Rezension von: Diane Ravitch: Reign of error – The hoax of the privatization movement and the dan... more Rezension von: Diane Ravitch: Reign of error – The hoax of the privatization movement and the danger to America's public schools. New York: Knopf, 2013. 398 S., (978-0-385-35088-4).
Historische Entwicklungen retrospektiv zu rekonstruieren ist eine Herausforderung, die nicht frei... more Historische Entwicklungen retrospektiv zu rekonstruieren ist eine Herausforderung, die nicht frei von Versuchungen ist. Hat man einmal eine in sich schlüssige Interpretation gefunden, lassen sich schnell Fakten und Ereignisse in einer Weise in Beziehung zueinander setzen, die den tatsächlichen historischen Ablauf allzu logisch erscheinen lassen. Wohl unbegrenzt sind die Möglichkeiten, diesen Reigen interpretationskonformer Daten selektiv zu erweitern, vor allem dann, wenn man sich rhetorisch von der etwas bleiernen Wissenschaftssprache entfernt und sich dem Gegenstand frei kommentierend nähert und eher assoziativ verknüpft: Statt abwägendem Konjunktiv und tentativ angebotenen Interpretationen werden vermeintliche Wahrheiten mit Ausrufezeichen enthüllt - eine "story" entsteht. Wie kann man adäquat auf Frank-Olaf Radtkes Beitrag reagieren, in dem harte Fakten und obskure Details mit Theoriefragmenten zu einer Art Kriminalnovelle verwoben werden? Nicht nur die - de jure - zie...
Die Dokumentation von Leistungsdisparitäten ist ein zentrales Element des Bildungsmonitoring, wob... more Die Dokumentation von Leistungsdisparitäten ist ein zentrales Element des Bildungsmonitoring, wobei auf einen begrenzten Kanon von Differenzkategorien Bezug genommen wird, mit deren Hilfe Bildungs(un)gerechtigkeit sichtbar wird. Diese Auswahl ''berichtsrelevanter' Kategorien offenbart ein implizit normatives Verständnis von Bildungsgerechtigkeit, das andere relevante Ungerechtigkeitsursachen ausblendet. Am Beispiel sozialer Herkunftseffekte wird argumentiert, dass eine pädagogische Betrachtung von Bildungsprozessen zu einem nuancierteren Verständnis von Bildungserfolg führt als eine bildungssoziologische Betrachtung. Basierend auf der Unterscheidung zwischen 'legitimen' und 'illegitimen' Heterogenitätsursachen wird gezeigt, dass Bildungsdisparitäten in der Regel auf komplexe Kausalprozesse verweisen und Bildungsdifferenzen mit Blick auf autonomes Handeln legitim sein können, auch ohne meritokratisch legitimierbar zu sein. (DIPF/Orig.)
Undergraduate Degree Work in Special education/transferred to University of Oregon RESEARCH INTER... more Undergraduate Degree Work in Special education/transferred to University of Oregon RESEARCH INTERESTS • The interface between early childhood relational trauma, attachment, and cognitive processing • Investigating and challenging current treatment models to address the complexity of neurology, attachment, childhood relational trauma, and development • Teen Dating Violence within the context of relational trauma • The role of technology in teen dating violence • Cognitive processing, emotional regulation, attachment, and history of maltreatment as predictors of school adjustment TEACHING INTERESTS
The purpose of this study was to compare 1st-grade teachers' responses to profession... more The purpose of this study was to compare 1st-grade teachers' responses to professional development (PD) programs in reading that differed in means and degree of support for teachers' learning and efforts to improve their reading instruction. We compared 3 models of PD: the 1st model provided only seminars for the teachers, the 2nd model provided seminars and support for teachers'
The relations between achievement motives, achievement goals, and motivational outcomes on a math... more The relations between achievement motives, achievement goals, and motivational outcomes on a math task were explored in this correlational study of Asian American (n=105) and Anglo American (n=98) college students. Students completed pretest questionnaires about their two motives (motive to approach success and fear of failure) and three achievement goals (mastery, performance-approach, performance-avoidance) prior to working on a mathematics task, which was then followed by a post-test questionnaire that assessed students' competence perceptions, interest, and anxiety for the task. Asian American students were found to display on average higher levels of fear of failure, performance-avoidance goals, anxiety, and math performance than Anglo American students. More importantly, however, structural equation modeling indicated that the relations among motives, goals, and outcomes were similar for the two ethnic groups. These results also revealed that the two achievement motives were differentially linked to mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals. In addition, the three achievement goals were found to mediate the relations between motives and the outcomes. The achievement goals also were linked differentially to the outcomes. The results are discussed in terms of the generalizability of a hierarchical model of motivation to both Asian American and Anglo American students.
