9th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems, 2016
This paper focuses on the situation in Italy with specific reference to cooperatives. It aims to ... more This paper focuses on the situation in Italy with specific reference to cooperatives. It aims to analyse their economic situation - represented by two profitability ratios (ROI, ROE) - during the decade 2004-2013, that is before, during and after the crisis. Specifically, after an exploratory study, it wants to verify if there are statistically significant differences caused by geographical area and/or belonging business sector. With these aims and starting from secondary data on AIDA database (at the end 1,446 cooperatives), the trend analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) have been used. The findings show, at first, that the profitabilty of cooperatives has a very negative trend in any geographic area and business sector. So it is strong affected by crisis. Secondly, only the business sector affects the level of profitability. The analysis is interesting because income, in cooperatives, has a special meaning: it should in fact be added to benefiting members that are accounted for as \u203peculiar\u204 management costs
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
PurposeThis study illustrates the economic and financial dynamics of the sector, analysing the ev... more PurposeThis study illustrates the economic and financial dynamics of the sector, analysing the evolution of the main ratios of profitability and financial structure of 1,559 Italian real estate companies divided into the three macro-regions: North, Centre and South, in the period 2011–2020. In this way, it is also possible to verify the responsiveness to the 2020 pandemic crisis.Design/methodology/approachThe analysis uses descriptive statistics tools and the ANOVA method of analysis of variance, supplemented by the Tukey–Kramer test, to identify significant differences between the three Italian macro-regions.FindingsThe study shows the increase in profitability after the 2008 crisis, despite its reverberation in the years 2012–2013. The financial structure of companies improved almost everywhere. The pandemic had modest effects on performance.Research limitations/implicationsIn the future, other indices should be considered to gain a more comprehensive view. This is a quantitative ...
Restaurant businesses play a leading role in the economy of a tourist country. Traditionally the ... more Restaurant businesses play a leading role in the economy of a tourist country. Traditionally the destination of many foreign guests, Italy is also renowned for its excellent cuisine based on the Mediterranean diet. This paper analyzes the trend of two profitability indices of a sample of large Italian restaurants, related to the pre-pandemic period and in the COVID-19 year, 2020. For this purpose, financial statements from the AIDA database were used. Profitability was studied using RoE (return on equity) and RoS (return on sales). The study is related to the entire country and its three macro-regions (North, Center, and South with islands). The analysis showed a dramatic fall in the year of COVID-19 despite government interventions to support the business that has been subject to forced closures. The main limitation of this study is its purely quantitative nature limited to a sample of restaurants with annual revenues over €800,000. The results are useful to Italian and foreign entrepreneurs who can relate their situation to the average situation in the sector. In the future, the study should consider other profitability and asset indices, as well as investigate investments in sustainability, taking into account the role of restaurants which should contribute to the development of fair, ethical, and sustainable tourism.
One might think that the pandemic had a devastating effect on gambling businesses, due to the lon... more One might think that the pandemic had a devastating effect on gambling businesses, due to the long-time closures of arcades. This could have also damaged public finances, considering the revenue from taxes and duties, the fact that the serious social risks due to possible deviance. This research analyses the economic and financial dynamics of Italian gambling companies between the two major international crises, while also trying to verify possible relations with the general economic cycle. Research methods. The financial statement data of about 1200 firms with a turnover of more than €800,000, for the 2009-2020 decade, were analysed, illustrating the average trends of Roa and Quick Ratio, for Italy and each of its macro-areas (North, Centre, and South). The data have been subjected to statistical processing. The Anova and Tukey-Kramer methods were used for comparison between macro-regions. The results show that the companies in the sample have an irregular but always positive and increasing ROA, with some exceptions. There are no significant differences between the varioust geographical areas. An excellent short-term financial situation is evident everywhere, with increasing and sometimes excessive cash balances. This study сomplements the economic literature on gambling companies, which is lacking. It confirms some of the findings of other scholars who have already highlighted the reduction in profitability during crises, when other authors have highlighted similar profitability trends in other sectors. This quantitative research highlights the high earnings that justify proliferation of gambling companies. Public policies should be attentive to the sector that complements national GDP, but can generate serious social pathologies. In the theoretical profile, the aggregation of balance sheets used, however, organised, can prospectively become a useful model for interpreting complex phenomena.
