A Wireless Sensor Network is a collection of sensor nodes that cooperate with each other to send ... more A Wireless Sensor Network is a collection of sensor nodes that cooperate with each other to send data to a base station. These nodes have limited resources in terms of energy, memory, and processing power. Energy conserving communication is one of the main challenges of wireless sensor networks. Several studies and research are focused on saving energy and extending the lifetime of these networks. Architectural approaches, like hierarchical structures, tend to organize network nodes in order to save energy. Most of these protocols need background information on the network for them to be efficient. In this paper, we describe a new approach for organizing large sensor networks into zones, based on the number of hops, to address the following issues: large-scale, random network deployment, energy efficiency and small overhead. This network architecture enables a hierarchical network view, with the purpose of offering efficient routing protocols based on zone partitioning. Simulations undertaken demonstrate that our approach is energy-efficient; this is highlighted by the reduction of traffic overhead.
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network formed by a large number of sensor nodes where each ... more A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network formed by a large number of sensor nodes where each node is equipped with a sensor to detect physical phenomena such as light, heat, pressure, etc... WSNs are regarded as a revolutionary information gathering method to build the information and communication system which will greatly improve the reliability and efficiency of infrastructure systems. Compared with the wired solution, WSNs feature easier deployment and better flexibility of devices. In the energy-constrained sensor network environments, it is unsuitable in numerous aspects of battery power, processing ability, storage capacity and communication bandwidth, for each node to transmit data to the sink node. This is because in sensor networks with high coverage, the information reported by the neighboring nodes has some degree of redundancy, thus transmitting data separately in each node while consuming bandwidth and energy of the whole sensor network, which shortens lifetime of the network. To avoid the above-mentioned problems, data aggregation techniques have been introduced. Data aggregation is the process of integrating multiple copies of information into one copy, which is effective and able to meet user needs in middle sensor nodes. In this paper, we will propose data aggregation solution to the routing protocol ZHRP (Zone Hierarchical Routing Protocol). This solution will efficiently improve the lifetime of the WSN.
The routing protocol plays a key role in allowing packets to reach their intended destination. We... more The routing protocol plays a key role in allowing packets to reach their intended destination. We are interested in wireless nanonetworks (WNNs), which totally differ from traditional wireless networks in terms of node density and size, routing protocol used, and hardware limitations. This paper presents an enhanced retransmission algorithm used by the nodes in the destination zone, in combination with our previously proposed nanosleeping mechanism. This algorithm increases the chance of a destination node to capture the intended packet, while decreasing the number of participating nodes in the retransmission process. We evaluate the enhanced retransmission algorithm and show its effectiveness in reducing node resource usage while maintaining a high packet delivery to the destination node. Recent trends in telecommunication tend to promote work in wireless networks. This is due to several reasons, the most important of which is the easier installation and higher scalability compared to wired networks. Wireless networks include many
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2019
Industrial control systems (ICSs) present security risks related to their IT vulnerabilities. How... more Industrial control systems (ICSs) present security risks related to their IT vulnerabilities. However, ICS systems have more constraints than IT systems represented by the interaction between cyber and physical systems. This interaction should be taken into consideration by the security solution. Intrusion detection systems give visibility of system branches and considered as one of the solutions to ensure the proper functioning. In this paper, we propose a rule generator for IDS. This rule generator takes a physical model and converts it into a syntax understandable by the IDS. This solves the difficulty of creating and maintaining handmade rules.
ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, 2021
Nowadays, the heterogeneous wireless nano-network topology becomes a need for diverse application... more Nowadays, the heterogeneous wireless nano-network topology becomes a need for diverse applications based on heterogeneous networks composed of regions of different node densities. In Wireless Nano-networks (WNNs), nodes are of nano-metric size and can be potentially dense in terms of neighbouring nodes. Nano-nodes have limited resources in terms of processing, energy and memory capabilities. In nano-network(s), even in a communication range limited to tens of centimeters, thousands of neighbours can be found. We proposed a fine-grained duty-cycling method (sleeping mechanism), appropriate to nanonodes, which aims to reduce the number of receptions seen by a node during data packet routing. The present study reveals the usefulness of implementing the sleeping mechanism in heterogeneous networks, as well as configuring a dynamic awaken duration for nodes based on a density estimation algorithm. We also proposed an algorithm that helps in increasing the reliability of the packet receiv...
