Country expects that commercial banking systems contribute to the overall development, but this d... more Country expects that commercial banking systems contribute to the overall development, but this development depends upon qualified and competent employees of the commercial banks institutions. Retaining this resource is of utmost importance for higher commercial banks. However, commercial banks are finding it hard to retain competent and qualified faculty in the face of competition from the industry. Retention is becoming a big dilemma for developing countries. The present study investigates the relationship between leadership style, job satisfaction, organization commitment and retention of employee in commercial banks of Sindh, Pakistan. The data was collected from the commercial bank of Sindh whereby, SmartPLS 2.0 was used for data analysis. The results have indicated a strong and positive relationship between leadership style and employee retention. Job satisfaction and organization commitment mediate the relationship between leadership style and employees retention. This study ...
The present study attempted to investigate the role or training effectiveness on the employee per... more The present study attempted to investigate the role or training effectiveness on the employee performance of blue-collar employees working in Bahrain Transportation sector. Therein, the study examined the effectiveness of five different training programs offered to large vehicle drivers serving in the transportation industry. A total of 135 bus drivers from Alsadiq transport company Bahrain were sampled for the study to outline the effectiveness of three major training programs that they were offered including Customer Handling & Passenger Safety, Health & Hygiene and Guide to traffic laws and driving in Bahrain on their driving performance. Structural equation modeling using smart PLS was used for the present study for data analysis and interpretation. The study found a significant relationship impact of two programs on their driving performance of the respondents. The study forwards theoretical and practical implications and scope for further studies.
Purpose-This study helps to understand the successful path of micro-financing, which can plays a ... more Purpose-This study helps to understand the successful path of micro-financing, which can plays a vital role in poverty alleviation in Pakistan. Methodology/Sampling-To collect data authors of this paper visited different microfinance institutions (MFIs) like Tameer Micro Financing Bank and Khushali Bank Limited in Karachi. A structured questionnaire was designed for data collection of consumers of microfinance. Statistical data of 100 samples showed 46% of respondents acquired loan for agricultural purposes while 54% loans were business based. Findings-It is observed that male respondents are higher than female. Regression model showed 38% variation in consumer preference regarding the microfinance services. Statistic in the ANOVA shows the significance of model. The coefficient of MFI’s Approach with negative sign indicates an inverse relationship with that of consumer preferences. It means that MFI agents do not give proper value to the targeted consumers. Finally, the amount of l...
Annals of Contemporary Developments in Management & HR, 2021
This research intended to focus on the impact of organizational culture on knowledge sharing by b... more This research intended to focus on the impact of organizational culture on knowledge sharing by bank employees directly and indirectly through mediation by organizational citizenship behavior. For achieving the purpose, 402 employees from banks in the Kingdom of Bahrain through simple random sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires. A current study found a significant outcome of organizational culture on knowledge sharing and organizational citizenship behavior. Besides this current study also found significant results between organizational citizenship behavior and knowledge sharing. Along with significant direct results, current research also found the mediating effect by organizational citizenship behavior in relationships of organizational culture with knowledge sharing. The current study contributes notable theoretical implications under social exchange theory. In addition, the current study also provides practical learnings and recommendations for the future.
International Review of Management and Marketing, 2016
Country expects that commercial banking systems contribute to the overall development, but this d... more Country expects that commercial banking systems contribute to the overall development, but this development depends upon qualified and competent employees of the commercial banks institutions. Retaining this resource is of utmost importance for higher commercial banks. However, commercial banks are finding it hard to retain competent and qualified faculty in the face of competition from the industry. Retention is becoming a big dilemma for developing countries. The present study investigates the relationship between leadership style, job satisfaction, organization commitment and retention of employee in commercial banks of Sindh, Pakistan. The data was collected from the commercial bank of Sindh whereby, SmartPLS 2.0 was used for data analysis. The results have indicated a strong and positive relationship between leadership style and employee retention. Job satisfaction and organization commitment mediate the relationship between leadership style and employees retention. This study ...