The number of people with disabilities is increasing worldwide. The result is the need for their ... more The number of people with disabilities is increasing worldwide. The result is the need for their greater involvement in the economy, to build an inclusive society. The cultural sector must also play its role, in a wider project of welcoming tourism. This paper illustrates the evolution and the current situation of accessible museums in Italy, presenting some valid experiences to propose useful benchmarking to public entities, associations, etc. After an adequate review of international literature, a summary of the evolution of the Italian situation is presented, obviously linked to other tourist-cultural initiatives such as museums, natural and archaeological parks, etc. Despite some limitations, Italy, as a privileged international tourist destination, can be a valid reference for many other nations that want to develop accessible cultural tourism.
La collana Sistemi Informativi, Management e Controllo accoglie monografie scientifiche che studi... more La collana Sistemi Informativi, Management e Controllo accoglie monografie scientifiche che studiano i sistemi informativi nei diversi ambiti dell'economia d'azienda. L'attenzione è sulle interconnessioni tra l'information and communication technology, i processi informativi, la gestione, l'organizzazione e il controllo d'azienda. La collana intende essere un punto di riferimento per la comunità italiana di studiosi e ricercatori che indagano la modellizzazione, i comportamenti, le opportunità, le implicazioni e gli impatti nell'implementazione e nell'utilizzo della tecnologia per la gestione delle informazioni a supporto dei processi di pianificazione, di decisione, di gestione e di controllo nelle diverse aree aziendali (governo e strategia, amministrazione finanza e controllo, auditing e compliance, marketing e commerciale, produzione e approvvigionamenti, organizzazione, ricerca e sviluppo, logistica, ecc.), nei diversi settori economici, nei diversi sistemi (aziende private, pubbliche, di servizi, di produzione, non profit, ecc.), sottosistemi (commesse, progetti, business unit, rami d'azienda, ecc.) e aggregati aziendali (accordi e alleanze, reti d'aziende, gruppi, ecc.). Sono inoltre di interesse della collana i lavori di ricerca che propongono un'analisi: dei riflessi delle ICT sui modelli di business e sul rapporto azienda-ambiente; della misurazione, valutazione e comunicazione dell'impatto dell'implementazione e dell'uso della tecnologia per la gestione e il controllo di attività e processi; delle implicazioni della tecnologia sui ruoli e sulle competenze dei diversi attori aziendali, sui modelli decisionali, sugli strumenti utilizzati. La collana intende essere un'opportunità di divulgazione, nel rispetto dei criteri di double blind peer reviewing, di lavori scientifici monografici e di contributi di conferenze scientifiche di alto livello, basati su differenti metodologie di ricerca, di tipo teorico o empirico.
En Italia, el sector del turismo fue uno de los más afectados por Covid 19, a pesar del important... more En Italia, el sector del turismo fue uno de los más afectados por Covid 19, a pesar del importante apoyo estatal. En 2020, se produjo un descenso de más del 50% en las reservas hoteleras, con una caída de los destinos de más del 80%. Aunque Italia es un país rico en atractivos artísticos y naturales, sigue siendo codiciada por los flujos de entrada, a pesar de la creciente competencia de nuevos destinos. El equilibrio económico-financiero de los hoteles se ha visto afectado. Este artículo está dedicado a un análisis detallado de la dinámica de los ingresos hoteleros, analizando la evolución decenal, tanto a nivel nacional como por macro zona, de dos índices (Roe y Roa) para una muestra significativa de empresas. Algunas elaboraciones estadísticas descriptivas apoyan el estudio cuantitativo, incluyendo las pruebas Anova y Tukey-Kramer. Los resultados muestran que la crisis pandémica ha reducido significativamente la rentabilidad. El documento contribuye al estudio de los efectos econ...
