Shaping Social Identities After Violent Conflict, 2017
This chapter on Kosovo offers a description of how Albanians and Serbs shape their social identit... more This chapter on Kosovo offers a description of how Albanians and Serbs shape their social identities after conflict. Analyzing the construction of ethnic identities historically, it draws on social psychological literature to describe how identity content is negotiated now in light of Kosovo’s declaration of independence. For both groups, ethnic identity remains a central identity: perceived as primordial and heavily impeding intergroup relations. It overlaps with religious identity, although the relation is stronger for Serbs, for whom religion is as unchangeable as ethnic identity. New national identity differs in meaning: it conflates with ethnic identity for Albanians, while perceived as threatening to ethnic identity for Serbs. The chapter concludes by exploring the potential that Kosovar identity holds in reconciling these differences.
In order to estimate elasticity of demand for tobacco products authors of this paper used aggrega... more In order to estimate elasticity of demand for tobacco products authors of this paper used aggregate level data. Research among low and middle income countries over the world empirically showed that demand for tobacco products is usually inelastic. Analysis conducted in the Republic of Serbia showed that price elasticity ranged between -0.76 and -0.62 while income elasticity ranged between 0.34 and 0.39. The main aim of this paper is to estimate long run and short run demand elasticity based on aggregate level data for period 2002-2016 using Error Correction model. This research is unique in the SEE countries, while research conducted in other low and middle income countries in Western Balkan region showed similar results.
As we belong to a host of groups, we have a multitude of social identities that are interdependen... more As we belong to a host of groups, we have a multitude of social identities that are interdependent. Social identity complexity refers to the degree of overlap between cross-cutting group memberships while social identity inclusiveness to the range of people a person identifies with through shared group membership. In this paper, we explored the relationship between the complexity and inclusiveness of social identity, and feelings toward ethnic/religious in-groups, as well as feelings toward out-group members. The research was conducted in two cities in Serbia: Belgrade and Novi Pazar (N = 178; average age 23), allowing for comparisons between young Serbs and Bosniaks, who belonged to the groups with a recent history of conflict. We found that social identity complexity was unrelated, whilst social identity inclusiveness was systematically and positively related to more positive feelings toward religious and ethnic out-groups. This effect was significant across different ethnic group...
Poverty and Exclusion in the Western Balkans, 2012
This chapter presents micro-simulation results of the impact of a new social welfare law adopted ... more This chapter presents micro-simulation results of the impact of a new social welfare law adopted in Serbia in 2010 on income distribution and poverty outcomes across households. Micro-simulations were conducted using a tax-benefit micro-simulation model for Serbia (SRMOD). The new law introduced a number of the changes to the eligibility criteria for the last-resort social assistance programme discussed in this chapter. These are expected to improve significantly the targeting of social assistance, both in terms of its expanded coverage and increases in the amounts of social assistance received by the already eligible households. Simulation results suggest that the changes in legislation would increase social assistance eligibility of households in the poorest income decile by 18.4 %. The average amount of the benefit would increase by about 10.6 % per adult equivalent. Finally, total fiscal expenditures on MOP would increase by 34.6 %.
In this paper, we examine the relationship between income and income satisfaction in the pool of ... more In this paper, we examine the relationship between income and income satisfaction in the pool of developed European economies, for the period between 2002 and 2018. Although the nexus between income and most subjective well-being indicators is frequently investigated in prior studies, the research investigating the relationship between income and income satisfaction over time is non-existing. We find that during the observed period real disposable household income significantly increased, while the satisfaction with household income remained constant. Furthermore, the analysis within hierarchical linear modeling shows that while between-country variations in income affect income satisfaction, this is not the case for income variations over time. Our findings support the notion of the Easterlin paradox, which indicates that in the long-run increases in income do not lead to higher levels of well-being. Explanations for such results may be found in the social comparison theory, hedoni...