Organizational scholars have empirically outlined the significance of support features and psycho... more Organizational scholars have empirically outlined the significance of support features and psychological capital on individual outcomes. In the present study, we attempted to address the dearth of research on PhD students’ engagement via empirically testing the crucial role of supervisor support and psychological capital. A total of 125 Ph.D. students of 11 different nationalities were recruited from a public university in Malaysia. The application of structural equation modeling to test the mediated model revealed that research supervisor’s support positively enhanced PhD students’ academic psychological capital. Accordingly, the study also found a positive relationship between academic psychological capital and PhD students’ engagement. Notably, the study reported academic psychological capital positively mediated the relationship between supervisor support and PhD students’ engagement. The study has addressed the research gap with critical findings pertaining to how students’ psy...
INTRODUCTIONWork engagement is an evolving notion in the area of occupational health psychology (... more INTRODUCTIONWork engagement is an evolving notion in the area of occupational health psychology (Bakker, Schaufeli, Leiter, & Taris, 2008). The concept was first coined by nearly 25 years ago by Kahn (1990) who conceptualized it as the psychological, cognitive and emotional attachment of employee with the work. Bundles of empirical studies have been conducted outlining the numerous antecedents of work engagement (Bakker, 2011; Rothmann & Joubert, 2007; Demerouti et al., 2001; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004; Xanthopoulou, Bakker, Schaufeli, 2007; Xanthopoulou, Bakker, & Demerouti, 2009). Sadly, despite of dozens of these studies, the human resource management and its major factors seem to have been rarely studied (Albrecht et al., 2015; Suan & Nasrudin, 2014; Arrowsmith & Parker, 2013). The main purpose of the current article is to underline critical imparity of HRM components, particularly on the development HRM (Kuvaas, 2008) practices. Through empirical evidence, the present paper under...
Following the footsteps of resource-based view theory, the present study attempted to examine gre... more Following the footsteps of resource-based view theory, the present study attempted to examine green HRM and its impact on green innovation followed by the interplay of green transformational leadership. The study collected triadic data by using survey questionnaire from 185 pharmaceutical firms in Australia. Through using structural equation modeling technique, bootstrap procedures were applied to assess the hypothesized relationships. Results from the data analysis suggest that green HRM prospects of green ability and motivation have significant relationship with green innovation. Accordingly, the results also indicated significant relationship between green transformational leadership and green innovation. Notably, the study advanced literature in the area by confirming the moderating potential of green transformational leadership on green ability-green innovation and green motivation-green motivation relationship. Overall, the present research has advanced understanding of green ...
The objective of this study was to examine the role of green Human Resources Management (HRM) in ... more The objective of this study was to examine the role of green Human Resources Management (HRM) in the green supply chain (SC) and firm performance. The relationships between green HRM, green SC, lockdown, and firm performance were examined. In addition to this, the mediating role of green SC and the moderating role of lockdown was examined. The population of the study was based on the food industry of Bahrain and various companies were selected for data collection. Therefore, data were collected from the food supply companies in Bahrain. A questionnaire was used for data collection in which cluster sampling was applied. The findings of the study highlighted that green HRM has major importance for food supply companies. It has a positive role in promoting the performance of food supply companies in Bahrain. Furthermore, green SC also plays a vital contribution to the performance of food supply companies. However, COVID-19 has a negative role in firm performance. The situation of lockd...
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2021
The hospitality literature is quite deficient in insights on consumer behaviour towards food wast... more The hospitality literature is quite deficient in insights on consumer behaviour towards food waste generation and its mitigation in out-of-home dining. The present study addresses this gap by undertaking a mixed-method study to examining a broad spectrum of diners' behaviour, beginning from planning the meal and ending with bringing the leftovers home. To this end, it utilises the Stimulus-Organism-Response theory to conceptualise the association of planning routine, food-ordering routine, motives, attitude, and behaviour of taking away leftovers and throwing away leftovers. The results of analysis of the data collected from 276 diners in the United States confirm a positive association of food-ordering and planning routines with motives, which, in turn, are positively associated with attitude and the behaviour of taking away leftovers. Finally, attitude is not only negatively associated with throwing away leftovers but also partially mediates the association of motives with throwing leftovers away. Our findings provide useful inputs for businesses and researchers to motivate green consumer behaviour.
