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Contextually and metaphorically speaking in every cultural geographical sphere it is often assumed that Culture is viewed as A Determination of Happiness. Succinctly put this assessment seems reasonable especially when the same is viewed... more
Contextually and metaphorically speaking in every cultural geographical sphere it is often assumed that Culture is viewed as A Determination of Happiness. Succinctly put this assessment seems reasonable especially when the same is viewed through several theoretical lenses such as Contextualism, Culture, Texture and Thick Description Culture, as A Determination of Happiness. This abstract is perceived as cognitive. In this environment because of the nature of these lens I am better able to frame, capture and navigate this conversation Culture as A Determination of Happiness. This ethos becomes an unconscious process like a habit and intuition which can be interpreted as cultural learning and personal evolution. In the context of the discipline of photography and digital media as an Author, Cinematographer, Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Podcaster and Publisher, I am fully conversant with the fact that a lens is a tool used to bring light to a fixed focal point. For example, in a film camera, the lens sends the light to the film strip, while in a digital camera (like DSLRs or mirror less cameras), the lens directs light to a digital sensor. It should be noted that a lens can focus light to form an image such as Culture, as A Determination of Happiness, unlike a prism, which refracts light without focusing. Devices that similarly focus or disperse waves and radiation other than visible light are also called lenses, such as microwave lenses, electron lenses, acoustic lenses, or explosive lenses. Equally, the human eye can be compared to a camera as both functions by gathering, focusing, and transmitting the light through the lens for creating an image of an object for instance Culture, as A Determination of Happiness The iris of the eye controls the size of the pupil depending on the amount of light entering it. The retina is compared to the film in a camera. To put things in perspective understanding whether Culture as a determination of happiness has to do with or not the overarching strategy and rationale of this research, I began to focus my theoretical lens on providing a working definition of ‘culture’ since it is not easy, as evidenced by the numerous definitions used in various disciplines is a view espoused by Carola Hommerich and Susanne Klien.
As an Author, a Cultural Theoretician, Doctoral Student, License Cultural Practitioner, Media Arts Specialist and Publisher, who has been studying the paradoxical nature of legislation in cultural practices,I posit that inadequate... more
As an Author, a Cultural Theoretician, Doctoral Student, License Cultural Practitioner, Media Arts Specialist and Publisher, who has been studying the paradoxical nature of legislation in cultural practices,I posit  that inadequate legislation can lead to unethical practices, and that understanding popular and learned culture, antiquity, and social spaces is crucial for adapting to changing legislation. My dissertation explores the relationship between legislation and culture, its impact on practices, preservation of traditions, promotion of cultural diversity, and the influence of artifacts on modern culture.
Since “Colour Is Not Only A Theoretical Construct” © 2023then it is presumed therefore that navigating this environment along with form, line, texture, pattern, composition and process I suppose like anything else colour is one of the... more
Since “Colour Is Not Only A Theoretical  Construct” © 2023then it is presumed therefore that navigating this environment along with form, line, texture, pattern, composition and process I suppose like anything else colour is one of the tools that artists use to create an affective and an effective and meaningful abstract artwork. For example, there are some paintings whose entire meaning is wrapped up in colour! That said there is a school of thought which suggest  according to markhumes.gallery that  evoking emotions, the use of colour in abstract art can also help to stimulate the mind and promote creativity.I suppose when I juxtaposed this thinking against Isaac Newton’s ethos since he characterised as the practitioner who first fully developed a theory of colour based on a colour wheel.  According to lib.uchicago.edu Newton had split white light into a spectrum by means of a prism and then wrapped the resulting spectrum around on itself to create the colour wheel. Newton’s actions and discoveries has  led the way to the now common notion of red, yellow, and blue as primary colours. After much cogitation regarding the aforesaid statements as an  Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and  Doctoral Student  of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015 that I have posited the theory that “Colour Is Not Only A Theoretical Construct” © 2023
William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and  Doctoral Student  of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
Parris Hill Kite Flyers© 2023 is a community that make and fly kites. Some of these kites are large and some are small. Succinctly put Kite flying is part of Parris Hill Kite Flyers’ tradition. This tradition is also part of the Bajan... more
Parris Hill Kite Flyers© 2023 is a community that make and fly kites. Some of these kites are large and some are small. Succinctly put Kite flying  is part of Parris Hill Kite Flyers’ tradition. This tradition is also part of the Bajan Culture.  Parris Hill Kite Flyers in making kites seemingly involves  art, beliefs and institutions of the  population in that environs. In light of the aforesaid admission it is logical to assume  therefore that the title of the event strongly suggest that Parris Hill Kite Flyers’ ancestors passed down their skills, techniques and knowledge from one generation to another generation. From my observation it appears that the cliche Parris Hill Kite Flyers is a Culture and certainly reflect the citizens's characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours which is  a way of life of Andrews Tenantry Parris Hill society." Through my lens as a License Cultural Practitioner I observed the community displaying  codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, and art during the kite flying event. It should be noted that Andrews Tenantry which is next to the precincts of Airy Hill is located in Saint Joseph, Barbados. Parris Hill Kite Flyers© 2023 is a visual statement  which captures and  freezes a moment in time of Parris Hill Kite Flyers © 2023ISBN 978-976-97021-2-7 community traditional events. These events part of Barbados’ culture. The same was captured and framed  in  Publication 302 with my lens.
William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
NORMATIVE STATEMENT The Cultural Spheres is an intellectual conversation that explicitly and implicitly sensitises global citizens to the implicit nature of culture. Equally, it is difficult to change a theory which may prevent global... more
NORMATIVE STATEMENT The Cultural Spheres is an intellectual conversation that explicitly and implicitly sensitises global citizens to the implicit nature of culture. Equally, it is difficult to change a theory which may prevent global citizens not to see the cultural subtle coerce around them. The tenets culture highlighted in this e-publication influences behaviour. Such reasoning draws our attention to the fact that capitals and regions of the world would have to be characterized as a cultural abstract within the Cultural Spheres. William Anderson Gittens Author B.A., Cinematographer, Cultural Practitioner,Dip.Com. Arts, ,Media Arts Specialists’ Publisher ISBN 978-976-96294-1-7
Anthropologists traditionally live with and become fully immersed in the societies that they study in order to get a comprehensive and holistic understanding of all facets of social life. The method that sets anthropology apart from other... more
Anthropologists traditionally live with and become fully immersed in the societies that they study in order to get a comprehensive and holistic understanding of all facets of social life. The method that sets anthropology apart from other disciplines is ethnography, the qualitative process of exploring in depth the whys and hows of human culture, behaviour, and expression.After I read with interest the way of life of Anthropologists my cognitive appetite for culture was activated.
Consequently I contextualised In Search of Culture© 2021 which has become a scholarly intellectual analytical conversation.
In this conversation I have mirrored the way of life of an archaeologist as an Author, Cinematographer, Media Arts Major, License Cultural Practitioner and Publisher to get the cultural evidence.
In getting this cultural evidence I began digging through the layers of built-up information and material to try to understand the processes through which the layers were built up over time, and to find any critiques and exposés buried within the said layers which seemingly accentuates human behaviour.
Importantly, behaviour determines culture, and culture determines behaviour across time and space is expressed in podcast 113 and publication 225,captured in 13 chapters and framed in ISBN 978-976-96650-2-6
Human DNA, the molecule of inheritance, carries the entire set of instructions for making a complete person from a single fertilised egg.''The mind and culture are living phenomena sprung from genetics.’' is view espoused in Promethean... more
Human DNA, the molecule of inheritance, carries the entire set of instructions for making a complete person from a single fertilised egg.''The mind and culture are living phenomena sprung from genetics.’' is view espoused in Promethean Fire Reflections on the Origin of Mind written by Charles J. Lumsden and Edward O. Wilson. Illustrations by Whitney Powell. 216 pp. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Historically, explanation has been associated with causation and in an attempt to explain the posited theory IS THERE A SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CULTURE &
DNA 978-1-63848-303-8  is like a phenomenon that identifies its cause. This statement is an analysed nuanced conversation about DNA and Culture through my lens as an Author, Student of Film, Media Arts Specialist, License Cultural Practitioner and Publisher.
Ostensibly, there is a nexus between the differing and sometimes conflicting views as to just what is meant by culture, plausibly; culture is an essential part of conflict and conflict resolution. Factually speaking verbalizing Culture is... more
Ostensibly, there is a nexus between the differing and sometimes conflicting views as to just what is meant by culture, plausibly; culture is an essential part of conflict and conflict resolution. Factually speaking verbalizing Culture is an extremely vast complex doctrine and presumably rooted in the theory of Eisegesis and Exegesis? ©2020. A word of caution though, this perception certainly has to do with our cognition lens.  In this academic forum all things been considered exegesis is deemed as objective; and eisegesis, as subjective. 

Now that I have established context, metaphorically speaking in this academic forum thru my 50mm lens, ultra wide-angle and my macro lens  as an Author, Student of Film, Media Arts Specialist, License Cultural Practitioner and Publisher qualifies me to analyse and interpret culture within the precincts of this text A Novel Is Culture Eisegesis or Exegesis? © 2020Vol.1ISBN 978-976-96531-9-1. At the end of the day when the proverbial dust is settled and  all of the reasons associated with this text are staged were fleshed out above regarding the doctrines of exegesis namely textual/translation, literary context, historical context, and theological communication lays the frame work to solidify and validate  this conversation A Novel Is Culture Eisegesis Or Exegesis? © 2020 Vol.1. Whether Culture Is Eisegesis Or Exegesis? © 2020 Vol.1 ISBN 978-976-96531-9-1 does not conflate the issue but it Is a pretext to use the lens of interpretation on this stage framed in 9 chapters in ISBN 978-976-96531-9-1can be  implicit and explicit.

William Anderson Gittens
Author, Cinematographer,Dip., Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’  Editor in Chief Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing ®2015 License Cultural Practitioner, Publisher, CEO Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
Every geographical cultural space is punctuated with landmarks theoretically, metaphorically, philosophically, and psychologically William Anderson Gittens Author Dip. Com. B.A.Media Arts Specialists’ Cultural PractitionerFirst Edition ©... more
Every geographical cultural space is punctuated with landmarks theoretically, metaphorically, philosophically, and psychologically William Anderson Gittens Author Dip. Com. B.A.Media Arts Specialists’ Cultural PractitionerFirst Edition © 2019 All rights reserved because Landmarks served as signals and indicators to confirm that global citizens are either on course, or altogether lost and need to retrace their footsteps.http://www.cryoutreach.com/ancient-landmark.html
Presumably a close up view of this cliché implies that the same has cultural  relevance in every sphere. However, it should be noted that the same is also characterized as a social evolving opinion which is not antithesis  to culture but frames the discourse In Pursuit Of Global Cultural Landmarks... William Anderson Gittens Author Dip. Com. B.A.Media Arts Specialists’ Cultural PractitionerFirst Edition © 2019 All rights reserved  which is predicated on the ethos of global historical cultural landmarks.