SoftCOM 2010, 18th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 2010
In this paper, we propose a routing protocol for wireless sensor networks based on a two-level, z... more In this paper, we propose a routing protocol for wireless sensor networks based on a two-level, zone-based architecture. DV is applied in both intra-zone and inter-zone routing, based on the hop metric. Our solution is original because it is instrumentation-free (sensors are both localization and energy unaware) and completely distributed. We show performances of the proposed algorithm evaluating the overhead generated by the construction of the infrastructure needed in routing. Simulations for MICA2 sensors have given us indications on the energy consumption - almost 4*10−4% of the total battery capacity, on the scalability property of the algorithm and on the memory size of the data structure used for routing - almost 13% of the RAM memory. Moreover, memory constraints allow us to determine a lower bound for the number of zones.
2018 IEEE 37th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 2018
The recent Total-Order Broadcast protocols that have been designed to sustain high throughput and... more The recent Total-Order Broadcast protocols that have been designed to sustain high throughput and low latency target fully switched environments, such as small datacenters and clusters. These protocols fail to achieve good performance in multi-datacenter environments, that are characterized by non-uniform network connectivity among a set of remote datacenters. More precisely, machines within a datacenter are connected using a fully switched network, whereas machines across datacenters use shared inter-datacenter network cables. This paper presents a novel Total-Order Broadcast protocol, called MDC-cast that specifically targets multi-datacenter environments.
2020 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 2020
In any network, routing and congestion control protocols play a key role, as they allow packets t... more In any network, routing and congestion control protocols play a key role, as they allow packets to reach the intended destination. We are interested in wireless nanonetworks (WNNs), which are networks whose nodes have a nanometric size and can be potentially dense in terms of neighboring nodes. The nodes have limited processing capabilities and power. The objective of this research is to present a fine-grained sleeping mechanism for nodes, whose aim is to reduce node resource usage and thereby increase the network life. We evaluate the sleeping mechanism by presenting the impact of network density on packet reachability and network resources used. Simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of this mechanism and show that nanonode resources (CPU, memory, energy) can be preserved by decreasing the number of forwarded and ignored packets while ensuring the arrival of the data packets to the destination.
Today, industrial control systems (ICS) are connected to the Internet. The addition of computer c... more Today, industrial control systems (ICS) are connected to the Internet. The addition of computer capabilities to ICSs has improved performance, reduced costs, and many other benefits. However, ICSs are not designed with security in mind. These systems, therefore, present security risks related to their IT vulnerabilities. Applying IT's security solutions to the ICS are not enough due to the difference between these two systems represented by the interaction between the cyber and physical system in ICS. Hence, it seems relevant to rely on a physical model of the cyber-physical system to obtain an intrusion detection system (IDS) for those systems. Most of the IDSs are based on rules to define how the IDS would detect attacks on the system. These rules are generally used either to describe possible attacks scenarios on the systems or the normal system behavior. However, creating and maintaining handmade rules for a complex system could be very difficult. In this article, we propose...
2019 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), 2019
The security of cyber-physical systems (CPS) is a major concern and intrusion detection systems (... more The security of cyber-physical systems (CPS) is a major concern and intrusion detection systems (IDS) are used to ensure this security. Model-based IDSs rely on the CPS model to detect abnormal behaviors. In this article, a model-based IDS rule generator is proposed, which converts a system model into anomaly-based IDS rules. In addition, the effectiveness of the rules generated is proven by a case study.