9th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Ecosystems, 2016
This paper focuses on the situation in Italy with specific reference to cooperatives. It aims to ... more This paper focuses on the situation in Italy with specific reference to cooperatives. It aims to analyse their economic situation - represented by two profitability ratios (ROI, ROE) - during the decade 2004-2013, that is before, during and after the crisis. Specifically, after an exploratory study, it wants to verify if there are statistically significant differences caused by geographical area and/or belonging business sector. With these aims and starting from secondary data on AIDA database (at the end 1,446 cooperatives), the trend analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) have been used. The findings show, at first, that the profitabilty of cooperatives has a very negative trend in any geographic area and business sector. So it is strong affected by crisis. Secondly, only the business sector affects the level of profitability. The analysis is interesting because income, in cooperatives, has a special meaning: it should in fact be added to benefiting members that are accounted for as \u203peculiar\u204 management costs
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
PurposeThis study illustrates the economic and financial dynamics of the sector, analysing the ev... more PurposeThis study illustrates the economic and financial dynamics of the sector, analysing the evolution of the main ratios of profitability and financial structure of 1,559 Italian real estate companies divided into the three macro-regions: North, Centre and South, in the period 2011–2020. In this way, it is also possible to verify the responsiveness to the 2020 pandemic crisis.Design/methodology/approachThe analysis uses descriptive statistics tools and the ANOVA method of analysis of variance, supplemented by the Tukey–Kramer test, to identify significant differences between the three Italian macro-regions.FindingsThe study shows the increase in profitability after the 2008 crisis, despite its reverberation in the years 2012–2013. The financial structure of companies improved almost everywhere. The pandemic had modest effects on performance.Research limitations/implicationsIn the future, other indices should be considered to gain a more comprehensive view. This is a quantitative ...
Restaurant businesses play a leading role in the economy of a tourist country. Traditionally the ... more Restaurant businesses play a leading role in the economy of a tourist country. Traditionally the destination of many foreign guests, Italy is also renowned for its excellent cuisine based on the Mediterranean diet. This paper analyzes the trend of two profitability indices of a sample of large Italian restaurants, related to the pre-pandemic period and in the COVID-19 year, 2020. For this purpose, financial statements from the AIDA database were used. Profitability was studied using RoE (return on equity) and RoS (return on sales). The study is related to the entire country and its three macro-regions (North, Center, and South with islands). The analysis showed a dramatic fall in the year of COVID-19 despite government interventions to support the business that has been subject to forced closures. The main limitation of this study is its purely quantitative nature limited to a sample of restaurants with annual revenues over €800,000. The results are useful to Italian and foreign entrepreneurs who can relate their situation to the average situation in the sector. In the future, the study should consider other profitability and asset indices, as well as investigate investments in sustainability, taking into account the role of restaurants which should contribute to the development of fair, ethical, and sustainable tourism.
One might think that the pandemic had a devastating effect on gambling businesses, due to the lon... more One might think that the pandemic had a devastating effect on gambling businesses, due to the long-time closures of arcades. This could have also damaged public finances, considering the revenue from taxes and duties, the fact that the serious social risks due to possible deviance. This research analyses the economic and financial dynamics of Italian gambling companies between the two major international crises, while also trying to verify possible relations with the general economic cycle. Research methods. The financial statement data of about 1200 firms with a turnover of more than €800,000, for the 2009-2020 decade, were analysed, illustrating the average trends of Roa and Quick Ratio, for Italy and each of its macro-areas (North, Centre, and South). The data have been subjected to statistical processing. The Anova and Tukey-Kramer methods were used for comparison between macro-regions. The results show that the companies in the sample have an irregular but always positive and increasing ROA, with some exceptions. There are no significant differences between the varioust geographical areas. An excellent short-term financial situation is evident everywhere, with increasing and sometimes excessive cash balances. This study сomplements the economic literature on gambling companies, which is lacking. It confirms some of the findings of other scholars who have already highlighted the reduction in profitability during crises, when other authors have highlighted similar profitability trends in other sectors. This quantitative research highlights the high earnings that justify proliferation of gambling companies. Public policies should be attentive to the sector that complements national GDP, but can generate serious social pathologies. In the theoretical profile, the aggregation of balance sheets used, however, organised, can prospectively become a useful model for interpreting complex phenomena.