Srbija je zemlja sa sve starijom populacijom i sve manjom radnom snagom. Ovo predstavlja izazov s... more Srbija je zemlja sa sve starijom populacijom i sve manjom radnom snagom. Ovo predstavlja izazov sistemu socijalne zastite i javnim inansijama, ali takođe stvara i znacajno opterecenje za ekonomski rast i može ugroziti ekonomsku dobrobit starijih pojedinaca. U radu se analiziraju trendovi na tržistu rada za stariju populaciju (55-64 godine). Ucavamo glavne gruupe neaktivnih među starijim licima, njihove socio-ekonomske proile i promene koje su se dogodile tokom ekonomske krize. Kako bi se analizirale mogucnosti povecanja ucesca starijeg stanovnistva u skladu sa odgovarajucim indikatorima aktivnosti u EU, ovaj rad dalje razmatra kljucne intervencije koje su potrebne u domenu penzione politike, sistemu poreza i doprinosa, aktivne politike tržista rada.
Responding to a high fiscal deficit in the country, Serbian government introduced a set of fiscal... more Responding to a high fiscal deficit in the country, Serbian government introduced a set of fiscal consolidation measures at the beginning of 2015, including a ten percent public sector wage cut. This paper analyses the changes in the public sector wages and public sector wage premium after the measures were introduced. We also compare the changes in two subsectors within the public sector: state sector and state-owned enterprises. Results show that the public sector wage premium dropped by 6 percentage points in 2015, indicating a decrease in the wage inequality between the public and the private sector. Within the public sector, before the fiscal consolidation, the wages were ceteris paribus higher in the state-owned enterprises than in the state sector, mainly due to higher premium at upper parts of the wage distribution. The drop of the premium between the years was lower for the state-owned enterprises, due to their lower compliance to the wage cut. This trend resulted in an inc...
Visoka stopa aktivnosti na tržistu rada je važna za ekonomski rast posebno u populaciji koja ubrz... more Visoka stopa aktivnosti na tržistu rada je važna za ekonomski rast posebno u populaciji koja ubrzano stari. Uprkos poboljsanjima osnovnih indikatora stanja na tržistu rada poslednjih godina, neaktivnost je i dalje veoma rasirena u Srbiji. Glavni cilj ovog rada je da identifikuje podgrupe populacije koje imaju posebno visoke stope neaktivnosti i utvrdi glavne uzroke netraganja za poslom u ovom delu populacije radnog uzrasta. S obzirom na znacajno veci broj žena u kontigentu neaktivnih, detaljnije se razmatra njihov subjektivni status na tržistu rada, razlozi za neaktivnost i politike koje bi mogle da doprinesu njihovom vecem radnom angažovanju.
IZA DP No. 13928 DECEMBER 2020 Child Penalty in Russia: Evidence from an Event Study Despite year... more IZA DP No. 13928 DECEMBER 2020 Child Penalty in Russia: Evidence from an Event Study Despite years of women’s progress toward equality, gender disparities in the labour market persist, and parenthood has been identified as one of its key drivers. In this paper we investigate the child penalty in Russia by using longitudinal data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) and the methodological framework of event studies. Our findings show that five years after child birth women suffer an earnings penalty, while the same effect is not observed for men. The child penalty for women stems from lower employment after birth. In contrast to similar studies on Western European countries and the US, we do not find child penalties in terms of working hours or hourly wage rates. We further find that mothers’ employment penalty is strongly driven by household characteristics and by their spouses’ beliefs, while their own beliefs and background play no role. JEL Classification: J16, ...
High participation rate of population is important for growth, especially for an aging population... more High participation rate of population is important for growth, especially for an aging population. This is also the reason why the European Union’s (EU) the Europe 2020 Strategy — sets a target of 75 percent labour force participation of the population aged 20 to 64. For Serbia, an aspiring EU country with an aging population, it is important to consider policies to increase the activity rate and unleash the untapped potential of the inactive labour force. The main aim of this paper is to identify subgroups of population with especially high inactivity rates, reveal main causes of inactivity and analyze policies that could increase employment probabilities of inactive population. Using latest Labor Force Surveys (LFS) the paper provides a structure of inactive persons disaggregated by sex, region, type of settlement, age, reason for failing to search for jobs and education level. Furthermore, using econometric binary choice models, the paper analyses reasons behind high inactivity r...
