Books by Rut Bermejo Casado
Guía formativa multisectorial para la inserción del tema de la A/MGF en los programas universitar... more Guía formativa multisectorial para la inserción del tema de la A/MGF en los programas universitarios de medicina, enfermería, trabajo social, educación, derecho, criminología, comunicación, antropología y estudios feministas y de género.
Publicada en seis idiomas (inglés, italiano, portugués, castellanom, catalán y flamenco)
Papers by Rut Bermejo Casado
Stanford University Press eBooks, Dec 31, 2022
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 31, 2020
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jan 11, 2021
Una aproximación a los procesos de radicalización y extremismo violento (PREDEIN), 2021, ISBN 978-84-490-9879-6, págs. 42-48, 2021
CER-MIGRACIONS, Servei de Publicacions., 2021
Documentos De Trabajo, 2008
El presente trabajo no se centra en cuestiones morales, eticas o legales acerca de derechos y obl... more El presente trabajo no se centra en cuestiones morales, eticas o legales acerca de derechos y obligaciones relacionadas con el derecho de asilo; cuestiones, sin duda, relevantes y de acuciante respuesta en el contexto de la reciente crisis de refugiados sirios sino que plantea la oportunidad (en muchas ocasiones perdida) de gestionar dicha situacion y utilizar la citada crisis en beneficio de las democracias europeas, concretamente la espanola. En un momento en que la busqueda de contranarrativas o narrativas estrategicas que limiten los efectos de la propaganda yihadista de DAESH es cada vez mas acuciante, la reciente "crisis de los refugiados" es, cuando menos, una oportunidad perdida de comunicacion politica.
The Multisectorial Academic Program to prevent and combat Female Genital Mutilation (MAP-FGM) is ... more The Multisectorial Academic Program to prevent and combat Female Genital Mutilation (MAP-FGM) is aimed to contribute to the defence of women’s human rights, including their sexual and reproductive rights, by the preventive multidisciplinary intervention of the practice and the effective protection of the girls at risk. The MAP-FGM Project, co-financed by the European Commission, constitutes an innovative biannual rogram that aims to raise awareness and to prepare future professionals of different fields and specialities that may, in the future, be in contact with populations coming from countries that practice FGM/C. (...) The Academic Training Guide is destined to promote and facilitate the incorporation of academic content about FMG/C in different university degrees such as medicine, nursing, education, psychology, social work, law, criminology, anthropology, international cooperation for development, gender and feminist studies, communication and journalism. The Guide has been drafted by teaching and research staff from different disciplines connected to the Rey Juan Carlos University, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Rome Tre University, the University Institute of Lisbon and the Vrij Universiteit Brussel, and experts from two specialized foundations with an ample trajectory in the intervention field (Wassu-UAB Foundation and Angello Celli Foundation). The aim of the Guide is to offer, in a structured and accessible way, teaching contents for the training of future professionals that can play a key role in the prevention and abandonment of the practice and the assistance to women and girls. In that sense, it can be useful to the university teaching staff, to the academic authorities or to the students interested in acquiring academic and professional knowledge specialized on the subject. Its multisector character derives from the participation of authors coming from different disciplines, with various conceptual and epistemological focuses. The plurality of perspectives gathered in this guide reflect the intensity of academic debates and the complexity of the theoretical and practical dilemmas that the abandonment of the FGM/C poses, both in the countries of origin and in hosting countries.
Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals, 2010
This article examines the configuration and progress made that has led – through the different tr... more This article examines the configuration and progress made that has led – through the different treaties and programmes introduced in the European Union – to the creation of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ). Specifically, this examination pays particular attention to AFSJ issues linked with surveillance and control of the EU's external frontiers, which represents one of the key areas in the progress that has been made over the past two decades. Using a neo-institutional analytical perspective, the institutions are configured at the heart of this evolution from intergovernmental co-operation to the creation of a policy area or sphere of governance and even to the supranationalisation and institutionalisation of the initial activity. These processes have given rise to new institutions such as the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (Frontex). Thus, the final part of the arti...
La presente obra, fruto de la colaboracion entre Instituciones Penitenciarias y dos proyectos de ... more La presente obra, fruto de la colaboracion entre Instituciones Penitenciarias y dos proyectos de I+D+i subvencionados por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (RTI2018-095375-B-100 y DER2016-y77947-R, AEI/FEDER, UE), tiene como principales objetivos mejorar el conocimiento y la sensibilizacion sobre los retos que plantean las nuevas formas de terrorismo que amenazan nuestro pais, dar a conocer las estrategias de prevencion y tratamiento existentes y explorar nuevas vias de actuacion orientadas a la prevencion de este fenomeno, analizando, al mismo tiempo, sus numerosas implicaciones juridicas. La obra combina las perspectivas de analisis teorica y practica, con un enfoque multidisciplinar. Se abordan cuestiones de tipo criminologico, sociologico, constitucional, penal, procesal y penitenciario, y se exponen los puntos de vista doctrinales, pero tambien de los distintos operadores juridicos y sociales. A tal fin se ha contado con los informes de destacados profesionales penitenciarios y del ambito judicial, profesores de universidad e investigadores, todos ellos conocedores en profundidad de las especialidades del fenomeno yihadista.
European Journal of Criminology, 2019
This article explores the melting pot of jihadists and criminals that has featured in some of the... more This article explores the melting pot of jihadists and criminals that has featured in some of the most significant jihadist attacks and plots foiled in Spain over the last 15 years. Applying Felson’s offender convergence settings theory to this case, we argue that the confluence of criminality and jihadism observed in other European contexts has also been present in the Spanish case. Individuals with criminal pasts have utilized their skills for terrorist attacks, a variety of forms of crime have been used to fund terrorism, and certain settings such as prisons have facilitated the convergence between criminals and jihadists and enabled a process of identity transition.
ARI. Análisis del Real Instituto Elcano, 2008
What relationship exists between language and migratory patterns? What is the role of language in... more What relationship exists between language and migratory patterns? What is the role of language in flows of immigrants and in immigration policies? Is it advantageous for an immigrant to know the language of the host country? These and other questions are at the heart of this reflection on the relationship between the language an immigrant speaks and the dominant language of the host country.
Books by Rut Bermejo Casado
Publicada en seis idiomas (inglés, italiano, portugués, castellanom, catalán y flamenco)
Papers by Rut Bermejo Casado
Publicada en seis idiomas (inglés, italiano, portugués, castellanom, catalán y flamenco)