Landmarks are monuments put in strategic locations to determine boundaries, or sign posts to serve as guide for pilgrims in a journey.  In the olden days, when there were no written signs, objects like stones, trees, caves, mountains, rivers, etc, were used to represent landmarks. This is necessary, especially for travellers who were strangers or not familiar with the route.

The underpinning of this cliché “In Pursuit of Global Cultural Landmarks” is a conduit used to frame the discourse has its origins in the theories of  culture and ancient landmarks. William Anderson Gittens Author Dip. Com. B.A.Media Arts Specialists’ Cultural PractitionerFirst Edition © 2019 All rights reserved 

William Anderson Gittens
Author, Dip., Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ Cultural Practitioner,Publisher
ISBN 978-976-96390-3-4 In Pursuit of Global Cultural Landmarks  Vol.1
William Anderson Gittens, Barbadian media arts specialist, cultural practitioner and prolific author. WHEREVER YOU ARE reading this article, this moment in time marks a new chapter for William Anderson Gittens, Barbadian media arts... more
William Anderson Gittens, Barbadian media arts specialist, cultural practitioner and prolific author.

WHEREVER YOU ARE reading this article, this moment in time marks a new chapter for William Anderson Gittens, Barbadian media arts specialist, cultural practitioner and prolific author.
Not only did he turn 61 in the second half of this Year of Our Lord 2019, when he also celebrated eight years of marriage,

but this new chapter marks another milestone for him as a retiree from full-time work as an administrative officer for the Government of Barbados up to four years ago.
“One of the things I have discovered is that I need to keep on keeping on, if I may use such a term. I have heard many people say that when they retire they do not know what to do, which is unfortunate.
I have found that there are so many things one can do. We are wired with a brain and the brain is used for thinking,” he said matter-of-factly as he chatted with Coastline Communication about his growth as a writer
Page2 of 30
Arguably there are multiple conversations that shaped the contours concerning the children of immigrants.This is a character study of human behavioUr that is fueled by the fulfilling innate of human needs that work together with the... more
Arguably there are multiple conversations that shaped the contours concerning the children of immigrants.This is a character study of human behavioUr that is fueled by the fulfilling innate of human needs that work together with the factors of economics, environmental, political, and social synergies.In light of the aforementioned admission the facts unearthed confirms that emigration/immigration has become a very explicable narrative.The magnitude of this conversation draws enormous attention to three legitimate immigration questions how many, from where, and what status newcomers should arrive as it continues carving out its niche in the global space.
This 365 page text is examined through the lenses of a Media Arts Specialist Barbados’ cultural journey 1966-2016. 2. In this space the characters who are Barbadians have provided representation, shared ideas and habits they would have... more
This 365 page text is examined through the lenses of a Media Arts Specialist Barbados’ cultural journey 1966-2016.
2. In this space the characters who are Barbadians have provided representation, shared ideas and habits they would have learnt with their generation and future generations3.
3. Further, in this environment its conversation has drawn enormous attention to its approaches in Managing, Mentoring, Parenting, Praying and Voluntarism as a developing nation.
4. Within its landscape there are cultural props such as Building for the Future, Colour Me, Established in Barbados, Focus, Have You Considered This Approach, Images of Yesteryear in Barbados, Land Marks, Mise-en-scene, Monuments, People, and Technique Demonstration that are considered signifiers and symbols .
5. Of note, the architects have added value to its architectural legacy by blending and preserving some of Barbados’ historic buildings, with the Jacobean4, the Georgian5 , and the Victorian6 styles combined with the traditional Barbadian’ chattel houses comprising of wood and stone, and coral construction .
6. Overall what is very undeniable Barbadians have the capacity to adapt its script to a way of life that embraces the philosophy Ask7 not what Barbados can do for you, but ask what you can do for Barbados...
William Anderson Gittens
Author, CEO, Managing Director, Media Arts Specialist, Cultural Practitioner, Publisher
There is this belief that people are made up of conscience, emotions, heart, mind, soul, and spirit, according to Craig von Buseck1 Of note, the said people can be considered as conduits of Identities2, namely class, culture, ethnicity,... more
There is this belief that people are made up of conscience, emotions, heart, mind, soul, and spirit, according to Craig von Buseck1
Of note, the said people can be considered as conduits of Identities2, namely class, culture, ethnicity, gender, hierarchy, ownership, and race which functions as points of identification”3according to Stuart Hall.
These identities help to (a) define (b) identify the said people who occupied the B.C. space and are still residing in the global A.D. space and (c) at the same time quantifying what can be considered as popular culture.
In this context, for anything to become a popular culture it must be consume by all-inclusive class, culture, ethnicity, gender, hierarchy, ownership, and race.
According John Fiske Popular Culture as a provoking conversation must be taken up by the people (79).
1 http://www1.cbn.com/questions/what-are-the-three-parts-of-man
2 Stuart Hall, ”Introduction:Who Needs Identity Questions of Cultural Identity?”, Stuart Hall and Paul duGay,ed., (London: Sage Publications,1996), 1-17(p.5).
3 Stuart Hall, ”Introduction:Who Needs Identity Questions of Cultural Identity?”, Stuart Hall and Paul duGay,ed., (London: Sage Publications,1996), 1-17(p.5).
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ISBN 978-976-95731-2-3
Fiske’s definition of popular culture has merit and is applicable to this conversation since it is applied in context.
I suppose that after much deliberation one can assume that such a provoking question would have and continues to pervade the mind of most human beings everywhere in every culture.
Correspondingly, in light of the afore mentioned admission it begs the question “Is There Anything New Under The Sun?” which is can be considered as a quintessential question- it is paradoxical4 , is not a soliloquy5 , it is a cultural expression, it makes people of every century complicit; it does not discriminate but people do because of their identity.
Conversely, this factually pragmatic theoretical question has seemingly provoked an analytical conversation.
William Anderson Gittens
Media Arts Specialist 978-976-95731-2-3
In accepting Issac Newton’s theory that every action creates a reaction, I have also come to acknowledge the fact, that on this journey of life, People will always be the topic of Conversation especially when we take Mother Teresa’s... more
In accepting Issac Newton’s theory that every action creates a reaction, I have also come to acknowledge the fact, that on this journey of life, People will always be the topic of Conversation especially when we take Mother Teresa’s philosophy (1),(2): “I can do things you cannot do, you can do things I cannot do, together we can do great things” into account
William Anderson Gittens Author, Publisher, Media Arts Specialist
Author, and Instructional Technology Practitioner Robert Heinich, has argued that “Learning is the development of new knowledge skills, or attitudes as an individual interact with information and the environment. The learning environment... more
Author, and Instructional Technology Practitioner Robert Heinich, has argued that “Learning is the development of new knowledge skills, or attitudes as an individual interact with information and the environment.
The learning environment includes a physical methods media, and technology.” 1 Heinich’s explanation of learning and development is relevant in this context; therefore the logical question which must be asked is, have you considered this approach?
William Anderson Gittens
Author, Media Arts Specialist, Dip. Com. B.A. Media Arts; Publisher
Foreword Through the lenses of a Media Arts Specialist I have discovered that People are ambassadors of their Creator and representatives of their Diaspora, operating within the universal space 1 . In this space the people whom I have... more
Through the lenses of a Media Arts Specialist I have discovered that People are ambassadors of their Creator and representatives of their Diaspora, operating within the universal space 1 .
In this space the people whom I have referenced in this text are part of the totalling seven billion 2 who provided representation3, shared ideas and habits they would have learnt, with their generation and ultimately with generations


to come.”4
William Anderson Gittens
Dip. Com. B.A. Media Arts;
Author, Media Arts Specialist, Post Masters Works in Cultural Studies, and Publisher
Arguably there are multiple conversations that shaped the contours concerning the children of immigrants. This is a character study of human behavior that is fueled by the fulfilling innate of human needs that work together with the... more
Arguably there are multiple conversations that shaped the contours concerning the children of immigrants.
This is a character study of human behavior that is fueled by the fulfilling innate of human needs that work together with the factors of economics, environmental, political, and social synergies.
In light of the aforementioned admission the facts unearthed confirms that emigration1/immigration2 has become a very explicable narrative.
The magnitude of this conversation draws enormous attention to three legitimate immigration questions3how many, from where, and what status newcomers should arrive as it continues carving out its niche in the global space.
1Emigration is the act of leaving one's resident country with the intent to settle elsewhere. Conversely, immigration describes the movement of persons into one country from another. Both are acts of migration across national boundaries. 2https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ImmigrationWikipedia
Immigration is the movement of people into a destination country to which they are not native or do not possess its citizenship in order to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, or to take-up employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign worker.
3 http://www.hoover.org/research/making-and-remaking-america-immigration-united-states Page 5 of 280 DMS

ISBN 978-976-95731-1-6Devgro Media Arts Services
Overall the testimonies of the children of immigrants’ are
authenticated in this conversation.
William Anderson Gittens
Author, CEO Dip. Com. B.A. Media Arts; Media Arts Specialist, and Publisher
“Learning is the development of new knowledge skills, or attitudes as an individual interact with information and the environment emphasizing the physical methods such as media, and technology” 2 especially for the children and the... more
“Learning is the development of new knowledge skills, or attitudes as
an individual interact with information and the environment emphasizing the
physical methods such as media, and technology” 2 especially for the children
and the teacher in this postmodern cultural globalized space.

William Anderson Gittens
Media Arts Specialist
Through the lens of my doctor of divinity I wish to posit the view Hurricane Beryl's presence in Barbados on July 1, 2024, significantly impacted the tone and tenor of the culture wave. It is very plausible Hurricane Beryl's impact on... more
Through the lens of my doctor of divinity I wish to posit the view Hurricane Beryl's presence in Barbados on July 1, 2024, significantly impacted the tone and tenor of the culture wave.  It is very plausible Hurricane Beryl's impact on the Atlantic Ocean may have triggered the adrenaline and endorphins in Bajan surfers, while they were riding the waves who showcased their skills after Tropical Storm Beryl. This literary work titled Ocean Energy ©2024 ISBN978-976-97362-6-9 I have explored the vast energy contained within the sea.Sea waves can be described using various adjectives, including reclining, relentless, rippling, roaring, and serene, which describe their intensity, intensity, and calmness, especially during storms.