The number of people with disabilities is increasing worldwide. The result is the need for their ... more The number of people with disabilities is increasing worldwide. The result is the need for their greater involvement in the economy, to build an inclusive society. The cultural sector must also play its role, in a wider project of welcoming tourism. This paper illustrates the evolution and the current situation of accessible museums in Italy, presenting some valid experiences to propose useful benchmarking to public entities, associations, etc. After an adequate review of international literature, a summary of the evolution of the Italian situation is presented, obviously linked to other tourist-cultural initiatives such as museums, natural and archaeological parks, etc. Despite some limitations, Italy, as a privileged international tourist destination, can be a valid reference for many other nations that want to develop accessible cultural tourism.
La collana Sistemi Informativi, Management e Controllo accoglie monografie scientifiche che studi... more La collana Sistemi Informativi, Management e Controllo accoglie monografie scientifiche che studiano i sistemi informativi nei diversi ambiti dell'economia d'azienda. L'attenzione è sulle interconnessioni tra l'information and communication technology, i processi informativi, la gestione, l'organizzazione e il controllo d'azienda. La collana intende essere un punto di riferimento per la comunità italiana di studiosi e ricercatori che indagano la modellizzazione, i comportamenti, le opportunità, le implicazioni e gli impatti nell'implementazione e nell'utilizzo della tecnologia per la gestione delle informazioni a supporto dei processi di pianificazione, di decisione, di gestione e di controllo nelle diverse aree aziendali (governo e strategia, amministrazione finanza e controllo, auditing e compliance, marketing e commerciale, produzione e approvvigionamenti, organizzazione, ricerca e sviluppo, logistica, ecc.), nei diversi settori economici, nei diversi sistemi (aziende private, pubbliche, di servizi, di produzione, non profit, ecc.), sottosistemi (commesse, progetti, business unit, rami d'azienda, ecc.) e aggregati aziendali (accordi e alleanze, reti d'aziende, gruppi, ecc.). Sono inoltre di interesse della collana i lavori di ricerca che propongono un'analisi: dei riflessi delle ICT sui modelli di business e sul rapporto azienda-ambiente; della misurazione, valutazione e comunicazione dell'impatto dell'implementazione e dell'uso della tecnologia per la gestione e il controllo di attività e processi; delle implicazioni della tecnologia sui ruoli e sulle competenze dei diversi attori aziendali, sui modelli decisionali, sugli strumenti utilizzati. La collana intende essere un'opportunità di divulgazione, nel rispetto dei criteri di double blind peer reviewing, di lavori scientifici monografici e di contributi di conferenze scientifiche di alto livello, basati su differenti metodologie di ricerca, di tipo teorico o empirico.
En Italia, el sector del turismo fue uno de los más afectados por Covid 19, a pesar del important... more En Italia, el sector del turismo fue uno de los más afectados por Covid 19, a pesar del importante apoyo estatal. En 2020, se produjo un descenso de más del 50% en las reservas hoteleras, con una caída de los destinos de más del 80%. Aunque Italia es un país rico en atractivos artísticos y naturales, sigue siendo codiciada por los flujos de entrada, a pesar de la creciente competencia de nuevos destinos. El equilibrio económico-financiero de los hoteles se ha visto afectado. Este artículo está dedicado a un análisis detallado de la dinámica de los ingresos hoteleros, analizando la evolución decenal, tanto a nivel nacional como por macro zona, de dos índices (Roe y Roa) para una muestra significativa de empresas. Algunas elaboraciones estadísticas descriptivas apoyan el estudio cuantitativo, incluyendo las pruebas Anova y Tukey-Kramer. Los resultados muestran que la crisis pandémica ha reducido significativamente la rentabilidad. El documento contribuye al estudio de los efectos econ...
Papers by Guido Migliaccio