aigu du poumon, avec, souvent, signes en foyer, hypertension art6rielle pulmonaire s6v6re sans 616vation des pressions capillaires pulmonaires ou auriculaires gauches; il r6gresse rapidement sous l'influence du repos, de l'oxyg+ne et des diur6tiques ; 3) L'oed6me c6rdbral, domin6 par les c6phaldes, les troubles de la conscience et aboutissant progressivement au coma; il impose la descente fl plus basse altitude dans les meilleurs ddlais. La pathologic d'altitude est domin6e actuellement par la complexit6 des mdcanismes physiopathologiques mis en cause, l'existence d'une hypersensibilit6 individuelle, qui pose le difficile probl6me du ddpistage des sujets vuln6rables, et la possibilit6 d'une pr6vention reposant sur: l'activit6 physique moddrde au d6but, une bonne protection contre le froid, l'administration d'acetazolamide.
To investigate alterations in whole body fat oxidation after 7 and 14 weeks of progressive endura... more To investigate alterations in whole body fat oxidation after 7 and 14 weeks of progressive endurance training in sedentary elderly subjects. Longitudinal, 14 weeks of progressive endurance training on a cycle ergometer (3 training sessions per week). Full sets of measurements were performed before, and after 7 and 14 weeks of training. 13 healthy sedentary subjects (5 men, 8 women) (age 62.8 +/- 2.3 y). 24 h indirect calorimetric measurements under standardised conditions: light-activity programme, fixed food composition, neutral daily energy balance. Body composition (by isotope dilution and skinfold thicknesses). Maximal oxygen consumption. Loss of 0.7 kg fat mass in the first 7 weeks of training and a further 2.4 kg of fat in the second 7 weeks. There was a transient increase in sleeping fat oxidation after 7 weeks of training (+26.1%), associated with transient increase in daily fat oxidation (+/- 11.9%), but fat oxidation then returned to baseline values in the second 7 weeks. There was a correlation between within-subject changes in sleeping fat oxidation after 7 weeks of training and variations in FFM (r = 0.62, P = 0.02) and maximal oxygen consumption (r = -0.56, P < 0.05). In sedentary elderly subjects, progressive endurance training was associated with a transient increase in sleeping fat oxidation and daily fat oxidation. In free-living conditions, possible changes in daily fat oxidation may have induced a negative fat balance, as judged by fat mass loss.
To investigate alterations in whole body fat oxidation after 7 and 14 weeks of progressive endura... more To investigate alterations in whole body fat oxidation after 7 and 14 weeks of progressive endurance training in sedentary elderly subjects. Longitudinal, 14 weeks of progressive endurance training on a cycle ergometer (3 training sessions per week). Full sets of measurements were performed before, and after 7 and 14 weeks of training. 13 healthy sedentary subjects (5 men, 8 women) (age 62.8 +/- 2.3 y). 24 h indirect calorimetric measurements under standardised conditions: light-activity programme, fixed food composition, neutral daily energy balance. Body composition (by isotope dilution and skinfold thicknesses). Maximal oxygen consumption. Loss of 0.7 kg fat mass in the first 7 weeks of training and a further 2.4 kg of fat in the second 7 weeks. There was a transient increase in sleeping fat oxidation after 7 weeks of training (+26.1%), associated with transient increase in daily fat oxidation (+/- 11.9%), but fat oxidation then returned to baseline values in the second 7 weeks. There was a correlation between within-subject changes in sleeping fat oxidation after 7 weeks of training and variations in FFM (r = 0.62, P = 0.02) and maximal oxygen consumption (r = -0.56, P < 0.05). In sedentary elderly subjects, progressive endurance training was associated with a transient increase in sleeping fat oxidation and daily fat oxidation. In free-living conditions, possible changes in daily fat oxidation may have induced a negative fat balance, as judged by fat mass loss.
We investigated the strength of the association between oxidative stress, hypoxia inducible facto... more We investigated the strength of the association between oxidative stress, hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1α) and acute hypoxic ventilatory response (AHVR) after hypoxic training in elite runners.Six elite runners were submitted to 18-day of “living high–training low” (LHTL) and six performed the same training in normoxia. AHVR was measured during an acute hypoxic test before and after training. Plasma levels
Effects of endurance training on the cardiovascular You might find this additional info useful...... more Effects of endurance training on the cardiovascular You might find this additional info useful... 22 articles, 13 of which can be accessed free at: This article cites /content/83/4/1300.full.html#ref-list-1 4 other HighWire hosted articles This article has been cited by [PDF] [Full Text] [Abstract] , May 1, 1999; 86 (5): 1676-1686. J Appl Physiol Aerobic training and cutaneous vasodilation in young and older men [PDF] [Full Text] [Abstract] , October 1, 1999; 277 (4): R1041-R1050. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol dehydration in older men Effect of an exercise-heat acclimation program on body fluid regulatory responses to [PDF] [Full Text] [Abstract] , November 1, 2002; 93 (5): 1630-1637. J Appl Physiol Hiroshi Nose Effects of exercise training on thermoregulatory responses and blood volume in older men [PDF] [Full Text] [Abstract] , February , 2014; 21 (2): 181-191. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Lene A Rustad, Kari Nytrøen, Brage H Amundsen, Lars Gullestad and Svend Aakhus ventricular function in stable heart transplant recipients: A randomised controlled trial One year of high-intensity interval training improves exercise capacity, but not left including high resolution figures, can be found at: Updated information and services /content/83/4/1300.full.html can be found at: Journal of Applied Physiology about Additional material and information This information is current as of June 25, 2014.
R~sum~ -La pathologic d'altitude favorisde par l'activit6 physique et sportive et le froid se man... more R~sum~ -La pathologic d'altitude favorisde par l'activit6 physique et sportive et le froid se manifeste essentiellement sous la forme de trois tableaux: 1) Le mal aigu des montagnes, avec cdphal6es, insomnie, troubles digestifs, dyspn6e et palpitations ; 2) L'oed6me aigu du poumon, avec, souvent, signes en foyer, hypertension art6rielle pulmonaire s6v6re sans 616vation des pressions capillaires pulmonaires ou auriculaires gauches; il r6gresse rapidement sous l'influence du repos, de l'oxyg+ne et des diur6tiques ; 3) L'oed6me c6rdbral, domin6 par les c6phaldes, les troubles de la conscience et aboutissant progressivement au coma; il impose la descente fl plus basse altitude dans les meilleurs ddlais. La pathologic d'altitude est domin6e actuellement par la complexit6 des mdcanismes physiopathologiques mis en cause, l'existence d'une hypersensibilit6 individuelle, qui pose le difficile probl6me du ddpistage des sujets vuln6rables, et la possibilit6 d'une pr6vention reposant sur: l'activit6 physique moddrde au d6but, une bonne protection contre le froid, l'administration d'acetazolamide.
Papers by Jean Coudert