Ocean Energy ©2024 ISBN978-976-97362-6-9, a literary device, served as a metaphor to capture and framed and  explored aspects of the culture of waves, as discussed in Podcast 186 and published in publication 330.

William Anderson  Gittens
Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student, Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’ and Publisher
Ostensibly, the study of faith works and faith and works, particularly Moses' faith works, has been a subject of interest for generations . Moses, a prominent Hebrew prophet, played a crucial role in liberating the Israelites from... more
Ostensibly, the study of faith works and faith and works, particularly Moses' faith works, has been a subject of interest for generations . Moses, a prominent Hebrew prophet, played a crucial role in liberating the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. His faith works, which involve tangible results and action-oriented faith, motivate Moses to live out his beliefs through practical deeds and good works.

The validity of faith works and their various manifestations is attributed to the interconnectedness of faith and works and its various aspects helps shape both personal convictions and societal impact.

Overall, whether through social service or theological reflection, this connection remains profound and meaningful.

Dr.William Anderson Gittens D.D.
Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, Media Arts Specialist and CEO Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
As an Author, CEO, Cinematographer, Cultural Theoretician, Doctoral Student, Editor in Chief, License Cultural Practitioner, Media Arts Specialist, and Publisher, I'm also a tourist who explored the Caribbean and Mediterranean cultures'... more
As an Author, CEO, Cinematographer, Cultural Theoretician, Doctoral Student, Editor in Chief, License Cultural Practitioner, Media Arts Specialist, and Publisher, I'm also a tourist who explored the Caribbean and Mediterranean cultures' diverse fusions using a Canon Rebel T6 camera and Apple Cellphone, capturing landscape, architectural, and portrait photography, utilizing critical lenses for appreciation.This educational photographic journey delves into the lifestyle, traditions, and stunning features of Mediterranean and Caribbean culture, utilizing macro, pedagogical, Canon Rebel T6 camera, Apple Cellphone, and historic lenses.This text explores the use of glass works in black and white photography, highlighting the nuance of interpretations and the beauty of texture. I captured 32 historic landmarks globally, showcasing each country’s architectural, ecological, and natural features through cinematographer and photojournalist lenses, enhancing lighting, conveying emotion, transporting global citizens to a specific time promoting and validates community identity, preserve roots, and inspire future generations. The lived experience is similar to my academic experience at New Jersey City University because it  allowed me to effectively contribute to highlighting clear black and white photography and challenging grey balance.The collection showcases 32 black and white photographs of historic landmarks and heritage sites worldwide occupying space within the precincts of Athens, Barbados, Cyprus, England, Florence, Gibraltar, Greece, Israel, Italy, Marseille, Mykonos, Naples, New Jersey City, Rome, Santorini, Spain, and Turkey.This text highlights monochrome photography techniques, which enhance image quality by focusing on compositional elements like texture, line, shape, pattern, form, placement, and negative space.The publication explores the global photographic culture in the Caribbean and Mediterranean, highlighting its impact on global citizens in 4,705 countries, 15,667 cities, and 5,884 international universities from  January 13, 2017 to March 2024, as per the information provided by https://independent.academia.edu/WilliamGittens.The Beauty of Texture in A Bajan's Black and White Photography© 2024 ISBN978-976-97267-6-5 is my 327 publication published in 2024, is available on podcast 184 and translated into Finnish, Spanish, and Ukrainian across 24 platforms in various regions, including Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Oceania to https://www.audible.com/pd/ according to https://www.buzzsprout.com/429292/stats/achievements.. This 38-page textual analysis offers transformative photography experiences in breathtaking environments.

William Anderson Gittens,
Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student  of Divinity,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’ and Publisher
Using a Canon Rebel T6 camera and Apple Cellphone, I explored the Caribbean and Mediterranean, engaging in landscape, architectural, and portrait photography. I visited famous landmarks, historical sites, and architectural wonders.... more
Using a Canon Rebel T6 camera and Apple Cellphone, I explored the Caribbean and Mediterranean, engaging in landscape, architectural, and portrait photography. I visited famous landmarks, historical sites, and architectural wonders. Despite being away from home, I used critical lenses like literary analysis and metaphoric lens to appreciate the influence of photography. William Anderson Gittens,
Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student  of Divinity,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’ and Publisher
As a Bajan Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner and Photojournalist I agree with creative-photographer.comthat black and white photography offers a unique perspective and artistic interpretation. It enhances... more
As a Bajan Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner and Photojournalist I agree with creative-photographer.comthat black and white photography offers a unique perspective and artistic interpretation. It enhances lighting and shadow contrast, conveys emotion, and transports readers to specific times; And headshotlondon.co.uk that Black and white photography holds a deeper resonance and authenticity.The Beauty of Texture in A Bajan's Black and White Photography© 2024 is a genre that explores photography principles, culture, texture theories, with 32 global historic iconic landmarks. The Beauty of Texture in A Bajan's Black and White Photography© 2024 ISBN 979-8-88862-005-2 explores photography principles, culture, texture theories, and architectural, ecological, and natural awareness of 32 global historic iconic landmarks.This text explores photo-analysis, culture, beauty, and texture theories in photography, focusing on photography principles like rule of thirds, leading lines, symmetry, balance, and framing. It also explores beauty and texture in photography, highlighting how lighting and texture influence the perceived texture of scenes.
After much cogitation and extensive research as a Bajan Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student, Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural Practitioner, Media Arts... more
After much cogitation and extensive research as a Bajan  Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student, Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’,Publisher and Photojournalist. I learned that in November 2021, Barbados transitioned from a constitutional monarchy to a parliamentary republic according to  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki Republicanism_in_Barbados#:~:text=On%2027%20July%202021%2C%20 the,recommendations%20of%20the%20Forde%20Commission. The history of Barbados has been shaped by West African and British influences according to Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Culture_of_Barbados.  Navigating  this photo analytical discourse  I used photography as a tool to promote architectural, ecological, and nature awareness of 35 Bajan iconic historic landmarks. The extrapolated information indicates that these landmarks are both tangible and intangible heritage assets located within the Bajan landscape. It should be noted that in a metaphorical sense, these images  were captured with  macro and pedagogical lenses. These lenses allow me to control to some extent  my perception. The methodology I used  synchronised  with the theories of culture and Photo analysis. This lived experienced allowed me to focus my attention on  resolution, scale, tone, texture, form, rhythm, mood, aesthetics, composition, lighting, expressions, background and the contrast of these images and the use of lighthelped me to understand Bajan culture. What is uniquely interesting although  this 47-page publication,offers a unique opportunity to learn more about a Bajan’s Photographic' culture”information is shared electronically and globally. The images documented in this text ”The Texture Of A Bajan’s Photojournalism©2024 ISBN978-976-97267-5-8” validates the importance of photographs in human culture. This text is my 323 publication. According to https://independent.academia.edu/WilliamGittens my publications impact global citizens in 3,737 countries, 12,719 cities, at  4,671 international universities from January 13, 2020 to March 2024. As a Bajan  Author, and Photojournalist I wish to suggest that "The Texture Of A Bajan’s Photojournalism©2024 ISBN978-976-97267-5-8”is not only a cliche, but a Bajan story and a pretext to bring awareness to Bajan culture.
William Anderson Gittens,
Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student  of Divinity, Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’ and Publisher
"The Texture Of A Bajan’s Photojournalism©2024 ISBN978-976-97267-5-8”is a Bajan story and a pretext to bring awareness to Bajan culture. In a metaphoric sense this Bajan story foundation is rooted in: the five senses, architectural,... more
"The Texture Of A Bajan’s Photojournalism©2024 ISBN978-976-97267-5-8”is a Bajan story and a pretext to bring awareness to Bajan culture. In a metaphoric sense this Bajan story foundation is rooted in: the five senses, architectural, ecological, nature awareness, macro, pedagogy, and photo analysis lenses. Utilising my Canon Rebel T6 camera, Apple Cellphone, and historic lens.  In this photojournalistic conversation , I was better equipped to delved into the acculturation  process and transitional culture  of the Bajan culture, which seemingly was influenced by West African and British influences. This view was extrapolated from information gleaned from en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Culture_of_Barbados regarding how global citizens relocated  from various cultures and brought unique experiences with them to reside within the Bajan culture. This text was framed in 36-pages consisting  39 images including: A Statue of The Right Excellent,Barbados Supreme Court Building,Breadfruit Leaf,Bridgetown,Brownes Beach,Careenage Bridgetown,Central Police StationBuilding,Chalky Mount,Chelston Park Building,Codrington College,Empire Theatre Building,Golden Square Freedom Park,Gun Hill Area,Holy Trinity Church,King George the fifth Memorial Park Environs,Lime Grove  Building,Little Bay,Little Bay Saint Lucy, ,National Heroes Square, Bridgetown,Nidhe Israel Synagogue & Museum, Oistins, Overlooking Chalky Mount,Pine Gardens,Rock Hall Monument of Freedom,Saint George’s Parish Church,Saint John's Parish Church,Saint Mary's Church,Saint Peter,Saint Philip's Parish Church,Sir Charles Christopher Griffith, KA. SCM.JP ,Sir Garfield St. Aubrun Sobers, AO, OCC A National Hero,South Coast,The Barbados Museum & Historic Society Building,The Family,The Mutual Building - Bridgetown,The National Library Service of Barbados Building,The Parliament Buildings,The WhimWilliam Anderson Gittens,
Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student  of Divinity, Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’ and Publisher
"The Texture Of A Bajan’s Photojournalism©2024 ISBN 978-976-97267-7-2” is a 45-page publication that highlights the Bajan culture in a metaphoric sense through the architectural, ecological, nature awareness, macro, pedagogy, historical... more
"The Texture Of A Bajan’s Photojournalism©2024 ISBN 978-976-97267-7-2” is a 45-page publication that highlights the Bajan culture in a metaphoric sense through the architectural, ecological, nature awareness, macro, pedagogy, historical and photo analysis lenses. As a Bajan  Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student, Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’,Publisher and Photojournalist I was inspired to document and preserve 25 heritage Bajan landmarks in publication 323. This publication serves as a pedagogical lens, capturing and framing images to convey the story and validate the importance of photographs in human culture. The more that I delved into the acculturation  process and transitional culture of the Bajan culture, I learned how  West African and British influenced the Bajan culture. This publication and all of my publications are significantly influencing global citizens in 3,737 countries, 12,719 cities, and 4,671 international universities according to https://independent.academia.edu/WilliamGittensWilliam Anderson Gittens,
Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student  of Divinity, Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’ and Publisher
As an Author,,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student License Cultural Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’ and Publisher, in exploring The Texture of A Bajan’s Photojournalism. I categorised as a metaphoric and... more
As an Author,,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student  License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’ and Publisher, in exploring The Texture of A Bajan’s Photojournalism. I categorised as a metaphoric and pedagogical lens. It offers a unique perspective on reality, allowing for reflection and a time for reflection. It is a static medium that allows me to see and read the present moment, a resurrection from the dead. Unlike videotape, cinema, and TV, photography which allows us to re-create this reality through reflection. All things being equal I presume that it’s logical to conclude that its immobile nature, silence, and colour make it a contemplative medium for exploring ideas of history and cultural critique on texture. This view is corroborated by https://www.jstor.org/stable/20007123. Now that I have stated my intention that is to deconstruct and conceptualize  photography as my  medium that allows me to explore ideas of history central to the cultural critique texture including codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, art, norms, law, morality, and belief systems placing emphasis on the texture of acculturation. In my view  this refers to lead to outward actions which blends with its culture and the influence of technology this view is espoused by https://barbadosenvironment.org/areas-of-interest/marine-conservation/#:~:text=. The research, conducted by yours truly a License Cultural Practitioner and Cultural Theoretician, I have utilised pedagogical and cognitive dissonance lenses to analyse the Bajan architecture, ecological landscape design, iconic cultural landmarks and meaningful experiences. This admission is reasonable to suggest that my findings would enhanced the visual quality of all of the subject's surface in capturing and framing texture with my  50mm prime lens which should significantly improved the visual quality of the objects and subject matter by enhancing shape, tone, and colour depth.
William Anderson Gittens,
Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student  of Divinity, Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’ and Publisher
As an Author, Cinematographer, Cultural Theoretician, Doctoral Student, Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher, My cognition significantly influenced my actions in this pictorial text, "Bajan Images © 2024”. "Bajan Images © 2024", is about... more
As an Author, Cinematographer, Cultural Theoretician, Doctoral Student, Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher, My cognition significantly influenced my actions in this pictorial  text, "Bajan Images © 2024”.
"Bajan Images © 2024", is about my lived experiences and how I use my camera and various techniques such as visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile to enhance character, setting, emotional power, and theme in this conversation  to create a profound and meaningful lived experience that provides depth within a specific historical or time frame.
I framed various landmarks in Barbados, including Barrow’s Statue, Bridgetown,Central Police Station, Chalky Mount, Chelston Park Building, Codrington College,East Coast of Barbados,Hibiscus Flower,Holy Trinity Church Barbados,Humming Bird, King George the fifth Memorial Park, Little Bay Saint Lucy, Pebbles Beach,Pico Teneriffe, Saint Philip's Parish Church, South Coast,The Careenage Bridgetown , The High Court, The National Library Service of Barbados, and The Whim.
The discussion highlighted the unique and interesting aspects of Bajan history, including tangible and intangible heritage assets that enhance character, setting, emotional power, and theme.
William Anderson Gittens,
Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student  of Divinity,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’ and Publisher
As a cultural theoretician, my summary focuses on the various aspects of cultural understanding and its implications. In addition, I understand that process and structure are generally distinct entities in political science, as per... more
As a cultural theoretician, my summary focuses on the various aspects of cultural understanding and its implications. In addition, I understand that process and structure are generally distinct entities in political science, as per jstor.org/stable. In political science, these concepts are generally considered distinct entities., In my view as a doctoral student, the paradoxical nature of legislation, the importance of understanding popular and learned culture, antiquity, and social spaces, fuelled my intellectual passions in analyzing, problem-solving and commitment to learning beyond the classroom. In the scheme of things I also acknowledge that students and myself share some commonalities because  we  study “process” which is adopted as a contemporary approach in  understanding the significance of adapting to evolving legislation in cultural practices©2024 ISBN 978-976-97267-2-7simultaneously citing Wikipedia's view that legislation is a crucial government function . William Anderson  Gittens
Author, CEO,Cinematographer ,Cultural Theoretician ,Doctoral Student  of Divinity,
Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015,License Cultural  Practitioner, Media Arts Specialists’ and Publisher
ABSTRACT This dissertation explores the cultural significance of scaffolding in pedagogyISBN of 978-976-97267-1-0 , the cognitive development and understanding of complex concepts through 6 the illusion of immobility provided by the... more
This dissertation explores the cultural significance of scaffolding in pedagogyISBN of
978-976-97267-1-0 , the cognitive development and understanding of complex concepts through 6
the illusion of immobility provided by the Emancipation Statue surrounded by scaffolding. The
study emphasizes the role of scaffolding in enhancing height access and promoting problem-
solving, analytical, creative, practical, and theoretical knowledge application, based on Henry
Ford's theory. 8
William Anderson Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and Doctoral Student of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services
ABSTRACT As a cultural theoretician, license cultural practitioner and doctoral student, I believe culture encompasses knowledge, experiences, beliefs, values, attitudes, hierarchies, religion, and material possessions acquired through... more
As a cultural theoretician, license cultural practitioner and doctoral student, I believe culture encompasses knowledge, experiences, beliefs, values, attitudes, hierarchies, religion, and material possessions acquired through generations. The view that Christian doctrine in the Bible is a fundamental aspect of Christian cultureis logical, given all things being equal.
William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and  Doctoral Student  of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
ABSTRACT Understanding Barbados' Parliamentary Republic through a Bajan lens is crucial for comprehending its identity, evolution legacy, and potential future influence, considering its social and economic benefits in the context of... more
Understanding Barbados' Parliamentary Republic through a Bajan lens is crucial for comprehending its identity, evolution legacy, and potential future influence, considering its social and economic benefits in the context of Unveiling The Legacy ©2024  ISBN 978-976-97267-0-3