In the workplace, green prospects are gaining much importance these days, although not much is kn... more In the workplace, green prospects are gaining much importance these days, although not much is known about the green intellectual capital and its contribution towards pro-environment behavior and outcomes. As the world experiences environmental concerns, it has become imperative for businesses to look into ways through which they can improve their environmental footprints. Hence, the current study examines the nexus between green intellectual capital (green human capital, green structural capital, and green relational capital) and environmental performance. The study also tested if environmental responsibility mediates the association and examined the role of environmental concern as a moderator. Data were gathered from the hotel sectors in Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates and analyzed using a structural equation modeling approach via Smart PLS. The results show a significant association between green human and relational capital with environmental performance; a strong associat...
Journal of Security and Sustainability Issue, 2020
Product innovation is the basic strategy by which organizations can survive in the current market... more Product innovation is the basic strategy by which organizations can survive in the current marketplace for a longer period. Therefore, the present study objective was to examine the impact of reward management, performance appraisal and career management on knowledge management effectiveness and product innovation. Additionally, knowledge management's mediating role and the moderating role of technological capability are also examined in the present study. Data was collected from the employees working in the fiberglass manufacturing firms in Bahrain. The collected data was analyzed using PLS-SEM. The study findings revealed that knowledge management effectiveness within the firm is significantly impacted by HR strategies like performance appraisal, reward system, and employee career management. Moreover, knowledge management effectiveness also significantly impacts product innovation. In the end, the study also confirmed the moderating role of the technological capability of the organization on the path of knowledge management and product innovation. The present study fills the gap of limited studies, using HR capabilities to improve Bahrain's fiberglass manufacturing firms' product innovation. Furthermore, the findings of the present study are helpful for policymakers of manufacturing sectors to integrate HR initiatives into their product innovation strategies.
The health care system is usually a reflection of the human development and prosperity index of a... more The health care system is usually a reflection of the human development and prosperity index of a country. In particular, a sound health care system is generally deemed essential for providing quality service delivery to service users. Pakistan, in this respect, is lagging even after implementing the district health management model of World Health Organization (WHO). In particular, the province of Sindh reports a higher level of dissatisfaction among the service recipients and, therefore, remains a core concern for the concerned authorities. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the levels of employees’ commitment to service quality in Pakistan’s health care sector. A quantitative survey method was adopted to collect data from 315 medical officers working in 43 public-sector hospitals in Sindh, Pakistan. The data were analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique and Smart PLS 3 software. Based on cognitive dissonance theory and path...
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020
The rise in environmental regulation also enforced several limitations on organizations to follow... more The rise in environmental regulation also enforced several limitations on organizations to follow the globally accepted business activities and incentivize firms for implementing eco-friendly business methods. Keeping in mind, the current study seeks to analyze the ecological aspects of them by identifying the relationship of ecological innovation, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial self-efficacy in affecting a firm's energy efficiency and environmental performance. The findings of structural equation modelling ensure that all chosen factors have a significant and positive influence on energy efficiency and environmental performance of SMEs in Malaysia. Furthermore, the findings of structural equation modelling recommended that ecological innovation, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial self-efficacy have a positive and significantly influenced on energy efficiency and environmental performance. Technical speaking, the results confirm that the ecological innovation, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial self-efficacy are the key contributors to enhance the energy efficiency and environmental performance of SMEs in Malaysia.