This Chapter analyses the data for Serbia. As in the previous Chapters, the Chapter for Serbia st... more This Chapter analyses the data for Serbia. As in the previous Chapters, the Chapter for Serbia starts with the data description and the descriptive analysis of the remittances and vulnerability patterns, and the definition of the vulnerability facets and index for Serbia. In the second section, we turn to the econometric analysis. This section starts with the description of the instrument that we will use in the econometric analysis to account for the endogeneity of the causal relationship between the remittances and vulnerability. We then present the main results of the econometric analysis, together with the robustness and sensitivity checks. The third section presents the results of the qualitative part of the research which is based on the interviews. Finally, the last section concludes.
Responding to high fiscal deficit in the country, Serbian Government introduced a set of austerit... more Responding to high fiscal deficit in the country, Serbian Government introduced a set of austerity measures at the beginning of 2015, including a cut in the wages and workforce downsizing in the public sector. Recent literature suggested that female wages and employment are more likely to be hit by the austerity measures as women form a majority of public sector employees, although existing evidence is largely descriptive. Aim of this paper is to estimate whether the wage cut had different effects on female and male employment and wages by using 2014/2015 panel data from Labour Force Survey. The results show that the wage cut has increased the likelihood of younger and older female employees to move to unemployment and inactivity, respectively, while for men we do not observe such effects. On the other hand, femaledominated subsectors within the public sector were hit more by the wage cut due to their higher compliance with the wage cut compared to the subsector of public enterprise...
The chapter provides an overview of the methods used in the investigation of youth social identit... more The chapter provides an overview of the methods used in the investigation of youth social identities in the Western Balkans. For quantitative part of the study, 767 young people aged 20–30 years from four Western Balkan countries were surveyed. Each country sample includes an ethnic majority and an ethnic minority with a history of tensions or violent conflict. The survey measured their identifications with a wide range of social groups, from local, ethnic, religious, and national to the overarching identities (Balkans, Europe). The chapter further describes the qualitative portion with focus groups and case studies in each city, the guidelines followed in conducting the studies, and the data analysis procedures. The chapter closes with remarks on the importance of integrating quantitative and qualitative data.
U 2014. godini, fiskalni deficit u Republici Srbiji iznosio je 6,6% bruto drustvenog proizvoda (B... more U 2014. godini, fiskalni deficit u Republici Srbiji iznosio je 6,6% bruto drustvenog proizvoda (BDP) i bio je među najvisim u Evropi. Reagujuci na deficit, Vlada Srbije je, krajem 2014. godine donela mere fiskalne konsolidacije koje su, između ostalog, ukljucivale i smanjivanje zarada u javnom sektoru u iznosu od 10% za zarade vise od 25.000 dinara. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije bio je da se detaljno ispitaju efekti fiskalne konsolidacije na premiju zarada javnog sektora (razliku u zaradama između javnog i privatnog sektora kada statisticki kontrolisemo efekte ostalih relevantnih varijabli), ali i efekti koje je fiskalna konsolidacija imala na ostale ishode na tržistu rada. S tim u vezi, u ovoj disertaciji detaljno su prikazani ekonometrijski metodi kojima se ocenjuje premija zarada javnog sektora, ali i metode koje možemo da koristimo da ocenimo efekte fiskalne konsolidacije na promenu premije. Koriscena je najpre Minserova jednacina zarada, u kojoj se premija zarada javnog sektora ...