Das "Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies" (PIAAC) ist ein ... more Das "Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies" (PIAAC) ist ein weiterer Mosaikstein, der Entwicklungen im deutschen Bildungswesen auch jenseits der PISA-Altersgruppe der 15-Jährigen für die 16- bis 65-Jährigen empirisch abbildet. Ausgehend von einem bildungsbiografischen Verständnis von Kompetenzen wird in einer Zusammenschau von PISA und PIAAC der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich die Position Deutschlands im internationalen Vergleich über verschiedene Altersgruppen hinsichtlich der Mathematik- und Lesekompetenz entwickelt. Belege für eine günstige Auswirkung des deutschen Systems der beruflichen Bildung auf die Kompetenzen junger Erwachsener konnten in diesen Querschnittsanalysen ebenso wenig nachgewiesen werden wie eine graduelle Abnahme des Effekts sozialer Herkunft, der sich im Trendverlauf von fünf PISA-Wellen abgezeichnet hat. Die Kontinuität der im internationalen Vergleich durch alle Altersgruppen stabilen Position Deutschlands im Mittelfeld wir...
The British journal of educational psychology, 2014
Parental involvement in homework is a home-based type of involvement in children's education.... more Parental involvement in homework is a home-based type of involvement in children's education. Research and theory suggest that it is beneficial for learning and achievement under certain conditions and for particular groups of individuals. The study examined whether different types of parents' involvement in homework (autonomy support, control, interference, cognitive engagement) (1) are predicted by their mastery and performance goals for their child and their beliefs of the child's academic efficacy, and (2) predict student achievement goal orientations, efficacy beliefs, and achievement. Grade-level differences were also investigated. The sample consisted of 282 elementary school (5th grade) and junior high school students (8th grade) and one of their parents. Surveys were used for data collection. Structural equation modelling was applied for data analysis. (1) Autonomy support during homework was predicted by parent mastery goal, parents' control and interferenc...
This study examined whether a storytelling and story-acting practice (STSA), integrated as a regu... more This study examined whether a storytelling and story-acting practice (STSA), integrated as a regular component of the preschool curriculum, can help promote three key dimensions of young children's school readiness: narrative and other oral-language skills, emergent literacy, and social competence. A total of 149 low-income preschoolers (almost all 3-and 4-year-olds) participated, attending six experimental and seven control classrooms. The STSA was introduced in the experimental classrooms for the entire school year, and all children in both conditions were pre-and post-tested on 11 measures of narrative, vocabulary, emergent literacy, pretend abilities, peer play cooperation, and self-regulation. Participation in the STSA was associated with improvements in narrative comprehension, print and word awareness, pretend abilities, self-regulation, and reduced play disruption. For almost all these measures, positive results were further strengthened by the frequency of participation in storytelling by individual children, indicated by number of stories told (NOST). The STSA is a structured preschool practice that exemplifies child-centered, play-based, and constructivist approaches in early childhood education, and that can operate as a curriculum module in conjunction with a variety of different preschool curricula. This study confirmed that it can contribute to promoting learning, development, and school readiness for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged children.
We observed the positive emotion socialization practice of parental emotion coaching (EC) and the... more We observed the positive emotion socialization practice of parental emotion coaching (EC) and the negative socialization practice of emotion dismissing (ED) during a family interaction task and examined their effects on children's emotion regulation and behavior problems in middle childhood. Participants were 87 sociodemographically diverse families (children aged 8-11 years; 46 girls). Outcome measures included mother, father and teacher reports of emotion regulation and behavior problems. ED was a risk factor, contributing to poorer emotion regulation and more behavioral problems. EC did not offer direct benefits for children's emotional and behavioral outcomes, but interacted with ED such that it protected children from the detrimental effects of ED. This protective effect was found for parents' coaching of negative but not positive emotions. Findings suggested that in family emotion conversation, EC and ED interact in complex ways as risk and protective dimensions of family process.