Annals of Contemporary Developments in Management & HR, 2019
Entrepreneurship plays a critical role in developing and fostering a robust socio-economic cultur... more Entrepreneurship plays a critical role in developing and fostering a robust socio-economic culture in any economy. Robust entrepreneurial initiatives are considered as the source of fresh blood for any economy. Healthy entrepreneurial activities result in creating more employment opportunities, better working prospects and societal development. Today, economies that are striving to become highly developed and economically stable are striving to enable their employees to become more entrepreneurial. Importantly, studies have outlined that there is a dire need for nations to understand the vital role youth can play in this regard. Since young individuals are more eager to grow, willing to take the risk and go for the high mark to become their own bosses, there are higher chances that they can become more successful entrepreneurs. Notably, youth entrepreneurship is of utmost importance for both national as well as international economic wellbeing. Keeping these arguments beforehand, th...
Purpose of Study: The paper sheds lights on the idea of business innovation through pouring schol... more Purpose of Study: The paper sheds lights on the idea of business innovation through pouring scholarly review of the literature. The papers objects to provide scholars enthusiastic about business innovation to understand how intellectual, social and psychological capital can be of prominence and the acute role organizational culture can play to further it. Methodology: The paper has strived to advance intellectual understanding of scholars in the area through underlining the direct and indirect links between these factors to help organizational practitioners obtain competitive results for their respective organizations. Results: The paper also outlines limited studies on these relationships thus, encouraging scholars for empirical attention in the near future.
Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2019
The purpose of this study is to examine the behavior of bank lending in ASEAN economies. For this... more The purpose of this study is to examine the behavior of bank lending in ASEAN economies. For this purpose, macroeconomic and bank related factors are identified from existing literature, defining the lending behavior. Data is collected from official sources like web pages, company's annual report and online databases. A sample of five banking firm from four ASEAN economies is collected over 2011-2017 with annual observations. Regression analysis indicates the fact that both macroeconomic factors (GDP growth, inflation) are playing their significant role in defining the lending behavior of bank as measured through net loans and unused commitments. From bank related variables, liquidity ratio, risk, return on assets and equity are found to be significant determinant for bank lending. it is highly suggested that credit managers in banking firms, and related departments should use these findings as documentary evidence for the future decision making. Additionally, these findings are also useful facts for country administration, dealing with the macroeconomic factors and their direct influence on bank lending. However, various limitations are also observed which can be addressed in upcoming research studies. Sample size is limited to five banking firms from each state with seven years of time period. At second, specific macroeconomic and bank related measures are used which can be expanded in coming studies.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2017
The present study attempted to study the impact of job demands including workload and emotional d... more The present study attempted to study the impact of job demands including workload and emotional demands on employees` work engagement. The study sampled bank employees from the large six banks in Pakistan. A total of 537 questionnaires were distributed out of which, 385 were received back and 277 were only were further found to be appropriate for final analysis. Structural equation modeling through using Smart PLS 2.0 was deployed which found workload marked a significant negative impact on employees` work engagement. Accordingly, the study also concluded significant negative impact of emotional demands upon employees` work engagement. The study has confirmed the deleterious effects of job demands like workload and emotional demands on employees work wellbeing, resulting in negatively affecting their engagement.
This study intends to cover the relationship between contract management and performance characte... more This study intends to cover the relationship between contract management and performance characteristics from the context of Indonesia. To address this objective, contract management is observed as the main independent variable while performance through nine items is considered as dependent variable. A questionnaire is developed through some selected factors and distributed among various respondents, dealing directly or indirectly with the projects. A sample of 70 respondents is finalized with no missing values. Empirical findings suggest that for the firm performance different variables such as nature of the solution, cost & benefit analysis are significantly associated with the contract length. While project delivery and project quality are negatively associated with the contract length. Findings of the study are highly recommended for the contract managers and similar individuals, responsible for the smooth business performance. However, future studies can be conducted with the addition of more explanatory factors for contract management with better sample size. Managerial implication of the study defines that Government and construction companies should reconsider the stated factors for the improved results through resolution of the conflict with the customers, cost benefit analysis and timely delivery of the project with budgetary compliance.