William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and  Doctoral Student  of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
As an experienced Author, License Cultural Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician, Media Arts Specialist, and Publisher I believe all practitioners, including colonizers, are practicing Mise-en-scene. The conversation "Why Little England"... more
As an experienced Author, License Cultural Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician, Media Arts Specialist, and Publisher I believe all practitioners, including colonizers, are practicing Mise-en-scene. The conversation "Why Little England" delves into the confusion surrounding the term "British" and its connection to the United Kingdom, Great Britain, and the former British Empire.
ABSTRACT Abstractly speaking as a cultural theoretician, nature photographer, author, media arts specialist, cinematographer, and licensed cultural practitioner, I used my lenses to capture In photography. Therefore my photos and other... more
Abstractly speaking as a cultural theoretician, nature photographer, author, media arts specialist, cinematographer, and licensed cultural practitioner, I used my lenses to capture In photography. Therefore my photos and other images work in two ways – keeping memories alive through photography and anchoring a person to the present moment

William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and  Doctoral Student  of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
The integration of my cognitive thinking and writing has significantly enhanced my productivity, passion, and proficiency in various aspects of life as a Cinematographer, Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Cultural... more
The integration of my cognitive thinking and writing has significantly enhanced my productivity, passion, and proficiency in various aspects of life as a Cinematographer, Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and  Doctoral Student and Barbadian author.
William Anderson  Gittens
ABSTRACT Abstractly speaking the pedagogical lens is used to study the interplay between architecture, the ecological environment, and nature was influenced by my willingness to collaborate with my camera lens as a tool to see, process,... more

Abstractly speaking the pedagogical lens is used to study the interplay between architecture, the ecological environment, and nature was influenced by my willingness to collaborate with my camera lens as a tool to see, process, to capture captivating scenes and explore the relationship between urban greening, natural environments and understand what is unfamiliar to many and aiming to create picturesque stories at any time that catches my attention to produce yet another picturesque story.