Although the wage differences between the public and private sectors in Serbia are well researche... more Although the wage differences between the public and private sectors in Serbia are well researched, little is known on the differences in the overall quality of work between the sectors. In this paper we aim to fill this gap, by analysing the differences in job satisfaction between the public and private sector workers in Serbia, starting from a theoretical framework which views job satisfaction as an operationalization of total utility from work. To analyse the differences in job satisfaction we use nationally representative Survey on Income and Living Conditions (the SILC) data from 2013 and Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method. The results show that public sector workers in Serbia, beside high public sector wage premium, also work in better working conditions, and have higher levels of job satisfaction. Although higher levels of job satisfaction can partially be accounted for by higher wages and better job characteristics of the public sector workers, a part of the gap in job sati...
Ljudi pripadaju razlicitim socijalnim grupama, i poseduju veliki broj socijalnih identiteta, koji... more Ljudi pripadaju razlicitim socijalnim grupama, i poseduju veliki broj socijalnih identiteta, koji su međusobno zavisni. Nove perspektive u okviru socijalne psihologije usmeravaju se na izucavanje odnosa među identitetima, sto bi moglo doprineti razumevanju odnosa prema vlastitim i drugim grupama. Kompleksnost socijalnog identiteta odnosi se na stepen preklapanja razlicitih grupnih pripadnosti, dok se inkluzivnost socijalnog identiteta odnosi na opseg ljudi sa kojima se pojedinac identifikuje kroz deljeno pripadnistvo grupama. U ovom radu, istraživali smo veze kompleksnosti i inkluzivnosti socijalnog identiteta i osecanja prema razlicitim etnickim i religijskim grupama. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u dva grada u Srbiji: Beogradu i Novom Pazaru, na uzorku mladih od 18 do 30 godina starosti (N = 178; prosecan uzrast 23). Uzorak je omogucio poređenje mladih Srba i Bosnjaka, koji cine vecinsku i manjinsku etnicku grupu u Srbiji, i koji istovremeno pripadaju grupama sa skorasnjom istorijom ...
This book sought to contribute to the understanding of gender wage disparities in three Western B... more This book sought to contribute to the understanding of gender wage disparities in three Western Balkan countries: Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro. We use the most extensive data set available to analyse the gender pay gap in the Western Balkans, which covers seven waves of the Labour Force Survey (2008-2011) across the three countries. The simple difference in the average female vs. male wage, i.e. the so-called raw (unadjusted) wage gap, amounts to only 3.3%, 13.4% and 16.0% in Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro respectively. The estimated gap is lower than the one observed on average in the EU of 16,2%. However, the two genders in all three countries differ significantly according to characteristics and skill levels of women and men who work, i.e. an average employed woman is not identical to an average employed man by level of education, work experience, occupation, industry sector, etc. When gender differences in labour market characteristics are taken into account, the gap widen...
The great recession, and the countercyclical responses by European governments that followed, tri... more The great recession, and the countercyclical responses by European governments that followed, triggered an extensive wave of fiscal adjustments. The implementation of these austerity measures, although underpinned by a widespread consensus, underwent severe criticism. While their effects on output and employment have been extensively investigated, their impacts on wage inequality have received relatively less attention. In this paper we focus on the consequences of austerity measures on gender wage inequalities. After having described the literature-based conceptual framework of our analysis, we provide empirical evidence on the effects of austerity measures on: (i) the adjusted gender wage gap; and (ii) the patterns of gender horizontal segregation. The analysis covers the group of EU-28 countries in the years from 2010 to 2013. Results show that austerity measures (both tax-based and expenditure-based) impacted significantly on various sides of gender wage inequality, putting at r...
Shaping Social Identities After Violent Conflict, 2017
This chapter on Kosovo offers a description of how Albanians and Serbs shape their social identit... more This chapter on Kosovo offers a description of how Albanians and Serbs shape their social identities after conflict. Analyzing the construction of ethnic identities historically, it draws on social psychological literature to describe how identity content is negotiated now in light of Kosovo’s declaration of independence. For both groups, ethnic identity remains a central identity: perceived as primordial and heavily impeding intergroup relations. It overlaps with religious identity, although the relation is stronger for Serbs, for whom religion is as unchangeable as ethnic identity. New national identity differs in meaning: it conflates with ethnic identity for Albanians, while perceived as threatening to ethnic identity for Serbs. The chapter concludes by exploring the potential that Kosovar identity holds in reconciling these differences.