Nowadays, the heterogeneous wireless nano-network topology becomes a need for diverse application... more Nowadays, the heterogeneous wireless nano-network topology becomes a need for diverse applications based on heterogeneous networks composed of regions of different node densities. In Wireless Nano-networks (WNNs), nodes are of nano-metric size and can be potentially dense in terms of neighbouring nodes. Nano-nodes have limited resources in terms of processing, energy and memory capabilities. In nano-network(s), even in a communication range limited to tens of centimeters, thousands of neighbours can be found. We proposed a ine-grained duty-cycling method (sleeping mechanism), appropriate to nanonodes, which aims to reduce the number of receptions seen by a node during data packet routing. The present study reveals the usefulness of implementing the sleeping mechanism in heterogeneous networks, as well as con iguring a dynamic awaken duration for nodes based on a density estimation algorithm. We also proposed an algorithm that helps in increasing the reliability of the packet receive...
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2019
Industrial control systems (ICSs) present security risks related to their IT vulnerabilities. How... more Industrial control systems (ICSs) present security risks related to their IT vulnerabilities. However, ICS systems have more constraints than IT systems represented by the interaction between cyber and physical systems. This interaction should be taken into consideration by the security solution. Intrusion detection systems give visibility of system branches and considered as one of the solutions to ensure the proper functioning. In this paper, we propose a rule generator for IDS. This rule generator takes a physical model and converts it into a syntax understandable by the IDS. This solves the difficulty of creating and maintaining handmade rules.
Routing protocols in wireless sensor networks are generally focused on hierarchical infrastructur... more Routing protocols in wireless sensor networks are generally focused on hierarchical infrastructures, for energy saving reasons. In this paper, we intend to give a taxonomy of these approaches identifying three criteria of classification: the assumptions, the algorithms and their evaluation. We classify projects based on these parameters and we also draw a uniform view over them, which may provide a basis of comparison for different routing protocols built atop hierarchical WSN infrastructures.
Softcom 2010 18th International Conference on Software Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Sep 1, 2010
In this paper, we propose a routing protocol for wireless sensor networks based on a two-level, z... more In this paper, we propose a routing protocol for wireless sensor networks based on a two-level, zone-based architecture. DV is applied in both intra-zone and inter-zone routing, based on the hop metric. Our solution is original because it is instrumentation-free (sensors are both localization and energy unaware) and completely distributed. We show performances of the proposed algorithm evaluating the overhead generated by the construction of the infrastructure needed in routing. Simulations for MICA2 sensors have given us indications on the energy consumption - almost 4*10-4% of the total battery capacity, on the scalability property of the algorithm and on the memory size of the data structure used for routing - almost 13% of the RAM memory. Moreover, memory constraints allow us to determine a lower bound for the number of zones.
2008 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, 2008
Navigation aids for the pedestrians are considered new research challenges. The visually impaired... more Navigation aids for the pedestrians are considered new research challenges. The visually impaired are particularly concerned, because of their need to detect and avoid obstacles, as well as to orient themselves in unknown environments. In this paper, we discuss some existing projects in this domain and we propose a novel aid system formed of wireless sensors, meant to help navigation
2009 Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, 2009
Large area wireless sensor deployments rely on multi-hop communication. Efficient packet transmis... more Large area wireless sensor deployments rely on multi-hop communication. Efficient packet transmission and virtual topologies, which structure sensor networks, are two main features for efficient energy management in wireless sensor networks. This paper aims to present a distributed and low-cost topology construction algorithm for wireless sensor networks, addressing the following issues: large-scale, random network deployment, energy efficiency and small overhead.
2008 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 2008
Energy conserving communication is one of the main challenges of wireless sensor networks. A numb... more Energy conserving communication is one of the main challenges of wireless sensor networks. A number of studies and research are focused on saving energy and on extending the lifetime of these networks. Architectural approaches, like hierarchical structures, tend to organize network nodes in order to save energy. Most of these protocols need background information on the network in order to be efficient. In this paper, we describe a new approach for organizing large sensor networks into zones, based on the number of hops. This network architecture enables a hierarchical network view, with the purpose of offering efficient routing protocols based on zone partitioning. Simulations undertaken demonstrate that our approach is energy-efficient; this is highlighted by the reduction of traffic overhead.