William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and  Doctoral Student  of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature ©... more
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature © 2023 which is a "compilation" or "omnibus" edition. Although this edition is an EPUB designed for reflowable content, that can adapt this presentation to the reader device which also supports fixed-layout content. It will also be printed and be submitted to the Barbados National Library Service as Legal Deposits because “Under the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 301 A Sec 4 “every publisher is required within 1 month of the publication by him in Barbados of any audio-visual , literary or musical work or any sound recording to deposit 1 copy of the publication within the Legal Depositary ,The Public Library designated under the Publications (Legal Depositories ) Order,1992” in accordance with http://barbadosparliament-laws.com.This intellectual conversation was verbalised in Publication 306 Volume1 in ISBN978-976-97146-2-5, Publication 307 Volume 2 in ISBN978-976-97146-3-2, Publication 308 Volume 3 in ISBN978-976-97146-4-9, Publication 309 Volume 4 ISBN978-976-97146-5-6, PUBLICATION 310 Volume 5 in ISBN978-976-97146-6-3, Publication 311 Volume6 in ISBN978-976-97146-7-0 and in Publication 312 Volume 7 in ISBN 978-976-97146-8-7 in Podcast 174
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature ©... more
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature © 2023 which is a "compilation" or "omnibus" edition. Although this edition is an EPUB designed for reflowable content, that can adapt this presentation to the reader device which also supports fixed-layout content. It will also be printed and be submitted to the Barbados National Library Service as Legal Deposits because “Under the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 301 A Sec 4 “every publisher is required within 1 month of the publication by him in Barbados of any audio-visual , literary or musical work or any sound recording to deposit 1 copy of the publication within the Legal Depositary ,The Public Library designated under the Publications (Legal Depositories ) Order,1992” in accordance with http://barbadosparliament-laws.com.This intellectual conversation was verbalised in Publication 306 Volume1 in ISBN978-976-97146-2-5, Publication 307 Volume 2 in ISBN978-976-97146-3-2, Publication 308 Volume 3 in ISBN978-976-97146-4-9, Publication 309 Volume 4 ISBN978-976-97146-5-6, PUBLICATION 310 Volume 5 in ISBN978-976-97146-6-3, Publication 311 Volume6 in ISBN978-976-97146-7-0 and in Publication 312 Volume 7 in ISBN 978-976-97146-8-7 in Podcast 174
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature ©... more
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature © 2023 which is a "compilation" or "omnibus" edition. Although this edition is an EPUB designed for reflowable content, that can adapt this presentation to the reader device which also supports fixed-layout content. It will also be printed and be submitted to the Barbados National Library Service as Legal Deposits because “Under the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 301 A Sec 4 “every publisher is required within 1 month of the publication by him in Barbados of any audio-visual , literary or musical work or any sound recording to deposit 1 copy of the publication within the Legal Depositary ,The Public Library designated under the Publications (Legal Depositories ) Order,1992” in accordance with http://barbadosparliament-laws.com.This intellectual conversation was verbalised in Publication 306 Volume1 in ISBN978-976-97146-2-5, Publication 307 Volume 2 in ISBN978-976-97146-3-2, Publication 308 Volume 3 in ISBN978-976-97146-4-9, Publication 309 Volume 4 ISBN978-976-97146-5-6, PUBLICATION 310 Volume 5 in ISBN978-976-97146-6-3, Publication 311 Volume6 in ISBN978-976-97146-7-0 and in Publication 312 Volume 7 in ISBN 978-976-97146-8-7 in Podcast 174
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature ©... more
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature © 2023 which is a "compilation" or "omnibus" edition. Although this edition is an EPUB designed for reflowable content, that can adapt this presentation to the reader device which also supports fixed-layout content. It will also be printed and be submitted to the Barbados National Library Service as Legal Deposits because “Under the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 301 A Sec 4 “every publisher is required within 1 month of the publication by him in Barbados of any audio-visual , literary or musical work or any sound recording to deposit 1 copy of the publication within the Legal Depositary ,The Public Library designated under the Publications (Legal Depositories ) Order,1992” in accordance with http://barbadosparliament-laws.com.This intellectual conversation was verbalised in Publication 306 Volume1 in ISBN978-976-97146-2-5, Publication 307 Volume 2 in ISBN978-976-97146-3-2, Publication 308 Volume 3 in ISBN978-976-97146-4-9, Publication 309 Volume 4 ISBN978-976-97146-5-6, PUBLICATION 310 Volume 5 in ISBN978-976-97146-6-3, Publication 311 Volume6 in ISBN978-976-97146-7-0 and in Publication 312 Volume 7 in ISBN 978-976-97146-8-7 in Podcast 174
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature ©... more
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature © 2023 which is a "compilation" or "omnibus" edition. Although this edition is an EPUB designed for reflowable content, that can adapt this presentation to the reader device which also supports fixed-layout content. It will also be printed and be submitted to the Barbados National Library Service as Legal Deposits because “Under the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 301 A Sec 4 “every publisher is required within 1 month of the publication by him in Barbados of any audio-visual , literary or musical work or any sound recording to deposit 1 copy of the publication within the Legal Depositary ,The Public Library designated under the Publications (Legal Depositories ) Order,1992” in accordance with http://barbadosparliament-laws.com.This intellectual conversation was verbalised in Publication 306 Volume1 in ISBN978-976-97146-2-5, Publication 307 Volume 2 in ISBN978-976-97146-3-2, Publication 308 Volume 3 in ISBN978-976-97146-4-9, Publication 309 Volume 4 ISBN978-976-97146-5-6, PUBLICATION 310 Volume 5 in ISBN978-976-97146-6-3, Publication 311 Volume6 in ISBN978-976-97146-7-0 and in Publication 312 Volume 7 in ISBN 978-976-97146-8-7 in Podcast 174
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature ©... more
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature © 2023 which is a "compilation" or "omnibus" edition. Although this edition is an EPUB designed for reflowable content, that can adapt this presentation to the reader device which also supports fixed-layout content. It will also be printed and be submitted to the Barbados National Library Service as Legal Deposits because “Under the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 301 A Sec 4 “every publisher is required within 1 month of the publication by him in Barbados of any audio-visual , literary or musical work or any sound recording to deposit 1 copy of the publication within the Legal Depositary ,The Public Library designated under the Publications (Legal Depositories ) Order,1992” in accordance with http://barbadosparliament-laws.com.This intellectual conversation was verbalised in Publication 306 Volume1 in ISBN978-976-97146-2-5, Publication 307 Volume 2 in ISBN978-976-97146-3-2, Publication 308 Volume 3 in ISBN978-976-97146-4-9, Publication 309 Volume 4 ISBN978-976-97146-5-6, PUBLICATION 310 Volume 5 in ISBN978-976-97146-6-3, Publication 311 Volume6 in ISBN978-976-97146-7-0 and in Publication 312 Volume 7 in ISBN 978-976-97146-8-7 in Podcast 174
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature ©... more
As CEO, Author, Cultural Theoretician, License Cultural Practitioner, and Publisher of Devgro Media Arts Publishing Services, I consciously decided to employ 7 Volumes so as to capture and framed A Barbadian Photo Essay About Nature © 2023 which is a "compilation" or "omnibus" edition. Although this edition is an EPUB designed for reflowable content, that can adapt this presentation to the reader device which also supports fixed-layout content. It will also be printed and be submitted to the Barbados National Library Service as Legal Deposits because “Under the Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 301 A Sec 4 “every publisher is required within 1 month of the publication by him in Barbados of any audio-visual , literary or musical work or any sound recording to deposit 1 copy of the publication within the Legal Depositary ,The Public Library designated under the Publications (Legal Depositories ) Order,1992” in accordance with http://barbadosparliament-laws.com.This intellectual conversation was verbalised in Publication 306 Volume1 in ISBN978-976-97146-2-5, Publication 307 Volume 2 in ISBN978-976-97146-3-2, Publication 308 Volume 3 in ISBN978-976-97146-4-9, Publication 309 Volume 4 ISBN978-976-97146-5-6, PUBLICATION 310 Volume 5 in ISBN978-976-97146-6-3, Publication 311 Volume6 in ISBN978-976-97146-7-0 and in Publication 312 Volume 7 in ISBN 978-976-97146-8-7 in Podcast 174
ABSTRACT Abstractly and plausibly speaking  it appears that Hibiscus and Photography have some features in common. A case in point Lighting is a key factor in creating a successful Hibiscus image. Lighting determines not only brightness... more
Abstractly and plausibly speaking  it appears that Hibiscus and Photography have some features in common. A case in point Lighting is a key factor in creating a successful Hibiscus image. Lighting determines not only brightness and darkness, but also tone, mood, and atmosphere.As a rule, a hibiscus plant needs about six hours of full sun per day in order to bloom to its fullest potential.William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and  Doctoral Student  of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
Completed Works of William Anderson Gittens’ Compilation of 172 Podcasts Is A Cultural Compendium © 2023 ISBN978-976-97146-0-1 is an abstract expression which summarises my coined posited theory, my passion and ethos for culture. This... more
Completed Works of William Anderson Gittens’ Compilation of 172 Podcasts Is A Cultural Compendium © 2023 ISBN978-976-97146-0-1 is an abstract expression which summarises my coined posited theory, my passion and ethos for culture. This theoretical construct has framed and captured this conversation  through his lenses as an  Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician, Publisher, and  Doctoral Student  of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015.It is as a result of cogitation  that I coined and posited the theoretical expression Completed Works of William Anderson Gittens’ Compilation of 172 Podcasts Is A Cultural Compendium © 2023 ISBN978-976-97146-0-1 .
It is an intellectual cultural conversation which utilises the abstract compendium as a tool to publish although according to Thesaurus.plusCompendium is a synonym for an abstract in a summary topic and therefore as an Author, License Cultural Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician and Doctoral Student in this context, I have employed this technique as a tool in the collection process of literary works chosen without assistance; collection of excerpts which I have written and produced.
William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and  Doctoral Student  of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
William Anderson Gittens Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and  Doctoral Student of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services... more
William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Cultural Theoretician Publisher, and  Doctoral Student  of Divinity,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
Parris Hill Kite Flyers© 2023 is a community that make and fly kites. Some of these kites are large and some are small. Succinctly put Kite flying is part of Parris Hill Kite Flyers’ tradition. This tradition is also part of the Bajan... more
Parris Hill Kite Flyers© 2023 is a community that make and fly kites. Some of these kites are large and some are small. Succinctly put Kite flying  is part of Parris Hill Kite Flyers’ tradition. This tradition is also part of the Bajan Culture.  Parris Hill Kite Flyers in making kites seemingly involves  art, beliefs and institutions of the  population in that environs. In light of the aforesaid admission it is logical to assume  therefore that the title of the event strongly suggest that Parris Hill Kite Flyers’ ancestors passed down their skills, techniques and knowledge from one generation to another generation. From my observation it appears that the cliche Parris Hill Kite Flyers is a Culture and certainly reflect the citizens's characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours which is  a way of life of Andrews Tenantry Parris Hill society." Through my lens as a License Cultural Practitioner I observed the community displaying  codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, and art during the kite flying event. It should be noted that Andrews Tenantry which is next to the precincts of Airy Hill is located in Saint Joseph, Barbados. Parris Hill Kite Flyers© 2023 is a visual statement  which captures and  freezes a moment in time of Parris Hill Kite Flyers © 2023ISBN 978-976-97021-2-7 community traditional events. These events part of Barbados’ culture. The same was captured and framed  in  Publication 302 with my lens.