Country expects that commercial banking systems contribute to the overall development, but this d... more Country expects that commercial banking systems contribute to the overall development, but this development depends upon qualified and competent employees of the commercial banks institutions. Retaining this resource is of utmost importance for higher commercial banks. However, commercial banks are finding it hard to retain competent and qualified faculty in the face of competition from the industry. Retention is becoming a big dilemma for developing countries. The present study investigates the relationship between leadership style, job satisfaction, organization commitment and retention of employee in commercial banks of Sindh, Pakistan. The data was collected from the commercial bank of Sindh whereby, SmartPLS 2.0 was used for data analysis. The results have indicated a strong and positive relationship between leadership style and employee retention. Job satisfaction and organization commitment mediate the relationship between leadership style and employees retention. This study ...
The present study attempted to investigate the role or training effectiveness on the employee per... more The present study attempted to investigate the role or training effectiveness on the employee performance of blue-collar employees working in Bahrain Transportation sector. Therein, the study examined the effectiveness of five different training programs offered to large vehicle drivers serving in the transportation industry. A total of 135 bus drivers from Alsadiq transport company Bahrain were sampled for the study to outline the effectiveness of three major training programs that they were offered including Customer Handling & Passenger Safety, Health & Hygiene and Guide to traffic laws and driving in Bahrain on their driving performance. Structural equation modeling using smart PLS was used for the present study for data analysis and interpretation. The study found a significant relationship impact of two programs on their driving performance of the respondents. The study forwards theoretical and practical implications and scope for further studies.
Purpose-This study helps to understand the successful path of micro-financing, which can plays a ... more Purpose-This study helps to understand the successful path of micro-financing, which can plays a vital role in poverty alleviation in Pakistan. Methodology/Sampling-To collect data authors of this paper visited different microfinance institutions (MFIs) like Tameer Micro Financing Bank and Khushali Bank Limited in Karachi. A structured questionnaire was designed for data collection of consumers of microfinance. Statistical data of 100 samples showed 46% of respondents acquired loan for agricultural purposes while 54% loans were business based. Findings-It is observed that male respondents are higher than female. Regression model showed 38% variation in consumer preference regarding the microfinance services. Statistic in the ANOVA shows the significance of model. The coefficient of MFI’s Approach with negative sign indicates an inverse relationship with that of consumer preferences. It means that MFI agents do not give proper value to the targeted consumers. Finally, the amount of l...
Annals of Contemporary Developments in Management & HR, 2021
This research intended to focus on the impact of organizational culture on knowledge sharing by b... more This research intended to focus on the impact of organizational culture on knowledge sharing by bank employees directly and indirectly through mediation by organizational citizenship behavior. For achieving the purpose, 402 employees from banks in the Kingdom of Bahrain through simple random sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires. A current study found a significant outcome of organizational culture on knowledge sharing and organizational citizenship behavior. Besides this current study also found significant results between organizational citizenship behavior and knowledge sharing. Along with significant direct results, current research also found the mediating effect by organizational citizenship behavior in relationships of organizational culture with knowledge sharing. The current study contributes notable theoretical implications under social exchange theory. In addition, the current study also provides practical learnings and recommendations for the future.
International Review of Management and Marketing, 2016
Country expects that commercial banking systems contribute to the overall development, but this d... more Country expects that commercial banking systems contribute to the overall development, but this development depends upon qualified and competent employees of the commercial banks institutions. Retaining this resource is of utmost importance for higher commercial banks. However, commercial banks are finding it hard to retain competent and qualified faculty in the face of competition from the industry. Retention is becoming a big dilemma for developing countries. The present study investigates the relationship between leadership style, job satisfaction, organization commitment and retention of employee in commercial banks of Sindh, Pakistan. The data was collected from the commercial bank of Sindh whereby, SmartPLS 2.0 was used for data analysis. The results have indicated a strong and positive relationship between leadership style and employee retention. Job satisfaction and organization commitment mediate the relationship between leadership style and employees retention. This study ...