A Wireless Sensor Network is a collection of sensor nodes that cooperate with each other to send ... more A Wireless Sensor Network is a collection of sensor nodes that cooperate with each other to send data to a base station. These nodes have limited resources in terms of energy, memory, and processing power. Energy conserving communication is one of the main challenges of wireless sensor networks. Several studies and research are focused on saving energy and extending the lifetime of these networks. Architectural approaches, like hierarchical structures, tend to organize network nodes in order to save energy. Most of these protocols need background information on the network for them to be efficient. In this paper, we describe a new approach for organizing large sensor networks into zones, based on the number of hops, to address the following issues: large-scale, random network deployment, energy efficiency and small overhead. This network architecture enables a hierarchical network view, with the purpose of offering efficient routing protocols based on zone partitioning. Simulations undertaken demonstrate that our approach is energy-efficient; this is highlighted by the reduction of traffic overhead.
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network formed by a large number of sensor nodes where each ... more A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network formed by a large number of sensor nodes where each node is equipped with a sensor to detect physical phenomena such as light, heat, pressure, etc... WSNs are regarded as a revolutionary information gathering method to build the information and communication system which will greatly improve the reliability and efficiency of infrastructure systems. Compared with the wired solution, WSNs feature easier deployment and better flexibility of devices. In the energy-constrained sensor network environments, it is unsuitable in numerous aspects of battery power, processing ability, storage capacity and communication bandwidth, for each node to transmit data to the sink node. This is because in sensor networks with high coverage, the information reported by the neighboring nodes has some degree of redundancy, thus transmitting data separately in each node while consuming bandwidth and energy of the whole sensor network, which shortens lifetime of the network. To avoid the above-mentioned problems, data aggregation techniques have been introduced. Data aggregation is the process of integrating multiple copies of information into one copy, which is effective and able to meet user needs in middle sensor nodes. In this paper, we will propose data aggregation solution to the routing protocol ZHRP (Zone Hierarchical Routing Protocol). This solution will efficiently improve the lifetime of the WSN.
The routing protocol plays a key role in allowing packets to reach their intended destination. We... more The routing protocol plays a key role in allowing packets to reach their intended destination. We are interested in wireless nanonetworks (WNNs), which totally differ from traditional wireless networks in terms of node density and size, routing protocol used, and hardware limitations. This paper presents an enhanced retransmission algorithm used by the nodes in the destination zone, in combination with our previously proposed nanosleeping mechanism. This algorithm increases the chance of a destination node to capture the intended packet, while decreasing the number of participating nodes in the retransmission process. We evaluate the enhanced retransmission algorithm and show its effectiveness in reducing node resource usage while maintaining a high packet delivery to the destination node. Recent trends in telecommunication tend to promote work in wireless networks. This is due to several reasons, the most important of which is the easier installation and higher scalability compared to wired networks. Wireless networks include many
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2019
Industrial control systems (ICSs) present security risks related to their IT vulnerabilities. How... more Industrial control systems (ICSs) present security risks related to their IT vulnerabilities. However, ICS systems have more constraints than IT systems represented by the interaction between cyber and physical systems. This interaction should be taken into consideration by the security solution. Intrusion detection systems give visibility of system branches and considered as one of the solutions to ensure the proper functioning. In this paper, we propose a rule generator for IDS. This rule generator takes a physical model and converts it into a syntax understandable by the IDS. This solves the difficulty of creating and maintaining handmade rules.
ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, 2021
Nowadays, the heterogeneous wireless nano-network topology becomes a need for diverse application... more Nowadays, the heterogeneous wireless nano-network topology becomes a need for diverse applications based on heterogeneous networks composed of regions of different node densities. In Wireless Nano-networks (WNNs), nodes are of nano-metric size and can be potentially dense in terms of neighbouring nodes. Nano-nodes have limited resources in terms of processing, energy and memory capabilities. In nano-network(s), even in a communication range limited to tens of centimeters, thousands of neighbours can be found. We proposed a fine-grained duty-cycling method (sleeping mechanism), appropriate to nanonodes, which aims to reduce the number of receptions seen by a node during data packet routing. The present study reveals the usefulness of implementing the sleeping mechanism in heterogeneous networks, as well as configuring a dynamic awaken duration for nodes based on a density estimation algorithm. We also proposed an algorithm that helps in increasing the reliability of the packet receiv...