William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
What Pedagogy Has To Do With Culture © 2023 ISBN978-976-97021-9-6 is an intellectual philosophise conversation. This  multi-dimensional perspective as a conversation revolves around an academic theoretical interpretation of an analysis... more
What Pedagogy Has To Do With Culture © 2023 ISBN978-976-97021-9-6  is an intellectual philosophise conversation. This  multi-dimensional perspective as a conversation revolves around an academic theoretical interpretation of an analysis simply because Pedagogy is existing in numerous publications, conferences, online discussions, and more surrounding a particular topic.
That said according to theworkinprogress.space this conversation reflects the collective nature of thinking, ideas and contribution.
Historically Pedagogy refers to the method of how global citizens  teach, in theory and in practice this view is corroborated by servelearn.co.
It is because of this thinking as an Author, License Cultural Media Arts Practitioner and Doctoral Student when I encoded What Pedagogy Has To Do With Culture © 2023 ISBN978-976-97021-9-6 with the assistance of my macro lens I discovered that this thesis is grounded in culture which is a learned behaviour. According to homework.study.com No one is born with an inherent understanding of their culture; however in this environment  they must learn it as they grow.All things being considered behaviour can be controlled by reflective or reflexive systems. For example these systems resulted in two types of learning behaviours – cognitive learning and habitual learning according to parentingforbrain.com  It should be noted that the more that  I cogitated on this topic. I sensed in my cognition that  it appears that something exists and that  learning behaviour has a domino affect and an effect in view of the fact that this nuance is way of life of a category of people.
William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
Figuratively and practically speaking manipulating my Linguistics lens as an Author and a License Cultural Media Arts Practitioner apart from simply understanding the intricacies according to Canil.ca and how critical it was when I... more
Figuratively and practically speaking manipulating  my Linguistics lens as an Author and a License Cultural  Media Arts Practitioner apart from simply understanding the intricacies according to Canil.ca and how critical it was when I applied this knowledge to improve my communication to you the audience, since I am contributing to translation activities, and assisting in literacy efforts, I saw this contrasting effect as a phrase how  Culture and Storyboard are inextricably linked.
My intellect became fascinated at the different aspects involved in bird flight, and each area is just as important according to the culture lab Culture  is a way of life of a group of people whereas  a storyteller is a practitioner who practices storytelling as  a  way of life of a group of people. To put it more succinctly National Geographic advocates  Story telling is as old as culture. Many societies have long-established storytelling traditions. The stories, and performances thereof, function to entertain as well as educate.
The culturelab advocates this way of life is deemed complex while that whole comprises knowledge, belief, values, art, morals, law, custom, and symbols among any other capabilities. While people.tamu.edupurports  habits acquired the behaviours, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.While we often experience stories in ways that are highly produced by people who create and tell stories for a living. It should be noted that United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has advocated Stories convey our sense of right and wrong, our organizational culture, our expectations of others, our world-views and our fascinations. And because you are trusted by the people around you, the stories you tell can shape their perspectives on issues that matter to you both. In light of this statement I was inspired  to juxtaposed Culture and Storyboard to see if they are inextricably linked.

William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
Abstractly speaking It’s The Lens © 2023 VOL10 ISBN978-976-97021-6-5 is a visual statement  which captures and freezes a moment in time of Barbados’ culture in 24 Chapters in Publication 299 with my lens as an Author,... more
Abstractly speaking It’s The Lens © 2023 VOL10 ISBN978-976-97021-6-5 is a visual statement  which captures and  freezes a moment in time of Barbados’ culture  in 24 Chapters in  Publication 299 with my lens as an Author, Cinematographer,Media Arts Specialists, License Cultural Practitioner, Publisher and Doctoral Student.
William Anderson Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
My intellectual enthusiasm, the theoretical and practical understanding and appreciation for architecture has grown and developed to the extent that I was inspired to theorised Bajanarchitecture © 2023 ISBN978-976-97021-8-9. I coined this... more
My intellectual enthusiasm, the theoretical and practical understanding and appreciation for architecture has grown and developed to the extent that I was inspired to theorised Bajanarchitecture © 2023 ISBN978-976-97021-8-9. I coined this phrase Bajanarchitecture as a linguistic concept which is the blend of two words combined into a new word known as a portmanteau Conversely the term Bajan is a dialect which is a unique language of Barbados. Bajan dialect is one of the most prevalent attributes that connect the people of Barbados to their African and English heritage a view espoused by hmbbarbados.info/en/ The term Architecture came from the Latin word "architectura" or from the Greek word "arkhitekton." Arkhi meaning "chief" and tekton meaning "builder." The product of architecture are often buildings, and historical buildings are usually considered achievements in architecture. according to Mapua.edu.ph/blog architecture-university-manila/Architecture
Overall,in a metaphoric sense the word Case Study becomes a lens which tells my story about the Careenage Navigating this journey I have discovered that it was impossible to disentangle and separate The Light, The Mood, and The... more
Overall,in a metaphoric sense  the word  Case Study becomes a lens which tells my story about the Careenage  Navigating this journey I have discovered that  it was impossible to disentangle and  separate The Light, The  Mood, and The  Tone. What was very observable that these nuances  are the genesis of this conversation. All things being equal what is uniquely interesting The Light, The  Mood, and The  Tone  are inextricably linked. At the end of the day in  this text the communication process, namely digitised photographs which created a collage is used as a medium of persuasion during the  process of capturing and framing and researching and contextualising this Case Study of  Barbados’ architecture, environmental  ecology, artefacts and  culture  of the Careenage.
In this context photography is deemed a mechanism which  seems to have some influence on  the emotions of all global citizens including you the viewers. In light of this view this one of the reasons why The Case Study© 2023 ISBN978-976-97021-7-2 is my philosophised story which was captured in 22 chapters in E-publication 297 and verbalised in Podcast 166.
William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
ABSTRACT In an existing thought it is presumed that since books according to gnb.ca are part and parcel of our daily lives. They impart knowledge of society, language, and history, and are strong transmitters of our identity and... more
In an existing thought it is presumed that since books according to gnb.ca are part and parcel of our daily lives. They impart knowledge of society, language, and history, and are strong transmitters of our identity and our culture. That said then it is logical for me to presume that as an author, my preface is meant to draw you the reader in by offering information about the my experience writing this book. The inspiration behind the subject matter, the writing process, the purpose of the story, and historical context for the material according to masterclass.com.In light of this admission I wish  to submit that Every Culture Has A Preface © 2023. Collinsdictionary.com defines that the noun of preface is an introduction to a book, especially one that explains the author's aims compare foreword. This linguistic technique preface is preferred as opposed to foreword for the following reasons: (a)comports itself  like an ideology, (b) a coherent set of values, (c) to some extent is based on a social and political reasoning and (d)the  preface of this publication invariably tells you the genesis of this book.  The stark difference between Foreword and Preface  is that everything certainly has a value including preface. Conversely,  it is noted that synonyms for foreword is preface. Preface in this context is the predicate and an intrinsic part of every culture which can be dissected for the purpose of examining its structure, and the nature, uses, and functions of their several parts ; moreover the knowledge of the culture of culture according toresearchgate.net.William Anderson Gittens,
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 
Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
Figuratively and Metaphorically speaking every global citizen regardless of our ethnicity will occupy a Day within the precincts of culture. For example, this Day which I am specially referencing is A Day In Barbados which Engages... more
Figuratively and Metaphorically speaking every global citizen regardless of our ethnicity will occupy a Day within the precincts of  culture. For example, this Day which I am specially referencing is A Day In Barbados which Engages Culture. The same is part of human behaviour which is culture and is also equivalent to  cultivating  a strong sense of purpose, and by extension it is  also a natural development and a meaningful recognition. According Collins Dictionary A Day can be characterised  as one of the seven twenty-four hour periods of time in a week .  Therefore all things being equal when I apply the tenets of this definition coupled with my understanding working together with my cognitive processes which underline my creative performance I submit “A Day In Barbados Engages Culture ISBN978-976-97021-1-0. To get a better understanding of this philosophical expression I decided  to utilise photography as a tool. This tool and the digitised images functions as a medium of persuasion. The same  will control the emotions of all of the reviewers. This communication process will certainly excite those of  you the viewers in this conversation. Why? Because the said becomes a Visual communication which saves time in the relaying of this message expeditiously. To get a better understanding of this philosophical expression I decided  to analyse A Day In Barbados Engages Culture with my macro lens .As a result of this lens I have gleaned that this culture is a learning culture which help me understand different ways of thinking which includes the theory which highlights all aspects of a society which serve a function and are necessary for the survival of that society, which is deemed as functionalism, (b) difference of an opinion  which is deemed as conflict theory, and (c) the view of social behaviour that emphasises linguistic or gestural communication and its subjective understanding, especially the role of language  in the formation of Bajans as a social being. This thinking deemed as symbolic interactionism within the world in which we live. Now that I have contextualised this way of thinking and so that I can understand its origin I wish to argue that A Day In Barbados Engages culture which is characterised  as one of the seven twenty-four hour periods of time in a week. This definition is very applicable to this conversation because it has sociological, historical and demographic linkages which form part of A day spent in Barbados simply Engages culture . Whether the day is spent virtual or face to face this culture can influence beliefs and behaviours even the way in which we interpret, transmits and transform reality. William Anderson  Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
ABSTRACT The Historiography of The New Testament Culture © 2023 ISBN978-976-97021-0-3 Contextually speaking, I captured a macro and micro view of The 27 Books of the New Testament Culture during my research. This decision created an... more
ABSTRACT The Historiography of  The New Testament Culture © 2023 ISBN978-976-97021-0-3

Contextually speaking, I captured a macro and micro view of The 27 Books of the New Testament Culture during my research. This decision created an environment conducive to investigate, to build consensus and explore all sides of this Cultural criticism before I can form an opinion as a Doctoral Student of Divinity and Cultural Theoretician.  This study involves analysis and evaluating of an extreme close-up view of the society's customs, beliefs, and practices as identified in the New Testament and the fulfillment of the promise of the Old Testament.
In this space I have logically executed my methods of exploration of beliefs, inférences and observations of The 27 Books of the New Testament Culture, especially with (a) The Titles, (b) The authors, (c) The Dates of Writing, (d)To Whom These Books  Were Written,(e)What Purpose and Time Period when These  Books were Written.
The “WHY” rational factor becomes the highest amount of personal utility in rational acceptance as a way of life of this discourse. It certainly helps to navigate, articulate and enunciate my position in understanding of The Historiography of The New Testament Culture © 2023 ISBN978-976-96893-7-4.  One on hand this approach involves (a)the criterion of plausibility and implies an experience of how things happen in history, and in human affairs generally according to umass.edu(b) the three principal criteria which seemed to emerge in the early church used this system in recognising books that had been God inspired and thus canonical (kuh-naa-nuh kla):, (c)namely apostolic origin, (d)recognition by the churches, and (e)apostolic content which implies an experience of how things happened in history, and in human affairs generally.  On the other hand it should be noted that there is a difference between rationality and faith a view espoused by Wikipedia  . Rationality is based on reason or facts whereas Faith is belief in inspiration, revelation, or authority. Similarly, the difference between plausible and rational is that plausible is seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable; credible: a plausible excuse while rational is capable of reasoning according to WikiDiff.
Abstractly speaking despite the fact that culture is learned, communicated, preserved and transferred culturally; by human beings. Metaphorically speaking it is very plausibly that we cannot see culture but figuratively speaking we can... more
Abstractly speaking despite the fact that culture is learned, communicated, preserved and transferred culturally; by human beings.  Metaphorically speaking it is very plausibly  that we cannot see culture but figuratively speaking we can see human behaviour in Culture © 2022 ISBN978-976-96893-7-4.
Ostensibly, this collective phenomenon which intermingled with Land, Language, Race,Food,Culture, Time and Place should not conflate issues; but, rather expresses very clearly without reservation recognises the lived experiences of global citizens including human value” of cultural visibility  chronicled in the annals of history as opposed to denying the past which is a detailed examination of the foundations or structure of Human Behaviour Is Culture © 2022 ISBN978-976-96893-7-4.