In order to estimate elasticity of demand for tobacco products authors of this paper used aggrega... more In order to estimate elasticity of demand for tobacco products authors of this paper used aggregate level data. Research among low and middle income countries over the world empirically showed that demand for tobacco products is usually inelastic. Analysis conducted in the Republic of Serbia showed that price elasticity ranged between -0.76 and -0.62 while income elasticity ranged between 0.34 and 0.39. The main aim of this paper is to estimate long run and short run demand elasticity based on aggregate level data for period 2002-2016 using Error Correction model. This research is unique in the SEE countries, while research conducted in other low and middle income countries in Western Balkan region showed similar results.
As we belong to a host of groups, we have a multitude of social identities that are interdependen... more As we belong to a host of groups, we have a multitude of social identities that are interdependent. Social identity complexity refers to the degree of overlap between cross-cutting group memberships while social identity inclusiveness to the range of people a person identifies with through shared group membership. In this paper, we explored the relationship between the complexity and inclusiveness of social identity, and feelings toward ethnic/religious in-groups, as well as feelings toward out-group members. The research was conducted in two cities in Serbia: Belgrade and Novi Pazar (N = 178; average age 23), allowing for comparisons between young Serbs and Bosniaks, who belonged to the groups with a recent history of conflict. We found that social identity complexity was unrelated, whilst social identity inclusiveness was systematically and positively related to more positive feelings toward religious and ethnic out-groups. This effect was significant across different ethnic group...
Poverty and Exclusion in the Western Balkans, 2012
This chapter presents micro-simulation results of the impact of a new social welfare law adopted ... more This chapter presents micro-simulation results of the impact of a new social welfare law adopted in Serbia in 2010 on income distribution and poverty outcomes across households. Micro-simulations were conducted using a tax-benefit micro-simulation model for Serbia (SRMOD). The new law introduced a number of the changes to the eligibility criteria for the last-resort social assistance programme discussed in this chapter. These are expected to improve significantly the targeting of social assistance, both in terms of its expanded coverage and increases in the amounts of social assistance received by the already eligible households. Simulation results suggest that the changes in legislation would increase social assistance eligibility of households in the poorest income decile by 18.4 %. The average amount of the benefit would increase by about 10.6 % per adult equivalent. Finally, total fiscal expenditures on MOP would increase by 34.6 %.
In this paper, we examine the relationship between income and income satisfaction in the pool of ... more In this paper, we examine the relationship between income and income satisfaction in the pool of developed European economies, for the period between 2002 and 2018. Although the nexus between income and most subjective well-being indicators is frequently investigated in prior studies, the research investigating the relationship between income and income satisfaction over time is non-existing. We find that during the observed period real disposable household income significantly increased, while the satisfaction with household income remained constant. Furthermore, the analysis within hierarchical linear modeling shows that while between-country variations in income affect income satisfaction, this is not the case for income variations over time. Our findings support the notion of the Easterlin paradox, which indicates that in the long-run increases in income do not lead to higher levels of well-being. Explanations for such results may be found in the social comparison theory, hedoni...
Srbija je zemlja sa sve starijom populacijom i sve manjom radnom snagom. Ovo predstavlja izazov s... more Srbija je zemlja sa sve starijom populacijom i sve manjom radnom snagom. Ovo predstavlja izazov sistemu socijalne zastite i javnim inansijama, ali takođe stvara i znacajno opterecenje za ekonomski rast i može ugroziti ekonomsku dobrobit starijih pojedinaca. U radu se analiziraju trendovi na tržistu rada za stariju populaciju (55-64 godine). Ucavamo glavne gruupe neaktivnih među starijim licima, njihove socio-ekonomske proile i promene koje su se dogodile tokom ekonomske krize. Kako bi se analizirale mogucnosti povecanja ucesca starijeg stanovnistva u skladu sa odgovarajucim indikatorima aktivnosti u EU, ovaj rad dalje razmatra kljucne intervencije koje su potrebne u domenu penzione politike, sistemu poreza i doprinosa, aktivne politike tržista rada.