Organizational scholars have empirically outlined the significance of support features and psycho... more Organizational scholars have empirically outlined the significance of support features and psychological capital on individual outcomes. In the present study, we attempted to address the dearth of research on PhD students’ engagement via empirically testing the crucial role of supervisor support and psychological capital. A total of 125 Ph.D. students of 11 different nationalities were recruited from a public university in Malaysia. The application of structural equation modeling to test the mediated model revealed that research supervisor’s support positively enhanced PhD students’ academic psychological capital. Accordingly, the study also found a positive relationship between academic psychological capital and PhD students’ engagement. Notably, the study reported academic psychological capital positively mediated the relationship between supervisor support and PhD students’ engagement. The study has addressed the research gap with critical findings pertaining to how students’ psy...
INTRODUCTIONWork engagement is an evolving notion in the area of occupational health psychology (... more INTRODUCTIONWork engagement is an evolving notion in the area of occupational health psychology (Bakker, Schaufeli, Leiter, & Taris, 2008). The concept was first coined by nearly 25 years ago by Kahn (1990) who conceptualized it as the psychological, cognitive and emotional attachment of employee with the work. Bundles of empirical studies have been conducted outlining the numerous antecedents of work engagement (Bakker, 2011; Rothmann & Joubert, 2007; Demerouti et al., 2001; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004; Xanthopoulou, Bakker, Schaufeli, 2007; Xanthopoulou, Bakker, & Demerouti, 2009). Sadly, despite of dozens of these studies, the human resource management and its major factors seem to have been rarely studied (Albrecht et al., 2015; Suan & Nasrudin, 2014; Arrowsmith & Parker, 2013). The main purpose of the current article is to underline critical imparity of HRM components, particularly on the development HRM (Kuvaas, 2008) practices. Through empirical evidence, the present paper under...
Following the footsteps of resource-based view theory, the present study attempted to examine gre... more Following the footsteps of resource-based view theory, the present study attempted to examine green HRM and its impact on green innovation followed by the interplay of green transformational leadership. The study collected triadic data by using survey questionnaire from 185 pharmaceutical firms in Australia. Through using structural equation modeling technique, bootstrap procedures were applied to assess the hypothesized relationships. Results from the data analysis suggest that green HRM prospects of green ability and motivation have significant relationship with green innovation. Accordingly, the results also indicated significant relationship between green transformational leadership and green innovation. Notably, the study advanced literature in the area by confirming the moderating potential of green transformational leadership on green ability-green innovation and green motivation-green motivation relationship. Overall, the present research has advanced understanding of green ...
The objective of this study was to examine the role of green Human Resources Management (HRM) in ... more The objective of this study was to examine the role of green Human Resources Management (HRM) in the green supply chain (SC) and firm performance. The relationships between green HRM, green SC, lockdown, and firm performance were examined. In addition to this, the mediating role of green SC and the moderating role of lockdown was examined. The population of the study was based on the food industry of Bahrain and various companies were selected for data collection. Therefore, data were collected from the food supply companies in Bahrain. A questionnaire was used for data collection in which cluster sampling was applied. The findings of the study highlighted that green HRM has major importance for food supply companies. It has a positive role in promoting the performance of food supply companies in Bahrain. Furthermore, green SC also plays a vital contribution to the performance of food supply companies. However, COVID-19 has a negative role in firm performance. The situation of lockd...
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2021
The hospitality literature is quite deficient in insights on consumer behaviour towards food wast... more The hospitality literature is quite deficient in insights on consumer behaviour towards food waste generation and its mitigation in out-of-home dining. The present study addresses this gap by undertaking a mixed-method study to examining a broad spectrum of diners' behaviour, beginning from planning the meal and ending with bringing the leftovers home. To this end, it utilises the Stimulus-Organism-Response theory to conceptualise the association of planning routine, food-ordering routine, motives, attitude, and behaviour of taking away leftovers and throwing away leftovers. The results of analysis of the data collected from 276 diners in the United States confirm a positive association of food-ordering and planning routines with motives, which, in turn, are positively associated with attitude and the behaviour of taking away leftovers. Finally, attitude is not only negatively associated with throwing away leftovers but also partially mediates the association of motives with throwing leftovers away. Our findings provide useful inputs for businesses and researchers to motivate green consumer behaviour.