Across many investigations, school belonging has been linked to several positive outcomes among a... more Across many investigations, school belonging has been linked to several positive outcomes among adolescents, including academic success and psychological well-being. Based on an ecological framework of child development, this study expands on existing research to explore factors that contribute to adolescents' sense of neighborhood as well as school belonging and investigates how belonging in both contexts is related to Latino adolescents' academic and psychological functioning. Participants consisted of 202 Latino adolescents residing in low-income, urban neighborhoods. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that neighborhood peer support was significantly associated with adolescents' sense of neighborhood belonging, whereas teacher support and school peer support were related to school belonging. Although school belonging was positively associated with higher scores on all academic indicators, neighborhood belonging was negatively related to academic aspirations and expectations, grades, and educational values. Yet, both school and neighborhood belonging were associated with better psychological functioning as manifested by lower reported levels of depression. The importance of investigating Latino adolescents' development within multiple contexts is discussed.
Ausgangspunkt der hier vorgestellten Analysen ist die Beobachtung, dass schulische Kontextvariabl... more Ausgangspunkt der hier vorgestellten Analysen ist die Beobachtung, dass schulische Kontextvariablen mit Variablen der psychosozialen Entwicklung in empirischen Studien selten in bedeutsamen Zusammenhang stehen. Am Beispiel produktiver und projektiver Verarbeitungsstrategien auf negative Rückmeldung wird gezeigt, dass die vom Lehrer induzierte Zielstruktur als Variable des Unterrichtsklimas dann deutliche Effekte zeigt, wenn sich der Unterrichtskontext im Schulübergang deutlich ändert. In der Längsschnittbetrachtung innerhalb eines Schuljahres zeigen sich hingegen keine Zusammenhänge, was auf eine relativ schnelle Anpassung der Schüler an das veränderte Schulklima verweist. (DIPF/Orig.)
This article investigates the relation between history of intrafamilial vio-lence and self-regula... more This article investigates the relation between history of intrafamilial vio-lence and self-regulatory capacity, cognitive processing, and mental health adjustment in incarcerated adolescents. Adolescents were incarcerated at the time of the study for various violent offenses, ranging from persistent de-linquency to sexual assault ( = 115). A model is proposed that posits that nself-regulation, cognitive ability, and cognitive processing are integral to the relation between intrafamilial violence and mental health function. The prima-ry hypothesis of the study tests this mediation model. The relations between mental health, cognitive processing, self-regulation, and intrafamilial violence are also examined. The study was conducted during two sessions at a juvenile facility in the Midwest using survey measures, academic and intel-ligence testing, and cognitive tasks. Youth were between the ages of 13 and 20. Approximately 70% were previously diagnosed with a disability. Significant Pe...
Rezension von: Diane Ravitch: Reign of error – The hoax of the privatization movement and the dan... more Rezension von: Diane Ravitch: Reign of error – The hoax of the privatization movement and the danger to America's public schools. New York: Knopf, 2013. 398 S., (978-0-385-35088-4).
Historische Entwicklungen retrospektiv zu rekonstruieren ist eine Herausforderung, die nicht frei... more Historische Entwicklungen retrospektiv zu rekonstruieren ist eine Herausforderung, die nicht frei von Versuchungen ist. Hat man einmal eine in sich schlüssige Interpretation gefunden, lassen sich schnell Fakten und Ereignisse in einer Weise in Beziehung zueinander setzen, die den tatsächlichen historischen Ablauf allzu logisch erscheinen lassen. Wohl unbegrenzt sind die Möglichkeiten, diesen Reigen interpretationskonformer Daten selektiv zu erweitern, vor allem dann, wenn man sich rhetorisch von der etwas bleiernen Wissenschaftssprache entfernt und sich dem Gegenstand frei kommentierend nähert und eher assoziativ verknüpft: Statt abwägendem Konjunktiv und tentativ angebotenen Interpretationen werden vermeintliche Wahrheiten mit Ausrufezeichen enthüllt - eine "story" entsteht. Wie kann man adäquat auf Frank-Olaf Radtkes Beitrag reagieren, in dem harte Fakten und obskure Details mit Theoriefragmenten zu einer Art Kriminalnovelle verwoben werden? Nicht nur die - de jure - zie...
Die Dokumentation von Leistungsdisparitäten ist ein zentrales Element des Bildungsmonitoring, wob... more Die Dokumentation von Leistungsdisparitäten ist ein zentrales Element des Bildungsmonitoring, wobei auf einen begrenzten Kanon von Differenzkategorien Bezug genommen wird, mit deren Hilfe Bildungs(un)gerechtigkeit sichtbar wird. Diese Auswahl ''berichtsrelevanter' Kategorien offenbart ein implizit normatives Verständnis von Bildungsgerechtigkeit, das andere relevante Ungerechtigkeitsursachen ausblendet. Am Beispiel sozialer Herkunftseffekte wird argumentiert, dass eine pädagogische Betrachtung von Bildungsprozessen zu einem nuancierteren Verständnis von Bildungserfolg führt als eine bildungssoziologische Betrachtung. Basierend auf der Unterscheidung zwischen 'legitimen' und 'illegitimen' Heterogenitätsursachen wird gezeigt, dass Bildungsdisparitäten in der Regel auf komplexe Kausalprozesse verweisen und Bildungsdifferenzen mit Blick auf autonomes Handeln legitim sein können, auch ohne meritokratisch legitimierbar zu sein. (DIPF/Orig.)