Responding to a high fiscal deficit in the country, Serbian government introduced a set of fiscal... more Responding to a high fiscal deficit in the country, Serbian government introduced a set of fiscal consolidation measures at the beginning of 2015, including a ten percent public sector wage cut. This paper analyses the changes in the public sector wages and public sector wage premium after the measures were introduced. We also compare the changes in two subsectors within the public sector: state sector and state-owned enterprises. Results show that the public sector wage premium dropped by 6 percentage points in 2015, indicating a decrease in the wage inequality between the public and the private sector. Within the public sector, before the fiscal consolidation, the wages were ceteris paribus higher in the state-owned enterprises than in the state sector, mainly due to higher premium at upper parts of the wage distribution. The drop of the premium between the years was lower for the state-owned enterprises, due to their lower compliance to the wage cut. This trend resulted in an inc...
Visoka stopa aktivnosti na tržistu rada je važna za ekonomski rast posebno u populaciji koja ubrz... more Visoka stopa aktivnosti na tržistu rada je važna za ekonomski rast posebno u populaciji koja ubrzano stari. Uprkos poboljsanjima osnovnih indikatora stanja na tržistu rada poslednjih godina, neaktivnost je i dalje veoma rasirena u Srbiji. Glavni cilj ovog rada je da identifikuje podgrupe populacije koje imaju posebno visoke stope neaktivnosti i utvrdi glavne uzroke netraganja za poslom u ovom delu populacije radnog uzrasta. S obzirom na znacajno veci broj žena u kontigentu neaktivnih, detaljnije se razmatra njihov subjektivni status na tržistu rada, razlozi za neaktivnost i politike koje bi mogle da doprinesu njihovom vecem radnom angažovanju.
IZA DP No. 13928 DECEMBER 2020 Child Penalty in Russia: Evidence from an Event Study Despite year... more IZA DP No. 13928 DECEMBER 2020 Child Penalty in Russia: Evidence from an Event Study Despite years of women’s progress toward equality, gender disparities in the labour market persist, and parenthood has been identified as one of its key drivers. In this paper we investigate the child penalty in Russia by using longitudinal data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) and the methodological framework of event studies. Our findings show that five years after child birth women suffer an earnings penalty, while the same effect is not observed for men. The child penalty for women stems from lower employment after birth. In contrast to similar studies on Western European countries and the US, we do not find child penalties in terms of working hours or hourly wage rates. We further find that mothers’ employment penalty is strongly driven by household characteristics and by their spouses’ beliefs, while their own beliefs and background play no role. JEL Classification: J16, ...
High participation rate of population is important for growth, especially for an aging population... more High participation rate of population is important for growth, especially for an aging population. This is also the reason why the European Union’s (EU) the Europe 2020 Strategy — sets a target of 75 percent labour force participation of the population aged 20 to 64. For Serbia, an aspiring EU country with an aging population, it is important to consider policies to increase the activity rate and unleash the untapped potential of the inactive labour force. The main aim of this paper is to identify subgroups of population with especially high inactivity rates, reveal main causes of inactivity and analyze policies that could increase employment probabilities of inactive population. Using latest Labor Force Surveys (LFS) the paper provides a structure of inactive persons disaggregated by sex, region, type of settlement, age, reason for failing to search for jobs and education level. Furthermore, using econometric binary choice models, the paper analyses reasons behind high inactivity r...