In the workplace, green prospects are gaining much importance these days, although not much is kn... more In the workplace, green prospects are gaining much importance these days, although not much is known about the green intellectual capital and its contribution towards pro-environment behavior and outcomes. As the world experiences environmental concerns, it has become imperative for businesses to look into ways through which they can improve their environmental footprints. Hence, the current study examines the nexus between green intellectual capital (green human capital, green structural capital, and green relational capital) and environmental performance. The study also tested if environmental responsibility mediates the association and examined the role of environmental concern as a moderator. Data were gathered from the hotel sectors in Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates and analyzed using a structural equation modeling approach via Smart PLS. The results show a significant association between green human and relational capital with environmental performance; a strong associat...
Journal of Security and Sustainability Issue, 2020
Product innovation is the basic strategy by which organizations can survive in the current market... more Product innovation is the basic strategy by which organizations can survive in the current marketplace for a longer period. Therefore, the present study objective was to examine the impact of reward management, performance appraisal and career management on knowledge management effectiveness and product innovation. Additionally, knowledge management's mediating role and the moderating role of technological capability are also examined in the present study. Data was collected from the employees working in the fiberglass manufacturing firms in Bahrain. The collected data was analyzed using PLS-SEM. The study findings revealed that knowledge management effectiveness within the firm is significantly impacted by HR strategies like performance appraisal, reward system, and employee career management. Moreover, knowledge management effectiveness also significantly impacts product innovation. In the end, the study also confirmed the moderating role of the technological capability of the organization on the path of knowledge management and product innovation. The present study fills the gap of limited studies, using HR capabilities to improve Bahrain's fiberglass manufacturing firms' product innovation. Furthermore, the findings of the present study are helpful for policymakers of manufacturing sectors to integrate HR initiatives into their product innovation strategies.
The health care system is usually a reflection of the human development and prosperity index of a... more The health care system is usually a reflection of the human development and prosperity index of a country. In particular, a sound health care system is generally deemed essential for providing quality service delivery to service users. Pakistan, in this respect, is lagging even after implementing the district health management model of World Health Organization (WHO). In particular, the province of Sindh reports a higher level of dissatisfaction among the service recipients and, therefore, remains a core concern for the concerned authorities. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the levels of employees’ commitment to service quality in Pakistan’s health care sector. A quantitative survey method was adopted to collect data from 315 medical officers working in 43 public-sector hospitals in Sindh, Pakistan. The data were analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique and Smart PLS 3 software. Based on cognitive dissonance theory and path...
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020
The rise in environmental regulation also enforced several limitations on organizations to follow... more The rise in environmental regulation also enforced several limitations on organizations to follow the globally accepted business activities and incentivize firms for implementing eco-friendly business methods. Keeping in mind, the current study seeks to analyze the ecological aspects of them by identifying the relationship of ecological innovation, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial self-efficacy in affecting a firm's energy efficiency and environmental performance. The findings of structural equation modelling ensure that all chosen factors have a significant and positive influence on energy efficiency and environmental performance of SMEs in Malaysia. Furthermore, the findings of structural equation modelling recommended that ecological innovation, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial self-efficacy have a positive and significantly influenced on energy efficiency and environmental performance. Technical speaking, the results confirm that the ecological innovation, entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial self-efficacy are the key contributors to enhance the energy efficiency and environmental performance of SMEs in Malaysia.