Undergraduate Degree Work in Special education/transferred to University of Oregon RESEARCH INTER... more Undergraduate Degree Work in Special education/transferred to University of Oregon RESEARCH INTERESTS • The interface between early childhood relational trauma, attachment, and cognitive processing • Investigating and challenging current treatment models to address the complexity of neurology, attachment, childhood relational trauma, and development • Teen Dating Violence within the context of relational trauma • The role of technology in teen dating violence • Cognitive processing, emotional regulation, attachment, and history of maltreatment as predictors of school adjustment TEACHING INTERESTS
The purpose of this study was to compare 1st-grade teachers' responses to profession... more The purpose of this study was to compare 1st-grade teachers' responses to professional development (PD) programs in reading that differed in means and degree of support for teachers' learning and efforts to improve their reading instruction. We compared 3 models of PD: the 1st model provided only seminars for the teachers, the 2nd model provided seminars and support for teachers'
The relations between achievement motives, achievement goals, and motivational outcomes on a math... more The relations between achievement motives, achievement goals, and motivational outcomes on a math task were explored in this correlational study of Asian American (n=105) and Anglo American (n=98) college students. Students completed pretest questionnaires about their two motives (motive to approach success and fear of failure) and three achievement goals (mastery, performance-approach, performance-avoidance) prior to working on a mathematics task, which was then followed by a post-test questionnaire that assessed students' competence perceptions, interest, and anxiety for the task. Asian American students were found to display on average higher levels of fear of failure, performance-avoidance goals, anxiety, and math performance than Anglo American students. More importantly, however, structural equation modeling indicated that the relations among motives, goals, and outcomes were similar for the two ethnic groups. These results also revealed that the two achievement motives were differentially linked to mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals. In addition, the three achievement goals were found to mediate the relations between motives and the outcomes. The achievement goals also were linked differentially to the outcomes. The results are discussed in terms of the generalizability of a hierarchical model of motivation to both Asian American and Anglo American students.
Das "Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies" (PIAAC) ist ein ... more Das "Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies" (PIAAC) ist ein weiterer Mosaikstein, der Entwicklungen im deutschen Bildungswesen auch jenseits der PISA-Altersgruppe der 15-Jährigen für die 16- bis 65-Jährigen empirisch abbildet. Ausgehend von einem bildungsbiografischen Verständnis von Kompetenzen wird in einer Zusammenschau von PISA und PIAAC der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich die Position Deutschlands im internationalen Vergleich über verschiedene Altersgruppen hinsichtlich der Mathematik- und Lesekompetenz entwickelt. Belege für eine günstige Auswirkung des deutschen Systems der beruflichen Bildung auf die Kompetenzen junger Erwachsener konnten in diesen Querschnittsanalysen ebenso wenig nachgewiesen werden wie eine graduelle Abnahme des Effekts sozialer Herkunft, der sich im Trendverlauf von fünf PISA-Wellen abgezeichnet hat. Die Kontinuität der im internationalen Vergleich durch alle Altersgruppen stabilen Position Deutschlands im Mittelfeld wir...
The British journal of educational psychology, 2014
Parental involvement in homework is a home-based type of involvement in children's education.... more Parental involvement in homework is a home-based type of involvement in children's education. Research and theory suggest that it is beneficial for learning and achievement under certain conditions and for particular groups of individuals. The study examined whether different types of parents' involvement in homework (autonomy support, control, interference, cognitive engagement) (1) are predicted by their mastery and performance goals for their child and their beliefs of the child's academic efficacy, and (2) predict student achievement goal orientations, efficacy beliefs, and achievement. Grade-level differences were also investigated. The sample consisted of 282 elementary school (5th grade) and junior high school students (8th grade) and one of their parents. Surveys were used for data collection. Structural equation modelling was applied for data analysis. (1) Autonomy support during homework was predicted by parent mastery goal, parents' control and interferenc...