This Chapter analyses the data for Serbia. As in the previous Chapters, the Chapter for Serbia st... more This Chapter analyses the data for Serbia. As in the previous Chapters, the Chapter for Serbia starts with the data description and the descriptive analysis of the remittances and vulnerability patterns, and the definition of the vulnerability facets and index for Serbia. In the second section, we turn to the econometric analysis. This section starts with the description of the instrument that we will use in the econometric analysis to account for the endogeneity of the causal relationship between the remittances and vulnerability. We then present the main results of the econometric analysis, together with the robustness and sensitivity checks. The third section presents the results of the qualitative part of the research which is based on the interviews. Finally, the last section concludes.
Responding to high fiscal deficit in the country, Serbian Government introduced a set of austerit... more Responding to high fiscal deficit in the country, Serbian Government introduced a set of austerity measures at the beginning of 2015, including a cut in the wages and workforce downsizing in the public sector. Recent literature suggested that female wages and employment are more likely to be hit by the austerity measures as women form a majority of public sector employees, although existing evidence is largely descriptive. Aim of this paper is to estimate whether the wage cut had different effects on female and male employment and wages by using 2014/2015 panel data from Labour Force Survey. The results show that the wage cut has increased the likelihood of younger and older female employees to move to unemployment and inactivity, respectively, while for men we do not observe such effects. On the other hand, femaledominated subsectors within the public sector were hit more by the wage cut due to their higher compliance with the wage cut compared to the subsector of public enterprise...
The chapter provides an overview of the methods used in the investigation of youth social identit... more The chapter provides an overview of the methods used in the investigation of youth social identities in the Western Balkans. For quantitative part of the study, 767 young people aged 20–30 years from four Western Balkan countries were surveyed. Each country sample includes an ethnic majority and an ethnic minority with a history of tensions or violent conflict. The survey measured their identifications with a wide range of social groups, from local, ethnic, religious, and national to the overarching identities (Balkans, Europe). The chapter further describes the qualitative portion with focus groups and case studies in each city, the guidelines followed in conducting the studies, and the data analysis procedures. The chapter closes with remarks on the importance of integrating quantitative and qualitative data.
U 2014. godini, fiskalni deficit u Republici Srbiji iznosio je 6,6% bruto drustvenog proizvoda (B... more U 2014. godini, fiskalni deficit u Republici Srbiji iznosio je 6,6% bruto drustvenog proizvoda (BDP) i bio je među najvisim u Evropi. Reagujuci na deficit, Vlada Srbije je, krajem 2014. godine donela mere fiskalne konsolidacije koje su, između ostalog, ukljucivale i smanjivanje zarada u javnom sektoru u iznosu od 10% za zarade vise od 25.000 dinara. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije bio je da se detaljno ispitaju efekti fiskalne konsolidacije na premiju zarada javnog sektora (razliku u zaradama između javnog i privatnog sektora kada statisticki kontrolisemo efekte ostalih relevantnih varijabli), ali i efekti koje je fiskalna konsolidacija imala na ostale ishode na tržistu rada. S tim u vezi, u ovoj disertaciji detaljno su prikazani ekonometrijski metodi kojima se ocenjuje premija zarada javnog sektora, ali i metode koje možemo da koristimo da ocenimo efekte fiskalne konsolidacije na promenu premije. Koriscena je najpre Minserova jednacina zarada, u kojoj se premija zarada javnog sektora ...
Although the wage differences between the public and private sectors in Serbia are well researche... more Although the wage differences between the public and private sectors in Serbia are well researched, little is known on the differences in the overall quality of work between the sectors. In this paper we aim to fill this gap, by analysing the differences in job satisfaction between the public and private sector workers in Serbia, starting from a theoretical framework which views job satisfaction as an operationalization of total utility from work. To analyse the differences in job satisfaction we use nationally representative Survey on Income and Living Conditions (the SILC) data from 2013 and Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method. The results show that public sector workers in Serbia, beside high public sector wage premium, also work in better working conditions, and have higher levels of job satisfaction. Although higher levels of job satisfaction can partially be accounted for by higher wages and better job characteristics of the public sector workers, a part of the gap in job sati...