SoftCOM 2010, 18th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, 2010
In this paper, we propose a routing protocol for wireless sensor networks based on a two-level, z... more In this paper, we propose a routing protocol for wireless sensor networks based on a two-level, zone-based architecture. DV is applied in both intra-zone and inter-zone routing, based on the hop metric. Our solution is original because it is instrumentation-free (sensors are both localization and energy unaware) and completely distributed. We show performances of the proposed algorithm evaluating the overhead generated by the construction of the infrastructure needed in routing. Simulations for MICA2 sensors have given us indications on the energy consumption - almost 4*10−4% of the total battery capacity, on the scalability property of the algorithm and on the memory size of the data structure used for routing - almost 13% of the RAM memory. Moreover, memory constraints allow us to determine a lower bound for the number of zones.
2018 IEEE 37th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 2018
The recent Total-Order Broadcast protocols that have been designed to sustain high throughput and... more The recent Total-Order Broadcast protocols that have been designed to sustain high throughput and low latency target fully switched environments, such as small datacenters and clusters. These protocols fail to achieve good performance in multi-datacenter environments, that are characterized by non-uniform network connectivity among a set of remote datacenters. More precisely, machines within a datacenter are connected using a fully switched network, whereas machines across datacenters use shared inter-datacenter network cables. This paper presents a novel Total-Order Broadcast protocol, called MDC-cast that specifically targets multi-datacenter environments.
2020 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 2020
In any network, routing and congestion control protocols play a key role, as they allow packets t... more In any network, routing and congestion control protocols play a key role, as they allow packets to reach the intended destination. We are interested in wireless nanonetworks (WNNs), which are networks whose nodes have a nanometric size and can be potentially dense in terms of neighboring nodes. The nodes have limited processing capabilities and power. The objective of this research is to present a fine-grained sleeping mechanism for nodes, whose aim is to reduce node resource usage and thereby increase the network life. We evaluate the sleeping mechanism by presenting the impact of network density on packet reachability and network resources used. Simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of this mechanism and show that nanonode resources (CPU, memory, energy) can be preserved by decreasing the number of forwarded and ignored packets while ensuring the arrival of the data packets to the destination.
Today, industrial control systems (ICS) are connected to the Internet. The addition of computer c... more Today, industrial control systems (ICS) are connected to the Internet. The addition of computer capabilities to ICSs has improved performance, reduced costs, and many other benefits. However, ICSs are not designed with security in mind. These systems, therefore, present security risks related to their IT vulnerabilities. Applying IT's security solutions to the ICS are not enough due to the difference between these two systems represented by the interaction between the cyber and physical system in ICS. Hence, it seems relevant to rely on a physical model of the cyber-physical system to obtain an intrusion detection system (IDS) for those systems. Most of the IDSs are based on rules to define how the IDS would detect attacks on the system. These rules are generally used either to describe possible attacks scenarios on the systems or the normal system behavior. However, creating and maintaining handmade rules for a complex system could be very difficult. In this article, we propose...
2019 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), 2019
The security of cyber-physical systems (CPS) is a major concern and intrusion detection systems (... more The security of cyber-physical systems (CPS) is a major concern and intrusion detection systems (IDS) are used to ensure this security. Model-based IDSs rely on the CPS model to detect abnormal behaviors. In this article, a model-based IDS rule generator is proposed, which converts a system model into anomaly-based IDS rules. In addition, the effectiveness of the rules generated is proven by a case study.