This study examined whether a storytelling and story-acting practice (STSA), integrated as a regu... more This study examined whether a storytelling and story-acting practice (STSA), integrated as a regular component of the preschool curriculum, can help promote three key dimensions of young children's school readiness: narrative and other oral-language skills, emergent literacy, and social competence. A total of 149 low-income preschoolers (almost all 3-and 4-year-olds) participated, attending six experimental and seven control classrooms. The STSA was introduced in the experimental classrooms for the entire school year, and all children in both conditions were pre-and post-tested on 11 measures of narrative, vocabulary, emergent literacy, pretend abilities, peer play cooperation, and self-regulation. Participation in the STSA was associated with improvements in narrative comprehension, print and word awareness, pretend abilities, self-regulation, and reduced play disruption. For almost all these measures, positive results were further strengthened by the frequency of participation in storytelling by individual children, indicated by number of stories told (NOST). The STSA is a structured preschool practice that exemplifies child-centered, play-based, and constructivist approaches in early childhood education, and that can operate as a curriculum module in conjunction with a variety of different preschool curricula. This study confirmed that it can contribute to promoting learning, development, and school readiness for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged children.
We observed the positive emotion socialization practice of parental emotion coaching (EC) and the... more We observed the positive emotion socialization practice of parental emotion coaching (EC) and the negative socialization practice of emotion dismissing (ED) during a family interaction task and examined their effects on children's emotion regulation and behavior problems in middle childhood. Participants were 87 sociodemographically diverse families (children aged 8-11 years; 46 girls). Outcome measures included mother, father and teacher reports of emotion regulation and behavior problems. ED was a risk factor, contributing to poorer emotion regulation and more behavioral problems. EC did not offer direct benefits for children's emotional and behavioral outcomes, but interacted with ED such that it protected children from the detrimental effects of ED. This protective effect was found for parents' coaching of negative but not positive emotions. Findings suggested that in family emotion conversation, EC and ED interact in complex ways as risk and protective dimensions of family process.
Across many investigations, school belonging has been linked to several positive outcomes among a... more Across many investigations, school belonging has been linked to several positive outcomes among adolescents, including academic success and psychological well-being. Based on an ecological framework of child development, this study expands on existing research to explore factors that contribute to adolescents' sense of neighborhood as well as school belonging and investigates how belonging in both contexts is related to Latino adolescents' academic and psychological functioning. Participants consisted of 202 Latino adolescents residing in low-income, urban neighborhoods. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that neighborhood peer support was significantly associated with adolescents' sense of neighborhood belonging, whereas teacher support and school peer support were related to school belonging. Although school belonging was positively associated with higher scores on all academic indicators, neighborhood belonging was negatively related to academic aspirations and expectations, grades, and educational values. Yet, both school and neighborhood belonging were associated with better psychological functioning as manifested by lower reported levels of depression. The importance of investigating Latino adolescents' development within multiple contexts is discussed.
Ausgangspunkt der hier vorgestellten Analysen ist die Beobachtung, dass schulische Kontextvariabl... more Ausgangspunkt der hier vorgestellten Analysen ist die Beobachtung, dass schulische Kontextvariablen mit Variablen der psychosozialen Entwicklung in empirischen Studien selten in bedeutsamen Zusammenhang stehen. Am Beispiel produktiver und projektiver Verarbeitungsstrategien auf negative Rückmeldung wird gezeigt, dass die vom Lehrer induzierte Zielstruktur als Variable des Unterrichtsklimas dann deutliche Effekte zeigt, wenn sich der Unterrichtskontext im Schulübergang deutlich ändert. In der Längsschnittbetrachtung innerhalb eines Schuljahres zeigen sich hingegen keine Zusammenhänge, was auf eine relativ schnelle Anpassung der Schüler an das veränderte Schulklima verweist. (DIPF/Orig.)
This article investigates the relation between history of intrafamilial vio-lence and self-regula... more This article investigates the relation between history of intrafamilial vio-lence and self-regulatory capacity, cognitive processing, and mental health adjustment in incarcerated adolescents. Adolescents were incarcerated at the time of the study for various violent offenses, ranging from persistent de-linquency to sexual assault ( = 115). A model is proposed that posits that nself-regulation, cognitive ability, and cognitive processing are integral to the relation between intrafamilial violence and mental health function. The prima-ry hypothesis of the study tests this mediation model. The relations between mental health, cognitive processing, self-regulation, and intrafamilial violence are also examined. The study was conducted during two sessions at a juvenile facility in the Midwest using survey measures, academic and intel-ligence testing, and cognitive tasks. Youth were between the ages of 13 and 20. Approximately 70% were previously diagnosed with a disability. Significant Pe...
Papers by Kai Cortina