Ljudi pripadaju razlicitim socijalnim grupama, i poseduju veliki broj socijalnih identiteta, koji... more Ljudi pripadaju razlicitim socijalnim grupama, i poseduju veliki broj socijalnih identiteta, koji su međusobno zavisni. Nove perspektive u okviru socijalne psihologije usmeravaju se na izucavanje odnosa među identitetima, sto bi moglo doprineti razumevanju odnosa prema vlastitim i drugim grupama. Kompleksnost socijalnog identiteta odnosi se na stepen preklapanja razlicitih grupnih pripadnosti, dok se inkluzivnost socijalnog identiteta odnosi na opseg ljudi sa kojima se pojedinac identifikuje kroz deljeno pripadnistvo grupama. U ovom radu, istraživali smo veze kompleksnosti i inkluzivnosti socijalnog identiteta i osecanja prema razlicitim etnickim i religijskim grupama. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u dva grada u Srbiji: Beogradu i Novom Pazaru, na uzorku mladih od 18 do 30 godina starosti (N = 178; prosecan uzrast 23). Uzorak je omogucio poređenje mladih Srba i Bosnjaka, koji cine vecinsku i manjinsku etnicku grupu u Srbiji, i koji istovremeno pripadaju grupama sa skorasnjom istorijom ...
This book sought to contribute to the understanding of gender wage disparities in three Western B... more This book sought to contribute to the understanding of gender wage disparities in three Western Balkan countries: Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro. We use the most extensive data set available to analyse the gender pay gap in the Western Balkans, which covers seven waves of the Labour Force Survey (2008-2011) across the three countries. The simple difference in the average female vs. male wage, i.e. the so-called raw (unadjusted) wage gap, amounts to only 3.3%, 13.4% and 16.0% in Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro respectively. The estimated gap is lower than the one observed on average in the EU of 16,2%. However, the two genders in all three countries differ significantly according to characteristics and skill levels of women and men who work, i.e. an average employed woman is not identical to an average employed man by level of education, work experience, occupation, industry sector, etc. When gender differences in labour market characteristics are taken into account, the gap widen...
The great recession, and the countercyclical responses by European governments that followed, tri... more The great recession, and the countercyclical responses by European governments that followed, triggered an extensive wave of fiscal adjustments. The implementation of these austerity measures, although underpinned by a widespread consensus, underwent severe criticism. While their effects on output and employment have been extensively investigated, their impacts on wage inequality have received relatively less attention. In this paper we focus on the consequences of austerity measures on gender wage inequalities. After having described the literature-based conceptual framework of our analysis, we provide empirical evidence on the effects of austerity measures on: (i) the adjusted gender wage gap; and (ii) the patterns of gender horizontal segregation. The analysis covers the group of EU-28 countries in the years from 2010 to 2013. Results show that austerity measures (both tax-based and expenditure-based) impacted significantly on various sides of gender wage inequality, putting at r...
This paper investigates wage differences between the public and private sectors in the Western Ba... more This paper investigates wage differences between the public and private sectors in the Western Balkan countries. As currently there are no micro data sets that are fully comparable across countries, we provide evidence based on the available macro-level data and results from recent micro-level research which typically focus on the individual countries. We find that in all Western Balkan countries the average wages in the public sector are higher than the wages in the private sector, but also that the high-skilled workers work more frequently in the public sector, therefore partially or fully "justifying" the wage differences. Around the begining of 2010s, wage differences were lower in Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo, where when adjusted for the differences in workers characteristics they become insignificant. The differences were more promenent in Serbia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the differences in characteristic cannot explain the gap fully, and where the public sector wage premium is positive and significant. However, public private wage differences are still very volatile and under the impact of countries' political decisions. The differences in the size of the premium is discussed in the context of previously estblished correlates: differences in the total public sector size and private sector job security, as well as different size of the public sector wage premium at the different parts of the wage distribution. As public private wage gaps have important micro and macro level implications, their trends and mechanisms should be closely monitored and investigated in future research.
Papers by Marko Vladisavljević