Nowadays, the heterogeneous wireless nano-network topology becomes a need for diverse application... more Nowadays, the heterogeneous wireless nano-network topology becomes a need for diverse applications based on heterogeneous networks composed of regions of different node densities. In Wireless Nano-networks (WNNs), nodes are of nano-metric size and can be potentially dense in terms of neighbouring nodes. Nano-nodes have limited resources in terms of processing, energy and memory capabilities. In nano-network(s), even in a communication range limited to tens of centimeters, thousands of neighbours can be found. We proposed a ine-grained duty-cycling method (sleeping mechanism), appropriate to nanonodes, which aims to reduce the number of receptions seen by a node during data packet routing. The present study reveals the usefulness of implementing the sleeping mechanism in heterogeneous networks, as well as con iguring a dynamic awaken duration for nodes based on a density estimation algorithm. We also proposed an algorithm that helps in increasing the reliability of the packet receive...
2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2019
Industrial control systems (ICSs) present security risks related to their IT vulnerabilities. How... more Industrial control systems (ICSs) present security risks related to their IT vulnerabilities. However, ICS systems have more constraints than IT systems represented by the interaction between cyber and physical systems. This interaction should be taken into consideration by the security solution. Intrusion detection systems give visibility of system branches and considered as one of the solutions to ensure the proper functioning. In this paper, we propose a rule generator for IDS. This rule generator takes a physical model and converts it into a syntax understandable by the IDS. This solves the difficulty of creating and maintaining handmade rules.
Routing protocols in wireless sensor networks are generally focused on hierarchical infrastructur... more Routing protocols in wireless sensor networks are generally focused on hierarchical infrastructures, for energy saving reasons. In this paper, we intend to give a taxonomy of these approaches identifying three criteria of classification: the assumptions, the algorithms and their evaluation. We classify projects based on these parameters and we also draw a uniform view over them, which may provide a basis of comparison for different routing protocols built atop hierarchical WSN infrastructures.
Softcom 2010 18th International Conference on Software Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Sep 1, 2010
In this paper, we propose a routing protocol for wireless sensor networks based on a two-level, z... more In this paper, we propose a routing protocol for wireless sensor networks based on a two-level, zone-based architecture. DV is applied in both intra-zone and inter-zone routing, based on the hop metric. Our solution is original because it is instrumentation-free (sensors are both localization and energy unaware) and completely distributed. We show performances of the proposed algorithm evaluating the overhead generated by the construction of the infrastructure needed in routing. Simulations for MICA2 sensors have given us indications on the energy consumption - almost 4*10-4% of the total battery capacity, on the scalability property of the algorithm and on the memory size of the data structure used for routing - almost 13% of the RAM memory. Moreover, memory constraints allow us to determine a lower bound for the number of zones.
2008 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, 2008
Navigation aids for the pedestrians are considered new research challenges. The visually impaired... more Navigation aids for the pedestrians are considered new research challenges. The visually impaired are particularly concerned, because of their need to detect and avoid obstacles, as well as to orient themselves in unknown environments. In this paper, we discuss some existing projects in this domain and we propose a novel aid system formed of wireless sensors, meant to help navigation
2009 Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, 2009
Large area wireless sensor deployments rely on multi-hop communication. Efficient packet transmis... more Large area wireless sensor deployments rely on multi-hop communication. Efficient packet transmission and virtual topologies, which structure sensor networks, are two main features for efficient energy management in wireless sensor networks. This paper aims to present a distributed and low-cost topology construction algorithm for wireless sensor networks, addressing the following issues: large-scale, random network deployment, energy efficiency and small overhead.
2008 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 2008
Energy conserving communication is one of the main challenges of wireless sensor networks. A numb... more Energy conserving communication is one of the main challenges of wireless sensor networks. A number of studies and research are focused on saving energy and on extending the lifetime of these networks. Architectural approaches, like hierarchical structures, tend to organize network nodes in order to save energy. Most of these protocols need background information on the network in order to be efficient. In this paper, we describe a new approach for organizing large sensor networks into zones, based on the number of hops. This network architecture enables a hierarchical network view, with the purpose of offering efficient routing protocols based on zone partitioning. Simulations undertaken demonstrate that our approach is energy-efficient; this is highlighted by the reduction of traffic overhead.
IJCSIS Papers by Kamal Beydoun
Papers by Kamal Beydoun