Annals of Contemporary Developments in Management & HR, 2019
Entrepreneurship plays a critical role in developing and fostering a robust socio-economic cultur... more Entrepreneurship plays a critical role in developing and fostering a robust socio-economic culture in any economy. Robust entrepreneurial initiatives are considered as the source of fresh blood for any economy. Healthy entrepreneurial activities result in creating more employment opportunities, better working prospects and societal development. Today, economies that are striving to become highly developed and economically stable are striving to enable their employees to become more entrepreneurial. Importantly, studies have outlined that there is a dire need for nations to understand the vital role youth can play in this regard. Since young individuals are more eager to grow, willing to take the risk and go for the high mark to become their own bosses, there are higher chances that they can become more successful entrepreneurs. Notably, youth entrepreneurship is of utmost importance for both national as well as international economic wellbeing. Keeping these arguments beforehand, th...
Purpose of Study: The paper sheds lights on the idea of business innovation through pouring schol... more Purpose of Study: The paper sheds lights on the idea of business innovation through pouring scholarly review of the literature. The papers objects to provide scholars enthusiastic about business innovation to understand how intellectual, social and psychological capital can be of prominence and the acute role organizational culture can play to further it. Methodology: The paper has strived to advance intellectual understanding of scholars in the area through underlining the direct and indirect links between these factors to help organizational practitioners obtain competitive results for their respective organizations. Results: The paper also outlines limited studies on these relationships thus, encouraging scholars for empirical attention in the near future.
Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2019
The purpose of this study is to examine the behavior of bank lending in ASEAN economies. For this... more The purpose of this study is to examine the behavior of bank lending in ASEAN economies. For this purpose, macroeconomic and bank related factors are identified from existing literature, defining the lending behavior. Data is collected from official sources like web pages, company's annual report and online databases. A sample of five banking firm from four ASEAN economies is collected over 2011-2017 with annual observations. Regression analysis indicates the fact that both macroeconomic factors (GDP growth, inflation) are playing their significant role in defining the lending behavior of bank as measured through net loans and unused commitments. From bank related variables, liquidity ratio, risk, return on assets and equity are found to be significant determinant for bank lending. it is highly suggested that credit managers in banking firms, and related departments should use these findings as documentary evidence for the future decision making. Additionally, these findings are also useful facts for country administration, dealing with the macroeconomic factors and their direct influence on bank lending. However, various limitations are also observed which can be addressed in upcoming research studies. Sample size is limited to five banking firms from each state with seven years of time period. At second, specific macroeconomic and bank related measures are used which can be expanded in coming studies.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2017
The present study attempted to study the impact of job demands including workload and emotional d... more The present study attempted to study the impact of job demands including workload and emotional demands on employees` work engagement. The study sampled bank employees from the large six banks in Pakistan. A total of 537 questionnaires were distributed out of which, 385 were received back and 277 were only were further found to be appropriate for final analysis. Structural equation modeling through using Smart PLS 2.0 was deployed which found workload marked a significant negative impact on employees` work engagement. Accordingly, the study also concluded significant negative impact of emotional demands upon employees` work engagement. The study has confirmed the deleterious effects of job demands like workload and emotional demands on employees work wellbeing, resulting in negatively affecting their engagement.
This study intends to cover the relationship between contract management and performance characte... more This study intends to cover the relationship between contract management and performance characteristics from the context of Indonesia. To address this objective, contract management is observed as the main independent variable while performance through nine items is considered as dependent variable. A questionnaire is developed through some selected factors and distributed among various respondents, dealing directly or indirectly with the projects. A sample of 70 respondents is finalized with no missing values. Empirical findings suggest that for the firm performance different variables such as nature of the solution, cost & benefit analysis are significantly associated with the contract length. While project delivery and project quality are negatively associated with the contract length. Findings of the study are highly recommended for the contract managers and similar individuals, responsible for the smooth business performance. However, future studies can be conducted with the addition of more explanatory factors for contract management with better sample size. Managerial implication of the study defines that Government and construction companies should reconsider the stated factors for the improved results through resolution of the conflict with the customers, cost benefit analysis and timely delivery of the project with budgetary compliance.
Papers by Umair Ahmed