William  Anderson Gittens,
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,or in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
Bajansub comports itself as a portmanteau. It has a penchant to conduct itself in a specified way as a double entendre within the precincts of Cultural Blending.William Anderson Gittens Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media... more
Bajansub comports itself as a portmanteau. It has a penchant to conduct itself in a specified way as a double entendre within the precincts of Cultural Blending.William Anderson Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
I must confess that within this cultural academic setting, I have a cognitive bias towards things cultural because I am a License Cultural Practitioner. This admission confirms and justifies the reasons for the application of my macro... more
I must confess that within this cultural academic setting, I have a cognitive bias towards things cultural because I am a License Cultural Practitioner. This admission confirms and justifies the reasons for the application of my macro lens on this journey (a) it allowed me  to examine the cultural intellectual arrangement of (b) the relations between the elements of One of Barbados' Iconic Road Tennis Legends © 2022 and (b) capture and frame Julian “Michael Jackson” White  feats in this conversation in ISBN978-976-96893-4-3 . It should be noted that according to the nationnews.com  White would continue to rule for years to come because He can pick up whether you favour your backhand or your forehand, whether your footwork is poor or if you are fit enough to constantly rally long points, because he puts a lot of thought into his game.“None of the players right now know what they have to do to beat Jackson, but he knows how to beat all of them.”  This activity Research combined with the aforesaid suggest that Julian “Michael Jackson” White has the  precision of striking a tennis ball against a racquet. Evidently White’s acumen  and approach was expressed in his disciplined performances  plausibly  influenced nationnews.com to characterisatized him as the invincible Julian ‘Michael Jackson’ White.William  Anderson Gittens,
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
A Bajans silhouette is an abstract conversation which focusses attention on darkened shapes or outlines of something and A shadow which is the darkened shape that occurs because of a light source being blocked A Bajans Silhouette is... more
A Bajans  silhouette is an abstract conversation which focusses attention on darkened shapes or outlines of something and A shadow which is the darkened shape that occurs because of a light source being blocked 
A Bajans  Silhouette is nuance which not only common to Barbados but occupies the precincts of every culture simply because  a silhouette is a shadow. 
I have concluded  that all global citizens regardless of our ethnicity, orientation, or the geographical space we occupy has, and will continue to consciously and unconsciously practice silhouette.
All things being equal regardless of the outline or shape of the shadow is the edge of the visible object, or the image of the visible object, if we are thinking of shadows cast onto surfaces according to springer.com. 
Overall A Bajans Silhouette  © 2022 were captured and framed in  publication 289 in  13 chapters and verbalise in ISBN978-976-9689-3-8-1 and  Podcast 158

William  Anderson Gittens,
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
ABSTRACT From time immemorial One-tenth of an annual produce or earnings according to Genesis 14:20 28:22has alway been debated. After much cogitation as a doctoral student regarding global citizens behaviour, managing Tithing is... more
From time immemorial One-tenth of an annual produce or earnings according to Genesis 14:20 28:22has alway been debated. After much cogitation as a doctoral student regarding  global citizens behaviour, managing Tithing is seemingly critical within the jurisdiction of the Christian doctrine and its denominations.  A close up view this conversation  seemed to suggest that this conversation borders on a Matter of the Heart according to NASV Matthew 6:21 " for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  During the contextualisation process of the aforesaid I became inspired because I was transported through the lens of the annals of history. This lived experienced provided me with acumen  to set my imprimatur and write publication 288 under the caption The Conscious Obligation © 2022 ISBN978-976-96893-6-7. This literature device allows me to capture a close up of global citizens behaviour, managing Tithing within the Christian doctrine  and the heart implications.”
A Bajan’s Chalk © 2022 ISBN978-976-9689-3-2-9 was captured and framed in 13 chapters in publication 288 and verbalized in ISBN978-976-9689-3-2-9 in Podcast 157 Ostensibly the captured framed rustic phenomena namely coral and chalk is... more
A Bajan’s Chalk © 2022 ISBN978-976-9689-3-2-9 was  captured and framed in 13 chapters in publication 288 and verbalized in ISBN978-976-9689-3-2-9 in Podcast 157
Ostensibly the captured framed rustic phenomena namely coral and chalk  is seemingly an integrated act of nature. This geological evolution nuance appearances has created an  aesthetic rugged affect and an effect. This phenomena certainly captivated my intellect, eyes and brain and especially my imagination. Through my  metaphoric lens it is presumed that the same appears to punctuate and pervade the eastern corridors and the precincts of Chalky Mount , Saint Andrew Barbados.
Historical moments and different demands brought a variety of economic theory change, bounded to different rationalities.This thinking exuded and excited my intellectual passion and motivated me to employ the thesaurus module. This module... more
Historical moments and different demands brought a variety of economic theory change, bounded to different rationalities.This thinking exuded and excited my intellectual passion and motivated me to employ the thesaurus module. This module functions as a metaphor for the lens. This lens helped me to recognise  that (a) The word economy functions in the capacity as  a mode of care (b) the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and (c) protection of someone or something within A Bajan’s Colourful Economy© 2022ISBN978-976-96893-5-0.  During my academic career in pursuance of a Bachelors Degree in Media Arts at New Jersey City University, one of my core courses was Economics. I became very fascinated about this discipline because I had the opportunity to study the production and distribution of resources, goods, and services by collecting and analyzing data, researching trends, and evaluating economic issues.William Anderson Gittens
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
The Old Testament Summarised is an expository and a summarisation of the entire Old Testament from Genesis through Malachi was captured and framed in 41 chapters in publication 286 and verbalised in ISBN978-976-96893-3-6 in Podcast 153.... more
The Old Testament Summarised is an expository and a summarisation of the entire Old Testament from Genesis through Malachi was captured and framed  in 41 chapters in publication 286 and verbalised in ISBN978-976-96893-3-6 in  Podcast 153.
When I navigated the annals of history with my metaphoric lens it was my intention to capture and framed a close up view of the precincts of the Old Testament from Genesis through Malachi. This was a lived experience for me. What I was searching for I was not sure, but, I will confess that at the end of this journey what I had unearthed was intellectually stimulating for a summarisation. Firstly, I extracted critical aspects of information which was very conspicuous and somehow influenced my deductive and inductive reasoning skills. These skills assisted me in understanding the importance and the relevance of the data I collected. Generally, I usually have a better handle on  specifics of this type of research because I enjoy them. However, what was very interesting though in this space  the more that I fleshed out this information I discovered that I felt comfortable because I was now enlightened regarding the specifics, the people, and the events as captured within this genre.

In light of the aforesaid confession, let me state for the record that this analysis of this biblical narrative motivated me  to the extent that I observe that accountability was exhibited by some and not all of the characters who were  identified in the text. It is presumed that ancestry played a critical role within the life of these characters behaviour. As my passion intensified so was my excitement and this was due to the fact  that it emitted an educational, philosophical and spiritual tone and component . This discovery caused me to drill down a bit deeper and as a consequence I recognise that this extreme close up view allowed me to ascertain more detail and specificity about this conversation. At this moment of this exercise two things happened within me(a) I sensed a paradigm shift in my perspective regarding this topic and (b)my intellect was more sensitised to the fact that these practitioners who navigated this space were not fictional but behave like real human beings who appeared to manage very complex issues within their demographics. The human beings whom I have referenced comported themselves as though they were influenced by their culture. In addition it also appeared as though they were unable to reframe themselves from the practices they  portrayed including deception and disobedience .
Drama was a dominant feature featured in this text and maybe because of  their doctrine. It appears that some people from various ethnicities was so fixated on evil perhaps the said people were unable to decode the difference, the will to resist, or unable to discern truth in plain sight. Conversely, other populations seemingly held different opinions regarding that conversation because of their response. Plausibly their reaction may have being influenced by their faith especially in the scenes of famine. Although their expressions and observations about God’s awesomeness were interpreted differently for some the outcome can be interpreted as good news.  Within other jurisdictions although the cliche heroine  is perceived as a theoretical construct when this attribute was tested it was discovered that this dynamic is a part of human behaviour exemplified. In some scenes intrigue literature was proffered by an author while miracles worked in concert with nature because it seemed orchestrated by the Creator.
What was very observable the  obedience of some were parallel to patience and patriarchy but precedents were established by people who thru poetry and policy gave praises in precision during their prophecy.  In other locales I observed that demystifying protocols and policies practiced by practitioners certainly provided terms of reference in the realm of revelation coupled together with signs, symbolism and identified sinexpressed explicitly and implicitly.

Importantly though, when the preverbal dust is settled is was evident from where I sat that the strategy and the osmosis nature of subtleness, and suspense were just some of the prominent attributes exhibited by various characters who at times who employed metaphors which connoted communication within a technique known as tact .This nuance has become part of their timeline of time while wars required wisdom to win creating space for worship. These combined attributes certainly created the frame work for this abstract narrative anthology which was unearthed during the process of navigating the annals of history with my metaphoric lens. This tool allowed me to capture and framed an extreme close up view of this moment in time namely the precincts of the Old Testament from Genesis through Malachi. Now that I have navigated and completed this journey I humbly confess that it appears that God has established a covenant with humanity and He therefore requires obedience and reverence from all human beings.
The Old Testament Summarised is an expository and a summarisation of the entire Old Testament from Genesis through Malachi. This genre  was captured and framed  in 41 chapters in publication 286 and verbalised in ISBN978-976-96893-3-6 in  Podcast 153.

William  Anderson Gittens,
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022
Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
According to Norman Mendoza Culture includes how we express ourselves, language, and the way we see and respond to things, our myths and beliefs, our knowledge about our natural and social environment, our gastronomy, tastes, and customs.... more
According to Norman Mendoza Culture includes how we express ourselves, language, and the way we see and respond to things, our myths and beliefs, our knowledge about our natural and social environment, our gastronomy, tastes, and customs. Make no mistake Mendoza further elaborates giving up would leave us orphans of identity and we would lose an important part of our value as individuals. A case in point, according to Mendoza it is equally important that we preserve our cultural heritage, because it keeps our integrity as a people. Therefore the importance of intangible cultural heritage is not the cultural manifestation itself but rather the wealth of knowledge and skills that is transmitted through it from one generation to the next. That’s why according to Angel Hume  Culture and its heritage reflect and shape values, beliefs, and aspirations, thereby defining a people's national identity. It is also important to preserve our cultural heritage, because it keeps our integrity as a people. This publication examines the significance of how my skills have grown exponentially in the area of education and research. It argues the genuine interest I have in learning what culture is composed of within the context as an Author, Cinematographer Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Podcaster, and Publisher  because culture is comprised of all the facets and work of humankind. This thinking which exudes from my cognitive and cognition helped me to perceived the underlying mechanisms of culture, relationship between culture and society, languages, social norms, and history. I acquired an intellectual appetite when I posited the phrase “No, society Can Exist Without Preserving Culture.” Although this theoretical expression maybe perceived as a complex whole yet it will be juxtaposed against Taroa adventures submission why many writers, scholars and other intellectuals speculate about how we can understand where we are going without understanding our past.The underpinning of my research is grounded in analysis which is a research technique used to investigate and understand the underlying meaning of spoken and written words namely culture, human systems are perceived as complex whole and presumably one of the most complicated words in the English language
William  Anderson Gittens,
Author, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner, Publisher, 2022 Preliminary Candidacy Status for the Doctor of Divinity, D.D. CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015
The distinction between tone levels of brightness in a photograph and the mechanics of tone in this literary device is the underpinning of this argument logical reasoning may not always be recognisable on the start. I suppose like... more
The distinction between  tone levels of brightness in a photograph and the mechanics of tone in this literary device is the underpinning of this argument logical reasoning may not always be recognisable on the start.  I suppose like anything else all things being equal especially in this environment is the fact that  both genres  are so distinctive that we should be able to discern the differentiating detail of each notion.  Followed by global citizens recognising the stark differences that exist in both types of notions because they have different perspectives because  of culture.  Such notions are conceived in explicit detail hence  making possible such interactions.  In the scheme of things and in this ambience highlighting how contrasting the use of a particular word is in this discourse  are very different but this is contingent upon whether the same  are employed as part of a persuasion technique  as opposed to action. It is at this juncture that I wish to underscore the fact that an act or process of presenting arguments to move, motivate, or change readers response may have something  to do with the doctrine advocated by  Aristotle he taught that rhetoric, or the art of public speaking, involves the faculty of or a deliberation conversation. Therefore analyses of  the differences regarding tone levels of brightness in photography and the mechanics of tone as a cognition provides explicit detail of these two types of notions in A Bajan Abstract© 2022 ISBN978-976-96893-1-2  is deemed culture.
According to https://en.wikipedia.org Pico Teneriffe is also characterised as a cape. However, according to https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/. the-difference-between-a-bay,a gulf a cove-and fjord are coastal landforms with some... more
According to https://en.wikipedia.org Pico Teneriffe is also characterised as a cape. However, according to https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/.    the-difference-between-a-bay,a gulf a cove-and fjord are coastal landforms with some similarity and some distinct features that distinguish them from each other. These landforms are created through complex geological processes including plate tectonics and coastal erosion.
 The major difference between a Bay and a Cape is  a bay is a body of water while a cape is a landform. Capes can be any extrusion of land, weather that be a peninsula or a point. Bays are areas of water where the land slopes inward.  A Bay and a gulf are almost similar except that a bay is smaller than a gulf.
The Rustic colours at Cove Bay, Little Bay and Pico Teneriffe are a collection that features timeless picturesque colours that work harmoniously together, making Cove Bay,Little Bay and Pico Teneriffe inviting global citizens who have already view the same  back to a beautiful ambience, with lush greens, browns, and clays are working  harmonious ensemble for generations with colours complementing one another and  captivating the elements of nature. Pico Teneriffe as a Cliff has so many advantages but it is not only beautiful but it gives global citizens the opportunity to try and see something new.However, according to dengarden.comerosion Pico Teneriffe is a natural process which shapes cliffs. According to peak visor.com The Pico Teneriffe, is a rocky cape on the northeast coast of the island of Barbados, in the Parish of Saint Peter. It is a coral cliff in the shape of a pinnacle that does not reach 100. It is in itself a dramatic coral cliff pinnacle. Just across the basin, the rock face appears to take on a chalky disposition and is shrouded in large sections of green shrubbery. It is also nearby Morgan Lewis and Boscobelle. The latitude of Pico Teneriffe is 13.27917, and the longitude is -59.57341 with the GPS coordinates of 13° 16′ 45.01″ N and 59° 34′ 24.27″ W.
As a Media License Cultural practitioner I am cognisant of the fact that since Cognitive development means how I think, explore and figure things out. In this environment it is logical to assume that it is the development of knowledge,... more
As a Media License Cultural practitioner  I am cognisant of the fact that since Cognitive development means how I think, explore and figure things out. In this environment it is logical to assume that it is the development of knowledge, skills, problem solving and dispositions, which assisted me to think about and understand the world around me. Hence my brain development is part of cognitive development. This view is espoused by that according to Merriam Webster online dictionary. Given this line of reasoning I proffer A Bajan Exploring. .My line of reasoning is predicated on the fact that I have some background in cinematography and photography and therefore  will be employ the same  as tools to analyse, investigate, study, explore to  seek evidence, and or data, especially the impact of culture within the context of A Bajan Exploring . For example, Humans can enjoy almost every aspect of flowering plants. Their fragrances and colours are stimulating to the senses, they produce abundant food from most every part, and many flowering plants even have medicinal properties. Flowering trees produce wood for crafting and building.Birds inform us about the rest of the natural world, but we value them for much more than this. Over the millennia, and across all cultures, birds have given human beings inspiration, imagery and companionship; nowadays, birdwatching is a major economic force in many places.Because of the close relationship between humans and other animals throughout history, all cultures have used animals to reflect the nature of humanity and to symbolize societal and individual human characteristics (Merrill, 1990). Certain trees mark the location for social gatherings and political meetings. ...Trees provide ingredients for a number of food dishes of cultural importance. Products from certain trees may also be highly symbolic.Trees that have attained a sacred status in their own right. Threatened trees and culture. The sea has been the main artery of cultural transformations throughout history. Listen to the story. The re-created HMS Bounty, which sank in Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Throughout history, the seas and oceans of the world have been essential for the exchange of goods, people, ideas and religion.The inclination of the Earth's rotation axis causes the position of sunset and sunrise to change every day. The maximum angular distance between two sunsets is the angle between two solstices. ... After that the angle increases according to the absolute value of the latitude until it causes the midnight Sun in polar areas. Humans can enjoy almost every aspect of flowering plants. Their fragrances and colours are stimulating to the senses, they produce abundant food from most every part, and many flowering plants even have medicinal properties. Flowering trees produce wood for crafting and building.Birds inform us about the rest of the natural world, but we value them for much more than this. Over the millennia, and across all cultures, birds have given human beings inspiration, imagery and companionship; nowadays, birdwatching is a major economic force in many places.Because of the close relationship between humans and other animals throughout history, all cultures have used animals to reflect the nature of humanity and to symbolize societal and individual human characteristics (Merrill, 1990). Human reactions to the sea are found in, for example, literature, art, poetry, film, theatre, and classical music, as well as in mythology and the psychotherapeutic interpretation of dreams. The importance of the sea to maritime nations is shown by the intrusions it makes into their culture; its inclusion in myth and legend; its mention in proverbs and folk song; the use of ships in votive offerings; the importance of ships and the sea in initiation ceremonies and in mortuary rites; children playing with toy boats; adults making model ships; crowds gathering at the launch of a new ship; people congregating at the arrival or departure of a vessel and the general attitude towards maritime matters.Trade and exchange of ideas with neighbouring nations is one of the means by which civilizations advance and evolve. This happened widely among the ancient peoples living in lands bordering the Mediterranean Sea, as well as in India, China and other Southeast Asian nations.The World Oceans Day takes place every 8 June. Provides honey, which is the most valuable nutritional food. Provides bee wax which is used in many industries, including cosmetics industries, polishing industries, pharmaceutical industries, etc. Plays an excellent role in pollination.Plants are also used in many cultural ways — in medicine, as religious objects, as subjects in mythology, as food, and in many festivals, celebrations, and traditions. Some plants symbolically represent a country as the national symbol.Leaves provide food and air to help a plant stay healthy and grow. Through photosynthesis, leaves turn light energy into food. Through pores, or stomata, leaves “breathe” in carbon dioxide and “breathe” out oxygen. Leaves also release excess water, much like we sweat.One of the main functions of a fruit is to spread the seeds and allow the plant to reproduce. Therefore, all flowering plants produce fruit, regardless of whether the fruit is edible, sweet, or soft.
I am not an oceanographer, but was exposed to oceanography during my academic tenure as a sophomore in the pursuance of a bachelors degree in Media Arts Major at New Jersey City University. Theoretically, I was exposed to a wide range... more
I am not an oceanographer, but was exposed to oceanography during my academic tenure as a sophomore in the pursuance of a bachelors degree in Media Arts Major at New Jersey City University.  Theoretically,  I was exposed to a wide range of topics, including marine life and ecosystems, ocean circulation, plate tectonics and the geology of the seafloor, and the chemical and physical properties of the ocean. This lived experience of enlightenment together with basic sciences in this ambience I have gained knowledge of this study coupled together with my cognition and cognitive skills now as an Author, Cinematographer, Media Art Specialist, License Cultural Practitioner, Podcaster and Publisher caused my skills to grow exponentially in the area of education and research.  The same has created some curiosity within me that I was inspired to proffer Bajanwaves © 2022. What I proposed seemingly includes Characteristics,Amplitude, Period, Frequency, and Energy. It should be noted that within the context of linguistics this phrase Bajanwaves comports itself as a double entendres and a portmanteau can be applied interchangeably. The term wave is a slang and can be used to describe the latest trends.  Although this phrase Bajanwaves is a word and an expression yet it is capable of two interpretations. For example, this cliche Bajanwaves acts as  a portmanteau  and in this text this word function is to blend the sounds and combine the meanings of the two others. The name of this book Bajanwaves is part of  Bajan dialect which is one of the most prevalent attributes that connect the people of Barbados to their African and English heritage. The word 'Bajan' is derived from the word “Barbadian”. However due to stronger accents which once prevailed, the word sounded more like 'Barbajan' and eventually was shortened to Bajan.
William Anderson GittensAuthor, Cinematographer Dip.Com., Arts. B.A. Media Arts Specialists’ License Cultural  Practitioner,Publisher,CEO,Editor in Chief of Devgro Media Arts Services Publishing®2015

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